(Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill) As Affected by Padina SP

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March 2016
Republic of the Philippines
Dahican, 8200 Mati, Davao Oriental



DAJAO, declare that this research is our own original work. Most

stipulations presented herein are ours alone. Borrowed ideas are given

due recognition and are properly acknowledged. With the best of our

ability, this investigation was treated with utmost care to adhere to

internationally known standards/policies on academic integrity.

We attest further that this piece of academic requirement has not

been submitted previously for an academic credit in this or in any other





Undergraduate School, Davao Oriental State College of Science and

Technology, Dahican, 8200 Mati, Davao Oriental, Philippines, March




Adviser: RalynGalido

This experiment is to be conducted to distinguish the potentialsof

Padina sp. as a foliar liquid fertilizer. It was conducted at Banaybanay,

Davao Oriental.

The researchers used Complete Randomized Design. There would

be three (3) major plots and each plot is divided into four (4) subplots.

There are four (4) treatments prepared which will be divided by four (4)

plants randomly having three (3) replications namely 1, 2, 3. Considering

the treatments were used as agents to improve the growth rate and yield

production of tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum Mill).




A Thesis

Presented to

The Faculty of the Undergraduate School

DavaoOrientalStateCollege of Science and Technology

Dahican, 8200 Mati, Davao Oriental, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering



MARCH 2016

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, Master of

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, this thesis entitled, entitled

“Growth Rate and Yield Production of Tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum Mill) as

Affected by Padina sp. Liquid Organic Fertilizer”has been prepared and

submitted by Dara Joy Morales,Jeffrey Jay Jayson and NicoDajao, is

hereby recommended for approval and acceptance.


Approved by the Thesis Advisory Committee:


Member Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of

Master of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


This research paper was made possible through the help and

support of everyone, including my parents, teachers, family, friends, and

in essence, all sentient beings. Especially, please allow me to

acknowledge the valuable and significant support of the following to this

noble undertaking.

First and foremost, we would like to express our sincerest thanks

to our research adviser, Ms. Ralyn Galido for her continuous support of

our research, for her patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense

knowledge. She kindly reviewed our paper from time to time and

provided inputs through detailed advices on grammar, organization, and

the theme of the paper. Her guidance helped us in all the time of this

research and in coming up with the write-ups of this study. We could not

imagine having a better adviser and mentor for our study.

Besides of our adviser, we would like to thank the rest of our

thesis committee: Ms. JovitoCrodua, Mr. JophilPusta, and Mrs. Justin

Sandayanfor their encouragement, insightful comments, and hard

questions that mold us more to enhance our study.

Indeed, we also want to thank our fellow co-researchers in

Davao OrientalState College of Science and Technology;JellanMontesco,

Sarah Pusad, CheskaNonong, and Jayson Dy, for the stimulating

discussions, for the sleepless nights we were working together before

deadlines, and for all the fun we have had in the last weeks.

Of course, we would like also to convey our heartfelt thanks to

our ever supportive and loving parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Morales, Mr.

and Mrs. Daniel Jayson, Mr. and Mrs. James Dajao for always being

there for us, guiding and accompanying us in our study in spite of their

hectic schedules, providing advices and financial support. The product of

this research paper would not be possible without all of them.

Above all, all the efforts, time and resources incurred in coming up

with the ultimate objectives of this study, we would like to express our

thanksgiving to our Almighty Father for bestowing knowledge, wisdom

and strength and made this study possible and completed.

Chapter I


Background of the Study

Fertilizers have important components that help develop the plant

growth (Ma. Publico, 2003). Commercial fertilizers give excellent

nutrients that make the plant healthy. However, these commercialized

fertilizers are so expensive and give bad effects on the soil and even to

the plants’ yield.

An organic fertilizer is one of the most commonly used fertilizers

around the world. It has an important part in agriculture. Organic

fertilizers are not only a source of plant nutrients but also improve the

soil properties (Koh, 1995). One of the most popular sources of fertilizer

is seaweeds. It is said that it contains organic compounds that can boost

the growth of the plant.

