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Paper 2008 Delhi Set-3

Class-12 Chemistry

Time Allowed: 3 Hours, Maximum Marks: 70

General Instructions

1. All questions are compulsory.

2. Marks for each question are indicated against it.
3. Question numbers 1 to 8 are very short-answer questions, carrying 1 mark each. Answer
these in one word or about one sentence each.
4. Question numbers 9 to 18 are short-answer questions, carrying 2 marks each. Answer
these in about 30 words each.
5. Question numbers 19 to 27 are short-answer questions of 3 marks each. Answer these in
about 40 words each.
6. Question numbers 28 to 30 are long-answer questions of 5 marks each. Answer these in
about 70 words each.
7. Use Log Tables, if necessary Use of calculators is not permitted.

1. What type of substances exhibits antiferomagnetism. [1]

Ans. In which the alignment of domains (moments) is in a compensatory way to give zero
net moment.

2. Express the relation between conductivity and molar conductivity of a Solution. [1]


where is molar conductivity, is conductivity, is concentration in .

3. Which has a higher enthalpy of adsorption, physisorption of chemisorption. [1]

Ans. Chemisorption.

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4. Write the IUPAC name of the following compound:

Ans. 2,5-Dimethylhexane -1,3-diol.

5. In Which one of the two structures, the bond angle has a higher

value? [1]


6. Name a substance that can be used as an antiseptic as well as a disinfectant. [1]

Ans. Phenol (or any other correct one)

7. Arrange the following compounds in an increasing order of their acid Strengths. [1]


8. Write a chemical reaction in which the iodide ion replaces the diazonium group in a
diazonium salt. [1]


9. Formulate the galvanic cell in which the following reaction takes place: [2]

(i) Which one of its electrodes is negatively charged.
(ii) The reaction taking place at each of its electrode.
(iii) The carriers of current within this cell,

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Ans. The galvanic cell is depicted as:

(i) Zinc electrode is negatively charged

(ii) The ions formed i.e and in the solution are the carriers of the current within

the cell.
(iii) At anode:

At cathode:

10. The resistance of a conductivity cell containing Solution at

What is the cell constant if the conductivity of
solution at [2]


11. State Raoult's law for solutions of volatile liquids. Taking suitable examples explain
the meaning of positive and negative deviations from Raoult's law. [2]


Define the term osmotic pressure. Describe how the molecular mass of a substance can
be determined by a method based on measurement of Osmotic pressure.

Ans. Raoult’s law states that for a solution of volatile liquids, the partial vapour pressure of
each component in the solution is directly proprtional to its mole fraction.
When the solute-solvent interaction is weaker than those between the solute-solute and
solvent-solvent molecules than solution shows positive deviation from Raoults law because
the partial pressure of each component is greater.
ex. mixture of ethanol and acetone or carbon-disulphide and acetone behave in this manner.

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When the solute-solvent interaction is stronger than those between the solute-solute and
solvent-solvent molecules than solution shows negative deviation from Raoults law and the
partial vapour pressure of each component is lower.
ex. mixture of chloroform and acetone behave in this manner.

(Note: Explanation with suitable example of any one of the two.)


The extra pressure applied on the solution side that just stops the flow of solvent to solution
through semi-permeable membrane is called osmotic pressure of the solution.
Here is the osmotic pressure and R is the gas constant.

Thus, knowing the quantities we can calculate the molar mass of the


12. Assign a reason for each of the following statements: [2]

(i) Ammonia is a stronger base than phosphine.
(ii) Sulphur in vapour state exhibits a paramagnetic behavior.

Ans. (i) The lone pair of electrons on N atom in is directed and not diffused /

delocalized as it is in due to larger size of P/ or due to availability of d-orbitals in P.

(ii) molecule like , has two unpaired electrons in antibonding orbitals.

13. Draw the structures of the following molecules: [2]



Ans. (i)

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14. Explain as to why haloarenes are much less reactive than haloalkanes towards
nucleophilic substitution reactions. [2]


Which compound in each of the following pairs will react faster in reaction with

? Why?


Ans. Aryl halides are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution because of any of the
following reasons with correct explanation:
(i) Resonance effect stabilization
(ii) hybridization in haloarenes being more electronegative than in haloalkanes.

(iii) Instability of phenyl cation which is not stabilized by resonance.

(iv) possible repulsion between electron rich nucleophile and electron rich arene. (at least
two reasons to be given)

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(i) because iodine is a better leaving group due to its larger size.

(ii) the presence of bulky group on the carbon atom in has an

inhibiting effect.

15. (a) State the IUPAC name of the following compound: [2]

(b) Complete the following chemical equation.

