System Programming & Operating System: T. Y. B. Sc. (Computer Science)
System Programming & Operating System: T. Y. B. Sc. (Computer Science)
System Programming & Operating System: T. Y. B. Sc. (Computer Science)
Prepared By
Reviewed By
Table of contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4
Assignment 1 ................................................................................................................. 7
Line Editor
Assignment 2 ................................................................................................................. 12
SMAC0 Simulator
Assignment 3 ................................................................................................................. 19
Assignment 4 ................................................................................................................. 25
Macro Processor
Assignment 5 ................................................................................................................. 30
DFA driver
Assignment 6 ................................................................................................................. 34
Development Utilities
System programming is the activity of designing and implementing System software. System
Software consists of a variety of programs that assist in the use of a computer system.
Operating System is a system software that takes the responsibility, on behalf of users, of
managing and protecting the hardware. It provides an interface to the users so that their
software programs can be executed easily and efficiently. Apart from Operating system, System
software comprises of a large set of software mainly software processors and software tools.
Software processors such as editors, assemblers, Compilers etc and Operating system
components such as shell, kernel etc. were some of the first software programs to get
developed and their developers faced problem situations and came up with appropriate design
strategies while implementing solutions to them. This course is intended to give an hands on
experience on understanding these design principles, choosing appropriate data structures and
choosing appropriate control structures for implementing wide range of algorithms.
This development experience will not only make you understand system programming and
Operating system concepts but will equip you with design and implementation tricks that you will
be able to use when you design your own software systems.
2) Bringing uniformity in the way the course is conducted across different colleges
4) Bring in variation and variety in the experiments carried out by different students in a
2.1 Instructions to the students
1) Students are expected to carry this book every time they come to the lab for computer
science practicals.
2) Students should prepare oneself before hand for the Assignment by reading the relevant
3) Instructor specify which problems to solve in the lab during the allotted slot and student
should complete them and get verified by the instructor. However student should spend
additional hours in Lab and at home to cover as many problems as possible given in this work
1) Explain the assignment and related concepts in around ten minutes using white board if
required or by demonstrating the software.
2) Make available to students digital copies of text files provided with the book as per the
requirement of Assignment,
4) You should evaluate each slot of assignment carried out by a student on a scale of 5 as
specified above by ticking appropriate box.
5) The value should also be entered on assignment completion page of the respective Lab
You have to ensure appropriate hardware and software is made available to each student.
The operating system and software requirements on server side and also client side are as
given below:
Assignment Completion Sheet
Lab Course I
Slot 2
Slot 2
Slot 3
3 Assembler Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 2
Slot 3
Total ( out of 60 )
6 Development Utilities
Assignment 1 : Line Editor
Software Description – Editors are used to create digital copies of source program. The main
functions supported by an editor is editing, viewing and navigating through the text. A line editor
limits all operations to a line of text. The line is indicated positionally by giving line number i.e its
serial number in the text or contextually by specifying a context which uniquely identifies the
The file to be edited is taken as command line argument. An empty file is opened for editing if
no argument is supplied.
In command mode it displays ‘?’ as prompt and accepts single-line commands. If ‘i’ for insert or
‘a’ for append command is given, it goes into input mode and accepts lines as text. When a line
containing a single ‘.’ is given it goes back to command mode.
The program at the start displays ‘lines :’ followed by number of lines(0 if file is empty or not
specified) and goes into command mode.
The Command format is a single character indicating the action followed by three optional
integers separated by spaces. The character and intended actions are given in the table 1.
The second parameter n1 and the third parameter n2 specify the range of lines and the
command is valid if 1 <= n1 <= n2 <= total lines in the file being edited. The default value for n1
is 1 and the default value for n2 is n1. For example a command ‘ p 3 4 ‘ will print lines starting
from line no 3 to line no 4, a command ‘ p 3’ will print line 3 just a ‘ p’ command will print the
first line. If n1 or n2 is greater than the total lines in the file then n1 or n2 is set to total lines in
the file so that command ‘p 1 1000’ will print the file till the end if total lines in file are < 1000.
Data Structure Design - Linked list of lines is the appropriate data structure for edit buffer that
hold the lines to be edited, as lines are to be inserted, deleted, moved or copied. A singly linked
list with a dummy header node can be used so that insertion deletion becomes easy.
Procedural Design – The following table explains the input, algorithm and provides some
implementation hints
Start from the first node temp=head->next;
Traverse the list and increment the count while(temp !=NULL) { .... }
Command loop Start the loop while(1){
Prompt printf("\n?");
Read the command fgets(str,80,stdin);
Separate the parameters n=sscanf(str,"%c%d%d%d",
Branch depending on the command switch(c)
character { case 'p':
case 'q': exit(0);
default : printf("wrong command");
Exit the program on quit command break;
Print Input - list and two integer parameters n1,n2 void eprint(List *head, int n1, int n2)
validate n1 , n2 and set default values
Skip n1-1 lines for(line=1, temp=head->next ; line<n1;
line++) temp=temp->next;
Print lines from n1 to n2 for(…) { printf("\nlineno %d :%s" ,line,
Line no : followed by line temp->line)
Insert Input - list and integer parameter n1
indicating position
Skip n1 lines using two pointers back for(..){ back=curr; curr=curr->next;}
following the current
Start a loop
Read a line
Break if it consists of a single dot if (!strcmp(str, ".\n") ) break;
Store the line in a newnode
Attach it next to back
Let back point to new node
Append Input – list
Move to the last line using two pointers back
following current
Attach lines till one with a single dot
Delete Input – list and integer parameters n1 n2
Validate n1, n2 and set default values
Skip n1 -1 lines using back and curr
Skip n2 lines using back1 and curr1
Attach curr1 to back back ->next =curr1
Move Input – list and integers n1, n2 and n3
Validate the parameters
Skip n1-1 line with two pointers back and back2->next=curr;
curr, skip n2 lines with two pointers back1 back1->next=curr2;
and curr1 and skip n3 lines with two back->next=curr1;
pointers back2 and curr2
Modify the pointers
See Fig 1
Copy Input – list and integers n1, n2 and n3
Validate the parameters
Skip n1-1 line with two pointers back and
curr, skip n3 lines with two pointers back1
and curr1
Copy n2 lines Starting from curr each line in
a new node and attach after back1
Save Input – list
Prompt “Filename :” to accept filename if it
is empty If given file name is already exists
if((fp=fopen(name, "w"))!=NULL) {
check whether to overwrite this existing file
while(temp != NULL) { fputs(temp-
contents (Yes/ No). If Yes then >line,fp); ……}
Open the file in write mode
Put every line from the list into the file
Find Input – list and range given by n1 and n2
Prompt “Pattern : “ to accept the pattern
Skip n1=1 lines
Traverse up to n2 lines
Print the line If it contains the pattern
Help No parameters
Display the list of commands with syntax
description and examples
Slot 1
i) Answer the following questions after carefully reading the description and program
e) What command will print nth line? What will print last line?
f) What will command ‘d 5’ will do? What effect ‘d’ command will have?
ii) Partially implement a command line program for a line editor. Implement the following
a) The program accepts the filename and prints the number of lines in the file and prompts
for the command
b) Implement the print command
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Slot 2
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Slot 3 (Optional)
ii) Change the data structure to a doubly linked list. The print command ‘p m n ‘ is now valid if m
> n and also if m < n, wherein it prints lines backwards from m to n. Modify the print command
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Assignment 2 : SMAC0 simulator
A simulator program is required that simulates the function of simple instruction computer such
as fetching an instruction, decoding and executing it.
Memory – Memory consist of 6 digit words (decimal). Total size of memory is 1000 words (103)
indicates the address size is 3 digits ( address ranges from 0 to 999).
Registers – There are in all six registers four general purpose registers AREG, BREG, CREG
and DREG numbered 1,2,3 and 4.
A program counter (PC) storing the address of the next instruction to be fetched and a status
register storing condition codes. There are SIX condition codes LT, LE, EQ, GT , GE and ANY
numbered 0,1,2,3,4 and 5. Each bit in the status register can be set to 1
Data Format – Supports only six digit integer data stored in decimal form.
Instruction Format – It has single instruction format. Each instruction is of six digit length. The
opcode, register operand and memory operand occupy 2, 1 and 3 digits in that order
Register Memory
operand operand
Instruction Set
05 MOVEM Move register operand contents to Register and
memory memory operand
06 COMP Compare register and memory operands Register and
to set condition code appropriately memory operand
07 BC Branch to second operand depending on Register and
condition code specified as first operand memory operand
09 READ Read into memory operand Only memory
10 PRINT Print contents of memory Operand Only memory
It should be possible to load program from file into memory at specified location. File contains
program as sequence of lines, each line containing address followed by content indicating the
instruction to be stored at that address. The file ends with –1 followed by starting address
indicating physical end of file.
