Rdeap 2016-2022

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RDEAP 2016-2022

I wish to extend my sincerest appreciation and commendation
to the Bureau of Agricultural Research for formulating the
Research and Development, and Extension Agenda and
Program (RDEAP) for 2016-2022.
The era of globalization and competition in the world market
is not an easy task to reckon with. Trading agricultural
and fishery products, both locally and internationally,
requires a strong determination of producing high-end
quality products and services. Philippine agriculture is
technically-sound already, what we need is a time-bound
and feasible research and development master plan, which
the bureau has produced through the RDEAP.
The steps you have undertaken in forging this R&D Medium
Term will provide significant accomplishment and create a supply and demand scenario,
should one stick and adhere to the principles by which the agenda program was conceptualized
and crafted. The researchable areas identified, matched with the corresponding appropriation
and implemented by the reputable government and R&D institutions, including the local
government and state universities and colleges, are the surest way of accomplishing things at
This office, the DA Policy, Planning, Research and Project Development, has been the staunch
partner of BAR in the delivery of R&D related policies and direction. I salute your agency for
another worthy endeavor. The RDEAP is an indication of professionalism and commitment to
make a difference in the lives of the Filipino farmers and fisherfolk.
On behalf of the Department, I wish BAR all the success as you traverse another avenue of
strengthening and improving the sector through R&D.


U n d e r s e c r e t a r y, P o l i c y, P l a n n i n g ,
Research and Project Development
It is with pride and honor to present to you the Research and
Development, and Extension Agenda Program (RDEAP) for
2016-2022 – the final output of a series of consultations and
collaborations with the various key players in the agriculture
and fishery R&D sector.

As the national R&D coordinating agency of the Department of

Agriculture (DA), the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) has
witnessed how investing in research has significantly contributed
in making sure that the sector stays competitive and responsive
to the needs and challenges of our time. With our farmers and
fisherfolk as the main beneficiaries of technologies generated from
our supported initiatives, BAR sees to it that their critical needs
are being met, following the Department’s major thrusts on food
security, poverty alleviation, and agriculture sustainability.

With the updated RDEAP, the bureau, through the support of the members of the National Research and
Development System for Agriculture and Fisheries (NaRDSAF) community, crafted agenda which are more
holistic and inclusive. We looked into the status of developed and existing R&D technologies of various
agri-fishery commodities and assessed the next logical step by strategizing researchable areas with respect
to sustainable growth and development perspective. With this, we believe that not only are we setting the
path to further utilize these technologies toward optimizing their benefit to our farmers and fisherfolk, but
we are able to avoid duplication and stagnation of technologies.

Further, we categorized the researchable areas into the essential stages of value chain for the various
commodities and sector to ensure that all aspects are systematically given priority in partnership with
the concerned stakeholders.

We now have a material that is improved and more responsive to the sector for the next medium term.
We are proud of this output and we know that this would not have been possible if not for the support of
everyone who took part during the series of consultations, workshops, and rigorous discussions we have
had for the past months. We are honored for your support and your continued dedication in making sure
that R&D stays resilient and competitive.

This material is a product of the shared-informed decision-making process of the most brilliant minds
in the agri-fishery sector. It is my hope that what is inside in this publication will be utilized by our
researchers and scientists toward continually serving our farmers and fishers and the community as a


table of contents
Rice 9
Corn 31
Cassava 31
Adlay 31
Plantation and Biofuel Crops 53
Vegetables, Legumes and Rootcrops 87
Fruits 101
Poultry, Swine and Ruminants 125
Apiculture 141
Aquaculture 153
Capture Fisheries 153

list of tables
1 Philippine macroeconomic growth indicators, Philippines, 2010-2014 2
2 Performance of agriculture by subsector, 2010-2014 2
3 Population, labor force and employment, 2010-2014 3
4 Summary of annual damages to rice, 2001 -2013 13
5 Goals and specific objectives of Philippine beekeeping industry 144

list of figures
1 Rice production and yield per hectare, 2005-2014 10
2 Annual rice production, percentage share by ecosystem, 2004-2013 12
3 Annual rice area harvested and yield, by ecosystem, 2004-2013 12
4 Corn production and yield per hectare, 2005-2014 32
5 Cassava production and yield per hectare, 2005-2014 33
6 Volume of production of coconut and sugarcane, 2005-2014 54
7 Volume of production of cacao, coffee and rubber, 2005-2014 54
8 Volume of production of top ten priority vegetables, 2005-2014 88
9 Volume of production of next ten vegetables, 2005-2014 89
10 Production volume of priority legumes and root crops, 2005-2015 90
11 Volume of production of banana, mango, pineapple and papaya, 2005-2014 102
12 Volume of production of other fruits, 2005-2014 . 102
13 Volume of production of livestock by animal type and year, 2005-2014 126
14 Volume of production of poultry by animal type and year, 2005-2014 127
15 Philippine honey import values per country supplier 142
16 Fisheries and aquaculture production, by subsector, 2005-2014 154

list of acronyms
AO Administrative Order
AgRIDOC Agricultural Development Officers of the Community
AMAS Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Services
AMTEC Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ATI Agricultural Training Institute
AWD Alternate Wetting and Drying
AWS Automatic Weather Station
BAAs Bureau and Attached Agencies
BAI Bureau of Animal Industry
BAFS Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards
BAR Bureau of Agricultural Research
BAS Bureau of Agricultural Statistics
BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
BIOTECH National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
BPI Bureau of Plant Industry
BSWM Bureau of Soils and Water Management
CAEV Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus
CARPer Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with Reforms
CBSUA Central Bicol State University of Agriculture
CLSU Central Luzon State University
CLT/CLOA Certificate of Land Transfer/Certificate of Land Ownership Award
CLUP Comprehensive Land Use Plan
CMU Central Mindanao University
CNFIDP Comprehensive National Fisheries Industry Development Plan
COCAFM Congressional Oversight Committee on Agricultural and Fisheries
CPD   Cassava Phytoplasma Disease
CPUE Catch Per Unit Effort
CSA Climate Smart Agriculture
CVRC Cagayan Valley Research Center
CVS Computer Vision System
CY Calendar Year/Crop Year
DA Department of Agriculture
DAR Department of Agrarian Reform
DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DILG Department of Interior and Local Government

DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
DOE Department of Energy
DOST Department of Science and Technology
DTI Department of Trade and Industry
EFB European Foul Brood
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization
FBD Flatbed Dryer
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FDC Food Development Center
FFTC Food and Fertilizer Technology Center
FMA Farmers Market Authority
FMAs Fisheries Management Areas
FNRI Food and Nutrition Research Institute
FOB Free On Board
FPA Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority
GAP Good Agricultural Practices
GCB Green Coffee Beans
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GIS Geographic Information System
GM Genetically Modified
GMP Good Manufacturing Practices
GPS Global Positioning System
GVA Gross Value Added
HVCDP High Value Crops Development Program
HYV High Yielding Variety
IA Irrigation Association
ICM Integrated Crop Management
IEC Information, Education and Communication
IFAD International Fund for Agriculture Development
IK Indigenous Knowledge
IMTA Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture
IP Indigenous People
IPB Institute of Plant Breeding
IPM Integrated Pest Management
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
IRRI International Rice Research Institute
ITA International Trade Administration
ITCAF Information Technology Center for Agriculture and Fisheries
IUU Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated
LAD Land Acquisition and Distribution
LCA Life Cycle Analysis
LGU Local Government Unit
LSTD Location-Specific Technology Development

MAP Modified Atmosphere Packaging
MDDC Mill District Development Committees
MMSU Mariano Marcos State University
MRL Maximum Residue Limit
MSME Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
MSY Maximum Sustainable Yield
NAMRIA National Mapping and Resource Information Authority
NAPC National Anti-Poverty Commission
NaRDSAF National Research and Development System in Agriculture and Fisheries
NCIP National Commission on Indigenous People
NCPC National Crop Protection Center
NCRC National Coconut Research Center
NDA National Dairy Authority
NEDA National Economic and Development Authority
NFA National Food Authority
NFRDI National Fisheries Research and Development Institute
NGA National Government Agencies
NGO Non-Government Organization
NHA National Housing Authority
NIA National Irrigation Administration
NIR Near-Infrared
NLP National Livestock Program
NMIS National Meat Inspection Service
NMRDC National Mango Research and Development Center
NSCB National Statistics Coordination Board
NSIC National Seed Industry Council
NSO National Statistics Office
NSQCS National Seed Quality Control Services
OP Open Pollination
OPV Open-Pollinated Varieties
PAGASA Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services
PCA Philippine Coconut Authority
PCAF Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries
PCC Philippine Carabao Center
PCIC Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation
PhilFIDA Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority
PhilMaize Philippine Maize Federation
PhilMech Philippine Center for Postharvest Development of Mechanization
PhilRice Philippine Rice Research Institute
PMD Philippine Mallard Duck
PNAD Philippine Native Animal Development
PNS Philippine National Standards
POT Package of Technology
PPA Program, Projects and Activities
PRISM Philippine Rice Information System
PRRI Philippine Rubber Research Institute
PSA Philippine Statistics Authority
PSAU Pampanga State Agricultural University
PRRI Philippine Rubber Research Institute
QR Quantitative Restriction
RA Republic Act
RCM Rice Crop Manager
RCPC Regional Crop Protection Center
RDE Research and Development, and Extension
RDEAP Research and Development, and Extension Agenda Program
RFO Regional Field Office
ROC Republic of China
RPC Rice Processing Complexes
SARAI Smarter Approaches for Reinvigorate Agriculture as an Industry
SALT Sloping Agricultural Land Technology
SCoPSA Sustainable Corn Production in Sloping Areas
SEAFDEC Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
SEARCA Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in
SHB Small Hive Beetle
SPS Sanitary/ Phyto-Sanitary
SRA Sugar Regulatory Administration
SSIP Small Scale Irrigation Projects
SSIS Small Scale Irrigation Systems
SSNM Site Specific Nutrient Management
SUC State Universities and Colleges
TCA Tarlac College of Agriculture
TPD Tapping Panel Dryness
UN United Nations
UNDP United Nations Development Program
UPD University of the Philippines Diliman
UPLB University of the Philippines Los Baños
USDA-FAS United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Services
USM University of Southern Mindanao
VAMRI Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Root Inoculant
VCA Value Chain Analysis
VMS Vessel Monitoring System
VSU Visayas State University
WHO World Health Organization
WTO World Trade Organization


Global Agriculture Scenarios

T he world’s population is rapidly growing with 7.2 billion people in 2014 and is projected to
reach 9 billion in 2050 (UN, 2015). The increasing population correspondingly leads to an
increase in food demand which were provided by the world’s agriculture sector with a total food
production amounting to US$2,246,912 (in millions) from 2,781 million hectares of harvested land
areas. The population growth has increased the global agriculture’s total production by almost
40% from 2000 to 2014 (FAO, 2015). Aside from food demand, agriculture also contributes
significantly to the global trade and labor force. The food exports for 2014 reached US$945,572
million while food imports accumulated US$966,964 million. On the other hand, in terms of
employment, agriculture comprised 30.70% of the world’s labor force (FAO, 2015).

Agriculture helps address population growth by improving technologies and production systems
but due to continued population growth, it has to produce more in the future. According to the
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO,2013), the agriculture sector needs to generate 60%
more food and 100% more in developing regions to meet the demands of the current level of
consumption by 2050. Despite the current technologies, FAO reported that the past agriculture
performance is no longer a guarantee for the future. Sustainability issues must be addressed as
these greatly affect the ecosystem and the people particularly those living in rural areas which
are mostly the resource-poor and vulnerable. They consider agriculture as their main source of
livelihood and unsustainable agriculture can lead to further poverty and undernourishment (FAO,

Philippine Agriculture

As an archipelagic country with one-third of its total land area consisting of arable and crop
lands, agriculture is considered as one of the important sectors in the Philippines. With a Gross
Value Added (GVA) in agriculture of PhP 712 billion in 2014, it contributed 10% to the country’s
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Table 1) (PSA, 2015).

