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Journal of Food Engineering 88 (2008) 94–103


Functional and rheological properties of protein enriched gluten

free composite flours
Cristina Marco, Cristina M. Rosell *
Cereal Group, Food Science Department, Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC), P.O. Box 73, 46100 Burjassot, Valencia, Spain

Received 22 October 2007; received in revised form 21 January 2008; accepted 24 January 2008
Available online 2 February 2008


Protein enriched composite flours comprising rice flour and soybean and pea protein isolates were made. Experimental design resulted
in composite protein enriched blends with different functional, rheological, mechanical and surface related textural properties. The
enzyme transglutaminase (TG) was added for reinforcing the protein network. Protein isolates induced a significant (a < 0.01) increase
in the water absorption of the composite blends, having also a synergistic effect and a decrease of the storage (G0 ) and viscous (G00 )
moduli. Protein isolates also modified the mechanical and surface related textural properties. Soybean protein isolate showed the most
significant effect on the functional properties, rheometer and surface related textural responses. Crosslinking activity of the transgluta-
minase led to a significant decrease of the foaming activity and stability. Scanning electron micrographs of the composite blends showed
that the usage of soybean, pea protein isolates and TG would be a promising approach to produce protein enriched blends for making
fermented gluten free products.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Rice flour; Soybean; Pea; Proteins; Transglutaminase; Functional properties; Rheology; Microstructure

1. Introduction et al., 2007). Crosslinking enzymes (transglutaminase and

glucose oxidase) have been proposed as processing aids
Yeasted bakery products addressed to coeliac patients for improving gluten free bread quality (Gujral and Rosell,
require the development of complex matrixes with suffi- 2004a,b). Other different proposed combinations have been
cient viscoelastic properties for holding the carbon dioxide a complex formulation including corn starch, brown rice,
released during the fermentation and enable to keep the soy and buckwheat flour. Moore et al. (2004), or a mix con-
structure during the expansion along baking. A consider- taining different proportions of rice flour with corn and
able effort has been focussed in the design of functional cassava starches obtaining gluten-free bread with uniform
polymer blends that meet the technological requirements and an even distribution of cells over the crumb as well
of gluten free fermented products. In fact, rice based breads as a pleasant flavor and appearance (Sánchez et al., 2002;
have been successfully developed using several combina- Lopez et al., 2004). In general, those polymer blends are
tions of hydrocolloids like carboxymethylcellulose and based predominantly on carbohydrates, with a very low
hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) (Ylimaki et al., proportion of proteins. Scarce information is available
1991; Gujral et al., 2003). The use of HPMC also confers about the use of enriched protein blends as gluten free
good quality properties to gluten-free bread based on matrixes.
70% sorghum flour, and 30% potato starch (Schober Different protein sources can be added for improving the
nutritional quality of gluten-free products, given that celiac
disease in some cases leads to malnutrition. Dairy and soy-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 963900022; fax: +34 963636301. bean proteins are the most used proteins in gluten-free
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.M. Rosell). bread formulations (Gallagher et al., 2003; Ribotta et al.,

0260-8774/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Marco, C.M. Rosell / Journal of Food Engineering 88 (2008) 94–103 95