100 90107
101 90108
102 41107
103 11108
104 51109
105 100109
106 0
-1 100
Similarily the program for printing factorial of the number read is given below. Store it in a file
100 090113
101 041113
102 042112
103 061112
104 071109
105 032113
106 021112
107 051113
108 075103
109 052114
110 100114
111 0
112 1
-1 100
Load – loading the program into memory from the file after accepting filename.
1: Load
2: Print
3: Accept
4: Run
5: Trace
6: Quit
Choose option by specifying corresponding integer
Data Structure Design – The SMAC0 machine has memory and a set of registers. Appropriate
data structures need to be chosen to represent each one of themor. Simulator program also
need to store the last valid address in the physical file.
Program Counter An integer indicating the address int pc;
of instruction
General Purpose registers Four general purpose registers int reg[4];
numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4
Condition Code register A single integer with each bit int cc;
representing a condition code
An array of six registers each int cc[6];
storing condition code separately
Last address An integer indicating last valid int lc;
address in physical file
Control structure – The design is modular. The main module provides the menu options and
allows one to choose the appropriate option.
Procedural Design – The following table explains the input , algorithm and provides some
implementation hints
Fetch the instruction mem[pc] // contains the instruction
Decode the instruction opcode=mem[pc]/10000;
// separate register and memory operand
While opcode is not zero
Depending on opcode take Switch(opcde){
action case 1: reg[regop]+=mem[memop];pc++;break;
If opcode is 1 add memory
operand to register
… case 4 : reg[regop]=mem[operand];pc++;break;
If opcode is 4 move contents of
memory operand to register
….. case 6: for(i=0;i<6;i++) cc[i]=0;
If opcode is 6 compare mem if ( reg[regop]< mem[operand]) cc[0]=1;
operand with register operand …
and set the condition code if ( reg[regop]>= mem[operand]) cc[4]=1;
pc++; break;
Slot 1
i) Answer the following questions after carefully reading the description and program structure.
c) From the contents of the memory at pc, how will you separate opcode, register operand
and memory operand?
ii) Implement a menu driven simulator for hypothetical Simple Instruction Computer that
provides the following functionalities
The machine has the basic instruction set comprising of add, mover, movem, read, print and hlt
commands as given in Table 1. Create a file containing the machine code for sum of
two numbers. Test the program using the machine code programs
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Slot 2
b) Trace option that executes the program statement by statement displaying the
contents of the registers
c) Extend the instruction set to include sub, mult, div, comp and bc instruction
ii) Create a file containing the machine code for printing factorial of number read.Test
the program using the machine code program
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Slot 3 i) Extend the instruction set further to include the following
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Assignment 3 : Assembler
Apart from imperative statements an assembly language contains Assembler directives and
declaration statements. The assembler should be able to handle programs containing
assembler directives ‘START’ and ‘END’, declaration statements ‘DS’ and ‘DC’ and the
imperative statements.
The Assembler will have two passes. In the first pass it will generate intermediate code and
create symbol table. In the second pass intermediate code will be converted to machine code
Data Structure Design – A design of assembler requires several tables such as symbol table,
mnemonic table, intermediate code table and error table. Each symbol encountered in source
program is added to symbol table Each symbol table entry stores symbol name, address and
two flags indicating whether symbol has been used and whether it is defined. When Symbol
appears as label, it gets defined and corresponding address gets added to the table. It is used
when it appears as an operand. There are three mnemonic tables one for opcodes, the other for
general purpose registers and the third for the condition codes. The intermediate code table
stores intermediate code for each source line. Each table entry stores address, opcode, register
operand number, character which can be ‘S’ or ‘C’ indicating Symbol or constant and the value
which is index of symbol table entry or actual value in case of constant. The error table stores
line number and type of error indicated by error number while error message table contains
error messages for each error number. Apart from tables, the assembler uses a pointer ‘lc’ to
the current line being processed. The implements of tables can be static or dynamic.
