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Bug Arena: A Debugging Battle Game: 1.1 Project Context

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Bug Arena: A Debugging Battle Game

Aguja, Franz Joseph B. Arriola, Earlvin D. Lucas, Tobiel V. Pedrajeta, Renzo C.

AdU IT&IS Society- AdU IT&IS Society- AdU IT&IS Society- AdU IT&IS Society-
Member Member Member Member
2547 int. 8 Sampaguita 153 Caliraya Drive 12 T. Santos St. 4h Suntrust Parkview
St. Sta. Ana, Manila Marian Lakeview Park Brgy. Baritan Natividad Lopez
09560392797 Subdivision Parañaque Malabon city Ermita, Manila
franzjosephaguja@gmail. City 09777814866 09655732402
com 09166430997 tobiel.lucas@gmail. renzopedrajeta@gmail.
[email protected] com com

OVERVIEW 1.1 Project Context

The proponents agreed upon to develop a mobile game 1.1.1 Introduction
that will focus in program debugging including a Mobile games are generally referred to as the games
fighting character. This study shows how a mobile played in handheld mobile device such as cellphones
game application can benefit the users in learning and and PDAs with wireless communication functionality
the advantages of playing mobile educational games (Eui Jun Jeong and Dan J. Kim 2007). Convenience
can contribute. The propose study will serve as a tool and accessibility are the big factors why mobile
that will enhance the knowledge about program gaming outplay the traditional gaming methods,
debugging and is more on purposive learning promoting the social aspect of gaming by competing
environments. or cooperating with other players was a masterstroke
for the gaming industry but the mobile
Categories and Subject Descriptors games are still outperforming the console and PC titles
[Information Technology Application] in the online sector (Miguel Gibson March 30, 2017).
School Education, Elementary, High School, Senior
High School, College According to (Margaret Rouse October 2016),
debugging is a multiple process that involves
identifying a problem, isolating the source of the
[Programming Language]:
problem, and then either correcting the problem or
Unity 2018
determining a way to work around it.
C Sharp
Since day one of mobile gaming there are significant
General Terms improvements in technology and graphics of the
Puzzle Games, Mobile Application, Mobile Games games including also are the use of connectivity of
mobile phones for multiplayer, gyro meter of handheld
Keywords devices, compass and many latest technologies
Bug Arena, Bug, Debugging, Programming, available in our mobile devices.
Educational Game
The proponents will create a game that will familiarize
1. THE PROBLEM AND ITS the users about debugging while learning the basic to
BACKGROUND advance of the code errors
This chapter will review the background of the
proposal, how the proponents agree upon this study 1.1.2 Background of the Study
and what solutions that must be implement by the
proponents. This Chapter also gives readers insights Mobile games are very popular today and keeps on
on how the program influences the players to develop growing, android community uses games for learning
their programming and debugging skills. It because they believe that “Software Development is
Also considers the significance of the study and the one of the most promising careers of the present and it
objective of the project. will provide thousands of new jobs in the next years.
So, it is not a bad idea for them to familiarize with it”
and they have these 4 best game app titles that will

help you learn programming languages on Android the Bug Arena is a mobile game that will let you choose
following are Code Karts, RoboZZle, Run Marco! and what kind of programming language you want to battle
the Code Warriors (Android Articles, Aug. 30, 2017). for. The game will provide a code error to be analyze
and debugged by a player, every successful debugged
code will be a chance to attack the opponent’s
Debugging is much harder than writing a program character health points, the player represents by
(Kernighan and Plauger 1974). Expert Programmers upgradeable character. The game will be having a
are not always there to teach Novice Programmers and health points system for both the player and the
it may consume more time in developing, instead of opponent; there are deductions on the health points of
experiencing it throughout the process why not play a both party it depends on time and answer.
mobile game that can help him familiarize errors while
the Novice programmer has its free time so that if that
developer takes his next project his already ready for The game will cover three programming languages,
the errors that may he encounter along the project. which is Java, PHP, and, C Sharp because they are
commonly used when introducing computer
programming to novice programmers.
Approximations are inaccurate thus Students are
having a hard time solving errors in their programs,
they are also not fond of reading books or modules To maintain the satisfaction of the game, the
regarding programming and they are just guessing developers will provide a variation of every stages
what the probable error in their programs that is from easy to intermediate while on the advance there
sometimes may lead to massive problems that will will be a challenging part of the game, a guidelines
lead to the failure of the project. will be impart for every programming language. If the
user cannot find the error in a corresponding line on
the given code, the user has an option to refresh the
Software developers spend 35-50 percent of their time given set of code and error but it may cost a time
validating and debugging software. The cost of penalty.
debugging, testing, and verification is estimated to
account for 50-75 percent of the total budget of
software development projects, amounting to more
1.3 Objectives of the Study
than $100 billion annually. While tools, languages,
and environments have reduced the time spent on 1.3.1 General Objective
individual debugging tasks, they have not significantly The general objective of this study is to innovate the
reduced the total time spent debugging, nor the cost of way of learning program debugging with the
doing so (Devon H. O'Dell, March 22, 2017). Defects implementation of mobile game to make learning
are difficult to avoid and to discover, it leads to severe more exciting and productive. As well as to entertain
performance poorness of the production (Linhai Song, the users who will play the game.
Shan Lu, October, 2014). In 2001, McCracken and
colleagues check the programming capability of
freshmen programming students, concluding that
1.3.2. Specific Objectives
To achieve the general objective of this study the
many introductory students cannot write correct code
following specific objectives must meet its
(McCracken et al., 2001). A same study by Lister et al.
(2004) suggested that novices also had difficulties
reading code. Anecdotally, we have observed that
many beginning students have trouble in debugging  To develop and design a single player mobile game
code and so we began to investigate this problem by application that will help to achieve code mastery in
looking at previous work conducted in this area. C#, Php and Java through debugging.
The focal point of this project is for the aspiring
programmers that are unexperienced in debugging  To design an interactive and informative mobile
programs to avoid inaccurate approximations and to game such as viewing of guidelines, and the
familiarize to different errors of programming output view of the code.
languages in exciting and competitive approach.
 To develop a game that will improve users
logical and critical thinking as well as to be
1.2 Purpose and Description entertained while playing.
The purpose of this study is to develop a mobile game ● To test the mobile application using ISO-25010.
in Android platform mobiles that will inspire users to
learn program debugging in an interesting way.