2004; Moore et al., 2006; Marco and Rosell, 2008). 2.1. Rice dough preparation
Legumes are a good supplement for cereal-based foods
since both legume and cereal proteins are complementary Rice flour was replaced by combinations of proteins and
in essential amino acids. Cereals are deficient in the essen- transglutaminase following a central composite design for
tial amino acid lysine, while legumes have a high content of sampling (Table 1). Design factors (quantitative indepen-
this amino acid. On the other hand, cereal proteins comple- dent factors) tested at five levels (1.68, 1, 0, +1,
ment legume proteins in the essential amino acid methio- +1.68), included soybean protein (from 1 to 25 g/100 g
nine (Iqbal et al., 2006). composite flour), pea protein (from 1 to 25 g/100 g com-
Soybean is highly used in Asian diet and nowadays its posite flour) and transglutaminase (from 0.1 to 1.5 g/
presence in Western diets is increasing due to the associa- 100 g composite flour). The model resulted in 17 different
tion of soybean protein consumption with lower risk of combinations of composite flours prepared in a Brabender
cardiovascular diseases (FDA, 1999). Besides, soybean is farinograph (Duisburg, Germany) bowl (50 g flour capac-
used in food technology for supplying desirable functional ity) by mixing for 15 min all the ingredients. All the com-
properties such as emulsification, fat absorption, moisture posite doughs were prepared at constant consistency.
holding capacity, thickening, and foaming (Wolf, 1970). Dough was freshly prepared for the dynamic and static rhe-
Although the most used legume protein is from soybean, ological properties. Whereas for determining the functional
pea proteins can also be successfully used in bakery prod- properties, composite flour doughs were freeze dried till
ucts, obtaining a protein enriched product with better further analysis.
amino acid balance (Tömösközi et al., 2001). In addition,
it has been reported that the addition of soybean or pea 2.2. Oscillatory measurements
proteins to rice flour modified the mechanical properties
of the rice–proteins blend dough, inducing a significant Dynamic rheological measurements of the dough were
increase in the elastic modulus recorded by the oscillatory determined on a controlled stress rheometer (Rheostress
tests (Marco and Rosell, 2008). 1, Termo Haake, Germany). The measuring system con-
The aim of this study was to design a protein enriched sisted of parallel plate geometry (rough plate 35 mm diam-
composite flour comprising rice flour and soybean and eter, 1 mm gap). Rice dough, placed between the plates,
pea protein isolates. Transglutaminase, a transferase with rested for 5 min before starting the test. The rim of the
crosslinking activity, was added for creating a protein sample was coated with Vaseline oil in order to prevent
covalent network. Functional, rheological and microstruc- evaporation during the measurements that were performed
ture properties of the resulting protein enriched matrixes at 30 °C (Gujral and Rosell, 2004a). Stress sweeps at 1 Hz
were determined. frequency were carried out to determine the linear visco-
elastic zone. Frequency sweep tests were performed from
2. Materials and methods 0.01 to 10 Hz to determine the storage modulus (G0 ), loss
modulus (G00 ) and loss tangent (tan d) as a function of fre-
Commercial rice flour, from Harinera Belenguer SA quency. Two replicates of each measurement were made.
(Valencia, Spain), had moisture, protein, lipid and ash con-
tents of 12.2%, 8.1%, 1.0% and 1.0%, respectively. Protein 2.3. Mechanical and surface related texture properties
isolates (pea and soybean) were from Trades SA (Barce-
lona, Spain). Moisture, protein, lipid and ash contents of Dough machinability was assessed by assessing the
the pea protein isolate were 6.2%, 90.6%, 1.1%, 4.8%, texture profile analysis (TPA) and dough stickiness in a
respectively, and 6.0%, 91.2%, 0.4%, 4.8%, respectively, TA-XT2i texturometer as described Armero and Collar
in the soybean protein isolate. Composition of the different (1997) using the Chen and Hoseney cell. The primary tex-
ingredients was determined following the AACCI tural properties were measured in the absence of dough
Approved Methods (1995). Microbial transglutaminase of adhesiveness by using a plastic film on the dough surface
food grade (ActivaTM TG) (100 units/g) was provided by to avoid the distortion induced by the negative peak of
Apliena, S.A. (Terrasa, Barcelona, Spain). All reagents adhesiveness (Armero and Collar, 1997; Collar and
were of analytical grade. Bollaı´n, 2004). The adhesiveness was measured without

