Inspection and Safe Practices During Electrical Installations

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First Edition, October, 1993
Reaffirmed, August, 2000


Government of India
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas

First Edition, October 1993
Reaffirmed, August, 2000



Prepared by



NEW DELHI-110 001



prepared for use in the Oil and Gas Industry under Ministry of
Petroleum and Natural Gas. These are the property of Ministry of
Petroleum and Natural Gas and shall not be reproduced or copied
and loaned or exhibited to others without written consent from

Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy

and reliability of the data contained in these documents, OISD
hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or
damage resulting from their use.

These documents are intended to supplement rather than

replace the prevailing statutory requirements .


The Oil Industry in India is 100 years old. Due to various

collaboration agreements a variety of international codes, standards and
practices are in vogue. Standardisation in design philosophies,
operating and maintenance practices at a national level was hardly in
existence. This lack of uniformity coupled with feed back from some
serious accidents that occurred in the recent past in India and abroad,
emphasised the need for the Industry to review the existing state of art
in designing, operating and maintaining Oil and Gas installations.

With this in view, the then Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
in 1986 constituted a Safety Council assisted by Oil Industry Safety
Directorate (OISD) staffed from within the industry in formulating and
implementing a series of self regulatory measures aimed at removing
obsolescence, standardising and upgrading the existing standards to
ensure safe operations. Accordingly OISD constituted a number of
Functional Committees comprising of experts nominated from the
Industry to draw up standards and guidelines on various subjects.

Present document on “Inspection and Safe Practices during

Electrical Installations” was prepared by the Functional Committee on
“Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment”. This document is
based on the accumulated knowledge and experience of Industry
members and the various national and international codes and

It is hoped that the provisions of this document if implemented

objectively, may go a long way to improve the safety and reduce
accidents in the Oil and Gas Industry. Users are cautioned that no
document can be a substitute for the judgement of responsible and
experienced engineer.

Suggestions for amendments, if any, to this document should be

addressed to:

The Coordinator
Committee on
“Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment”
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
2nd Floor, “Kailash”
26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi - 110 001

This standard in no way supersedes the statutory regulations of

Chief Controller of Explosive (CCE), Factory Inspectorate or any other
Statutory body which must be followed as applicable.


Name Designation /Organisation Status


B.B. Chakravorthy DGM (SA & PC) IOCL ( R & P) Leader

A.K. Anchan Chief Mgr. (Elect) HPCL ( R) Member

M.J. Bordoloi Suptdg.Engr (Elect) OIL Member

A.P. Kant Project Mgr. (Elect. & Inst.) BRPL Member

George P. Paret Sr.Mgr. (Proj.Elect) CRL Member

R. Sankaran Sr.Mgr. (Mtce.Elect) MRL Member

S.C. Upadhyaya DGM (Elect) ONGC Member

R. Srinivasan Sr.Mgr (Mtce.Elect) BPCL (R ) Member

N.V. Mani Joint Director, OISD Member

In addition to the above, several other experts from Industry contributed in the preparation, review
and finalisation of this document.


i) Hazardous (Flammable)

An atmosphere containing any flammable

gas or vapour in a concentration capable
1.0 INTRODUCTION of ignition.

Safety in Electrical System deserves ii) Hazardous area

maximum attention especially in the
hydrocarbon industry, where classified An area shall be deemed to be hazardous
hazardous atmosphere is normally area, where:
encountered and electricity constitutes one
of the major source of ignition (by arcs, i) Petroleum having flash point below 65 0
sparks and hot surfaces) for fire accidents C or any flammable gas or vapour in a
and explosions etc. Besides equipment concentration capable of ignition is likely to
damage and property loss, electrical be present;
hazards also include injuries and fatalities
to personnel due to electric shock and ii) Petroleum or any flammable liquid
burns. having flash point 650 C is likely to be
refined, blended, handled or stored at or
Institution of Quality Assurance above its flash point.
Programmes during the erection stage
itself ensures that good quality of Zone 0 An area in which a flammable
materials, superior workmanship under atmosphere is present
competent supervision, and compliance continuously, or is present for
with standard engineering practices have long periods.
gone into the work. This is rightly termed
"Safety in-built into the System" Zone 1 An area in which a flammable
atmosphere is likely to be
Timely inspection and adhering to safe present periodically or
practices as per the guidelines given in this occasionally during normal
document will go a long way in ensuring operation.
safer operations for a longer period of
time, of the electrical installations in the Zone 2 An area in which a flammable
Oil Industry. atmosphere is not likely to occur
in normal operation and if it does
2.0 SCOPE occur, it will exist for a short time
This document specifies the minimum
inspection requirements and safe practices iii) Non-Hazardous (Safe) Area
to be adhered to, in the case of new
electrical installations during their erection An area no part of which has within a
stage itself. Stagewise inspection of the hazardous area.
equipment and installation practices have
been discussed. This document is iv) Grouping of Flameproof
intended only to supplement and not to Enclosures (Apparatus Groups)
replace or to supercede the prevailing
statutory requirements, which shall also be Flameproof enclosures shall be classified
followed as applicable. Pre- into two groups as follows:
commissioning requirements are excluded
from scope for which OISD-137 shall be a) Group- I - for application of coal
referred. mining &

3.0 DEFINITIONS b) Group-II- for application of other


Enclosures in Group II shall be further prescribed gas or vapour. An intrinsically
subdivided into IIA, IIB, IIC according to safe apparatus is one in which all electrical
the requirements appropriate to the nature circuits are intrinsically safe.
of the flammable atmosphere for which the
apparatus is intended. (For details, IS: 5780 shall be referred)