Table 1. Philippine macroeconomic growth indicators, Philippines, 2010-2014
(Value at constant 2000 prices)
ITEM 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
GNI (million pesos) 6,851,138 7,058,037 7,559,511 8,168,768 8,640,645
Growth Rate (%) -1.97 3.02 7.11 8.06 5.78
GDP (million pesos) 5,701,539 5,910,201 6,305,229 6,750,079 7,164,017
Growth Rate (%) 7.63 3.66 6.68 7.06 6.13
(million pesos) 659,989 679,075 695,130 701,325 712,559
Growth Rate (%)
Agriculture Sector 0.02 2.44 2.82 0.89 1.60
Crops -1.89 4.97 4.27 0.03 2.38
Livestock 0.64 1.96 1.09 1.77 1.02
Poultry 7.67 4.40 4.60 4.22 0.32
Fishing -0.50 -4.33 -0.38 0.75 -0.39
Agricultural Activities
and Services 3.31 3.02 2.14 0.65 4.51
Source: PSA, 2015

The total gross output in agriculture and for each sub-sector is shown in Table 2. For 2010-
2014, the crops sub-sector had the highest contribution to the total gross output followed by
livestock and poultry sector, then the fisheries sector. Similarly, for 2014 alone, crops contributed
around 51% of the gross output (PhP 788 billion) while livestock and poultry combined, 31%
and fisheries, 18% (PSA, 2015).

Table 2. Performance of agriculture by subsector, 2010-2014 (Value at constant

2000 prices)
ITEM (in million pesos) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
GROSS OUTPUT IN AGRICULTURE 731,489 747,353 768,836 777,457 788,319
Crops 363,718 380,096 396,342 396,351 406,258
Livestock 120,268 122,679 124,041 126,216 127,495
Poultry 100,965 105,379 110,136 114,859 115,169
Fisheries 146,538 138,389 138,318 140,030 139,397
Source: PSA, 2015

It is observed that there is a decreasing trend in the agriculture employment from 31% in 2010
down to 28% in 2014 (Table 3). Nonetheless, the agriculture labor force of 11.21 million people
in 2014 still accounts for 28% of the country’s total labor force and 10% of its population (PSA,

Table 3. Population, labor force and employment, 2010-2014.
ITEM 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Population (million
92.34 94.82 96.51 98.20 99.88
Labor Force (millions
38.89 40.00 40.43 41.02 40.05
Employment 36.04 37.19 37.60 38.12 37.31
Agriculture 11.96 12.27 12.09 11.84 11.21
Unemployment 2.86 2.81 2.83 2.90 2.74
Source: PSA, 2015

The value of the total agricultural exports has increased from 2010 to 2014. With a
growth rate of 14%, the country’s value of agricultural exports amount to US$ 6,769.65
(FOB in million) in 2014 from US$ 4,101.09 (FOB in million) in 2010. The Philippine’s
top agricultural exports are: coconut oil, banana, tuna, pineapple, tobacco, desiccated
coconut, seaweeds and carrageenan, and copra oil cake and the country’s major trading
partners are: Australia, Japan, and USA (PSA, 2015).

The DA National Research and Development and

Extension Agenda and Program 2016-2022

The Department of Agriculture (DA), the government’s lead agency for promoting
agricultural and fisheries development in the country provides the necessary policy
framework, investment, and support services including implementation of national
programs that would actively respond to the specific needs of the sector. Research
and Development (R&D) is one of these support services. Agricultural research and
technological improvements remain as major drivers for a productive, profitable, and
sustainable agri-fishery sector, thereby contributing greatly in addressing incidences of
poverty, hunger, and malnutrition in the countryside. DA continuously invests in R&D as
it catalyzes innovation and greater productivity towards a progressive rural development.

The Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR), the central coordinating agency for the DA
R&D programs, projects and activities, is committed to enhance, support, consolidate,
and orchestrate the National Research and Development System in Agriculture and
Fisheries (NaRDSAF). The bureau, in supporting and strengthening the full implementation
of a unified agenda setting and program planning, implementation and monitoring of
agriculture and fisheries R&D, has updated and formulated the National Research and
Development, Extension Agenda and Programs (RDEAP) 2016-2022. A product of highly
participative and consultative process with national government agencies, DA-regional
research offices, state universities and colleges, private sector, civil society organizations,
DA-partner implementing agencies, international agricultural research organizations, and
other relevant stakeholders of the sector, this document serves as a valuable reference
for prioritizing and allocating resources for agricultural R&D activities for 2016-2022.

The RDEAP 2016-2022 focuses on the following: i) food staples, feed resources, and
other alternatives; ii) commercial crops; iii) poultry and livestock; and iv) fisheries and
aquaculture. As the main concern among farmers and fishers is not only productivity
and household food consumption, but more on better market access and opportunities,
the updated RDEAP 2016-2022 has adopted the value chain structure and identified
problems, researchable areas, and expected outputs for each level of the chain. This
aims to promote market-oriented research designed to help improve the competitiveness
of Philippine crops, livestock and poultry, and fisheries by providing solutions to specific
problems on competitiveness for each stage in the value chain.

A reference material, not only for BAR, but primarily for its partner implementing agencies,
the RDEAP 2016-2022 contains a more comprehensive and inclusive agenda and
directives that provide guidance and information on where we are, what we have been
doing, where we want to go and what R&D activities must be pursued to guide the path
towards a competitive, sustainable, and resilient agriculture and fishery sector.

Briones, N.D. (2005). Environmental Sustainability Issues in Philippine Agriculture. Asian Journal
of Agriculture and Development, Vol. 2, Nos. 1,2. Retrieved March 30, 2016, from:http://

Department of Agriculture. The Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Plan 2011-2017. April
2014. DA-OSEC Bldg., Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. pp 236.

Food and Agriculture Organization. Building a common vision for sustainable food and
agriculture: Principles and Approaches. Retrieved March 29, 2016, from: http://www.fao.

Food and Agriculture Organization. FAO Statistical Pocketbook 2015: World Food and
Agriculture. Retrieved March 30, 2016, from: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4691e.pdf.

Food and Agriculture Organization. FAO Food and Numbers 2014. Retrieved March 31, 2016,
from: www.fao.org/3/a-i4175e.pdf.

Philippine Statistics Authority. Selected Statistics on Agriculture 2015. PSA-CVEA Building, East
Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. pp 1-8.

United Nations-Sustainable Development Solutions Network. (2013). Solutions for Sustainable

Agriculture and Food Systems: Technical Report for The Post-2015 Development Agenda.
Retrieved March 30, 2016, from: http://unsdsn.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/130919-

United Nations. World Population Prospects: 2015 Revision. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from:
esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/publications/files/key_findings_wpp_2015.pdf. .

World Bank Organization. Philippine Agriculture Modernization. Retrieved April 1, 2016, from:

Domestic performance

Over the past 10 years, rice production has increased by 27% from 14.5 million metric tons in
2004 to 18.44 million metric tons in 2013. During this period, production has been increasing
at an annual average of 2.78% with the highest growth of 8.08% recorded in 2012 brought by
an increase in yield (Fig. 1) and increase in area harvested which were attributed to recovery
from damages by a series of typhoons in the previous year leading to 2011. The most significant
decrease in production was experienced in 2009 largely due to damages brought by two
destructive typhoons in the last quarter of the year that caused heavy rains and flooding in
Northern and Central Luzon where some 30% of the country’s area planted to rice are located.
Production further decreased in 2010 because of the prolonged dry spell that resulted to lower
area harvested resulting to lower farm yields (PSA, 2015).

Figure 1. Rice production and yield per hectare, 2005-2014 (Source: PSA,

Production in rainfed areas has been fluctuating with notable decreases of 5.22% and 9.54%
during the drought years of 2005 and 2010, respectively (Fig. 2). On a per season basis, wet
season production has been higher than dry season harvest by an average of 33% over the past
10-year period. In the said period, dry season production averaged 43% of the annual harvest
while wet season production averaged 57%. Though decline in production was also observed
in 2009, over-all production in irrigated and rainfed areas has increased over the last 10 years by
2.88 million metric tons and 1.06 million metric tons or 26% and 30%, respectively.

Economic Importance

Rice is a very important crop in the country with 2,467,164 hectares cultivated and distributed
across 2,149,971 rice farmers (NSO, 2003). Among these rice areas, 61.93% were irrigated
and 38.07% were rainfed. Average size of farm holdings was 1.32 hectares while the average
size of farm devoted to rice was 0.97 hectare. In terms of tenure, 45.94% of rice farms were
fully owned, 30.23% were tenanted, and the remaining 23.83% were either leased/rented,
under rent-free arrangement, under Certificate of Land Transfer/Certificate of Land Ownership
Award (CLT/CLOA), or in other tenurial systems like mortgaged/pawned, co-owned/ owner-like
possessions, among others.

Rice farmers in the country are predominantly male (88.64%) with an average of 24 years rice
farming experience. Majority of rice farming population is already aging with an average age of
54 years, 29.47% belonging to 51-60 years bracket and only 2.57% aged less than 31 years.
About 43.65% of rice farmers owned carabaos while some 2.96% and 0.60%, respectively,
have cattle and horse, which they used as work animals. Half of the total rice farmers own a
plow, while 22.56% own two-wheel tractors and 1.13%, four-wheel tractors. Less than 10% of
rice famers own threshers.

The country’s rice areas are classified by type of growing environment, namely irrigated (lowland)
and rainfed (lowland and upland). Irrigated (lowland) is defined by the Philippine Statistics Authority
(PSA) as the total area within the service area of an irrigation system served in a particular
season – wet (first crop) and dry (second crop) seasons including any third crop. On the other
hand, rainfed refers to the system that depends solely upon rainfall for its water supply, usually
planted through transplanting or direct seeding in fields with dikes that retain water. There may
be dikes in the field to hold the water in the case of lowland rainfed, or none in the case of upland
rice. By number of cropping, 84.98% of rice farmers plant two times a year, 9.87% plant once,
and 5.15% thrice.

In terms of labor, majority still utilize man-animal labor for plowing, rotavating, and field leveling.
However, in the case of harrowing, 49.15% used two-wheel tractors, which is higher than the
34.23% who used man-animal labor. For crop establishment, 65.97% of rice farmers adopted
transplanting method while 40.27% sow rice seeds by broadcasting method and 0.34% used
drum seeders. Overall, the human, animal, and mechanical power input in the farm is estimated
by the Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech) to be at

In terms of seed utilization, about 98.05% of the rice farmers used inbred seeds, of which 28%
used certified and good seeds while 43% used farmer seeds. Less than 2% of the total number
of respondent planted hybrid seeds.

Key stakeholders in the rice industry include farmers, production loan providers (formal lending
institutions and informal lenders), fertilizer handlers, farm labor and machine operators, seed
growers, harvest and post-harvest equipment operators, millers, and traders (wholesalers and
retailers), and support institutions.

Figure 2. Annual rice production, percentage share by ecosystem, 2004-2013
(Source: PSA-BAS).

In 2013, the total area harvested for rice was 4.65 million hectares, 70 % (3.2 million ha) of
which were irrigated and 30% (1.4 million ha) were rainfed. In the last 10 years, the total area
harvested increased by 15% and was attributed to expansion of both in irrigated (16%) and
rainfed ecosystems (13%) (Fig. 3). Average annual growth is at 1.6%, with harvested irrigated
and rainfed rice areas increasing at 1.67% and 1.5%, respectively. Decrease in area harvested
was observed during years with prolonged dry spells showing greater decline in rainfed areas by
4.18% in 2005 and 8.85% in 2010.

Figure 3. Annual rice area harvested and yield, by ecosystem, 2004-2013

(Source: PSA-BAS).

The average yield per hectare of rice across all ecosystems increased from 3.51 mt/ha in 2004
to 3.89 mt/ha in 2013 (Fig. 3). Irrigated areas contributed to this yield growth by 0.35 mt/ha
(9%) and rainfed areas by 0.39 mt/ha (15%) over the last ten years. A drop in average yield was
observed in 2008 and 2009, which were attributed by BAS to incidence of pests and diseases,
and adverse effects of a series of typhoons. Over the same period, there is no significant different
between yields on per season basis.

Despite the reported growth in yield, annual production was still unable to cope with the
country’s increasing demand brought about by an already large population base compounded
by a high annual growth rate. Based on the 2012 BAS food consumption survey, rice per capita
consumption is at 114.265 kg/year. In terms of utilization, 87.55% of rice is used as food, while
the remaining 12.45% are used for seeds (1.95%), processing (4%), and feeds and wastes

Climate change and weather disturbances, leading to heavy rains, flooding, and drought had
adverse effects to the country’s rice production. From 2009 to 2011, more than 2.3 million
hectares of rice land were affected resulting in 3.4 million metric tons of production loss/damages
in these three years (Table 4). These areas damaged and production losses were also the highest
recorded in Philippine history.