Ans. (a) 1-Bromobut-2-ene


16. What are biodegradable and non-biodegradable detergents. Give one example of
each class. [2]

Ans. Biodegradable detergents are those detergents which are easily degraded by the
microorganisms and hence are pollution free.
ex. Soap / Sodium laurylsulphate / any other unbranched chain detergent. (any one)

Non-Biodegradable Detergents are those detergents which cannot be degraded by the

bacteria easily and hence create pollution. [example not essential]

17. Define the following terms in relation to proteins: [2].

(i) Peptide linkage
(ii) Denaturation

Ans. (i) Peptide linkage: Peptide linkage is an amide bond formed between

and group in protein formation.

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(ii) Denaturation: When a protein in its native form, is subjected to physical change like
change in temperature or chemical change like change in pH, protein loses its biological
activity. This is called denaturation of protein.

18. List the reactions of glucose which cannot be explained by its open chain structure.

Ans. (i) Despite having the aldehyde group, glucose does not give 2,4-DNP test or Schiff’s test.
(ii) It does not form the hydrogen sulphite addition product with

(iii) The pentaacetate of glucose does not react with hydroxylamine indicating the absence of
free -CHO group. (any two)

19. How Would you account for the following? [3]

(i) Frenkel defects are not found in alkali metal halides.
(ii) Schottky defects lower the density of related solids.
(iii) Impurity doped Silicon is a semiconductor,


Explain the following properties giving suitable examples:

(i) Ferromagnetism
(ii) Paramagnetism
(iii) Ferrimagnetism

Ans. (i) Due to larger size of alkali metal ions.

(ii) Due to the presence of holes or vacancies.
(iii) Due to the presence of extra electrons or holes in impurity doped silicon.


(i) Ferromagnetism: The substance which are attracted very strongly by a magnetic field and
show magnetism even when the magnetic field is removed.
Ex. Iron, cobalt, nickel, (any one example)

(ii) Paramagnetism: The substances which are weakly attracted by magnetic field and loose
their magnetism in the absence of magnetic field.

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Ex. (any one example)

(iii) Ferrimagnetism: When the magnetic moments of the domains in the substance are
aligned in parallel and anti-parallel directions in unequal numbers then substance shows
Ex. (any one example).

20. Calculate the temperature at which a solution containing of glucose,

of water will freeze. [3]


No. of moles of glucose

Molality of Glucose solution

Temperature at which solution freezes

21. Explain the basic principles of following metallurgical operations: [3]

(i) Zone refining

(ii) Vapour phase refining
(iii) Electrolytic refining

Ans. (i) Zone refining: This method is based on the principle that the impurities are more
soluble in the melt than in the solid state of metal.

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(ii) Vapour phase refining: In this method, the metal is converted into its volatile compound
and collected elsewhere. It is then decomposed to give pure metal.

(iii) Electrolytic refining: In this method, the impure metal is made to act as anode. A strip of
the same metal in pure form is used as cathode. They are put in a suitable electrolytic bath
containing soluble salt of the same metal. The more basic metal remains in the solution and
the less basic ones go to the anode mud.

22. Explain What is observed when: [3]

(i) an electrolyte, KC, is added to hydrated ferric oxide solution

(ii) an electric current is passed through a colloidal Solution
(iii) a beam of strong light is passed through a colloidal solution

Ans. (i) Ferric hydroxide sol is positively charged. By adding potassium chloride, the excess
chloride ions neutralize its positive charge and cause it to coagulate.

(ii) The dispersed phase and dispersion medium migrate towards oppositely charged
electrodes (electrophoresis).

(iii) The beam of light is scattered by colloidal particles (Tyndall effect).

23. Write the names and structures of the monomers of the following polymers: [3]

(i) Buna-S
(ii) Neoprene
(iii) Nylon-6

Ans. (i) Buna-S: 1,3- Butadiene and Styrene

(ii) Neoprene: Chloroprene

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(iii) Nylon-6: Caprolactum

24. Account for the following observations: [3]

(i) for aniline is more than that for methylamine,

(ii) Methylamine solution in water reacts with ferric chloride solution to give a
recipitate of ferric hydroxide,
(iii) Aniline does not undergo Friedel-Crafts reaction.

Ans. (i) It is because in aniline the group is attached directly to the benzene ring. It

results in the unshared electron pair on nitrogen atom to be in conjugation with the benzene
ring and thus making it less available for protonation. (or any other suitable reason)
(ii) Methyl amine in water gives ions which react with to give precipitate of

ferric hydroxide/ or

(iii) Aniline does not undergo Friedel-Crafts reaction due to salt formation with aluminium
chloride, the Lewis acid.

25. (a) What is a ligand? Give an example of a bidentate ligand. [3]

(b) Explain as to how the two complexes of nickel, have

different structures but do not differ in their magnetic behaviour. (Ni = 28)

Ans. (a) Ligand: The ions or molecules bound to the central atom/ion in the coordination
entity are called ligands.
ex. of bidentate ligand- ethane-1,2-diamine or oxalate ion (or any other)

(b) nickel is with strong Ligand like , all the

electrons are paired up in four d-orbitals resulting into hybridization giving square

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planar structure and diamagnetic character.

