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Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30


Wheat flour
constituents: how of yeast-leavened and sourdough breads one of the oldest
biotechnological processes. Wheat is by far the most
important cereal in breadmaking, although in some parts
they impact bread of the world the use of rye is quite substantial. Other
cereals are used to a lesser extent. In wheat breadmaking,
flour, water, salt, yeast and/or other micro-organisms
quality, and how to (often with the addition of non-essential ingredients, such
as e.g. fat and sugar) are mixed into a visco-elastic dough,

impact their which is fermented and baked. Wheat flour is the major
ingredient and consists mainly of starch (ca. 70–75%),
water (ca. 14%) and proteins (ca. 10–12%). In addition,
functionality non-starch polysaccharides (ca. 2–3%), in particular
arabinoxylans (AX), and lipids (ca. 2%) are important
minor flour constituents relevant for bread production and
H. Goesaert, K. Brijs, quality.
During all steps of breadmaking, complex chemical,
W.S. Veraverbeke, biochemical and physical transformations occur, which
affect and are affected by the various flour constituents. In
C.M. Courtin, K. Gebruers and addition, many substances are nowadays used to influence
J.A. Delcour* & the structural and physicochemical characteristics of the
flour constituents in order to optimise their functionality in
Laboratory of Food Chemistry, Katholieke breadmaking. We here focus on these essential processing
Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 20, and quality determining flour constituents (i.e. starch,
B-3000 Heverlee, Belgium gluten proteins, AX and lipids). More in particular, we
(Tel.: C32 16 321634; fax: C32 16 321997; provide a basic overview of their structure and properties,
e-mail: [email protected]) their role in breadmaking and how their functionality can
be affected.
The vast majority of bread is traditionally produced from
wheat flour. Apart from its major constituent starch, wheat Starch
flour also contains many other types of substances of which Structural and physicochemical aspects
the gluten, the non-starch polysaccharides as well as the Starch, the most important reserve polysaccharide and
lipids are the most important in terms of their impact on the the most abundant constituent of many plants, including
processability of the raw material and in terms of the quality cereals, occurs as semi-crystalline granules. It has some
of the final products. We here provide the basics on the unique properties, which determine its functionality in many
processability and quality determining wheat flour constitu- food applications, in particular breadmaking. Its structure
ents and present common concepts on their fate during the and physicochemical properties have been the subject of
breadmaking process as well as on approaches targeted to many extensive reviews (e.g. Buléon, Colonna, Planchot, &
influence their functionality. Ball, 1998; Eliasson & Gudmundsson, 1996; Hizukuri,
1996; Parker & Ring, 2001) and will here be concisely dealt
Starch granule structure
The major components of starch are the glucose
For several thousand years, bread has been one of the
polymers amylose and amylopectin. Amylose is an
major constituents of the human diet, making the baking
essentially linear molecule, consisting of a-(1,4)-linked
D-glucopyranosyl units with a degree of polymerisation
* Corresponding author. (DP) in the range of 500–6000 glucose residues. It is now
0924-2244/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30 13

well recognised that a fraction of the amylose molecules Starch is present as intracellular water-insoluble
is slightly branched by a-(1,6)-linkages (Hizukuri, granules of different sizes and shapes, depending on the
Takeda, & Yasuda, 1981; Shibanuma, Takeda, Hizukuri, botanical source. In contrast to most plant starches, wheat,
& Shibata, 1994) (Fig. 1e). In contrast, amylopectin is a rye and barley starches show a bimodal size distribution.
very large, highly branched polysaccharide with a DP The small (B) granules are spherical with a diameter up to
ranging from 3!105 to 3!106 glucose units. It is ca. 10 mm (mean diameter 5 mm), while the large (A)
composed of chains of a-(1,4)-linked D-glucopyranosyl granules are lenticular with a mean diameter of ca. 20 mm
residues which are interlinked by a-(1,6)-bonds (Zobel, (Karlsson, Olered, & Eliasson, 1983; Moon & Giddings,
1988). These chains can be classified as either the 1993).
unbranched outer chains (A) or either the branched When viewed in polarised light, the native starch
inner chains (B) (Peat, Whelan, & Thomas, 1956). The granules are birefringent and a ‘Malteser cross’ can be
latter can be further divided in B1, B2, B3 and B4 chains observed. This indicates a degree of order in the starch
(Hizukuri, 1986). In addition, there is a single C chain per granule and an orientation of the macromolecules perpen-
molecule which contains the sole reducing residue (Peat et dicular to the surface of the granule (Buléon et al., 1998;
al., 1956). The cluster model of the amylopectin structure French, 1984). In addition, native starch is partially
is nowadays widely accepted (French, 1984; Robin, crystalline with a degree of crystallinity of 20–40%
Mercier, Charbonnière, & Guilbot, 1974) (Fig. 1e). In (Hizukuri, 1996), which is predominantly attributed to
this model, the short (A and B1) chains form double structural elements of amylopectin.
helices, which are organised in discrete clusters, while the Several levels of granule organisation have been
longer B2, B3 and B4 chains extend into 2, 3 or 4 described. At the lowest structural level, the starch
clusters, respectively. granule can be defined in terms of alternating amorphous
The amylose/amylopectin ratio differs between starches, and semi-crystalline growth rings or shells with a radial
but typical levels of amylose and amylopectin are 25–28% thickness of 120–400 nm (Buléon et al., 1998; French,
and 72–75%, respectively (Colonna & Buléon, 1992). 1984) (Fig. 1a). The amorphous shells are less dense and
However, the starches of some mutant genotypes of e.g. contain amylose and probably less ordered (not crystal-
maize, barley and rice contain either an increased amylose line) amylopectin, while the semi-crystalline shells are
content (i.e. high amylose or amylostarch with up to 70% composed of alternating amorphous and crystalline
amylose) or an increased amylopectin content (i.e. waxy lamellae of about 9–10 nm (Jenkins, Cameron, & Donald,
starch with 99–100% amylopectin). In the past 10 years, 1993). The latter are made up by amylopectin double
several waxy wheat cultivars have been developed as well, helices packed in a parallel fashion, while the
as discussed by Graybosch (1998). former consist of the amylopectin branching regions

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of different structural levels of a starch granule (adapted from Donald et al. (1997) and Buléon et al. (1998)): (a)
granule with alternating amorphous and semi-crystalline shells; (b) expanded view of a blocklet structure, the building blocks of the shells
(Gallant et al., 1997); (c) expanded view of the semi-crystalline layer, consisting of alternating crystalline and amorphous lamellae; (d) the
cluster structure of amylopectin within the semi-crystalline shell; (e) schematic representation of amylose and amylopectin.
14 H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30

