Building Urban Land Information Management System

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Building Urban Land Information Management System in PostgreSQL, for the

Case of Ethiopia

Article  in  Journal of Communication and Computer · January 2019

DOI: 10.17265/1548-7709/2019.01.003


0 775

2 authors:

Abraham Kelilo Tula Firaol B Geleta

Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Arba Minch University


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Journal of Communication and Computer 15 (2019) 25-37

Building Urban Land Information Management System in

PostgreSQL, for the Case of Ethiopia

Abraham Kelilo Tula1, and Firaol Befikadu Geleta2

Civil Informatics Centre, Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation (ECDSWC)
Along Megenagna to Bole Ring Road at Gerji Junction, P.O. Box 2561 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Abstract: Population growth and rapid urbanization have caused an exponential increase in urban land demand in Ethiopia. The
information required for land administration and management has been tremendously increasing as well. Therefore, this paper
describes the steps for a building database prototype for urban land information management system for the case of Ethiopia which
results to develop an efficient and effective way of spatial and non-spatial urban land data management system. This research project
will develop a central database system using a PostgreSQL software to retrieve, update and store the required data using a
user-friendly graphical interface. System requirement and specification is devoted to a system design which incorporates the intended
system behaviour using a use case diagram, logical design of the system using a class diagram. The design system is validated and
tested via sample data which can store, retrieve, and update the required data as per the user requirement. Developing this type of
urban land information management system, therefore, facilitates and increases the efficiency of land registration and related
activities at the municipality level. Thence, citizens would be satisfied by the service delivery of the municipality. The land and real
estate ownerships registration will also become automated. Furthermore, any spatial and non-spatial data related with the system can
be stored in the database which will be ready for more analysis as to be able to use by policymakers, urban planners for the purpose
of sustainable development of urban area infrastructural developments and land use policy. The research will lay ground for another
task to develop CityGML 3D modelling for selected cities thereby contributes to spatial data infrastructure development to Ethiopia.

Keywords: Database prototype, PostgreSQL, programming language, urban land management system, Ethiopia.

1. Background information management system. Further, there is a

limitation to study on CityGML 3D modeling [20].
One of the most essential components of the
The basic problem in the sector must be resolved to
socio-economic asset for Ethiopia is land, public
proceed an advanced 3D modeling technologies.
property and not subject to sale, which is unbendingly
During urban land ownership registration, there are
administered and used mostly in the urban area. Land
spatial and non-spatial data which are required to be
administration in Ethiopia mainly lacks capturing of
filled on the provided sheets by the municipality.
basic spatial and its related data for the current update
Among the attribute data to be recorded are the
and display the information that in need of it [1].
identification of parcel and where it is located,
Currently, the most practicing system to register urban
landholder information, and legal rights [1]. In urban
land information is manual, which is hindered by
areas where land is mainly used for residential,
enormous drawbacks for the management of the urban
business and investment are considered as a parcel
land administration. Application of geoinformatics in
which is the smallest unit for property register. The
the urban development and planning are not in their
other property of urban area land is about leasehold
position to deliver their advantage over existing land
right. Due to land scarcity and other reasons, most
major city in the country display bid to the public to
Corresponding author: Abraham Kelilo Tula, Ph.D,
research fields: 3D urban land modelling and artificial
hold lease right for various purposes. However, the
intelligence. E-mail: [email protected]. current urban land registration practice to lease right
26 Building Urban Land Information Management System in PostgreSQL, for the Case of Ethiopia

