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International Journal of Laboratory Hematology

The Official journal of the International Society for Laboratory Hematology


Red blood cell morphology


Division of Hematopathology, S U M M A RY
BC Children’s Hospital, Faculty
of Medicine, University of The foundation of laboratory hematologic diagnosis is the complete
British Columbia, Vancouver, blood count and review of the peripheral smear. In patients with
BC, Canada
anemia, the peripheral smear permits interpretation of diagnostically
Correspondence: significant red blood cell (RBC) findings. These include assessment
Jason Ford, BC Children’s of RBC shape, size, color, inclusions, and arrangement. Abnormali-
Hospital, 4500 Oak St, ties of RBC shape and other RBC features can provide key informa-
Vancouver V6H 3N1, BC,
Canada. Tel.:604-875-2044; tion in establishing a differential diagnosis. In patients with
Fax: 604-875-2815; microcytic anemia, RBC morphology can increase or decrease the
E-mail: [email protected] diagnostic likelihood of thalassemia. In normocytic anemias, mor-
phology can assist in differentiating among blood loss, marrow fail-
doi:10.1111/ijlh.12082 ure, and hemolysis—and in hemolysis, RBC findings can suggest
specific etiologies. In macrocytic anemias, RBC morphology can help
Received 31 December 2012;
accepted for publication 21
guide the diagnostic considerations to either megaloblastic or non-
January 2013 megaloblastic causes. Like all laboratory tests, RBC morphologies
must be interpreted with caution, particularly in infants and chil-
Keywords dren. When used properly, RBC morphology can be a key tool for
Anemia, morphology, red blood laboratory hematology professionals to recommend appropriate
cell, poikilocytosis, peripheral
clinical and laboratory follow-up and to select the best tests for
definitive diagnosis.

molecular analysis, review of a patient’s CBC and

peripheral smear morphology is still the mainstay of
Medical school educators around the world emphasize hematologic diagnosis.
the importance of teaching future physicians the For patients with anemia, the peripheral smear
correct approach to the history and physical examina- morphology provides key information to create the
tion. These basic skills are widely understood to be differential diagnosis. Review of the peripheral smear
the foundation of medical practice, even in the face of has three main components:
technological change. • To confirm the CBC findings. It is unusual for labo-
For laboratory hematology professionals, the com- ratory error to affect any of the measurements in the
plete blood count (CBC) and the peripheral smear are, CBC, but spurious findings may include the following
respectively, our history and physical examination. [1, 2]:
Despite quantum leaps in technological development
in the clinical laboratory, with evolutions and revolu- (i) low counts due to faulty aspiration of whole
tions in flow cytometry and point of care testing and blood by the automated counter;

© 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2013, 35, 351–357 351

(ii) macrocytosis due to RBC agglutination or I = Iron deficiency.

