Chapter 01 Bhagavad Gita

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The key takeaways are that Arjuna had doubts about fighting against his family and teachers due to compassion, concerns over enjoyment of the kingdom, destruction of family traditions, fear of sinful reactions, and indecision. Lord Krishna then responds to each of Arjuna's doubts in the subsequent chapters.

Arjuna gave five main reasons for not wanting to fight: 1) Compassion for those he would have to slay, 2) Concerns over enjoying the kingdom if won at the cost of family lives, 3) Fear that fighting would lead to destruction of family traditions and unwanted progeny, 4) Concerns about sinful reactions for destroying family and killing superiors, and 5) Indecision about what was better - conquering or being conquered.

Lord Krishna responds to each of Arjuna's doubts in chapters 2 and 3. He explains that compassion and non-violence do not apply in a situation of dharma, that enjoyment should not be the goal but rather duty, that family traditions will not be destroyed by righteous action, that sin arises from attachment not action itself, and that Arjuna's duty as a kshatriya is to fight.

oà ajïäna-timirändhasya jïänäïjana-çaläkayä

cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai çré-gurave namaù

çré-caitanya-mano-'bhéñöaà sthäpitaà yena bhü-tale

svayaà rüpaù kadä mahyaà dadäti sva-padäntikam

vande 'haà çré-guroù çré-yuta-pada-kamalaà

çré-gurün vaiñëaväàç ca çré-rüpaà sägrajätaà
saha-gaëa-raghunäthänvitaà taà sa-jévam
sädvaitaà sävadhütaà parijana-sahitaà
kåñëa-caitanya-devaà çré-rädhä-kåñëa-pädän
saha-gaëa-lalitä-çré-viçäkhänvitäàç ca

he kåñëa karuëä-sindho déna-bandho jagat-pate

gopeça gopikä-känta rädhä-känta namo 'stu te

tapta-käïcana-gauräìgi rädhe våndävaneçvari

våñabhänu-sute devi praëamämi hari-priye

väïchä-kalpatarubhyaç ca kåpä-sindhubhya eva ca

patitänäà pävanebhyo vaiñëavebhyo namo namaù

çré-kåñëa-caitanya prabhu-nityänanda
çré-advaita gadädhara çréväsädi-gaura-bhakta-vånda

hare kåñëa hare kåñëa kåñëa kåñëa hare hare

hare räma hare räma räma räma hare hare
 Gita is basic Practical
Preaching book

 One must study BG inside

out & that will help govern
our external activities

 One must understand the

flow of Philosophy & not in
isolation (cohesive unit, fits
• Sankaracarya describes
Gita as River of Nectar
• History of Mahabharata
(next slide)

• Arjuna’s denial of War

• Lord speaks Gita out of
Compassion for Living
Kuru Family… Kuru

Ganga Shantanu Satyavati Parashara

Bhisma Vyasadev

Chitrangada Ambika Vichitravirya Ambalika Dasi


Sakuni Gandhari Dhirastra Kunti Pandu Madri Vidura

Duryodhana Karna Yudhistir Bhima Arjuna Nakula Sahadeva

Draupadi Subhadra Abhimanyu Uttara
Sister of
98 Sons Parikshit
Lord Lord
Krsna Balarama
Divisions of Bhagavad Gita

Chapter 1 to 6 Chapter 7 to 12 Chapter 13 to 18

(Karma Yoga) (Bhakti Yoga) (Jnana Yoga)
Acharya’s give the following Reason why Bhakti Yoga is in the middle of
Srimad Bhagavad Gita
1. Bhakti is Rahasya (Very Secret), Bhakti is essence of all scriptures BG 15.15
2. Karma and Jnana Yoga are dead without Bhakti hence surrounded by both.
Bhakti gives life to Karma and Jnana Yoga
3. Generally we do not disclose anything with is secret until we become intimate.
Hence out of respect, Bhakti is place in the middle.
4. Most important is kept in the middle eg. King travelling with his army is always
in the middle, protected.
Srila Prabhupada Commentary based on…