(For maximum gaps, and diametrical vii) For other terms such as
clearances for each group and sub-group "Authorised Person", "Engineer-in-
of enclosures, Tables 1 and 2 given in IS: Charge” etc. OISD-STD-137 shall
2148 shall be referred). be referred.

v) Temperature Classes (T-group) 4.0 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS

Permitted maximum surface temperatures All latest statutory stipulations such as
of apparatuses, are classified under Indian Electricity Act & Rules 1956(latest
following six groups viz: revision), Petroleum Act & Rules etc., shall
be complied with, while carrying out
Temperature Maximum Surface electrical installations, their inspections,
Class Temp. (0C) testing and commissioning.
T1 450 Before commencement of electrical
installations it should be checked that
T2 300 equipment and other materials are
received as per approved specifications
T3 200 and in full quantity as ordered.
T4 135 Damaged item and/or missing component
should be got repaired/replaced as per
T5 100 specifications. During erection all the
accessories and loose items shall also be
T6 85 inspected before their assembly/mounting.
(For details IS: 8239 shall be referred.) Some of the salient aspects listed below
shall also be taken care of:
vi) Flameproof (or Explosion proof)
Enclosure i) Before commencement of electrical
installations, the schemes and one
An enclosure for electrical apparatus that line drawings should be got
will withstand, when the covers or other approved from the statutory
access doors are properly secured, an authorities.
internal explosion of the flammable gas or
vapour which may enter it or which may ii) It shall be ensured that the
originate inside the enclosure, without manufacturer of electrical equipment
suffering damage and without (switchgear, panels etc.)
communicating the internal flammation (or incorporates all statutory provisions.
explosion) to the external flammable gas The vendor drawings shall be
or vapour for which it is designed, through approved for fabrication only after
any joints or structural openings in the ascertaining this aspect.
iii) Hazardous area classification
(For details IS: 2148 shall be referred) drawings shall be studied and
selection of electrical equipment
vii) Intrinsic Safety shall be in accordance with Chief
Controller of Explosives (CCE)'s
A circuit or part of a circuit is intrinsically stipulations. All the indigenous
safe when any spark or thermal effect flameproof equipment/ accessories
produced normally (that is, by breaking or shall have CMRS (Central Mining
closing the circuit) or accidentally (for Research Station) Test Certificates.
example, by short circuit or earth fault) is In case of imported equipment, even
incapable, under prescribed test if it is tested and certified from the
conditions, of causing ignition of a country of origin, approval should be
taken from CCE for using them in shall require prior sanction of the
hazardous areas. No unauthorised Electricity Supply Authorities (as per
repairs, modifications shall be the provisions of the Electricity
carried out in the flameproof items Supply Act)
(Terminal box, Junction box etc.).
Damaged enclosures of flameproof x) There shall be approved electrical
equipment should be replaced with line clearance-permit system and list
new ones instead of repairing. of authorised personnel duly
exhibited (as per provisions of Indian
iv) The fire insurance requirements Electricity Rules)
[Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC)
requirements] shall be incorporated xi) The compliance of observations/
in the system. The schematic and requirements noted during the
layout drawings should be forwarded Electrical Inspector's inspection shall
to TAC and got approved, prior to be adhered to.
commencement of installations.
xii) Accidents shall be notified to the
v) Before taking up any electrical Electrical Inspectorate (as per Indian
equipment for commissioning, it Electricity Rules) and State
should be ensured that the entire Government authorities and the
installations and wiring connections recommendations of the statutory
etc. are carried out as per approved bodies as a result of investigation,
drawings. shall be complied with as required.

vi) Selection of contractor/electrical xiii) The installations & facilities,

supervisors/wiremen etc. shall be procedures etc. shall be updated in
carefully done. Only licensed and line with changing legislations from
component agencies (approved by time to time.
the State Government licensing
board) shall be employed. Full time xiv) In case the area classification (due
supervision shall be ensured. The to process modification/expansion
completion certificate and test etc.) gets revised, the electrical
certificates shall be issued by the installations should be reviewed
contractor with signature of the full whether they conform to revised
supervision directly under the classification. (For example, earlier
employment of contractor. classified as zone 2, with "increased
safety" or "non-sparking type"
vii) No temporary electrical connections fixtures may have to be changed to
shall be provided by non-electrical 'Flameproof' type once the area gets
staff. During the use of such revised to zone 1).
temporary facilities, there shall be
licensed electrical xv) No unauthorised addition of loads or
supervisor/electrician for safe modifications in the installations be
operation/maintenance. The carried out without prior statutory
electrical works, even for temporary clearances from Electrical
use, shall be carried out only by Inspectorate/CCE etc.
licensed electrical contractor through
licensed electricians. xvi) The system should be got inspected
by the statutory bodies and final
viii) All modifications in the wiring, clearance be obtained for energising
scheme etc. shall be included in the the installation after attending the
As-built drawings and such defects, if any pointed out during
alterations shall be got approved inspection.
from the Electrical
Inspectorate/DGMS - Director xvii) Even after getting approval from
General of Mines Safety as statutory bodies, the equipment
applicable, prior to energisation of should not be energised without
installations. checking the interlocks provided.
Interlocks should not be defeated
ix) Captive power generation (even under any circumstances.
installation of Diesel Generators)