rouleaux, hyperleukocytosis, or severe hyperglyce- L = Lead poisoning.
mia; S = congenital Sideroblastic anemia.
(iii) microcytosis due to the blood counter’s mis- Only three of these are common in most parts of
identification of giant platelets as RBCs. the world, namely iron deficiency, anemia of chronic
• To review relevant white blood cell (WBC) and disease (ACD), and thalassemia. Lead poisoning is not
platelet (PLT) findings. For example, a high platelet usually considered a common cause of anemia, but it
count is expected in anemia due to iron deficiency may be seen in pediatrics particularly in areas where
and a low platelet count is expected in anemia due to paint, toys, or jewelry containing lead can be eaten by
microangiopathic hemolysis. small children. Lead can also be consumed by infants
• To review RBC morphology. There are five impor- in formula made with contaminated water [4] and
tant aspects: may rarely cause anemia in adults with extensive
industrial exposure. Congenital sideroblastic anemia is
(i) Shape. What is/are the dominant poikilocyte(s)?
vanishingly rare.
(ii) Size. Is there anisocytosis or a dual population?
In classic cases, the morphological differentiation of
(iii) Color. Is there hypo- or hyperchromasia? Is
the three common microcytic anemias is straightfor-
there anisochromia or polychromasia?
ward. The classic morphology in ACD is of unremark-
(iv) Inclusions. Are there Howell–Jolly bodies,
able RBCs, while iron deficiency shows anisocytosis,
malaria parasites, nucleated RBCs, etc.?
anisochromia, and elliptocytosis, and thalassemia trait
(v) Arrangement. Is there agglutination or rou-
demonstrates target cells and coarse basophilic
A list of RBC morphologies, their definitions, and Regrettably, these so-called classic presentations
their associated clinical states is shown in Table 1 [3]. are unreliable in practice. Elliptocytes and anisocyto-
Poikilocytosis must be interpreted in its appropriate sis are often seen in thalassemia, target cells may
context: finding a rare poikilocyte in an otherwise occur in iron deficiency, and both iron deficiency
normal smear is likely clinically insignificant, while and thalassemia may appear as ‘unremarkable’ as
finding extensive poikilocytosis in a normocytic ACD. The red blood cell distribution width (RDW),
anemia may indicate specific causes of hemolysis. In classically taught as a key differentiator of iron
the neonatal period and in patients on chemotherapy, deficiency from thalassemia, is also unreliable [5];
poikilocytosis must be interpreted with special far better than the RDW is the RBC count [5, 6],
caution: these patients may be expected to have a although even a high RBC count is not proof of
background level of mild or moderate nonspecific thalassemia.
poikilocytosis, and only the finding of a dominant or The only ‘reliable’ classic morphologic finding that
extensive poikilocytosis in combination with anemia can separate these three conditions is the presence of
is likely clinically relevant. coarse basophilic stippling. Coarse stippling is seen in
Most clinicians and laboratory professionals use an some cases of thalassemia and is never seen in
approach to anemia centering on the mean cell uncomplicated iron deficiency or ACD. A microcytic
volume (MCV). This review of RBC morphology will patient with coarse basophilic stippling likely has
follow the MCV approach. thalassemia—although the patient should be in an
ethnically at-risk group, and there should not be
Morphology in the assessment of microcytic anemia another reasonably likely cause of basophilic stippling.
Even a likely diagnosis of thalassemia must still be
Medical students often learn that there are five main confirmed by hemoglobin HPLC, H body staining,
causes of microcytic anemia, which together form the molecular testing, or some other reliable method.
easily remembered acronym TAILS: Morphology is essentially never diagnostic of thalasse-
T = Thalassemia. mia: it can only suggest whether thalassemia is more
A = Anemia of chronic disease. or less likely.

© 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2013, 35, 351–357

Table 1. Common RBC morphological findings

RBC morphology Morphological definition Clinical associations

Acanthocyte RBC has irregularly distributed, variably Advanced liver disease, hyposplenism, some
(spur cell) sized, pointy projections off its surface dyslipidemias, pyruvate kinase deficiency,
McLeod phenotype
Anisochromia Variation in the amount of central pallor Iron deficiency, myelodysplasia, hypochromic
among a population of RBCs anemia post transfusion
Anisocytosis Variation in size among a population of Common nonspecific finding. Seen in iron
RBCs deficiency, moderate or severe thalassemia,
megaloblastic anemia, partially treated anemia
of several causes, post transfusion
Basophilic RBC has variably sized (up to large) Thalassemia, lead poisoning, myelodysplasia,
stippling: coarse basophilic ‘granular’ discolorations pyrimidine 5′ nucleotidase deficiency,
across its entire cytoplasm, on a post chemotherapy
Wright-stained film
Basophilic RBC has small, uniform, punctate Reticulocytosis, normal finding
stippling: fine basophilic dots across its entire
cytoplasm, on a Wright-stained film
Bite cell/blister RBC has a semi-circular indentation in Oxidative hemolysis
cell its outer cytoplasmic border. There may
be a ‘roof’ to this indentation
(blister cell) or no roof (bite cell)
Dimorphism Two distinct populations of RBC are Myelodysplasia, post transfusion,
present, for example, microcytic and partially treated iron deficiency
normocytic, or hypochromic and
Echinocyte (burr cell) RBC has regularly distributed, equally Artifact, renal failure, post transfusion,
sized, rounded projections off its surface phosphate deficiency, burns
Elliptocyte RBC is oval shaped Iron deficiency, megaloblastic anemia,
hereditary elliptocytosis, post chemotherapy
Heinz body RBC has a submembranous or Oxidative hemolysis, hyposplenism
epimembranous small round mass, which
can only be seen by supravital or
specialized Heinz body stains. This body is
not visible on a routine Wright-stained
Howell–Jolly Solitary round mass, relatively large Hyposplenism, erythroblastosis, myelodysplasia,
body (e.g., approximately 10–20% of the megaloblastic anemia, post chemotherapy
diameter of the RBC), within the
hemoglobinized portion of the RBC.
Appears dark blue or purple on a
Wright-stained film
Hypochromia The zone of central pallor is > 1/3 the Iron deficiency, thalassemia, anemia of chronic
diameter of the RBC disease
Irregularly The RBC is small, dark, and lacks a Nonspecific finding seen in a variety of conditions
contracted cell zone of central pallor. Its outer including G6PD deficiency, hemoglobinopathies,
margin is not spherical: it may appear and normal neonates
dented, compressed, or otherwise
Pappenheimer Usually multiple small dark blue or purple Iron overload, hyposplenism, myelodysplasia
body granular inclusions, all within the
hemoglobinized portion of the RBC.
These occupy only one portion or region
of the RBC, unlike basophilic stippling
which is more ‘global’ throughout the
entire RBC