by itself would lead to implementing an automated from the system and a result of poor governance.
system that to ease the existed practical problems More on that, the system was not transparent and did
appeared in most major city’s municipality in Ethiopia not fulfill customer demand for reliable service from
[2]. the land administration authority of the municipality
These cities in Ethiopia are currently characterized [5].
by rapid urbanization growth which results in In many cases, an automated and reliable urban
significant demographic and spatial change [11]. The land information management system is a key for
municipality of every town/cities are responsible to enormous public development tasks. For example,
provide residential land for individual or private land planning, infrastructure development
company to build residential homes. However, due to maintenance; environmental protection and resource
the lack of urban land information management management are among the areas where the
system, problems like informal settlement hinder the geoinformatics application system is crucial at large
growth of large cities. Thus, the municipality urban [4].
land administration department needs an effort to Thus, by deploying urban land information
change the problem encountered service delivery to management system at the municipality of major cities,
the citizen. the data would be easily manageable and applicable.
Due to rapid urbanization in Ethiopia, land datasets Additionally, it would be useful for a policymaker to
grow ever larger as populations expand and need for react upon the processed data derived from the system.
land information in support of development becomes More on that, urban land registration, retrieving,
ever more urgent. Central database to all dataset is updating at the municipality (user of the system) will
drastically change the service delivery that will
essential for municipality and clients to have access to
improve the satisfaction of the citizen in this regard
accurate and updated information about the urban land
and land-related data. As a result, the new system
should be deployed for effective and efficient data 2. Objectives
distribution among stakeholders [6]. The provision of
2.1 Main Objective
such kind of technology would help in using the
required service regards with efficiency, scalability,  Design a prototype for urban land information
security, and integrity of the deploying system [5]. management system
The existing manual urban land registration system
2.2 Specific Objectives
of parcels and its related data, however, were not
easily identified by a unique numbering system [5].  Develop a consistent framework to manage,
Because manual registration usually keeps the record retrieve, storing, update and display urban land data.
to the minimum via alphanumeric order. Thus, the  Improve the management of urban lands and
proposed system will use a uniquely identified number properties records.
which is an essential component for the development  Reduce cost associated to urban land record
of the database. (manual record is expensive).
Due to manual record keeping of the database at the  Create a user friendly interface to allow easy
municipality record office, the administration of urban access to the system.
land and related activities are usually characterized by  Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) of Ethiopia.
inconsistencies and irregularities among stakeholders  Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard .
which are a problem for the information come out  Lay ground for CityGML 3D modelling.
Building Urban Land Information Management System in PostgreSQL, for the Case of Ethiopia 27

3. Land Right and Urban Land land for residence on a 99 years lease based
Administration in Ethiopia arrangement [13].

3.1 Land Right 3.2 Urban Land Administration

The land is one of the essential components of any Urban landholding lease system is new for Ethiopia.
development activity in the urban area. In Ethiopian More attention of the government in the past year was
history, political parties mentioned the issue of land dispensed to rural lands where most people have land
right as one of the main concern for the campaign ownership. This is because agriculture is the backbone
during an election held in the past few years. The of the economy and the majority of the population was
citizen, as well, was very eager to know a clear living in rural areas. In the past year, urbanazation was
position of political parties in related to land. not significant however, recently, it becomes
In line with urbanization growth, land right for rural significant. These days, people are migrating to the
and urban areas is addressed separately in the urban areas looking for better life and infrastructure
constitution. However, in the Federal Democratic accessibility. Thus, the government of Ethiopia
Republic of Ethiopia constitution Article 40 stated that introduced for the first time in 1993 about the lease
land is the property of the state and the people of system in order to administer the urban land. Since
Ethiopia and that its use shall be subject to specific then the laser system is helping as a sole means of
regulation by law. Due to fast growth in urbanization, urban landholding.
the different proclamation is announced to the public. The urban area is associated with huge
In the new urban land lease holding proclamation of infrastructure which in turn requires large income to
Ethiopia (proclamation No. 721/2004), various terms build. Thus, the adopted proclamation also designed in
have got definition as to fit the new proclamation. order to fulfill the gap between the infrastructure
According to lease holding proclamation of development and urbanization development plan. Due
Ethiopia (proclamation No. 721/2004) the following to the growth of tremendous urbanization, demand for
definition are mentioned. land in the urban area has been increasing and greater
 “Lease” means a system of land tenure by which than the supply of land provided by the municipality.
the use right of urban land is acquired under a contract Even though the intensity of growth in urbanization
of a definite period; are different among cities, almost all major cities are
 “Urban land” means land located within an facing problem on the allocation of land.
administrative boundary of an urban centre; [12]. The demand for urban land shows each year a
The constitution mentioned about the right to own drastic increase with price and appeal from the
both urban land right. Thus, the Ethiopian constitution citizens. However, the system which leasehold right
asserts state ownership of land; there are no private handled was not transparent and in return susceptible
property rights in land. Article 40(3) states: to corruption. Today, corruption in urban land is one
of the poorest governance result and citizens are
The right to own rural and urban land as well as
natural resources belongs only to the state and the claiming the government to be fair and transparent in
people. Land is an inalienable common property of service delivery of urban leasehold right. If the system
the nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia of the leaseholds right transparent; urban speculators
and shall not be subject to sale or to other means of
and broker would have been blocked from the system.
As a result, the limited resource will reach the entire
It is also mentioned in the constitution about urban citizen in a way to attain their satisfaction. The result
area residents which are included with the right to get of poor governance is also resolved through
28 Building Urban Land Information Management System in PostgreSQL, for the Case of Ethiopia