xviii) Pre-commissioning checks as viii) Bearing clearances are in order.
recommended in OISD-137 should
be carried out before any electrical ix) Alignment of Generator Rotor and
equipment is taken up for Turbine Rotor is done as per
commissioning. manufacturer's recommendation
and readings are recorded.
xix) During installation all safety
operating systems, as provided in x) Insulating shims have been provided
the design are available and below Generator and exciter
ensured. bearing against flow of shaft
currents, before aligning rotor.
xx) During installation, special
precaution, related to laying and xi) Bearing housing is dovelled to
termination of cables/wires to pedestal after alignment.
communication/equipment and such xii) By lifting Generator rotor, IR value of
other requirement, shall be adhered rotor shaft with respect to earth is
to. confirmed as per manufacturers’
xiii) Generator air gaps at both driven and
5.1 GENERATOR non-driven end are maintained as
per manufacturer's
The following shall be checked/ensured: recommendations. However
deviation from average shall not be
i) Manufacturers’ erection/ more than + 5%.
commissioning/operation and
maintenance manuals are available. xiv) Stator frame is dovelled to base frame
after final air gap check.
ii) Approach way to Generator
foundations is clear xv) All couplings viz. between Generator
and Turbine, Generator and Exciter
iii) The crane is checked and confirmed are in good condition.
that the same has been tested on load.
xvi) Generator cooling piping/ducting are in
iv) All lifting tools and tackles are properly good condition.
sized and tested.
xvii) The coolers are pressure tested
v) Only lifting lugs designated for this before taking them in line, in case
purpose, on the Generator, are used of water-cooling. (Test pressure
for lifting. shall be 1.5 times the normal
working pressure)
vi) Generator manufacturers’
recommendations for erection, are xviii) Lubricating oil-piping system is in
followed good condition. The flanges and
bolts on lube oil line at the bearing
vii) After placing Generator on foundation ends are properly insulated to
the following are recorded: prevent flow of shaft current.

a) Insulation Resistance (IR) & xix) Generator stator and rotor cable
Polarisation Index (PI) values of connections are okay. Phase
stator and Rotor. sequence of Generator output
connections are okay. Bimetallic
b) Resistance and temperature of washers are in good condition.
Stator and Rotor windings.
xx) Space heater winding and Resistance
(compare with test values temperature detector connections
recorded at manufacturer's works (RTDS) are correct.
after making correction for
temperature) xxi) Lube oil temperature indicators are in
working order.

xxxviii) Direction of rotation of barring
xxii) Neutral connections on stator are motor is correct.
xxxix) Following are confirmed to be
xxiii) Neutral grounding resistor and its correct: (if not, corrective actions
value conform to specifications. be taken).

xxiv) Neutral grounding earth pit is a) Air gap

installed and connected and value
of earth resistance is recorded. b) Field winding connections

xxv) If there is a link switch in Generator c) Compound winding connections

neutral, it is properly interlocked
with Main Generator synchronising d) Brush pressure to recommended
breaker. values

xxvi) All bus ducts are checked for e) (Grease Lubrication for Bearings,
proper sealing. replace bearing packing grease with
running grease of antifriction bearings.
xxvii) Generator stator body earthing and If journal bearings are used check
rotor shaft earthing (if any). clearances).

xxviii) Earthing bonds on Generator body f) Provision of Coupling guard(s), if any.

and terminals boxes (power and
neutral side) are made. 5.2 MOTOR

xxix) All slip rings and brushes are in The following shall be checked/ensured:
i) Name plate details of motors and
xxx) Carbon brush contact pressure is suitability to the specified area
set to recommended value. classification.

xxxi) All temperature and pressure ii) The insulation resistance between
gauges are tested. phase and earth and between
phases (wherever provisions exist)
xxxii) All auxiliaries of Generator like lube of motors is measured before and
oil pumps, pilot exciter, rotating after connection of the power cables.
diodes (if brushless type),
condensate pumps, demisters etc. iii) No unauthorised site modification for
are in order. flameproof equipment is done.

xxxiii) Synchrosing panel, AVR panel, iv) Double earthing with proper earth
main breaker and synchronising conductor size is provided as per IS:
circuits are in good condition. 3043 and earth resistance is within
specified limit.
xxxiv) All PTs and CTs and other
connections and polarity are in v) When pump and motor are not in the
order. same base plate, both are
independently earthed.
xxxv) All protective devices are
functioning properly and that the vi) Foundation bolts are of proper size.
inter-tripping/alarms are OK, (by
simulation) vii) Correct type and size of cable glands
are used and correct method of
xxxvi) All interlocks (by simulation) are cable termination is adopted.
functioning properly.
viii) Cooling system has been installed in
xxxvii) All metering devices are in good accordance with approved drawings.
ix) Space heater and terminations, are in