Seaweeds are one of the most diverse resources all over the world.

They are well-known because of their abundance on the beaches and reef

portion of the sea. Seaweeds were given an attention for they have their

chemical assays to be used in many industries. Aside from being a

favorite food of some marine animals, seaweeds are also rich in nitrogen
(N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These nutrients are required for

the increase of the growth of some plants. Since they are a good source of

N, P, K, hence, they could be made as a fertilizer.

Tomato is the ideal fruit vegetable for all the market vendors to

sell. This berry-type fruit is not difficult to plant. It takes only thirty-five

(35) to sixty (60) days to become mature. It takes thirty-five (35) to forty-

five (45) days to bear green fruit and forty-five (45) days to sixty (60) to

ripe to be harvested. However, this kind of plant needs a fertilizer to

sustain the plant’s nutrients.

In 1996, Dogura stated at least eight (8) seaweeds, which can be a

good source of fertilizer and five of these are from Padinafamily.

Moreover, all of the species are having their chemical contents that were

proven to increase the growth of some plants.

Furthermore, tomatoes are given importance since this fruit has

substantial quantities of vitamin A and C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin,

fiber, protein, sodium, potassium and iron. These also contain lycopene

which is known to be an antioxidant. With this, more researches were

conducted to improve the production of tomato.

As a result, the researchers conducted this study to provide

information that different source of fertilizers can be taken from brown

seaweeds just like Padina sp. wherein this kind of aquatic plant is very
abundant in the coastal areas of Davao Oriental. Padina species is

selected to be the alternative source because it had been analyzed that it

contains fertilizer component like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

This study aims to provide information that different source of

fertilizers can be taken from brown seaweeds just like Padina species,

wherein this kind of aquatic plant is very abundant in our coastal areas.

Padina sp. was selected to be an alternative source because it had been

analyzed that it contains fertilizer components like nitrogen (N),

phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).

Statement of the Problem

 What are the effects of Padina sp. foliar liquid fertilizer on

the growth rate and yield production of tomato


Objective of the Study

 To determine the potentials of Padina sp. as a foliar liquid



Alternative hypothesis
Hi: Padina sp. foliar liquid fertilizer can increase the growth rate

and yield production of tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum).

Null Hypothesis

Ho: Padina sp. foliar liquid fertilizer cannot increase the growth rate

and yield production of tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum).

Significance of the Study

Most people in the country lives in farming. The farm is their

source of income in order to sustain their needs. Since tomato is costly

in market selling, it gives an additional profit to the farmers who choose

to plant tomato. With this, the researchers aim to help the farmers know

about the potentials of Padina sp. as their alternative source of fertilizer

for tomato. This study would help the community especially the growers

of tomato to have an additional knowledge regarding fertilizer applied to

the plant and it supports the farmers to have more income.

Scope and Limitation

This study focuses on the application of Padina sp. foliar liquid

fertilizer in different concentrations on the tomato plant. Seeds of tomato

were allowed to germinate and were used as test vegetable. The study

was limited on the effect of the said fertilizer on the various part of the
plant such as plants’ height, leaf length, number of leaflets, number of

yield, and yields’ weight.

Definition of Terms

Aquatic plant- it is the kind of plants that grows into the water.

Padina species- it a brown seaweeds that will be used as the foliar liquid


Foliar Liquid Fertilizer- it is kind of fertilizer which is liquefied. Padina

sp. could be made as Foliar Liquid Fertilizer.

NPK- these are the nutrients that could be taken from Padina sp.
Chapter II


Factor that Affect Farm Productivity

Numerous factors can cause agricultural productivity to increase

or decrease. It is important to note that productivity is not an absolute

measure, but rather a reflection of the ratio between inputs and outputs.

So a field that produces twice as much corn as it did in a previous year is

not necessarily twice as productive; if the farmer spent twice as much on

that field, the net change in productivity would be zero.

Some factors, like weather, are out of the control of the farmer.