(and possibly some amylose) (Fig. 1c and d). There are 2000). These endothermic transitions, related to the loss
indications that these lamellae are organised into larger, of birefringence and crystallinity, can easily be monitored
somewhat spherical structures, named ‘blocklets’, which by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The onset
range in diameter from 20 to 500 nm (Gallant, Bouchet, & temperature (To; ca. 45 8C), as determined by DSC,
Baldwin, 1997) (Fig. 1b). Different packing of the reflects the initiation of this process, which is then
amylopectin side-chain double helices gives rise to followed by peak (Tp; ca. 60 8C) and conclusion (Tc;
different crystal types. The A type is found in most about 75 8C) temperatures. However, at limited and
cereal starches, while the B type is found in some tuber intermediate water contents gelatinisation occurs more
starches, high amylose cereal starches and retrograded slowly and the DSC endotherm separates in two peaks
starch. The B crystal type is a more highly hydrated and (Eliasson & Gudmundsson, 1996).
open structure (Buléon et al., 1998; Hizukuri, 1996). Besides the loss of molecular order and crystallinity, the
A significant fraction of the starch granules (ca. 8%) is gelatinisation process is also associated with granule
damaged during milling. This mechanical damage to the swelling and distortion (due to increased water absorption)
granule structure greatly affects starch properties. Damaged and a limited starch solubilisation (mainly amylose leach-
starch has lost its birefringence, has a higher water ing), which increases the viscosity of the starch suspension.
absorption and is more susceptible to (fungal) enzymic Amylose leaching can be attributed to the phase separation
hydrolysis (Hoseney, 1994). of amylose and amylopectin because of mutual immisci-
Transformations of starch during heating and cooling bility (Kalichevsky & Ring, 1987).
in the presence of water During further heating and above Tc, swelling and
At room temperature and in sufficient water, starch leaching continue and a suspension of swollen, amorphous
granules absorb up to 50% of their dry weight of water. starch granules and solubilised macromolecules (mainly
Thereby, they swell to a limited extent only (French, amylose) or starch paste is formed (Fig. 2). The granule
1984). Below a characteristic temperature (the gelatinisa- structure remains until more extensive temperatures and/or
tion temperature), this process is reversible. When the shear have been applied (Eliasson & Gudmundsson, 1996;
starch suspension is heated above this temperature, it Tester & Debon, 2000).
undergoes a series of changes which eventually lead to When the amorphous starch paste is cooled, the starch
the irreversible destruction of the molecular order of the polysaccharides reassociate to a more ordered or crystal-
starch granule. This process is termed gelatinisation (Fig. line state. This process is defined as retrogradation
2) (Atwell, Hood, Lineback, Varriano-Marston, & Zobel, (Atwell et al., 1988) (Fig. 2). At starch concentrations
1988). Heating and hydration of the non-crystalline above 6%, a gel is formed. It consists of amylopectin-
regions facilitate molecular mobility in these regions enriched gelatinised starch granules, also referred to as
and initiate an irreversible molecular transition. This granule remnants, which are embedded in and reinforce,
includes the dissociation of the amylopectin double on crystallisation, a continuous amylose matrix. Initially,
helices, and the melting of the crystallites (Tester & double helices are formed between the amylose mol-
Debon, 2000; Waigh, Gidley, Komanshek, & Donald, ecules, which were solubilised during gelatinisation and

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of changes that occur in a starch–water mixture during heating, cooling and storage. (I) Native starch granules;
(II) gelatinisation, associated with swelling [a] and amylose leaching and partial granule disruption [b], resulting in the formation of a starch
paste; (III) retrogradation: formation of an amylose network (gelation/amylose retrogradation) during cooling of the starch paste [a] and
formation of ordered or crystalline amylopectin molecules (amylopectin retrogradation) during storage [b].
H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30 15

pasting, and a continuous network develops (gelation) large granules is enriched in amylose, while the outer
(Miles, Morris, Orford, & Ring, 1985). After some hours, granule layers are enriched in amylopectin (Hug-Iten et
these double helices form very stable crystalline al., 1999). Part of the (solubilised) amylose forms
structures. The recrystallisation of the short amylopectin inclusion complexes with both added (if any) and
side-chains is a much slower process (several days or endogenous wheat polar lipids, as evidenced by the V
weeks) and occurs in the gelatinised granules or granule crystal type of fresh bread crumb.
remnants (Miles et al., 1985). Therefore, amylose Fresh and aging bread
retrogradation determines to a great extent the initial Upon cooling, the solubilised amylose forms a continu-
hardness of a starch gel, while amylopectin retrograda- ous network, in which swollen and deformed starch granules
tion determines the long-term development of gel are embedded and interlinked. Because of its rapid retro-
structure and crystallinity in starch systems (Miles et gradation, amylose is an essential structural element of
al., 1985). The amylopectin crystallites melt at ca. 60 8C bread and is a determining factor for initial loaf firmness
and with DSC a melting endotherm, the so-called ‘staling (Eliasson & Larsson, 1993). Indeed, flours containing no
endotherm’, can be measured at this temperature. There- amylose [either reconstituted with waxy starches (Lorenz,
fore, this technique is often used to evaluate amylopectin 1995) or derived from waxy wheat (Morita et al., 2002)]
retrogradation. Starch (amylopectin) retrogradation is were not suited for breadmaking as they yielded breads with
influenced by a number of conditions and substances, very poor crumb characteristics.
including the pH and the presence of salts, sugars and During storage, bread gradually loses its freshness and
lipids (see Eliasson & Gudmundsson, 1996 for an stales. The staling process comprises several aspects: the
overview). crust toughens, the crumb becomes more firm and less
Amylose–lipid complexes elastic and moisture and flavour is lost (Hoseney, 1994).
An important characteristic of amylose is its ability to Bread staling is often evaluated by measuring crumb
form helical inclusion complexes with a number of firmness. However, this property is also influenced by
substances, in particular polar lipids. Amylose forms a loaf volume and crumb structure. Bread staling is a
left-handed single helix and the hydrocarbon chain of the complex phenomenon in which multiple constituents and
lipid is situated in the central cavity (French & Murphy, mechanisms take part (Gray & BeMiller, 2003). In most
1977). The inclusion complexes give rise to a V type X-ray views, water migration and transformations in the starch
diffraction pattern. The presence of polar lipids affects fraction are the most important factors in this process.
starch properties to a large extent, in particular its Some researchers proposed that crumb firming can be
gelatinisation and retrogradation characteristics (Eliasson attributed to some extent to gluten–starch interactions (cf.
& Gudmundsson, 1996). infra) (Every, Gerrard, Gilpin, Ross, & Newberry, 1998;
Martin, Zelaznak, & Hoseney, 1991). However, in most
Role of starch in breadmaking staling models, the firming of the crumb during aging is
The dough stage mainly attributed to amylopectin retrogradation, in
Starch is present in the dough in the native state where it particular the formation of double helical structures and
appears as distinct semi-crystalline granules (Hug-Iten, crystalline regions (Gray & BeMiller, 2003; Kulp &
Handschin, Conde-Petit, & Escher, 1999). During dough Ponte, 1981; Schoch & French, 1947; Zobel & Kulp,
preparation, starch absorbs up to about 46% water. Its role in 1996). Because amylose is already almost completely
dough is still not very clear. Starch has been suggested to act retrograded in the bread after cooling, it is considered to
as inert filler in the continuous protein matrix of the dough have little, if any, contribution to crumb firming. The
(Bloksma, 1990), while Eliasson and Larsson (1993) amylopectin side-chain reorganisation leads to an
described dough as a bicontinuous network of starch and increased rigidity of the swollen granules. However, the
protein. Other studies reported that the rheological beha- formation of ordered amylose structures in the centre of
viour of wheat dough is influenced by the specific properties the granules may also contribute to granular rigidity
of the starch granule surface (Larsson & Eliasson, 1997) and (Hug-Iten, Escher, & Conde-Petit; 2003; Hug-Iten et al.,
by the presence of amylolytic enzymes (Martı́nez-Anaya & 1999). In addition, the starch is slowly transformed from
Jiménez, 1997a). an amorphous structure to a partially crystalline state and
In the oven: the baking phase a B type X-ray diffraction pattern can be observed.
Due to the combination of heat, moisture and time However, starch crystallinity is often poorly correlated
during baking, the starch granules gelatinise and swell. with crumb firmness. This may indicate that the
However, their granular identity is retained (Hug-Iten et formation of a structured network, as is the case when
al., 1999; Varriano-Marston, Ke, Huang, & Ponte, 1980). large starch molecules (amylopectin and/or amylose) pass
A small amount of starch (mainly amylose) is leached through multiple crystalline and amorphous regions, can
into the intergranular phase. Furthermore, due to phase be a more important factor in gel or bread rigidity than
separation, amylose and amylopectin are not homoge- the extent or quality of crystallinity (Zobel & Kulp,
neously distributed in the granules: the centre of the 1996). In this respect, Hug-Iten et al. (2003) proposed
16 H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30