Table 4. Summary of annual damages to rice, 2001 -2013.

2004 365,031.00 650,083.00 1,697.73
2005 131,972.00 226,937.00 645.58
2006 411,578.00 710,251.00 3,398.89
2007 215,198.53 105,623.98 1,881,876.37
2008 379,222.60 258,627.05 5,015,258.88
2009 713,037.33 1,345,658.19 23,574,631.11
2010 661,097.00 936,901.71 15,559,066.74
2011 930,536.05 1,162,572.08 17,842,484.47
2012 227,559.65 170,297.15 3,878,438.12
2013 452,176.40 459,256.71 7,138,924.99
Source: DA-MID

Current and Available Technologies

Research and development activities for rice have generated, developed, and improved the
following information and technologies:

Crop management
• Pinoy Rice KnowledgeBank
• Online rice information system (PRISM) that collects, processes, generates, consolidates,
archives, and presents accurate, timely and location-specific information on the status
of the rice crop
• Decision support tool (Rice Crop Manager) for modern precision farming by providing
farmers with personalized crop and nutrient management recommendations matching
their location-specific rice-growing conditions
• Minus One Element Technique that determines soil nutrient deficiencies in actual field
• Leaf Color Chart that measures green color intensity of leaf, which is related to the plant’s
nitrogen content.
• Palaycheck system and integrated crop management options for irrigated, rainfed,
upland and abiotic stress-prone environments
• Mechanized dry direct seeding technology for the drought-prone environments
• Reduced tillage technology, alternate wetting and drying (AWD) technique or controlled
irrigation, aerobic rice technology, water harvesting systems for small farms
• Palayamanan models, integrated rice based  production/farming system

• Information on yield, production and marketing costs, crop management practices, and
competitiveness of Philippine rice as compared to selected Asian countries

Pest and disease management

• rice disease and insect pest diagnostic kits for farmers, decision guides for pest
management, field guide for weed management
• records on the intensity of injuries caused by emerging pests
• ecological engineering approaches for pest management (bund agriculture)

Varietal improvement
• higher-yielding rice varieties and hybrids with resistance to/tolerance of biotic and abiotic
stresses - drought, flood , saline, pest and disease
• genetic identity, grain quality profile and nutritional value of selected traditional rice varieties

Postharvest practices and processing

• combine harvesters for mechanized harvesting
• fully-fluidized bed drying system for high moisture paddy
• Computer Vision System (CVS) designed to analyze the quality of rice
• rice hull gasifier engine-pump system for optimum application in rainfed areas
• rice products and by products (rice wine, rice bran oil, rice based snacks)

Industry and RDE Sector Goals

The Philippine rice industry should create an environment that would foster competitiveness and
sustainable growth by:

• Developing resiliency of local rice production to climate adversity and trade liberalization
• Providing decent income for the farming household
• Sustaining industry growth for food security

By the next medium-term, it is assumed that the rice sufficiency targets have been achieved. The
immediate next step, therefore, is to ensure that rice supply is sustained to meet the demand of
a growing population in the succeeding years.

However, the most pressing challenge that needs to be swiftly and judiciously addressed is the
further liberalization of the rice trade market in the country. As part of the commitment to the
World Trade Organization (WTO), the quantitative restriction (QR) in rice is scheduled to be lifted
by 2017.

Coupled with the ASEAN Economic Integration, which has started in 2015, the lifting of QR will
pose as a threat to producers, as it will leave the industry exposed to shocks associated with
increased market competition. For one, majority (most particularly the small farmers) will not be
able to compete with the importers who can sell to the market at a lower price. Also, the influx
of rice imports in the country will drive the market price down, which will in turn discourage
farmers to plant for the succeeding seasons. On the other hand, consumers will benefit from
lower prices of rice in the market due to further trade liberalization.

Considering the trade environment in the next medium-term, the policy on self-sufficiency cannot
be retained. In the event that the quantitative restriction of rice lapses and legal instruments
are enforced supporting this, the volume of imported rice that will enter the domestic market
cannot be controlled. Thus, a shift to a food security policy is in order to manage the supply of
domestically produced and imported rice in the country.

With a changing global environment geared towards a more liberalized trade, coupled with the
foreseen risks associated with the changing climate, the industry is geared towards ensuring
sustainability and competitiveness: that is, production is set at a level that will generate a
profitable income to farmers, particularly the marginalized ones. It shall also be ensured that
farmers adopt sustainable farm practices that will enable them to adapt to the changing climate.
Hence, strategies will be aimed towards reducing cost of production and increasing farmers’
competitiveness, as follows:

Strategy 1: Increase farm productivity

Invest in resilient irrigation, postharvest facilities, and equipment
• Promote high quality and tolerant seed varieties, fertilizers and other integrated crop
management practices
• Conduct research and development in new varieties and crop management
• Strengthen local extension services
• Provide enabling mechanisms to farmers

Strategy 2: Diversify farmer income streams

• Promote integrated and diversified farming
• Shift disadvantaged farmers to more productive and competitive commodities
• Exploit the potential of the niche market of specialty rice, domestically and internationally

Strategy 3: Pursue market promotion and enterprise development

• Support the transformation of farmer groups and cooperatives into formal and viable
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
• Intensify market-matching efforts
• Strengthen market intelligence capabilities
• Fast-track Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) certification of rice farms
• Strengthen capacities of farmers by providing training
• Increase RD&E on agri-processing and product development

Strategy 4: Increase resiliency to climate change risks

• Ensure seed availability through buffer stocking
• Intensify development and promotion of climate resilient rice varieties
• Promote design and establishment of climate-responsive facilities

NSO (National Statistics Office). 2003. Census of Agriculture 2002.

PSA (Philippine Statistics Authority). June 2015. Selected Statistics on Agriculture 2015. www.

The Philippine Rice Industry Road Map. 2016

DA National Rice Program. www.da.gov.ph

Economic Importance


Corn is the second most important crop in the Philippines. About 14 million Filipinos prefer white
corn as their main staple while yellow corn accounts for about 50% of livestock mixed feeds.
Some 600,000 farm households depend on corn as a major source of livelihood, in addition to
transport services, traders, processors, and agricultural input suppliers who directly benefit from
corn production, processing, marketing and distribution. Corn is also processed into high value
products, such as cornstarch, corn syrups, corn oil, gluten, and snack foods (DA, 2013).

In 2014, corn production reached 7.77 million metric tons, 5.33% higher than the output in 2013
of 7.38 million metric tons (Fig. 4). Harvest area increased to 2.61 million hectares, 1.86% higher
than last year’s 2.56 million hectares while yield improved from 2.88 MT per hectare to 2.98 MT
per hectare, or by 3.41% (PSA, 2015a). In 2014, corn production was valued at 100.6 billion
pesos, an 11.6% increase from the previous year.

Figure 4. Corn production and yield per hectare, 2005-2014 (Source: PSA,


Cassava is the third most important source of calories in the tropics (after rice and corn) and
generally grown by poor farmers often on marginal land (FAO, 2015). In the Philippines, cassava
is also regarded as one of the important agricultural crops which can be used as food, ingredients
for feeds, and for numerous industrial uses including starch, flour and bioethanol (DA, n.d.). In
the country, at least 218,000 farmers are partially/fully dependent on cassava production and
about 15 million Filipinos are consuming cassava as staple and supplemental to rice.
Cassava production in 2014 was recorded at 2.54 million metric tons, 7.57% higher than the
2013 output of 2.36 million metric tons (Fig. 5). Harvest area was lower by 371 hectares or by
0.17% and thus, the yield improved from 10.88 to 11.72 metric ton per hectare from 2013 to
2014. In terms of value, the cassava industry contributed 14.80 billion pesos (1.21%) to the
country’s gross domestic product in 2014.

Figure 5. Cassava production and yield per hectare, 2005-2014 (Source: PSA,


The Department of Agriculture (DA) extensively promotes Adlay (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) in line with
its goal of attaining food staples sufficiency in the Philippines. This tall grain-bearing tropical
plant adapts well in some regions of the country, particularly in high elevation areas such as the
hillsides of Nueva Vizcaya and Zamboanga del Sur, and in other parts of Regions II, IVA, V, IX,
and X. Among the Subanens in Zamboanga Del Sur and Misamis Occidental, it is considered
as one of the staple food crops and is pounded, threshed, winnowed and cooked just like rice.

Adlay is a minor cereal crop throughout the tropics and subtropics, including the Philippines.
It can be planted as hedgerows and intercropped with fruit trees/plantation crops (coconut,
banana, citrus, mango, coffee, etc.). Initial studies showed that adlay performs best in high
elevations but can also thrive in low elevation especially during wet season. It thrives even in
adverse conditions, thus farmers, especially in the highlands where rice and corn productions
are generally low, have opted to grow adlay. Farmers report that it can tolerate low pH levels,
poor soil quality, and waterlogging.

In the country, there is sustained expansion of adlay seed production in all regions, especially
Region IX. From June 2014 to May 2015, DA-RFO research stations and farmers’ fields in
regions II, IVA, V, IX, X and XI have utilized 31 hectares for adlay seed production. As of May
2015, Region IX alone was able to expand seed production to a total of 183 hectares across ten
municipalities in Zamboanga del Sur (39 hectares), four municipalities in Zamboanga del Norte
(76 hectares), and four municipalities in Zamboanga Sibugay province (69 hectares). In Region
X, expansion areas are located in Bukidnon, Camiguin, Misamis Oriental, Misamis Occidental
and Lanao del Norte while those in Region II are located in selected municipalities in Nueva
Vizcaya and Cagayan. The rest of the regions are also planning to expand their adlay production
areas in 2016.

The adlay industry has a great potential to contribute to the country’s growing food demand as an
alternative staple food to rice and corn. It has a yield potential of 3.5-5 tons/ha in high elevation
and is generally resistant to pests and diseases. Unlike rice and corn, it is not that dependent
on the use of inputs such as fertilizer/pesticide and does not require large amount of irrigation
water. On the other hand, the industry currently faces issues such as lack of basic information on
adlay production and management, low productivity in low elevation areas, limited awareness
and promotion on adlay as other staple food crop, shortage of seeds (in both quantity and
quality) as planting material, and lack of postharvest, processing and milling facilities.

Current and Available Technologies

• Use of corn mill for white corn
• Development of Site Specific Nutrient Management (SSNM) Quick Guide on fertilizing
dry/wet season hybrid maize
• Development of Nutrient Expert Software for yellow, OPV, hybrid and traditional corn
• National Seed Industry Council (NSIC) registration of drought tolerant varieties
• Developed two new improved white flint corn varieties: CVRC 15-10, CVRC15-12
• Use of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Root Inoculant(VAMRI) as biofertilizer and
biopesticide to many soil borne plant diseases of corn with a rate of 70-140g/ha and
can be applied by seed coating
• Use of corn cobs as source of K fertilizer


• Development of cassava harvester (Phase II – lifter/puller)

• Development of commercial belt dryer for granulated cassava
• Use of streptomycin sulfate (antibiotic) to control witches’ broom or Phytoplasma


The Adlay R&D program, a collaborative partnership between DA-BAR, DA-HVCDP, and other
adlay proponents/partners, has been instrumental in initiating the sustained growth of the
industry. In the last six years, the following products, technologies, practices and knowledge
products were developed/in the process of development:

• Adlay production techno guides such as biocontrol for adlay borer
• Modified rice-thresher for threshing adlay to reduce labor cost in threshing
• Adlay products such as wine, breakfast cereal, energy bar, coffee, gourmix, etc.
• Production protocols and techniques such staggered planting, fertilizer management
and proper spacing
• Market information to determine market acceptability and distribution areas

Industry and RDE Sector Goals

The Department of Agriculture’s Corn Program is aimed at increasing production of quality
staple foods for human consumption, feeds and industrial uses, as well as empowering the
farmers and supporting various stakeholders to be cost-efficient, profitable, sustainable and
resilient. The over-all strategy is to fast track the expansion of hybrid corn, cassava and other
feed crops production to achieve food and feed self-sufficiency, enhance the competitiveness of
the domestic livestock and poultry sectors through cheaper feed inputs as well as generate jobs
in rural communities. Specifically, this involves:

• Provision of farm mechanization in order to encourage continuous land cultivation for

corn and cassava production
• Sustain the seed buffer stock in order to ensure the availability of high quality corn
seeds that can be accessed by farmers in times of calamities and unfore seen events
affecting corn production
• Establish and distribute more postharvest facilities and equipment in corn and cassava
producing areas in order to reduce losses and maintain premium quality produce in
accordance with approved standards
• Intensify interventions on empowering corn and cassava farmers and LGU partners
through the conduct of various trainings to assure comprehensive extension support
relative to Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), utilization of latest technologies that
increase productivity and promote cost efficiency, and appropriate mechanization and
postharvest technologies
• Strengthen climate change resiliency through the provision of irrigation equipment
(open source pumps), conduct of cloud seeding operations, and implementation of
the Sustainable Corn Production in Sloping Areas (SCoPSA)
• Organize and strengthen more clusters that will increase bargaining power for farmers
and assure market for their produce, thereby creating a sustainable source of income
and encourage continuous growth in corn and cassava production
• Ensure that research and development results shall be mainstreamed in order to
realize goals on increased productivity and cost efficiency, such as the SSNM, etc.
• Coordinate with lending institutions to provide guarantee to conduits, credit to farmers
especially in new areas and insurance in highly vulnerable areas

Aligned with these goals are the subsector targets of the corn, cassava, and adlay industries
and specific strategic directions to be able to contribute to this sectoral goal.


