MEEN 357 Engineering Analysis For Mechanical Engineering

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MEEN 357

Engineering Analysis for Mechanical Engineers

Spring 2019
Section 502 • Class: 1:50-2:40, MWF, Zachary 342
1. General Information

Instructor: Prof. Alan Freed, PhD Phone 979-862-4460

Email: afreed at tamu dot edu Office 527 MEOB
Office Hours: 3:00-4:00 W and 12:00-1:00 F
Grader/TA: TBA
Email: TBA
Office Hours: Will be posted on eCampus
Help Desk: MEEN Computer Lab, 3rd floor of Cane (ENPH)
Hours: Will be posted on eCampus
Textbook: J. Kiusalaas, Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 2013. You can order it, e.g., from Amazon at
Other 1) R. M. Bowen, Lectures on Applied Mathematics, Part 1: Linear Algebra,
References: available for download on eCampus.
2) R. M. Bowen, Lectures on Applied Mathematics, Part 2: Numerical Analysis,
Written for MatLab and available for download on eCampus.
3) As a reference, your instructor likes Numerical Recipes by Press et al.,
Cambridge University Press. There are versions of this text written for a number
of programming languages: C, C++, FORTRAN 77, FORTRAN 90, FORTRAN
95, Pascal, Modula 2, BASIC and Lisp, but not for Python.
5) Python tutorials can be found at: and
documentation for Spyder (the IDE) at:
6) Codecademy may also be useful:
7) Insightful and informative tutorials on linear algebra can be found at:
published by 3Blue1Brown.
Requirements: 1) A laptop (preferably), or a desktop, or a like device that is network enabled.
2) Install Python 3 and an IDE (integrated development environment) on your
computer. Your instructor uses the Anaconda distribution. You can download and
install it from: Anaconda comes
with Spyder,, the IDE that we will use in this
class. Make sure that when you install Anaconda (or alternative) it is for version
3 of Python, not version 2.
Course Credits: Three (3-0)
Prerequisites: MATH 308 and ENGR 112; pre- or co-requisite: MEEN 210
Final Exam: Monday, May 6th, 2019, 3:30-5:30 in Zachary 342

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2. Course Description
This course provides a practical foundation for the use of numerical methods to solve engineering
problems. The topics studied in this course are: solving systems of linear equations, curve fitting and root
finding, numerical integration and differentiation, initial value and two-point boundary value problems, plus
eigenvalues and optimization methods. We will study these techniques mathematically, develop numerical
approximations for them, and apply them to solve engineering problems. Personal computers are used
extensively in this course. Students are required to program these numerical analysis techniques, m any will
be programmed from scratch, even if there exists an implementation in the extensive Python standard
library: or in the numerous third-party libraries, for example:

Python is the programming language that we will use in this class. It is the fastest growing programming
language in the World today, and as of this year, is being taught in freshman engineering. Spyder is the
IDE that will be used, and it is installed on the computers in the MEEN Computer Lab. No previous
knowledge of programming, in general, or of Python, in particular, is required. Nevertheless, students are
expected to become proficient in the use of this tool by the end of the semester. This typically requires a
great deal of self-learning on the student's part, which is why self-help tutorials are so important.

3. Learning Outcomes
1. Gain programming confidence. Computers are the most widely used tool in engineering.
a. Basic programming (data structures, conditionals, loops, input checks)
b. Reporting (generating plots, tables)
c. Use of integrated development environments (IDE) like Spyder and advanced libraries
d. Overcome threshold of Python’s learning curve (preparation for future courses)
2. Develop a foundational understanding and experience in numerical analysis
a. Solving linear algebraic systems of equations
b. Curve fitting and roots of equations
c. Integration and differentiation
d. First- and second-order differential equations
e. Eigenvalues and optimization
3. Design programs and select appropriate method(s) to solve a given physical or
engineering problem while considering:
a. Finite precision (numerical error)
b. Finite memory (accuracy, convergence)
c. Finite processing speed (number of operations)
4. Practice proper programming techniques. You will seldom if ever be a ‘Lone-Ranger’ (sole-
developer, sole-user). To work in this collaborative arena you will need to become knowledgeable in
the areas of:
a. Design of programs, algorithms and their interfaces
b. Construction of structures (data, subroutines, functions, testing routines)
c. Commenting, useful variable naming
5. Gain experience applying numerical techniques to solve engineering design problems.
Ultimately, our motivation for this entire course is to help you solve engineering problems by using

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numerical techniques, and thereby enable you to design engineered systems more efficiently and
more effectively.
a. Learn to relate: physical situations⇔mathematical models⇔numerical solution techniques
b. Learn to solve/approximate calculus based problems using algebraic techniques
c. Learn the tools necessary to formulate and solve design-refinement problems using, e.g.,
optimization techniques

