Assessment I - WHSRM

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines the requirements and processes for developing, implementing, and reviewing a Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS) for an organization.

The purpose of the assessment is to assess the student's knowledge and skills in developing, implementing, reviewing, and improving a WHSMS based on the specified learning outcomes.

The learning outcomes being assessed relate to determining the form and functions of a WHSMS, developing WHS policies and plans, implementing and supporting a WHSMS, and reviewing WHS performance and the WHSMS.



Details of Assessment
Term and Year 3, 2019 Time allowed Five weeks
Assessment No 1 Assessment Weighting 50%
Assessment Type Knowledge Evidence and WHSMS Implementation & Management Report
Due Date Week 5 Room 608/609
Details of Subject
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
Subject Name Work Health & Safety and Risk Management
Details of Unit(s) of competency
Unit Code (s) and
BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems
Details of Student
Student Name
College Student ID

Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my

own and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person Student’s
or source. I acknowledge that I understand the requirements Signature: ____________________
to complete the assessment tasks. I am also aware of my
right to appeal. The feedback session schedule and Date: _____/_____/_________
reassessment procedure were explained to me.

Details of Assessor

Assessment Outcome
Competent Not Yet Competent Marks / 50
Feedback to Student
Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive

Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted

a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this
student. Assessor’s
Signature: ___________________
Student attended the feedback session.
Student did not attend the feedback session. Date: _____/_____/________

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Purpose of the Assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following Competent Not Yet
learning outcomes: Competent

1.1 Determine the form, content, purposes and functions of a WHSMS

appropriate to the organisation and its WHS risks
1.2 Consult effectively with individuals and parties about the form, content,
purposes and functions of a WHSMS and its implementation
1.3 Facilitate agreement of individuals and parties to implementing a WHSMS

2.1 Communicate to individuals and parties the WHS policy requirements and
commitment requirements to implement a WHSMS
2.2 Develop and implement an initial WHS review, as required, appropriate to
own job role
2.3 Develop WHS policy that meets organisational requirements and is
appropriate to the organisation
2.4 Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals
and parties in developing and agreeing to WHS policy
2.5 Document WHS policy and communicate it to individuals and parties

3.1 Communicate to individuals and parties the requirements of a WHS plan

3.2 Work with individuals and parties to produce a WHS plan appropriate to the
organisation, that meets requirements
3.3 Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals
and parties in developing and agreeing to a WHS plan
4.1 Communicate to individuals and parties the WHS plan implementation
requirements, as appropriate to the organisation
4.2 Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals
and parties in implementing the WHS plan
4.3 Work with individuals and parties to ensure policies, procedures, processes
and systems support implementation of the WHS plan, according to own job
5.1 Communicate to individuals and parties the measurement and evaluation
requirements of the WHS plan as appropriate to the organisation
5.2 Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals
and parties in measuring and evaluating WHS performance
5.3 Assess policies, procedures, systems and processes in relation to their
ability to support implementation of the WHS plan, according to own job role
6.1 Communicate to individuals and parties the review and improvement
requirements of the WHSMS as appropriate to the organisation
6.2 Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals
and parties in reviewing and improving the WHSMS
6.3 Document review outcomes and suggested WHSMS improvements,
according to own job role and submit to management for consideration
Assessment/evidence gathering conditions

Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student
can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment”
section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each
assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment.

Resources required for this Assessment

 Computer with relevant software applications and access to internet

 Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions

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Instructions for Students

Please read the following instructions carefully
 This assessment has to be completed In class At home
 The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
 Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved.
You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other
feedback will be provided by the end of the term.
 Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps
in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be
deemed competent for this unit of competency.
 If you are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your
 Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student Handbook).

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This assessment comprises both the knowledge evidence in PART A and the evidence on
management of WHSMS (Work Health & Safety Management System) Implementation Report in
PART B. You are required to respond to the knowledge evidence questions (PART A) and as well as
complete the implementation report (PART B) to be deemed competent. In this assessment learners
are required to develop, implement and maintain a Work Health and Safety management system
(WHSMS) or parts of a WHSMS.


This assessment comprises the knowledge evidence of the unit BSBWHS605. You are required to
respond to the 6 (six) knowledge evidence questions that you must respond in order to be evaluated
for the underpinning knowledge requirements attached to the unit.

This part of the assessment has been established with the aim to measure your knowledge, skills and
attributes in ensuring a safe workplace. Through this assessment you are required to provide
evidence of your understanding the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, regulations, and the codes of
practice. You will also provide evidence on your knowledge in managing a WHSMS including policies,
practices, hazard identification processes, risk controls, and legislative reporting requirements.


Using the WHSMS Implementation and Management template provided in this assessment, you
are required to implement WHSMS for an enterprise of your choice (within Australia) or use the
simulated organisational context of Academies Australasia Group.

