SSvol 1#2
SSvol 1#2
SSvol 1#2
Quads Turn
From political Genes
home to hotel
Melanie & Alluring
Ryan wed Sri Lanka
Dhini comes
of couture age > > > Win an LCD TV! < < <
In SOCIETY today From the Ed
4… ‘Explosion of Colour’ for Metho
5… Win a colour LCD TV
To our readers,
IT’S good to be back with this, our second issue!
Ever since our launch in May, many have been
Dhini’s picture the eager queries about the next edition, and
6-7… NZ’s beautiful triplets by Dhamindra here we are, back with a smorgasbord of visual
8… Lighting up Kirigalpotta and reading delights: glamorous attire, inspiring
people, captivating stories, informative columns
9… Restaurant guide+Recipe and even an exciting competition.
10-11… Fusive ’08 concert Speaking of content, there seems to be, among
us humans, a fascination for multiple births, and
12-14… The Dhini Label if that be the case, then this issue is going to
interest a great number of readers for featured
15… Nugegoda Notes today are stories of triplets, quadruplets and
hang on, our cover girl Dhini, an identical twin!
16… A Hot Topic: a mum’s foray into the realm of spices
First, on pgs 6-7 we have our deeply moving
17… Miris Recipe + Mental Health with Dr. Carlyle Perera story from New Zealand; the story of Jackie and
Rohan Samaratunga who went through much
18-19… Tintagel: From political home to boutique hotel trial and heartbreak and today are the doting
20… S. Thomas’ OBA President + Real Estate parents of beautiful triplet daughters.
Then on our very colourful centrespread we
21… Thomians’ Autumn Ball have the Dandenong Quads, a delightfully heart-
warming story if ever there was one.
22-23… Melanie & Ryan wed
Thirdly, there’s Dhini Pararajasingham, the award
24-25… The Quads turn 2! winning dress designer from North Balwyn who
we have featured on pgs 12 - 14. Dhini is one of
26-27… Alluring Sri Lanka:
Stefan’s coffee table book 26 a twin; her sister Shini is her identical twin.
So there you have it; twins, triplets and
28-30… Ethnic glamour with Mary quadruplets! All in one issue.
Anyway, enough said; I leave
31… The pulse in Beijing/fund-raiser for Cheshire Home it to you to savour the great
32-33… Nuptials of Chamari & Dasun experience that is SOCIETY.
Mount Waverley Car Centre, 5 Ricketts Road, (Just off Forster Road exit on Monash Freeway) Mount Waverley 3149
Ph: 9544-3500
2 | The Sri Lankan Society 2008 The Sri Lankan Society 2008 | 3
Jacqueline’s Triplet
After battling on for three weeks in hospital, “I would not have my life any other way,
Jackie finally felt able to take the plunge the entire experience of my reproductive
and go home. The nurses insisted they years has given me many challenges and
carry the babies downstairs and release I have overcome all of them and I have
them to the couple at the door of the gained inner strength. I have also learnt
hospital. that with medical conditions, you the
“I think it was then that my husband patient need to undertake research and
felt the enormity of the task we faced discuss all possible options for treating
rearing the three babies on our own! I was your condition and feel totally empowered
speechless, as I worried about how we were to address these options with your medical
going to cope,” Jackie says. provider.”
“When we arrived home half an hour later “Today Rohan and I hope that we would be
all the babies were asleep and not the least able to add one more child to our family to
impressed with their new surroundings. complete our 5 child family dream that we
had from the beginning of our relationship.
The family out on a day at the zoo Jackie tried to protect herself If it happens naturally we will be very
Jacqueline and Rohan Samaratunga had one The following weeks revealed that the
emotionally in case the babies
happy, and if it does not we still have our
four angels and our special angel that spent
middle baby was not gaining weight and
problem after another trying to become pregnant. may have been stressed. At 34 weeks as
didn’t survive. “I stopped allowing
a short time with us.”
( Jacqueline Samaratunga is the president
baby B had not shown any significant
Finally, Jackie conceived way beyond their growth and the doctors felt Jackie should
myself to feel they were mine.
and newsletter editor of the NZ Triplet Plus
check into hospital. Consequently she
expectations….she was going to have triplets! would have the babies by caesarean section I thought of them as aliens.”
The triplets at a few months old
at 34 weeks. The long wait to meet our
babies was almost over. We will never forget this moment as it was
Jackie decided to have an epidural so the beginning of a whole new way of life
HEN their son Sash was 6, But things were not easy. Jackie had to Week by week the scans revealed that the she could be awake to know what was for us!”
Rohan and Jackie Samaratunga have a cervical suture inserted at 12 weeks chances of carrying the triplets to a viable going on. Besides the doctors and nurses Diapers and bottles, the Samaratungas
from Glendene, West gestation due to her incompetent cervix. stage were diminishing. Jackie was ordered necessary to care for her, there would be at needed lots! In only the first year they used
Auckland, New Zealand, began At 18 weeks a scan revealed the suture was to have complete bed rest. Options they least two staff for each of the babies, plus a 6,800 disposal diapers and 4,900 prepared
trying for another baby. The not performing (there was three times the were offered included, selective reduction film crew. The Samaratungas consented for bottles!
pregnancy happened almost straight away, weight to carry) and she had emergency - to carry two babies to a viable stage, and the Unichem Medical File documentary
but things didn’t look good. The doctors surgery to place another suture higher into reducing the fluid around the babies to The girls were all walking by 13 months
TV programme to film the delivery. