Waste Management: Ala Khodier, Karl Williams, Neil Dallison

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Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Waste Management
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Challenges around automotive shredder residue production and disposal

Ala Khodier a,⇑, Karl Williams a, Neil Dallison b
Centre for Waste Management, University of Central Lancashire, Preston PR1 2HE, UK
Recycling Lives Recycling Park, Preston, Lancashire PR2 5BX, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The challenge for the automotive industry is how to ensure they adopt the circular economy when it
Received 15 February 2017 comes to the disposal of end-of-life vehicles (ELV). According to the European Commission the UK
Revised 20 April 2017 achieved a total reuse and recovery rate of 88%. This is short of the revised ELV directive target of 95%
Accepted 4 May 2017
materials recovery, which requires a minimum of 85% of materials to be recycled or reused. A significant
Available online xxxx
component of the recycling process is the production of automotive shredder residue (ASR). This is cur-
rently landfilled across Europe. The additional 10% could be met by processing ASR through either
waste-to-energy facilities or Post shredder technology (PST) to recover materials. The UK auto and recy-
Automotive shredder residue
End-of-life vehicle
cling sectors claimed there would need to be a massive investment by their members in both new capacity
Recycling and new technology for PST to recover additional recycle materials. It has been shown that 50% of the ASR
Recovery contains valuable recoverable materials which could be used to meet the Directive target. It is expected in
Waste-to-energy the next 5 years that technological innovation in car design will change the composition from easily recov-
erable metal to difficult polymers. This change in composition will impact on the current drive to integrate
the European Circular Economy Package. A positive factor is that main driver for using ASR is coming from
the metals recycling industry itself. They are looking to develop the infrastructure for energy generation
from ASR and subsequent material recovery. This is driven by the economics of the process rather than
meeting the Directive targets. The study undertaken has identified potential pathways and barriers for
commercial thermal treatment of ASR. The results of ASR characterisation were used to assess commercial
plants from around the world. Whilst there were many claiming that processing of ASR was possible none
have so far shown both the technological capability and economic justification.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Currently, the UK has 45 shredder sites dealing with end-of-life

vehicles (BMRA Data, 2013). Each shredder site has a different lay-
In the UK, there is an average of 2 million vehicles reaching the out but typically they will contain the following: a reception area;
end of their life every year (Government UK nd). These end-of-life (where materials are received, inspected and validated); shredder
vehicles (ELV) end up at metal recovery facilities (either directly plant and post-shredder processing/technologies. UK installations
deposited or via a vehicle dismantler). In order to recover useful of shredders range from less than 746 kW up to 7457 kW. The
particular materials for recycling from these ELV depollution is ELV Directive (EC, 2000) has set targets of 85% for the recovery of
necessary. It is a mandatory requirement that all ELVs are fully materials from vehicles. The new European ELV directive (European
depolluted (e.g. all fluids, oil filters, batteries, catalytic converters, Parliament & the European Council, Directive 2000/53/EC) (effected
airbags removed) and component dismantled (e.g. tyres, wind- from January 2015) replaced the pervious target with a recycled or
screen) prior to the shredding processing. This is to reduce envi- reused target of 95%. Within this 95% the following apply: 85% must
ronmental pollution and recover certain streams separately. be recycled or reused and the remaining 10% can be met through
Dismantling is a step after depollution where vehicles reusable energy recovery from the combustion of none-recyclable residues.
or recyclable component parts (e.g. tyres, windscreen, bumpers) Further, new EU legislation in progress by a circular economy (CE)
are removed. package that ideally seeks for a zero waste framework (EPRS,
2016). The CE model is based on sharing, leasing, reuse, repair,
refurbishment, recovery and waste into a valuable resource (includ-
⇑ Corresponding author. ing energy). The aim is for an almost closed loop, with special focus
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Khodier), [email protected] on urban and industrial waste, to achieve a better balance and har-
(K. Williams), [email protected] (N. Dallison). mony between economy, environment and society. For a typical

0956-053X/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Khodier, A., et al. Challenges around automotive shredder residue production and disposal. Waste Management (2017),
2 A. Khodier et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

vehicle from the early 2000s it will produce after shredding through PST of ASR does not offer a commercial solution and does
between 75 and 80% metals (GHK/BioIS, 2006; Cossu and Lai, not help to contribute towards the targets. The mechanical separa-
2015). It also produces smaller fraction of between 20 and 25% of tion plants may or may not be attached directly to the shredder.
the ELV’s mass, which comprises non-metallic and lower density The technologies used are: (i) magnetic separation for ferrous, (ii)
materials. TRL (2003) estimated that 1.8 Mt of ELVs processed by eddy current magnets for non-ferrous, (iii) trommels, (iv) suction
UK shredders produced in a year 1.3 Mt of ferrous product (72%), for foams and light material and (v) sink-float separation for plas-
72 kt of non-ferrous product (4%) and 430 kt ASR shredder residue tics. Occasionally hand picking stations are employed to achieve
(24%). the highest level of materials separation. The configuration of the
A separation based on density differences allows for separating mechanical separation/downstream processes is variable for com-
the organic (plastics) and non-organic (metals & glass) fraction in panies, resulting in a variation on ASR compositions and produc-
ASR. Typically, the ASR fraction contributes to between 15 and tion from one firm to another. Therefore, for ASR management, it
20% of the initial ELV mass. It is expected that in the future as the is necessary to understand the ASR production process and to
composition of vehicles changes due to light weighting of materials investigate its composition. Within the UK typically what is left
and new material usage (polymer substitution for metal compo- after sorting is landfilled. Approximately, 40–50% of ASR is
nents), the amount of ASR will increase (Alonso et al., 2007; hydrocarbon-based: plastics, rubber, fibres, wood, paper, tar and
Hatzi-Hull, 2011; Davies, 2012). These changes to composition oil. Thermal treatment of ASR reported either by pyrolysis (conver-
are not expected to offset the increase in vehicle weight due to sion to liquid), gasification (conversion to gaseous) or combustion
safety features and increased comfort, which is being added by (with heat recovery) technologies (Hubble et al., 1987; Zolezzi
manufacturers. It is predicted in the next 5 years that technological et al., 2004; Viganò et al., 2010; Cossu et al., 2014; Rey et al.,
innovation in car design will see the average weight per ELV from 2016) will reduce the amount of material that requires final dis-
the current 900 kg to 1025 kg in 2020. This increase in mass will posal. The ASR’s noncombustible fraction which is made up of
be at the expense of easily recoverable metal with the introduction glass, dirt, rock, sand, moisture and residual metals can further
of engineering polymers. This change in composition will impact on separated and recycled.
the current drive to integrate the European Circular Economy Pack- Modelling of ELV recovery routes by several researchers
age. Automobiles are often cited as examples of closed loop prod- (Fonseca et al., 2013; Gradin et al., 2013; Ciacci et al., 2010;
ucts but clearly ASR being sent to landfill does not support this. Ruffino et al., 2014) concluded that energy recovery of ASR residue
Another major change to vehicles has been the increase in elec- was a necessary part. This means that a combination of recycling
tronic components units (ECU) and the corresponding presence of and energy recovery is essential to achieve the new European
high value resources such as gold and rare earth metals (Restrepo ELV targets. The UK department for Business, Innovation and Skills
et al., 2017). This will influence the recycling industry by changing (BIS) announced that an 88% reuse, recycling and recovery rate was
the economics of processing ELVs. Several researchers (Cucchiella achieved in 2012 meeting the previous target. However, UK
et al., 2016a,b; Cossu et al., 2014) have investigated the advantages Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and
of dismantling components prior to shredding. However, for ECUs the, Environment Agency (and most recently British Metals Recy-
to have value they need to be removed complete and this is not cling Association (BMRA)) have published data which indicated
always practical. The compositional change of vehicles will influ- that the levels of energy recovery from ASR are currently low. This
ence the roles dismantler’s and recyclers have in meeting the is potentially an area where the UK could improve and meet the
Directive targets (Inghels et al., 2016). The recycling sector still new targets. This is in contrast to the industry which is focused
favours recycling over dismantling (Blume and Walther, 2013) on reaching the higher target of 95% by applying PSTs based on
and investment in PST would make more economic sense. The mechanical separation rather than thermal treatment. This is due
change to sustainable design for automotive products has the to the lack of any commercial off-the-shelf/small-scale solutions
aim of encouraging dismantling of components (Tian and Chen, being available. Also, with no financial drivers to encourage invest-
2016). Since 2008 car manufacturers have been encouraged to ment in the necessary infrastructure to recover energy from ASR
make their vehicles easier to recover. However, this may not result this option remains unused. The other challenge for any thermal
in reuse of components as any damage of components will result in exploitation of ASR is the amount of Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plas-
the component being shredding with the ELV. This then brings us tics it contains. This produces acid gases which corrodes the boiler,
back to the same situation that the ASR will need to processed to gas duct and tubes of existing energy from waste facilities. Conse-
meet the targets and the valorisation of it PST (Fiore et al., 2012). quently, the preferred option for ASR has been to landfill. The
Recovery of rare earths from ASR and reduction of the haz- heterogeneous and complex make-up means that it is difficult to
ardous of ASR will require thermal treatment. Sakai et al. (2014) separate with conventional sorting processes. Landfill disposal of
illustrated that to meet the ELV targets ASR must be part of the ASR causes significant environmental problems (GHK/BioIS, 2006;
recycling process. The challenge being how to recover the compo- Cossu and Lai, 2015) as it is used as daily landfill cover mixed with
nents in both a practical and economic manner. There are a num- calcium carbonate (lime) to decrease leaching into ground water.
ber of high value components of ASR which could be recovered by Due both to the changing ASR composition and its wide vari-
thermal processing of ASR (Mayyas et al., 2016). The type of PST ability, the aim of this study is to characterise ASR produced from
will be influences by the economics and ease of recovery of these UK shredder plant and to identify post ASR management and treat-
products on a commercial scale (Cossu et al., 2014). ment. The study has investigated the viability of post-shredder
In order to meet the ELV Directive targets and maximize the technologies (PST) using thermal treatment processing within the
recovery of material, post-shredder technologies (PST) will need context of UK shredder plants.
to be employed. Studies have shown (Sakai et al., 2014) that differ-
ent regions of the world place difference emphasis on recovery and
the requirement to use dismantling of components to minimize 2. Material and methods
ASR. This is dependent on legislation and targets. These technolo-
gies usually include mechanical separation plants and thermal 2.1. Production of ASR
recovery. The thermal treatment of ASR would alleviate some of
the environmental concerns raised by Boughton and Horvath A shredder plant in the Northwest of the UK was used as a case
(2006). Other, solutions (Cossu and Lai, 2013) to remove leachate study for ASR characterisation. The plant has a capacity of 416 kt

Please cite this article in press as: Khodier, A., et al. Challenges around automotive shredder residue production and disposal. Waste Management (2017),
A. Khodier et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

per year. The layout of the shredder plant is shown in Fig. 1. The were re-mixed and a smaller second heap formed. The process was
plant consisted of: (1) a pre-shredder (where ELVs are processed then repeated until the required sample size was reached within
after been depolluted); (2,3), conveyor system; (4), hammer mill; one of the quarters. This produced a quartered sample of 200 kg
(5), magnetic drums (to separate ferrous and nonferrous materi- per day. At the end of the four day period the accumulated daily
als); (6), quality material control of Z-box and cyclone system samples were combined to produce an 800 kg sample. This sample
(where any remaining ferrous materials will be sent/removed was subsequently, crushed through a 50 mm screen using a Wag-
through a Z-box section and any light fraction materials will be ner Machienbau Gmbh Type WS30 45 kW crusher. The crushed
sent through the air cyclone separator), followed by (7) a conveyor sample was subjected to coning and quartering procedures (BS
system where shredded steels filtered and stored ready for export. EN 932-1 (1997) and CM3820 (2009)) to produce four 12.5 kg
The ASR is sized, stored and transported on conveyors to the post- homogeneous sample (ASR1 – ASR4). Each samples was subjected
shredder technologies. This comprises of a series of mechanical to further grinding down using 30 k in-line Muffin Monster. This
metal separation processes over band magnets and eddy current produced samples of <2 mm. Samples were then extracted from
separator and trommel screen. During the process two size frac- this for characterisation analysis.
tions of 30 mm and 150 mm of ASR are produced.
Onsite monitoring of the facility was carried out over a three-
2.2.2. Analytical methods
month period. The mass balance of ELVs entering the facility and
A series of analytical techniques were used to determine the
the output from the shredding plant was recorded. The Duty of
suitability of ASR for different thermal processes. The gross calori-
Care imposed on the organization ensured that all ELVs brought
fic value (CV) was determined by using a bomb calorimeter (BS EN
on to site were weighed and all paperwork (e.g. consignment
15400 (2011)). This determined the amount of energy available
notes) complied with the requirements of the Environment
within the material for use in a thermal process. The moisture con-
Agency. ELVs were depolluted and dismantled prior to shredding
tent was determined by drying samples in an oven at 80 °C for a
therefore all fluids and tyres were removed.
12-h period (BS EN 15414 (2011)). The moisture has a large influ-
ence on the amount of energy available due to the high latent heat
2.2. Characterisation of ASR of water. The ash and volatile matter (VM) contents were deter-
mined from the percentage residues of the initial material which
ASR composition was routinely analysed by the shredding com- was combusted at 525 °C (±25 °C, BS EN 15403 (2011)) and
pany, in order to assess the plant efficiency, mass balance and any 925 °C (±25 °C, BS EN 15402 (2011)), respectively. Fixed carbon
leachate environmental impacts. For the characterisation of ASR (FC) was then calculated to give a total of 100 (% by, weight) of
the 150 mm fraction produced by the plant was chosen. This frac- the proximate analysis. Ultimate analysis of S, C, H, N, Cl were mea-
tion represents 75 wt% of the ASR produced from the process and sured by absorption spectroscopy (method standard BS EN 15407
has undergone post-shredder mechanical recovery of light metals (2011) and BS EN 15408 (2011)). Trace elements of Hg, Cd, Ti, Sb,
and polymers. This fraction would go directly for energy recovery. As, Cr, Co, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni, Sn, V, Se and Zn were analysed by induc-
All the analytical characterisation procedures applied British Stan- tively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), method CEN/
dard methodology as detailed in the following paragraphs. TS 15411 (2006). The samples were prepared after nitric acid
microwave digestion programmed for 0–200 °C (in 10 min), held
for 15 min and cooled down over a period of 35 min.
2.2.1. Sampling procedure
Characterisation of the ASR followed BS EN 14899 (2005) proto-
col. Samples were collected over a four-day sampling period to 2.3. Commercial assessment of the thermal technologies
ensure a representative feedstock through the processing plant.
For each day 52 t of ASR was collected (total collected 208 t of A review was conducted of the thermal-processing plants avail-
ASR). Each day’s sample was cone and quartered following both able globally. Initially, all companies were included which had the
BS EN 932-1 (1997) and CM3820 (2009) procedures. This proce- potential to provide either biomass or waste thermal plants. These
dure was chosen, as it is ideal for large amounts of material companies were subsequently evaluated to determine their poten-
(Allen, 1981). This method initially starts with a heap (cone) of tial suitability for use as an ASR thermal process technology provi-
the material and is divided into 4 sections (quarters). The opposite der. Initial screening of more than one hundred identified
quarters of the heap were rejected and the two remaining quarters companies was carried out. This focused on the maturity of their

Fig. 1. Shredding plant layout of case study site.

Please cite this article in press as: Khodier, A., et al. Challenges around automotive shredder residue production and disposal. Waste Management (2017),
4 A. Khodier et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