Table 1
Central composite design for sampling
Factors Symbols Coded-variable levels
1,68179 1 0 +1 +1,68179
Soybean protein (g/100) SP 1.0 5.9 13.0 20.1 25.0
Pea protein (g/100) PP 1.0 5.9 13.0 20.1 25.0
Transglutaminase (g/100 g) TG 0.1 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.5
Design factors are soybean protein isolate (SP), pea protein isolate (PP) and transglutaminase (TG). 1.68179, 1, 0, +1 and +1.68179 indicate coded
levels of design factors. Axial distance: 1.68179. Values are expressed as g/100 g of composite flours.
96 C. Marco, C.M. Rosell / Journal of Food Engineering 88 (2008) 94–103

the plastic film. Parameters registered included: hardness, (Bio-Rad SC-500). Samples analysis was performed at an
cohesiveness, resilience, springiness, gumminess, adhesive- accelerating voltage of 10 kV with a SEM Hitachi 4100
ness and stickiness (for detailed information about those from the SCSIE department of the University of Valencia.
parameters see Armero and Collar, 1997). Three and ten
repetitions for the TPA parameters and stickiness were 2.6. Statistical analysis
made, respectively.
The analysis of variance for each functional and rheol-
2.4. Functional properties ogy characteristic (response) was conducted using
Statgraphics V.7.1 program (Bitstream, Cambridge, MN),
Composite flour doughs previously freeze-dried and in order to determine significant differences among the fac-
ground with a refrigerated micro-hammer mill (powder tors combination. Analytical data were fitted to multiple
with a particle size not exceeding 250 lm) were used for regression equations using the design factors as indepen-
determining the functional properties. dent variables. For each response with significant differ-
The emulsifying properties of the composite flour ences response surface plots were generated from the
doughs, were determined by the method of Pearce and Kin- regression equations by using the Statgraphics program.
sella (1978). To prepare the emulsion, 2 ml refined sun- Response surface plots were obtained by holding the inde-
flower oil and 6 ml freeze-dried samples suspension pendent variable with least significant effect on the particu-
(0.5%) in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) were shaken lar response at constant value and changing the other two
together and homogenized in a T18 Ultra Turrax (Wil- variables.
mington, NC, USA) at 22,000 rpm for 1 min at 20 °C (Guj-
ral and Rosell, 2004c). Aliquots of fifty microliters of the 3. Results and discussion
emulsion were taken at zero and 30 min and added to
5 ml of sodium dodecylsulphate solution (0.1%, w/v). The Analytical data obtained from the central composite
absorbance of the diluted solutions was read at 500 nm. design samples on functional and rheological responses
The emulsifying activity was expressed as the absorbance were fitted to second-order polynomial models using
measured at 0 min, and the emulsion stability was added principles (design factors) as independent factors
expressed as ES (%) = (Abs30 min/Abs0 min)  100 (Ahn in order to estimate response surfaces of dependent
et al., 2005; Babiker, 2000). Four replicates of each mea- dough variables. Experimental data were submitted to
surement were made. the analysis of variance to determine the main effects
The foaming properties of the different doughs were of the protein isolates and the transglutaminase and their
determined following the method of Miller and Groniger interaction.
(1976) with slight modifications. Fifty milligrams of
freeze-dried sample were added to 5 ml 0.02 M phosphate 3.1. Effect of protein isolates and transglutaminase on the
buffer pH 7.0 and homogenized for 1 min at 18,000 rpm in farinograph water absorption of the composite blends
a T18 Ultra Turrax (Wilmington, NC, USA). Then, the
blend was transferred to a measuring cylinder to determine Regression coefficients of the added principles obtained
the volume at zero and 60 min after homogenizing. Foam- from the stepwise regression fitting model and analysis of
ing capacity (FC) and foam stability (FS) were determined. variance are included in Table 2. The value of the determi-
The foaming capacity was expressed as the increased vol- nation coefficient (R2) indicated that the model as fitted
ume of mixture after the homogenization. Foam stability explained 99.84% of the variability in the water absorption.
was calculated as FS(%) = (FC60min/FCinitial)  100. At The water absorption determined by the farinograph was
least two replicates of each measurement were made. significantly (a < 0.01) affected by the amount of soybean
The protein solubility of the freeze-dried samples was and pea protein isolates. The higher the amount of protein
determined at pH 4 and pH 6. Samples (0.2%, w/v) were isolate added, the higher the water absorption was (Fig. 1).
suspended in 0.05 M acetate buffer (pH 4) or 0.05 M phos- Besides, the addition of both proteins simultaneously pro-
phate buffer (pH 6), and after vortexing for 10 min the duced a significant synergistic effect. The soybean protein
turbidity was measured at 500 nm, following the method showed greater effect than the pea protein (Fig. 1). The
of Babiker (2000). Four replicates of each measurement addition of soybean protein at the maximum level tested
were made. (+1.68179) and pea protein at the minimum level tested
(1.68179) induced an increase in the water absorption
2.5. Scanning electron microscopy of 84.9%. While in the opposite side, when pea protein
was added at highest level and soybean at the lowest, the
The structure of the composite flours was analysed by increase in this parameter was 38.9%. The addition of both
scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Fragments of the protein isolates at the maximum level produced an increase
freeze-dried samples were mounted on aluminium specimen of 149.7%. The increase in the water absorption produced
stubs using doubled tape and sputter-coated with 100– by the addition of protein isolate, might be related with
200Å thick layer of gold and palladium by Ion Sputter their water holding capacity, which is about 2.7–2.8 g/g
C. Marco, C.M. Rosell / Journal of Food Engineering 88 (2008) 94–103 97