1.4 Scope and Limitation educated as well as entertained by competing because
The scope of the study focuses on creating a mobile of its multiplayer feature.
application for Android phones that is educational and
entertaining at the same time. The proponents target 1.6 Definition of Terms
are computer related courses because they usually The following terms are defined for easier
engage in this kind of problems: understanding of the study:
 The player will choose a programming
Two Dimensional - refers to something that has only
language to play before the start of the game
two dimensions and appears to be flat in viewer’s
 The game consists of three (3) difficulty which
starts from basic, intermediate and advance, and
Smartphone - a device that can perform some of the
functions of a computer with a touch screen interface
each difficulty has 4 stages
and has operating system to run applications
 There will be a variation on the first 2 stages of Android - a popular O.S. that is efficient due to its
basic and intermediate difficulty modifiable features
Avatar - a character used to represent the player in the
 The first stage of the basic and intermediate game
difficulty will be a True or false game Bug - refers to a software error that produces a
regarding the chosen programming language different output than expected
Unity - a programming language that is commonly
 The second stage of basic and intermediate used for games due to its user-friendly features.
difficulty will be a fill in the blank game Java - is a programming language used to create
answering what code must be in the blank application for multiple platforms and considered to be
a high-level language because it uses English based
 The third and fourth stage of basic and commands instead on numeric codes.
intermediate difficulty will be a debugging Php - a widely-used open source scripting language
game intended for developing web pages and websites.
C# - a general purpose programming language
 The game will have an avatar and the avatar can intended in writing system software and applications
be upgraded by a coins earned every successful Attack – an action where the player can give damage
stages to his/her opponent.
Health points - this is to determine each other’s
On the other hand, the game only supports c#, java and, status whether they are defeated, or they won the
php other programming language is not supported by battle.
the game. Arena – a place where two characters face-off and
battle with each other.
 The game is exclusive for single player Time limit - an amount of time in which something
must be done or completed
 The Advance Difficulty will be a debugging Preview – allows you to see how the program will
game from stage one to four look like if it runs perfectly.
XML - stands for extensible mark-up language and it
 The game is playable in android 6.0 up to latest is designed to store and transport data.
version of OS

 There will be a guideline for each programming

language containing basic syntax, control
statements and variables LITERATURE AND STUDY/SYSTEMS
In this chapter, the proponents will discuss the
1.5 Significance of the Study different background information about the problem
The importance of this study is to educate and introduce and related concepts, the different articles that explain
programming to computer related courses; Bug Arena the existence of the problem that can help preventing
helps the users to learn programming in different unnecessary duplication of a study.
languages by playing the game. The players will be

portal of their successive compilations that will be able
2.1 Local Literature to view by their professors.

2.1.1 “The gamification of education: Why Blue J is an IDE based system that determines the
playing is the future of learning?” approach of students to a different error and they
concluded that there are many students are in lack of
comprehension in programming and like to our study
According to Logarta (June 2014), Brainly expands we will help the students to put up a good foundation
their application to Philippines, aiming for the interest in debugging in an interactive and educational game.
of Filipino Teachers for them to collaborate in
academic use of Brainly. 2.1.5 “Over 50% of Pinoy IT students lack
Brainly is used for homework of students for not to be programming skills”
bored, similarly the proponents decided to create an
educational mobile game for students to practice their
skills in programming. Proxor is an assessment tool developed by computer
science department in Carnegie Mellon University in
1990s, it is an exam software to be taken by IT students
2.1.2 “The effectiveness of learning material with for free to assess the basic entry-level programming
Edmodo to enhance the level of student’s skills of students from different schools in Philippines
probabilistic thinking” that meet globally acceptable standards, it is
administered by Joey Gurango former president of
According to Nic Borg Edmodo combines a secure Philippine Software Industry of the Philippine (PSIA)
social network platform with the functionalities of a and Founder and CEO of Gurango Software Corp.
LMS (Learning Management System). (GSC) from October 2015 to September 2016.

Emodo used as a learning media to test the students Examinations like this are very helpful for our country
critical thinking, in relation to our study Bug Arena and getting 50% result does not appear to be very
also has a part of critical thinking for the developers positive, the proponents want to help our fellow IT
that our goal to enhance it for the future of aspiring Students in practicing their programming skills
developers. specially in debugging that can cost more time in
making a system.

2.1.3 “What is GBL (Game-Based Learning)?”

2.2 Foreign Literature
It aims to serve as a supplement to the student to 2.2.1 “Educational games for teaching
further augment what they have learned inside the computer programming”
classroom and be able to use it in practical
applications. It aims to offer aid for topics that are According to Christos Malliarakis, teaching computer
difficult to learn by students or difficult to teach for programming in traditional approach is not effective for
educators. Moreover, it aims to harvest the student's 21st century students, because of they learn and act
self-motivation and engagement demonstrated in differently as computer games became part of their
computer games and channel it to a more productive everyday life, that’s why there are different
activity which, in this case, curriculum-based teachers/researchers propose the incorporation of
education. educational games in teaching of computer
2.1.4 “Analyzing Online Protocols to
Characterize Novice Java Programmers” This Article shows that we should not stick in
traditional approach because games also can benefit
It is stated in the analyzation that they used several
good effects in learning, like our mobile game it can be
tools to study the behavior of novice programmers,
used for educational purposes for additional
such as how they edit and compile their programs and competitiveness in class.
how will they approach the errors, the tools used by
their professors are summarization of student
compilation errors, computation of time between
compilations, computation of error quotients and a