You will be working to support and facilitate the implementation of a work health and safety
management system, develop work health and safety (WHS) policy and commitment to a WHSMS,
develop a WHS plan, implement a WHS plan, measure and evaluate WHS performance, review and
improve the WHSMS. Eventually you will provide information and complete documentation for a WHS
management system.

Whether you choose your own workplace or the simulated work environment, to demonstrate
competency you will need to complete several tasks following the exact structure as mentioned using
the WHSMS implementation template.

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This assessment comprises the knowledge evidence of the unit BSBWHS605. You are required to
respond to the 6 (six) knowledge evidence questions that you must respond in order to be evaluated
for the underpinning knowledge requirements attached to the unit. Use the provided spaces below
each question to respond to the question. You can also find the related resources and learning
materials in the subject e-learning page.

Question 1. Provide four examples of barriers to WHSMS (Work Health and Safety
Management System) implementation and provide your own strategies on how to overcome
them. (2 marks)

Barriers to WHSMS implementation Strategies to overcome the barrier

Question 2. Describe the structure and functions of a generic WHSMS that can be used by an
Australian organisation. (2 marks)

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Question 3. Summarise the WHSMS auditing guidelines and standards in your own. In your
summary you must highlight the most important aspects of WHSMS audit and standards. Keep
your summary within 250 words. Refer to document linked for review. (3 marks)

whsms guidelines for

audit and standards.doc

Question 4. Outline at least two essential requirements for recordkeeping that address WHS
Act 2011 and Privacy Act 1988. Refer to the relevant Act or regulation on Internet. (2 marks)

Act Name Recordkeeping Requirement 1 Recordkeeping Requirement 1

WHS Act 2011

Privacy Act 1988

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Question 5. Provide a brief description of the relevant WHS Acts, regulations, and codes of
practice, standards followed at your workplace? (Not more than 300 words) (3 marks)
(Note: Consider the place you are currently working, and if not working then consider a club or
restaurant you have recently visited. Research and analyse the relevant regulations and codes of
practices applicable for that workplace.)
WHS Act 2011:

Your Workplace Type: (e.g. retail supermarket, construction, hospitality)

Relevant WHS regulations: (at least 4 points)

Relevant WHS codes of practices: (at least 4 points)

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Question 6. Describe at least three essential data and information that are required to measure
and indicate a good and reliable WHSMS (Work health and safety management system) in an
organisation? Refer to the link for further research: (3 marks)



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(Trainer/Assessor use for assessing & marking purposes)

The learner will be assessed on the following knowledge Marks allocated Marks received
evidence and performance evidence

Question 1. Provide four examples of barriers to WHSMS 2

(Work Health and Safety Management System)
implementation and provide your own strategies on how to
overcome them.

Question 2. Describe the structure and functions of a 2

generic WHSMS that can be used by an Australian

Question 3. Summarise the WHSMS auditing guidelines and 3

standards in your own. In your summary you must highlight
the most important aspects of WHSMS audit and standards.

Question 4. Outline at least two essential requirements for 2

recordkeeping that address WHS Act 2011 and Privacy Act

Question 5. Provide a brief description of the relevant WHS 3

Acts, regulations, and codes of practice, standards followed
at your workplace?

Question 6. Describe at least three essential data and 3

information that are required to measure and indicate a good
and reliable WHSMS (Work health and safety management
system) in an organisation?


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SIMULATED WORK ORGANISATION (if not using an organisation of your choice)

(Information about the organisation has been sourced from the organisation’s website and other
relevant internet sources)

Academies Australasia is a leading education provider in Australia offering English language, Senior
High School, Singapore Government School Preparatory Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma,
Bachelor and Master degree courses. They offer more than 100 qualifications to about 5,000 students
across campuses in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth Adelaide, Dubbo and Singapore. Students
to the organisation come from over 129 countries. This diverse student population creates a truly
unique learning experience for the students planning to undertake Australian qualifications. For more
information on Academies Australasia and its operation, please visit the organisation’s website at

Organisational mission, vision and core values (sourced)

Vision: To be the provider of choice to a niche market in vocational education and higher education
by offering a select suite of high quality courses that empowers students to flourish and achieve their
career goals. To grow as one of the largest educational institutions in Australia and progressively
expand in overseas markets.

Mission: To provide students with an engaged, high quality academic experience, supported by a
proactive service culture and a personal touch. We will achieve this by identifying, developing and
delivering industry-relevant and academically-rigorous courses in targeted discipline areas to produce
graduates who are work ready.

Core Values:
 “Student-centred”
 Respect for individuals - students, staff, peers, other stakeholders
 Act with integrity
 Uphold equity, access and sustainability principles
 Encourage free intellectual inquiry through scholarly activities

History and Securities Exchange Listing (sourced)

The Academies Australasia brand is now also well regarded internationally. It represents a unique
education group with a wide range of operations, more than 106 years of experience and high
standards. A group established in Australia that does Australia proud. Established in 1908 Academies

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Australasia has been operating for 106 years. It has a long and successful experience in education –
going back in excess of 50 years.

Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange 37 years ago, it is Australia’s longest listed education
group. Public listed status means that apart from having to meet the well regarded and carefully
supervised standards of the education sector, Academies Australasia colleges must also comply with
the strict financial and reporting regulations of the ASX.

Educational and Corporate Partnerships (sourced)

Academies Australasia has strong alliances with highly regarded education institutions in Australia.
For example, for many years Academies Australasia has collaborated with Blue Mountains
International Hotel Management School to offer programmes for their students before they move on to
specialised hotel management programmes. Below is a list of Australian and overseas partnerships
with Academies Australasia.

Educational Partnerships Corporate Partnerships

Australia - Asia Society Australia
- Blue Mountains International Hotel Management - Australia Taiwan Business Council
School - Australian Council for Private Education and
- Central Queensland University Training (ACPET)
- Charles Darwin University - Council of Private Higher Education (COPHE)
- Charles Sturt University - English Australia (EA)
- Curtin University of Technology - International Education Association Australia
- Deakin University Australia (IEAA)
- Federation University Australia - National ELT Accreditation Scheme (NEAS)
- Griffith University
- James Cook University
- Southern Cross University
- Torrens University
- University of Canberra
- University of Western Australia
- University of Western Sydney
- University of New England
- University of Tasmania
- Victoria University
- Fontys University of Applied Sciences

- California State University, Monterey Bay

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Courses and Qualifications offered (sourced)

Academies Australasia offers a range of courses that are recognised under the Australian
Qualifications Framework (AQF) and that that are accredited by the National VET Regulator and that
are registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students
(CRICOS). AQF programs are nationally recognised, which means your qualification and skills can be
used anywhere in Australia and also provide you with credit towards further study at University.
Courses are categorised in distinct levels, from the basic Certificate II up to Advanced Diplomas and
Bachelor’s Degrees. Specialisations include Leadership and Management, Travel and Tourism,
Hospitality Management, Information Technology, Accounting and Financial Services, Marketing,
Project Management, Business, Childcare, Agriculture and so on. Details on the courses offered can
be found at

College / Local Facilities (sourced)

All campuses of the college have:
 classrooms equipped with whiteboards, and access to overhead projectors, data projectors,
televisions, DVD and video recorders;
 computer labs with printers and Internet access; and
 student lounge equipped with kitchen facilities, microwave and vending machines, as well as
additional computers with internet access, printers/copiers, etc
 Wireless internet

Student Support Services (sourced)

The College offers appropriate support services to students to ease the transition into life and study in
Australia and allow access to appropriate assistance as needed. Counselling services are available to
students in order to assist them with their career aspirations and any other matters concerning their
study at the College. Students with issues regarding the transition into life and study in Australia
should contact the Student Support Officer.

The students’ progress is reviewed regularly to ensure that they are progressing in accordance with
their particular program. The College’s Student Support Officer and Course Coordinators are
available for consultation in this matter by appointment (to be organised with Student Services).
Students with any special medical or physical requirements should advise the Student Support
Officer. The College endeavours to assist students with special needs to ensure their comfort and
convenience are optimised. Information regarding available support services is accessible to
students. For the benefit of international students, the College maintains close liaison with
Department of Home Affairs so that applications and any queries can be attended to promptly. Where
it is not appropriate for the College, its trainers or staff to advise on any issue, the student may be
referred to an external party for advice.

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Where a student requires more formalised assistance, recommendations can be provided for
appropriate language and/or bridging courses.

Access and Equity Policy (sourced)

The College is committed to ensuring that all eligible students have access to educational
opportunities. The College applies easily defined and tangible rules in support of access and equity,
 All students are given fair and reasonable opportunity to attend and complete their training
within expected and agreed timeframes.
 Direct or indirect discrimination is not tolerated and will lead to disciplinary action of the
offender if proved.

The College believes that opportunities to participate in education and training ought to be available to
all people on an equitable basis. The potential for education and training to improve a person’s life
chances, and to give them security and satisfaction both in work and in life has positive
consequences for society as well as for the individual. The College is committed to the creation of a
working and learning environment which caters for the culturally diverse society in which we live. The
College supports laws and policies which eliminate discrimination and harassment and promote fair
treatment for all. This policy is in line with best practice management and is cost effective since it aims
to ensure that the community’s entire pool of talent is drawn upon to create and provide services more
representative of, and better suited to, community needs. The College also recognises the need to:
 identify and remove structural barriers to access and equity in education and training; and
 encourage the customisation of training delivery which suits the needs of all students and is
sensitive to cultural differences

Quality Management & Feedback Policy (sourced)

Academies Australasia adopts a quality management policy with the aim to achieve quality through
focusing on customers and continuously improving all processes in its core business of vocational
education. The College is committed to compliance with Australian Government. The College has
deliberately emphasised the principles of customer focus and continuous improvement because they
 core to the requirements of the various accreditation authorities;
 fundamental to the quality management process; and
 helpful, if correctly followed, to achieving our other goals