Table 2
Regresión equationa coefficients and analysis of variance for dough functional properties
Coefficient Functional properties
Water absorption Emulsifying activity Emulsion Foaming capacity Foam stability Solubility pH 4 Solubility pH 6
(%) (AU) stability (%) (ml) (%) (AU) (AU)
b0 240.9 0.309 61.23 0.43 62.60 0.650 0.740
b1 41.2** 0.054** 17.36* 0.09* 19.22** 0.237** 0.219**
b2 21.8** 0.004 2.58 0.07* 5.55* 0.092 0.059
b3 1.3 0.030 2.66 0.08* 11.21** 0.083 0.110
b11 0.4 0.026 16.43* 0.04 11.35** 0.070 0.084
b22 1.2 0.025 6.01 0.01 3.17 0.028 0.033
b33 2.3* 0.002 2.48 0.03 12.23** 0.048 0.018
b12 3.3** 0.002 2.84 0.02 3.97 0.018 0.063
b13 1.5 0.007 5.71 0.03 8.09* 0.025 0.071
b23 1.3 0.005 4.90 0.01 7.27* 0.068 0.092
R-SQ 0.9984 0.8085 0.7404 0.8256 0.9600 0.8014 0.8069
AU: Absorbance units.
y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + b11x21 þb22x22 þ b33x23 þb12x1x2 + b13 x1x3 + b23x2x3, where x1 = SP, x2 = PP, x3 = TG.
Significant at a < 0.05.
Significant at a < 0.01.

for pea protein isolate and 4.0–5.0 g/g for the soy protein Data from the viscoelastic test were submitted to the
isolates (Vose, 1980). The same effect has been observed analysis of variance to determine the main effects of the
when 20% soy flour was added to wheat flour (Ahn protein isolates and the transglutaminase and their interac-
et al., 2005). tion (Table 3). The value of the determination coefficients
The addition of the transglutaminase resulted in a posi- (R2) indicated that the models as fitted explained 77%,
tive quadratic effect on the water absorption. The cross- 76% and 98% of the variability in the G0 , G00 and tan d,
linking activity of transglutaminase induces the formation respectively. The addition of different levels of soybean
of protein polymers with greater water holding capacity and pea protein isolates significantly affected the viscoelas-
(Wang et al., 2007). tic properties of the composite flour dough determined by
the rheometer. The increase in the amount of soybean pro-
3.2. Effect of protein isolates and transglutaminase on duced a significant linear decrease in the storage (G0 ) and
dynamic viscoelastic properties of rice flour the loss (G00 ) moduli. The same effect was induced by the
pea protein but derived from a significant quadratic effect.
The viscoelastic properties of the rice dough containing Besides, the presence of both protein isolates, soybean and
different protein isolates were studied by dynamic oscilla- pea, produced a significant increase in the tan d, due to
tory test. The mechanical spectra of all the samples showed their positive linear and negative quadratic effect on that
storage or elastic modulus (G0 ) values higher than loss or
viscous modulus (G00 ) at all the frequency range tested,
Table 3
which suggest a viscoelastic solid behaviour of the doughs, Regresión equationa coefficients and analysis of variance for dough
which has already been described for rice based doughs rheometer parameters
(Gujral and Rosell, 2004a). Coefficient Rheometer parameters
G0 G00 Tan d
Pa Pa
TG = 0
b0 68,868.5 11,566.0 0.169
b1 14,776.5* 1,816.0* 0.010**
Watter Absorption (%)