but for the students to learn to debug in a more
2.2.2 “Teaching Students, a Systematic effective mindset of thinking.
Approach to Debugging”
2.2.5 “5 Steps to a Bullet-Proof Debugging
According Lysecky and Vahid (February 2018), Strategy
programming instructors’ notices that every student
have a weakness in debugging and resulting to a
According to Mitch Duncan (11th August 2017) Lack
failing program and they do not have an idea what is of Debugging strategy is a common problem. Creating
wrong with their program. a strategy is a good idea, and it is even better to create
Debugging is part of programming and it is very an approach to debugging that works of external
important for programmers to have an idea about factors, like which company you work with or the
debugging so the proponents decided to create a complexity of the bug, these methods helped fix bugs
mobile game for enhancing debugging skills of both faster and easier: 1. Get into the Debugging
students. Mindset 2. Prioritize which Bug to fix, 3. Locate the
exact line of code of the bug, 4. Which line of code is
the bug on, and 5. Find a solution.
2.2.3 “Binary babel: Fixing computing’s coding
Debugging prioritize mainly on the error itself, but
Base on the study of Michael Brooks, Programming
students must know the strategies upon tackling the
Languages are evolving and mutating from its roots,
exact error to be debugged, Proponents are gathering
every developers has its own forte, programming still
more codes to enable the students to tackle an error
depends on the developer, they have their own good
with ease and satisfying results.
and bad comments about it you can’t please everyone
to do this and that against their own manner of
programming and that’s why there are bugs that hard 2.3 Local Study/Systems
to find a solution because every error also depends on
their case.
Fixing code bugs also becoming a headache of every 2.3.4 “Filipino Youths Are Biggest Internet
developer, that is why the proponents come up to this Users”
idea that “how can you solve a complex, if you don’t
have the basic idea in debugging”, debugging this day In an article of Cebu Daily News15, reveals a survey
are becoming untraceable and asking every IT people on media use and youth lifestyle showed that 15 to 24
that maybe there is a way out. years old Filipinos represent the leading consumers of
information technology in the previous couple of
years. As cited in the article, the media consumption
2.2.4 “A Programmer’s Guide to Effective of young adults has shifted over the years with
Debugging” traditional media like newspapers on the low-end last
year. The author of the study, Dr. Grace Cruz said that
According to John Sonmez, there are certain constants “This does not mean they read less; it could be that
in life, which are unavoidable, and for programmers they are getting their news online now.” In addition to
generating endless bugs. Since so much of your time that, 6 out of 10 young people of said age bracket are
will be spent debugging codes, the key to debugging regular internet users and half social network and
is realizing that it’s all about mindset. It’s about taking email accounts. About 78% of them have mobile
a systematic approach to the problem, not rushing it, phones, Dr. Cruz added.
and not expecting you can just find the problem, it’s
all about staying calm: attacking the problem from a Internet as of today is a necessity, being part of
logical and analytical perspective instead of an everyday life, this serves as the proof that Filipino
emotional one. youths are the patrons of Information Technology and
it is continuous advancing, therefore the proponents
wants to continue the improvements and put a twist
Debugging can take time, a systematic debugging between learning and gaming
could be achieved by using analytical and logical
thinking and it’s important for the students to be more
patient when it comes to errors, so the proponents are 2.3.5“HiStorya: A Mobile Game for Araling
planning to give out set of codes for not just to debug, Panlipunan”

According to Nisperos (2014) HiStorya used as a Multiplayer game is very exciting, because being a
supplementary tool in teachings in 8th grade for the competitive is a human nature, it gives us a pleasure if
subject Araling Panlipunan. you won in a one on one battle, they are like in terms
of logical gameplay in debugging, also you need a
tactics to solve that error
Smartphones today is very popular and very useful
like in our study, the proponent’s goals are that Bug
2.4 Foreign Studies
Arena is to be used as a tool to teach program
debugging; in K12 programs it will be helpful for the
incoming freshmen because it can enhance their idea 2.4.4 “Using Game-Theory and Competition-
in debugging based Learning to Stimulate Student
Motivation and Performance”
2.3.3 “Developing an Intelligent Tutor for
According to Juan C. Burguillo (November 22, 2009)
Debugging” among the advantages of competitive approach, we
may cite: inter activity, collaborative work, active
This study is implemented through the Blue J program participation, challenge versus duties, and motivation
and the developers created an extension that will be for students to explore.
standing as the intelligent tutor, inside this tutor is a
processor that will manage on non-literal errors, it also By competing with another player, users will have a
can translate java errors, that can be understand by a motivation to think critically and logically not just
programmer entertaining themselves but also to improve their
performance when it comes to debugging a program
The results of pre-test said that there are (94%) and to practice their programming skills.
accurate messages were useful for students
encountered errors in their programs, this study serves 2.4.5 “Code Combat”
as a proof that there are still programmers that are
having a hard time on debugging relating to Bug Code Combat is a game for students to learn computer
Arena’s goal is to improve the novice programmer’s science while playing through a real game. Gaming is
ability to solve errors. a medium that encourages interaction, discovery, and
trial-and-error. A good game challenges the player to
2.3.4 “Development of mobile learning using master skills over time, which is the same critical
process students go through as they learn.
android platform”
In this game the students are writing code and see the
changes update in real- time in relation with Bug
According to Christianne Lynnette G. Cabanban “In
Arena, the proponents goal is to let the players debug
the interest of the advancement of mobile technology
a given program and if it is correct that player will
and their increasing affordability and wide capability,
have a chance to attack the enemy and that makes the
mobile devices particularly Android platforms have
Bug Arena a competitive learning game.
transformed from a means of communication to tools
for socialization, entertainment, and learning.”
2.4.3 “Teaching and Engaging with
The proponents intended to make the technology more Debugging Puzzles “
useful and used it in a proper way by creating
educational game that will exercise the student’s Gidget is a debugging puzzle game designed to teach
knowledge about programming and debugging. computer programming, represented as a damaged
robot to clean up a chemical spill along the way and
2.3.5 “VR Salpakan: The Game of the Gidget needs to save the animals, so it is the players'
Generals” job to solve Gidget's code to complete all the missions.
As the levels getting harder, players can combine
Salpakan is a modernization of the filipino board game newly introduced concepts with previously used
Games of the Generals played up to two players, logic commands to succeed solving the puzzles and progress
and puzzle comes into your mind when you play The of the game.
Game of Generals but in VR Salpakan the game will
be viewed in VR (Virtual Reality). Gidget is related to Bug Arena they are the same in
goal but Bug Arena will focus on debugging, but the
difference is that the gameplay of Gidget is an