application of modern land leasehold right [14]. immediate information retrieval and report generation.
 Paper recorded data is not organized to attain
4. Existing Land Information System in
data integrity.
 Parcel identification is kept in unorganized ways
Population density has increased in all major towns which prevents the acquisition of parcel information
of Ethiopia. These major towns are capital cities of related with other spatial and non-spatial data.
regional states. There are also other cities which are  Data exchange among different departments
not capital cities of a region, however, due to business about land registration is not consistent and
and other reasons; their population is as large as the standardized.
capital city of the respective regional state. As a result,  In general, the current system data record is kept
urban house construction and it's correspondent manually and information are stored on books which
infrastructure development are major components on are used for registering real property information and
the usage of urban land in Ethiopia. Hence, urban paper based archive.
house construction is pressing the available lands for  The existing system of land and real property
rapid urbanization of Ethiopia. registration is usually based on title deeds. This
Land in urban areas is an essential resource for information is registered on several books which in
every development activities. Its modern turn make it difficult to update data related with the
administration applying a spatial database system, information.
therefore, is mandatory. Most of the time, land
5. Methodology
administration responsibilities are dealt with land
delivering and transferring, building permit, and A well-integrated and suitable database
tenure administration and documentation. However, management was implemented in PostgreSQL. The
most municipalities are challenging in the selected database enables to describe the information
administration of the land which is severely lacking related to land registration and management which is
consistent and automated land record systems which specified in the designed database. The designed
in turn result in a lack of transparency to the citizen. database has a client/server architecture which would
This potentially leads to corruption and informal enable to access the database through a designed and
settlement. well understood graphical user interface from the
The existing land information management system client side. As a result, a large number of data can
in Ethiopia can be generally identified as follows. easily manipulate efficiently and effectively. It is also
 The existing manual paper land registration very important in summarized report generation to
system does not have secured access for different users. Most importantly, land-related data are stored in
types of users and the data cannot be easily processed an integrated way which would allow the users to
as per the required objectives. retrieve information using well designed graphical
 Information flow among different departments is user interface.
restricted to manual information. This hinders the time Developing a database in PostgreSQL is
and manipulation of data. advantageous for a number of reasons. It is an open
 The organized data recorded on paper does not source object-relational database system and can run
have a basic relation between different data types in most operating system [9]. Besides its basic data
(spatial and non-spatial data type). type, it supports storage of binary large object
 The existing system does not allow important and including pictures. In regards to a programming
Building Urban Land Information Management System in PostgreSQL, for the Case of Ethiopia 29