The following shall be checked/ensured:
x) The tag numbers of motor and pump
are correct. i) The name plate details conform with
xi) Remote and local ON/OFF facility are
available. ii) All the accessories have been fixed
xii) All auxiliary equipment like lube oil
pumps, cooling water for bearing are iii) Proper earthing as per IS: 3043 &
available in good condition. 100028 is provided for the transformer
body, neutral.
xiii) Provision of canopy, wherever
required. iv) Dielectric strength and acidity of the
oil, taking three samples (minimum),
xiv) Facility for removing motor from (if required, filter the oil)
foundation (for maintenance) is
available. v) Safety precautions during oil filling, as
listed below should be followed:
xv) Freeness of shaft and bearing.
a) Oil shall be approved quality
xvi) Refer motor manual for special checks
and ensure these are carried out. b) Each oil drum before being used
should be tested for dielectric
xvii) Air gaps are within allowable strength/ water content and acidity.
c) Oil should be filled through streamline
xviii) Measure the insulation resistance at filter from the bottom of transformer
the end of 30 seconds and 60 tank. Use of metal hoses/pipes is
seconds and calculate the Delectric recommended for filling transformer
Absorption Ratio of motor windings oil (in case of rubber hoses sulphur
for motors rated above 600V. This from hoses may get mixed with
should be of acceptable value as per transformer oil reducing dielectric.
relevant standards.
d) Filling rate should be gradual at
xix) Calculate Polarisation Index of moderate rates.
windings for critical HT motors by
taking insulation resistance at the e) Tank body and oil filling machine shall
end of 1 minute and 10 minutes. be securely earthed.
The acceptable values of
Polarisation Index varies according f) All vents are kept open, while filling,
to the class of insulation. (for and to be closed after oil starts coming
acceptable values refer relevant out.
g) Silicate breather to be taken into line
xx) The direction of rotation is correct. after the transformer is filled with oil and
conservator oil level is brought down to
xxi) All the terminal boxes are tight with the normal level and commission the
proper gasket and fasteners. breather.

xxii) Ensure coupling guard has been vi) Oil filtering and conditioning is to be
provided. done as per IS: 100028.

xxiii) Mechanical and electrical checks as vi) The oil levels in the transformer
per IS 900 are carried out. conservator tank and all the
bushings is upto the marked point.
xxiv) Ventilation and cooling system.
viii) There is no oil leakage.
xxv) Condition of bearing grease/oil
viii) The silica gel is in reactivated
5.3 TRANSFORMER condition.

x) The breather pipe is clear from any and the conservator tank are in open
blocking and contains oil upto the position.
proper level.
xxiii) All the cooling systems including
xi) The explosion vent diaphragm does radiators, automatic starting and
not have any dents, accumulation or stopping of fans etc. are functioning
any oil and air had been released. properly.

xii) The buchholz is mounted correctly, xxiv) Transformer bushing surfaces are
there is no friction in the movement, clean.
and the floats are free. There should
be no air bubbles inside buchholz xxv) All the tools and other materials have
relay. been removed from the transformer
xiii) All the manufacture's’ test certificates
are available as required. xxvi) Foundation level is checked and the
wheel stoppers are provided in
xiii) Phase sequence and connections for position.
vector group.
xxvii) Fire protection wall is provided
xv) The gap of arcing horns for the between transformers, wherever oil
bushings are provided correctly and quantity exceeds 2000 litres.
earthing connections for the surge
diverters have been made. xxviii) The fire fighting equipment is
xvi) The windings and oil temperature
thermometer pockets contain oil and xxix) Fencing and gate are provided as
the meters are tested and calibrated. per IE Rule and earthed with
xvii) Provision of copper strip bonding

a) Top cover and transformer tank

b) Bushing flange and transformer body

c) Terminal box cover and transformer

xviii) The operation of the "OFF LOAD"

and "ON LOAD" tap changers on all
the tap positions are satisfactory and
the brake shoes of tap change motor
are in order.

xix) The tap position indicated on the

transformer and that on the control
panel are the same.

xx) The oil level of tap changer tank is

correct and oil has been tested for
dielectric strength.

xx) The insulation resistance of control

circuit wiring, transformer windings,
and all the incoming and outgoing
cables have been checked and
found in good condition.

xxii) The valve in the cooling system and

valve between the buchholz relay

xviii) Insulation resistance value of bus
5.4.1) HT/LT/Panel bars is acceptable.

The following shall be checked/ensured: xix) Control wiring have been done as
per approved drawings.
i) The lifting lugs provided on the
panel are used for lifting and xx) Relays have been mounted and
erection purposes. connected properly.

ii) wherever the switchgear room is xxi) External and internal painting are in
situated above the ground level, good condition.
provision for lifting and shifting the
switchgear to this room is available. xxii) All components in panels are
numbered as per approved drawings
iii) The clearances around panel are as and connections ferruled.
per approved drawings.
xxiii) Shock treatment charts in required
iv) Number of exit/entry doors of number (in local language, Hindi
switchgear room are as per and English) are prominently
approved drawings. displayed in switchgear room.

v) Panel is firmly bolted to the base xxiv) Partition, safety shrouds, explosion
plate which should be grouped vents etc. are in position/in good
properly. condition.

vi) Panel is earthed with required xxv) Fire extinguishers of correct type
number and size of earthing and capacity have been provided, in
conductors. required number.

vii) Panels are properly leveled and xxvi) Exhaust fan/ pressurisation system
aligned in all directions. wherever provided are in working
viii) The tag numbers are prominently
displayed on each panel on both xxvii) Bus bar terminal shutters are in
front & rear sides, and that they order.
xxviii) Unused holes are plugged properly
ix) Danger board has been provided. to make panels totally.

x) All panel doors fixing bolts are in 5.4.2) HT/LT Breaker

position and tightened.
The following shall be checked/ensured:
xi) Bus bar connecting links are firmly
connected with suitable size and i) Breaker rack-in-rack out system are
type of bolts. in good condition.

xii) All connections are tight. ii) Shutter operates satisfactorily while
circuit breaker is racked in and out.
xiii) Bus bar insulation wherever
provided is in good condition. iii) No parts of breakers is damaged.
Bushings are without any
xiv) Bus bar support insulators and cracks/damage and clean.
bushings are not having
cracks/damage. iv) Breaker is in fit condition for
operation (oil level/SF6 pressure
xv) All the openings have been sealed. etc.)
v) Breaker interlock mechanisms are
xvi) All gaskets are in position. operative.
xvii) Properly tested floor mats have been

vi) All releases are provided and b)Structures are fabricated as per
connected properly as per design design and are in good
drawings. condition.