process and its suitability to utilise ASR. From this screening of the However, these results are similar to other reported work
technology providers, 79 were selected and contacted in order to (Morselli et al., 2010; Fiore et al., 2012). During the process two
collect up-to-date information on the following: (i) services, (ii) size fractions of 30 mm and 150 mm of ASR production were
products, (iii) technical and (iv) commercial maturity. The evalua- formed. ASR  150 mm size fraction represents 75% of the total
tion of these companies and their technology was based on the cri- ASR, with the 30 mm fraction making up the remaining 25%.
teria listed in Table 1. The plant produced 70 t of ASR per day which required processing
and final disposal to landfill. The current charge for landfilling ASR
(September 2016) is €114 per tonne. Therefore, there is an oppor-
3. Results and discussion
tunity to recover this material and meet both the ELV Directive and
goals of the circular economy package.
Fig. 2 shows the mass balance of ELVs entering the site over
Table 2 shows the result of ASR 150 mm material type compo-
study period. The amount of material recovered from the ELVs
sitions. It was possible to identify glass, plastics, textile, foam, rub-
was 70% ferrous metals, 3% non-ferrous metals and formation of
ber, wood, cork, wiring/electrical, paper, cardboard blended
26% ASR. Non-ferrous heavy materials were called Zorba, other
together and/or with soil and dust/dirt. The metal content was very
materials produced; stainless steel, copper meatballs and wires.
low and was combined into the fines (<5 mm) and difficult to sep-
The results are below the ELV Directive targets which is a concern
arate. The mixed plastics accounted 47% by weight, whereas, the
for the automotive industry which is required to meet these.
textile fraction was 11% by weight, (similar percentages reported
by Mallampati et al., 2017 and Lin et al., 2010). Textiles together
Table 1 with polyurethane foam (PUF) and cork are derived from car seats
List of criteria for shortlisting companies. and interior carpeting. The rubber contents, mostly from hoses,
ranged from 8% to 23%. The fines fraction was 7% by weight and
Criteria Specifications, description & conditions
supported Harder and Forton’s (2007) study that this was difficult
Waste type  ASR
to break down into quantifiable materials.
Purpose  Pyrolysis and/or gasification process to convert ASR The variability in particle size distribution for the 150 mm
to an oil or gaseous fuel, which will be converted to
post additional shredding is shown in Table 3. It can be seen that
electrical power
90% of the ASR was smaller than 30 mm. This is in contrast to
Technology  Supplier business nature (i.e. small to large
the larger size 40–50 mm representing <1%. However, size 30–40
provider corporation)
 Supplier capability such as warranties, potential of mm includes a large amount of PU foam which included embedded
OEM (original equipment manufacturer) small fraction of plastics, glass and fines. The size distribution rep-
Technology plant/  Experience of technology (e.g. number of units sold, resents the mechanical properties of the different materials, with
equipment units in operation) the brittle polymers ending up in the 30 mm fraction.
 Materials pre-treatment (e.g. driers cost, screens) The characterisation of ASR in term of calorific value, proximate
 Reliability & availability of the process
and ultimate compositions are presented Table 4. The gross calori-
Economic  Capital cost (supply & installation) fic value range from 16.3 to 23.4 MJ/kg expressed the variation on
consideration  Operational costs (£/MWe output) including
the sample compositions. This was due to sampling error resulting
 Technical risk
in more polymer rich samples than others. It is interesting to see
that the copper content was low; this was mainly due to the
Environmental  This includes emissions, quantities of residues,
impact plant footprint and stack
post-shredder technologies removing copper. This particular ASR
is therefore, better suited for energy recovery as it does not contain

Fig. 2. Shredding plant mass balance.

Please cite this article in press as: Khodier, A., et al. Challenges around automotive shredder residue production and disposal. Waste Management (2017),
A. Khodier et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

Table 2
Materials composition (% of total mass) of the ASR quarter procedure.

Materials (wt%) ASR 1 ASR 2 ASR 3 ASR 4

Plastic 47.88 45.21 51.67 42.97
Foam 2.94 2.93 2.70 2.21
Rubber 15.88 17.65 8.24 23.61
Textile/fabric 10.35 8.65 12.23 10.61
Cork 11.05 14.76 13.22 12.86
Wood 1.17 1.34 0.64 1.53
Wiring/electrical 1.76 2.10 1.76 0.14
Glass 0.82 0.63 0.93 0.53
Paper 0.47 0.31 0.38 0.26
Cardboard 0.23 0.01 0.56 0.90
Dirt 0.35 0.29 0.41 0.27
Fines (e.g. soil- not blended) 6.57 5.00 6.01 3.02
Metals* 0.47 1.10 1.24 1.10
Others 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.00
Keys: fine metals caught into a soil/dirt, hard to separate.

