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G.R. No. 193007. July 19, 2011




 Petitioners filed this petition for declaratory relief1 assailing the validity of the impending imposition of value-added tax (VAT)
by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) on the collections of tollway operators.
 Petitioners hold the view that Congress did not, when it enacted the NIRC, intend to include toll fees within the meaning of
"sale of services" that are subject to VAT; that a toll fee is a "user’s tax," not a sale of services; that to impose VAT on toll
fees would amount to a tax on public service; and that, since VAT was never factored into the formula for computing toll
fees, its imposition would violate the non-impairment clause of the constitution.
 The government, represented by the respondents, avers that the NIRC imposes VAT on all kinds of services of franchise
grantees, including tollway operations, except where the law provides otherwise;
 The government also argues that petitioners have no right to invoke the non-impairment of contracts clause since they
clearly have no personal interest in existing toll operating agreements (TOAs) between the government and tollway


1. Whether or not the government is unlawfully expanding VAT coverage by including tollway operators and tollway operations
in the terms "franchise grantees" and "sale of services" under Section 108 of the Code; and
2. Whether or not the imposition of VAT on tollway operators a) amounts to a tax on tax and not a tax on services; b) is not
administratively feasible and cannot be implemented.


1. NO.
It is plain from the law (Section 108 of the NIRC) imposes VAT on "all kinds of services" rendered in the Philippines for a fee, including
those specified in the list. The enumeration of affected services is not exclusive. By qualifying "services" with the words "all kinds,"
Congress has given the term "services" an all-encompassing meaning. Thus, every activity that can be imagined as a form of "service"
rendered for a fee should be deemed included unless some provision of law especially excludes it.

P.D. 1112 or the Toll Operation Decree establishes the legal basis for the services that tollway operators render. Essentially, tollway
operators construct, maintain, and operate expressways, also called tollways, at the operators’ expense. In consideration for
constructing tollways at their expense, the operators are allowed to collect government-approved fees from motorists using the
tollways until such operators could fully recover their expenses and earn reasonable returns from their investments.

Tollway operators are, owing to the nature and object of their business, "franchise grantees." The construction, operation, and
maintenance of toll facilities on public improvements are activities of public consequence that necessarily require a special grant of
authority from the state. The term "franchise" has been broadly construed as referring, not only to authorizations that Congress directly
issues in the form of a special law, but also to those granted by administrative agencies to which the power to grant franchises has
been delegated by Congress.

2. NO.

Tollway fees are not taxes. They are not assessed and collected by the BIR and do not go to the general coffers of the government.
What the government seeks to tax here are fees collected from tollways that are constructed, maintained, and operated by private
tollway operators at their own expense under the build, operate, and transfer scheme that the government has adopted for

In sum, fees paid by the public to tollway operators for use of the tollways, are not taxes in any sense. A tax is imposed under the
taxing power of the government principally for the purpose of raising revenues to fund public expenditures. Toll fees, on the other
hand, are collected by private tollway operators as reimbursement for the costs and expenses incurred in the construction,
maintenance and operation of the tollways, as well as to assure them a reasonable margin of income. Although toll fees are charged
for the use of public facilities, therefore, they are not government exactions that can be properly treated as a tax. Taxes may be
imposed only by the government under its sovereign authority, toll fees may be demanded by either the government or private
individuals or entities, as an attribute of ownership.

VAT on tollway operations cannot be deemed a tax on tax due to the nature of VAT as an indirect tax. In indirect taxation, a distinction
is made between the liability for the tax and burden of the tax. The seller who is liable for the VAT may shift or pass on the amount of
VAT it paid on goods, properties or services to the buyer. In such a case, what is transferred is not the seller’s liability but merely the
burden of the VAT.
Thus, the seller remains directly and legally liable for payment of the VAT, but the buyer bears its burden since the amount of VAT
paid by the former is added to the selling price.
Consequently, VAT on tollway operations is not really a tax on the tollway user, but on the tollway operator. Under Section 105 of the
Code, VAT is imposed on any person who, in the course of trade or business, sells or renders services for a fee. In other words, the
seller of services, who in this case is the tollway operator, is the person liable for VAT. The latter merely shifts the burden of VAT to
the tollway user as part of the toll fees.

Administrative feasibility is one of the canons of a sound tax system. It simply means that the tax system should be capable of being
effectively administered and enforced with the least inconvenience to the taxpayer. Non-observance of the canon, however, will not
render a tax imposition invalid "except to the extent that specific constitutional or statutory limitations are impaired." Thus, even if the
imposition of VAT on tollway operations may seem burdensome to implement, it is not necessarily invalid unless some aspect of it is
shown to violate any law or the Constitution.

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