adventure and Bug Arena is a player vs. player battle
debugging game.

2.4.4 “The Future of Teaching Programming

is on Mobile Devices “

Touch Develop Programming Environment is a

browser-like device to access existing programs due to
the difficulty in creating a program it needs a skill and
not just a knowledge, putting the work in mobile Figure 1. SDLC - Incremental Model
device such as smartphones can make learning more
interesting to students.

Mobile smartphones are available to all students and it Requirements

let the students focus on it that’s why the proponents In this phase the proponents will investigate other
decided to develop the game in Android mobile games and collect ideas that will be use for the
platform development of the game, analysis of system
requirements for the game that is establish under
android, inquiry of android users will be made in the
2.4.5 ” Slicing for Java Program: A target community for its usability.
Preliminary Study”

Program Slicing is a technique in programming Design and Development

presented by a textual form, these are the texts There are two game modes the single player and
highlighted in program errors that to be analyze by a multiplayer, the proponents partition the process in
programmer this serves as the guides to trace the errors two to avoid disorientation of the development
of a program. because these two modes are very much different from
each other because single player game will be versus
monster’s game and the multiplayer game will be a
Since Bug Arena is debugging error game this will be head to head debugging game, the game will be using
present in a game to be guided the player to identify a Wi-Fi connectivity for the stability of the game
the error and related to programming. instead of Bluetooth connectivity.


This Educational Game will test by the users and
This chapter will determine the process for the measure its limits, the researchers will gather data
method and procedure base in the study. It will explain from the user’s comments and suggestion for the good
the Requirements analysis, requirements improvement of the game, another good thing in
documentation, technical background, development testing is that to detect bugs and other glitches of the
and testing, description of the prototype, game.
implementation plan and results.

3.1. Requirements Analysis Before anything else this is the phase were the
3.1.1 Software Development Life Cycle researchers will put up together the both game mode
in one application but before that the developers will
The Software Development Cycle serves as the guide
ensure that the requirements are accomplish before
of the researchers along the progress of the system.
The Incremental Model is the method will be used for
the game, because there are two game modes the single
and the multiplayer game in this kind of method, the 3.1.2 Conceptual Paradigm
game will be able to test and debug easily because of
its flexibility so that the researchers can manage the The Conceptual Diagram exhibits the relationships of
risk piece of each game modes. the important entities which can be found in the four
blocks such as the Input, Process, Output and
Benefits. The Input block contains the Data, Users and
Devices. The Process block is the complete name of

the proposed study. The Output block contains the
result of the process. The Benefits block contains the
List of benefits that user would get from the game. The
Conceptual Diagram is shown in Figure 2.


Learn basics
of PHP, C#
Data and java
Player Bug Can practice
Name Correct
Arena: debugging
User Answe codes and
rs of familiarize
Students Debug different
Teachers ging errors.
Devices Battle Play while
debugs learning
Phone Teachers:
Can use it as
a learning


Figure 2: Conceptual Paradigm

3.1.3 Flow of Existing System Figure 4. UML (Used Case Diagram of the Existing
This section will show the logical flow and data/user System (Game Overview
relationships in the existing system Bookworm

Figure 3. Wireframe of the Existing System Figure 5. UML (Used Case Diagram) of the Existing
(Bookworm Adventures) System (Game Module)

Figure 6. Wireframe of Proposed Mobile Game
(Bug Arena)

Figure 8. UML (Use Case Diagram) of the

Proposed Mobile Game (Game Module)

3.2 Requirements Documentation

3.2.1. Methods of Research
The method of research used in the study is a
Descriptive Method. Descriptive research can be
explained as a statement of affairs as they are at
present with the researcher having no control over
variable. Moreover, “descriptive studies may be
characterized as simply the attempt to determine,
describe or identify what is, while analytical research
attempts to establish why it is that way or how it came
to be. The proponents aimed at casting light on current
issues or problems through a process of data

Figure 7. UML (Use Case Diagram) of the 3.2.2. Research-Instruments

Proposed Mobile Game (Game Overview) Observation

The proponents looked up onto Information ● Android 4.2, Android 4.4.2, or Android 4.4.4
Technology students if they are having difficulties
studying their debugging skills. The one of the 3.4 Development and Testing
problems of the students is that they do not have
interest in listening, self-studying or looking for
answer in their textbook and they have many In developing the project, the proponents will use
destructions such as games. To help the student for unity for creating the project. C# will be used for
their academic life, the proponents came up with the coding the game.
collaboration of mobile learning and mobile gaming to
help them study and feel motivated. The testing plan for the system will consist of IT
students and IT educators that is tied-up with this
project. They will test the system according to its use
Online research and procedure. The different users will be provided
The proponents used online research to collect manual and guides for them to operate the game
different information from different references. This correctly.
method can help the proponents gather much
information for the proposed system. This help the 3.5 Description of the Prototype
proponents in observing the different actions of our
target users.