Diversity Policy (sourced)

Diversity refers to all the characteristics that make individuals different from each other. It includes
characteristics or factors such as religion, race, ethnicity, language, gender, sexual orientation,
disability, age or any other area of potential difference. Academies Australasia is committed to
diversity and inclusiveness, and to providing an environment in which employees have equal access

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to opportunities, are treated with fairness and respect, and are not judged by unlawful or irrelevant
reference to their attributes. This commitment enables Academies Australasia to attract and retain
people with the best skills and abilities. The Academies Australasia workforce comprises many
individuals with diverse skills, values, backgrounds and experiences. They have a wide range of
qualifications and experience and come from more than 20 countries.

The Board renews the Company’s policy on diversity, annually. Academies Australasia has a strong
commitment to gender diversity which is demonstrated by an almost equal representation of female
and male employees across the Academies Australasia Group. High female participation is reflected
at all levels of the organisation including among senior group executives and the Board. Academies
Australasia does not favour or discriminate against females. Academies Australasia’s objective is to
have an equal balance of male and female employees (excluding academic staff), and at least about
30% of Board and senior group executives being female. Each year the numbers are assessed
against these targets.

Information Privacy Policy (sourced)

The type of information collected and held by the College includes: personally identifiable information,
including sensitive information, about students (and guardians, where a student is under 18 years of
age) before, during and after the completion of training. Consent for student information is gained at
application via the application and enrolment form. Students are required to declare that they
understood the College’s use of personal information in the student agreement prior to enrolment.
Generally, information is provided to the College by the individuals themselves. Individuals provide
personal information over the phone, in person, online, via email and by completing various forms.
Website: The College website may contain links to other websites. Please be aware that the College
is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. If individuals go to other websites, the
College advises caution and to read the related site’s privacy policy.
Direct Marketing: The College practices ethical direct marketing. Where the College is permitted to
use or disclose personal information for the purpose of direct marketing, it must always: allow an
individual to request not to receive direct marketing communications (also known as ‘opting out’), and
comply with that request. The College will, on request, provide its source for an individual’s personal
information, unless it is impracticable or unreasonable to do so

Work Health and Safety Policy (sourced)

The purpose of the New South Wales Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act is to ensure the health,
safety and welfare of all persons at work. The Act protects all persons including visitors, customers
and contractors. WHS is the shared responsibility of all management and staff within an organisation.
To be effective, WHS requires the active participation of both staff and management. At Academies
Australasia, students and staff should avoid whenever possible, or otherwise carry out carefully and
correctly, any lifting.

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- They should not leave items/cords or obstructions in walkways or passageways.

- They should wear footwear appropriate for the activities that they expect to undertake.

Incident/Accident Reporting: The College recognises the duty of care owed to its students and that
planning for the management of a critical incident is essential. A critical incident is defined as ‘a
traumatic event, or the threat of such (within or outside Australia), which causes extreme stress, fear
or injury’. The College has in place efficient, sensitive and supportive strategies for dealing with a
critical incident and provides support to members of staff, students and others in the community who
are involved. If the incident is on the College premises, the first action will be to contact the
emergency services - fire, ambulance or police – as would be the case with other WHS matters. The
Managing Director must also be contacted immediately when the incident involves death, serious
injury or a threat to life or property. If the critical incident involves a student or staff member and is off-
campus, the person receiving the information must immediately contact the Managing Director or
person nominated by him who will communicate with other staff as appropriate.

All accidents and injuries must be reported to Student Services and entered in the Critical Incident
Reporting and Investigation forms and Critical Incident Register. The aim of the reporting system is to
prevent accidents from recurring by identifying the problem or hazard.

Below is the link to some of the organisation's WHS data, templates, forms and procedures.

Australasia relevant WHS documents.docx

Additional research links on the case organisation

You are also encouraged to conduct further Internet research on the case organisation for specific
tasks that may require review and analysis of existing organisational information. For example,
organisational mission, vision and objectives can be identified from the organisational website and
from the annual reports. The following are some links to the organisational information.
Organisational website -
Colleges and locations -
Annual Reports -
AAPOLY organisational policies -
FAQs for potential students -
Corporate Governance Statement and Principles -
Student handbook -
Latest news on Academies -

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You have recently joined the case organisation (or the organisation of your choice) as the Work
Health and Safety & Change Manager at one of the campuses of the institute. You job role is to
ensure a safe workplace environment where various stakeholders visit the premises. You trainer will
act as your supervisor for this simulated assessment. You will be progressively completing tasks one
after another within the simulated environment (or your preferred business) to complete this
assessment task.