Srila Visvanath
Baldeva Chakravarti
Vidyabhushana Thakura

Srila Sripad
Sridhara Ramanujacarya
Division of 700 Verses in Bhagavad Gita
Lord Krishna - 574 Arjuna - 84

82% 12%

Sanjaya - 41 Dhritarashtra - 1

5.9% 0.1%
Chapter 1- Sections

Section Verse Description

A 1.1 to 1.27 Introduction: Preparations for
B 1.28 to 1.46 Arjuna's Doubts
Summary - Section - A
Verse 1.1 to 1.27
Introduction: Preparations for War
1-13 Sanjaya informs King Dhrtarastra of Duryodhana's
appraisal of the relative fighting strengths of the Pandava
and Kuru Armies. Bhisma and the Kuru Army then
loudly blow their conchshells giving Duryodhana joy.
14-19 On the other side, the blowing of Krsna and Arjuna's
transcendental conchshells, as well as the blowing of the
conchshells of the other members of the Pandava Army,
shatters the heart of Duryodhana.
20-27 Arjuna requests Krsna to draw his chariot between the
two armies to observe the Kurus. Arjuna sees many
relatives and well-wishers on both sides.
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse ~ 1
Dhrtarastra’s Question to Sanjaya : BG 4.8
What did they do? Analogy – Remove Weeds
Removing weeds from paddy field, similarly
irreligious people will be wiped out in the battle.

• Dhrtarastra’s Fear/Concerns :
Kuruksetra dharma-ksetre
Where religious Rituals are performed

Lord Krsna SPG was present

Vedas : Place of worship
Even for Heavenly People

Pandavas are righteous, Dhrtarastra fearful about influence of

become stronger (favor) Holy Place on outcome of battle
Bhisma, Drona are saintly
Natural Tendency not to fight, Battle may not
take place, cannot satisfy selfish desire to
rule over the Kingdom.

• Dhrtarastra distinguishes Pandavas from Kurus (same family) (mamaka)

Ignorance on bodily concept of life.

Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse ~ 1
Dhrtarastra’s Question to Sanjaya : What did they do?

Key Points
How to Understand Srimad Bhagavad Gita
Dhrtarastra’s Fear/Concerns : Regarding
Dhrtarastra distinguishes Pandavas from
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse ~ 2
Duryodhana Approaches Dronacharya
• Duryodhana Approaches Dronacharya after accessing Military formation of the
• Duryodhana addressed as King (to encourage despondent King Dhrtarastra)
• Though Duryodhana is King still he has to approach Commander in Chief for advice
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse ~ 3
• Duryodhana is a expert politician/diplomat.
• Opposing General (Dhrstadyumna) is called by referred to as Son of Drupada (His
• By calling Dhrstadyumna as Son of Drupada (His Enemy), provoking Drona.
• Dhrstadyumna was trained by Dronacharya (See the result of his training) (pointed his
• Dhrstadyumna is always disciple of Dronacharya, so being Guru is always an expert.
• Similarly, Pandavas are also trained by Dronacharya, he should not be lenient in
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 2 ~ 3
Duryodhana Approaches Dronacharya

Key Points
Duryodhana : expert politician/diplomat
Duryodhana referring Dhrstadyumna as
Son of Drupada
Dhrtarastra distinguishes Pandavas from
Akshohini (Ref : Mahabharata-Adi Parva 2.15-23)

Terms Pandavas Kauravas

One Akshohini 21,870 Chariots ~ 21,870 Elephants ~ 65,610 Horses ~ 109,350 Foot soldiers