that both molecular reorganisation of the amylopectin- Amylases for flour standardisation
rich and amylose-rich regions in the starch granules, Amylases are endogenously present in flour, but
resulting in an increased granular rigidity, and the amylase activity can vary considerably. In general,
formation of a structured network consisting of inter- unmalted flour has high levels of b-amylase, while its
linked crystallites, contribute to crumb firming. Whatever a-amylase activity is low, resulting in low bread volume
be the case, stale bread can be temporarily refreshed by and quality (Drapron & Godon, 1987). Therefore, flour is
heating it to 50–60 8C, resulting in the melting of the routinely supplemented to optimise the amylase activity. It
amylopectin crystallites. In the case of sourdough bread is generally acknowledged that the primary goal of
formulas, bread firming is often delayed due to a amylase addition is to increase the levels of fermentable
combination of acidification by the lactic acid bacteria, and reducing sugars in flour (Bowles, 1996). By degrading
which affects retrogradation, and microbial starch and the damaged starch particles during the dough stage and
protein hydrolysis (Corsetti et al., 1998). generating low molecular weight dextrins, supplemented
a-amylase facilitates maltose production by the endogen-
Ways to affect starch functionality in breadmaking ous b-amylase (Kragh, 2003; Linko, Javanainen, & Linko,
Amylases 1997). The maltose can then be used as fermentable sugar
Based on structural and amino acid sequence similarities, by the yeast or the sourdough microbial population. In
a variety of amylolytic enzymes capable of hydrolysing the addition, increased levels of reducing sugars promote the
a-(1,4)- and/or a-(1,6)-linkages in starch are grouped into generation of Maillard reaction products, which intensify
glycoside hydrolase family 13 (the so-called a-amylase bread flavour and crust colour (Bowles, 1996; Drapron &
family) (Coutinho & Henrissat, 1999; MacGregor, Janeček, Godon, 1987). In contrast, amylase supplementation may
& Svensson, 2001; Svensson et al., 2002). a-Amylases (EC primarily affect dough viscosity during the initial stages of, which are typical endo-amylases, more or less starch gelatinisation (Kragh, 2003). In this view, by
randomly hydrolyse the a-(1,4)-linkages of starch, yielding delaying the viscosity increase due to amylose leaching
low molecular weight a-dextrins (Bowles, 1996; Hoseney, during gelatinisation, amylases allow a prolonged oven
1994). Other family 13 amylolytic enzymes include spring and an increased loaf volume.
maltogenic (EC and other maltooligosacchar- Flour standardisation is mostly performed at the mill or at
ide-producing (e.g. EC, EC amylases and the bakery by addition of a fungal a-amylase from
debranching enzymes. The former are mainly exo-acting Aspergillus oryzae, the so-called Taka-amylase, or malt.
amylases which mainly release maltose or other maltooli- Malt amylases have a higher thermostability and generate
gosaccharides, like maltotetraose or maltohexaose, from longer maltodextrins, making them more susceptible to
starch. Debranching enzymes, like pullulanase (EC negative side effects upon overdosing than the fungal and isoamylase (EC, hydrolyse the enzyme (Bowles, 1996).
a-(1,6)-bonds, thus removing the side-chains. Typical Amylases for anti-staling
inverting exo-amylases, such as b-amylase (EC; It has been known for a long time that certain amylases
glycoside hydrolase family 14) and glucoamylase have an anti-firming effect and thus retard the staling of
(EC; glycoside hydrolase family 15), hydrolyse the baked goods. The mechanism for the anti-staling effect of
a-(1,4)-linkages at the non-reducing ends of the starch amylases is still much debated. Several authors suggested
molecules. b-Amylase cannot hydrolyse a-(1,6)-linkages that dextrins of a particular size, formed by the amylases
and its action stops at the branch points. It potentially during starch degradation, exert an anti-staling effect by
degrades starch to b-maltose and b-limit dextrins (Bowles, interfering with the reassociation and retrogradation of
1996; Hoseney, 1994). Glucoamylase has a limited activity amylopectin (Defloor & Delcour, 1999; Léon, Durán, &
on a-(1,6)-linkages. Theoretically, this enzyme can com- de Barber, 1997; Min et al., 1998) and/or the formation of
pletely convert starch to b-glucose (Bowles, 1996; Hoseney, starch–protein cross-links (Martin & Hoseney, 1991) in
1994). the aging bread. This is somewhat in contradiction with
Amylases are routinely used in breadmaking. Their the observation that amylase supplemented breads often
functionality depends mainly on their specificity, degra- have a higher degree of crystallinity (Hug-Iten et al.,
dation products and thermostability. In general, fungal 2003; Zobel & Senti, 1959). Other researchers believe that
enzymes have a low thermostability and most of their the dextrins formed by amylase addition are an indication
activity is lost during starch gelatinisation (Bowles, 1996). for the modification of the starch (Duedahl-Olesen,
In contrast, some bacterial a-amylases are very thermo- Zimmerman, & Delcour, 1999; Gerrard, Every, Sutton,
stable and may survive the baking process. They are hence & Gilpin, 1997). In this view, the anti-staling effect of
difficult to control during baking and storage and can result amylases is due to the modified starch structure which has
in reduced crumb structure properties upon overdosing different retrogradation properties. Zobel and Senti (1959)
(Bowles, 1996). Addition of amylases mainly aims at suggested that (endo)amylases cleave the long starch
optimising the amylase activity of the flour (i.e. flour chains, which can link different crystalline regions. This
standardisation) and at retarding bread staling. way, the network structure is weakened and less rigid,
H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30 17