Assessments: Your progress toward achieving the learning outcomes will be assessed in the following ways.
These pertain to ABET objectives (see below):
 Regular homework assignments (approximately weekly) involving hand calculations, programming
and running code, and writing reports. Individual efforts
 A mid-term exam assessing your grasp of the fundamentals of the methods taught. Individual
effort, closed book, but with one note sheet and a calculator
 Comprehensive final examination for the course, aimed primarily at assessing the student’s
understanding of the fundamentals. Individual effort, closed book, but with two note sheets and a

4. General Expectations
What you can expect from me:
• To make sure that the homework and exams will be graded within two weeks
• To come prepared to class
• To treat you with respect
• To begin and end the class on time
• To admit to not knowing something, but to search for an answer promptly
• To make myself available to you for both course and career advice
• To maintain confidentiality concerning your performance
• To assign a grade that will reflect the quality of your work and nothing else
• To be honest with you
• To enforce the Aggie Honor Code

What I expect from you:

• To be willing to learn both numerical methods and their implementation into Python code
• To treat everyone in the class, including your instructor, graders and visitors, with respect
• To do your work on time
• To accept that previous academic preparation (e.g., mathematics, lower engineering courses)
will affect your performance in this course
• To realize your perception of effort is not enough to justify a good grade
• To understand that a program which does not function properly is wrong , no matter
how small a mistake it was that caused the problem, even if it is only one keystroke
• To comply with the Aggie Honor Code

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5. Topics Covered
The following is a tentative lecture schedule. The actual schedule may deviate from this posting depending
on class dynamics and how instruction progresses throughout the semester.

Week 1........ Course overview: Introduction and Error analysis

Week 2........ Programming basics: Spyder and Python (Chp. 1); HW 1 is due
Week 3........ Simultaneous linear algebraic equations: review of linear algebra and Gauss elimination
(Chp. 2); HW 2 is due
Week 4........ Simultaneous linear algebraic equations, continued: LU and Choleski matrix decomposition,
pivoting and matrix inversion (Chp. 2); HW 3 is due
Week 5........ Curve fitting: interpolation, splines and regression (Chp. 3); HW 4 is due
Week 6........ Root finding: bisection, Ridder and Newton-Raphson methods (Chp. 4); team adjustments;
HW 5 is due
Week 7........ Numerical differentiation: finite-difference methods, Richardson extrapolation and deriva-
tives of analytic functions (Chp. 5 and handouts); HW 6 is due
Week 8........ Numerical Integration: Newton-Cotes methods, Romberg, Gaussian and Gauss-Kronrod
integration methods (Chp. 6); mid-term exam
Week 9........ Spring break
Week 10........ Numerical ODEs: Euler’s methods, Heun’s method, PECE methods and Runge-Kutta
methods (Chp. 7)
Week 11........ Numerical ODEs, continued: error, stability and stiffness in ODEs, and DIRK & IRKS
implicit methods (Chp. 7); HW 7 is due
Week 12........ Higher-Order ODEs: Methods of Newmark and Freed that solve M ẍ+C ẋ+ K x=f (t )
Boundary-Value Problems: the shooting method (handouts, Chp. 8); HW 8 is due
Week 13....... Eigenvalues: Jacobi’s method; Optimization: linear method (Chps. 9 and 10); HW 9 is due
Week 14........ Optimization: Powell’s method (Chp. 10); HW 10 is due

6. Course Grading Policy

Grade Allocation
Homework 500 points Programming assignments to be coded in Python, except for HW 1 which is a
get-to-know-you assignment. A grading script will be used to run programs
you will write for these homework assignments. Each assignment will be worth
50 points
Midterm 250 points There will be one midterm exam scheduled for week 8, covering weeks 1
Exam through the 1st lecture in week 8, including programming. It will be closed
book, but you will be permitted to use a calculator and bring in a note sheet
(one 8½ by 11 sheet of paper). No devices will be allowed that can connect to
the Internet—which includes some calculators
Final 250 points Comprehensive closed book exam. Note sheets (two 8½ by 11 sheets of paper)
Exam and a calculator are permitted. No devices will be allowed that can connect to

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the Internet
Total 1000 Subject to change if the above constituents change

Final Grade Calculation

Two final grades will be calculated for each student. You will receive the higher of these two grades as your
overall course grade.

