(Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill) As Affected by Padina SP
(Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill) As Affected by Padina SP
(Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill) As Affected by Padina SP
March 2016
Republic of the Philippines
Dahican, 8200 Mati, Davao Oriental
DAJAO, declare that this research is our own original work. Most
stipulations presented herein are ours alone. Borrowed ideas are given
due recognition and are properly acknowledged. With the best of our
Adviser: RalynGalido
Davao Oriental.
be three (3) major plots and each plot is divided into four (4) subplots.
There are four (4) treatments prepared which will be divided by four (4)
the treatments were used as agents to improve the growth rate and yield
A Thesis
Presented to
MARCH 2016
This research paper was made possible through the help and
noble undertaking.
to our research adviser, Ms. Ralyn Galido for her continuous support of
knowledge. She kindly reviewed our paper from time to time and
the theme of the paper. Her guidance helped us in all the time of this
research and in coming up with the write-ups of this study. We could not
deadlines, and for all the fun we have had in the last weeks.
our ever supportive and loving parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Morales, Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Jayson, Mr. and Mrs. James Dajao for always being
there for us, guiding and accompanying us in our study in spite of their
Above all, all the efforts, time and resources incurred in coming up
with the ultimate objectives of this study, we would like to express our
fertilizers are so expensive and give bad effects on the soil and even to
fertilizers are not only a source of plant nutrients but also improve the
soil properties (Koh, 1995). One of the most popular sources of fertilizer
Seaweeds are one of the most diverse resources all over the world.
They are well-known because of their abundance on the beaches and reef
portion of the sea. Seaweeds were given an attention for they have their
favorite food of some marine animals, seaweeds are also rich in nitrogen
(N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These nutrients are required for
the increase of the growth of some plants. Since they are a good source of
Tomato is the ideal fruit vegetable for all the market vendors to
sell. This berry-type fruit is not difficult to plant. It takes only thirty-five
(35) to sixty (60) days to become mature. It takes thirty-five (35) to forty-
five (45) days to bear green fruit and forty-five (45) days to sixty (60) to
Moreover, all of the species are having their chemical contents that were
fiber, protein, sodium, potassium and iron. These also contain lycopene
seaweeds just like Padina sp. wherein this kind of aquatic plant is very
abundant in the coastal areas of Davao Oriental. Padina species is
fertilizers can be taken from brown seaweeds just like Padina species,
wherein this kind of aquatic plant is very abundant in our coastal areas.
Alternative hypothesis
Hi: Padina sp. foliar liquid fertilizer can increase the growth rate
Null Hypothesis
Ho: Padina sp. foliar liquid fertilizer cannot increase the growth rate
to plant tomato. With this, the researchers aim to help the farmers know
for tomato. This study would help the community especially the growers
were allowed to germinate and were used as test vegetable. The study
was limited on the effect of the said fertilizer on the various part of the
plant such as plants’ height, leaf length, number of leaflets, number of
Definition of Terms
Aquatic plant- it is the kind of plants that grows into the water.
Padina species- it a brown seaweeds that will be used as the foliar liquid
NPK- these are the nutrients that could be taken from Padina sp.
Chapter II
measure, but rather a reflection of the ratio between inputs and outputs.
low as people handle their crops primarily by hand. This involves a big
investment of time, energy, and money, and also limits the total capacity
their productivity.
The supply and demand in the market may also play a role,
Organic Fertilizer
A fertilizer is an addition to the soil. It’s something that adds
grow, and fertilizers are generally made up of the three key soil nutrients:
nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Nitrogen leads to the
grow, and this makes plants grow more quickly. Plants need potassium
In nature, some things move quickly but many more move slowly
and steadily. This is true for natural and organic fertilizers. Natural soil-
Leaves decompose. Slugs and snails eat the leaves, fungi grow in them,
actually damage plants, because these chemicals move water away from
flow of nutrients into the soil and surrounding plants. They do not
disturb the water balance of the soil and simply enhance the soil as soil
the country.
compost or tilled directly into the soil. It has a neutral to slightly alkaline
pH that helps neutralize acidic soil - a good thing for seaside gardens,
Kingdom: Protista
Phylum: Heterokontophyta
Class: Phaeophyceae
Order: Dictyotales
Family: Dictyotaceae
Species: PadinaboryanaThivy
plants, the “fan” is often curved into a funnel shape and is composed of
plants are a greenish brown color. The blades are two cells thick
feet or more above the ground if supported, although erect bush varieties
have been bred, generally three feet tall or shorter. Indeterminate types
with a terminal bud at the tip that does the actual growing. When that
lateral buds take over and grow into other, fully functional, vines.
short hairs. These hairs facilitate the vining process, turning into roots
wherever the plant is in contact with the ground and moisture, especially
if the vine's connection to its original root has been damaged or severed.
leaf (RL) plants, but some cultivars have simple leaves known as potato
plants, there are variations, such as rugose leaves, which are deeply
with a serrated margin; both the stem and leaves are densely glandular-
from the ovary of the plant after fertilization, its flesh comprising the
pericarp walls. The fruit contains hollow spaces full of seeds and
moisture, called locular cavities. These vary, among cultivated species,
number of smaller cavities, while paste tomatoes have very few, very
small cavities.
For propagation, the seeds need to come from a mature fruit, and
Tomatoes are now eaten freely throughout the world, and their
that tomato can protect against sunburn and help keeping the skin
Chapter III
municipality is very abundant with rice, vegetables, and other crops. The
is also excellent in nutrients which supply plants’ growth. With this, the
Banaybanay, Davao Oriental. This study will start from February 2016-
March 2016.
Experimental Design
Agriculture (DA) Banaybanay, Davao Oriental. The plant must have the
same variety in order to attain a reliable result. The seeds will germinate
after it reached 5 inches (in.). There would be three (3) major plots and
each plot is divided into four (4) subplots. There are four (4) treatments
prepared which will be divided by four (4) plants randomly. This study
two (2) weeks it was transplanted. After seven (7) days the result will be
determined through the parts of the plants namely plants’ height, leaf
Weighing Scale
Tomato seeds
Loam soil
tomato to develop faster and to have an equal sunlight for each of the
the planting area for this is essential for this kind of plant.
Dahican, Mati, City. It will be done during low tides at daytime. The
sp., after gathering the algae, it must be washed with tap water to
Padina sp. will be washed three to five times or until the water will
an hour it was harvested. The said material will be soaked in the tap
T1=10 kg/10 liters of water, where the amount of material (kg) per
tripled and the solvent is still constant. T 4=40 kg/10 liters of water, in
this concentration the material was quadrupled and the solvent is still
Field Preparation
existing roots. The researchers will make four major plots and each
plot will be divided into four subplots. The appropriate soil for
tomatoes will be put to the prepared plots. After the plant reached five
distances from one plant to another will be 1 ft. in rows and 1 ft. in
After the extraction of Padina sp. the extract will be put in their
will be on the seventh (7th) day after the plant was transplanted. It will
be followed by the second application after three (3) days from the
first application. And the third application will be after three (3) days
from the second application. The application of the fertilizer has three
(3) days of variation. After five (5) days from the last application of
Padina sp. foliar liquid fertilizer, the results will be observed and
Data Analysis
study, the researchers will test if Padina sp. foliar liquid fertilizer can
researcher will gather data by testing the various parts of the plant
namely its height, leaf size, number of yield and the yields’ weight.
The proponents will record the results ever seven (7) days or one (1)
week. The yield will be tested during the harvest. The researchers will
count the number of yield and weigh the yields to find its weight.