Table 3 et al., 2009; Saxena et al., 1995). The concentrations of some metals
ASR particle size distribution (subjected prior materials separation). presented in this ASR such as Ni, Cu, Hg less than those reported
Size fraction Result (% weight) previously (e.g. Mallampati et al., 2017). Other elements like C,
H, O, N, Pb, Mn, Cr, Tl their concentrations within the range
<2 mm <1
3–15 mm 40 reported by Sakai et al. (2014) and Cossu et al., 2014 in their liter-
16–30 mm 50 atures reviewed of ASR properties.
30–40 mm 10 Table 5 lists examples of worldwide companies which have or
40–50 mm <1 claim to have commercialised/marketed thermal treatment plants
>50 mm <1
for pyrolysis or gasification. The study concentrated on commercial
Total 100 scale plants and as a consequence did not consider pyrolysis and
gasification from universities, research institutions. From the
review of companies and their technology selected number were
identified as potential solutions to ASR disposal. The criteria for
rejection were as follows:
Table 4
Characterisation of ASR, physical-chemical analysis.
 Feedstock that technology can use was not applicable – com-
Units Results pany unable to process ASR.
Calorific value  Technology no longer promoted – either due to economic or
Gross calorific value kJ/kg 16300–23500 technical problems.
Proximate analysis
Moisture wt% 22 Those that passed the initial sort were then evaluated against
Ash wt% 20
the criteria (shown in Table 1). A second round of evaluation was
Volatile matter wt% 53
Fixed carbon wt% 5 then undertaken looking at the economic methods of the process.
Total wt% 100 Many organisations did not have robust economics for their pro-
Ultimate analysis (AR) cess or lacked detail designs. This was reflected in there being lim-
Carbon wt% 28 ited documentation of operating thermal plants using ASR.
Hydrogen wt% 3
Workers in this area (Vermeulen et al., 2011; Cossu and Lai,
Nitrogen wt% 2
Oxygen wt% 14 2015) who have listed both experimental technologies and full
Sulphur wt% 0.2 scale applications concluded that research was required to prove
Chlorine wt% 0.3 the long-term prospect of thermal treatment of ASR. The organisa-
Metals (AR)
tions in Table 5 were sub-divided into the capacity of their plants.
Copper mg/kg 7
Mercury mg/kg <1
It can be seen that those plants between 10 and 1000 kg h 1 mostly
Cadmium mg/kg <1 used biomass material and were intended for small heat capacity
Thallium mg/kg <1 applications. As the capacity size increased over 1000 kg h 1 the
Antimony mg/kg 12 plants tended to use more plastic derived waste. This was closer
Arsenic mg/kg <1
to the composition of ASR and therefore would potentially offer a
Chromium mg/kg 16
Cobalt mg/kg <1 thermal processing solution.
Lead mg/kg 56 The shredding industry finds itself having to make investments
Manganese mg/kg 24 in un-proven technologies with limited economic data to justify
Nickel mg/kg 7
such a move. In contrast those organisations with new thermal
Tin mg/kg <1
Vanadium mg/kg <1
processes have yet to prove that ASR is a viable feedstock with
many citing the variability of composition presenting challenges
to their process. This support the view and the highlighted points
high levels of copper which acts as a catalyst for dioxin formation. of EPRS, 2016 that in practice moving towards a more circular
Another added benefit of the composition is the low chlorine levels economy would face a number of barriers and challenges. These
(related to the removal of electric cables) reducing the potential for would include financial (for businesses, in particular the cost of
dioxin formation further. The sulphur content of 0.20%, by weight small and medium-sized enterprises); key economic enablers
is similar to other studies reported (Mancini et al., 2010; Kameda (lacking, inter alia, pricing systems encouraging efficient resource

Please cite this article in press as: Khodier, A., et al. Challenges around automotive shredder residue production and disposal. Waste Management (2017),
6 A. Khodier et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

Table 5
Worldwide pyrolysis and gasification commercial companies.