This research instrument will help the researchers in
order to know the feedback of the users to the proposed
game. It can also see the user’s perspective on how
they can understand the game.

3.3 Technical Background

3.3.1. Product Description
The proposed mobile game is used to promote Bug
Arena a Debugging Battle Game with Fighting
Characters so that they can familiarize errors and
improve debugging skills while being entertained.
After every game there will be a game result that can
help them, where they got wrong on debugging the
given codes.

3.3.2. Economic Use of the Product

The proposed mobile game will benefit users that have
lack of knowledge or bored in debugging programs
and identifying errors. This will be effective tool in
learning especially for IT students, this is not just
about learning or familiarizing errors, but this is also
for having fun while learning. Moreover, the
proponents added multiplayer that can make this game
more competitive.

3.3.4. System Requirements

● Mobile Phone
● Minimum of 512 MB, 2 GB is recommended
Figure 9. Main Menu, the player can choose if he/she
wants to play or adjust the game settings in option.
● Android OS (KitKat)

Figure 10. The player can choose programming Figure 12. On the Stage 1 of basic and intermediate
language what they wants to play. level, the mini game will be a true or false regarding
the chosen programming language.

Figure 11. The player can choose only the stage that Figure 13. On the Stage 2 of basic and intermediate
is not lock. level, the game will be a fill in the blanks game.
Figure 14. The Debugging battle game, this is the Figure 16. This is the avatar store; the player can buy
main game of Bug Arena, you have to solve the the a new avatar by using the coins earned from every
error given by the game game.

Figure 15. This panel will appear if the player win or Figure 17. The Guidelines will help the players to
lose the stage give an insight about the languages and errors that will
12 be given in the game.
way of learning it there are many studies back then that is
made but still it did not help a lot because of it is a pure
learning material only, the collaboration of entertainment
and learning are in trend today because of mobile games and
everything is a one click away.

This game will help every programmer and at the same time
enjoy while improving your skills in debugging.

4.2 Conclusion
The proponents therefore conclude that the game will bring
good benefits to each of every aspiring programmers in the
way of familiarization from foundation of debugging up to
advance and complex errors that it will bring enjoyment
while learning.

Seeing the future of educational games are very useful, it can

ease the boring part of learning and like the other games you
are enjoying it and still you learn new things from every
challenges you outdo.

4.3 Recommendations
The proponents recommend the future developers to develop
more educational games that can help the Information
Technology field, there are many issues in the field of IT not
only debugging, or put up an adventure debugging game,
there are also more different factors affecting the difficulties
Figure 18. The Settings menu will let the player of every IT people.
change the UI theme; mute and unmute the
Background Music and Sound Effects.
3.6 Implementation Plan
First of all, we the researcher are grateful to God, for all the
The game can help the academic part of Information things he’s done for all the blessing he gave that make this
Technology, it can be used to test the knowledge of project possible.
students in terms of debugging program errors.
The researchers would like to take this opportunity to thank
all the friends who helped and supported us in our research.
The researchers were very thankful for their families for
3.7 Implementation Result showing the support they needed to finish the project and
The proponents will present the mobile game “Bug Arena” affection we received while feeling down.
to the users by installing the mobile game via Google play The researchers would also like to give their deepest
store and it will benefit the aspiring IT Students in debugging appreciation to their IT Capstone Project 1 and IT Capstone
their program. Project 2 adviser who is always there when they need them
and inspire them to finish this research study, Professor
Marvi Aresta-Bayrante, and Professor Archie Santiago and
4. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND to their technical adviser, Mrs. Anabella Doctor, for always
RECOMMENDATION providing the right information for this capstone project.

4.1 Summary
In First part of the project, the researchers’ wants to expand
the idea on how to become better in debugging programs,
there are several studies collected from different resources
that debugging is still a programmer’s dilemma in their
projects now and then, the researchers want to modernize the

[12] Burguillo, J.C. (2010) Using Game-Theory and
[1] Roman Lysecky and Frank Vahid, Teaching Competition-based Learning to Stimulate Student
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Marc V. Magno, Jayson B. Ochoa (2017) VR Salpakan: The
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[5] Michael Brooks (June 5, 2013), Binary babel: Technology and Information Systems Department
Fixing computing’s coding bugs,
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Programming is on Mobile Devices,
[6] John Sonmez, A Programmer’s Guide to Effective content/uploads/2012/07/TheFutureOfTeachingIsOnMobile
Debugging (February 6, 2017) devices.pdf

[17] Siti Aminah Selamat, Amir Ngah (2017) Slicing

[7] Mitch Duncan, 5 Steps to a Bullet-Proof for Java Program: A Preliminary Study,
Debugging Strategy (August 11, 2017) http://journal.utem.edu.my/index.php/jtec/article/viewFile/2
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[8] Maria Mercedes T. Rodrigo Analyzing Online [19] https://www.tutorialspoint.com/csharp
Protocols to Characterize Novice Java Programmers.
(December 2009) Philippine Journal of Science [20] https://www.theserverside.com/definition/Java
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[9] Ike Suarez, over 50% of Pinoy IT students lack

programming skills (February 1, 2017) Newsbytes
Philippines http://newsbytes.ph/2017/02/01/study-over-50-

[10] Janssen Marwin L. Go, Developing an Intelligent

Tutor for Debugging (2011) Ateneo De Manila University

[11] Saturnina Fabian Nisperos (June 2014) HiStorya:

A Mobile Game for Araling Panlipunan, Mariano Marcos
State University, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte, Philippines,

Appendix A:





Appendix B:

A. Functional Suitability
1. Completeness
Four (4) respondents with 10% rated the system 4 Very
Good while 23 respondents with 57.5% rated 3 Good and 13
respondents with 32.5% rated 2 as Fair.