In the past there were some incidents and near miss severe incidents within some of the premises.
Since the operations are growing, the organisation requires a complaint WH&S system in all
campuses of the group. Currently, the simulated organisation (or the organisation of your choice) has
hired you with the sole purpose of developing, implementing and maintaining WH&S (Work Health &
Safety) measures for all of their branches and premises. During your orientation and induction,
management has informed you that your job duties and responsibilities include
 facilitate the implementation of a work health and safety management system (WHSMS)
 develop work health and safety (WHS) policy and commitment to a WHSMS
 develop and implement a WHS plan
 measure and evaluate WHS performance
 review and improve the WHSMS

Stakeholders in this context (for the case organisation Academies Australasia)

 WHSMS Manager – You
 General Manager – Your trainer
 Stakeholders (safety committee members, HSR, employees, stakeholders) – Your fellow

What is required?
Using the WHSMS Implementation Report template provided in this assessment, you are required
to implement WHSMS for an enterprise of your choice (within Australia) or use the simulated
workplace context of Academies Australasia. Whether you choose your own workplace or the
simulated work environment, to demonstrate competency you will need to complete all tasks following
the exact structure as mentioned using the implementation project template.

WHS Legislation links:

Work Health and Safety Act 2011 -
Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 -
Work Health and Safety Codes of Practice 2011 -

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(Trainer/Assessor use only for marking purposes)



a) Determine purpose, functions and form of the WHSMS for the 3


b) Consult effectively with individuals and parties about the form,

content, purposes and functions of a WHSMS and its
implementation (Marks included in TASK 7)

c) Facilitate agreement of individuals and parties to implementing a 1




a) Communicate to individuals and parties the WHS policy

requirements and commitment requirements to implement a
WHSMS (Marks included in TASK 7)

b) Develop and implement an initial WHS review, as required, 2

appropriate to own job role

c) Develop WHS policy that meets organisational requirements and 4

is appropriate to the organisation

d) Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, 1

individuals and parties in developing and agreeing to WHS policy;
document WHS policy and communicate it to individuals and


a) Communicate to individuals and parties the requirements of a

WHS plan (Marks included in TASK 7)

b) Work with individuals and parties to produce a WHS plan 4

appropriate to the organisation, that meets requirements

c) Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, 1

individuals and parties in developing and agreeing to a WHS plan


a) Communicate to individuals and parties the WHS plan

implementation requirements, as appropriate to the organisation
(Marks included in TASK 7)

b) Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, 1

individuals and parties in implementing the WHS plan

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c) Work with individuals and parties to ensure policies, procedures, 2

processes and systems support implementation of the WHS plan,
according to own job role


a) Communicate to individuals and parties the measurement and

evaluation requirements of the WHS plan as appropriate to the
organisation (Marks included in TASK 7)

b) Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, 2

individuals and parties in measuring and evaluating WHS
performance; Assess policies, procedures, systems and processes
in relation to their ability to support implementation of the WHS
plan, according to own job role


a) Communicate to individuals and parties the review and

improvement requirements of the WHSMS as appropriate to the
organisation (Marks included in TASK 7)

b) Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, 2

individuals and parties in reviewing and improving the WHSMS;
Document review outcomes and suggested WHSMS
improvements, according to own job role and submit to
management for consideration


APPENDIX 1 (Communication evidence & Presentation Slides) N/A

APPENDIX 2 (Others such as policy, procedures, plans, etc) N/A


Instructions on effectively complete the PART B: Follow the sequence of tasks starting
with 1a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3b, 3c, 4b, 4c, 5b, 6b and then start working on
“TASK 7: WHS COMMUNICATION & PRESENTATION” which will also cover several other
tasks (1b, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6a). These tasks are actually included in presentation and also to be
recorded in those forms.

“WHSMS Implementation & Management Report” follows next. You are required to complete
every section of the report.

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Implementation & Management Report

Company Logo

Company Name

Prepared by:

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In TASK 1, based on the simulated workplace or your chosen workplace, you will determine purpose,
functions and form of the WHSMS for the organisation; consult with individuals and parties about the
form, content, purposes and functions of a WHSMS and its implementation and facilitate agreement
of individuals and parties to implementing a WHSMS.

You are required to:

a. Determine purpose, functions and form of the WHSMS for the organisation
b. Consult effectively with individuals and parties about the form, content, purposes and
functions of a WHSMS and its implementation
c. Facilitate agreement of individuals and parties to implementing a WHSMS

a) In this task you will determine the purpose, functions and forms of WHSMS for the simulated case
organisation or the organisation chosen for this assessment.
Scenario: Your general manager has informed you that the organisation is planning for an extensive
WHSMS (Work Health and Safety Management System) and that you have been hired to complete
the development, implementation and the maintenance of this WHSMS. For this you have been
provided with existing WHS plans (refer to simulated organisation’s WHS Policy or your chosen one)
and being requested to come up with the purpose, functions and the form of WHSMS for the
organisation. Keep information brief in every section within one paragraph.