Symbol Each entry in symbol struct symtab {
table table contains the char symbol[20];
name, address and int add;
flags indicating whether int used;
the symbol is used and int defined;
Intermediat Each table entry stores struct ictab{
e code table address, opcode, int address;
register operand int opcode;
number, character int regop;
char optype;
which can be ‘S’ or ‘C’
int value;
indicating Symbol or }ic[50];
constant and the value
Error table Each entry contains line struct errtab{
number and the error int lineno;
number indicating type int errno;
of error }err[50];
Error This table is used for char *errmsg[6]={“used but not defined”, “invalid
message giving different error opcode”,”wrong statement format”,..};
table messages
Control structure – The assembler is two pass so the main module calls Pass1 followed by
Pass2 if there are no errors. The file to be assembled is provided as command line
pass one, every line in source program is separated into label, opcode, register and memory
operand. In some cases label is empty while in some cases the operands. Each token is
validated so also the statement format and appropriate error is added to error table. The
separated tokens are then processed
If label is present it is added to symbol table with appropriate attribute values so also the
memory operands. The intermediate code generated for every line is added to Intermediate
code table.
Procedural Design – The following table explains the input , algorithm and implementation
hints for some of the procedures
Separate tokens Split the input string into strings n=sscanf(str,"%s%s%s%s", s1,s2,s3,s4);
Check if number of tokens are 4 if(n==4)
If mnemonic is valid { if((c=checkm(s2))!=-1)
if( c>=1 && c <=8)
If opcode requires two operands
check validity of condition code
check validity of register operand
copy label, opcode and operands adderror(lno,3);}
if invalid add error to error table if(n==3)
Check if number of tokens are 3
Check if mnemonic requires two {if( c >=9 && c <=13)
operands, validate and copy If (n==2) {
Check if number of tokens are 2
if(n==1) {
handle different possibilities
Check if number of tokens are 1
It can be END or STOP
Process tokens if label is present if(!strcmp(label,""))
add label to symbol table as
defined along with lc
if mnemonic is start
change lc if ( opcode==12) lc+=atoi(op2);
if mnemonic is DS if (opcode ==13)
modify symbol table and change
if mnemonic is DC
add appropriate entry IC table
if imperative opcode
add operand2 to symbol table as
used if not present
add appropriate entry to IC table
Slot 1 i) Answer the following questions after carefully reading the description and program
ii) Implement a Two pass Assembler for hypothetical simple Instruction Computer and its
simple assembly language that includes Assembler directives ”START” and “END”, the
declarative statements “DS” and “DC” and imperative statements with mnemonics “STOP” to “
a) Implement necessary tables statically and write functions for checking, displaying adding
to tables.
b) Store test program given below in a file and write dummy Passone that only prints the
source program lines with line nos
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Slot 2
i) Implement Separatetokens
ii) Verify using test program the separation of tokens for each line
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Slot 3
ii) Display the contents of symbol table, error table and IC table
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Slot 4 (Optional)
i) Implement tables using dynamic data structure and modify code accoordingly.
ii) Add ORIGIN as 16th mnemonic and make appropriate changes to separate tokens and
iii) Add EQU as 17th mnemonic and make appropriate changes to separate tokens and
In processtokens check If symbol is a literal ( starts with = sign ) then add it to literal
Write a functions for processing literals and call it at the end of passone
v) Add LTORG as 18th mnemonic and make appropriate changes to code
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Assignment 4 : Macro Processor
Software Description – An assembly language macro is a facility for extending the set of
operations provided in an assembly language. A programmer can define his own set of macros
only once and can use them many times.
A macro definition consists of a name , a set of formal parameters and a body of code. When a
macro name along with a set of actual parameters is used, it is replaced by body of macro and
it is called macro expansion.
Macro processor is a software that takes as input a program containing macro definitions and
calls and generates an assembly language program which is free of macro definitions and
where macro calls have been properly expanded. Macro processor has two main steps
In the first step each macro definition is processed to extract information and is stored in well
defined data structures. In macro expansion each macro call is expanded using appropriate
information from the tables.
Data Structure Design – The design of macro processor requires several tables. The first
preprocessing step uses tables such as macro name table, Keyword parameter default value
table, macro definition table, parameter name table. Macro expansion step uses actual
parameter name table, macro name table, Keyword parameter default value table and macro
definition table. Since additions are to be done to all these tables we need pointers indicating
last vacant position in the table.
Actual It contains actual parameters i.e.
parameter values that will replace formal
Table parameters during the expansion
Pointers to int mdtptr=0; ….