The goal of the corn industry is to increase production of quality yellow corn for animal feeds
and industrial uses, and empower corn farmers to be competitive, cost-efficient, profitable,
sustainable and resilient. Specifically, the industry aimed to:

• Increase yellow corn production to 8.62 million metric tons by 2022

• Reduce post-harvest losses to 5% of total produce by 2022
• Sustain sufficiency and produce 35% surplus for export
• Increase farmers’ income
• Create jobs across the supply/value chain
• Strengthen climate change resiliency

To achieve this, the industry needs to focus on two major aspects and key strategies:

• Increasing productivity and expanding area for corn production

o Encourage diversified farming and sustainable production in sloping area
o Ensure adoption of HYV, balance plant nutrition and integrated crop management
o Sustain farm mechanization support
• Producing high quality grains with minimal post-harvest losses
o Accelerate construction of post-harvest facilities
o Sustain post-harvest training and quality awards
o Unify RD&E and revive the assignment of corn specialist per region
o Proactive pest and disease control & management

The goal of the industry is to increase cassava production, enhance farmers’ income and
generate more employment opportunities in the rural areas. Specifically, the industry s aimed to:

• Increase cassava production (fresh roots) from 2.54M mt to 6.338 million metric tons
by 2022
• Increase average yield from 11.72mt/ha to 19.26 mt/ha by 2022
• Increase yearly income of farmers per hectare
• Improve quality of cassava primary and other by-products
• Increase cassava per capita consumption to from 2.59 kg to 7.0 kg per year by 2022


The goal of the industry is to make adlay as other important staple food crop for Filipinos. In
support of this goal, the RDE sector aims to initiate and push forward adlay R&D initiatives
contributing to the following outcomes:

• Adlay crop accepted by Filipinos as other important staple food

• Adlay seeds available and accessible in all regions
• Adlay postharvest and processing facilities promoted and commercialized
• Package of technologies developed through sustained investment on adlay R&D
DA (Department of Agriculture). 2013. Updates on DA Corn Program. Agri-Pinoy Corn Program:
Diliman, Quezon City.

DA. n.d. Cassava. Agri-Pinoy Corn Program: Diliman, Quezon City

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). 2015. Cassava. Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Retrieved from http://www.fao.org/ag/agp/

PSA (Philippine Statistics Authority). 2015a. Retrieved from https://psa.gov.ph/sites/default/


Economic Importance

The production volume of plantation crops derives from coconut and sugarcane (Fig. 6) and
from cacao, coffee, and rubber (Fig. 7), the former two with production in million metric tons.

Figure 6. Volume of production of coconut and sugarcane, 2005-2014

(metric tons) (Source: PSA, 2016).

Figure 7. Volume of production of cacao, coffee and rubber, 2005-2014 (metric

tons) (Source: PSA, 2016).

The Philippines is among the world’s largest producers and exporters of coconut products,
accounting for 23% of world production and 59% of world exports. It is the third largest exporter
of coconut products, with coconut oil being the top agricultural commodity export generating
average annual export earnings of US$ 935 million from 2005 to 2009 (NAPC, 2013).

Among all agricultural commodities, coconut consistently contributes the highest export earnings
(PSA, 2016) with 70% of total production being absorbed by international markets (Forbes,
2013). Cultivated in 69 provinces out of the 79 provinces in the country, it consistently posted
modest gains in 2015 while the crops sector in general contracted by 1.95% (PSA, 2015b).

The sugar industry contributes about PhP70 billion to the Philippine economy from the production
of raw and refined sugar, molasses, and bioethanol. In addition, it supports foreign currency
earnings through exports of sugar under the US Sugar Quota Program, exports of sugar to
other Asian countries, and exports of molasses (SRA, 2012a).

In fact, the industry contributed about PhP87 billion to the Philippine economy in Crop Year
2013-14 from the sales of raw sugar, molasses and bioethanol, from tolling fees on sugar refining
and VAT on refined sugar. In addition, it brought in US$ 111.76 million in CY 2013-14 through
exports of sugar to the US and world markets (SRA, 2015).

The production of sugarcane, on the other hand, has contributed an average of PhP31,014.74
million (current prices) to the economy from 2005 to 2010 (PSA, 2016). Although production
dropped slightly from the 2012 levels, the industry increased its contribution to an average of
PhP45,005.88 million from 2011 to 2014 (PSA, 2015a) .

In crop year 2011-12, the sugarcane industry comprised around 64,765 farmers wherein 89.5%
were small farmers (landholders with 10 hectares and below). The figure is expected to rise
with continuing implementation of CARPer (SRA, 2015). In CY 2013-2014, the number of small
farmers with less than 5 hectares of farmlands rose to 81.46% which corresponds to a total
plantation area of 120,364 hectares equivalent to 26.61% of the total sugarcane farmlands in
the country.

Coffee grows well in the Philippines, with mostly small farmers growing the four varieties: Robusta,
Arabica, Liberica and Excelsa. Though most Filipinos are coffee drinkers, coffee production
is quite low (0.2-0.3 tons/ha) compared to Indonesia (0.6 tons/ha) and Vietnam (2.4 tons/ha)
(Bacbac, 2015) and thus, accounts for only 2% of the world’s production (COCAFM, 2011). Of
the total export value in 2011, extracts, essences and concentrates of coffee accounted for
70%, while ground roasted coffee accounted for 29% (DA HVCDP, 2013).

Production since 2005 was relatively constant and started a slow decline in 2010, which
continued to 2014. However, PSA (2015a) reports that production increased in 2015 despite the
general downtrend in the crops sector. This increased the contribution of coffee by PhP189.5
million in 2015 for a total of PhP 5,785.50 million.

The Philippines is a net importer of cocoa products with annual consumption equivalent to
50,000 MT of dried cocoa beans, 90% of which comes from growing areas in Mindanao. By
2020, the Philippines chocolate industry’s projected demand is expected to reach an estimated
100,000 metric tons of dried cocoa beans (Boquiren and Idrovo, 2014). In the world market,
demand for cocoa beans is projected to reach 4.7M to 5 M in 2020 with average annual deficit
of 100,000 MT (Cocoa Barometer, 2010).

Thus, while the country’s production is quite low, local and international demand drives potential
expansion in the industry through increase in local production. In addition, expansion will provide
more opportunities for livelihood and employment because cocoa production is labor intensive
and returns are higher than copra, coffee or other cash crops.

In the past five years, rubber production in the country has been relatively higher than the average
production from 2005 to 2010 (Figure 2). However, value has decreased from PhP30,667.4
million in 2011 to PhP11,412.6 in 2014 (PSA, 2015a).

Eighty-five percent of land devoted to rubber is smallholder farms, most located specifically
the provinces of Zamboanga Sibugay, North Cotabato, and Basilan which together account
for 79% of the total hectarage planted to rubber in the country (DA-CARAGA, 2016). While the
share of the Philippines is only 0.2% of the regional trade in natural rubber (DA-CARAGA, 2016),
the industry envisions the country as one of the major natural rubber producing countries in Asia
supplying 50% of domestic natural rubber requirements by 2016 (Cruz, 2012).

The Philippines Biofuels Act of 2006 (RA 9367) mandated the blending of biodiesel and ethanol
in all locally distributed diesel and gasoline (currently at 2 % and 10 %, respectively) by February
2009. Sugarcane and coconut oil are the preferred Philippine ethanol and biodiesel feedstocks,
respectively (USDA-FAS, 2014).

The Department of Energy (DOE) estimates that local ethanol demand reached 455 million liters
(MLi) in 2014, and is expected to grow by an average of 5% annually in the near future. Overall
fuel consumption is expected to continue increasing (USDA-FAS, 2015) through 2025 mainly
due to the expanding population and continued growth of the Philippine economy.

Meeting the current 10% ethanol blend in gasoline has been problematic using local ethanol
(USDA-FAS, 2015). Thus, imported ethanol (mostly from the US) is expected to satisfy at
least half of the domestic demand in the Philippines for the next several years while domestic
production capacity catches up (ITA, 2015).

Aside from sugarcane (molasses) and coconut, the country is exploring the production of biofuel
from agricultural residue (rice straw and corn stover), seaweeds (Phaeophyceae, Rhodophyceae
and Chlorophyceae), and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). Other options being explored include
bitaog (Calophyllum inophyllum), hanga or petroleum nut (Pittosporum resiniferum), and nipa
(Nypa fruticans).

Current and Available Technologies

Research for these plantation crops has produced the following technologies:

Disease and pest management
• Location-specific control measures for major diseases using botanical extracts,
organic-based formulations, fungicides, and cultural practices
• Low-cost pest management technologies

Varietal improvement
• Recommended varieties for specific locations
• Molecular markers techniques for identification of clones/genotypes
• Collection, characterization, and identification of clones in major growing areas
• Virus resistant cultivars using modern biotechnology

Crop management
• Nutrition management, Integrated Pest Management, Good Agricultural Practices
• Effective and efficient farming systems

Postharvest practices, processing, and marketing

• Fermentation and distillation protocols
• Harvesting and postharvest techniques to reduce losses
• Traceability for sustainability production system
• Drying system for export quality products
• Standardization of high value products
• Marketing strategies of new and emerging products
• Market research, value chain analysis, and feasibility studies
• Improvement of packaging materials
• Development of new products with high market potential

Industry and RDE Sector Goals

In general, the subsector aims for the “achievement of high productivity and profitability level set
by industry through varietal improvements and sustainable farming systems.”


The goal of the coffee industry is a cost-competitive, aligned with global quality standards, reliable
and environment-friendly industry that provides sustainable benefits to farmers, processors,
traders and exporters (DA-HVCDP, 2013a). Specifically, the industry aims to:
• Increase productivity and production;
• Improve farmer’s standard of living through diversified high value agriculture;
• Increase rural employment;
• Promote environment-friendly technologies;
• Lessen coffee bean and coffee products importation; and
• Improve incomes of farmers, processors and other stakeholders (Bacbac, 2015)

The main challenge in the cocoa industry in the short term is to evolve to intensive yet sustainable
production that will: i) increase exports and improve the balance of trade; ii) supply the domestic
processing industry especially the large companies to create a strong internal market; and iii)
reduce vulnerability to economic liberalization and globalization (Boquiren and Idrovo, 2013).

With the above competitiveness vision in mind, the overarching intervention framework is shaped
by the following broad and mutually reinforcing needs (Boquiren and& Idrovo, 2013):

• Development of inclusive value chains which would entail strengthening of capacities

and capabilities of farmers and smallholders in particular to move up the commercial
and market integration ladder and the establishment of enabling mechanisms that will
enable exporters and integrators to source from small scale farmers;
• Upgrading of infrastructure and establishment of systems to lower cost of transactions,
facilitate chain-wide compliance to quality and food safety standards, and ensure that
incentives are available for increased quality, yield and scale; and
• Promotion of rational and sustainable use of natural resources while ensuring
compatibility between social, economic, technical, and environmental objectives.