1. The first grade will come from percentage point:

A >= 90%, 80% <= B < 90%, 70% <= C < 80%, 60% <= D < 70% and F<60%.
Fractional parts will be rounded up, e.g., 699.33 would be rounded up to 700 points; however, 699
will not be rounded up.
2. The second grade will come from a curve where grades will be assigned by your rank-order with
your peers:
A’s for the top 20% of the class, B’s for the next 40% of the class, C’s for the next 30% of
the class, D’s for the next 5% of the class, and F’s for the bottom 5% of the class. Q drops
are taken out of the F’s in this grading scheme

Grading on Programming Tasks

In programming, small mistakes matter a great deal. Something as seemingly innocuous as a
misspelling or a forgotten punctuation mark can cause your code to not execute properly. Debugging is part
of proper programming practice, and it is expected that you debug your code fully prior to submission.
Because you can run your program and observe whether it is correct prior to making your submission, there
is no excuse for submitting buggy code. Every individual’s code will be run by the grader(s). Different
graders may be assigned different problems for grading whenever there are multiple graders for the course.

Naming conventions for your script file, including the functions they import and export, are all strictly
enforced in each homework assignment, i.e., the interface must be strictly adhered to.

If your code does not run according to the assigned specifications, it is wrong! This could be for something as
insidious as a single character typo.

Do to the sheer numbers of students enrolled, it is virtually impossible for us to provide you with individual
feedback regarding what was done wrong in any particular assignment. Rather, it is the instructor's
intention to provide the students with the grading rubric used for each assignment after the grades have
been issued (ideally one week after the due date). This feedback tool will allow students to ferret out what
they did wrong, and to aid them in determining why they received the points they did. Students can
request from the grader (via an email) their line taken from the grader’s spreadsheet, which specifies what
points were assigned to each task, thereby allowing to student to hone in on the tasks in question.

Part of each homework grade will focus on the student’s programming style, etc. Again, it is not possible
for use to examine all the code that you submit; instead, a dice will be rolled to determine which task is to
be inspected by the grader(s).

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Partial Credit on Tasks
The following guidelines will be used to assign partial credit to each homework task:

• 100% of value if: the grader’s script executes, the output is correct, the figures are correctly
labeled, etc., i.e., the output is in accordance to the assignment

• 75% of value if: the grader’s script executes and the results are correct, but these results are not
displayed, as specified by the assignment

• 50% of value if: the grader’s script executes, but the output is partially wrong

• 25% of value if: the grader’s script executes, but the output is completely wrong

• 0% of value if: the grader’s script does not run (i.e., it crashes) when calling the student’s
functions, etc., as specified by the assignment

Consequently, tasks will tend to have point values that are in multiples of 4.

Grade Disputes
Under rare circumstances, your professor and his grader(s) will make mistakes in the performance of their
duties. We are, after all, human. It is also possible in programming that a very small mistake will cause a
very large error in your results. If you believe that the grade you received is an inaccurate reflection of the
credit you deserve, you may submit your assignment for reevaluation. (Effort does not equate with grade
expectation!) However, you must do this within ONE WEEK of when the assignments were returned to
the class (whether or not you were in attendance that day). Keep in mind, if the submitted code did not
run on the grader's/instructor's machine, you loose 100% of its value—this is not negotiable. The additional
points lost, as established by the rubric, can be disputed, if warranted. The full grade dispute procedure is
outlined below.


1. If you lost, say, 5 points for something and you feel that you should have only lost, say, 2 points for,
this cannot be disputed. Sure, assigning point values to specific aspects is subjective, but this
'subjectivity' was applied uniformly to all students in your class, not just to you.

Grade Dispute Procedure:

1. Create a cover sheet with the following information: your name, the current date, the number/name
of the homework/exam, the submission due date, the date it was originally returned to the class,
your original score, and what you believe your score should have been. Below this information,
provide a concise, well-reasoned explanation for your claim. (We will use the code you originally
submitted for grading, if pertenient.)
2. Return the homework/exam along with this written explanation to the instructor. (You may want
to make a copy of your original assignment for your records prior to submitting the original
document for reconsideration.) This must be submitted to your professor within one week of it
being returned. Later submissions will not be accepted.
3. Re-grading:

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a. If you believe errors worth 50 or more points were made, the instructor will re-grade the
assignment and return it to you within two weeks.
b. If you believe errors worth less than 50 points were made, the instructor will place the
assignment into a file for consultation at the end of the semester. The instructor will re-
grade your assignment if the disputed points would be sufficient to potentially affect your
final letter grade. Over my many years of teaching, this occurs in about 1 out of 20
requests, but if you’re that 1 it is everything.
4. Special note for final exam: Final exams will not be returned to the class, obviously. If for some
reason you believe your final exam was graded incorrectly, you must see the instructor (in person)
within one month of the exam date. No grade changes will be made after this point, and the exams
will be disposed of at this time if they were not picked up previously.

Missed & Late Assignments

Missed assignments count as a ZERO in your grade, except in the case of University approved absences (see
below). General late submission policies are given elsewhere in the syllabus (see Course Assignment
Specifications). Any deviation from the general policy will be stated in the handout for the affected
assignment. The submission policy stated in a handout overrides the general policy specified in this
document. University policies are always in effect.

