Killer Steps How To Increase Deliverability in Cold Email Campaign

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Killer steps how to increase deliverability in cold email campaign

Even the greatest email will not be useful if you will miss one important aspect: deliverability.
Marketers sometimes focus too much on the look of their emails that forgot about ensuring
reaching the target receiver.

Of course, we do not encourage you to give up on the email content. Problems with
deliverability influence other metrics like click-through rates, engagement, outreach,
conversions and so on. So, the purpose of this article is to remind you how you can improve
this area of cold emailing and let numerous receivers get benefits from your messages.

Basic Info to Know About Email Deliverability

But first, let’s remind the main terms and notion we should know for sure to operate with the
following recommendations.

We will start with a definition of email deliverability. This is a range of actions that are aimed
at placing an email in target inbox. Having valid email addresses still, does not guarantee
you will reach the receiver.

Other elements to keep in mind:

- sender’s reputation – it means the rates of abuse reports, spam traps, blacklisting and so
- spam triggers – words that signal service providers that the email probably of the low
quality, like spam in general.

Use services like Return Path to keep up with the recent changes in this area.

Increasing deliverability in cold email campaign: 7 Tips

Now let’s move to the part of the article we all gathered here for. What actions will raise your
chances to have a good deliverability rate and make your cold email campaigns more
effective? Keep reading to find out.

1. Set a decent domain for cold emailing​.

This is about your sender’s reputation. If your domain has a poor reputation, do you think
your emails will be accepted properly? Also, it is better not to use a company domain for cold
emailing. In case your emails got blacklisted, the entire domain will be screwed. Separate
domain with a good reputation will protect your company reputation as well and you will have
proper chances to set commination with a target buyer.

2. Use respectable service​.

The same thing is here. However, in this case, you simply minimize cases of getting
low-quality services and false reports. Moreover, sending your cold emails via proper
services will ensure that your campaign will be technically adjusted to the cold email.
3. Test various ESPs​.
Your task here to define what service fits your goals the most and which one will be able to
provide the service of the quality you need. Try out different email service providers and
detect which one can ensure you with the highest deliverability.

4. Maintain the quality of your email list.​

Deliverability rate directly depends on the number of valid addresses. Despite the fact this is
not the main guarantee of the successful campaign, maintaining a clean and ​validated email
list ​is the right thing to do considering cold emails. Moreover, you should be sure that the
base you use contains only real, active and opted-in addresses. All these factors can be
checked with special services, like Proofy or similar.

5. Warm up your new domain.

As soon as you made sure your domain is proper and suitable and the email list is validated,
you should warm up ESPs and filters that will take part in your campaign in some way. We
advise doing this starting with 50 emails per day an then gradually add more emails at a
time. This process requires consistency and patience. It may take a few weeks or months
until the task will be completed and it will be safe for you to send out many emails.

6. Monitor open and bounce rates.​

In email marketing, there are so many metrics to monitor so some companies get lost and
focus on the rates that do not directly affect the deliverability. For cold emailing it is wise to
check the open rates. If it is over 20% it means your emails reach inboxes properly. Another
valuable metrics is bounce rate. The good number here is below 5%. It means your email
gets into the inbox with a minimum number of tries.

7. Add a clear opt-out option.​

It may sound weird as we are talking about the cold emailing here. But just think of the case
when a person receives your message, find it not interesting and in order never hear from
you again, decided to mark your letter as spam! This can be crucial for reputation. On the
contrary, when you inform your receiver that there is an option for “unsubscribing”, you
provide a choice as well as a display that you respect people’s choice.

8. Avoid sending patterns and use on-purpose delays.​

If your sending behavior will have the easily spotted patters, you risk being detected as an
automated bulk email sender. So it is better to alter your sending approaches from time to
time changing days and timing. The same is with delivering emails to the big group of people
that work in the same organization, company or even industry. It is better to break your list
and use different sending schedules to avoid red flagging. The lower spam rates you have
more opportunities for your emails to reach inboxes.

Bottom Line

The conditions for cold email campaigns are becoming harder and harder with time. This can
be easily explained by the fact that ESPs and ISPs do their best to protect their users from
the unwelcomed activity like spamming. But do not get upset! In fact, this is not an obstacle
but the ladder that can lead to the new heights of the quality of your campaigns as well as
the great deliverability rates.

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