interface, it supports with Net programming language make needed refinements before developing the final
at which the system used for a graphical user interface system. Thus, in order to meet the requirement
as a tool [6]. Fig. 1 shows the research project analysis in developing the system, a prototyping
workflow and steps to be carried out. model is applied. This system development method
(SDM) defines the new requirement analysis with as
5.1 System Analysis
much detail as possible. A thorough understanding of
5.1.1 Urban Land Information System and the system functionality is one of the main
Prototyping components in designing the prototype of the system.
An urban land information system is designed in Therefore, detail requirement analysis is performed
view of sustainable land use planning and together with the system user in order to deliver a
management through a strengthening of urban data system which can accomplish user requirement. When
systems. Land and land-related data are designed to be a user is satisfied with the requirement analysis, a final
a suite in the database which attained to have parcel prototype is constructed.
based and up-to-date land information system. Based on the initial system requirement analysis,
Urban land information prototyping is a database and graphical user interface prototype
development process in which prototyping designed for urban land information management
methodology allows developers and urban planners to system in client-server architecture approach. The
create part of the solution to analyze functionality and initial user interface is designed using Visual

Fig. 1 Research methodology work flow.

30 Building Urban Land Information Management System in PostgreSQL, for the Case of Ethiopia

programming language. In order to store, disseminate (1) Use Case Diagram

and retrieve spatial and non-spatial data, PostgreSQL The use case diagram shown in Fig. 2 illustrates a
database application is used [18]. methodology used in system analysis to identify the
5.1.2 Requirement Analysis and Specification system requirement of the proposed system. Seven
It is a pre-requisite to determining the requirement actors are identified such as land owner,land registrar
of the system before developing a model for urban officer, land surveyer, system administrator, land
land information management system (ULIMS). The administration officer, building permit officer and
model is actually in designing the relevant database mayer for the interaction among the elements in the
system which would handle specific requirements system. Use cases are also identified for the specific
identified during system analysis. roles played by the actors for the proposed system.
One of the key sources to the analysis is the existed (2) UML Class Diagram
manual system documents which have been used The unified modelling language class diagram is
currently for the urban land registration system. In the used to represent the logical structure of the proposed
following two sessions, the requirement analysis of system. This system is used to verify the data
the system can be obtained and identified. In the requirement and the behaviour of objects within the
following use case and class model diagram, the new system for the proposed database design. Fig. 3
urban land information system prototype design illustrated class diagram for selected objects to design
allows studying the requirement analysis and the proposed system. From class diagram shown in
specification. Fig. 3, thirteen tables are created in the database.

Fig. 2 Use case diagram for urban land information system.

Building Urban Land Information Management System in PostgreSQL, for the Case of Ethiopia 31

Fig. 3 Unified modelling language class diagram to urban land information system.

complete, the system partially used by the user. Thus,

5.2 System Design
it will create acquaintance by system users. When
5.2.1 System Development Model deploying any new system, there is always a gap of
System development technique applied in designing misunderstanding the system. However, this kind of
land information management system is the model is important to fill those barriers to deploy and
incremental build model which is a method of use the system [15].
software development where the model is designed, 5.2.2 System Development
implemented and tested incrementally (a little more is In building urban land information management
added each time) until the product is finished. It system, a database design is the main part of the
involves both development and maintenance. The system development lifecycle. To this end, the
system is defined as finished when it satisfies all of its following major activities in the development of the
requirements stated in the system requirement database design is crucial to meet the requirement of
specifications. This kind of model is implemented and the users and high performance of the system that to
used iterative waterfall model. be develop as shown on Fig. 5.
Each phase in the development of the system is One of the main objectives in the database design
decomposed in to a number of components, each of are to perform the model of logical and physical
which are designed and built separately. When the designs in the logical database design; the activities
database designed and implementation steps is which is to be decide how to arrange the attribute of the
32 Building Urban Land Information Management System in PostgreSQL, for the Case of Ethiopia

Fig. 4 Incremental life cycle model.