Unusual weather patterns, such as drought, a prolonged rainy season,

early or late frosts, and other factors, can ruin crops and

bring productivity down. The capacity of a given farm is also an

important factor. Soil cannot be forced to produce beyond capacity,

although there are methods that can be used to improve production

capacity, such as fertilizing to add nutrients to the soil so that it can

support more crops.

Available equipment is another factor. In regions where access to

mechanized farm equipment is low, agricultural productivity can also be

low as people handle their crops primarily by hand. This involves a big

investment of time, energy, and money, and also limits the total capacity

of the land. Likewise, people with access to specialized seeds such as

crop hybrids specifically developed to produce more can improve

their productivity.

Innovation is a key factor for agricultural productivity. Farmers

who can develop creative ways to farm smarter, as it were, will

experience productivity increases. For this reason, many agricultural

companies and nations invest in developing new farming techniques and

in researching new approaches to farming. Studying ancient approaches

to learn from prior generations can also play a role in agricultural

innovation; sometimes the best method is already in use.

The supply and demand in the market may also play a role,

because farmers will adjust their activities to meet the needs of

consumers and this can have an impact on agricultural productivity. In

some cases, governments even pay subsidies to farmers to compensate

them for not growing crops, which can skew productivity measures.

Organic Fertilizer
A fertilizer is an addition to the soil. It’s something that adds

nutrients to the soil through organic means. Plants need nutrients to

grow, and fertilizers are generally made up of the three key soil nutrients:

nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Nitrogen leads to the

lush growth of plants. Phosphorus helps cells transfer energy as they

grow, and this makes plants grow more quickly. Plants need potassium

to make carbohydrates and protein. These three nutrients are essential

to the growth of your plants.

The Benefits of Organic Fertilizers

In nature, some things move quickly but many more move slowly

and steadily. This is true for natural and organic fertilizers. Natural soil-

building processes take a long time. They’re not an overnight process.

Leaves decompose. Slugs and snails eat the leaves, fungi grow in them,

and microorganisms break them down into their component parts.

Organic fertilizers may be a little faster than this, but they’re

certainly not an overnight solution. They’re slow release, and this is a

good thing. A fast release of nutrients from synthetic fertilizers can

actually damage plants, because these chemicals move water away from

plant tissues. This leads to brown, unhealthy plants.

Organic fertilizers slowly release nutrients, maintaining a steady

flow of nutrients into the soil and surrounding plants. They do not

disturb the water balance of the soil and simply enhance the soil as soil

life releases their nutrients. (http://www.gardeningchannel.com/using-


Seaweed as a Natural Fertilizer

For thousands of years, coastal gardeners have used seaweed as a

natural fertilizer. In Scotland, farmers harvest seaweed, mix it with sand

and allow it to compost before adding it to the soil. In the Philippines, it

is harvested wet and dried to transport and sell to farmers throughout

the country.

Seaweed as a fertilizer has a lot going for it. It’s an abundant

resource that washes up on beaches throughout the world. It’s also a

good source of plant nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus,

potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Seaweed has a rough, fibrous texture, making it an effective

soil conditioner. It improves soil drainage and aeration when added to

compost or tilled directly into the soil. It has a neutral to slightly alkaline

pH that helps neutralize acidic soil - a good thing for seaside gardens,

which are often acidic.

Characteristics of Padina Species

Classification of Padina species

Kingdom: Protista

Phylum: Heterokontophyta

Class: Phaeophyceae

Order: Dictyotales

Family: Dictyotaceae


Species: PadinaboryanaThivy

Padina is an unusual example of brown alga in that it is calcified.

Calcification in seaweeds is more common in green and red algae (Kraft

et. al., 2004).