Company/plant owner Country Feedstock Capacity (kg/h)

2G BioPOWER Ltd UK Tyres nd (not disclosed)
ANDRITZ Carbona Finland Wood nd
Babcock & Wilcox Volund Denmark Wood, agricultural, RDF nd
Balboa Pacific Corporation USA Waste nd
BTG Biomass Technology Group Netherlands Biomass, waste nd
Future Blends Ltd UK Biomass nd
Radhe India Biomass nd
TK Energi AS Denmark Biomass nd
NREL USA Biomass 10
VTT Finland Wood 10
FCIPT India Medical waste 20
RTI Canada Biomass (wood) 20
TNO Netherlands Biomass 10–30
Bio-alternative Switzerland By-product oil 50
GTRI USA Wood 50
Pyrovac Canada Biomass (softwood bark) 50
Daekung ESCO, Ltd Korea Oil palm EFB, pine, kelp 41–83
Metso-UPM Finland Biomass 100
Union Fenosa Spain Wheat straw, pine, wood 150
Agritherm Canada Sawdust, oil seed, bagsse 200
Egemin Belgium Wood 200
Renewable Oil Int. USA Biomass (various) 200
Biomass Eng. Ltd UK Biomass (sawdust) 250
C.A.R.E. Ltd UK Biomass, waste 5–250
PYTEC Thermochemische Anlagen GmbH Germany Wood, pine wood, wheat straw 250
Ensyn Canada Agriculture 400
GRES Greece Wood, sawdust, forest residues 400
RESEM Taiwan Plastic (PE, PP, PS, ABS, Nylon) 200–400
Alten Italy Wood, agriculture 500
FZK Germany Straw 500
Lurgi LR Germany Biomass 500
Wellman Process Eng. Ltd UK Wood chips 250–500
Anhui Yineng Bio-energy Ltd China Biomass, sewage sludge 600
Beston China Mixed plastics 250–800
Shree Balaji Eng. Works India Waste plastics, tyres, wood 250–800
Cynar PLC UK Plastic (HDPE, LDPE, PP, PS) 416, 833
ENEA Italy Biomass (wheat straw) 1000
EPI Ltd UK Plastic, MSW, medical waste 1000
Get Energy Prime Italy Plastics 200–1000
BTG Netherlands Palm (EFB) 2000
Pyrocrat India Mixed plastics, carry bags, bottles 125–2000
ABRI-Tech INC. Canada Agriculture 2083
CHO Power France Biomass, waste 3000
Biogreen France Plastics, tyres, MSW, biomass 3300
VER GmbH Germany Biomass 3500
Eqtec Spain Biomass, waste 4000
Hudol Ltd Wales, UK Biomass, plastics 4000
Vulcan USA Biomass, MSW, agriculture 4000
HoSt Netherlands Biomass, waste, sludge 1000–5000
Dynamotive Canada Agriculture 8000
Ebara Japan Plastics, biomass, sludge, MSW 8125
Fortum Finland Wood, forest residues 10000
Splainex Netherlands Plastics, biomass, tyres, MSW Up to 21000
PRM Energy Systems Inc. USA Rice husk straw 1250–83333
Chinook Sciences UK MSW, biomass, RDF, industrial waste, yard waste 4166666
Anergy Ltd UK Waste, biomass Pilot - Industrial
Enerkum Canada Wood, peat, straw, MSW Pilot - Industrial
A.H.T. Pyrogas Vertriebs GmbH Germany Rice husks, wood Industrial scale
Feeco International USA Biomass, waste Industrial scale
Grubl Automatisierungstechik Austria Wood Industrial scale
Klean Industries Canada Tyres, plastics, MSW, medical waste Industrial scale
Torftech Energy Ltd UK Food, biomass, waste, chemicals Industrial scale

reuse and reflecting full environment costs); skills and multi-level In order to achieve ambitious policy targets settled by the ELV
governance (i.e. action required at many levels (e.g. international, Directive on recycling, recovery and reuse, innovative integrated
European, national, local)). By utilising ASR as a potential fuel technologies need to be developed. Car makers should develop bet-
source and recovering metals and glasses which would normally ter end of use for manufactured products. Dismantling technologies
be lost; there is an opportunity for the recycling sector to support and PST based on mechanical separation should concentrate on
the meeting of the ELV Directive. recovery techniques and address further utilisation of recoverable.

Please cite this article in press as: Khodier, A., et al. Challenges around automotive shredder residue production and disposal. Waste Management (2017),
A. Khodier et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 7

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Please cite this article in press as: Khodier, A., et al. Challenges around automotive shredder residue production and disposal. Waste Management (2017),

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