© 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2013, 35, 351–357

Table 1. (Continued)

RBC morphology Morphological definition Clinical associations

Polychromasia RBCs show color variability as a Reticulocytosis, normal neonate

population: some (usually the
majority) are the usual red color,
while others are bluish
RBC Some RBCs aggregate into Cold agglutinin, cold autoimmune hemolytic
agglutination multicellular masses resembling anemia
a bunch of grapes
Rouleaux Some RBCs aggregate into linear Normal finding in the thick part of the blood
patterns, said to resemble a stack smear, hypergammaglobulinemia (monoclonal
of coins or polyclonal)
Schistocyte The RBC appears to have been RBC fragmentation syndromes, for example,
fragmented: it lacks the usual microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and
circular shape, instead showing a hemolysis secondary to cardiac valve
triangular or other angulated
morphology. The zone of central
pallor is often missing
Sickle cell There are several sickle RBC Severe sickling syndrome, for example, SS,
morphologies, including the classic SC and SD
sickle (crescentic with two sharply
pointed ends) or boats (linear with
two tapered if somewhat rounded
Spherocyte The RBC is smaller and darker than Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, alloimmune
normal. There is no zone of central hemolytic anemia (e.g., hemolytic disease of
pallor. The outer edge must be almost the newborn), hereditary spherocytosis
perfectly round (to differentiate this
cell from irregularly contracted cells)
Stomatocyte The zone of central pallor is linear, Artifact, obstructive liver disease, hereditary
rather than circular. Usually the stomatocytosis, South East Asian ovalocytosis,
‘line of pallor’ runs parallel to the Rh null syndrome
long axis of the RBC, if the latter is
ovoid, but in certain variants (e.g.,
South East Asian ovalocytosis), the
line may run across the long axis or
may be nonlinear, for example,
bifurcated or trifurcated
Target cell The RBC has a central red area within Thalassemia, liver disease, hyposplenism, Hgb
the zone of central pallor C disease or SC disease, hereditary xerocytosis.
May be seen in iron deficiency
Teardrop cell The RBC is tapered to a point at Nonspecific finding seen in several conditions
one end, resembling the classic including myelofibrosis
artist’s rendition of a drop of water

The ethnicities that are not at high risk of thalasse- may be seen in either condition. It must not be con-
mia include northern Europeans, American Indians, fused with fine basophilic stippling, which is a normal
Canadian First Nations, Inuit, and patients from Japan finding.
[7]. Everyone else should be considered at risk. The morphology of H bodies [8], which are consis-
Coarse basophilic stippling is not pathognomonic tent with (if not pathognomonic for) a-thalassemia, is
for thalassemia: it can also be seen in lead poisoning, well known: using supravital stains, these precipitates
myelodysplastic syndrome, post chemotherapy, and in of b-globin tetramers appear as innumerable dark
rare other conditions (see Table 1). Coarse stippling spots distributed in a geometric fashion across the
does not help differentiate a- from b-thalassemia, as it entire cytoplasm of the RBC like the pits on the