Padinaboryanathalli are erect, flattened, fan-shaped and

parenchymatous. They attach by a rhizoidal holdfast. In submerged

plants, the “fan” is often curved into a funnel shape and is composed of

tufts of many overlapping lobes. Concentric lines, formed by hairs or hair

scars, mark the frond. Reproductive of sori of spongaria or oogonia

appear as aggregations of minute dark spots also in concentric rows on

the lower surface. Antheridia are colorless and low relief. The upper

surface is always encrusted with calcareous substance. In P. boryana,

plants are a greenish brown color. The blades are two cells thick

throughout the thallus. The reproductive structures, spongaria, oongonia

and atheridia, appear in alternative bands between the lines of hair

(Maneerat, 1974; Geraldino, 2004). In the absence of reproductive

structures it is not possible to determine the species of Padinaspecimen.

Botanical Description and Morphology of Tomato

Tomato plants are vines, initially decumbent, typically growing six

feet or more above the ground if supported, although erect bush varieties

have been bred, generally three feet tall or shorter. Indeterminate types

are "tender" perennials, dying annually in temperate climates (they are

originally native to tropical highlands), although they can live up to three

years in a greenhouse in some cases. Determinate types are annual in all


Tomato plants are dicots, and grow as a series of branching stems,

with a terminal bud at the tip that does the actual growing. When that

tip eventually stops growing, whether because of pruning or flowering,

lateral buds take over and grow into other, fully functional, vines.

Tomato vines are typically pubescent, meaning covered with fine

short hairs. These hairs facilitate the vining process, turning into roots
wherever the plant is in contact with the ground and moisture, especially

if the vine's connection to its original root has been damaged or severed.

Most tomato plants have compound leaves, and are called regular

leaf (RL) plants, but some cultivars have simple leaves known as potato

leaf (PL) style because of their resemblance to that close cousin. Of RL

plants, there are variations, such as rugose leaves, which are deeply

grooved, and variegated, angora leaves, which have additional colors

where a genetic mutation causes chlorophyll to be excluded from some

portions of the leaves.

The leaves are 10–25 centimeters (4–10 in) long, odd pinnate, with

five to 9 leaflets on petioles, each leaflet up to 8 centimeters (3 in) long,

with a serrated margin; both the stem and leaves are densely glandular-


Their flowers, appearing on the apical meristem, have the anthers

fused along the edges, forming a column surrounding the pistil's style.

Flowers in domestic cultivars tend to be self-fertilizing. The flowers are 1–

2 centimeters (0.4–0.8 in) across, yellow, with five pointed lobes on

the corolla; they are borne in a cyme of three to 12 together.

Tomato fruit is classified as a berry. As a true fruit, it develops

from the ovary of the plant after fertilization, its flesh comprising the

pericarp walls. The fruit contains hollow spaces full of seeds and
moisture, called locular cavities. These vary, among cultivated species,

according to type. Some smaller varieties have two cavities, globe-shaped

varieties typically have three to five, beefsteak tomatoes have a great

number of smaller cavities, while paste tomatoes have very few, very

small cavities.

For propagation, the seeds need to come from a mature fruit, and

be dried or fermented before germination.

Nutrition Facts about Tomato

Tomatoes are now eaten freely throughout the world, and their

consumption is believed to benefit the heart, among other organs. They

contain the carotene lycopene, one of the most powerful

natural antioxidants. In some studies, lycopene, especially in cooked

tomatoes, has been found to help prevent prostate cancer, but other

research contradicts this claim. Lycopene has also been shown to

improve the skin's ability to protect against harmful UV rays. A study

done by researchers at Manchester and Newcastle universities revealed

that tomato can protect against sunburn and help keeping the skin

looking youthful. Natural genetic variation in tomatoes and their wild

relatives has given a genetic plethora of genes that produce lycopene,

carotene, anthocyanin, and other antioxidants. Tomato varieties are

available with double the normal vitamin C (Doublerich,1994), 40 times

normal vitamin (97L97), high levels of anthocyanin (resulting in blue

tomatoes), and two to four times the normal amount of lycopene

(numerous available cultivars with the high crimson gene.

Chapter III


Locale of the Study

Banaybanay is the Rice Granary of Davao Oriental. This

municipality is very abundant with rice, vegetables, and other crops. The

soil in Banaybanay is said to be more fertile unlike of the other fields. It

is also excellent in nutrients which supply plants’ growth. With this, the

researchers decided to conduct this study at the municipality of

Banaybanay, Davao Oriental. This study will start from February 2016-

March 2016.