Army Size 7 Akshohini 11 Akshohini

Commander in Chief Dhristadyumna Bhisma, Drona, Karna, Salya, Duryodhana

Maharathis (60000 warriors) Arjuna Bhisma, Drona, Karna, Ashwathama

Atirathis (10000 warriors) Yudhisthira, Bhima, Shalya, Somadatta, Bhurishrava, Bhagadatta,

Dhristadyumna, Ghatotkacha, Jayadratha, Kritavarma

Types of the Horses with Head of Division

Chariot Elephant Infantry Soldiers
Division Soldiers (commander)
Pathi 1 1 3 5 Pathipal
Senamugam 3 3 9 15 Senamukhi
Kulmam 9 9 27 45 Nayak
Ganam 27 27 81 135 Gananayak
Vahini 81 81 243 405 Vahinipati
Birudanai 243 243 729 1215
Samu/Sena 729 729 2187 3645 Senapati
Anihini 2187 2187 6561 10935 Anikadhipati
Akshauni 21870 21870 65610 109350 Maha Senapati
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 4 ~ 6
Duryodhana Describing Warrior of Opposing Army
All of them Bhima, Arjuna 4 Kasiraja Yudhamanyu 6
are fighting Yuyudhana, Virata,
For Rights
Purujit Uttamanja
Not for Maha-rathah
Material Dhrstaketu 5 Kuntibhoja Sons of Subhadra
Gains. Cekitana Saibya Sons of Draupadi
Very Strong
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 7 ~ 9
Duryodhana Describing His Army
7 • Duryodhana is in dilemma whom (Bhisma, Drona) to represent first.
• Bhavan (Dronacharya) is named before Bhisma, Drona being brahmana is OK with Bhisma
Fighting for Dronacharya 8 Asvatthama Krtavarma Ready to Lay
Material Cause Their lives.
Hence weak. Bhisma Vikarna Salya Fate of their
Most of them Karna Saunadattih Others Lives are alredy
are also favoring Decided.
Pandavas. Krpacharya Jayadratha
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 10
Duryodhana Describing Strength of his Army
• aparyaptam : immeasurable or insufficient, protected by Bhisma
• Pandavas are protected by Bhima (insignificant as to Bhisma)
• Duryodhana is envious of Bhima (only he is capable of defeating him)
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 11-12
Duryodhana requesting his Army to support Bhisma
11 • Duryodhana is diplomat (he thinks others in Army feel bad), hence requests them to
support/protect Bhisma.
• Bhisma is old and needs support and protection.
• Duryodhana confident of the support from Bhisma & Dronacharya as they supported
him during gambling match.
12 • Bhisma out of Compassion & to cheer Duryodhana blew the conchshell very loudly.
• Duryodhana defeat is certain, since Lord Krsna is on the other side.
• Bhisma fighting as a matter of duty.
14 • Tumultuous sound of conchshells, drums, bugles, trumpets and horns.
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 14
Krsna and Arjuna blowing Transcendental Conchshell
• Krsna and Arjuna conchshell is described as Transcendental Victory is
• Madhava : Krsna is husband of Goddess of Fortune certain
• Chariot given by Agni, capable of conquering all 3 worlds

Observing the Armies on the Battlefield

Verse 15-18
Krsna, Arjuna & Bhima blowing Transcendental Conchshell

Krsna Panchajanya
Krsna Arjuna Devadatta
Parts & Parcel
including senses Hrisikesa Bhima Paundra
Situated in Heart
directs senses Living 16-18 Yudhisthira Ananta-vijaya
based on Living Entity Nakula Sughosa
Entity’s desire
Sahadeva Manipuspaka
Different names of Krsna, Arjuna & Bhima
Names Meaning
Krsna All attractive
Hrisikesa Master of the Senses (owner of senses)
Madhava Husband of the Goddess of Fortune
Acyuta Infallible One
Madhusudana Killer of demon named Madhu
Govinda one who gives pleasure to the senses or cows.
Vasudeva Son of Vasudeva
Devaki-nandana Son of Devaki
Yasoda-nandana Son of Yasoda
Partha-sarathi Charioteer of Partha (Arjuna)
Kesava Killer of demon Kesi
Janardana Maintainer of all Living entities OR Killer of all living entities
Dhananjaya (Arjuna) conqueror of wealth
Partha Son of Pritha (Kunti devi)
Gudakesa One who conquers sleep
Vrkodara (Bhima) Voracious eater and perform herculean tasks.
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 19
Blowing became uproarious, shattered hearts of sons of Dhrtarastra