resulting in softer bread. Alternatively, amylases, in et al., 1999; Maeda, Hashimoto, Minoda, Tamagawa, &
particular exo-amylases, may act on the outer amylopectin Morita, 2003) or by encapsulation (Horn, 2002).
branches, which protrude into the intergranular space and Emulsifiers
are the most accessible. Removal of these chains hinders Emulsifiers are substances possessing both hydro-
double helices and crystal formation and/or cross-linking phobic (lipophilic) and hydrophilic properties. Emulsifiers
between amylose and amylopectin (Bowles, 1996; Zobel are routinely used in breadmaking as dough strengtheners
& Kulp, 1996). (cf. infra) and/or crumb softeners (Kulp & Ponte, 1981;
Several amylase containing anti-staling products are Stampfli & Nersten, 1995). The latter enhance crumb
commercially available. A maltogenic amylase from softness and retard bread staling (Pisesookbunterng &
Bacillus stearothermophilus is one of the most effective D’Appolonia, 1983; Roach & Hoseney, 1995) and their
anti-staling agents available to date. This enzyme, which use and properties have been comprehensively reviewed
shows sequence homology to cycloglycosyl transferases, by Gray and BeMiller (2003), Knightly (1996), and
has some unusual structural (Dauter et al., 1999) and Stampfli and Nersten (1995). Interactions between the
starch degrading (Christopherson, Otzen, Norman, Chris- emulsifiers and amylose, amylopectin and/or protein as
tensen, & Schäfer, 1998) properties when compared to a- well as their effect on starch swelling have been
amylases. It produces mainly a-maltose from starch, and suggested to be responsible for their anti-staling proper-
ties (Gray & BeMiller, 2003).
has some endo-activity as evidenced by its action on
It is widely accepted that the anti-firming properties of
wheat amylose and b-limit dextrins (Christophersen et al.,
these surfactants are related to their ability to form
1998; Outtrup & Norman, 1984). Hug-Iten, Conde-Petit,
insoluble inclusion complexes with amylose. The com-
and Escher (2001) and Hug-Iten et al. (2003) related the
plexed amylose does not participate in gel formation and
efficiency of this maltogenic enzyme in retarding bread
recrystallisation. Therefore, emulsifier addition affects the
staling to its action on amylose and amylopectin. These
amylose network structure after baking. Since different
authors suggested that the enzyme degrades the amylo- emulsifiers vary in complexation capacity (Knightly,
pectin side chains, thus hindering their reorganisation. 1996; Krog, 1971; Osman, Leith, & Fles, 1961), their
Furthermore, the enzyme is believed to enhance the efficiency to reduce the staling rate is different. Further-
crystallisation of amylose, probably because amylose more, several studies reported complex formation between
mobility is increased and its association facilitated due certain emulsifiers (e.g. sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate (SSL)
to a limited degradation via an endo-mechanism (Hug-Iten and several monoglycerides) and amylopectin, although to
et al., 2001, 2003). This results in an increased initial a lesser extent than their complexation with amylose (De
bread firmness. The enhanced amylose aggregation Stefanis, Ponte, Chung, & Ruzza, 1977; Lagendijk &
possibly contributes to a reduced firming rate. It is Pennings, 1970). Finally, addition of emulsifiers also
conceivable that, due to the rapid aggregation of amylose, reduces starch swelling and solubilisation during gelatini-
a weaker network is formed which rearranges less on sation (Eliasson & Gudmundsson, 1996; Roach &
aging or that cross-linking between starch compounds is Hoseney, 1995). This way, starch polymer mobility and
hindered (Hug-Iten et al., 2001, 2003). In addition, the amylose leaching is restricted, resulting in less crystal-
intermediate thermostability of the B. stearothermophilus lisation (Gray & BeMiller, 2003).
maltogenic amylase contributes to its anti-staling proper-
ties (Hebeda, Bowles, & Teague, 1991). The enzyme is
maximally active above the gelatinisation temperature and
Wheat protein classification
is inactivated during baking, making it less susceptible to Classification based on solubility
overdosing than more thermostable enzymes (Hebeda et Osborne (1924) introduced a solubility-based classifi-
al., 1991; Outtrup & Norman, 1984). cation of plant proteins using sequential extraction in the
Starch degrading and/or modifying enzymes as a following series of solvents: (1) water, (2) dilute salt
means to retard staling are of much interest to the solution, (3) aqueous alcohol and (4) dilute acid or alkali.
breadmaking industry and considerable research is still Using this Osborne classification scheme, wheat proteins
performed in this area (van der Maarel, van der Veen, were classified in albumins, globulins, gliadins and
Uitdehaag, Leemhuis, & Dijkhuizen, 2002). More in glutenins, respectively (Table 1). However, a significant
particular, several patents and publications deal with the fraction of wheat proteins is excluded from the Osborne
use and properties of maltogenic and maltooligosacchar- fractions because they are unextractable in all of the
ide-producing amylases (Ben Ammar et al., 2002; Cherry, above-mentioned solvents. Furthermore, further research
Svendsen, Andersen, Beier, & Frandsen, 1999; Kragh, accompanied by significant improvements in tools for
2003; Kragh, Larsen, Rasmussen, Duedahl-Olesen, & biochemical/genetical analysis gradually taught that the
Zimmermann, 1999; Nielsen & Schäeffer, 2000). In Osborne fractionation does not provide a clear separation
addition, several researchers aimed to modify the thermal of wheat proteins that differ biochemically/genetically or
stability of the enzymes either by mutagenesis (Cherry in functionality during breadmaking. Nowadays, the
18 H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30

Table 1. Overview of the different groups of wheat proteins

Osborne Solubility behaviour Composition Biological role Functional

fraction role
Albumin Extractable in water Non-gluten proteins (mainly monomeric) Metabolic and structural proteins Variable
Globulin Extractable in dilute salt Non-gluten proteins (mainly monomeric) Metabolic and structural proteins Variable
Gliadin Extractable in aqueous Gluten proteins (mainly monomeric gliadins Prolamin-type seed storage proteins Dough viscosity/
alcohols and low molecular weight glutenin polymers) plasticity
Glutenin Extractable in dilute Gluten proteins (mainly high molecular Prolamin-type seed storage proteins Dough elas-
acetic acid weight glutenin polymers) ticity/strength
Residue Unextractable Gluten proteins (high molecular weight poly- Prolamin-type (gluten) and globulin- Variable
mers) and polymeric non-gluten proteins type (triticin) seed storage proteins

names ‘gliadins’ and ‘glutenins’ are mostly used to glutenins. Gliadins and glutenins are usually found in
indicate the functionally/biochemically related proteins more or less equal amounts in wheat. Gliadins represent a
instead of the exclusively soluble Osborne fractions. highly polymorphic group of monomeric gluten proteins
Nevertheless, the Osborne fractionation is still extensively with molecular weights varying between 30,000 and
used in studies relating protein composition to function- 80,000. Biochemically, three types (a, g and u) have
ality in breadmaking. Furthermore, due to its relative been identified (Shewry, Tatham, Forde, Kreis, & Miflin,
simplicity, this fractionation method is often very useful 1986; Veraverbeke & Delcour, 2002). They are all readily
as an initial separation step to obtain semi-pure protein soluble in aqueous alcohols and are therefore the main
fractions. components in the Osborne gliadin fraction (Table 1).
Classification based on functionality Glutenins are a heterogeneous mixture of polymers with
From a functional point of view, two groups of molecular weights varying from about 80,000 to several
wheat proteins should be distinguished: the non- millions. Glutenins contain among the largest proteins
gluten proteins, with either no or just a minor role in found in Nature (Wrigley, 1996): the actual sizes of the
breadmaking, and the gluten proteins, with a major role in largest glutenin polymers have not yet been accurately
breadmaking. determined because of their enormous sizes. Another
The non-gluten proteins (between 15 and 20% of total reason for the difficulties in the size determination of
wheat protein) mainly occur in the outer layers of the wheat glutenins is their poor solubility in conventional buffers.
kernel with lower concentrations in the endosperm. Most In contrast with gliadins, only a very small part,
non-gluten proteins are extractable in dilute salt solutions corresponding to the smallest polymers, is soluble in
and are, therefore, found in the Osborne albumin
aqueous alcohols. A larger part is soluble under dilute
and globulin fractions. They are mostly monomeric
acid conditions (Table 1). However, a significant part
physiologically active or structural proteins (Table 1).
cannot be solubilised without changing its structure. This
However, the non-gluten proteins also include a minor
large insolubility of glutenin explains why, despite
group of polymeric wheat storage proteins, called triticins,
significant efforts for already more than a century,
which belong to the globulin class of seed storage proteins.
relatively little details are available on the structure of
They are related to the major storage proteins in legumes
glutenin. What is known, however, is that glutenin is built
and in the cereals oats and rice (Shewry & Halford, 2002;
of glutenin subunits (GS) that are linked via disulphide
Shewry, Napier, & Tatham, 1995). These proteins are found
in the residue after a classical Osborne fractionation. Their bonds. These GS can be liberated by reduction of
role in breadmaking remains unclear (Veraverbeke & disulphide bonds with reducing agents such as b-
Delcour, 2002). mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol. GS are biochemically
The gluten proteins (between 80 and 85% of total related to the gliadins and are soluble in aqueous alcohols.
wheat protein) are the major storage proteins of wheat. Four different groups of GS can be distinguished: high
They belong to the prolamin class of seed storage proteins molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) with
(Shewry & Halford, 2002; Shewry et al., 1995). Gluten molecular weights between 65,000 and 90,000 and B-,
proteins are found in the endosperm of the mature wheat C- and D-type low molecular weight glutenin subunits
grain where they form a continuous matrix around the (LMW-GS) with molecular weights between 30,000 and
starch granules. Gluten proteins are largely insoluble in 60,000. The structure of these GS and different hypotheses
water or dilute salt solutions. Two functionally distinct on the structure of the glutenin polymer are reviewed in
groups of gluten proteins can be distinguished: monomeric more detail elsewhere (Shewry, Halford, & Tatham, 1992;
gliadins and polymeric (extractable and unextractable) Veraverbeke & Delcour, 2002).
H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30 19