Experimental Design

The seeds will be obtained from the office of the Department of

Agriculture (DA) Banaybanay, Davao Oriental. The plant must have the

same variety in order to attain a reliable result. The seeds will germinate

in a separate plot measures 3x1.5 feet (ft.).

The tomato plant will be transplanted to their designated plots

after it reached 5 inches (in.). There would be three (3) major plots and
each plot is divided into four (4) subplots. There are four (4) treatments

prepared which will be divided by four (4) plants randomly. This study

will have three (3) replications.

In addition, the concentrations will be applied to the plants after

two (2) weeks it was transplanted. After seven (7) days the result will be

gathered by the researchers. The effectiveness of each treatment will be

determined through the parts of the plants namely plants’ height, leaf

size, number of yields, yields’ weight.


 Padina sp. (30-50 kg.)

 Spraying Bottles (4 pcs.)

 Blender

 Weighing Scale

 Ruler

 Tomato seeds

 Loam soil

 Water

 Cloth


Planting Site Description

The study will be done in a sun-exposed area, in order for the

tomato to develop faster and to have an equal sunlight for each of the

plant. In addition, it is necessary to have a good source of water near

the planting area for this is essential for this kind of plant.

Preparation and Extraction of Padina sp.

Padina sp. will be gathered in any intertidal zones in the country or

specifically in the reef portion of Banaybanay or in Guang-Guang,

Dahican, Mati, City. It will be done during low tides at daytime. The

researchers must obtain thirty to fifty kilogram (30-50 kg.) of Padina

sp., after gathering the algae, it must be washed with tap water to

drain excess salts and other particles present.

Padina sp. will be washed three to five times or until the water will

become clear and transparent. Initial weighing will be conducted after

an hour it was harvested. The said material will be soaked in the tap

water overnight in order to retain its freshness during the extraction.

Before the extraction of Padina sp., it must be weighed again to

obtain the amount of material to be extracted. To get the extracts, a

blender will be used. The following concentrations will be prepared:

T1=10 kg/10 liters of water, where the amount of material (kg) per

liters of solvent. T2=20 kg/10 liters of water, in T 2 the amount of

material is doubled and the solvent is constant. T 3=30 kg/10 liters of

water, in T3=40 kg/10 liters of water, in T 3 the amount of material is

tripled and the solvent is still constant. T 4=40 kg/10 liters of water, in

this concentration the material was quadrupled and the solvent is still


Field Preparation

Before planting, the soil will be plowed thoroughly to get the

existing roots. The researchers will make four major plots and each

plot will be divided into four subplots. The appropriate soil for

tomatoes will be put to the prepared plots. After the plant reached five

inches the tomato will be transplanted to their designated area. The

distances from one plant to another will be 1 ft. in rows and 1 ft. in


Application of Padina sp. Foliar Liquid Fertilizer

After the extraction of Padina sp. the extract will be put in their

respective spraying bottles. The bottles will be labeled as the

following: T1 (10 % concentration), T2 (20 % concentration), T3 (30 %

concentration) and T4 (40 % concentration). In this study, there will be

different time of application. The first application of the said fertilizer

will be on the seventh (7th) day after the plant was transplanted. It will

be followed by the second application after three (3) days from the

first application. And the third application will be after three (3) days
from the second application. The application of the fertilizer has three

(3) days of variation. After five (5) days from the last application of

Padina sp. foliar liquid fertilizer, the results will be observed and

recorded by the researchers.

Data Analysis

This study will be using an ANOVA or Analysis of Variance.In this

study, the researchers will test if Padina sp. foliar liquid fertilizer can

increase the growth rate and yield production of tomato. The

researcher will gather data by testing the various parts of the plant

namely its height, leaf size, number of yield and the yields’ weight.

The proponents will record the results ever seven (7) days or one (1)

week. The yield will be tested during the harvest. The researchers will

count the number of yield and weigh the yields to find its weight.

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