• Duryodhana team blew Conchshell didn’t shatter Pandavas Hearts (due to

confidence in Lord Krsna), Taking shelter of Lord nothing to fear

• Kauravas hearts shattered due to fear, signs of defeat.

Observing the Armies on the Battlefield

Verse 20
Arjuna prepared to fight, asks Lord Krsna to draw chariot
between two armies
• Arjuna’s flag on the Chariot has emblem of Hanuman (devotee of Lord Rama), signs
of victory (b/c Hanuman co-operated Lord Rama and they both won the battle)
• Also, Lord Krsna is personally present as Hrisikesa to direct his senses.
• Arjuna’s victory is assured.
Signs of Victory for the Pandavas Courtesy :
Gauranga Priya Das
1 Krishna’s personal presence confirms victory
• Supreme Personality of Godhead is the charioteer (1.14) –
“jayas tu pandu-putranam yesam…”
• Krishna as Hrsikesha directly controls the senses of a pure devotee
2 Goddess of fortune
• Whenever and wherever the Lord is present, the goddess of fortune is also there
• She never lives without her husband; therefore all fortune is guaranteed (1.14)
3 Venue -> Kurukshetra is a holy place (1.1), effect of holy place on the war.
4 Hanumanji on Arjuna’s flag
• Hanumanji also helped Lord Rama in gaining victory (1.20)
5 Symbol of Vishnu
• Conchshell is a symbol of Vishnu (1.12 & 1.14)
• This is indirectly indicated by Bhisma and Pandavas conchshells
6 Transcendental conchshells
• Krishna and Arjuna’s conchshell mentioned as divya (transcendental) (1.14)
7 Bhisma’s conchshell to pacify Duryodhana (1.12)
8 Agnideva’s Chariot given to Arjuna – capable of conquering all directions (1.14)
9 Shattering of hearts
• Conchshells of Pandavas shattered Kauravas hearts (1.19)
• Pandavas hearts not shattered – b/c of confidence of taking Shelter of Krishna
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 21-23

21 • Arjuna calls Lords as Acyuta (infallible one) : never fails in His affection for His devotees

22 • Lord Krsna out of love and causeless mercy accepted position of charioteer.
• Lord Krsna takes pleasure in serving his unalloyed pure devotees.
• In any position his supremacy is never challenged.

• Arjuna being pure devotee, has no desire to fight, wanted to see how much they (his
relatives and friends) were bent upon demanding an unwanted war. He wanted to
see the supporters who wanted to please evil-minded Duryodhana, estimate their
strength, not for peace proposal.
Text 23 - Analogy – Birds of same Flocks fly together
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 24-27
Lord Krsna draws chariot in the midst of two armies
24 • Gudakesa : Arjuna - one who conquers sleep or ignorance (b/c being Krsna’s friend)
• Arjuna always thinking of Krsna, similarly devotees, Samadhi
25 • Lord Krsna, Hrisikesa : can understand heart of Arjuna.
• Partha : Son of Prtha (kunti), Arjuna being friend and son of Kunti agreed to be
his charioteer.
• Lord Krsna jokingly said “just behold(see with attention)”,
he didn’t expect him not to fight being son of Prtha. Father &
26 • Arjuna could see : Grand

• All kinds of relatives, friends & well wishers.