2. Correctness
One (1) respondent with 2.5% rated the system 5 Excellent
while another One (1) respondents with 2.5% rated 4 Very
Good and 17 respondents with 42.5% rated 3 Good and 21
respondents with 52% rated 2 Fair. Figure 32. Performance Efficiency (Initial)

3. Appropriateness C. Compatibility
2 respondents with 5% rated the system 4 Very Good while
20 respondents with 50% rated 3 Good and 18 respondents
with 18% rated 2 as Fair. 1. Co-existence
1 respondent with 2.50% rated the system 5 Excellent while
2 respondents with 5% rated 4 Very Good and 23
respondents with 57.5% rated 3 as Good while 14
respondents with 35% rated 2 as Fair.

Figure 31. Functional Suitability (Initial)

Figure 33. Compatibility (Initial)

B. Performance Efficiency D. Usability
1. Appropriateness 1. Appropriateness Reorganizability
2 respondents with 5% rated the system 4 Very Good while 1 respondent with 2.5% rated the system 4 Very Good while
20 respondents with 50.00% rated 3 Good and 18 16 respondents with 40% rated 3 Good and 22 respondents
respondents with 45% rated 2 as Fair. with 55% rated 2 as Fair.

2. Resource Utilization 2. Learnability

2 respondents with 5% rated the system 4 Very Good while 1 respondent with 2.5% rated the system 5 as Excellent while
22 respondents with 55% rated 3 Good and 15 respondents 20 respondents with 50% rates 3 as Good while 19
with 37.5% rated 2 as Fair. respondents with 47.5% rates 2 as Fair.

3. Operability
3. Capacity 1 respondent with 2.5% rated the system 5 as Excellent while
1 respondent with 2.5% rated the system 4 Very Good while 18 respondents with 45% rates 3 as Good while 21
19 respondents with 47.5% rated 3 Good and 20 respondents respondents with 21% rates 2 as Fair.
with 50% rated 2 as Fair.

4. User Error Protection
2 respondents with 5% rated the system 4 Very Good while
24 respondents with 60% rated 3 Good while 14 respondents
with 55% rated 2 as Poor

5. User Interface Aesthetics

2 respondents with 5% rated the system 4 Very Good while
17 respondents with 42.5% rated 3 Good while 20
respondents with 50% rated 2 as Poor while 1 respondent
with 2.5% rated with 1 as poor
Figure 35. Reliability (Initial)

6. Accessibility
3 respondents with 7.5% rated the system 4 Very Good while F. Security
17 respondents with 42.5% rated 3 Good and 20 respondents
with 50% rated 2 as Fair.
1. Integrity
3 respondents with 7.5% rated the system 4 Very Good while
24 respondents with 60% rated 3 Good and 13 respondents
with 32.5% rated 3 as Fair.

Figure 34. Usability (Initial)

Figure 36. Security (Initial)
H. Portability
E. Reliability

1. Adaptability
1. Availability
2 respondents with 5% rated the system 4 Very Good while
1 respondent with 2.5% rated the system 5 Excellent while 1 25 respondents with 62.5% rated 3 Good and 4 respondents
respondent with 2.5% rated 4 Very Good and 24 respondents with 13.33% rated 3 as Good.
with 60% rated 3 Good while 13 respondents with 32.5%
rated 2 Fair while 1 respondent with 2.5% rated the system
1 as Poor.
2. Installability
2 respondents with 5% rated the system 4 Very Good while
2. Recoverability 18 respondents with 45% rated 3 Good white 19 respondents
with 47.5% rated 2 Fair and 1 respondent with 2.5% rated 1
1 respondent with 2.5% rated the system 5 Excellent while 1 Poor
respondent with 2.5% rated 4 Very Good and 21 respondents
with 52.5% rated 3 Good while 16 respondents with 40%
rated 2 Fair while 1 respondent with 2.5% rated the system
1 as Poor.

Figure 38. Portability (Initial) FINAL SURVEY RESULTS

A. Functional Suitability

1. Completeness
3 respondents with 5% rated the system 5 Excellent while 20
respondents with 50.00% rated 4 Very Good and 18
respondents with 45.00% rated 3 as Good.

2. Correctness
INITIAL RESULT OVERALL MEAN 2 respondents with 5% rated the system 5 Excellent while 5
respondents with 18% rated 4 Very Good and 20
For the distribution of Likert Scale, having 4.20 to 5.00 as respondents with 50.00% rated 3 as Good.
the highest rating which means the criteria was evaluated
“Excellent”, down to 1.00 as the lowest rating with the
criteria interpretation of “Poor”, please refer to the table 3. Appropriateness
below. (Table 1. Likert Scale)
2 respondents with 5% rated the system 5 Excellent while 20
respondents with 50.00% rated 4 Very Good and 18
respondents with 45% rated 3 as Good.
Table 1. Likert Scale

Scale Interpretations
4.20 to 5.00 Excellent
3.40 to 4.19 Very Good
2.60 to 3.39 Good
1.80 to 2.59 Fair
1.00 to 1.79 Poor

Table 2. Initial Overall Mean Result

Criteria Mean Rating

Figure 39. Functional Suitability (Final)
Suitability 2.64 Good
B. Performance Efficiency
Efficiency 2.57 Fair
Compatibility 2.75 Good 1. Resource Utilization
Usability 2.56 Fair 2 respondents with 40.00% rated the system 5 Excellent
Reliability 2.66 Good while 8 respondents with 26.67% rated 4 Very Good and 10
respondents with 33.33% rated 3 as Good.
Security 2.75 Good
Portability 2.66 Good
Overall Mean 2.64 Good 2. Capacity
2 respondent with 5% rated the system 5 Excellent while 22
respondents with 55% rated 4 Very Good and 15
respondents with 37.5% rated 3 as Good lastly 1 respondent
with 2.5% rated the system 2 as Fair

4. User Error Protection
2 respondents with 5% rated the system 5 Excellent while 20
respondents with 50% rated 4 Very Good and 18
respondents with 45% rated 3 as Good.

