Design and Implementation of Computerized Property Valuation System

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The key takeaways are that the chapter discusses system analysis and design for a computerized property valuation system.

The existing system for property valuation is a manual process where the estate agent has to interact with clients in person to provide property valuations. This process is time consuming and prone to errors.

The existing manual system is time consuming, expensive, gives redundant and inconsistent data, and has inefficient communication and processes.




3.0 Introduction

This section deals with the concept of system analysis, which is the

primary phase of the software development. The purpose is to identify the

new system and establish what the new system is to accomplish. Moreover

a brief review of requirement determination, software environment, a

report on feasibility analysis, DFD is also presented. The proposed system

was subjected to thorough analysis and the findings are recorded here.

System analysis is an important activity that takes place when new system

is being build. It is the central whole of system development and it includes

gathering necessary data and developing a plan to the new system. It is

not an easy task because many people need to be satisfied and many

conflicts resolved. System analysis should be creative and imaginative in

producing new solutions to meet the user requirements.

3.1 Existing System

The Existing system for property valuation is a manual process. With

respect to the existing system, the estate agent has to interact with the
client in person, brief on the current market value of a property they have

and so on. All this requires more time and labor work. This also gives root

to lack of coordination, follow-ups and manual errors. Moreover, the data

collected may be inconsistent, redundant and servicing a remote client will

become impossible.

Properties to be organized at multiple locations become a tedious

task. The burden over both the client and the employee increases and

gives form to confusions and erroneous data.

3.2 Drawbacks or Problems of Existing System

The existing system is:

 Involves more manual work

 Time consuming

 Expensive

 Gives redundant and inconsistent data

 Inefficient communication and process

3.3 Analysis of the Proposed System

The main objective of the system is to provide up-to-date status and

accurate data regarding each property to all the clients/departments which

may be situated apart.

 Improved customer satisfaction at low cost

 Easy updating of information

 Better coordination of various departmental activities

 Provides online registration facility

 Status of processing can be verified and identified at any stage of


 Efficient allocation of resources

 Ensures timeline management

Property valuation system provides a full fledged package for an

property valuation company. This also provides a user friendly web outlet

for the system to communicate with the remote end-users. The main

issues that faced by the firm is in managing the logistics that are

distributed country wide. The proposed system bridges this gap between

the end-users and the company by providing a centralized control over the

entire system. The different departments utilize the system for sequencing
the different processes that are isolated apart. The department utilizes the

system to derive maximum profit by optimizing resources.

3.4 Analysis of Modules

There are many modules in the system

i. Marketing module: Marketing people in the existing system finds

difficulty in canvassing different clients, and to provide quick and complete

information about the property. The proposed system provides many

alternatives to solve the problem by providing different modes of

registration for the clients in their finger tips.

The system provides a three level security mechanism for the

department with respect to their designations of the users. The clients can

also engage themselves to register their requirements. The filtering of the

requirements with respect to schedules is done in the marketing

departments. The system provides a calendar tool for the purpose. The

processes take places under the department were distributed according to

the hierarchy of officials. The requirements were verified and recorded in

corresponding databases. It provides facilities to convey and send the

order information to different departments.

ii. Promotion module: The promotion department has the whole

authority to provide various facilities to promote the property in the public.

The proposed system enables to find out the more suitable promotional

equipment for the property. It helps to engage the sponsors to the

properties. The property valuation system provides a much easier

environment to inform the clients and the vendors of the company.

The final cost sheet of the property will be provided to the finance


iii. Finance module: The finance department utilizes the whole system

many ways. It finds out a tool to merge different cost sheets to prepare a

proposal for the whole property. It also uses the system to determine the

performance of the employees to calculate the salaries provided and

incentives given. The finance gets the main aid while settling the bills and

getting the payment from the client. It also records every payment

information from the company point of view. Finance has also the work to

receive the approved quotations and process it and forward the selected

details to various departments. Property valuation system manages to

generate various internal and external reports for the future use. These

reports include annual, monthly, fortnight, bills and receipts.