• Grandfathers like Bhisma and Somadatta Well Other
• Teachers like Dronacharya and Krpacharya Wishers Friends

• Maternal uncles like Salya and Sakuni

• Brothers like Duryodhana Sons,
• Sons like Laksmana, friends like Asvatthama, Brothers &
well-wishers like Krtavarma and many other friends
and relatives. Terms
Daya Kripa
27 • Arjuna seeing them all is overwhelmed
Mercy Compassion
with compassion, thus spoke In General For Specific People
Summary - Section - B
Verse 1.28 to 1.46

Arjuna's Doubts
28-46 Arjuna's mind reels thinking how this battle
will finish his family and its traditions. He
sees great sinful reactions awaiting him if he
kills his family members. Feeling it better to
be killed unarmed than to fight, Arjuna, his
mind overwhelmed with grief, casts aside his
bow and sits down upon his chariot.
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 28-29
Arjuna’s reaction after seeing his relatives.
28 •Arjuna symptoms - limbs of my body quivering and my mouth drying up.
• Reason : Sympathy & Compassion (overwhelmed by kindness), foreseeing their
imminent death, symptoms not due to weakness but to his softheartedness, a
characteristic of a pure devotee of the Lord
• Arjuna astonished to see their fighting spirit.
• Genuine devotees of Lord has all Godly qualities, non devotees lacks such qualities.

29 • Further symptoms : body trembling, hair standing on end, bow slipping, skin burning
great spiritual ecstasy which do not
body trembling, could
cause any Fear
hair standing on end happen

great fear, material condition

Arjuna’s Bow slipping Material

Symptom Heart burning (skin burning) conception
of life
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 30
Arjuna see only causes of misfortune.
30 • Further symptoms : unable to stand any longer, forgetting himself, mind is reeling

By Arjuna’s
Krsna’s Forgetting Weakness of Mind
Symptom himself

Bewildering conditions

Sees only misfortune, Excessive Fearfulness and

he will not be happy Material Loss of Mental
even after winning attachments Equilibrium

Nimittani Viparitani : Frustrations, Thinking why am I here?

Real Interest of Jiva

Every Kesava (Killer

Living Interested in
Krsna or Krsna
generally Visnu of demon Kesi)
Entity himself &
own welfare Expected to remove
Arjuna’s demons like
Suffers doubts
Arjuna’s Symptoms of Compassion
Parts of the body Symptoms
1 Limbs Quivering
2 Mouth Drying Up
3 Whole body Trembling
4 Hair of the body Standing on the End
5 Hands Gandiva bow slipping
6 Skin Burning
7 Legs Unable to stand any
longer due to
8 “Forgetting myself and mind reeling” –
Due to weakness of the heart
9 Sees only causes of misfortune Courtesy :
Gauranga Priya Das
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 31
Arjuna cannot enjoy kingdom at the cost of killing relatives.
Ksatriya dying
in battle field
under Krsna’s Forgot the
orders Sun Moral codes Arjuna
Eligible to
Enter Planet Ksatriya
Renounced order
life devoted to
Krsna Entity

Attracted to bodily
No Happiness Killing relationships, hoping
in Life Relatives to be happy

Not willing to Decided to lead I am not Analogy

hungry, I am
fight (eg. Someone a secluded life NOT Going
not hungry, not ready
to cook) in Forest to Cook
Observing the Armies
Verse 32-35
on the Battlefield
Arjuna not ready to fight even in exchange of 3 worlds
32 • Govinda : Krsna is the object of all pleasures for cows and the senses. Arjuna indicates,
Krsna should understand what will satisfy his senses.
• But Govinda is not meant to satisfy our senses. If we try to satisfy Govinda’s senses our
senses will automatically get satisfied.
• Madhusudana : Krsna is killer of demon Madhu, Arjuna is expecting that Krsna would
kill is doubts like demons. Also, Krsna killed demon Madhu, but Krsna is expecting
Arjuna to kill his relatives not demons.

