Design and Implementation of Computerized Property Valuation System
Design and Implementation of Computerized Property Valuation System
Design and Implementation of Computerized Property Valuation System
3.0 Introduction
This section deals with the concept of system analysis, which is the
new system and establish what the new system is to accomplish. Moreover
was subjected to thorough analysis and the findings are recorded here.
System analysis is an important activity that takes place when new system
not an easy task because many people need to be satisfied and many
respect to the existing system, the estate agent has to interact with the
client in person, brief on the current market value of a property they have
and so on. All this requires more time and labor work. This also gives root
become impossible.
task. The burden over both the client and the employee increases and
Time consuming
property valuation company. This also provides a user friendly web outlet
for the system to communicate with the remote end-users. The main
issues that faced by the firm is in managing the logistics that are
distributed country wide. The proposed system bridges this gap between
the end-users and the company by providing a centralized control over the
entire system. The different departments utilize the system for sequencing
the different processes that are isolated apart. The department utilizes the
department with respect to their designations of the users. The clients can
departments. The system provides a calendar tool for the purpose. The
The proposed system enables to find out the more suitable promotional
The final cost sheet of the property will be provided to the finance
iii. Finance module: The finance department utilizes the whole system
many ways. It finds out a tool to merge different cost sheets to prepare a
proposal for the whole property. It also uses the system to determine the
incentives given. The finance gets the main aid while settling the bills and
getting the payment from the client. It also records every payment
information from the company point of view. Finance has also the work to
receive the approved quotations and process it and forward the selected
vi. Admin module: The admin has the role to control entire activities of
monitor whole processes that take place inside the system. Another aspect
the allotted jobs (i.e client who are interested in the property) and
corresponding dates and then helps to allocate the new jobs to employees
computerized system for Property valuation. The system automates all the
the bill settlement. In the proposed system the client online can view the
locations. Above all the system provides high security for all its data.
Better security
4.1 Introduction
make the automation as easy and free from errors as possible. For
providing a good input design for the application easy data input and
format and Interactive Dialogue for giving the right message and help for
the user at right time are also considered for the development of the
The main forms used here are:
Login Form
This is the form through which different users can enter into the
system. Different levels of validation at server and client side have been
Requirement Form
This form allows the agents or vendors to register the clients from
remote locations.
displayed for immediate need and also the hard copy output. It is the most
important and direct source information to the user. Efficient and intelligent
output design improves the system’s relationship the user and helps in
External outputs
Internal outputs
Operational outputs
Interactive Outputs
Turnaround time
Client order
Field name Datatype Length constraints description Keys
Calander table
Field name datatype length constraints Description Keys
Service table
Field name datatype length constraints description keys
Item selection
Promotional table
Field name datatype length constraints description keys
Sponsor table
Field name datatype length constraints Description Keys
Bill table
Employee salaries
Field name Description length constraints Description keys
Client payment
Field name Datatype length constraints description keys
Process monitoring
Field name datatype length constraints description keys
Job allocation
Field name datatype length constraints description keys
Worker details
HR details table
Field name datatype length constraints description keys
Feedback table
Reference table
Fieldname datatype length constraints description Keys
against that which is required. In all phases quality has to be assessed and
costs associated with a software failure are motivating forces for well
finding errors.
2) A good test case is the one that has a high probability of finding an
undiscovered error.
has a different purpose, all work to verify that all system elements have
During testing the researcher tried to make sure that the product
does exactly what is supposed to do. Testing is the final verification and
validation activity within the organization itself. In the testing stage, I try to
achieve the following goals; to affirm the quality of the product, to find and
eliminate any residual errors from previous stages, to validate the software
of the system.