Gluten protein functionality in breadmaking monitored with recording dough mixers such as the
Breadmaking quality of wheat flour is largely deter- Farinograph and the Mixograph (Walker & Hazelton,
mined by its proteins. That both quantity and composition 1996). During mixing, the resistance of dough mixing first
(quality) of proteins are important for breadmaking is increases, then reaches an optimum and finally decreases
evident from the observation that breadmaking perform- during what is called ‘over-mixing’. During dough fermen-
ance of wheat flour is linearly related with its protein tation, further changes in the gluten protein network are
content and that different linear relationships exist for evident from the observation that gluten proteins again
different wheat varieties (Finney & Barmore, 1948). become less extractable (Graveland et al., 1980; Veraver-
Notwithstanding minor roles of different non-gluten beke et al., 1999). The gluten protein network in the
proteins (e.g. certain enzymes, enzyme inhibitors, lipid- fermenting dough plays a major role in retaining the carbon
binding proteins and possibly also triticins) in breadmak- dioxide produced during fermentation and during the initial
ing (Eliasson & Larsson, 1993; Veraverbeke & Delcour, stages of baking.
2002), the main quality determinants of breadmaking are The quantity and quality of gluten proteins largely
the gluten proteins. Indeed, the unusual properties of the determine dough mixing requirement and sensitivity to
gluten proteins allow wheat flour to be transformed into a over-mixing. Furthermore, they determine the rheological
dough with suitable properties for breadmaking. These properties of the optimally mixed dough (Fig. 3) and as such
properties are unique and cannot even be found in cereals contribute to the gas retention properties of the fermenting
closely related to wheat such as barley and rye. Gluten dough (Gan, Ellis, & Schofield, 1995). Gas retention
proteins undergo various changes during the different properties in turn determine loaf volume and crumb
steps of the breadmaking process, although the nature of structure of the resulting bread. Two important factors are
these changes, like the native gluten protein structure believed to largely determine gluten protein quality in
itself, is poorly understood. breadmaking (Fig. 3).
The first factor is the gliadin/glutenin ratio of the gluten
The dough stage proteins. This is a direct consequence of the fact that, within
During dough mixing, wheat flour is hydrated and as a the visco-elastic gluten protein network of wheat flour
result of the mechanical energy input discrete masses of doughs, gliadins and glutenins fulfil a different role. Due to
gluten protein are disrupted. The gluten proteins are their large size, glutenin polymers form a continuous
transformed into a continuous cohesive visco-elastic gluten network that provides strength (resistance to deformation)
protein network (Singh & MacRitchie, 2001), as was and elasticity to the dough (Belton, 1999; Ewart, 1972). On
visualised by microstructural studies (Amend, Belitz, the other hand, the monomeric gliadins are believed to act as
Moss, & Resmini, 1991). This process is accompanied by plasticisers of the glutenin polymeric system. In this way,
a dramatic increase in the extractability of the gluten they provide plasticity/viscosity to wheat flour doughs
proteins (Graveland, Bosveld, Lichtendonk, & Moonen, (Cornec, Popineau, & Lefebvre, 1994; Khatkar, Bell, &
1980; Tanaka & Bushuk, 1973; Veraverbeke, Courtin, Schofield, 1995). For quality breadmaking, an appropriate
Verbruggen, & Delcour, 1999). The development of a balance between dough viscosity and elasticity/strength is
gluten protein network during dough mixing can be required. Up to a certain limit, higher dough strength

Fig. 3. Factors governing breadmaking quality and wheat dough rheological properties (adapted from Veraverbeke & Delcour, 2002).
20 H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30

increases loaf volume. However, dough rise is hindered with The baking phase
doughs that are too strong. During baking, dramatic changes occur in the gluten
The second factor in gluten protein quality is the proteins that are probably a combination of changes in
quality of its (extractable as well as unextractable) protein surface hydrophobicity, sulphydryl/disulphide inter-
glutenin fraction. While differences in gliadin properties changes and formation of new disulphide cross-links
might certainly also have an effect, it is now generally (Jeanjean, Damidaux, & Feillet, 1980; Lavelli, Guerrieri,
believed that differences in glutenin properties are more & Cerletti, 1996; Schofield, Bottomley, Timms, & Booth,
important in explaining gluten protein quality differences 1983; Weegels, de Groot, Verhoek, & Hamer, 1994). As a
in breadmaking. Although a lot of questions remain result of these heat-induced changes as well as those of the
because of the lack of detailed knowledge of the starch, the typical foam structure of baked bread is formed.
molecular structure of glutenin and its contribution to The aging bread
elasticity, it can be assumed that differences in glutenin In contrast to the widely accepted view that starch
functionality in breadmaking result from differences in (i) retrogradation plays a major part in bread staling, the role
composition, (ii) structure and/or (iii) size distribution of of gluten proteins in this process is still not clear. It is
the glutenin polymers (Fig. 3). Firstly, differences in generally believed that starch–gluten interactions are
glutenin composition may result in differences in the non- somehow involved in bread firming (Gray & BeMiller,
covalent interactions that determine the elasticity of 2003). They may be qualitatively more important (Martin
glutenin. Each wheat variety contains between 3 and 5 et al., 1991) or of equal importance (Every et al., 1998)
different HMW-GS (Shewry et al., 1992) and an estimate than starch–starch interactions. This way, the formation of
between 7 and 16 different LMW-GS (Gupta & Shepherd, hydrogen bonds between gelatinised starch granules and
1990). Knowing that more than 20 different HMW-GS the gluten network in bread ties together the continuous
and more that 40 different LMW-GS (Gupta & Shepherd, protein network and the discontinuous granule remnants
1990) have been detected so far in different wheat (Martin et al., 1991). However, Maleki, Hoseney, and
varieties, this explains an enormous variation in glutenin Mattern (1980) postulated that the flour component
composition between different wheat varieties. Secondly, primarily responsible for differences in staling rate of
although it is hard to hypothesise on this matter because bread is gluten and that its role in staling is something
of the poor knowledge of the structure of glutenin, it can other than dilution of starch. In contrast, several
be assumed that (even subtle) differences in the structure researchers found no significant correlation between
of glutenin largely affect glutenin functionality in protein concentration and quality and crumb firmness
breadmaking. To a certain extent, differences in structure (Gray & BeMiller, 2003). In this respect, the staling rate
of glutenin may also result from differences in glutenin of a gluten-free bread was similar to a normal bread
composition. For example, if the glutenin structure is (Morgan, Gerrard, Every, Ross, & Gilpin, 1997).
indeed branched, as suggested from its rheological
behaviour (Dobraszczyk & Morgenstern, 2003), GS Ways to affect gluten protein functionality during
composition may determine the degree of branching breadmaking
since some GS would allow for branching while others Oxidising and reducing agents
would not (Veraverbeke & Delcour, 2002). Thirdly, based As stated above, the functionality of gluten in wheat flour
on polymer theories, only the polymers above a certain breadmaking is strongly determined by the molecular
size would contribute to the elasticity of the glutenin weight of glutenin, the occurrence of covalent and non-
polymer network (MacRitchie, 1992; Singh & covalent bonds between glutenin molecules and interactions
MacRitchie, 2001). This corresponds well with several between glutenin and other flour constituents. The most
reports in the literature on positive correlations between prominent linkages are disulphide bonds as they hold
dough strength/breadmaking performance and levels of together the glutenin subunits. Hence, oxidising and
the unextractable/least extractable glutenin fractions and/ reducing agents which have a strong impact on the dough
or the largest glutenin polymers (Singh & MacRitchie, thiol-disulphide system can affect the polymerisation of
2001; Veraverbeke & Delcour, 2002). As with the glutenin subunits and thereby change the mechanical and
glutenin structure, differences in the glutenin size rheological properties of the dough (Fitchett & Frazier,
distribution may also (at least partly) be attributed to 1986).
differences in GS composition. Size differences of GS, Already very low concentrations of endogenous
resulting in variations in e.g. HMW-GS/LMW-GS ratio, glutathione drastically weaken dough and increase exten-
and/or different numbers of cysteine residues available in sibility through thiol/disulphide interchange. Chemical
GS for cross-linking, influencing e.g. the ratio of ‘chain oxidising agents, such as potassium iodate and potassium
terminator’ GS (only one cysteine residue available for bromate, are able to reform some of the intermolecular
cross-linking) to ‘chain extender’ GS (two or more disulphide bonds of gluten proteins restoring dough
cysteine residues available for cross-linking), may signifi- strength. Especially bromate, the slowest acting of these
cantly affect glutenin size distribution. two oxidants, has been one of the most common bread
H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30 21