vii) Alignment of fixed busbar contacts c)Structures are erected in position

has been properly done with drawout maintenance safety clearances
contacts of breakers. and all fasteners are tightened
viii) Breaker contact resistance by milli
volt drop test is within recommended d)Alignment of structure in order.
e)Base of structure is plastered all
ix) Spring tension of female contacts sides and sloped for avoiding
(tulip) is in order. water accumulation.

x) Insulation resistance value of f) Earthing of structure is done (by strip

breaker is in order. welding, not by bolting) and
connected to grid.
xi) Breaker operates satisfactorily in
"TEST and SERVICE" position. g)Rust protection paint is applied
wherever necessary.
xii) In case of ACBs, arc chutes should
be clean and properly fixed. h)Identification colours for phases is
marked on structure.
xiii) Breaker 'ON' - 'OFF' (Electrical &
mechanical) indications are working. i) Tagging of equipment is marked on
structure for easy identification.
xiv) Breaker carriage alignment is in
order inside the cubicle. ii) Insulators

xv) Breaker earthing contacts are in a)Are of correct voltage rating.

b)No cracks/damage/ and surfaces are
xvi) Carriage contact system is in clean.
working condition.
c)Handled with care to avoid damage.
xvii) Gaskets of panel doors and covers
are in position. iii) Conductors and Bus bars

xviii) Earthing bond between panel and a) Are of approved design and
door are provided. specification.

xix) Oil level viewing glass of all doors b) Stringing is done using proper
are in position and clean. tools & checks.

xx) Tested oil is used for oil circuit c) Sag is maintained to have
breakers. minimum tension under all
weather condition and conform to
5.5 OUTDOOR SWITCHYARD required line and ground
EQUIPMENT clearances.

The following shall be checked/ensured: d) Expansion joints, if any, on tubular

bars, are in good condition.
i) Structure (metallic) e) Dead ends of tubular bus bars are
sealed to avoid entry moisture,
a)All foundations are ready and dust etc.
elevation levels are made as per
drawings. f) Proper fasteners are used for
connection and termination.

iv) Protection

a) Overhead earth screen/mast is as c)Oil level (if applicable) is normal.
per approved design.
d)No oil leakage.
b) Switchyard fencing and gate are
provided as per IE Rules & e)The connections are made properly.
Fences earthed and connected to
earth grid at number of points f) Insulation resistance values of CT
(preferably by welding joints) and PT are in order.

c) RCC cable trench shall have proper g)Explosion vents in housing of

covers. CTs/PTs are in good condition.

d) Stone jelly provided should be of h)Identification colours for phases are

proper size and thickness. marked on CT/PT units.

e) The water drainage of cable vii) Isolator

trenches is provided.
a)Name plate details are as per the
v) Lightning Arrestor approved drawings.

a) Voltage and current rating of b)Clearances for isolators are as per

arrestor match with the approved approved drawings.
c)Clearances for isolators are as per
b) Location and spacing between approved drawing.
arrestors is as per approved
drawings. d)Clearances for isolator operating
mechanism is in order.
c) Height of grading ring above
ground is as per approved e)Moving parts of mechanism are
drawing. lubricated.

d) Explosion vent is directed away f) Interlock mechanism with earth

from adjacent equipment. switch, if any, is operative.

e) Porcelain surfaces are clean and g)Interlock mechanism between

not damaged. isolator and circuit breaker such
that isolator always operate only
f) Connections to earth do not pass off load.
through any metal pipe.
h)All three phases close/open
g) Earth connection from arrestor to simultaneously, including
counter is insulated from earth. alignment of contacts.

h) Separate earth pit has been i) Contact pressure is as

provided for arrestor. recommended by manufacturer.
j) Isolators and operating handles and
i) Insulation resistance value of earthed properly.
arrestor is in order.
j) Line connection is made as k)Operating handle is painted red and
recommended. earthing switch handle (if any) is
painted green.
vii) CT & PT (Current & Potential
Transformer) l) Line connections are tight.

a)The name plate details are as per m) Locking devices in open and
approved drawings. closed conditions are in order.

b)Insulator surfaces are clean and free viii) Circuit breaker

from dust and not damaged.

a) Circuit breaker base alignment of all viii) Wooden stands are painted with
the 3 poles. anticorrosive paint.

b) Separate earthing for all the three ix) Cell numbers are properly fixed to
poles. cells.

c) No part of breaker is damaged. x) Float level indicators are free.

d) Interlock mechanism. xi) Gas vents are provided and free

from blockage
e) Controlling cabling with marshaling
box. xii) Cells have not developed any
f) Gasket cover to be tightened,
unused holes are to be closed. xiii) Cells are mounted on treated
wooden racks and insulated bases.
g) Ensure weather/vermin proofing
busbar connection and the stress xiv) Suitable drainage has been provided
free bus terminations. for likely electrolyte spillage.

h) Top up the oil to normal level xv) Acid treatment chart is prominently
displayed inside the room.
i) SF6 gas pressure
xvi) Cable connections are made with
j) All the insulators must be thoroughly recommended lugs.
xvii) Alkaline batteries are not in the
k) Base foundation bolts must be same room where lead acid cells are
provided with grease to avoid installed.
l) All explosion vents are not
chocked/blocked. During installation of battery, appropriate
Personal Protective equipment should be
5.6 BATTERY used.