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FUNCTIONS OF WHSMS (You may list in bullet points)

FORM/TYPE/STRUCTURE OF WHSMS (You may illustrate in a diagram or mention the type in bullet

b) Based on what you have developed in Task 1a, you are now required to consult with individuals
and parties about the form, content, purposes and functions of a WHSMS and its implementation.
This consultation form must be completed after you have completed the presentation TASK 7.

Number of Health and Safety Representatives


Details on Health and Safety Committee

Details on Duty Officer or Station Manager

WHS risk assessment and training consulted? Y/N

WHSMS Functions consulted? Y/N

WHSMS Purpose consulted? Y/N

WHSMS Forms and content consulted? Y/N

Position and Signatory of person responsible

for WHSMS, Date

Assessor/Trainer: Refer to presentation slides (APPENDIX) for further evidence on this.

Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 21

c) In this task you will now facilitate agreement of individuals and parties to implementing a WHSMS.
To do this you will now officially send a formal letter to the current WHS members (employee’s
currently monitoring safety) of the organisation and to your immediate supervisor (General Manager)
for their approval and agreement. You may wish to use your fellow learners to be the current


Subject: Agreement and approval for the Implementation of WHSMS for the organisation

Dear General manager and current WHS members,


<Insert your name>

<Insert your position>


Approved and agreed by
Signature of parties
Date of agreement

Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 22


In TASK 2, you will be reviewing existing WHS policy and will develop a new WHS policy for your
chosen workplace or the simulated workplace Academies Australasia as a commitment to WHSMS.
To do this, you will work with others to facilitate, communicate and consult in getting this new WHS
policy ready to be implemented at your workplace.
You are required to:
a. Communicate to individuals and parties the WHS policy requirements and commitment
requirements to implement a WHSMS
b. Develop and implement an initial WHS review, as required, appropriate to own job role
c. Develop WHS policy that meets organisational requirements and is appropriate to the
d. Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals and parties in
developing and agreeing to WHS policy; document WHS policy and communicate it to
individuals and parties

a) Communicate to individuals and parties the WHS policy requirements and commitment
requirements to implement a WHSMS. This communication recordkeeping must be completed after
you have completed the presentation TASK 7.


AGENDA / TITLE WHS policy requirements and commitment requirements


POLICY AND (list them in bullet points as discussed in presentation)




Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 23

b) Scenario: In this task you are required to develop and implement an initial WHS review of your
organisation. For this we will need to review all the existing WHS documents, policies and systems of
the organisation and also do a quick physical audit on the premises. You will also check the existing
WHS documentation (check if you have any missing WHS documentations) for the organisation and
check if any important policies (e.g. emergency procedures) and physical resources (e.g. first aid box)
are missing. In addition, thoroughly review the existing WHS policy (provided in the simulated
organisation case or your chosen workplace) of the organisation. Once completed with the review,
provide your report below.

INITIAL WHS REVIEW AND AUDIT REPORT (Summarise and list your findings in bullet points)

c) Scenario/Context: Once you have completed with the quick review of all existing WHS documents
of the organisation and after conducting the audit for methods, procedures, and practices within the
premises, you are now required to redesign and develop a new “Work Health and Safety policy” for
the organisation. Refer to the document linked below for sample WHS policies. You may also wish to
research the Internet for relevant organisational WHS policies.


Note: Please do not just use a generic policy template. You will need to relate the policy according to
the workplace. For example, a warehouse needs to have forklift operation manual or procedure
whereas a college will not need this type of safety procedure.

You MUST ensure that your new WHS policy meets legislative requirements, organisational
requirements and is relevant to the organisation type.

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d) In this task you will now facilitate agreement of individuals and parties in developing and agreeing
to the new WHS policy. To do this you will now officially send a formal letter to the all members of the
organisation and to your immediate supervisor (General Manager) for their approval and agreement.
You may wish to use your fellow learners to be the employees and other stakeholders.


Subject: Communication and Agreement on the new Work Health and Safety Policy

Dear organisational members,

The new Work Health and Safety Policy and Procedures of the organisation are in effect from _____.


<Insert your name>

<Insert your position>


Communicated to all?
Approved and agreed by
Signature of relevant
Date of agreement

Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 26


In this section you are required to establish and maintain procedures for identifying hazards,
assessment and control of risks. To do this you will develop relevant procedures, maintain procedures
for implementing risk controls, take new measures and ask for expert advice from a WHS specialist.
For the purpose of this task, your trainer and assessor will act as the role of WHS specialist from
whom you will seek advice and feedback. You will complete the sub tasks sequentially based on
some of the simulated situations/scenarios that the tasks
You are required to:
a. Communicate to individuals and parties the requirements of a WHS plan
b. Work with individuals and parties to produce a WHS plan appropriate to the organisation, that
meets requirements
c. Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals and parties in
developing and agreeing to a WHS plan

a) Communicate to individuals and parties requirements of a new WHS plan. This communication
recordkeeping must be completed after you have completed the presentation TASK 7.