improvers. Whereas iodate mainly acts during dough and releases hydrogen peroxide, the latter may create
kneading, the effect of bromate occurs during baking highly cross-linked gluten fractions (Reinikainen et al.,
(Fitchett & Frazier, 1986). Nowadays, the use of bromate 2003).
has been overshadowed by toxicological studies implicat- Reducing agents such as L-cysteine and sodium metabi-
ing that it could be carcinogenic and has largely been sulfite may be added to weaken the dough structure.
banned from the baking industry (Dupuis, 1997). Azodi- By reducing dough resistance to deformation, they
carbonamide, acetone peroxide and L-threo-ascorbic acid help in moulding and shape forming without structural
(vitamin C) are often used as replacement oxidant and changes.
source of the replacement oxidant dehydroascorbic acid, L-Cysteine can also be used in combination with
respectively. The action of azodicarbonamide in dough is oxidants. During kneading, cysteine cleaves disulphide
to contribute to the formation of a cohesive dry dough that bonds, which facilitates the gluten protein distribution in the
can tolerate high water absorption while resulting in a dough and improves dough extensibility. Once a good
good texture and volume of the loaf. During dough gluten distribution is achieved the oxidant restores dough
preparation, it is rapidly and completely converted to the strength (Fitchett & Frazier, 1986).
metabolically inert, non-toxic and non-carcinogenic biurea Proteases
which is stable in bread (Fitchett & Frazier, 1986). Another way to impact covalent interactions in the
Acetone peroxide is regarded as an alternative to gluten network is the degradation of proteins with
azodicarbonamide. However, in contrast to azodicarbona- proteases. This reaction is not reversible: the peptide
mide, acetone peroxide is active in dry flour. bonds and the original rheological condition cannot be
L-threo-Ascorbic acid is the stereoisomer of ascorbic restored, which is in contrast with the impact of chemical
acid that most strongly enhances strength, handling and reducing agents. Proteases can be added to shorten mixing
baking properties of dough. This stereospecificity suggests time, to reduce dough consistency, to regulate gluten
that at least one enzyme contributes to the effect of L- strength in bread, to assure dough uniformity, to control
threo-ascorbic acid. In addition to chemical oxidation bread texture, to solve baking problems in special flours
mediated by iron and copper ions, L-threo-ascorbic acid is (biscuits, wafers) and to improve flavour (Mathewson,
oxidised enzymically by an endogenous ascorbic acid 2000). When the reduction of mixing time is the objective
oxidase which uses molecular oxygen as an electron of the application, an endo-acting enzyme is preferred
acceptor (Grosch, 1986). This results in L-threo-dehy- since cleavage of internally located peptide bonds has a
droascorbic acid and hydrogen peroxide. The oxidised more dramatic rheological effect. On the other hand,
ascorbic acid acts as an electron acceptor in the oxidation liberation of free amino acids by exo-acting enzymes will
of endogenous glutathione by wheat flour glutathione have a great influence on colour of the product because
dehydrogenase drastically reducing the level of reduced the free amino acids readily undergo Maillard-type
glutathione which can weaken the dough (Fitchett & reactions with reducing sugar to form pigments. Exopro-
Frazier, 1986; Grosch, 1986). teases may also contribute to the flavour and aroma of the
In addition to the above discussed wheat flour endogen- product since many flavours undoubtedly result from
ous oxido-reduction system, also exogenous oxidising Maillard-type reactions with sugars and various fermenta-
enzymes such as tyrosinase, laccase, glucose oxidase, tion intermediates.
soybean lipoxygenase, glutathione oxidase and sulphydryl Transglutaminases
oxidase can impact dough and bread characteristics Unlike proteases, transglutaminases (EC build
because of their impact on gluten (Reinikainen, Lantto, up new inter- and intramolecular bonds, which enable
Niku-Paavola, & Buchert, 2003). Tyrosinase is able to them to better tolerate the negative effects that can occur
oxidise accessible tyrosine residues in proteins to o-qui- with overdoses of traditional baking enzymes. The
nones which are able to condense with each other or with enzyme catalyses acyl-transfer reactions, introducing
amino and sulphydryl groups of proteins in non-enzymic covalent cross-links between the L-lysine and L-glutamine
reactions. It is able to radicalise different aromatic amino acid residues. Transglutaminase is a relatively new
components which can then react with each other non- enzyme used in the manufacture of baked goods
enzymically (Reinikainen et al., 2003). During the oxidation (Gottmann & Sprössler, 1994, 1995; Reinikainen et al.,
of b-D-glucose to D-glucuronic acid, glucose oxidase 2003).
produces hydrogen peroxide which can affect gluten as Emulsifiers and shortening
discussed above. The positive effect of soybean lipoxygen- Emulsifiers are fat-based ingredients that function both
ase (type II) on dough mixing tolerance, dough rheology as dough stabilisers when the emulsifier interacts with
and loaf volume can be ascribed to the formation of the gluten protein in the dough and as crumb softeners when
peroxyradicals. However, how these radicals react with the emulsifier complexes with the gelatinising starch
gluten is far from understood. Glutathione oxidase and during baking (cf. supra). The emulsifiers with the
sulphydryl oxidase catalyse the formation of disulfide best dough stabilising effect, such as diacetyl tartaric
bonds. While the former oxidase is specific for glutathione esters of monodiglycerides (DATEM) and ethoxylated
22 H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30

monoglycerides (EMG), are usually the worst crumb 1973a,b). In contrast to what might be expected for a
softeners, while the emulsifiers with the best crumb structural component of the cell wall, one-fourth to one-
softening effect (monoacylglycerols) are usually inferior third of the 1.5–2.5% AX found in wheat flour endosperm
dough strengtheners (Stampfli & Nersten, 1995). The dough is water-extractable (Meuser & Suckow, 1986). Their
strengthening effect is not completely understood. It has structure and aspect result in unique physicochemical
been suggested that these emulsifiers are able to form liquid, properties which strongly determine their functionality in
lamellar films between the gluten and the starch, thus breadmaking. The latter and thus their impact on the
improving the film forming properties of the gluten breadmaking process can be modulated by means of
(Stampfli & Nersten, 1995). xylanolytic enzymes.
It has been known for some time that the addition of
small amounts of shortening to bread dough leads to Arabinoxylans and their structural and
improved loaf volume and finer, more uniform crumb physicochemical properties
structure with thin cell walls. None of the numerous Although wheat endosperm AX can be divided in two
hypotheses discussed in literature provides an acceptable polydisperse groups of water-extractable (WE-AX) and
explanation for the mechanism. water-unextractable AX (WU-AX), one general structure
applies. AX are made up of b-1,4-linked D-xylopyranosyl
Non-starch polysaccharides residues, substituted at the C(O)-3 and/or the C(O)-2
In cereal science, non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) is position with monomeric a-L-arabinofuranoside (Perlin,
a generic term for arabinoxylans (AX), b-glucan, 1951a,b). Ferulic acid can be coupled to the C(O)-5 of
cellulose and arabinogalactan-peptides, i.e. polysacchar- arabinose through an ester linkage (Fausch, Kündig, &
ides that differ from amylose and amylopectin either by Neukom, 1963) (Fig. 4). An important parameter of AX is
the nature of their composing monosaccharides and/or by the arabinose to xylose (A/X) ratio, with a typical average
the nature of their linkages (Henry, 1985). Health value of 0.5–0.6 for the general wheat WE-AX population
promoting effects have been ascribed to some of these (Cleemput, Roels, Van Oort, Grobet, & Delcour, 1993), but
dietary fibre components (Lanza, Jone, Block, & Kessler, extreme values of 0.31–1.06 for WE-AX subfractions
1987). Up to 75% of dry matter weight of wheat (Dervilly, Saulnier, Roger, & Thibault, 2000). WE-AX are
endosperm cell walls consists of NSP of which AX are considered to consist of alternating strongly branched and
by far the most prominent group (85%) (Mares & Stone, open regions of which different proportions explain the