Trying to
Spiritual Understanding
Living supplier

Entity satisfy his own Krsna

senses Krsna

Lord will satisfy Devotee ready to

Do not complain
to the extent accept any
otherwise if
By Lords will opulence, Krsna
Krsna’s they deserve wants
Krsna not desire
all his desires
senses not desire
are satisfied Arjuna, being devotee, very
kind hearted, wants to forgive
his relatives. Lord tolerates
Unable to Decides not to mischief on himself, not for
Material share opulence fight even in his devotees. Lord is
Calculation with relatives exchange of 3 determined to punish them.
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 36
Arjuna fearful of sinful reaction.
1 Poison giver
2 One who sets fire to the house Can be
3 One who attacks with deadly weapons Killed as
6 kinds of punishment
aggressors 4 One who plunders riches
5 One who occupies another's land
6 One who kidnaps another's wife No Sinful

• Kaurava’s did all 6 kinds of aggression on the Pandava’s hence killing them
would not give any sinful reaction.
• Madhava : Husband of goddess of fortune.
• Arjuna calling Krsna as Madhava indicating that Krsna should not engage Arjuna
that would ultimately bring about misfortune. Krsna, however, never brings
misfortune to anyone, to say nothing of His devotees.
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 37-39
Arjuna sees Destruction of Family
• Arjuna sees due to Greed, the opposite party is ready Fight and Kill each other.
38 • Arjuna understands result of war (destruction of family), he sees not benefits in
participating in this sinful activity.
• Ksatriya should not refuse invitation of gambling and war.
• Arjuna sees the other party is blind of effect of this challenge, he knowing he evil
consequence, not ready to fight.

Family Family
tradition involved in
of Dynasty
vanquished irreligion

In Varnasrama System :
Death of
Elder Responsible for Young Lose chance
elder will
members of purifying processes members will for Spiritual
the family. in family from become Salvation.
birth to death irreligious
Garbhadhanam Pumsavanam Seemantam Jatakarmam
For Protection of For Intellectual
Before 3rd Month of
Mother before Child development of
Conception Pregnancy birth Child

Anthyeshti Namakaranam
Antim Sanskara Name giving
Last Rites ceremony

16-Samskaras Nishkramanam
Taking child first
time out of house

Manu Smriti Annaprasanam
End of Student First time feeding
Life Solid food
Samskaras – Purificatory Process
Kesantham (Boy) Total 40 Samskaras Choodakaranam
First Shave
Ritusuddhi (Girl) 16-Major First time cutting
First Menstrual Cycle Hair

Praishartham Upanayanam Vidyarambham

Before and after Wearing Sacred Child is taught to
each year of study
Piercing Ear
Thread write first time
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 40-43
40 Arjuna sees Destruction of Family & Society
Varnasrama System for Peace, Prosperity and Spiritual progress in life
Failure of Varnasrama System :
Death of
Elder Responsible for Young Lose chance
elder will
members of purifying processes members will for Spiritual
the family. in family from become Salvation.
birth to death irreligious
When Women like
Gives rise to Women irreligion Children
Risk of War
unwanted progeny becomes prominent in needs
& Pestilence
Varna-sankarah polluted family protection

42 Hellish condition Good

Irresponsible Population
Leader bring Who Ancestors SB 11.5.41 depends on
Family destroyed are not Not applicable to faithfulness and
chaos in society
by destroying Family delivered, someone who has Chastity of
Sanatana Dharma tradition fall down
taken shelter of Krsna Women
Arjuna heard
from Dharma Those who destroy Family
43 Shastra tradition dwell in Hell
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 39-42

1 The superiors are killed (1.39)

(destruction of the dynasty)

2 Destruction of eternal family tradition (1.39)

(Vedic rituals will stop)

3 Irreligion predominates in the family (1.39)

4 Women become polluted (1.40)


5 Unwanted progeny (1.40)


All kinds of community projects & (1.42)