AGENDA / TITLE Requirements of a WHS plan


REQUIREMENTS OF (list them in bullet points as discussed in presentation)




Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 27

b) Scenario/Situation: At this stage, you have done the initial consultation on WHSMS
implementation and have also developed and implemented the new Work Health and Safety policy for
the organisation. Your general manager (with consultation from an external WHS specialist) has
advised you that a WHS plan should be developed and carried out for your new WHSMS
implementation project. Currently in your organisation, there are no formal of "Work Health and
Safety" plan. Having a plan will help everyone involved in WHS to understand how to react or what
actions to take in situations. The plan will also help you to monitor the planned WHS actions that you
will set for the whole year.

Using the template below, develop a WHS plan for the simulated organisation's (Academies
Australasia) or your chosen workplace.


WHS plan version 1.0 Approved by: Approved date: March 2019


Summary or Brief on the WHS Plan

A brief on the plan. (Please write according to your requirements)

Resource Requirement for the WHS Plan

(Please modify the template according to your requirements)
Resource Type Resource Details and Purpose for Unit/ item/ No. of items/ Estimated
this project staff costs units/staff expense

Estimated Total Resource Costs

Hazard Plan (for guidance, refer to Risk Score Matrix within this plan)
Risk Planned risk controls
Rating (use the next table to record
Hazards & Current risk
Ref Examples (with and monitor specific actions to
hazardous tasks controls
control enable implementation of these
methods) controls)

Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 28




Planned WHS Actions (for guidance, refer to Risk Score Matrix within this plan)
Cross Agreed Actions Target date
Date Must be Completed
reference Clearly and concisely, state what need of
Raised responsible Date
(number) to be done. completion
people or roles

Appendix: Risk Score Matrix (guidance on risk/hazard analysis)

2. What is the likelihood of an incident occurring from this hazard?

1. What is the severity of

the outcome for this type of Very likely Could Likely Unlikely Could happen, Very unlikely
hazard (consequence)? happen any time Could happen but very rarely Could happen,
sometime but probably never will

Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 29

Kill or cause permanent Very High Risk Very High Risk High Risk Substantial Risk

Long term illness or serious Very High Risk High Risk Substantial Risk Moderate Risk

Medical attention and High Risk Substantial Risk Moderate Risk Acceptable Risk
several days off work

First Aid needed Substantial Risk Moderate Risk Acceptable Risk Low Risk

WHS training and instruction (tick that applies to your organisation)

 New workers must complete the online WHS induction within their first 4 weeks at work
 New workers (incl. students) receive specific local inductions prior to being given access to their workplace
 Staff who manage other staff (Supervisor) complete WHS for Managers online training course
 Supervisors regularly (at least annually) review the training needs of workers and assign other relevant WHS Training
 Workers (incl. students) are instructed on relevant and provided with ongoing supervision

Notes on WHS training and instruction, WHS consultation, hazard/incident reporting: (use bullet points)

End of WHS Plan

c) In this task you will now facilitate agreement of individuals and parties in agreeing to the WHS plan
that you have developed. To do this you will now officially send a formal letter to the all members of
the organisation and to your immediate supervisor (General Manager) for their approval and
agreement. You may wish to use your fellow learners to be the employees and other stakeholders.


Subject: Communication and Agreement on the Work Health and Safety Plan

Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 30

Dear organisational members,

The new Work Health and Safety Plan of the organisation are in effect from _____________.


<Insert your name>

<Insert your position>


Communicated to all?
Approved and agreed by
Signature of relevant
Date of agreement

Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 31


In this section you are required to implement the WHS plan, To do this you will communicate on the
implementation, facilitate the participation of individuals and parties and eventually work with others to
ensure the new policies, procedures, processes and systems support implementation of the WHS

You are required to:

a. Communicate to individuals and parties the WHS plan implementation requirements, as
appropriate to the organisation
b. Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals and parties in
implementing the WHS plan
c. Work with individuals and parties to ensure policies, procedures, processes and systems
support implementation of the WHS plan, according to own job role

a) Communicate to individuals and parties on the WHS plan implementation requirements. This
communication recordkeeping must be completed after you have completed the presentation TASK 7.


AGENDA / TITLE WHS plan implementation requirements


WHS PLAN AND (list them in bullet points as discussed in presentation)

(use the Planned
WHS Actions
mentioned in your WHS
plan TASK 3b and state
how you will implement



Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 32

b) In this task you will now facilitate agreement of individuals and parties in agreeing to the WHS plan
that you have developed. To do this you will now officially send a formal letter to the all members of
the organisation and to your immediate supervisor (General Manager) for their approval and
agreement. You may wish to use your fellow learners to be the employees and other stakeholders.


Subject: Communication on the WHS Plan Implementation

Dear organisational members,


<Insert your name>

<Insert your position>


Communicated to all?
Approved and agreed by
Signature of relevant
Date of agreement

Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 33

c) In this task you highlight on how you are implementing the planned actions and the relevant WHS
policies, procedures, processes and systems within the organisation. Some of the planned WHS
actions that you have already communicated to stakeholders in Tasks 4a and 4b can be also included
here. You must include at least TWO from each section in the implementation table. One example for
each is provided in the first column for your reference.