Fig. 4. Structural elements of AX: (A) non-substituted D-xylopyranosyl residue; (B) D-xylopyranosyl residue substituted on C(O)-2 with a
L-arabinofuranosyl residue; (C) D-xylopyranosyl residue substituted on C(O)-3 with a L-arabinofuranosyl residue; (D) D-xylopyranosylresidue
substituted on C(O)-2 and C(O)-3 with L-arabinofuranosyl residues. Structure C shows the link of ferulic acid to C(O)-5 of a L-arabinofuranosyl
H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30 23

above-mentioned variation in A/X ratio (Goldschmid & 1971) and enhances resistance to extension and decreases
Perlin, 1963; Gruppen, Komelink, & Voragen, 1993). The extensibility (Jelaca & Hlynca, 1972). WE-AX of high
structure of WU-AX after alkaline extraction (AS-AX) average molecular weight (Mr 201,000–555,000) exert
largely corresponds to that of WE-AX (Gruppen, Hamer, & greater effects on baking absorption and development time
Voragen, 1992; Gruppen et al., 1993; Meuser & Suckow, than their lower molecular weight counterparts (Mr
1986). Only small differences in molecular weight (Meuser 50,000–134,000) (Biliaderis et al., 1995; Courtin &
& Suckow, 1986) and A/X ratios (Gruppen et al., 1993) Delcour, 1998). Addition of WU-AX has similar effects
were reported. as that of WE-AX (Jelaca & Hlynca, 1971; Kulp, 1968;
AX has unique physicochemical properties. The Michniewicz et al., 1991), but does not alter dough
solubility of WE-AX, AS-AX and enzymatically solubil- extensibility properties (Jelaca & Hlynca, 1971; Kulp &
ised AX (ES-AX) in water or water–ethanol mixtures is Bechtel, 1963). A positive correlation between flour WU-
favoured by high substitution degrees (Andrewartha, AX level and baking absorption was equally shown for
Phillips, & Stone, 1979; Neukom, Providoli, Gremli, & endogenous WU-AX through fractionation-reconstitution
Hui, 1967), substitution patterns with high proportions of breadmaking experiments (Courtin, Roelants, & Delcour,
substituted regions (Andrewartha et al., 1979; Rybka, 1999). Using this approach, extensibility decreased and
Sitarski, & Raczynska-Bojanowska, 1993) and low resistance to extension increased with increasing flour
molecular weights (Courtin & Delcour, 1998). WE-AX,
WU-AX content (Courtin et al., 1999). This would feed
AS-AX and ES-AX can form highly viscous solutions, the
the hypothesis that the WU-AX rich cell wall fragments
viscosity of which obviously depends on AX chain length,
interfere with optimal gluten formation during dough
substitution degree and substitution pattern (Izydorczyk &
Biliaderis, 1995). Approximately two-third of the intrinsic
According to Hoseney (1984), WE-AX function some-
viscosity of flour extracts is attributed to WE-AX (Udy,
what as gluten during fermentation as they slow down the
1956). Under oxidising conditions, WE-AX can cross-link
diffusion rate of carbon dioxide out of the dough, thus
by covalent coupling of two ferulic acid residues
(Figueroa-Espinoza, & Rouau, 1998; Vinkx, Van Nieu- contributing to gas retention. However, they lack elastic
wenhove, & Delcour, 1991). This results in a strong properties. Presumably, WE-AX increases dough foam
viscosity increase of the AX solution or, at high AX stability because they increase the viscosity of the dough
concentrations, the formation of a gel (Izydorczyk, aqueous phase which in its turn stabilises the gas cells
Biliaderis, & Bushuk, 1990). Furthermore, WE-AX liquid films (Gan et al., 1995). Others attributed the
stabilise protein films against thermal disruption but positive impact of WE-AX to the formation of a
lower initial foam formation. Both phenomena can secondary, weaker network enforcing the gluten network
presumably be attributed to an increase in liquid viscosity (Jelaca & Hlynca, 1972). Upon addition of WU-AX, Kulp
(Izydorczyk, Biliaderis, & Bushuk, 1991; Sarker, Wilde, and Bechtel (1963) observed that gas retention and
& Clark, 1998) and the mediation of interactions between evolution of dough were similar to those of the control
proteins in the absorbed layer (Sarker et al., 1998). WE- dough. This observation is in contrast to the postulated
AX are reported to possess surface active properties, negative impact of WU-AX which suggests that they: (i)
possibly attributed to associated proteins (Eliasson & destabilise gas cells by forming physical barriers for
Larsson, 1993). WU-AX are cross-linked in the cell wall gluten during dough development, (ii) absorb a large
structure and therefore water-unextractable (Iiyama, Lam, amount of water which consequently is not available for
& Stone, 1994; Lam, Iiyama, & Stone, 1992). As such, gluten development and film formation, and/or (iii)
they have high water holding capacity. This property is perforate the gas cells which causes them to coalesce
equally attributed to WE-AX. It has been estimated that in (Courtin & Delcour, 2002; Courtin et al., 1999).
freshly prepared dough, AX hold up to one quarter of the The baking phase
water (Atwell, 1998). It is assumed that, during the initial phase of baking,
AX affect breadmaking by mechanisms equal to those
Arabinoxylan functionality in breadmaking observed for fermentation. Stabilisation of gas cells by
The dough stage WE-AX will prolong the oven rise and improve bread
WE-AX added to dough increase dough consistency characteristics (crumb firmness, structure and texture, loaf
and stiffness and decrease mixing time (Jelaca & Hlynca, volume) (Gan et al., 1995), while WU-AX enhance gas
1972). On a same dough consistency basis, WE-AX cell coalescence and decrease gas retention, resulting in
addition increases baking absorption (Biliaderis, Izydorc- poorer bread quality (Courtin & Delcour, 2002). Indeed,
zyk, & Rattan, 1995; Jelaca & Hlynca, 1971, 1972; Kulp, fractionation-reconstitution experiments demonstrated that
1968), does not affect (Kulp, 1968) or increases mixing loaf volume was increased both when decreasing the WU-
time (Biliaderis et al., 1995; Jelaca & Hlynca, 1971; AX content and increasing the level of WE-AX of
Michniewicz, Biliaderis, & Bushuk, 1991), lowers the medium and high molecular weight in dough (Courtin
energy input to achieve optimal mixing (Jelaca & Hlynca, et al., 1999).
24 H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30