Fig. 5 Database development life cycle.

entities in urban land information system in to a

6. User Interface
database structure. As specified in system requirement
and analysis, a central database system is created for In order to interact with the database, a graphical
the new automated system [5]. user interface (GUI) approach is selected for a number
Hence, the following database development of reasons. A graphical user interface is a program that
lifecycle diagram (Fig. 5) shows the flow and steps to uses the graphical capability of a design system to
design a database system development in a way to understand and improve the usability of the system
attain the requirement by selected Database interacts with. A graphical user interface usually uses
Management System (DBMS) [10]. visual elements (commands) method that present
The database used for the project land information information stored in a database with simplicity.
management system is developed based on object These buttons make easy for system users to interact
relational database principles. Through database with and can use urban land information management
development life cycle procedure, database system. A GUI uses windows, icons, menus, and
management system was implemented as to be able to submenus to perform commands, such as registering,
interact with both spatial and non-spatial data by using updating and related functionalities of the system
postgreSQL. information into the database and vice versa. GUI
Building Urban Land Information Management System in PostgreSQL, for the Case of Ethiopia 33

application is much easier to use and understand than for users in their own language, i.e., Amharic (Official
command line application since there is no need to National Language of Ethiopia) and Afaan Oromoo,
type in and memorize every command. As a result, for the largest language spoken in the region. The link
this particular research project,Visual Basic.NET bteween the commands in GUI forms are illustrated in
programming language is selected [7]. Fig. 7.

6.1 Graphical User interface Design in Visual Basic 6.2 User Friendly Interface Design to the Urban Land
NET Information Management System (ULIMS)

Once the database is designed and ready for use as Fig. 8 shows land owner registration display, as an
an information system, there should be an application example, of graphical user interface. It displays
to link the user and the database. Therefore, the design graphical user interface design approach and shows
of the user interface and the application programs that the land owner registration form that allows to use the
will use the processed data are defined and designed system and link the postgreSQL database server.
in the application design. Thus, as mentined above,
7. System Prototype Validation
VB. Net is used as a front end program as it is feasible
and easy to develop a graphical user interface and to System prototype validation includes the steps from
connect them to handler functions provided by the system development to delivery of that system into
application [7]. Moreover, user can query or search practical production for the intended purpose. A
the information with spatial and non-spatial data from number of techniques are incorporated in the validation.
the database [9]. These systems are designed for the purpose and use of
The prototype can be continuously tested and an automated land information management system to
modified as per the feedback from previous version, the municipality. Therefore, the installation phase of
like incorporating multilingual. This favours to the system to the respected municipalities is also part
increase its applicability. This will be more suitable of system implementation and testing.

Fig. 6 Database of land owner registration for land information management system.
34 Building Urban Land Information Management System in PostgreSQL, for the Case of Ethiopia

Fig. 7 Flow diagram of the application development method.

Fig. 8 Land owner registration form.

Before implementing the system, building and also in turn create an interface between the new
testing a functional system that fulfils the system system and the existing land administration system.
design requirement should be the first steps which Because, real accomplishment of the system should be
Building Urban Land Information Management System in PostgreSQL, for the Case of Ethiopia 35