380 b2 1,219.6 203.1 0.010**

b3 3,065.4 515.1 0.001
b11 2,641.1 946.6 0.006**
280 b22 12,667.9* 2,170.1* 0.003*
230 b33 11,183.0 1,850.8* 0.001
180 b12 2,999.3 870.1 0.007**
0.84 b13 2,386.3 392.0 0.002
130 0
-1.68 -0.84 b23 5,755.0 935.6 0.002
-0.84 0 0.84 -1.68 PP
1.68 R-SQ 0.7650 0.7580 0.9800
SP a
y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3 x3 + b11x21 þb22x22 þb33 x23 þb12x1x2 + b13x1x3
Fig. 1. Response surface plots of water absorption. Effect of the addition + b23 x2x3, where x1 = SP, x2 = PP, x3 = TG.
level of the studied factors. SP: soybean protein, PP: pea protein, TG: Significant at a < 0.01.
transglutaminase. Significant at a < 0.05.
98 C. Marco, C.M. Rosell / Journal of Food Engineering 88 (2008) 94–103

response (Fig. 2). The interaction between soybean and pea Transglutaminase (TG) only had a significant (a < 0.05)
protein produced a significant antagonist effect in the tan d. negative and quadratic effect on the viscous modulus. Differ-
The addition of soybean or pea protein isolate at maximum ent findings have been reported pertaining the effect of the
level when the other protein isolate was at the minimum TG on cereal proteins. Some authors reported an increase
level led to an increase in the tan d of 77.9% and 77.7%, in G0 values when cereal proteins were treated with TG (Larré
respectively (Fig. 2). However, the addition of both pro- et al., 1998, 2000; Gujral and Rosell, 2004a). Marco and
teins at the highest levels studied led to an increase in the Rosell (2008) also reported a significant increase in G0 when
tan d of 72.2%. TG was added to rice flour enriched with 5% of different pro-
Marco and Rosell (2008) observed a significant increase tein sources. In addition, some others described an increase
in G0 and G00 when added 5% of pea or soybean protein to in G0 and G00 when wheat gluten solutions were treated with
rice flour whereas the opposite trend was observed with the TG (Wang et al., 2007), but Truong et al. (2004) did not
presence of egg albumen or whey protein. Differences can observe any difference in G0 and G00 values after treating whey
be attributed to the diverse water absorption applied in proteins with 0.12 unit/g of immobilized TG. However, the
both studies, since constant water absorption (90%) was same authors observed a decrease of G0 when the TG concen-
used in Marco and Rosell (2008), whereas the present study tration was increased; probably changes on the viscoelastic
was carried out at constant dough consistency, adjusting properties can be only observed after an extensive crosslink-
the amount of water needed for obtaining dough with the ing of the protein. In the present study, a tendency to increase
same consistency. Results previously presented regarding the storage and loss moduli and to decrease the tan d values
the effect of pea and soybean proteins on the water absorp- was observed when the level of TG increased, although the
tion confirmed this assumption, since those proteins had a changes produced were not significant. Maybe, the great
significant effect on the water absorption. effect of the protein isolates is masking some of the changes
produced by the TG.

3.3. Effect of protein isolates and transglutaminase on the

TG = 0
mechanical and surface related textural properties of rice
composite flours
Rheological assessment is a good indicator of polymer
Tan (G´´/G´)

molecular structure and thus of end-use performance
(Marı´n and Montfort, 1996). In the case of wheat dough,
1.68 rheological analysis has been successfully applied as
0.84 indicator of the molecular structure of gluten and starch,
0.08 0
-1.68 -0.84
-0.84 0 0.84 1.68 -1.68 PP and as predictors of their functionality in breadmaking
SP performance (Armero and Collar, 1997; Collar and
Fig. 2. Response surface plot of tan d determined by dynamic rheology. Bollain, 2005; Bollaı´n et al., 2006). Despite gluten free
Effect of the addition level of the studied factors. SP: soybean protein, PP: matrixes are structurally different than gluten dough, rheo-
pea protein, TG: transglutaminase. logical assessment of the gluten free matrixes might give an

Table 4
Regresión equationa coefficients and analysis of variance for mechanical and surface related textural responses of the composite flours
Coefficient Surface related textural responses
Hardness cohesiveness resilience springiness gumminess adhesiveness stickiness
N N Nm Force, N
b0 47.2 0.209 0.062 0.854 9.8 0.518 0.121
b1 5.6* 0.030* 0.004 0.115** 0.3 0.088 0.021**
b2 5.6* 0.022 0.001 0.104** 2.5** 0.006 0.038**
b3 5.3* 0.002 0.006 0.024 1.5 0.192* 0.016**
b11 4.0 0.002 0.002 0.013 0.6 0.094 0.002
b22 0.1 0.007 0.006 0.036 0.6 0.078 0.010*
b33 0.3 0.017 0.007 0.011 0.9 0.060 0.011*
b12 1.0 0.022 0.004 0.105** 1.3 0.072 0.004
b13 0.1 0.011 0.008 0.033 0.4 0.073 0.004
b23 1.7 0.017 0.006 0.025 1.4 0.060 0.009
R-SQ 0.7970 0.7380 0.4000 0.9350 0.7920 0.7250 0.9610
y = b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + b11x21 þb22x22 þb33x23 þ b12x1x2 + b13x1x3 + b23x2x3, where x1 = SP, x2 = PP, x3 = TG.
Significant at a < 0.01.
Significant at a < 0.05.
C. Marco, C.M. Rosell / Journal of Food Engineering 88 (2008) 94–103 99

indication of its further functionality. The experimental The hardness was significantly affected by the level of
data obtained from the texturometer were statistically ana- addition of the three factors studied. The increase in the
lyzed to determine the significance of the independent fac- addition of soybean produced a decrease in the hardness,
tors on the surface related textural responses of the protein whereas the addition of pea protein or TG produced an
enriched composite flours (Table 4). Mechanical and sur- increase in this parameter (Fig. 3). The effect of TG on
face related texture parameters were dependent on the fac- the hardness may be explained by the increase in the molec-
tors studied, soybean and pea protein isolate and TG, ular weight of the proteins resulted from the crosslinking
being particularly significant for hardness (R2 = 0.7970), action of this enzyme, obtaining larger polymers (Marco
springiness (R2 = 0.9350), gumminess (R2 = 0.7920) and et al., 2007, 2008). Wang et al. (2007) also observed higher
stickiness (R2 = 0.9610). values of hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness and chewi-

TG = 0 PP = 0

90 80

Hardness (N)
Hardness (N)

45 1.68
30 0 0.84 35 0 0.84
-0.84 -1.68 -0.84 -0.84
-1.68 -0.84 PP 0 0.84 -1.68 TG
0 0.84 1.68 -1.68 1.68

PP = 0 SP = 0
Adhesiveness (N x m)

0.8 25
Gumminess (N)

0.4 20
0 15
-0.4 10
1.68 1.68
0.84 0.84
-0.8 0 5 0
-1.68 -0.84 -0.84
-0.84 0 0.84 -1.68 TG -1.68 -0.84 0 TG
1.68 0.84 1.68 -1.68

TG = 0 SP = 0

1.2 0.3
Stickiness (N)

1.68 1.68
0.84 0.84
0 0 0 0
-1.68 -0.84 -1.68 -0.84
-0.84 0 -0.84 0 -1.68 TG
0.84 1.68 -1.68 PP 0.84 1.68

TG = 0

Stickiness (N)