The aging bread arabinose substituents of AX (Biely et al., 1997; Jeffries,

As outlined above, during storage, bread stales and it is 1996).
generally accepted that this is mainly due to starch Specific microbial endoxylanases are routinely used in
retrogradation. According to some authors, the presence of breadmaking to improve dough properties (softness,
AX may sterically interfere with the starch intermolecular stability, elasticity and extensibility) (Courtin, Gelders, &
associations and, hence, may lower retrogradation (Kim & Delcour, 2001; Rouau, El-Hayek, & Moreau, 1994), oven
D’Appolonia, 1977a,b). Others attribute the effect of AX on spring (Sprössler, 1997) and loaf volume (Courtin et al.,
bread staling mainly to their strong effect on the water distri- 2001; Rouau et al., 1994; Sprössler, 1997). The impact of
bution in dough (Biliaderis et al., 1995; Eliasson & Larsson, endoxylanases on bread staling remains a controversial
1993; Gudmundsson, Eliasson, Bengston, & Åman, 1991). issue (Courtin et al., 2001; Martı́nez-Anaya, & Jiménez,
After all, on the one hand, the rate of starch retrogradation 1997b).
depends on the amount of available water while, on the other The impact of endoxylanases on AX functionality in
hand, the available water may act as a plasticiser in the breadmaking strongly depends on their selectivity towards
gluten–starch matrix (Levine & Slade, 1990). WE-AX and WU-AX substrates (Courtin et al., 2001). In
view of the above-mentioned functionalities of WE-AX
and WU-AX in breadmaking, it can easily be understood
Endoxylanases affect arabinoxylan functionality in that optimal use of endoxylanases that preferentially
breadmaking attack the WU-AX, generally causing a reduction in the
Whatever be the functionality of different AX-fractions level of WU-AX and an increase in the level of
in breadmaking, on a commercial scale it is at present not solubilised AX, has a positive impact on dough and
possible to change dough properties by AX addition, due bread properties (Courtin et al., 2001, 1999) (Fig. 5).
to the lack of industrially feasible AX isolation procedures More specifically, the use of a suitable endoxylanase in
and, therefore, the lack of commercial AX products. the first place increases dough stability. This means that
Optimisation of AX functionality in breadmaking, how- during fermentation the dough retains its optimal volume
ever, can be obtained through the use of selected for a longer period of time and is more resistant to
microbial endoxylanases (EC, i.e. enzymes that mechanical stress. Furthermore, it implies that during the
are able to hydrolyse the AX xylan backbone internally. initial stage of baking the oven rise is significantly
Endoxylanases are mainly classified in glycoside hydro- prolonged leading to a higher loaf volume and a finer,
lase families 10 and 11 (Coutinho & Henrissat, 1999; softer and more homogeneous bread crumb (Courtin et al.,
Henrissat, 1991), with different structures and catalytic 2001, 1999). In contrast, endoxylanases that preferentially
properties (Biely, Vrsanskà, Tenkanen, & Kluepfel, 1997; hydrolyse WE-AX or solubilised AX, thus reducing their
Jeffries, 1996; Törrönen & Rouvinen, 1997). Although molecular weight, yield little if any improvement (Courtin
endoxylanases of both families have similar catalytic et al., 2001, 1999) (Fig. 5). In both cases, excessive levels
residues and mechanisms, family 10 endoxylanases are of endoxylanase result in slack and sticky doughs and
regarded as less specific and more catalytically versatile, loaves with poor crumb structure and colour, gas cell
releasing shorter fragments than family 11 endoxylanases. distribution and crust colour. This is due to an extensive
The latter enzymes are more easily impeded by the degradation of the overall AX population, and the

Fig. 5. Schematic representation of the enzymic degradation of AX by endoxylanases and the effect of the different AX fractions on bread loaf
volume (based on Courtin et al., 1999).
H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30 25

accompanying loss in water holding capacity of the dough constituents of the starch lipids. They are important minor
(Courtin et al., 2001, 1999; McCleary, Gibson, Allen, & constituents typical of cereal starches in levels positively
Gams, 1986; Rouau et al., 1994). correlated to amylose content (0.8–1.2% for wheat starch)
A second factor which, besides endoxylanase substrate (Morrison & Gadan, 1987). As a result, amylose–lipid
selectivity, is able to strongly influence endoxylanase complexes are formed during gelatinisation of cereal
functionality in breadmaking is their sensitivity towards starches. In addition, Morrison, Law, and Snape (1993)
endoxylanase inhibitors. Indeed, endoxylanases are, to indicated that these complexes occur in native starches as
variable extent, prone to inhibition by cereal endoxyla- well.
nase inhibitors. These proteins have been recently The fatty acid pattern of the flour lipids is dominated by
reviewed (Gebruers et al., 2004; Goesaert et al., 2004; linoleic acid (C18:2) with lower amounts of palmitic
Juge, Payan, & Williamson, 2004). In wheat, two (C16:0) and oleic acids (C18:1) (Eliasson & Larsson,
structurally different endoxylanase inhibitors have been 1993; Hoseney, 1994).
identified, i.e. Triticum aestivum endoxylanase inhibitor
(TAXI) (Debyser, Peumans, Van Damme, & Delcour,
1999; Gebruers et al., 2001) and endoxylanase inhibiting Lipid functionality in breadmaking
protein (XIP) (McLauchlan et al., 1999). While TAXI It is well known that flour lipids, in particular the NSL
inhibits family 11 endoxylanases (Gebruers et al., in fraction, significantly affect the breadmaking quality.
press; 2001), XIP has a bias for fungal family 10 and 11 Starch lipids are too strongly bound in the starch granules
endoxylanases (Flatman et al., 2002). Inhibitor concen- and are essentially unavailable to affect dough processing
trations in wheat flour are in the range of 15 mg/kg or before starch gelatinisation occurs. When non-polar wheat
higher (Gebruers, Brijs, et al., 2002) for both TAXI and lipids are added back to defatted flour, bread loaf volume
XIP and can vary two- to three-folds depending on is reduced. This observation has been ascribed to free
variety (Gebruers, Courtin, et al., 2002). These endogen- fatty acids. Polar lipids can have a similar detrimental
ous inhibitor levels will almost invariably exceed the effect, but at higher concentrations, they increase loaf
level of endoxylanase added for bread-improving pur- volume (Eliasson & Larsson, 1993). In addition, the ratio
poses, potentially resulting in significant reduction of the of non-polar to polar lipids and the galactolipid content of
activity of the inhibition sensitive endoxylanases fre- the free NSL are strongly correlated with loaf volume
quently used in breadmaking (Gebruers, Courtin, et al., (Gan et al., 1995; Matsoukas & Morrison, 1991).
2002). In the dough phase, inhibition kinetics determine Presumably, lipid functionality is related to their effect
to a large extent the impact of the inhibitors. Some on the stability of the gas cells. In this respect, the
authors postulate that the inhibitors may affect the positive influence of the polar lipids is attributed to their
substrate selectivity of the endoxylanase by inhibiting ability to form lipid monolayers at the gas/liquid
enzymic degradation of WE- and WU-AX fractions to interphase of the gas cells, thus increasing the gas
different degrees (Sibbesen & Sørensen, 2001). Recently, retention of the dough (Gan et al., 1995). Furthermore,
a mutant B. subtilis endoxylanase XynA was developed polar flour lipids positively contribute to dough handling
by molecular engineering which is insensitive towards properties as well (Graybosch, Peterson, Moore, Stearns,
wheat endoxylanase inhibitors and has improved bread- & Grant, 1993).
making functionality (Sørensen, 2003). In addition, during dough mixing two processes occur
which affect the lipids and hence the breadmaking
performance of the flour. First, most of the free NSL
Lipids ‘bind’ to gluten or the starch granule surface and, as a
Classification consequence, their extractability is reduced (Addo &
The lipids in wheat flour originate from membranes, Pomeranz, 1991; Chung & Tsen, 1975). Secondly, poly-
organelles and spherosomes (membrane-bound emulsion unsaturated fatty acids are oxidised by wheat lipoxygenase,
droplets) and comprise different chemical structures. yielding hydroxyperoxides and free radicals. These com-
Based on solubility in selective extraction conditions, pounds can oxidise other constituents, such as proteins
they are classified as starch lipids and free and bound non- and carotenoids, thus affecting dough rheological properties
starch lipids (Eliasson & Larsson, 1993; Hoseney, 1994). and crumb colour (Hoseney, 1994).
Non-starch lipids (NSL) comprise approximately 2/3–3/4 of
the total wheat flour lipids and consist predominantly of
triglycerides, as well as of other non-polar lipids, and Lipases affect lipid functionality in breadmaking
digalactosyl diglycerides (DGDG). The non-polar lipids are The use of lipases (EC in breadmaking is quite
mainly present in the free NSL fraction, while the glyco- recent when compared to that of other enzymes. Lipases
and phospholipids are mainly associated with proteins and hydrolyse the ester bonds of (mainly) the triglycerides,
present in the bound NSL fraction (Eliasson & Larsson, yielding mono- and diglycerides and free fatty acids. In
1993; Hoseney, 1994). Lysophospholipids, in particular particular, 1,3-specific lipases, which preferentially remove
lysophoshatidylcholine or lysolecithin, are the major fatty acids from the 1- and 3-positions, improve dough
26 H. Goesaert et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 16 (2005) 12–30

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