vi. Admin module: The admin has the role to control entire activities of

the system. The property valuation System helps admin by providing an

interactive environment to track the whole activities of the employees and

monitor whole processes that take place inside the system. Another aspect

of the work done by admin is to provide proper security settings to the

whole system. This is done through property valuation System by providing

different levels securities to the system. These security levels can be

changed but only by the Admin.

v. H R: HR of the existing system deals with the human resource of the

company. The optimized allocation of jobs is a very tidy process in the

manual way. Property valuation System helps the HR manager to record

the allotted jobs (i.e client who are interested in the property) and

corresponding dates and then helps to allocate the new jobs to employees

and workers. So the workload of the HR managers will be reduced.

3.4 Features of Proposed System

The proposed system “Property valuation System”, is a fully

computerized system for Property valuation. The system automates all the

activities of an Property valuation company, from the client registration to

the bill settlement. In the proposed system the client online can view the

company details and services provided by them. Online registration is also

possible with this the proposed system. As the proposed system is a

centralized one, redundancy can be avoided; moreover the coordination of

different departments becomes much easier. This system constitutes a

scheduler, which helps it to manage property jobs happening in multiple

locations. Above all the system provides high security for all its data.

3.5.1 Advantages of the proposed system

Better security

Managing multiple property valuation job efficiently

Redundancy can be reduced

Property valuation processing status can be checked anytime

Erroneous data can be avoided

Latest Technological implementation

3.5.2 Disadvantage Of The Propose System

The disadvantages of the proposed system include:

. There might be the possible corruption and damages of files if the

system is attacked by virus.

. The system cannot be put to use when there is no power outage.

. The system will thus cost a fortune to maintain regularly.

. The system cannot be use where there is no internet service.



4.1 Introduction

Work begins when management agrees to sum accepted by the

client during detailed analysis and authorizes the necessary personnel to

continue. It concludes when client approves the design and authorizes

development of the actual system.

4.1 Input Design

The input design is the process of converting the user-oriented inputs

in to the computer-based format. The goal of designing input data is to

make the automation as easy and free from errors as possible. For

providing a good input design for the application easy data input and

selection features are adopted.

The input design requirements such as user friendliness, consistent

format and Interactive Dialogue for giving the right message and help for

the user at right time are also considered for the development of the

The main forms used here are:

Login Form

This is the form through which different users can enter into the

system. Different levels of validation at server and client side have been


Client Requirement form

This form allows the remote clients to register in the system.

Requirement Form

This form allows the agents or vendors to register the clients from

remote locations.

Vendor selection form

This form helps promotion and production managers to select the

exact vendors for different items.

4.2 Output Design

A quality output is one, which meets the requirements of the end

user and presents the information clearly. In any system results of

processing are communicated to the users and to other systems through

outputs. In the output design it is determined how the information is to be

displayed for immediate need and also the hard copy output. It is the most

important and direct source information to the user. Efficient and intelligent

output design improves the system’s relationship the user and helps in


Outputs from computers are required primarily to communicate the

results of processing to the users. They are also used to provide a

permanent copy of these results for later consultation.

The output types are:

External outputs

Internal outputs

Operational outputs

Interactive Outputs

Turnaround time

The outputs may be defined in terms of type of output, content,

format, location, frequency, response, volume, sequence and action


4.3 Database Design

Client registration
Field name Data type lenght constraints description Key

Client_id varchar 5 notnull Client identification Pk

Clint_pwd varchar 10 notnull Client password

Client name varchar 20 notnull Name of client

Date of birth Date 8 notnull Date of birth

City varchar 20 notnull City of client

Nationality varchar 20 notnull Nationality of client

Gender varchar 10 Notnull Gender of client

Phone no number 15 Notnull Phone of the client

Mobile no number 20 notnull Mobile of the client

Address varchar 20 notnul Address of client

E_mail varchar 25 notnull E_mail address of client

Client order
Field name Datatype Length constraints description Keys

Client_id Varchar 5 Notnull Client identification Foreign

Order_id Varchar 5 Notnull Order identification Primary

Typ_pro Varchar 15 Notnull Type of property

Location Varchar 20 Notnull Location

Budget Number 10 Notnull Budget

Time Date/time 8 notnull time

Schedule table
Field name datatype length constraints description keys

Order_id Varchar 5 Notnull Order identification foreign

Property_name Varchar 20 Notnull Property name

Venue Varchar 15 Notnull Venue of event

Time Date/time 8 notnull Time

Calander table
Field name datatype length constraints Description Keys

Order_id Varchar 5 Notnull Order identification foreign

Date Date 8 Notnull Date

Month Date 8 Notnull Month

Year Date 8 Notnull Year

Time Date/time 8 Notnull Time

Prop_name Varchar 20 Notnull Name of Property

Service table
Field name datatype length constraints description keys

Serv_id Varchar 5 Notnull Service identification primary

Type Varchar 20 Notnull Type of service

Date Date 8 Notnull Date of service

Time Date/time 8 Notnull Time of service

Desc varchar 50 notnull description

Service verification
Field name datatype length constraints description keys

Serv_id varchar 5 notnull Service identification Foreign

Order_id varchar 5 notull Order identification Foreign

Evnt_ property varchar 15 notnull Name of property

Description varchar 50 notnull description

Item selection

Field name Data type Length constraints description Keys

Vendor_id Varchar 5 Notnull Vendor identification Foreign
Item_id Varchar 5 Notnull Item identification foreign
Item_type Varchar 20 Notnull Item type
Cost number 10 notnull Cost of item