To address the above needs as platform for the achievement of industry’s competitiveness,
vision will require the following systemic changes (Boquiren and Idrovo, 2013):

• Increased access, availability, and use of good quality clean planting materials of t h e
high yielding varieties;
• Improved access to, availability, and use of fertilizer and other inputs appropriate f o r
cacao smallholders while reducing environmental costs;
• Enhanced flow and quality of extension services for cacao farming to facilitate adoption
of GAP and Sustainable Farming Practices;
• Improved access to GMP compliant postharvest facilities and extension services
necessary for the consistent production of high quality fermented beans;
• Judicious utilization of existing coconut and banana farms through cacao intercropping
to increase areas planted to cacao with priority given to contiguous areas to facilitate
establishment of cocoa hubs;
• Improved physical/infrastructure linkages to input, support, and product markets;
• Enhanced organizational capacity of farmer groups to become effective economic
• Improved flow and transparency of information at all nodes of the chain including
basic traceability system; and
• Improved access to facilities and resources to catalyze value addition and lay the
groundwork for commercial scale processing of cocoa by-products.


The Coconut Industry Road Map, published by the National Anti-Poverty Commission, focused
on addressing critical constraints through Nucleus Estates, a group of coconut farmers organized
for economic inclusion, as one form of poverty reduction in first 12 pilot coconut provinces.
Specifically, the road map was emphasized on the following concerns (NAPC, 2013):

• Agro-enterprise Development
• Transform subsistence farmers into significant participants of the market value chain.
• Social Protection
• Address the multidimensional risks and vulnerabilities (i.e. resulting from economic
and social shocks as well as natural and man-made disasters) faced by poor farming
households towards being able to manage risks, improve their well-being and get out
of poverty traps.
• Fast Tracking Agrarian Reform in Coconut Lands
• Distribute the CARPer balance on Land Acquisition and Distribution (LAD) in coconut
ands to address problem of tenure security for majority of coconut farmers.
• Institutional Reforms

To develop and initiate policy reforms aimed at strengthening state and market governance in
the industry and establish local mechanisms for the participation and empowerment of coconut


The goal of the rubber industry is to have a sustainable industry that is technologically advanced
and globally competitive. Specifically, the industry is aimed at (DA-CARAGA, 2016):

• Increasing rubber production by 10% per year;
• Integrating and strengthening existing markets, and expanding to new ones for natural
rubber, rubber wood and manufactured products;
• Meeting world market standards with respect to quality and consistency of processed
• Increasing the income of rubber growers and those in the peripheral industries by
5-10% per year within 6 years.


The sugarcane industry is envisioned as a strategically diversified, sustainably viable industry

that is beneficial to all its stakeholders. In order to realize this vision, the industry seeks to have
the following in place (SRA, 2015):

• An organized and synergistic partnership among all industry stakeholders working in
unison for the good of all;

• Well-managed sugar milling districts - led by MDDCs – that are conducive to efficient
production and processing of cane into sugar and other products;
• Efficient sugar mills and refineries with capacity utilization increasing by 2-3% a year;

• Productive and economically-viable cane growers producing a sustainable supply of

cane to meet present and future demand;
• National self-sufficiency in competitively-priced sugar;
• A robust bioethanol and power cogeneration sector utilizing molasses, cane juice,
bagasse and cane trash as feedstocks to produce the mandated requirements for
bioethanol and to supply at least 200 MW of renewable power to the grid;
• An active community of service providers to meet the needs of farmers, millers and
• A more efficient, skilled and fairly-compensated labor sector with access to meaningful
socio-economic support services and opportunities, and last but not least; and
• Favorable government and public support for the Philippine sugarcane industry.

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Competitiveness on May 28-29, 2015, Baguio Country Club, Baguio City.

Boquiren, Marian and Ivan Idrovo. 2014. Value Chain Analysis and Competitive Strategy: Cocoa
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Retrieved from http://gain.fas.usda.gov/Recent%20GAIN%20Publications/Biofuels%20
Annual_Manila_Philippines_9-4-2015.pdf. Accessed on 22 April 2016.

Yang, Fredrick. 2011. The Philippine Rubber Industry to be Top 5 in Asia. Presentation.
Mabuhay Integrated Farms. Retrieved from http://www.map-abcdf.com.ph/documents/
Philippine%20Rubber%20Industry%20to%20Be%20Top%205.pdf . Accessed on 22
April 2016.

Economic Importance

The importance of vegetables and other crops to the country’s economy and well-being is such
that government enacted the High-Value Crops Development Act of 1995 (RA 7900) to enhance
productivity and incomes of farmers and the rural population, improve investment climate,
competencies and efficiency of agribusiness and develop high-value crops as export crops that
will significantly augment the foreign exchange earnings of the country.

Under the High Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP) of the Department of Agriculture,
there are four main categories of vegetables – highland, lowland, spices and indigenous.
Under these categories, 20 vegetables are considered priorities: 1) ampalaya, 2) asparagus,
3) broccoli, 4) cabbage, 5) carrots, 6) cauliflower, 7) eggplant, 8) garlic, 9) ginger, 10) gourd,
11) habitchuelas, 12) lettuce, 13) okra, 14) onion, 15) Chinese pechay, 16) native pechay, 17)
squash, 18) stringbeans, 19) tomato, and 20) white potato (DA HVCDP, 2013).

These vegetables have been cultivated on an average of 147,497 hectares in the country from
2005 to 2014, producing about 1,570, 856 metric tons annually (Fig. 8 and Fig. 9) (PSA, 2016).
Figure 8 shows the first 10 vegetables with annual production volumes beyond 50,000 metric
tons, while Figure 9 shows the production volumes of the next ten vegetables with annual
production volumes at or below this same level.

Figure 8. Volume of production of top 10 priority vegetables, 2005-2014 (Source:

PSA, 2016)

Figure 9. Volume of production of next ten vegetables, 2005-2014 (Source: PSA,

In 2006, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) reported that the vegetable
industry in the Philippines contributes >30% to total agricultural production and is a major
component of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). That situation hasn’t changed in recent times
(Albert, 2013; Bersales, 2015).

Vegetables are highly perishable but their production exhibits the highest returns, requires the
most inputs, and is exposed to high production risk (Briones,2013). Studies however consistently
show that the ratio of benefits to costs for fruit and vegetable crops is two times higher than the
corresponding ratio for predominant cereals and pulses (IFAD, 2008).

The World Health Organization (WHO, 2003) recommends 400 grams per day or 146 kg per year
of vegetables and fruits to help prevent various diseases.  However, local per capita consumption
has been quite low at 22 kg of vegetables, 19 kg of roots and tubers and 10 kg of beans, nuts
and seeds or a total of 51 kg per year (Batt et al., 2007).

However, vegetable consumption may still increase based on projections made by Briones
(2013). Under the reference scenario where agricultural output grows to meet the requirements
of domestic and foreign markets (business as usual), per capita consumption of vegetables is
estimated to increase by 39% to 34 kg/year by 2020 (up from 25kg/year in 2009).

Of the first 10 vegetables, the highest producers are gourd, eggplant, tomato, and onion in
that order, while carrots have the lowest production in this group. In the next group of ten
vegetables, the highest producers are Chinese pechay, native pechay, ginger and okra with
broccoli producing the least.

Among the legumes and rootcrops grown in the country, the priorities for the former are mongo
(mung bean) and peanut/ground nut while the priorities for the latter are camote (sweet potato),
cassava, gabi (taro) and ubi (purple yam). Except for cassava which has posted slight gains from
2005, production for these crops has remained almost constant or has decreased slightly from
2005 to 2014 (Fig. 10) (PSA, 2016).

Figure 10. Production volume of priority legumes and root crops, 2005-2015
(Source: PSA, 2016)

Current and Available Technologies

For the past six years, research on vegetables, legumes, and rootcrops has produced the
following technologies and information:

• New and improved organic fertilizer system for selected vegetables and legumes
• Recommended nutrient management
• Innovations in fertilization techniques
• Organic planting media for rootcrops and vegetables.
• Plant-based pesticides production
• Multiplication and mass production of planting materials (e.g. in-vitro culture techniques
and vine cuttings for yams and leaf cutting for white scallion)
• Seed support system for peanut production


• Organic production systems/ technology of legumes and vegetable (and documentation

of these)
• Hydroponics Technology for tomato and sweet pepper
• Improved production protocol for arrowroot
• Tolerance of mungbean mutant to acid soil condition
• Disease and pest control for pigeon pea, spices, bulbs, vegetables, and rootcrops
• Tomato breeding lines resistant to tomato leaf curl
• New and improved varieties for vegetables, legumes, and rootcrops
• Package of technology for pigeon pea as alternative feedstuff
• Pigeonpea for erosion control
• Plants that are accumulators of heavy metals (lettuce and upland kangkong)

Post-harvest and processing

• Development of test protocols for pesticide residue

• Compendium of pigeon pea-based food and non-food products
• Package of technology for Nutraceuticals.
• Alternative process/treatment to maintain quality and extend the shelf–life of selected
vegetables during transit and storage
• Technical and financial viability of the horizontal conveyor for onion sorting
• Processing systems and technologies to produce vegetable and rootcrop based
• Supply chain benchmarking study for selected agricultural commodities using data
gathered from Thailand, Vietnam, India, Taiwan (ROC), and, Mexico
• Profitability of organic vegetables production

Other information

• Database of thermo-physical properties of selected Philippine foods and agricultural

• Benchmark information on the extent of chemical and biological contamination on
food crops
• Identification of contaminants (chemical and microbiological in origin) present in
organically and conventionally grown crops and their possible sources
• Information on the technical and socio-economic value of non-refrigerated systems
for onion
• Information on pests and diseases of spices, garlic, and vegetables
• Protocol on garlic DNA extraction

Industry and RDE Sector Goals

The DA’s HVCDP aims to 1) increase production, income and livelihood opportunities among small
producers through the production of high value crops, and to 2) provide access to affordable,
safe and healthy food. Through these goals, the program will ensure the following outcomes:

• Increased consumption of diverse vegetables, beans, and roots

• Enhanced quality and food safety
• fficient production resulting to sustainable livelihoods/ enterprises and stable supply
and prices for consumers

Albert, Jose Ramon G. 2013. Performance of the Philippine Economy 3rd Quarter 2013.
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB). Retrieved from http://www.nscb.gov.ph/
sna/2013/3rd2013/tables/JRGA%203Q%202013_FINAL.pdfAccessed on 27 April 2016.

Batt, Peter, Sylvia Concepcion, Ma. KlondyDagupen, Ma. Connie Lizada, and Roy Murray-
Prior. 2007. The Vegetable Industry in the Philippines. Final Report of a small research
and development activity (Project No. ASEM/2005/062). Australian Centre for International
Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Canberra, Australia. 63pp.

Bersales, Lisa Grace S. 2015. Performance of the Philippine Economy 1st Quarter 2015. National
Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB). Retrieved from http://www.nscb.gov.ph/sna/2015/
tables/Q1_2015_NAP_long%20version.pdf. Accessed on 27 April 2016.

Briones, Roehlano M. 2013. Philippine Agriculture 2020: Threats and Opportunities from Global
Trade. Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) Discussion Paper Series No.
2013-14. PIDS, Makati City, Philippines. 24pp.

DA HVCDP. 2013. Vegetables Commodity Profile. Retrieved from http://hvcc.da.gov.ph/

vegetables.htm. Accessed on 08 March 2016.

International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD). 2008. The role of high value crops in rural
poverty reduction in the Near East and North Africa. IFAD, Rome, Italy. 26pp.

Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). 2016. CountryStat – Other Crops. Retrieved from http://
countrystat.psa.gov.ph/?cont=10&pageid=1&ma=A50PNVOP. Accessed on 20 April

UNDP. 2006. A logistical evaluation of the vegetables sub-sector. Globalization and Corporate
Citizenship (Project ID00014496) From Seed to Shelf, a Logistic Evaluation of the Vegetables
Sub-Sector (Unpublished Report). United Nations Development Programme.

World Health Organization (WHO). 2003. Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases.
Report of a joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation. WHO Technical Report Series, No. 916.
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

Economic Importance

The Philippines is a major producer of tropical fruits (DTI, 2015) and derives considerable export
revenues from fresh fruit. Among the food exports, the single biggest source of earnings from
agriculture is edible fruits (Briones, 2013) in terms of volume and value (PSA, 2016), the major
export commodities being banana, pineapple, mango and papaya (Espino and Espino, 2013).

In 2014 (PSA), banana contributed 5% to the gross value added by agriculture, while mango
and pineapple contributed 2% each. Production trends of these four crops range in the million
metric tons (Fig. 11), while production of other fruits falls below 250,000 metric tons (Fig. 12).