© 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2013, 35, 351–357

surface of a golf ball. Patients with a single or double image also shows examples of the teardrops and schis-
a-gene deletion may show a single H body RBC in tocytes which can be seen in thalassemia trait.
many high-power fields, while patients with hemo-
globin H disease (a-/-) demonstrate H bodies in the
Morphology in the assessment of normocytic anemia
majority of their RBCs. Unfortunately, the sensitivity
of H body staining is variable, ranging from approxi- Most cases of normocytic anemia are caused by blood
mately 40% up to approximately 90% depending on loss, suppressed production of RBCs, or hemolysis. In
the pattern of a-deletions [8] and the laboratory’s hemorrhage the RBC morphology is entirely unre-
technical expertise. H bodies also usually require the markable, except for the polychromasia that typically
presence of exclusively normal b-globin chains (i.e., arises after the first twelve to 24 h. In patients with
bA-chains): if a patient has both a-thalassemia and a reduced RBC production, red cell morphology may be
simultaneous b-variant, such as hemoglobin E, it may normal where the cause is extrinsic to the red cell
be much more difficult to find H bodies. This variable itself: for example, because of low erythropoietin in a
sensitivity means that although the presence of H patient with renal failure. But where erythropoiesis is
bodies can indicate a-thalassemia, their absence does intrinsically disordered (e.g., myelodysplasia) and in
not rule this diagnosis out. cases of hemolysis, RBC morphology may be diagnos-
In the right context (e.g., microcytic anemia with tically significant.
a high RBC count, in a patient from a high-risk Patients with disordered RBC production (such as
ethnicity such as South East Asian), H bodies are in myelodysplastic syndrome, MDS, or congenital dysery-
general considered diagnostic of a-thalassemia. How- thropoietic anemia, CDA) may have a dual population,
ever, even in this context, H bodies are not ‘proof’ of elliptocytes, teardrop cells, or other poikilocytes. There
a-thalassemia: H-like bodies can be formed by other may also be circulating nucleated RBCs (nRBCs), show-
unstable hemoglobins besides b4, such as Hemoglobin ing dysplastic features including asymmetric nuclear
J-New York. budding, multinuclearity, megaloblastoid changes, or
The analogous RBC inclusion in b-thalassemia, karyorrhexis. In children, particularly infants, ‘reactive’
consisting of precipitates of a4, may be designated (transient) dysplastic nRBCs are frequently seen in
‘Fessas bodies’ [9]. These are solitary large round many patients with brisk reticulocytosis following
deposits within the cytoplasm of an RBC: like the hemorrhage or hemolysis. ‘Reactive’ dysplasia in chil-
surrounding soluble hemoglobin, the precipitated dren will abate after correction of the patient’s anemia.
a-chains are red on a Wright stain, so Fessas bodies The most common role of RBC morphology in
are generally not visible in routine peripheral smears. patients with normocytic anemia is in the assessment
They can sometimes be seen as red cytoplasmic inclu-
sions in polychromatophilic RBCs or in nucleated
RBCs in the peripheral blood, and in RBC precursors
in marrow aspirate specimens.
One helpful morphological clue in microcytic ane-
mias is the broad range of poikilocytosis seen in many
cases of thalassemia, compared to iron deficiency. In
some patients with thalassemia, there are not only
target cells but also numerous teardrop cells and schis-
tocytes. Among the poikilocytes seen in thalassemia
are the ‘fish cells’ described by Barbara Bain [Bain,
personal communication]. These are generally not
seen in patients with iron deficiency or ACD. Fish
cells resemble teardrop cells, with one rounded end
and one tapered end: unlike teardrops, the tapered
end flares out into two buds resembling a fish’s tail. Figure 1. A ‘fish cell’ and other poikilocytes in a case
of thalassemia trait. Wright stain, 9100.
One fish cell is seen at the center of Figure 1. This