The following shall be checked/ensured: 5.7 LIGHTING EQUIPMENT &

i) Name plate details and number of
cells are as per approved drawings. The following points shall be
ii) Sufficient clearance is maintained
around battery bank for ease of i) The area classification of the
maintenance. location.
ii) The installation and its components
iii) Acid proof tiles have been provided meet the requirements as set by the
(for lead acid batteries). environmental conditions, and are
appropriate to area classification.
iv) An eyewash shower and wash basin
are available nearby. iii) The installation conforms to
approved drawings.
v) Voltage and specific gravity of all
cells are as per manufacturer's iv) The location facilitates maintenance
recommendations. of equipment.

vi) Cell terminal connections are tight v) The distribution box, circuit
and coated with petroleum jelly. numbering and loading, are correct.

vii) Stand and cell insulators are clean. vi) Connectors are provided in junction
boxes and fittings and are of

antivibration design wherever xx) Support structure and poles are
necessary. earthed and painted.

vii) Switch rating is adequate and as xxi) Unused entries are blocked with
recommended by the designer. metallic grommets.

viii) Fuse ratings of the circuits and xxii) In flameproof enclosures, unused
protective devices are adequate and entries are blanked with flameproof
as recommended by the designer. threaded metal plugs.

ix) All fasteners are provided and xxiii) For open type wiring, only cable of
tightened (especially for flameproof recommended type is used.
fixtures) - safety features, such as
separation sheets, fuse base 5.8 CABLE
screening interlocks, door switches,
padlock facilities and pad locks, are The following shall be checked/ensured:
in order.
I) Cable Laying
x) No unauthorised site modification is
done on flameproof enclosures. a) Cable size, voltage grade and type
should comply with Approved For
xi) Outdoor lighting panel has weather Construction (AFC) drawings.
protection (IP :55) and in provided
with canopy wherever necessary. b) Cable laying is done strictly as per
Indian Standard.
xii) The gaskets are in position.
c) No damage arises to the cables
xiii) The cable glands are inspected for during laying.
d) Cable routing is planned to be away
xiv) The glands and lugs are used from heat sources, gas, water, oil,
correctly according to feeder cable drains piping air-conditioning duct
size. etc.

xv) The earthing bus bar and cable e) Cables are identified close to their
earthing connections inside the termination point, (Cable
distribution box are made properly. numbers are punched on
aluminium straps 2 mm thick and
xvi) The equipment external earthing securely fastened to the cable,
from the earthing grid is made wrapped around it) and also along
properly. the route at recommended
intervals, by cable number tags.
xvii) The lighting fixture is earthed f) Cable route markers are provided in
externally with adequate size of GI a permanent way at location of
wire (Minimum No. 10 SWG) changes in the direction of cables
wherever 2 core cables (in building and at intervals of not more than
etc.) are used. In case of usage with 30M and at cable joint locations.
3/4 core cables, 3rd/4th core of the
cable should be used for internal g) The concrete cable trenches are
earthing connection inside the filled with sand, to avoid
lighting fixture - surface PVC accumulation of hazardous gases
conduit. the earth wire is run exterior and RCC covers of trenches in
to the conduit, without touching process area are effectively
conduit, maintaining proper sealed to avoid ingress of
clearance. chemicals and oil.

xviii) The earthing resistance. h) As far as possible, each cable tray

contains only one layer of cables
xix) The fixture is firmly supported. and minimum required vertical
clearance between racks is

unavoidable, the following are
i) In the case of cables laid directly ensured :
underground, the trench bottom is
filled with a layer of sand and a  The number of joints is restricted to
protective covering of 75 mm minimum.
thick second class red bricks then
be laid flat, over the sand (Ref.  The locations of joints are identified
Annexure No. 1 for typical with permanent markers.
 All joints in hazardous areas are
j) Before covering with sands, every preferably underground (especially
cable is given an insulation test for H.V. cables).
and cable which proves defective
is replaced.  All joints are carried out as per cable
manufacturer’s recommendation.
k) It should be ensured that all the
cables (power, control, lighting ii) Cable Termination
and communication) are laid
completely as per cable a) Identification number tags of the
schedules and are tested for cable for the equipment to which the
continuity. supply is fed are provided correctly
at both ends of the cable.
l) All wall openings/pipe sleeves are
effectively sealed after b) The tag size is not less than 2 mm
installation of cables to avoid thick and 20 mm wide and of
seepage of water inside enough length to contain all required
building/lined trench. details.
m) Where cables rise from trenches to c) Cable termination is done with
motor, control station, lighting proper crimpling lug and use of
panels etc. these are taken antioxidant paste.
through GI protection pipe
sleeves ends of which should be d) For cable glands of flameproof
sealed after cabling. design, identification mark on the
gland preferably embossing symbol
n) Conduit ends above grade are as per IS should be available, and
plugged with approved weather the required CMRS certification is
proof sealing plastic compound. verified.
o) At road crossing and other places
where cables enter pipe sleeves, e) The ferruling on all terminations
recommended bed of sand and conforms to wiring drawings.
bricks are provided so that the
cable do not slacken and get f) Tightness of all terminations.
damaged at pipe ends. Metallic (Confirm the bimetallic washer, if
pipe ends should be bell required, is correctly installed).
g) Earthing connections and earth
p) A separate earth strip is run along continuity are in order.
each cable tray. Equipment
earthing is taken from the earth h) Wherever lugs are used for
grid and not from the cable rack termination, size of lug matches with
earthing. cable core and material of lug is
suitable for application.
q) Cables are clamped on trays using
aluminium clamps at intervals not i) Proper mechanical protection for the
exceeding 3 meters. cable is available.
r) Cable joints in power & control j) Pipes, if provided, are sealed on
cables are avoided as far as both ends.
possible. In case a joint is