In nickel is in zero valence state, with strong Ligand like

electrons are pushed to the d-orbitals resulting into hybridization giving tetrahedral

shape and diamagnetic in nature.

(or this can be explained by drawing orbital configurations too.)

26. Name the reagents which are used in the following conversions: [3]

(i) A primary alcohol to an aldehyde

(ii) Butan-2-one to butan-2-ol
(iii) Phenol to 2, 4, 6-tribromophenol


27. Write chemical equations for the following processes: [3]

(i) Chlorine reacts with a hot concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide
(ii) Orthophosphorous acid is heated
(iii) and Xenon are mixed together


28. Assign reasons for the following: [5]

(i) The enthalpies of atomisation of transition elements are high,

(ii) The transition metals and many of their compounds act as good catalyst.
(iii). From element to element the actinoid contraction is greater than the lanthanoid

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(iv) The value for the couple is much more positive than that for

(v). Scandium (Z = 21) does not exhibit variable oxidation states and yet it is regarded
as a transition element.


(a) What may be the possible oxidation states of the transition metals with the
following d electronic configurations in the ground state of their atoms:
Indicate relative stability of oxidation states in each


(b) Write steps involved in the preparation of

(i) from chromite ore and

(ii) from pyrolusite ore. [3, 2]

Ans. (i) Because of larger number of unpaired electrons in their atoms they have stronger
interatomic interaction and hence stronger bonding between atoms resulting in higher
enthalpies of atomisation.
(ii) Because of their ability to adopt multiple oxidation states and to form complexes.
(iii) Because of poorer shielding by electrons than that by , actinoid contraction is
greater than the lanthanoid contraction.
(iv) Much larger third inonisation energy of (where the required change is ) is
mainly responsible for this.

(v) Because of the presence of incomplete in its ground state.


(Vanadium): Oxidation states

Stable oxidation state:

(Manganese): Oxidation states

Stable oxidation states:

(Iron): Oxidation states

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Stable oxidation state: +2 in acidic medium, +3 in neutral or in alkaline medium.

(b) (i)


29. (a) Derive the general form of the expression for the half-life of a first Order
(b) The decomposition of NH on platinum surface is a zero-order reaction. What are the
rates of production of [2, 3]


(a) List the factors that affect the Tate of a chemical reaction.
(b) The half-life of radioactive decay of is An archaeological artefact
containing wood had only of activity found in living tree. Estimate the age of
the artefact. [2, 3]

Ans. (a) Half-life of a First order reaction:


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Rate of production of

Rate of production of hydrogen


Rate of production of

Rate of production of hydrogen

(Note: No marks to be deducted for wrong unit in this question, as there is a misprint in the
question in units of k)


(a) Factors affecting rate of chemical reaction are:

(i) Concentration of reactants

(ii) Temperature
(iii) Presence of catalyst
(iv) Surface Area
(v) Activation energy

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30. (a) Complete the following reaction statements by giving the missing starting
material, reagent or product as required: [3, 2]

(b) Describe the following reactions:

(i) Cannizaro reaction
(ii) Cross aldol condensation


(a) How would you account for the following: [3, 2]

(i) Aldehydes are more reactive than ketones towards nucleophiles.
(ii) The boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are lower than of the corresponding

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(iii) The aldehydes and ketones undergo a number of addition reactions.

(b) Give chemical tests to distinguish between:

(i) Acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde
(ii) Propanone and propanol

Ans. (a) (i)



(NOTE: any two correct answers to be evaluated and 1½ marks for each to be awarded)

(b) (i) Cannizzaro reaction: Aldehydes which do not have an uhdergo

self-oxidation and reduction reaction on treament with concentrated alkali.

(ii) Cross aldol condensation: When aldol condensation is carried out between two different
aldehydes and /or ketones, it is called Cross aldol condensation.

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(Note: Award full marks for correct chemical equation; award ½ mark if only statement is


(i) Because two alkyl groups in ketones reduce the positive charge on carbon atom of the
carbonyl group more effectivelythan in aldehydes. / or sterically, the presence of two
relatively large substituents in ketones hinders the approach of nucleophile to carbonyl
carbon than in aldehydes having only one such substituents.
(ii) Beacuase of the absence of hydrogen bonding in aldehydes and ketones.

(iii) Because of the presence of the sp2 hybridised orbitals(or π-bond) of carbonyl carbon.
(b) (i) Acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde: Acetaldehyde gives yellow ppt of Iodoform (CHl3) on

addition of NaOH/I2 whereas benzaldehyde does not give this test.

(or any other suitable test)

(ii) Propanone and propanol: Propanone gives yellow ppt of Iodoform (CHl3) on addition of

NaOH/I2 whereas propanol does not give this test. Or / Propanol gives brisk effervesence on

adding a piece of Sodium metal whereas Propanone does not give this test.
(or any other suitable test)

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