Figure 11. Volume of production of banana, mango, pineapple and papaya,

2005-2014 (metric tons) (Source: PSA, 2016).

Figure 12. Volume of production of other fruits, 2005-2014 (metric tons)

(Note: Citrus represents the total of calamansi, mandarin and orange)
(Source: PSA, 2016)

Aside from these popular and often commonly available fruits, the Philippines has a rich collection
of fruits that few other tropical countries can surpass or even equal in number (Coronel, 2011).
More than 300 species have been reported and a good number of them are economically
important but are not yet fully utilized.

Some of the economically-important fruits that are locally-grown but are underutilized are:
bayabas (Psidium guajava), atis (Annona  squamosa), kaimito (Chrysophyllum cainito), chico
(Manilkara zapota), guyabano (Annona muricata), duhat (Syzygium cumini), rambutan (Nephelium
lappaceum), santol (Sandoricum koetjape), sinigwelas (Spondias purpurea), dalanghita
(Citrus sinensis), avocado (Persea americana), mabolo (Diospyros blancoi), tiesa (Pouteria
campechiana), balimbing (Averrhoa carambola), marang (Artocarpus doratissimus), aratilis
(Muntingia calabura), mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana), lanzones (Lansium domesticum), and
dragonfruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus), among others (Dela Cruz, 2012).

Dela Cruz (2012) further cited that those fruits that are less-known or never-heard-of: granada
(Punica granatum), lipote (Syzygium curranii), kalumpit (Terminalia microcarpa), sapinit (Rubus
rosifolius), yambo (Syzygium samarangense), paratungon (Salacca ramosiana), batuan (Garcinia
binucao), bignay (Antidesma bunius), yayasi (Ficus ulmifolia), and paho (Mangifera altissima)
among many more.

Processed fruits also contribute to export revenue. Food and beverage processing remains as
the Philippines’ dominant industry in food exports, accounting for 48% share or US$988.31
million of total food exports in 2009 (DTI, 2016). Prepared/preserved fruits account for 53%
of total exports; juices/concentrates and purees account for 24%; and dried fruits account for
18%. In fact, the country is a market leader in canned pineapple and pineapple juice.


Banana is the most-widely consumed fruit in the world and as the leading fruit grown in the
Philippines, it is a consistent top dollar earner. The major markets for fresh banana are Japan
(35%) and China (23%) (PSA, 2014).

Most of the bananas produced in the country come from the Davao Region, which represents
37.7% of the national total. The country produces many varieties of banana, but there are four
commercial varieties, namely Saba, Lacatan, Latundan, and Cavendish.

The market is divided between the multinationals and large local producers that produce for
export, and numerous small farms growing banana mainly for local market. In general, the
exporters produce Cavendish in large plantations in Mindanao.

Although banana production is highly profitable, several issues still confront the industry. As
with other crops, adverse climatic conditions and/or climate change increase risks of damage
and/or crop loss. Extreme climatic events also can increase the occurrence of banana pests
and diseases like bunchy top, Fusarium, Sigatoka. These pests and diseases cause preharvest
losses but are more damaging after harvest. Postharvest losses are generally high for this
perishable product, which lacks quality standards (fresh and processed).

In 2014, pineapple proved to be the most profitable among the non-staple major crops of the
Philippines with net profit-cost ratio of 3.02, followed by red onion at 1.00. Its production has
steadily increased from 2010 and has reached 2,507,100 metric tons in 2014 (PSA, 2015).
Most of the country’s pineapples are produced in Northern Mindanao, SOCCSKSARGEN,
Bicol Region, and CALABARZON. Major pineapple varieties produced in the Philippines are
Smooth Cayenne or Hawaiian, Queen or African Queen or Formosa, Native Philippine Red or
Red Spanish, and Cabezona (DA-HVCDP, 2013).

Pineapple has been among the country’s top export products, being the fourth most important
exported commodity in terms of value (USD 436,140,000) and third in terms of volume (698,680
metric tons) in 2014 mostly going to United States of America, Japan, South Korea, Singapore,
and China, and other countries, respectively (PSA, 2015). In fact, the country is the second
leading exporter of fresh and processed pineapple product in the world next to Thailand (Balito,
2010), although the Philippines prides itself to be the leading exporter of pineapple juice and
juice concentrates, specifically (DA-HVCDP, 2013). Dole, Del Monte Philippines, and a farmers’
cooperative in Basud, Camarines Norte were among the biggest exporters in the country (Balito,

According to the Department of Agriculture Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Service

(AMAS) study, prospects for the Philippine pineapple industry is bright with domestic demand
estimated over the next 10 years to be growing by an average of 4-7% every year (Balito, 2010).
However, the industry is threatened by insufficient supply of quality fruits, concerns on the
management of Phytophtora sp., and environmental impact of the conventional management in
pineapple (DA-HVCDP, 2013).


Mango is the third most important fruit crop based on export volume and value, serving as one
of the backbone industries of the country’s agriculture sector (DA AFMIS, 2009). As a result, the
Philippines is the sixth largest exporter of fresh mangoes after Mexico, India, Brazil, Netherlands,
and Peru.

The ‘Carabao’ variety is the most popular among the varieties, followed by ‘Piko’ and ‘Indian’
varieties. Almost three-fourths (73%) of the total area planted is owned by small farmers, whose
farms are less than 10 hectares. About 91% of production in consumed locally.

Aside from the adverse effects of climate change, the industry is constrained by the lack of
quality planting materials, due mainly to lack of accredited nurseries and trained propagators.
As with the other fruits, pests and diseases are a major concern, as is the poor implementation
of quality standards.


Papaya is grown in small farms (1-5 ha) with productivity period of 3-4 years (Espino and Espino,
2013). It is harvested all year round, but production has remained almost constant (PSA, 2016).
Most of the production is consumed fresh locally, but 3.0% finds its way into the export market,
specifically to Japan and Singapore. While papaya has a big export demand, only a few exporting
companies have access to these markets because of the stringent requirements and big capital
outlay (Rivera, 2005).

Most of the top papaya producing regions are in Mindanao. Very little has changed in the
industry since the study by Briones and Galang (2012). Then, only 2% of total production was
exported fresh and dried, 92% was consumed domestically, and 6% was used as feeds. Papaya
accounted for 0.6% of the total edible fruit exports of the Philippines, averaged from 2008 to

In the Philippines, there are currently seven commercial varieties of papaya sold for human
consumption (PNS/BAFS, 2015). These are Cavite Special, Morado, Solo, Sinta, Cariñosa, Red
Lady, and Red Royale. Papayas from these varieties are: sold fresh either in its whole or fresh-
cut form for direct consumption; or sold to food industries for further processing. The fresh-cut
form of papayas, however, are gaining popularity with consumers and can often be found in
supermarkets and in food carts.

Current and Available Technologies

• Vermicomposting technology
• production of disease-free planting materials

Production systems
• Package of Technology (POT) for Sapinit Production
• Adoption of ICM and GAP for hi
• gh value commodity products (banana, mango)
• Fruit-based Integrated farming systems (Banana + Rice + Corn, Pomelo + Vegetables
+ Native chicken)

Pest management
• Integrated Pest management
• Non-chemical based management strategies
• Automated Hot Water Treatment
• Light Trapping Technology
• Information on the Prevalence and Distribution of Lanzones scale insects
• Disease Indexing
• Test protocols on detection of pesticide residue from Mango

• Compendium of thermophysical properties of mango
• Ethanol vapor releasing system
• Postharvest Quality Maintenance of Pummelo Using Chitosan and 1-Methylcyclopropene

• Production of high value food and non-food products from the by-products of mango
and sapinit
• Food and non-food products form wastes and by-products (e.g. seeds, peel,
peduncle) of mango and banana

• Identification, characterization, evaluation of these underutilized and neglected
indigenous tropical fruit species
• Mango production and marketing practices in Major areas in Ilocos Region
• Identified areas where sapinit are naturally growing

Industry and RDE Sector Goals

The Department of Agriculture High Value Crops development Program (DA-HVCDP) was
created with a mission of increasing income, creating livelihood opportunity, and contributing to
national agricultural development of the Philippines through promotion of production, processing,
marketing, and distribution of high value crops, including fruits. The vision for the three major
fruit commodities of the country are:

The Philippines as a leading banana product exporter contributing towards food security and
improvement of the socio-status of all stakeholders.

To remain the top exporter of juice concentrates and pineapple juice in the South East Asian

A sustainable, productive and profitable mango industry that will benefit all stakeholders

Balito LP. 2011. The Philippine Pineapple Industry. ActaHortic. 902. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.

Briones RM. 2013. Market structure and distribution of benefits from agricultural exports: The
case of the Philippine mango industry. Discussion Paper Series no. 2013-16. Philippine
Institute for Development Studies. 22pp.

Briones RM and IMR Galang. 2012. Assessment of Prospective Impact of Fruits and Vegetables
Research at the Industry Level in the Philippines: the Case of the ACIAR-PCAARRD
Horticulture Project. Discussion Paper Series no. 2014-40. Philippine Institute for
Development Studies. 27pp.

Coronel RE. 2011. Important and Underutilized Edible Fruits of the Philippines. College, Laguna:
University of the Philippines Los Baños Foundation Inc. and Department of Agriculture -
Bureau of Agricultural Research, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. 283 p.

Dela Cruz, RT. 2012. BAR Digest October-December 2012 Issue (Vol. 14 No. 4)

Department of Agriculture - Agriculture and Fisheries Market Information System (DA AFMIS).
2009. Mango Profile. Retrieved from afmis.da.gov.ph/index.php/component/.../897-
mangoprofile2009-3.html.Accessed on 4 May 2016.

Department of Agriculture – High Value Crops Development Program (DA-HVCDP). Pineapple.

Retrieved from http://hvcc.da.gov.ph/pineapple.htm.

Department of Trade and Industry. 2015. Agri-business Industries and Opportunities. Retrieved
from http://investphilippines.gov.ph/industries/agri-business. Accessed on 25 April 2016.

Espino, RRC and MRC Espino. 2013. The Status of the Fruit Industry in the Philippines. Food
and Fertilizer Technology Center. Taipei, Taiwan. Retrieved from http://www.agnet.org/
library.php?func=view&id=20150810090507&type_id=4. Accessed on 25 April 2016.

Philippine National Standard/Bureau of Agriculture and Fishery Standards (PNS/BAFS). 2015.

Good Agricultural Practices for Papaya. PNS/BAFS 171:2015 ICS 67.080.20. Bureau of
Agriculture and Fishery Standards, Department of Agriculture. Diliman, Quezon City.

Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). 2014. Philippine Agriculture in Figures, 2014. Retrieved
from http://countrystat.psa.gov.ph/?cont=3. Accessed on 02 May 2016.

PSA. 2015. Selected Statistics on Agriculture 2015. Philippines Statistics Office: Diliman,
Quezon City.

PSA. 2016. CountryStat – Other Crops. Retrieved from http://countrystat.psa.gov.

ph/?cont=10&pageid=1&ma=A50PNVOP. Accessed on 20 April 2016.

Rivera, Rex A. 2005. A guide to papaya growing and marketing. Retrieved from http://cms.cnr.
edu.bt/cms/files/docs/File/Jeanette/PDF/papaya.pdf. Accessed on 25 May 2016.

Economic Importance

Livestock and poultry production has increased from 1,171,130 metric tons in 1980 to 4,138,850
metric tons in 2014, growing at an average of 4% with value growing at 7% for the same
duration (PSA, 2015a). Twenty percent of this growth occurred in the past 10 years (since 2005).
In 2012, livestock and poultry accounted for 30% (PhP 234B) of the total value of production in
agriculture at constant price, and almost 27% (PhP 381B) at current price (Jarmin, 2012). The
sector’s contribution increased in 2014 to 30.64%, with livestock and poultry contributing 5.6%
and 7.84%, respectively (BAI, 2014).

This consistent expansion has contributed to reducing the contraction in agriculture output in
the country. While agriculture in general, contracted in the fourth quarter of 2015 for instance,
livestock and poultry expanded by 3.72% and 4.17 %, respectively (PSA, 2015b). This trend
was consistent throughout 2015 with average increase in quarterly contribution at 3.85% for
livestock and 5.77% for poultry, while crops and fisheries contracted on the average by 2.24%
and 1.90%, respectively.