verify in the final stage of system development. procedure each time while entering and retrieving the
Physical system design of the implementation also required data. Consistency can achieve throughout the
should be analysed before deployment in a number of life time of the system by making procedure and data
ways. The implemented system has to be ensuring consistency in the system which helps us to know
well operational in line with usage and to make sure errors that is caused by space utilization in and
that the system is designed for the intended purpose. damage to data stored in the database.
Thus, to meet the quality standard, in this phase the
7.4 Efficiency
system quality is measured and defined based on the
following measuring parameters. This is one of the most important quality parameter
of the designed system prototype. It includes
7.1 Correctness
enormous efficiency parameters among which
Correctness from system prototyping perspective efficiency process, efficiency communication and
can be defined as the dedication to the requirement efficiency storage are those suitable to test the quality
specification that determines how system users can regards with the designed prototype for urban land
interact with the database and how the system should information management system. Under each
act and behave when it is used correctly. For example, efficiency type, a number of efficiency measures have
if the system user enters wrong data type in the been tested for the quality measures which are
database, the designed system should notify the user a processing, data usage, and communication and
pop-up message to correct the entry again which can storage effectiveness measure. Therefore, it will help
achieve via developing an algorithm which can handle to verify the minimum requirement of the computer
all possible errors in the system prototype design and resource to which system has to be uses.
then the program logic. Repeated use of the system
7.5 Integrity
can also lead to verify the completeness quality
parameter. Therefore, the system performs the required Land and land related information is too sensitive
functions accurately which are in determining, and susceptible to misuse by unauthorized person.
recording, dissemination of spatial and non-spatial data. Therefore, access to the database by unauthorized
person is controlled and the security of the system
7.2 System Compatibility
should be maintained. To make sure for this kind of
In this designed prototype system uses both spatial quality parameter to the system, a quality criterion has
and non-spatial data types. To interact with the to be implemented which is performed through audit
database, a user-friendly graphical interface is also ability, instrumentation and security. As a result the
designed as per the user requirement specification. confidentiality of the data is achieved through these
Therefore, communication compatibility is one of the quality parameter techniques.
parameters to test system compatibility between the
7.6 Testability
database and graphical interface design. In line with
communication compatibility, data compatibility and This quality parameter is also performed in line
hardware compatibility is also checks as a quality with integrity. When this new system introduced, it
parameter. should be verified and ensure that intended functions
and tasks achieved as per the requirement sketched.
7.3 Consistency
The criteria to verify for these quality parameters are
Each tasks and activities are performed in the same audit ability, complexity, modularity,
36 Building Urban Land Information Management System in PostgreSQL, for the Case of Ethiopia

self-documentation and simplicity. Thus, this quality programming language which is used to
measures also very important in the implementation of interact with the database. It is a suitable method to
the designed system. assist the system in determining, recording and
dissemination of spatial and non-spatial data of urban
7.7 User-friendliness
The interaction between user friendly interface and The development of this prototype for an urban
the database should be a kind of interaction to perform land management system in urban land ownership
the required functions without difficulty. This right can ease and serve as a tool to store, retrieve and
designed prototype database system is now disseminate integrated information related to urban
functioning in its first version. Through time, new land management information system. This data
updates can be made. Therefore, a well-structured includes information about landowner, parcel,
document about the system should be available which building permit, land certificate address, building,
would help to correct errors with relative ease. surveyor and system user. All this information can
Therefore, based on the above listed quality ease the service delivery by the municipality where
measure parameters, the designed prototype urban urban land leasehold right is taking place.
land information management system fulfils all basic After successive uses of the system, accumulation
necessary of the benefit which is also solve the current of data through the system can emerge. As a result,
existing real problem in the municipality particular in these data can serve policy makers and urban planner
urban land management and information system [16, to react and sketch a nationwide urban land
17, 19]. management plan.
In general, building a spatial database for urban
8. Conclusion & Recommendation
land management information system provides for the
This research project consists entirely of the municipality with the visualization of land related
prototype design for urban land management information and ready to use and implement land
information system. This project reveals the existing related municipal service delivery. This helps the
urban land information system and problem municipality in providing better service delivery and
encountered in urban land administration. In order to as well helps for urban planners in making prominent
review the existing urban land information system and and better decision making regards to modem
urban land right in Ethiopia, literature was reviewed to urban land management system. This research
observe the basic stand of urban land system and land project is also open a door for 3D urban data modeling
use right. The design of a prototype for urban land using CityGML for the city Addis Ababa as a next
information management is carried out in order to research modeling. Most importantly, it would also
alleviate the problem appeared due to lack of contribute for national spatial data indrastructure
automated urban land information system. A software modeling using the open geospatial consortium(OGC)
system development approach has been implemented standard.
to design a prototype based on identified system
requirement analysis outcome and using incremental
build model which is a method of software We would like to express our sincere gratitude to
development where the model is designed. Andre Da Silva Mano and Demo Todorovski,
In order to use the system, a well-designed University of Twente, for their valuable comments,
user-friendly graphical interface designed by visual support, and guidance to this research project work.
Building Urban Land Information Management System in PostgreSQL, for the Case of Ethiopia 37

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