© 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2013, 35, 351–357

of patients with hemolysis. Poikilocytosis will often have newborns with a much more abnormal pheno-
suggest a specific cause or mechanism of hemolysis type, featuring severe microschistocytosis as well as
(Table 1): elliptocytosis. These infants may have either heredi-
tary elliptocytosis with infantile poikilocytosis (HEIP)
• Bite and blister cells, as well as irregularly contracted
or hereditary pyropoikilocytosis (HPP) [12]. In South
cells, are the classic findings in oxidative hemolysis: for
East Asian ovalocytosis (SEAO), the elliptocytes show
example, because of G6PD deficiency. Oxidative
a transverse (as opposed to longitudinal) zone of cen-
hemolysis may also lead to (less prominent) schisto-
tral pallor, or two zones of pallor separated by a trans-
cytosis and spherocytosis.
verse bar of cytoplasm, or even a zone of central
• Acanthocytes are rarely the dominant finding in a pallor divided into two or three spokes like the open
hemolytic patient, but may suggest pyruvate kinase
spaces on a sleigh bell. SEAO is considered hemato-
deficiency (where they will be accompanied by irregu-
logically benign, although there is a suggestion that
larly contracted cells) or the McLeod phenotype.
it may be responsible for transient anemia in the
Acanthocytes are more commonly observed in
newborn period [13].
patients with hyposplenism, liver disease, a variety of
dyslipidemias, and even anorexia nervosa.
• Schistocytes generally reflect intravascular hemolysis.
When seen with thrombocytopenia, schistocytes sug-
• Sickle cells will suggest a diagnosis of sickle cell anemia gest microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (MAHA), a
or any of the severe sickling syndromes (including
group of conditions consisting primarily of thrombotic
Sb0, SD and SO-Arab). In essentially every patient
thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), hemolytic uremic
with sickle cell anemia by the age of 2 years, there
syndrome (HUS), and disseminated intravascular
will also be evidence of hyposplenism including tar-
coagulopathy (DIC). Morphology is not useful in dif-
gets, acanthocytes, and Howell–Jolly bodies. Patients
ferentiating among these three conditions, nor among
with SC disease and any of the sickle thalassemia
their subtypes (such as congenital vs. acquired TTP or
compound disorders (including Sb0 and SS-a thalasse-
typical vs. atypical HUS). Morphology is also unreli-
mia) may have considerably more target cells than
able in predicting the severity of a case of MAHA: a
patients with uncomplicated SS. Patients with SC
patient with more schistocytes is not necessarily ‘more
disease may also demonstrate C crystals in some RBCs
sick’ than a patient with fewer schistocytes. There are
[10]. C crystals and targets by themselves, without
other important causes of schistocytosis, including
sickle cells, of course may suggest homozygosity for
vasculitis, intracardiac hemolysis (e.g., due to a septal
hemoglobin C.
defect or prosthetic cardiac valve), thermal burn,
• Spherocytes have two common causes: immune-mediated march hemoglobinuria, the HELLP syndrome in preg-
hemolysis and hereditary spherocytosis (HS). Some patients
nancy, and the Kasabach–Merritt phenomenon in
with HS will demonstrate occasional ‘mushroom cell’
infants. All of these lesions share the common patho-
or ‘pincer cell’ variants: these cells resemble sphero-
genetic step of extrinsic mechanical injury to the red
cytes with mirror-image indentations, resulting in an
blood cell.
appearance similar to a button mushroom. RBC mor-
phology is not usually very helpful in differentiating Many hemolytic anemias show multiple poikilo-
immune hemolysis from HS: further testing (such as cytes: G6PD deficiency, for example, often shows not
direct antiglobulin testing and flow cytometry [11]) only bite and blister cells but also schistocytes and
may be required. It should be noted that spherocytosis spherocytes. The RBC morphology may not so much
may also be seen in neonates with gram-negative sepsis suggest a single diagnosis as several relevant avenues
and in patients with thermal burns, as well as in other for clinical and laboratory follow-up. A patient with
hemolytic anemias including G6PD deficiency. bite cells and spherocytes may benefit from G6PD
• Elliptocytosis is most commonly due to iron deficiency screening and a direct antiglobulin test, for example.
or hereditary elliptocytosis (HE). Although there are This problem is particularly notable in neonates, in
several other causes of elliptocytosis, as a practical whom the usual hemolytic morphologies may not be
matter if iron deficiency is excluded then elliptocytosis clearly evident. Neonatal hemolysis may lead to a
is most likely due to HE. Parents with typical HE may very broad range of poikilocytosis, without the same

© 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2013, 35, 351–357

‘classic’ patterns as are relied upon in adults: oxidative Oval macrocytosis and severe macrocytosis (e.g.,
hemolysis, for example, may lead to more schistocyto- >115 fL) are both classically found in megaloblastic
sis than bite/blister cells. The morphologic differential anemia, while round macrocytosis is seen in non-
diagnosis for hemolysis in a neonate must therefore megaloblastic anemia. Circulating nRBCs may show
be broader than in an adult. dysplastic features suggesting megaloblastic change:
that is, large immature nuclei within mature red
Morphology in the assessment of macrocytic anemia
In many patients with macrocytic anemia, the RBC
The usual approach to macrocytosis is to differentiate morphology is quite bland: for example, marrow fail-
between megaloblastic and nonmegaloblastic causes: ure (e.g., Diamond–Blackfan anemia, idiopathic aplas-
megaloblastosis is seen with B12 and folate deficiency, tic anemia, etc.) may produce morphologically
MDS and CDA, HIV infection, and rare inborn errors unremarkable RBCs.
of metabolism, while nonmegaloblastic causes include
liver and thyroid disease, alcohol, Down syndrome,
aplastic anemia, and reticulocytosis. Medications can
be responsible for both megaloblastic and nonmega- The review of red blood cell morphology is a critical
loblastic anemia, while RBC agglutination may lead to step in the evaluation of a patient with anemia. It can
spurious macrocytosis. be very useful in evaluating microcytic, normocytic,
Red blood cell morphology usually plays a small and macrocytic anemias and is especially helpful in
but important role in this differentiation of megalob- the work-up of patients with hemolysis. Assessment
lastic from nonmegaloblastic causes. Important preli- of RBC morphology can be the best tool for laboratory
minary findings include agglutination, polychromasia hematology professionals to recommend clinical and
(reticulocytosis), target cells (liver disease or alcohol), laboratory follow-up in a patient with anemia and to
and a dual population (MDS or post transfusion). select the right tests for definitive diagnosis.

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© 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Int. Jnl. Lab. Hem. 2013, 35, 351–357

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