6 family welfare activities are devastated
Courtesy : (results in chaos in society)
Tyaga Caitanya Das
Observing the Armies on the Battlefield
Verse 44-46
Arjuna Fearful of sinful reaction
44 Fear of Sinful Killing Driven by desire to Enjoy
reaction Relatives Royal Happiness

45 Better to die in Arjuna’s

the Battle field Soft heartedness
Unarmed Being a devotee

(overwhelmed with grief)
cast aside his bow and
arrows and sat down in
the Chariot
Saintly Qualities of Arjuna
1 Softheartedness (1.28)
2 Does not want to kill even for exchange of three worlds (1.35)
3 Ready to forgive any aggressors (1.36), though there is no
reaction in killing them.
4 Considers evil consequences even at the risk of refusing
obligation to fight (1.37 – 1.38)
5 Conscious of obligations to protect family traditions and
morals (1.39 – 1.44)
• He does not think that: “I am transcendental and I have
no obligations”
• Arjuna being saintly is conscious of moral principles –
How he can kill one’s relatives based on selfish motives
6 Ready to be killed unarmed, but not retaliate (1.45)
7 Custom according to Ksatriya fighting principles – unarmed
and unwilling foe should not be attacked
• These symptoms are due to soft heartedness resulting
from being a great devotee
8 Kept his bow down (even broke his vow of not keeping the
bow once lifted) (1.46)
Conclusion: Such a kind and softhearted person is fit to receive
Self-Knowledge (Transcendental Knowledge) (1.46 purport) Courtesy :
Gauranga Priya Das
Summary – Arjuna’s Reasons

Arjuna's Reasons for not wishing to Fight

1.27 to Compassion: Arjuna's compassion for those he's about to slay dictates
1.28 he shouldn't fight. (Lord Krishna refutes >> BG 2.11-30)
1.31 to Enjoyment: Arjuna thinks he will not be able to enjoy his kingdom if
1.35, the kingdom is won at the cost of the lives of his family members.
2.7-2.8 (Lord Krishna refutes >> BG 2.31-32)
1.37 to Destruction of Family: Irreligion and unwanted progeny will overcome
1.43 the family, performance of traditional, varnasrama-oriented Vedic
rituals will end, and hell will await both the family and the destroyer of
the family. (Lord Krishna refutes >> BG 2.45-46, 3.24)
1.44 to Saintliness and fear of sinful reactions: Arjuna thinks enjoying royal
1.45 happiness is not worth the resulting sinful reactions for destroying the
2.5 family and killing his superiors. (Lord Krishna refutes >> BG 2.33-37)
2.6 Indecision: Arjuna does not actually know which is better, conquering
the enemy or being conquered by them.
Summary – Chapter 1
As the opposing armies stood poised for battle, Arjuna, the mighty warrior,
saw his intimate relatives, teachers and friends in both armies ready to fight and
sacrifice their lives. Overcome by grief and pity, Arjuna failed in strength, his
mind became bewildered, and he gave up his determination to fight.

Arjuna offered the following reasons for not fighting the battle:
1) Compassion: Arjuna's compassion for those he's about to slay dictates he
shouldn't fight.
2) Enjoyment: Arjuna thinks he will not be able to enjoy his kingdom if the
kingdom is won at the cost of the lives of his family members.
3) Destruction of family: Irreligion and unwanted progeny will overcome
the family, performance of traditional, varnasrama-oriented Vedic rituals will
end, and hell will await both the family and the destroyer of the family.
4) Saintliness and fear of sinful reactions: Arjuna thinks enjoying royal
happiness is not worth the resulting sinful reactions for destroying the family
and killing his superiors.
In the beginning of Chapter 2, gave the following reason.
5) Indecision: Arjuna does not actually know which is better, conquering
the enemy or being conquered by them.
Compiled by Amritananda das email : [email protected]
End of
Bhagavad Gita -1

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