Control structure – The macro processor in first step stores extracted information in tables
when macro definitions are encountered and in second step performs expansion after validating
each macro call.
Macro processor(main)
Procedural Design – The following table explains the input, algorithm and implementation hints
for some of the procedures
Extract Extract macro name s=strcut(s,mname);
Extract all positional parameters
that start with & and add to PNT
Extract all keywords that start with
= and add keyword parameters
and default values to KPDT table
Add name, parameter count and
pointers to MNT table
Expand Extract macro name from macro
Check if it is present in MNT table
Get mdtptr and kpdptr from table
Prepare actual parameter table
and add default values
Extract and add actual parameters
Appropriately revert positions by
parameters in statements in MDT
table starting from mdtptr till MEND
Replace if parameter is present in macro
body replace it by (P,n) where n is
the parameter position
Revert Replace (P,n) in macro body by
parameter name at nth position in
actual parameter name table
Slot 1 i) Answer the following questions after carefully reading the description and program
iii) Write a command line macro processor program that takes above file as command line
argument and prints the macro names, and names of parameters.
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Slot 2
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Slot 3
A DS 1
B DS 1
C DS 1
ii) Extend the macro processor program that also expands the macro calls appropriately to
create the final assembly language program
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Slot 4 (Optional)
i) Implement various tables using dynamic data structures and modify the code accordingly
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Assignment 5 : DFA Driver
Software Description – Finite automata is a mathematical model of a machine with finite number
of internal configurations or states. Input to the machine is from a finite set of symbols that forms
the alphabet denoted by ∑. Machine keeps on changing its state on consuming an input symbol
and the state can be one among the finite set of states denoted by Q. These transitions can be
specified either by giving a transition table or a transition diagram denoted by δ. The machine
always starts in a specific state which is designated as start state and is denoted as q0. There
are some states in Q which are final states or accepting states. The set of Final states is
denoted by F. Thus a Finite automata is characterized by these five components and
mathematically it is a five tuple {Q, ∑, δ, qo, F}.
The language accepted by FA is the set of all strings for which the FA halts in a final state. The
languages accepted by FA are Regular languages. In case of Deterministic FA , the transitions
are uniquely defined on a state and input symbol.
DFA driver is a software that helps to construct a DFA and execute it on a string.
Data Structure – DFA is a five tuple consisting of set of states, alphabet(set of symbols),
transitions, start state and set of final states. We assume that states are numbered from 0 to n-1
and start state is always 0. The alphabet is always a, b, c in alphabetical order. The set of final
states can be defined using an array of 0s and 1s , a 1 indicates that the state is final.
Transitions are defined using transition table which is a two dimensional array. Thus DFA
components are number of states, number of symbols, transition matrix and array of final states.
Control structure – The DFA driver accepts the DFA for a given language and then it can be
executed on any string. The output is ‘accepted’ if string is in the language or ‘rejected’ if string
is not in the language.
DFA Driver(Main)
Procedure Description Programming Hints
DFA Driver (main) Accept the DFA details from user
or initialize DFA
Accept the string
Execute the DFA over the string
and output whether string is
accepted or rejected
Accept Accept the number of states,
number of symbols
Accept transition of every state
over every alphabet
Accept final states
Initialize dfa struct DFA odd={2,2,{ {1,1}, {0,0} },{0,1} };
Display Display DFA as a five tuple with its
transition table
Execute Initialize Current state to start state
For every symbol in the input string
current state is transformed to
transition from current state over
the input symbol
Output accepted if current state is
final and rejected otherwise
Slot 1
i) Answer the following questions after carefully reading the description and program structure.
a) How will you initialize the DFA for the language L={ the set of all strings over {a,b} that
start with a }
b) How will you initialize the DFA for the language L={ the set of all strings over {a,b, c}
that contain substring ‘aa’ }
c) How will you initialize the DFA for the language L= ________________________
d) How will you initialize the DFA for the language L= ________________________
ii) Implement a DFA driver that allows initializing a DFA, display and executes a DFA
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______
Slot 2 (optional)
i) Implement a NFA driver that accepts an NFA, converts NFA to DFA and displays the
corresponding DFA
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2: Late Complete [ ]
3: Needs Improvement [ ] 4: Complete [ ] 5: Well Done [ ]
Signature of the Instructor Date of Completion ____/____/______