0 0 0.84
-1.68 -0.84 -0.84
0 0.84 -1.68 PP

Fig. 3. Response surface plots of the mechanical and surface related textural properties. Effect of the addition level of the studied factors. SP: soybean
protein, PP: pea protein, TG: transglutaminase.
100 C. Marco, C.M. Rosell / Journal of Food Engineering 88 (2008) 94–103

ness in gluten gels containing TG than in those obtained 3.4. Functional properties of the composite blends
without TG.
The cohesiveness was significantly (a < 0.05) affected The value of the determination coefficients (R2) indi-
only by soybean protein content. The increase of cohesive- cated that the models as fitted explained 81 and 74% of
ness promoted by soybean proteins agrees with the nega- the variability in the emulsifying activity and the emulsion
tive correlation between hardness and cohesiveness stability, respectively (Table 2). The emulsifying activity of
reported by Armero and Collar (1997) when studied wheat the composite blends was statistically affected by the level
dough, because of harder dough experiments greater per- of addition of soybean protein isolate. An increase in the
manent damage to internal structure than less hard dough amount of soybean protein resulted in a decrease of this
when both are exposed to the same strain. In wheat parameter. The emulsion stability was also significantly
doughs, dough cohesiveness has been reported as a good affected by the level of soybean protein isolate. The addi-
predictive parameter of fresh bread quality, since more tion of this protein led to a negative linear and a positive
cohesive wheat doughs give softer breads with higher spe- quadratic effect on this response, as a consequence, the
cific volume (Armero and Collar, 1997). emulsion stability reached a minimum at 0.47 level of soy-
Both soybean and pea protein isolates produced doughs bean protein (Fig. 4). Therefore, that minimum should be
with higher springiness when the level of the protein avoided when looking for an increase in the emulsion sta-
increased (Fig. 3). Conversely, the interaction between bility. Soybean proteins shows higher emulsifying activity
soybean and pea protein produced a significant (a < 0.01) and emulsion stability than the pea proteins (Tömösközi
antagonist effect on the springiness. et al., 2001). The addition of 20% soy flour to wheat pro-
Pea protein resulted in a positive linear effect on gummi- duced a significant positive effect on the emulsifying activ-
ness and the adhesiveness was only significantly reduced by ity of the samples (Ahn et al., 2005). Marco and Rosell
the transglutaminase (Fig. 3). The stickiness determined by (2008) reported that the addition of 5% of pea or soybean
the Chen and Hoseney cell was significantly (a < 0.01) protein isolate to rice flour hardly modified the emulsifying
modified by the three factors. All of them decreased the activity of rice flour dough. These differences may be attrib-
stickiness of the doughs when the level of addition was uted to the different hydration of the composite blends,
increased (Fig. 3). The stickiness showed a quadratic posi- since water acts as a plasticizer defining the functional
tive dependence on the addition of pea protein isolate and properties of the dough (Rosell and Marco, 2007). The
TG. The same effect of TG on dough stickiness has been effect of the TG in the emulsifying activity was almost sta-
already reported in wheat doughs (Tseng and Lai, 2002; tistically significant (a = 0.0530) (Table 2, Fig. 4). Siu et al.
Collar and Bollaı´n, 2004). (2002) and Ahn et al. (2005) observed a decrease in the

PP = 0 PP = 0
Emulsion activity (AU)

Emulsion stability (%)

0.51 165

0.42 135

1.68 75
0.84 1.68
0.24 0 0.84
-1.68 -0.84 45 0
-0.84 0 0.84 -1.68 -0.84
1.68 TG -1.68 -0.84
SP 0 0.84 -1.68
1.68 TG
PP= 0.0
PP = 0
Foaming capacity (mL)

Foam stability (%)