k) Bending radius is as per BIS However, if there are specific design
standard. guidelines are available the same
will prevail to take care of corrosion
l) Before backfilling cable trench, the problems and to ensure thereby
straight through joints of High good reliability of earthing
Tension cables are tested for connections.
leakage current.
v) when two earth strips are jointed by
m) Cable terminations are done as per means of welding, lap welding with
the manufacturer's instructions. an overlapping of strip equivalent to
double the width of the strip is
n) Insulation resistance values available and all the four sides are
between phases and phase to continuously welded. All joints
ground (after termination) in order. above ground are by means of
connector/lugs. A minimum of two
o) Cables near the termination are bolts of adequate size is used for
supported to relieve the strain on this purpose.
the terminals.
vi) Conduits in which cables have been
5.9 EARTHING GRID installed are effectively bonded and
earthed. For this bonding, not less
The following shall be checked/ensured: than 6 SWG wire and hose clip are
used with brass or GI nut & bolt with
i) The earthing installation has been min. 5 mm dia.
done in accordance with IS : 3043,
approved earthing drawing and vii) Earthpit locations are identified by
specifications. permanent markers.

ii) The earthmats should be provided viii) All earth electrodes are tested for
as per the AFC (approved for earth resistance by means of
construction) drawings. standard earth test megger.

iii) The main earth loop is laid at a ix) Earth resistance of the grid or mat
depth of 500 mm below grade level. should be maintained sufficiently low
Wherever cable trenches are and should meet ISI requirement.
available, the earth lead is laid in the
trenches, and firmly cleated to the x) The electrodes have a clean surface,
sidewall of concrete lined trenches. not covered by paint, enamel,
The earthing strip is protected grease or other materials of poor
against mechanical damage in conductivity. All earth electrodes are
process unit areas, the earthing so located avoiding interference with
conductor is run along cable trays road, building foundation, column
wherever possible. The earthing etc.
conductor is suitably cleated and
electrically bonded to the cable tray xi) Individual earth electrodes are
at regular intervals. The earthing for provided for each lightning arrestor
equipment is tapped from the main and lightning mast.
earth conductor and not from the
cable tray structure. xii) In case of conveyors, the earth strip
runs along the entire length of
iv) All joints in the main earth loop are conveyor.
made in such a way that reliable and
good electrical connections are xiii) Disconnect facility is provided for the
permanently ensured. All joints individual earth pits to check their
below grade are welded and suitably earth resistance periodically.
protected by giving two coats of
bitumen and covered with hessian xiv) All electrical equipment are doubly
tape. All joints above grade should earthed in connecting two points on
be given two coats of bitumen to equipment to a main earthing grid.
avoid oxidation and insulation film The earthing ring should be
formation of the strip surface. connected via links to several earth

electrodes. The cable armour will be
earthed through the cable glands for vi) Machined surfaces are free from
L.T. cables. For HT cable, the corrosion, dirt and paint.
armour shall be brought out &
connected to the earth bus. vii) Clearances or gaps are as per
approved standard.
xv) In hazardous areas, all major
process equipments are connected viii) There are no unauthorised
to the earthing grid by means of modifications.
welding or nut/bolt connections. In
case of nut/bolt connections, spring ix) Bolts, glands and stoppers are
and back washers are used. All complete and tight.
pipes are bonded and earthed on
entering the battery limit of the x) The equipment is free from dust, dirt
process area. and shall be painted if necessary.

xvi) The shield wire is connected with the xi) All conduits runs and fittings are tight
main grid solidly and not through and free from corrosion.
supporting steel structures. All paint,
scale, and enamel is removed from xii) Earthing is made as per standard
the contact surface before the IS : 3043
earthing connections are made.
xiii) Condition of enclosure gaskets is
xvii) All earthing connections for satisfactory.
equipment earthing are taken from
the earth plate mounted above xiv) Electrical connections are tight.
ground, wherever provided.
xv) Motor fans & couplings are not
xviii) Anchor bolts or fixing bolts are used rubbing on cowls guards.
for earthing connection.
xvi) Lamp rating & type are correct.
xix) All hardware used for earthing
installations are hot dip galvanised xvii) Wherever compound filling is
or zinc passivated. Also spring required, it should be as per
washers are used for all earthing installation drawings.
connections of equipment.
xx) Lighting fixtures and other LT xviii) There is no leakage of compound
equipment are earthed through the from stopper or cable boxes.
extra core provided in the cable for
this purpose. xix) There is no damage to cables, cable
sheaths or cable glands (Particular
6.0 EQUIPMENT USED IN attention should be paid to flexible
HAZARDOUS AREA cable used with portable apparatus).

