WS 14 MedicalHandwashing

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Marie Ashley E.

Casia BSN1 05/08/2021

Worksheet No. 14


I. Define: Medical hand-washing is for a minimum of 15 seconds, using generous amounts of

soap and water or gel to lather and rub each part of the hands.

II. Purpose: The purpose of hand-washing in the health-care setting is to remove pathogenic
microorganisms ("germs") and avoid transmitting them.

III. Materials/Equipment Needed:

 Soap
 Paper or cloth towels
 Sink
 Running water
 Alcohol.
 Optional: Antiseptic cleaner, fingernail brush, plastic cuticle stick.

IV. Procedure:


1. Prepare all necessary To avoid delay or minimize waste of time

2. Remove all jewels. Microorganisms can lodge in the settings of

jewelry and under rings. Removal facilitates
cleaning of the hands and arms.
3. Keep fingernail short So that they are less likely top harbor
microorganisms. Short nails are less likely to
harbor microorganisms, scratch a client, or
puncture gloves. Long nails are hard to clean
4. Inspect surface of hands and A nurse who has open sores may have to
fingers for break or cuts. change work assignments or wear gloves for
5. Keep hands and uniform -Avoiding reaching into sink and
away form the sink surface. touching edge prevents contamination.
-Uniform should not touch the sink to avoid
contamination. Microbes thrive in moisture
thus dampness can contribute to contamination
of the uniform
6. Open faucet with paper To not get contamination from the faucet
towel or with elbow or flow
control agent.
7. Hold arms lower than the In order for the water not drip towards the
elbow. palms.
8. Remove gross dirt under To eliminate microorganism
running water, using friction.
9. Hold soap bar in the hands To ensure that there is no left dirt from the
while soaping and lathering palms.
thoroughly with adequate
friction for 10 seconds.
10. Rinse bar before returning To prevent microorganism build up surface of
to soap dish. soap bar
11. Turn off faucet with elbow To avoid touching the faucet control and to
when not in use. conserve water
12. Rub palm to palm. Ensure all surfaces of the palms are covered
with soap ,using friction debris and oil, as
recommended by WHO (2009)
13. Rub right palm over left Ensure all surfaces of the palms are covered
hand and vice versa. with soap ,using friction debris and oil, as
recommended by WHO (2009)
14. Interlace fingers and rub Interlacing the fingers and thumbs cleans the
palm to palm. interdigital spaces, as recommended by WHO
15. Rub right palm over back of Ensure all surfaces of the palms are covered
left hand with fingers with soap ,using friction debris and oil, as
interlace and vice versa. recommended by WHO (2009)
16. Rub right fingertips into left Ensure all surfaces of the palms are covered
palm then vice versa. with soap ,using friction debris and oil, as
recommended by WHO (2009)
17. Clasp left thumb and rotate Ensure all surfaces of the palms are covered
vice versa. with soap ,using friction debris and oil, as
recommended by WHO (2009)
18. Rub left wrist with right Ensure all surfaces of the palms are covered
hand and vice versa. with soap ,using friction debris and oil, as
recommended by WHO (2009)
19. With elbow, turn on water To not contaminate the hands that has been
20. Rinse with arms and hands To wash away the remaining soap
lower tan the elbow.
21. Dry forearms and hands To dry the hands and helps avoid skin infection
with hand towel from the or irritation
hands to the forearms.
22. Avoid splashing water on the Transfer of microorganism is prevented.
Learning Insights:

I have learned that each and every one of us must learn how to perform medical hand
washing especially in the world we live today because the Corona Virus is still present.
Performing proper hand hygiene is one of the most important way to eliminate the transmission
of microorganisms.

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