Preliminary: I. Background

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Chapter 1


I. Background

unhealthy environment and working conditions are an additional burden of work for
employees or labor. On the other hand a hygienic environment in addition does not become an
additional burden, it also increases arousal and work motivation. This work environment is
divided into two, namely the physical environment and social environment, and both of them
greatly influence occupational health. The physical environment includes: lighting, noise, and
noise, the condition of the building, and some of it. Below will be described a number of work
environments that often become additional work.

II. Formulation of problem

1.What are the dangers of working with exposure to excessive noise for long periods of time?
2. How to prevent hearing loss due to noise at work?
3. How to Noise Monitoring?

III. Purpose

1. Knowing the dangers of noise in the work environment

2. To prevent danger from noise in the work environment
3. Knowing noise monitoring
Chapter II


a. Understanding of noise

Noise problems are not only a problem at work, but also around us such as aircraft noise, gun
sounds, etc.

Understanding of noise is a sound or sound that arises that is not desired which nature
mengganngu and reduce one's hearing power (WHS, 1993).

b. How can our ears hear?

The ear is divided into 3 parts:

- The outside part

- middle part

- The inside part

Sounds captured by the earlobe flow through the ear canal to the eardrum. The eardrum is a thin
membrane covered by the skin, which separates the middle ear from the outer ear.

Sound vibrations delivered from the auditory bone in the middle ear to the oval window in the
ear cause vibrations of fluid and hair cells. Different hair cells respond to different sound
frequencies and turn them into nerve waves.

These nerve waves then travel along the auditory nerve fibers that will bring them to the brain.

The vibrations from the eardrum are mechanically reinforced by these bones and delivered to the
oval window.

Sound frequency limits that can be heard by the human ear are from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
in general amplitude with various variations in the response curve.
Very loud sound causes damage to hair cells, because damaged hair cells cannot grow anymore,
progressive hair cell damage and hearing loss can occur.

c. Noise type

1. Continuous noise (continuous) such as engine noise, fan, etc.

2. Intermittent noise (interrupted) that does not occur continuously like the sound of traffic,
aircraft noise

3, Impulsive Noise which has a change in sound pressure exceeding 40 dB in a fast time so as to
surprise the listener such as the sound of rifles, firecrackers, etc.

4. Repetitive impulsive noise that occurs repeatedly in the same period as the sound of a forging

d. Source of Noise

The effect of noise on labor is as follows:

1. Physiological disorders

The disorder can be an increase in blood pressure, pulse and can cause pallor and sensory

2. Psychological disorders

Psychological disorders in the form of discomfort, lack of concentration, emotions etc.

3. Communication disorders

Disruption of communication can cause disruption of work, it can even result in accidents
because they cannot hear signals or danger signs.

4. Hearing disorders (Deafness)

It is the most serious disorder because its effects can cause reduced hearing function. This
hearing loss is progressive but if it is not controlled it can cause permanent deafness.
hearing loss cannot be cured but can be prevented, therefore workplaces that exceed the NAB
must implement the Hearing Conservation Program (HCP).

e. The Hearing Conservation Program includes:

1. Noise Monitoring

2. Audiometry Test

3. Noise Control

4. Personal Protective Equipment

5. Motivation Training

6. Record maintenance

Noise Monitoring:

The measuring instrument for measuring noise in the workplace is the Sound Level Meter (SLM)
and for personal monitoring Dosimeter noise is used.

Before making the first measurement must be done is identification of hazards whether in the
work area there is a source of danger from the engine or work activities that can cause noise, can
also do Work Through Survey, namely survey to the workplace and conduct hazard

The next step is measuring noise with SLM, it is necessary to know that noise is using the
logarithmic function, because the range of human hearing is very wide with units of desible (db).

Perform periodic measurements both at work and personal monitoring, compare measurement
data with Threshold Values.

Audiometry / Hearing Test

If the measurement results at the workplace show that the noise intensity exceeds NAB, then do
an audiometry test for employees at least once a year.
Audiometry tests must also be conducted on new employees / rotation / mutations before being
assigned to areas with high noise intensity.

The target of audiometry test is examination of perceptual, conduction or mixed hearing loss.

Noise Control

Effective measures to prevent hearing loss are by controlling the source of danger by
eliminating, substituting, engineering, administration.

At the planning / engineering stage, make sure to choose the equipment with the lowest noise
effect, the machine with high noise intensity keep it away from the area where there are many
workers there.

If the engine is still noisy, install the barrier, install the dampers if necessary, the total enclosure /
partial enclosure.

For the Administrative Phase, you can do the following:

- Apply the area as a limited area, only trained personnel can enter, using Hearing Protection

- Setting a work schedule according to the NAB, for example 85 dBA works for 8 hours, 88 dBA
works for 4 hours, etc.

Personal Protective Equipment / Hearing Protection Equipment

The use of hearing aids is the last resort in an effort to prevent hearing loss, there are 2 types:

1. Ear plug / ear plug

2. Ear muff / ear cover

Factors that need to be considered in the selection of hearing protection devices are:

1. Can protect workers from noise

2. Comfortable to use and efficient

3. Suitable with other personal protective equipment such as helmets and glasses

3. Still able to communicate when used, because if excessive can cause other hazards such as not
being able to hear a signal or danger signal siren.

Motivation Training

Give an explanation to the employee about the consequences of noise and how to prevent it,
prove that no person is immune to noise by providing medical records of audiometry records and
work area measurement data.

Training with visualization methods is an effective way to explain to employees.

Maintenance of Notes

Maintain work area measurement data, employee audiometry tests and periodic evaluations.

Perform technical efforts for work areas that have noise levels exceeding NAB.
Chapter III


Ditempat kerja terdapat beberapa bahaya yang mempengaruhi lingkungan kerja seperti faktor
fisika, kimia, biologi, ergonomi serta psikologi.
Kebisingan merupakan sumber bahaya dari faktor fisika di tempat kerja, yang sumber bahaya
tersebut perlu dikendalikan agar tercipta lingkungan kerja yang sehat, aman, nyaman dan
produktif bagi tenaga kerja.


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