5. User Interface Aesthetics

2 respondents with 5% rated the system 5 Excellent while 24
respondents with 60% rated 4 Very Good and 14
respondents with 35.00% rated 3 as Good.

Figure 40. Performance Efficiency (Final)

6. Accessibility
2 respondents with 5% rated the system 5 Excellent while 23
respondents with 57.5% rated 4 Very Good and 15
C. Compatibility respondents with 37.5% rated 3 a
s Good.
1. Co-existence
2 respondents with 5% rated the system 5 Excellent while 22
respondents with 55% rated 4 Very Good and 15
respondents with 37.5% rated 3 as Good lastly 1 respondent
with 2.5% rated the system 2 as Fair

Figure 42. Usability (Final)

E. Reliability

Figure 41. Compatibility (Final) 1. Availability

D. Usability 2 respondents with 5% rated the system 5 Excellent while 26
respondents with 65.00% rated 4 Very Good and 12
respondents with 30.00% rated 3 as Good.
1. Appropriateness Reorganizability
1 respondent with 2.5% rated the system 5 Excellent while
26 respondents with 65% rated 4 Very Good and 13
2. Recoverability
respondents with 32.5% rated 3 as Good. 1 respondent with 2.5% rated the system 5 Excellent while
23 respondents with 57.5% rated 4 Very Good and 16
respondents with 45% rated 3 as Good.
2. Learnability
1 respondent with 2.5% rated the system 5 Excellent while
26 respondents with 65% rated 4 Very Good and 13
respondents with 32.5% rated 3 as Good.

3. Operability
1 respondent with 2.5% rated the system 5 Excellent while
28 respondents with 70% rated 4 Very Good and 11
respondents with 27.5% rated 3 as Good.

Figure 43. Reliability (Final) Figure 46. Portability (Final)


For the distribution of Likert Scale, having 4.20 to 5.00 as

1. Integrity the highest rating which means the criteria was evaluated
“Excellent”, down to 1.00 as the lowest rating with the
1 respondent with 2.5% rated the system 5 Excellent while criteria interpretation of “Poor”, please refer to the table
21 respondents with 52.5% rated 4 Very Good and 18 below. (Table 3. Likert Scale)
respondents with 45% rated 3 as Good.

Table 3. Likert Scale

Scale Interpretations
4.20 to 5.00 Excellent
3.40 to 4.19 Very Good
2.60 to 3.39 Good
1.80 to 2.59 Fair
1.00 to 1.79 Poor

Figure 44. Security (Final)

Table 4. Final Overall Mean Result
Criteria Mean Rating
G. Portability Suitability 3.67 Very Good
Efficiency 3.66 Very Good
1. Adaptability Compatibility 3.6 Very Good
9 respondents with 22.5% rated the system 5 Excellent while Usability
22 respondents with 55% rated 4 Very Good and 8 3.68 Very Good
respondents with 20% rated 3 as Good lastly 1 respondent Reliability 3.68 Very Good
with 2.55 rated system 2 as Fair. Security 3.57 Very Good
Portability 4 Very Good
2. Installability Overall Mean 3.70 Very Good
11 respondents with 27.5% rated the system 5 Excellent
while 20 respondents with 50% rated 4 Very Good and 9
respondents with 22.5% rated 3 as Good.

Appendix C:



Name: ___________________________________________ Designation: _____________________

Name of School / Company: __________________________ Student No. / ID No. _______________
Date and Time Administered: _________________________

Instrument: Please evaluate the software material by using the given scale and placing a checkmark ()
under the corresponding numerical rating.

Numerical Rating Equivalent

5 Excellent
4 Very Good
3 Good
2 Fair
1 Poor

INDICATORS 5 4 3 2 1
A. Functional Suitability
1. Completeness. Set of functions covers all the specified tasks and user
2. Correctness. System provides the correct results with the needed degree of
3. Appropriateness. Functions facilitate the accomplishment of specified tasks
and objectives.
B. Performance Efficiency
1. Resource utilization. The amounts and types of resources used by the
system, when performing its functions, meet requirements.
2. Capacity. The maximum limits of the system parameter meet requirements.
C. Compatibility
1. Co-existence. The system can perform its required functions efficiently while
sharing a common environment and resources with other products, without
detrimental impact on any other product.
D. Usability
1. Appropriateness recognizability. Users can recognize whether a product or
system is appropriate for their needs.
2. Learnability. The system can be used by specified users to achieve specified
goals of learning to use the system with effectiveness, efficiency, freedom from
risk and satisfaction in a specified context of use.
3. Operability. The system has attributes that make it easy to operate and
4. User Error Protection. The system protects users against making errors.
5. User Interface Aesthetics. User interface enables pleasing and satisfying
interaction for the user.

6. Accessibility. The system can be used by people with the widest range of
characteristics and capabilities to achieve a specified goal in a specified
context of use.
E. Reliability
1. Availability. The system is operational and accessible when required for use.
2. Recoverability. In the event of an interruption or a failure, the system can
recover the data directly affected and re-established the desired state of the
F. Security
1. Integrity. The system prevents unauthorized access to, or modification of,
computer or data.