Class Attendance and Participation

Attendance will be taken only once, per State mandate. Your attendance is an individual student
responsibility, and no portion of the grade will reflect attendance. Nevertheless, you are required to attend
during those classes where exams are administered. Failing to attend scheduled lectures will reduce your
odds of being successful in this course by a considerable amount.

University-Approved Absences
Work missed due to absences will only be excused for University-approved activities in accordance with
Texas A&M University Student Rules (see Specific arrangements for
make-up work in such instances will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Please be aware that in this class
any “injury or illness that is too severe or contagious for the student to attend class” will require “a medical
confirmation note from his or her medical provider” even if the absence is for less than 3 days (see
Injury or illness less than three days).

If you do become sick, please do not share your bug with your classmates and instructor!

7. Course Policy on Collaboration

It is common for students to become stuck on some aspect of an assignment, despite their understanding of
the concepts being implemented. When computer code is involved, one small detail can make an entire
program fail to run. Thus, students will naturally be inclined to share tips and tricks as they do their

Rather than trying to stifle this interaction, we want to encourage it. From our perspective, a student will
learn far more if they receive a small tip that enables them to complete an assignment than they would by
leaving the assignment incomplete. Since our primary concern is learning, we see this type of collaborative

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interaction as healthy and desirable. Furthermore, it parallels the real world, where you will collaborate
with teams of engineers (not to mention scientists, managers, marketers, lawyers, etc.).

Naturally, there must be limits to how much you are permitted to help one another. The general rule of
thumb for this course is that the work you submit must be your own, but it is acceptable for you to
receive tips from others on how to complete the work. Examples of permissible collaboration include:

 Discussing general strategies for solving a problem

 Discussing in any way the methods and techniques presented in lecture, provided you do not solve a
specific assigned problem in the process
 Pointing fellow students to useful websites and other references
 Discussing how to interpret results

Examples of behavior that is not permissible (and possibly to be considered as academic misconduct):

 Copying code or any part of an electronic document from another student

 Debugging your friend’s code
 Solving a problem together and then submitting two copies of the solution

If collaboration took place, you must submit a statement listing the students with whom you collaborated,
and what you learned from them or helped them with. This will help avoid confusion and protect you
against incorrect accusations of academic misconduct.

8. Course Policy on Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. According to the Aggie Honor System Office,
academic misconduct ( includes cheating,
fabrication, falsification, multiple submissions (same work in multiple classes) and plagiarism.

Academic misconduct will be dealt with according to University regulations. Any incidence of academic
misconduct will result in a reduction of one letter grade, and your name will be reported to
the Aggie Honor System Office. A second occurrence will result in your receiving an F in the
course and an “Honor Violation Probation”.

Collaboration versus Academic Misconduct

Collaboration involves an exchange of ideas rather than an exchange of work. It is common for students to
become stuck on an assignment despite being able to do most of it. It IS NOT misconduct to receive tips
and help on small portions of an assignment. However, it IS misconduct to submit someone else’s work as
your own.

Aggie Honor Code

“An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do.” It is the responsibility of students and
instructors to help maintain scholastic integrity at the university by refusing to participate in or tolerate
scholastic dishonesty. Conduct contradicting to this policy will be punished according to the current rules
and regulations. For details, see

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9. Course Policy Regarding Disabilities
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides
comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation
requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable
accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability mandating an accommodation,
please contact Disability Services. They are currently located in the Disability Service building off of West
Campus Blvd., kitty corner to parking lot 122a. For additional information visit

10. ABET Student Outcomes

The program must have documented student outcomes that prepare graduates to attain the program
educational objectives. Those outcomes that pertain to MEEN 357 are in italics. For 2017 and beyond,
they are:

a.) An ability to select and apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of the discipline to
broadly-defined engineering technology activities;

b.) An ability to select and apply a knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to
engineering technology problems that require the application of principles and applied procedures or

c.) An ability to conduct standard tests and measurements; to conduct, analyze, and interpret experiments;
and to apply experimental results to improve processes;

d.) An ability to design systems, components, or processes for broadly-defined engineering technology
problems appropriate to program educational objectives;

e.) An ability to function effectively as a member or leader on a technical team;

f.) An ability to identify, analyze, and solve broadly-defined engineering technology problems;

g.) An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in both technical and non-technical
environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature;

h.) An understanding of the need for and an ability to engage in self-directed continuing professional

i.) An understanding of and a commitment to address professional and ethical responsibilities including a
respect for diversity;

j.) A knowledge of the impact of engineering technology solutions in a societal and global context; and

k.) A commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement.

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