xx) Apparatus is properly protected

The following shall be checked/ensured: against corrosion, weather, vibration
& other adverse factors.
i) Apparatus is appropriate to area
classification. xxi) Guards, where used, are available in
correct position.
ii) Surface temperature class is correct.
xxii) Supporting arrangements are strong
iii) Apparatus sub group is correct. and adequate.
iv) Apparatus carries the correct circuit
identification (apparatus should be 7.0 TEMPORARY ELECTRICAL
positively identified with its circuit to INSTALLATIONS
ensure that correct isolation can be
carried out). Check that temporary installation conforms
to safety requirements and additionally
v) Enclosures, glasses and glass/metal complies with following recommendations.
seals are satisfactory.
i) Load requirement of temporary x) Only approved make of
installations is firmly established switchboard shall be used.
and that the load drawn at the
times is well within capacity of xi) In case the duration of temporary
temporary installations. Maximum installation exceeds 3 months,
permissible no. of welding approval of schemes for
machines to be connected from installation shall be obtained from
individual outlet shall be such that statutory authorities.
the total connected load shall not
exceed the rating of the outlet. xii) Length of flexible wire shall be
limited to maximum 30 mts. and
ii) Properly sized plug socket are there shall be no joints in this
used to cater the load length.
requirements. All electrical
gadgets used shall be of industrial xiii) 2 core wires shall be used only for
type only and no domestic type 24 volts and above this voltage, 3
shall be used. core wires shall be used (P,N & E)

iii) Earthing is provided for all xiv) Whenever portable equipment are
portable/static equipments as per used, provision of ELCB shall be
IS 3043. In case of 3 phase considered.
temporary panels double earthing
is to be provided. If required, xv) Three-phase power supply
separate earth pits to be made and connection in LT system should be
resistance recorded. Properly through 3-1/2 core cables.
sized not less than No. 8 SWG GI However in case of LT system
wire shall be used. having single-phase loads
connection should be through 4
iv) Periodical monitoring of load is core cables.
done to ensure compatibility with
switch rating/ cable sizing. xvi) Before energising the installation,
v) Only HRC fuses shall be used and the engineer-in-charge or his
not rewirable type. authorised representative should
certify the soundness of
vi) Local isolation is accessible and installation, after conducting
phase and earth can be prescribed tests as per I.S./I.E.
simultaneously isolated. Rules.

vii) Voltage rating of supply matches Note:

with safety requirements as
stipulated in Factory Rules. For Temporary installations cover construction
example, when working inside Power requirement also.
vessels or at heights etc. voltage
of electrical appliance shall not be 8.0 DOCUMENTATION
more than 30 volts. In case higher
voltage is necessary, isolating i) The installation of equipment shall not
transformer shall be used which commence without keeping ready the
should have primary and following basic documents:
secondary both physically and
electrically isolated. a) All approved for construction
(AFC) drawings (including layout,
viii) All electrical appliances are single line diagrams etc.)
properly protected against rain,
water, dust etc. b) All approved vendor drawings for
equipment and foundations
ix) Portable equipment are (including schematic, inter
transported from one site to connection & wiring drawings)
another only after it is
disconnected electrically. c) Statutory clearances from the
Chief Electrical

Inspectorate/DGMS/CEA, CCE as f) Lugs : Copper, Aluminium, Bimetal
applicable. g) Screws : Brass

d) Test certificates from the ii) Lifting Tackles

manufacturer for having
successfully conducted all the a) All lifting tackles shall be suitable
prescribed tests at the for the application under
manufacturer's works (duly consideration and tested before
certified by owner's Inspector). us. Chain pulley blocks shall be
well lubricated and tested before
ii) The installation after completion shall use.
not be energised without keeping
ready the following basic documents: b) EOT cranes shall be tested for
proper operation and load tested
a) All the field test reports with before use.
satisfactory test results as
specified in the I.E. iii) Insulating Materials
Rules/IS/Technical specifications
(duly witnessed and certified by a) Tapes
owner's Inspector).
Shall conform to relevant IS
b) Completion report from the Standards.
licensed contractor in the
prescribed format given in IS. Voltage rating of tape shall be
suitable for the application.
c) Statutory clearances from the
Chief Electrical Number of layers of tape shall be
Inspectorate/DGMS/CEA etc. as as per the requirements of Voltage
applicable, for energisation of level and environmental
installation along with duly conditions.
approved drawings.
Tapes PVC, Fibreglass, Polyester,
d) As-built drawings incorporating all Cotton silicone, Empire (material)
field modifications/revisions. and with waterproof/fire resistant
e) Protective Relay settings
(supported by the basic b) Sheets
calculations to arrive at these
settings). Shall be of bakelite DMC, SMC,
f) Operation/maintenance instruction
manuals and list of recommended c) Sleeves
PVC, Fibreglass, Silicon, rubber,
9.0 MISCELLANEOUS Heat shrinkable sleeves.
d) Compounds
The following recommendations shall be
adhered to: Bitumen, Epoxy, Plastic, Silicon

i) Fasteners e) Varnish

a) Nut-bolts : Cadmium coated MS Class B/F, of air dying type, Baking

bolts : Copper, GI type, Stress grading, Varnish

b) Washers : Tinned copper, 10.0 REFERENCES

Cadmium coated MS; GI
c) Strips : Copper, GI The following codes, standards, and
d) Clamps : GI, Aluminium, Copper, publications have either been referred to or
Aluminium alloy used in the preparation of this document
e) Flexible : Tinned copper and the same shall be read in conjunction
connection with this document:
1) OISD-STD-137 (Inspection of
Electrical Equipment)

2) OISD-RP-146 (Preservation of Idle

Electrical Equipment)

3) OISD-RP-148 (Inspection and Safe

Practices During Overhauling
Electrical Equipment)

4) National Electrical Code NEC-1985

of BIS.

5) Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)


6) Indian Electricity Rules – 1956

7) IEEE regulations

8) API Recommended Practices

9) Instruction manuals for



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