Planned Actions Details Responsible Target deadline
(e.g. develop a new person, role or
emergency evacuation team
plan for this campus )

WHS Procedures (e.g. Details Responsible Target deadline

manual handling person, role or
procedure) team

WHS Processes (e.g. Details Responsible Target deadline

WHS training and induction person, role or
process) team

WHS Systems Details Responsible Target deadline

(e.g. review the incident person, role or
reporting form) team

Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 34


In this section you are required to evaluate and maintain the Work Health and Safety Management
System (WHSMS) that you have implemented for your work area. To do this you will communicate,
get feedback and finalise WHS evaluation and performance.

You are required to:

a. Communicate to individuals and parties the measurement and evaluation requirements of the
WHS plan as appropriate to the organisation
b. Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals and parties in
measuring and evaluating WHS performance; Assess policies, procedures, systems and
processes in relation to their ability to support implementation of the WHS plan, according to
own job role

a) Communicate to individuals and parties on the requirement for measuring and evaluating WHS
performance within your organisation. This communication recordkeeping must be completed after
you have completed the presentation TASK 7.


AGENDA / TITLE WHS measurement and evaluation requirements


WHS (list them in bullet points as discussed in presentation)




Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 35

b) Scenario/Situation: As you have finalised the implementation of WHS policy, procedures, plans
and systems, you will now work on measuring the success and failure of your overall WHSMS.
However, you will need to first identify on what are to be evaluated and how will they be measured
against in terms of compliance, performance, deadlines, and standards. To do this facilitation and
participation you will first evaluate the WHSMS using the template below to verify that if it aligns
appropriately with your organisational WHS objectives and with legislation. You will need to evaluate
at least four WHSMS targets. The third column in the template could be completed by getting
feedback (e.g. if the new policy meets requirements) from various stakeholders such as your staff
members, HSC, and your general manager.


Organisational WHS WHSMS Targets WHSMS Actual Review Necessary (Y/N)?
policy, procedure, Performance Discuss what changes to
system or process be made in your WHSMS

You will now facilitate and communicate the measuring standards and evaluation of your WHS
performance. To do this you will now officially send a formal letter to the all members of the
organisation and to your immediate supervisor (General Manager) to explain the standards,
benchmarks, deadlines and expectations on those areas that you have highlighted in previous
evaluation template.

Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 36


Subject: Communication on the WHS performance review

Dear organisational members,


<Insert your name>

<Insert your position>


Communicated to all?
Approved and agreed by
Signature of relevant
Date of agreement

Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 37


In this section you are required to review and improve the Work Health and Safety Management
System (WHSMS) that you have implemented for your organisation. To do this you will develop a
continuous improvement plan for WHS and communicate to various stakeholders.

You are required to:

a. Communicate to individuals and parties the review and improvement requirements of the
WHSMS as appropriate to the organisation
b. Facilitate and support the participation of, and consultation with, individuals and parties in
reviewing and improving the WHSMS; Document review outcomes and suggested WHSMS
improvements, according to own job role and submit to management for consideration

a) Communicate to individuals and parties on review and improvement requirements of the WHSMS.
This communication recordkeeping must be completed after you have completed the presentation
TASK 7 and TASK 6b.


AGENDA / TITLE WHS review and improvement requirements


WHS REVIW AND (list them in bullet points as discussed in presentation)




b) Scenario/Situation: As you have completed the stage of evaluating your WHSMS including the
policy, procedures, plans and systems, you will now work on preparing a continuous improvement
plan for your overall WHSMS In this task, you will prepare a continuous improvement plan for your
WHSMS based on your organisational requirements. For a sample WHS continuous improvement
action plan, please click the icon below.

Please be reminded that the sample linked is just a guide and your organisational improvement plan
maybe different with different requirements.

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In this task several elements are included. See the marking table for details.


Attach the WHS communication, consultation, presentation slides at the end of the assessment as
Appendix 1. Your trainer will inform you on when your presentation/oral session will be held.
Information that you MUST deliver and include in your presentation:
1. Organisational WHS objectives & WHSMS brief
2. Information about the form, content, purposes and functions of a WHSMS and its
Information on the WHS policy requirements and commitment requirements to implement a
WHSMS. A brief on the new policy.
3. Information on the new WHS plan
4. Information on the WHS plan implementation requirements
5. Information on Measuring and evaluating WHS performance
6. Information on review and improvement requirements of the WHSMS.
7. Record feedback, suggestions and outcome from stakeholders on the previous SIX points.

Work Health & Safety and Risk Management, Assessment No.1 v2.0 Last updated on 11/06/2019 Page 39

Attach the following presentation and communication evidence as Appendix 1 and other relevant
documents as Appendix 2.



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