1 20
0.6 1
0.15 0.2 0.5
-0.2 0 0
-1 -0.6 -0.6
-0.2 0.2 0.6 -1 TG -0.5
1 -1 -0.6 -0.2 -1
SP 0.2 0.6 1 TG

Fig. 4. Response surface plots of functional properties. Effect of the addition level of the studied factors. SP: soybean protein, PP: pea protein, TG:
C. Marco, C.M. Rosell / Journal of Food Engineering 88 (2008) 94–103 101

emulsifying activity when cereal or soy proteins were trea- the emulsifying stability, although that effect was no statis-
ted with TG, which has been attributed to the loss of solu- tically significant (Table 2).
bility of crosslinked proteins. The increase in the molecular The regression models as fitted explained 83% and 96%
weight of polypeptide chains may lead to some loss of flex- of the variability in the foaming activity and the foam sta-
ibility and reduces the protein ability to unfold at the oil- bility, respectively (Table 2). The foaming capacity and the
water interface (Siu et al., 2002; Marco et al., 2007, foam stability were significantly affected by the addition
2008). The presence of TG also induced an increase in level of the three factors studied in this experimental

Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrographs (500) of different composite rice flour–protein blends. A: hydrated rice flour, B: hydrated rice flour in the presence
of 1% (w/w) TG, C: hydrated soybean protein isolate, D: pea protein isolate, E: composite blend containing SP, PP and TG at +1, +1, +1 coded levels,
102 C. Marco, C.M. Rosell / Journal of Food Engineering 88 (2008) 94–103

design. Both protein isolates, soybean and pea, showed a not possible to decipher if they were from soybean proteins
linear positive effect in these responses but the enzyme pro- or consequence of the enzyme crosslinking. Increased
duced the opposite effect, an increase in the level of addi- aggregation of soy gels when treated with TG was reported
tion of TG resulted in a significant decrease in these by Fan et al. (2005), who analysed their structure using
properties (Fig. 4). Besides, the foam stability showed a SEM. However, a continuous structure was observed with-
negative quadratic dependence on the soybean protein out no longer differentiation between wheat and lupin inde-
and TG level (Fig. 4). The interaction of the protein iso- pendent protein structures, which might be attributed to
lates with the TG was also significant in the foam stability. the formation of heteropolymers between these two types
The interaction between soybean and TG had a synergistic of proteins (Bonet et al., 2006).
effect, whereas the interaction between pea and TG showed
an antagonist effect. Similar results regarding the effect of 4. Conclusions
soybean on foaming activity and foam stabilty have been
reported by Tömösközi et al. (2001). The decrease in the Composite protein enriched flours can be designed using
foaming activity and foam stability produced by the TG rice flour, soybean and pea protein isolates. The addition of
might be due to the increase in the molecular weight and transglutaminase to the composite blends reinforced the
the loss of the flexibility protein chains produced by the network structure, although its effects were greatly masked
crosslinking activity (Marco et al., 2007, 2008). by the high amount of protein isolates. Experimental
The solubility of the composite blends enriched with design resulted in composite protein enriched blends with
proteins was studied at pH 4 and pH 6. The R2 values indi- different functional, rheological, mechanical and surface
cated that the models as fitted explained 80% and 81% of related textural properties. Soybean protein isolate showed
the variability in the solubility at pH 4 and pH 6, respec- the most significant effect on the functional properties, rhe-
tively (Table 2). Soybean protein isolate was the unique ometer and surface related textural responses. Scanning
independent factor that significantly affected the solubility electron micrographs of the composite blends showed that
at these pHs. In both cases, increasing soybean protein the usage of soybean, pea protein isolates and TG would be
content produced a decrease in the solubility. The solubility a promising approach to produce protein enriched blends
obtained by the addition of soybean at the maximum level for making fermented gluten free products.
tested when the pea protein and TG were at the minimum
value was 0.72 at pH 4 and 1.21 at pH 6. This agrees with Acknowledgements
the solubility profile of soybean given by Tömösközi et al.
(2001) that showed higher solubility at pH 6 than at pH 4. This work was financially supported by Comisión Inter-
ministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologı´a Project (MCYT,
3.5. Microstructure analysis AGL2005-05192-C04-01) and Consejo Superior de Investi-
gaciones Cientı́ficas (CSIC). C. Marco gratefully acknowl-
The objective of the microstructure analysis was to elu- edges the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia for her grant.
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