◊ A control chart is a graph of your data with average and sigma lines to determine process stability. ◊ The average and sigma lines are calculated from the data. ◊ The upper control limit (UCL) and lower control limit (LCL) represent the ± 3 sigma lines. ◊ 99.7 % of your data should fall between the UCL and LCL. Processes Have Two Different Kinds of Variation Common Cause: The natural variation that exists within any process. Example: Your commute to work takes varying amounts of time each day. Special Cause: Variation that is due to something out of the ordinary. Example: A contruction zone, blizzard, or traffic accident. Special causes require immediate cause-effect analysis to eliminate the source of variation. Once special causes have been addressed and a process is stable, you can launch an effort to reduce common causes of variation.
Stabilty Analysis Types of Control Charts
◊ Stability analysis is designed to identify special cause variation. Attribute Charts Variable Charts ◊ An unstable condition, can be a single point, a set of points or a trend. for Counted Data for Measured Data ◊ Control charts use the zones created by the sigma lines and the stability defects, errors, injuries, etc. length, weight, depth, time, etc. rules to analyze your data and identify unstable conditions. c chart XmR / ImR Chart p chart (Individual Moving Range Chart) u chart XbarR Chart np chart XbarS Chart
Control Charts for Special Situations
• EWMA and CUSUM charts for small shifts in a process • g charts and t charts for rare events • Levey Jennings standard deviation chart - used in healthcare labs • Short Run control charts when making a few parts of different sizes
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