Figures 13 and 14 show the volume of production of livestock and poultry over ten years from
2005 to 2014. The growth in each of the subsectors can be attributed mostly to increase in
production of hogs and chickens. Based on percentage contribution, these commodities rank
second and third among the top ten commodities in agriculture in the country (Jarmin, 2012).

Figure 13. Volume of production of livestock by animal type and year, 2005-2014
(thousand metric tons) (Source: PSA, 2016).

Figure 14. Volume of production of poultry by animal type and year, 2005-2014
(thousand metric tons) (Source: PSA, 2016).

Despite the increases posted by the sector, there is still room for improvement especially in
surmounting key challenges (Gonzales et al., 2012) mainly around increasing competitiveness
and retaining/increasing the share of the sector in the domestic and international markets.

Outputs from the industry is mainly from backyard farms, which produce 64-65% of the total
number of heads for hogs and 40-45% of native chickens (PSA, 2015c, d). Backyard production
are typicaly characterized with high inefficiencies: technical and infrastructure, which needs to
be addressed. According to Sonaco (2015), there is a lack of facilities for the industry (abattoirs,
dressing plants, cold storage, etc.) as well as a dearth in investments to enhance the value chain
(e.g. transport facilities, logistics, etc.). Addressing these challenges would create significant
effects on improving farm efficiency and profitability.

Moreover, native animal production, also a traditionally backyard activity poses a number of
challenges and opportunities. Native animals are considered as important components of the
local agricultural production systems especially in the rural areas (FFTC, 2010). They fit the
limited capability and capacity of small-scale farmers in terms of cash capital, technical know-
how and access to technical services. Hence, their contribution to the economic well-being of
the producers are limited as well.

However, with the recognition of viable livelihood opportunities from native animals, there is
a need to conserve and explore their various uses. There is a need to recognize that native
animals remain popular against the commercial and widespread production of modern and
improved breeds. This may be due to the following: their high potential adaptability to the
environment, their unique meat flavor preferred by consumers; and the other functions they
perform, in support of the cultural, social and economic life of farming communities especially
of the indigenous groups throughout the country. Hence, their potential and opportunities to
help improve economic conditions of small-scale farmers is promising. The two major concerns
which needs to be addressed for the native animal production are: poor efficiency in the use of
locally available feed materials, and generally low production efficiency and productivity (FFTC,

Current and Available Technologies

R&D in the country is largely private sector led with 64-73% of investments coming from the
private sector from 2002-2011 (Aquino et al., 2014). This is true for the livestock and poultry
sector as well, with most of the commercial scale farms funding their own research.

The recent years’ public funding for research to benefit mostly the backyard growers has
produced the following technologies:

Feeds and feeding system

• Indigenous feed resources (e.g. sprouted pigeon pea meal, snail meat meal, worm
meat meal, trichantera leaf meal, sweet sorghum)
• Organic selenium, probiotics and prebiotics
• Resource-based feeding management system
• Feed supplements (e.g. malunggay and aloe vera leaf extract)

Breeds and breeding stock

• Dorper breeding management system
• PMD responses to abiotic stresses

Health and disease management

• Biodewormer
• Ethanolic extracts as larvicide
• Seroprevalence of CAEV in goats
• E. coli prevalence rates in native goats
• Hemosept Test Kit
• Ethnoveterinary practices manual

Postharvest practices, processing and marketing

• Dairy industry supply chain analysis in Region 2
• Native pig value chain analysis
• Skin and meat processing standards

Industry and RDE Sector Goals

To improve competitiveness, the industry aims to address inefficiencies through a two-pronged

strategy: 1) increasing integration, scale and technical efficiency; and 2) developing cheaper
feed, that can lead to improved farm efficiency and profitability. Toward this end, Gonzales et al.
(2012) stressed the need for appropriate R&D on the following:
• Quality genetic materials
• Indigenous feeds
• Cost-competitive animal housing
• Water recycling
• Meat quality and safety

In response, the Department of Agriculture National Livestock Program (DA-NLP) aims to help
ensure food security, alleviate poverty, enhance incomes and profitability and achieve global
competitiveness for the livestock and poultry sub-sector.
Specifically, the DA-NLP aims to:

1. Increase livestock production and improve productivity to help ensure availability,

accessibility and affordability of livestock products.
2. Invigorate the rural economy by promoting enterprise development and increase farmer’s
3. Ensure the compatibility of practices in the livestock and poultry enterprises with
environmental standards.
4. Work for the global competitiveness of the domestic poultry and livestock enterprises
and venture into the export markets.

With regard to the native animals industry, the Department seeks to formulate, promote, and
implement policies and programs for the development, conservation, production, and marketing
of native animals through the Philippine Native Animal Development (PNAD) Program (Cresencio,

Under the aegis of the DA-AO No. 15 series of 2010 – “Establishing a Program for Conservation
and Utilization of Domesticated Native Food Animals” on which PNAD is founded, the project
envisions to: “provide pride, health and wealth to Filipinos by conserving, producing and
marketing our native animals under a sustainable environment”.

Further, the PNAD program aims to accomplish the following objectives:

1. Develop programs, projects and activities (PPA) for conservation, production and
marketing of native animals.
2. Promote the domesticated native animals as regular food for the Filipinos.
3. Expand the contribution of the domesticated food animals in the GDP in general and to
agriculture in particular
4. Develop and promote enterprises from domesticated native food animals and as potential
export niche product of the Philippines.
5. Develop farming standards and good practices on domesticated native food animals.

Aquino, Albert P., Correa, Aleta Belissa D., Manalo, Jose Raymond A. and Faylon Patricio S. 2014.
Public Sector Investments in Science, Technology and Innovation for Inclusive Growth and
Competitive Economy in the Philippines: A Focus on Agriculture. FTTC Agricultural Policy
Articles. Retrieved from http://ap.fftc.agnet.org/ap_db.php?id=215&print=1 . Accessed on
15 January 2016.

Bureau of Animal Industry. 2014. 2014 Annual Report. Bureau of Animal Industry, Visayas Avenue,
Diliman, Quezon City. 68pp.

Cresencio, Rubina O. 2015. Philippine Native Animal Development (PNAD) as In Vivo Genetic
Animal Conservation. Presentation given on June 5, 2015. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/
pdf. Accessed on 25 May 2016.

Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC). 2010. Utilization of Native Animals for Building
Rural Enterprises in Warm Climate Zones. Retrieved From http://www.agnet.org/library.
php?func=view&id=20120103110958. Accessed on 09 April 2016.

Gonzales AA, DR Macabasco, FM Sevilla, MAG Dacul, and LA Gonzales. 2012. Benchmarking
the Livestock and Poultry Industries: A cross Country Analysis of the Philippines and Four
other Southeast Asian Countries. SIKAP/STRIVE Foundation: Los Baños, Laguna.

Jarmin, Manuel R. 2012. Livestock Industry Situationer. Presented at the Agri-Investment Forum:
Opportunities and Prospects in the Livestock and Poultry Sector.

Philippine Statistics Authority. 2015. Selected Statistics on Agriculture 2015. PSA-CVEA Building,
East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. Pp 21-24. ISSN 2012-0362

PSA. 2015b.CountrySTAT Philippines (Performance of Philippine Agriculture, various years).

Retrieved from http://www.countrystat.psa.gov.ph. Accessed 09 April 2016. ISSN 2012-

PSA. 2015c.Swine Industry Performance Report 2015. Retrieved from http://www.agstat.psa.

gov.ph/?ids=swinesituation. Accessed 22 April 2016.

PSA. 2015d.Chicken Industry Performance Report 2015. Retrieved from http://www.agstat.psa.

gov.ph/?ids=chickensituation . Accessed 22 April 2016.

PSA. 2016.CountrySTAT Philippines (Livestock and Poultry: Volume and value of Production)
Retrieved from http://www.countrystat.psa.gov.ph. Accessed 18 March 2016.

Sonaco, Ruth M. 2015. Agri-Pinoy National Livestock Program. Presentation accessed at http://
www.angrin.tlri.gov.tw/meeting/2015TaiPhi2/2015TaiPhi_1-1.pdf on 21 April 2016.

Economic Importance

Bees significantly increase crop yield and farm productivity through pollination. Nearly 85% of
the world’s flowering plants and 35% of crop production are supported by bees and other
pollinators. Enhancing the bee industry then will contribute to food security and biodiversity
On top of the importance of beekeeping in agriculture and environment, it can also provide
livelihood opportunities to various communities by producing honey, pollen and other valuable
hive products. In the country, 152.3 metric tons of honey was produced in 2015 by five domestic
species, namely Apis mellifera, Apis dorsata breviligula, Apis dorsata dorsata, Apis cerana and
Tetragonula spp. Of these, A. mellifera produces 70 mt while the two dorsata species together
produce 80 mt.
There is a very high potential for increasing the production of honey in the country mainly because
current production cannot meet local demand. In fact, the country imported 612 metric tons
in 2015 amounting to USD 1,576,512.00 (NSO, 2015), mostly from Australia, United States,
Austria, Argentina and U.K. (Fig. 15). Worldwide production from A. mellifera alone amounted
to 930,000 mt.

Figure 15. Philippine honey import values per country supplier.

The data for the industry showed good opportunities in both local and international markets.
The current deficit in local supplies provides long term potential on which to anchor the further
development of the bee industry roadmap. There is a need to further upgrade cost–efficiency
in various operations in the input supply and distribution (queens and nucleus colonies etc.),
production, post-harvest, processing and marketing.
The total annual honey production from the European bee (A. mellifera) has considerably
declined from 103 mt tons in 2013 to 70mt in 2014-2015. This is attributed to the decline
in bee population due to climate change that negatively affected the vegetation that provides
nectar and pollen sources for the bees. Other factors are the use of pesticides, especially those
applied in the coconut during the “cocolisap infestation”, pest and diseases such as predatory
birds, mites and diseases, especially the chalk brood. Most importantly, the incursion of the
small hive beetle (SHB), Aethina tumida in Mindanao in 2014 was a major setback to the bee
industry. Hundreds of colonies were wiped our due to SHB. The situation was compounded by
the absence of quality queens to restore the colonies.

However, the giant bees (Apis dorsata dorsata and Apis dorsata breviligula) produced 80 mt
following the Organic Production System promoted by UPLB and DA-BAR. The local species,
Apis cerana and stingless bees produced 300,000 and 2 mt, respectively.

Current and Available Technologies

Technologies for local bee species were developed in support to organic agriculture and natural
farming systems, as follows:

• Use of stingless bees for pollination

• Harvesting honey from giant honey bees in the Philippines
• How to harvest honey, pollen and propolis from stingless bees
• Propagation of stingless bees using coconut shells
• Available information:
o Production system for organic honey
o PNS standard for organic honey
o PNS standard for best management practices
o PNS standard for Philippine honey
o Bee disease management
o Bee product development
o Management of native bees

Industry and RDE Sector Goals

The beekeeping industry should be sustained to meet the local demand for bee products,
especially honey and enhance crop production through conservation management of bee
populations. The National Bee Industry Roadmap (Anon,2005) presents a vision of “A Philippine
bee industry capable of supplying quality bees and bee products to local and foreign markets.”

In the same roadmap, the goals and objectives in Table 5 are highlighted.

Table 5. Goals and specific objectives of Philippine beekeeping industry.
Goals Specific Objectives
To increase annual production of quality hon- 1. To train more beekeepers and beekeep-
ey and other bee products ing technicians

2. To develop management practices for

the improvement of bee pastures and
native bee stocks

3. To produce quality queens and stocks

4. Import new queens to improve genetic

pool of existing production and breeding
To develop cost effective support services for 1. To establish regional centers for basic
the bee industry and advance beekeeping training, bee
product processing and analysis, bee
disease diagnosis, breeding, financial
and consultancy assistance.

