Performing Medical Handhygiene

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Handwriting is a vigorous,brief rubbing together of all surface of hands lathered in soap followed by
rinsing under a stream of water


1) Before contact with patients who are susceptible to infection (eg: newborn infants or
immunosuppressed patients).

2) After caring for an infected patient.

3) After touching organic material

4) Before performinf invasive proceedures such as adminstration of injection,catheterization and


5) Before and after handling dressing or touching open wounds

6) After handling contaminated equipment.

7) Between contacts with different patients in high-risk units.


1) To remove diet and trasient organisms from the hands and to reduce total microbial counts.

2) To protect nursing personnel from pathogenic organisms.


1) Warm running water.

2) Antimicrobial / regular soap

3) Paper towels/ hand drier



1. Inspect surface of hands for breaks / cuts in Open cuts / wounds can harbour high
skin or cuticle. Report and cover lesions before concentration of micro- organisms open wound
providing patient care. serve as a portal for entry of microorganisms.

2. Inspect hands for heavy soiling Requires lengthiee hand-washing

3. Inspect nails for length Nails should be short because most microbes on
hands come from beneath the fingernails.

4. Assess patients risk for infection Use of antimicrobial soap is encouraged when
caring for patients who are at risk for infection.

Eg: immunosuppressed patients

5. Remove wrist watch and push long uniform Provides complete access to fingers, hands and
sleeves abovee wrist watch. Remove all jewellery wrist. Wearing of rings an increases the number
from handssuch as ring, watch and bracelet etc. of microorganisms on hands

6. Stand in front of the sink, keeping hands and Inside of sink is a contaminated area. Reaching
uniform away from sink surfaces. over sink increases risk of touching edge, which is

7. Turn on water. Avoid splashing water against Microorganisms travel and grow in moisture

8. Regulate flow of water and make sure that the Warm water removes less of the protective oils
water is warm. than cold water.

9. Wet hands and wrists thoroughly under Hands are the most contaminated parts to be
running water. Keep hands and forearms lower washed. Water flows from least to most
than elbows during washing. conatminated are, rinsing micro-organisms from
the sink.

10. Apply a small amount of soap or Use of antiseptic exclusively can be drying to
antiseptic,lathering thoroughly. hands and can cause skin irritation

11. Wash hands using plenty of lather and Soap cleanses by emulsifying fat and oil thus
friction for at least 10-15 seconds. Interface lowering surface tension. Friction and rubbing
fingers and rub palms and back of hands with mechanically loosen and remove dirt. Interlacing
circular motion for at least 5 times each. Special fingers and thumbs ensures that all surfaces are
attention should be provided to areas such as cleansed. Knuckles and fingernails harbour
knuckles and fingernails. microorganisms.

12. Area underlying fingernails are often soiled. Are under nails can be highly contaminated
Clean them with fingernails of other hand and which will increase the risk of infection for the
use additional soap if required. nurse or the patient

13. Rinse hands and wrists thoroughly keeeping Rinsing from cleanest to least clean area avoids
hands down and elbows up. contamination

14. Turn off water faucet using paper towel.

15. Dry hands thoroughly from finger to wrst and Drying from cleanest to least clean area avoids
to forearm with paper towel. contamination
16. Discard used towel Prevents transfer of microorganisms



Surgical handwriting is a procedure by which dirt and microorganisms are destroyed and removed
from hands and fingers bby chemical action and mechanical friction.


1. To remove dirt transient microorganisms from hands

2. To reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms to patients

3. To reduce the risk of cross infection among patients

4. To reduce the risk of trannsmission of infections agents to oneself

5. To prevent the intragenic infections


1. Soap/antiseptic lotion

2. Running warm water

3. Nail brush in antiseptic lotion

4. Towels (sterile)

5. Mask and cap



1. Ensure that the nails are short. Remove Short nails are less likely to harbour
artificial nail, if any. organisms,scratch the patient or puncture gloves.

2. Remove nail polish Nail polish harbour microorganisms

3. Inspect hands for abrasions,cuts or open These conditions increase likelihood of more
lesions microorganisms residing on skin surfaces

4. Remove jewellery of any type Microorganisms accumulate in jewellery

5. After medical handwash, wear cap and mask

6. Turn on water using knee/foot/elbow

7. Wet hhands and arms under running Water flows from fingertips to elbows. Fingertips
lukewarm water and lather with soap/detergent are considered to be cleansed than the elbows.
to scum above the elows (hands need to be
raised , held above tthe elbows at all time ). use
firm circular movements to wash palms, back of
hands,wrists,forearms and interdigital spaces for
20-25 seconds

8. Rinse, hands and arises thoroughly under Rinsing removes transient bacteria forn hands
running water

9. Clean under nail of both hands with nail Removes dirt and microorganisms
pick/nail brush

10. Scrub nails of each hand with 15 strokes using

anti- microbial agent

11. Holding the brush perpendicular scrub palm, Scrubbing loosens resident bacteria that adhere
each side of thumb and fingers and posterior side to skin surfaces
of handwith 10 strokes each.

12. Scrub from wrist to 5cm above each elbow Scrubbing is performed from cleaner area to less
that is lower arm, upper arm and ante cubital clean are (upper arms)
fossa to marrginal area above elbos

13. Entire scrub should last for 5-10 minutes Scrubbing time can be lengthened according to
agency policy / according to the degree of
contamination of hands

14. Discard brush and rinse hands from fingertips

to elbows
15. Take care not to touch the tap or the sides of Tap and sides of sink are considered to be
the sink during the procedure contaminated

16. Use a sterile towel to dry one hand moving Drying prevents chapping and facilitates donning
from fingers to elbow . Dry from cleanest to least of gloves
clean area

17. Repeat drying of the other hand using a

different a towel. Use one side to dry one hand
and reverse side for the other hand, if only one
towel is available.