Promotional table
Field name datatype length constraints description keys

Vendor_id Varchar 5 Notnull Vendor identification primary

Name Varchar 20 Notnull Vendor name

Address Varchar 50 Notnull Address

Mobno Number 15 Notnull Mobile number

Email varchar 15 notnull Email address

Sponsor table
Field name datatype length constraints Description Keys

Order_id Varchar 5 Notnull Order identification foreign

prop_name Varchar 20 Notnull Property name

Typ_ Varchar 20 Notnull Type of Property

Spon_cost Number 10 Notnull Sponsership cost of Property

Spon_pay Number 10 Notnull Payment of money for sponsoring

Date_pay Date 8 Notnull Date of payment

Date_ date 8 notnull Date of Property


Promotion information table

Field name Datatype length constraints description keys

Order_id Varchar 5 Notnull Order identification Foreign

Vendor_id Varchar 5 Notnull Vendor identification foreign

Type_ Property Varchar 15 Notnull Type of Property

Date_ Property Date 8 Notnull Date of Property

Cost number 10 notnull Cost


Field name datatype length Constraints Description keys

Order_id varchar 5 Notnull Order identification Foreign

Type_property varchar 15 Notnull Type of property

Cost number 10 Notnull Cost of property

Event proposal

Field name datatype length Constraints description Keys

Order_id Varchar 5 Notnull Order identification foreign

Qutn_id Varchar 5 Notnull Qutation identification primary

Cost Number 10 Notnull Estimated cost

Desc Varchar 50 Notnull description

Bill table

Field name Datatype length constraints description keys

Order_id Varchar 5 Notnull Order identification Foreign

Bill_id Varchar 5 Notnull Bill identification primary

Bill_date Date 8 Notnull Bill date

Advance Number 10 Notnull Advance paid

Rem_amt Number 10 Notnull Remaining amount

Total Number 10 Notnull Total to be paid

Duedate Date 8 Notnull Duedate of payment

Employee salaries
Field name Description length constraints Description keys

Emp_id Varchar 5 notnull Employee identification foreign

Desig Varchar 20 Notnull Designation

Basicpay Number 10 Notnull Basic pay

Incentives Number 10 Notnull Incentives

Total Number 10 notnull Total salary

Client payment
Field name Datatype length constraints description keys

Client_id Varchar 5 Notnull Client identification

Order_id Varchar 5 Notnull Order identification

Bill_id Varchar 5 Notnull Bill identification

Advance Number 10 Notnull Advance paid

Rem_amt Number 10 Notnull Remaining amount

Amt_pay Number 10 Notnull Amount to be paid

Date_pay date 8 Notnull Date of payment

Quotation processing table

Field name datatype length constraints description keys

Order_id Varchar 5 Notnull Order identification Foreign

Qutn_id Varchar 5 Notnull Qutation identification foreign

Date_qutn Date 8 Notnull Date of qutation

Est_Amount Number 10 Notnull Estimated amount

Desc Varchar 50 notnull Description

Employee activity

Field name Datatype length constraints description keys

Emp_id Varchar 5 notnull Employee identification foreign

Worker_id Varchar 5 Notnull Worker identification foreign
No_workers Number 5 Notnull No of workers
Status_job Varchar 20 Notnull Status of job
Desc varchar 50 notnull description

Process monitoring
Field name datatype length constraints description keys

Emp_id Varchar 5 notnull Employee identification Foreign

Worker_id Varchar 5 Notnull Worker identification foreign

Job allocation
Field name datatype length constraints description keys

Order_id Varchar 5 Notnull Order identification Foreign

Emp_id Varchar 5 Notnull Employee identification Foreign

Worker_id Varchar 5 Notnull Worker identification foreign

No_days Number 5 Notnull No of days allotted for job

Status varchar 20 notnull Status of the job

Employee details
Field name datatype length constraints description keys

Emp_id Varchar 5 notnull Employee identification primary

Emp_name Varchar 5 Notnull Employee name

Address Varchar 20 Notnull Employee address

Phno number 15 Notnull Phone number

Mobno number 15 Notnull Mobile number

Email varchar 20 notnull Email address

Worker details

Field name datatype length constraints description keys

Worker_id Varchar 5 Notnull Worker identification primary

Name Varchar 20 Notnull Worker name

Address Varchar 50 Notnull Worker address

Phno Number 15 Notnull Worker phone no

Mobno Number 15 Notnull Mobile number

Email varchar 20 Notnull Email address

HR details table
Field name datatype length constraints description keys

Order_id varchar 5 notnull Order identification Foreign

propt_name varchar 20 notnull Name of property

propt _evnt date 8l notnull Date of property

Cost number 10 Notnull Cost of the property

Feedback table

Field name datatype length Constraints description keys

Client-id varchar 5 Notnull Client of identification Fk

Order-id varchar 5 Notnull Order of identification

Date of fb date 8 notnull Date of feedback

Event name varchar 20 notnull Name of property

Description varchar 50 notnull description

Reference table
Fieldname datatype length constraints description Keys

Ref-id varchar 5 notnull Reference of identification Pk

Ref-name varchar 20 notnull Reference name

Address varchar 50 notnull Reference address

Phone no Number 15 notnull Reference phone no

Mobile no Number 15 notnull Reference of mobile

Web addr Varchar 20 notnull Website address

E-mail addr Varchar 20 notnull Email of address

4.4 Process Design

Property valuation Software System was designed and developed

based on the Waterfall Model. This model particularly expresses the

interaction between subsequent phases. Testing software is not an activity,

which strictly follows the implementation phase. In each phase of the

software development process, we have to compare the results obtained

against that which is required. In all phases quality has to be assessed and


4.5 Testing Objectives

Software testing is an important element of Software Quality

Assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and

coding. The increasing visibility of software as a system element and the

costs associated with a software failure are motivating forces for well

planned, through testing.

There are several rules that can serve as testing objectives,

1) Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of

finding errors.
2) A good test case is the one that has a high probability of finding an

undiscovered error.

3) A successful test is one that uncovers an undiscovered error.

4.6 System Testing

System testing is actually a series of different tests whose primary

purpose is to fully exercise the computer-based system. Although each test

has a different purpose, all work to verify that all system elements have

been properly integrated and perform allocated functions.

During testing the researcher tried to make sure that the product

does exactly what is supposed to do. Testing is the final verification and

validation activity within the organization itself. In the testing stage, I try to

achieve the following goals; to affirm the quality of the product, to find and

eliminate any residual errors from previous stages, to validate the software

as a solution to the original problem, to demonstrate the presence of all

specified functionality in the product, to estimate the operational reliability

of the system.

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