G. Portability
1. Adaptability. The system can effectively and efficiently be adapted for
different or evolving hardware, software or other operational or usage
2. Installability. Effectiveness and efficiency with which a product or system can
be successfully installed and/or uninstalled in a specified environment.
Any further comments regarding the software: ___________________________________________


Summary: Average

A. FunctionalitySuitability ______ Certified True & Corrected by:

B. Performance Efficiency ______
C. Compatibility _______
D. Usability ______
E. Reliability ______ Signature over Printed Name
F. Security ______
G. Maintainability ______
H. Portability ______

Total Score ______ / 7 = _______
Equivalent Meaning _______ Date: __________________

Appendix D:

College of Science
Information Technology & Information Systems Department



In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR SCIENCE OF

SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, this capstone project in IT Research Project 2
entitled “BUG ARENA: A DEBUGGING BATTLE GAME” has been prepared by Franz Joseph
B. Aguja, Earlvin D. Arriola, Tobiel V. Lucas, Renzo C. Pedrajeta who are hereby recommended
for initial testing of the system to the target respondents.

Mrs. Anabella C. Doctor

College of Science
Information Technology & Information Systems Department



In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR SCIENCE OF

SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, this capstone project in IT Research Project 2
entitled “BUG ARENA: A DEBUGGING BATTLE GAME” has been prepared by Franz Joseph
B. Aguja, Earlvin D. Arriola, Tobiel V. Lucas, Renzo C. Pedrajeta who are hereby recommended
for final testing of the system to the target respondents.

Mrs. Anabella C. Doctor

Appendix E:
Certificate of

Appendix F:
Certificate of Authentic

Appendix G:
User’s Manual

User Manual Step 3:
Step 1:

Here is the guideline section of the game, we provided

all the basic information you need in order to
understand the language that you are playing.
Remember, this guideline will not give you all the info
you need so in that way we encourage the players to
read more and in return they will have a vast
This is the menu screen of the game, here you can see knowledge about each programming languages.
all the things that you can do in the game. Let’s tackle
each of them.
Step 4:
Step 2:

Inside the option, you can customize the theme of the

game and turn on or off the music and sound effects.
In theme selection you can choose four colors (gray,
black, white, purple).

Before we go directly to the game here is our avatar

selection. In order to acquire a new avatar, you must
play the game and earn coins as long as you can to buy
another avatar that you can use for the entire game.

Step 7:
Step 5:

This is the actual gameplay, first you have to select

from the four error buttons and then find it in the block
of codes given. After selecting you will tap the attack
button (fist symbol) to attack if it is correct your avatar
will attack the AI and if not, you will have 15 seconds
interval before you can select again. Same with
tapping the refresh icon (circle arrow symbol) but this
This section tells you all about our game, why we will give you another set of codes after the 15 seconds
come up with it and why we want this game to be interval.

Step 8:
Step 6:

Now to the game, on the right you can see three level
of difficulty and each has 4 stages to beat. For basic, The timer above them is the enemy’s attack time.
the game has two stages that consists of true or false Every 15 seconds the enemy AI will damage you
and fill in the blank game. It is for the users to have a avatar’s health points so make sure you get ahead of
familiarity before moving up to the other difficulties. the AI to win the game by choosing the correct answer
for the error given.

Step 9:

The game will be decided who wins if one of their

health points is depleted or if the game time runs out
and who has more health points will win and
automatically if the user wins, they will get in game
coins to save and to purchase a new avatar.

Step 10:

This is the true or false and fill in the blank mini game
between the basic level and after each game you will
earn coins depends on how many correct answers you

Appendix H:
Curriculum Vitae


Age: 27 Birthdate: March 21,1992 Civil Status: Single Citizenship: Filipino Mother: Melba Aguja Occupation:
Housewife Father: Pancracio Aguja Occupation: OFW Location: Jubail, KSA Sister: Pamela Grace Aguja Occupation:
Content Marketing Researcher Address: 2641 Int. 37 Pasigline Sta. Ana Manila Contact Numbers: 242-9959 /
09560392797 Email: [email protected] Hobbies & Interest: Computer Games, Sports, Movies and Motorcycle

▪ To obtain a position in a leading information technology group that utilizes my skills as consistent
troubleshooter and network specialist with great attention to detail.
▪ First-hand experience from the professionals in IT industry or any related job.
▪ Practice work and personal life balance.

Tertiary Level: Adamson University
Program: BSComputerScience (2008-2015) Shift
BS Information Technology (2015-Present)

Primary and Secondary Level: Paco Catholic School (2004 & 2008)

Past Occupations, Trainings and Job Description

❖ PLDT Inc. (January 2019 – May 2019)
On the Job Training
 Receive calls from installers and repairmen to comply for the Service Order of
new installation and Repair of client’s telephone line
 Troubleshooting of defective ports and providing a good quality of telephone
line of the customers
 Cabling of assigned nodes to designated ports

❖ Global B2B Consultancy (2014-2016)

Shift Analyst (Salary: 15,000-16,000.00)
➢ Report to Shift Analyst Supervisor for the miss-information taken from the website
➢ Double check gaming/sports website on the schedules posted on the websites provided by the client.
➢ Provide correct information and troubleshoot with the clients.
➢ Place odd bets for online players on the website

❖ SK Chairman Barangay 778 Zone 85 (December 2007-December 2010)
(Salary: 10,000.00/ every 3months )
➢ Hold fund-raising activities the proceeds of which shall be tax-exempt proceeds of which shall be tax-
exempt and shall accrue to the general fund of and shall accrue to the general fund of the SK
➢ Provided however, that in the appropriation thereof, the specific appropriation thereof, the specific purpose
for which such activity has purpose for which such activity has been held shall be first satisfied; been held
shall be first satisfied ; .
➢ Create such bodies or committees as it Create such bodies or committees as it may be deemed necessary
to may be deemed necessary to effectively carry-out its programs and effectively carry-out its programs
and activities

▪ Adamson University Junior Philippine Computer Science-Member and Documentation
Officer- (2010-2011)
▪ Adamson University IT& IS Society (2015-Present)

Character Reference
Mrs. Gladys A. Lumberio
PAG-IBIG, Head Office

Mrs. Ludivina S. Lazarte

PLDT Inc. Paco Central Office

Mr. Daniel Destura Domasig

REX Group of Companies


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