2. To enhance policies and advocacies

relevant to the bee industry.
To increase industry and government partic- 1. To conduct genetic diversity studies
ipation in the conduct of relevant researches
on pollination, bee product, development, 2. To develop technologies for utilizing
management and genetic diversity in support non-Apis species in pollination
to the industry 3. To conduct research on bee product de-

4. To provide package of technologies for

the management of native honey bees

In addition, the following concerns must be addressed:

• Incursion of the small hive beetles (SHB) in Mindanao. There is a need to issue a
moratorium on inter-island movement of bees.
• Quality control of bees and bee products
• Biosecurity (quarantine measures, financing, insurance)
o Unclear quarantine procedures for queen bee importation
o Selling of sub-standard starter colonies
o Proliferation of adulterated honey
• Research and Developmental needs on the following areas:
o Pollination initiatives
o Genetic diversity of local bee species (solitary bees and stingless bees)
o Bee pest and diseases
o Bee pasture development

• Advocacy and Legislation
o Legislation in support of biological research and intellectual property
o Development of educational materials to promote beekeeping and its role in the
o A review of existing laws and regulations governing plant and animal health
must be done in earnest to avoid overlap in jurisdiction. Strict implementation
of biosecurity protocol is imperative to protect and conserve bee genetic

For the development of the industry, the following targets must be met:
• Continuous supply of quality queen bees and bee stocks
• Increased production of quality bees and bee products
• Strict quarantine of imported queen bees and bee products
• Designation of bee inspectors per region
• Available channels for financing of industry and research needs
• Creation of bee insurance
• Development of human resource for research and development in beekeeping and for
entrepreneurial income generating endeavor

Anonymous. 2005. The Bee Industry Roadmap. Retrieved from http://marinduqueland.com/
products/downloads/BEEINDUSTRYROADMAP.pdf. Accessed on 25 May 2016.

Cervancia, C.R., A.C. Fajardo JR., A.C. Manila-Fajardo and R.M. Lucero. 2012. Management
of Philippine Bees: Stingless Bees and Honey Bees. With Bibliography of Philippine Bees.
University of the Philippines Los Banos. ISBN 978-971-547-272-2. 71pp.

Fajardo, Jr. A.C. and Cervancia C.R. 2012. Philippine Apiculture: Status and RD&E Agenda
-2012-2016 ( A Roadmap for Policy Makers and Stakeholders). pp. 99. UP Los Banos,
Laguna. ISBN 978-971-547-308-8.

Harvesting honey from giant honey bees in the Philippines. Retrieved from: http:teca.fao.org/

How to Harvest Honey, Pollen and Propolis from Stingless Bees. Retrieved from: http://teca.
fao.org/technology/how-harvest-honey-pollen-and propolis-stingless-beesPhilippine
Statistics Authority 2015. Selected Statistics on Agriculture 2015. PSA-CVEA Building.
East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City. Philippines. ISSN 2012-0362.

Propagation of Stingless Bees Using Coconut Shells. Retrieved from: http://teca.fao.org/

technology/propagation-stingless-bees-using –coconut-shells

Economic Importance

Philippine fisheries production, combined from capture and aquaculture, has steadily increased
since the 1950s. From 0.230 million tons in 1950, the production steadily increased to 5.160
million tons by 2010, an equivalent average growth of 22.4-fold (PSA, 2015). Since then, total
production has been gradually decreasing (2011-2014) attributed to the almost stagnant capture
fisheries and declining aquaculture production (Fig.16).

Figure 16. Fisheries and aquaculture production, by subsector, 2005-2014

(Source: PSA, 2015).

The contribution of aquaculture to the country’s production has increased dramatically from just
10.7% (25,649 metric tons) in 1950 to 49.85% (2,337.6 metric tons) in 2014, including aquatic
plants. Despite advances in aquaculture, there was 1% decline in the fisheries sector production
for the period 2013 to 2014 compared to 1.2% growth in the agriculture and forestry sector for
the same period (PSA, 2015).

Nevertheless, the fisheries sector contributed almost 242 million pesos in 2014 to the country’s
economy (BFAR, 2014). In terms of Gross Value Added contribution, the fisheries sector
contributed 18.3% in 2014, with a high of 24.4% in 2009 (since 1988) and an average of 20%
at constant prices (BFAR, 2014).

Globally, the percentage contribution of Philippine fisheries to world production ranged from
1.2% in 1950 to 2.46% in 2013 (BFAR, 2015). The country’s world ranking also improved with its
percentage contribution, from 17th place in 1950 to 1965, moving to 5th place in 2010. In 2013,
the country ranked 7th in the world.

Fishery exports far exceeded imports with a balance of trade of 1,274 million US$ in 2014.
Major exports in terms of value are tuna, seaweeds, crabs and shrimps equivalent to 34.78%,
20.74%, 10.44%, and 9.43%, respectively as of 2014 (BFAR, 2014).
About a million people are employed in the fisheries and fish farming sector. Available census
data shows that in the 1990’s, 990,872 were under this sector which is estimated at 5% of the
country’s population. Fishers in the municipal fisheries sector consisted 68% (675,677) while
those involved in aquaculture and commercial fisheries sectors comprised 258,480 (26%) and
56,715 (6%), respectively (BFAR, 1995). In the 2002 census, the number of people involved
in fisheries increased to more than 1.6 million. There was a marked increase in the number
employed in the municipal fisheries sector at close to 1.3 million people (85%), while aquaculture
was slightly down to 226,195 (14%) and the commercial sector further reduced to just 16,497
(1%) (BFAR, 2014).

In addition to providing employment, the sector also provides a cheap source of protein to the
growing Philippine population. In fact, the country’s population grew from 30.9 million in 1965 to
92.3 million in 2010 (NSCB, 2015). This increase in population is accompanied by increase in fish
consumption. In 1965, fish consumption of Filipinos was at 23.09 kg/capita/yr. This increased
to 39.8 kg/capita/year by 2013. This translates to a total fish consumption of 3.1 tons in 2013
(BFAR, 2015). Fortunately, the continued increase in the country’s population was accompanied
by an increase in total fish production with aquaculture’s contribution increasing significantly in
the last decade. If the country’s population grows as expected, with a population projection of
110.97 million in 2020, fish consumption would reach 3.5 tons using the average consumption
for the last four decades which is close to 32 kg/capita/yr.

Current and Available Technologies

Research and development for the fisheries and aquaculture sector has been improving for the
past years. Technologies were developed and created to improve aquaculture techniques and
protocols. These technologies include cost-effective feeds, culture techniques, and equipment
upgrading. There are also post-harvest technologies that focus on by-product utilization and
value addition. Resource assessments, physiological evaluation, and traceability studies are the
main knowledge products being generated when it comes to capture fisheries.


Input (feeds)
• Identified and developed alternative feeds and feed ingredients for commercially
important species

• Improved different production systems in ponds, pens and cages (monoculture and
• Developed culture techniques for seaweeds
• Improved and developed hatchery and grow-out techniques for blue swimming crabs,
oyster, abalone and sea cucumber
• Information on the adaptability of saline and cold-tolerant tilapia
• Enhanced tagging protocols/ techniques for small pelagic fishes

Postharvest and processing
• Developed value-adding technologies for sardines
• Enhanced product development techniques for seaweed and shrimp
• Identified appropriate packaging materials for sea cucumber products
• Developed techniques and protocols for detection of pathogens and toxins
• Information on heavy metal contaminations of some commercially important fishery
• Developed extraction techniques for chitosan production
• Product promotion and commercialization of Window Pane Oyster
• Developed protocols/techniques in ensuring food safety of some commercially
important fishery commodities

Capture Fisheries
• Data on resource assessment and profiling
• Fishing gear and fish catch assessment data
• Documentations on reproductive biology of high value species
• Toxicological studies on aquatic species and locations
• Information on heavy metal contaminations of some commercially important fishery

Industry and RDE Sector Goals

To attain the vision of a sustainable and competitive fisheries industry, the Medium-Term (2016-
2020) Comprehensive National Fisheries Industry Development Plan (CNFIDP) identified the
following objectives:
• sufficient contribution to national food security,
• inclusive growth within the industry,
• sustainable, science-based fisheries and aquatic resources management practices,
• compliance to international laws, policies, and standards, and enforcement of local
laws and regulations,
• strengthened capacities in infrastructure, technologies, human resource, and
information sharing, and
• resilience to environmental hazards

To achieve these goals, targets were developed through the combination of science-based
information as presented by resource persons from the academe and research institutions, and
actual observed situational information from industry front liners (CNFIDP-BFAR, 2016).

In support of these objectives, the Fisheries and Aquaculture RDE sector will be able significantly
contribute to the sectoral development targets (as indicated in the CNFIDP) by continuously
engaging in demand-driven and outcomes-based RDE initiatives in the areas of:

• technology development, innovation, and commercialization,
• capacity building of human resources and strengthening of institutions,
• knowledge-products and information systems development, and
• documentation and assessments of fisheries and aquatic resources, technologies,
programs and policies

The RDEAP for fisheries and aquaculture is also consistent and supportive of national priorities
and programs and considers cross-cutting concerns such as (1) climate change, (2) gender and
development, (3) biotechnology, (4) organic aquaculture, (5) inclusivity, (6) infrastructure, and (7)

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Comprehensive National Fisheries Industry
Development Plan Medium-Term Update 2016-2020. Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines.
pp 16-20.

Bureau of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences. Retrieved from: http://www.bfar.da.gov.ph.Accessed

17 March 2016.

National Statistics Coordination Board. Retrieved from: http://www.nap.psa.gov.ph.Accessed

17 March 2016.

Philippine Statistics Authority. Retrieved from: http://www.psa.gov.ph. Accessed 17 March


Philippine Statistics Authority. Selected Statistics on Agriculture 2015.PSA-CVEA Building, East

Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. pp 25-30.


DA-Regional Field Offices (Research Divisions/Centers)

Regional Field Office CAR
Regional Field Office I
Regional Field Office II
Regional Field Office III
Regional Field Office IVA
Regional Field Office IVB
Regional Field Office V
Regional Field Office VI
Regional Field Office VII
Regional Field Office VIII
Regional Field Office IX
Regional Field Office X
Regional Field Office XI
Regional Field Office XII
Regional Field Office CARAGA
Regional Field Office ARMM
Negros Island Region

BFAR-Regional Offices (Regional Fisheries Research and
Development Centers)

Regional Office CAR

Regional Office I
Regional Office II
Regional Office III
Regional Office IVA
Regional Office IVB
Regional Office V
Regional Office VI
Regional Office VII
Regional Office VIII
Regional Office IX
Regional Office X
Regional Office XI
Regional Office XII
Regional Office CARAGA
Regional Office ARMM

State Universities and Colleges (SUCs)
Aurora State College of Technology (ASCoT)
Benguet State University (BSU)
Bicol University (BU)
Camarines Norte State College (CNSC)
Cavite State University (CvSU)
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (CBSUA)
Central Luzon State University (CLSU)
Central Mindanao University (CMU)
Isabela State University (ISU)
Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU)
Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology (MinSCAT)
Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU)
Pampanga State Agricultural University (PSAU)
Partido State University (PSU)
Southern Luzon State University (SLSU)
Tarlac College of Agriculture (TCA)
University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD)
University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)
University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV)
University of Southern Mindanao (USM)
Visayas State University (VSU)
Western Philippines University (WPU)

DA-Bureaus, Agencies, Corporations and other Offices
Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Services (AMAS)
Agricultural Training Institute (ATI)
Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (BAFS)
Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI)
Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)
Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI)
Bureau of Soils and Water Management (BSWM)
National Corn Program
National Dairy Authority (NDA)
National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI)
National Food Authority–Food Development Center (NFA-FDC)
National High Value Crops Development Program
National Livestock Program
National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS)
National Tobacco Administration (NTA)
National Organic Agriculture Program
National Rice Program
Philippine Carabao Center (PCC)
Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech)
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA)
Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF)
Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority (PhilFIDA)
Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice)
Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI)
Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA)
Systems-Wide Climate Change Office (SWCCO)
Biotechnology Program Implementation Unit (Biotech-PIU)
Crop, Fisheries and Livestock Biotech Centers

Climate Change Commission (CCC)
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Research and
Development (PCAARRD)

NGOs/CSOs/Private Sectors & Other Partners

Agricultural Sector Alliance of the Philippines (AGAP)

Centro Saka Inc.
Inang Lupa Movement
National Mango Action Team (NMAT)
Organization for Partnership, Teamwork & Initiatives on Opportunities for Nature Stewards,
Inc. (OPTIONS Inc.)
Philippine Maize Federation (PhilMaize)
Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM)
Philippine Veterinary Drug Association (PVDA)
Rice Watch and Action Network
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC)
Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
Tambuyog Development Center (TDC)
The WorldFish Center
TRACSYS Incorporated
UPLB Foundation Inc. (UPLBFI)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Agriculture

Visayas Ave.cor.Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City

TRUNKLINES: (632) 928-8624, 928-8505, 920-9791, 928-4907
FAX: (632) 927-5691
W ebsite: www.bar.gov.ph

This RDEAP 2016-2022 was prepared in collaboration with the

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
and WorldFish.

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