18. Discard towel

19. Proceed with sterile gowning



This procedure is the wearing of mask and a specially stitched gown in the operation theatre to
maintain asepsis and to protect the nurse from contaminating herself and others around her.


1. To prevent dispersal of droplets from wearer to environment and the patient.

2. To prevent the contamination the sterile field

3. To enhance easy handling of the sterile equipment

Articles Required:
1. Articles for the surgical and washing.

2. Sterile cheattle forceps in a container of disinfectant solutions.

3. Sterile drums containing masks and sterile gowns



Nursing action Rationale

1. After performing surgical handwashing take

the sterile mask handed to you by the circulating
nurse. Hold it by top two strings,keeping top
edge above bridge of nose

2. Tie both top strings at back of head above ears

3. Tie the two lower strings snugly around neck

well under the chin

4. Gently pinch upper portion of mask around Ensure proper fitting

bridge of nose

Gowning :


1. Grasp the sterile gown at the crease near the Prevents gown from becoming unsterile
neck,hold it away from yourself and permit it to
unfold freely without touching anything including
the unform

2. Hold the gown at the shoulder level from Protects the outer portion of gown from
inside and put each hand directly into the arm contamination

3. Extend the arms and hold hand upward at

shoulder level while putting through the arm hole

4. The circulating nurse pulls back the gown from Prevents conatmination from the outer portion
inside. So that the upper limbs go into the of gown
sleeves. The circulating nurse ties the gown frm
the bag

5. The waist ties are loosened by the scrub nurse The waist flapcover the back,preventing
and flap brought around the waist by the use of
cheattle forceps held by the circulating nurse and contamination of the area when turning around
it is tied

Removal of gown and mask :



1. Untie strings at the back of the gown. Remove Prevents contact with contentment portion of
gown, folding inside out cover outside of gown gown.

2. Dipose gown into designated receptable


1. Wash hands. Untie lower strings first, then the Avoids contact of the contaminated portion of
top strings and pull mask away from face mask to our body

2. Hold mask by strings and discard into

appropriate receptable.



Gloving is defined as the donning of a pair of sterile gloves to protect one’s own hands from
pathogenic microorganisms and to avoid contamination of a sterile area by hand


1. To protect the nurse from pathogenic microorganisms

2. To handle sterile articles without contamination

Articles Required:

Soap/ antiseptic detergent, running warm wate,nail brush in antiseptic lotion,towels(sterile) mask and
cap. A pair of sterile surgical gloves.

Procedure [Donning of gloves]:


1. Perform through surgical handwashing and dry Handwashing deters the spread of
hands using sterile towel microorganisms. Gloves are easier to don when
hands are dry.

2. The circulating nurses remove the outer glove Prevents inner glove package from accidentally
package by carefully seperating and peeling apart opening and touching contaminated objects.
the sides. Scrubbed nurse pulls out the inner
glove pack taking care not to touch the outer one

3. Grasp inner package and lay it on clean,flat Sterile object held below waist is contaminated.
surface just above waist level. Open Inner surface of glove packae is sterile.
package,keeping gloves on wrapper’s inside

4. If gloves are not pre-powdered,take packet of

powder and apply lightly to hands over sink
orwaste basket.

5. Identify right and left glove. Each glove has a Proper identification of gloves prevents
cuff of approximately 5cm(2 inches)wide. Glove contamination by improper fit. Gloving of
dominant hand first. dominant hand first improves ddexterity.

6. With thumb and first two fingers of non - Inner edge of cuff will lie against skin and thus it
dominant hand. Towel only the inside surface of is not sterile

7. Carefully pull glove over dominant hand Prevents tearing the glove material,guiding the
making sure the thumb and fingers fit into the fingers into proper places facilitates gloving
proper spaces of the glove.

8. With the gloved dominant hand, slip in fingers If gloves outer surface touches hand /wrist,then
under the cuff of the outer glove. Keep thumb of it is contaminated. Cuff protects gloved fingers
glove dominant hand abducted back to avoid maintaining sterility
touching of exposed non gloved hand

9. Carefully slip the on to your non- domiinant

hand making sure that the fingers slip into the
proper spaces
10. With gloved hands, interlock fingers to fit the Promotes proper fit over the fingers
gloves onto each fingers.

Removal of gloves:

1. Remove the first glove by grasping it on its This keeps the soiled parts of the used gloves
palms surface taking care to avoid touching from touching the skin of the wrist/hand

2. Pull the first glove completely off by inverting

or rolling the glove inside out

3. Continue to hold the inverted remove glove by

the fingers of the remaining glove hands. Place
the first two fingers of the bare hand inside the
cuff of the second glove

4. Pull the second glove off to the fingers by The soiled part of gloves and folded to the inside
turning it inside out this pulls the first glove to reduce the chance of transferring any
inside the second glove microorganisms by direct contact

5. Using the bare hand continue to remove the

second glove, which is now inside out and
dispose off the gloves in the waste receptacle

6. Wash hands


1. Jacob Annamma, Rekha R.Clinical Nursing Procedures The Art of Nursing Practice . 2 nd Edition.

Jaypee publication. New Delhi;2007. Page no:489-492;476-478;146-148.

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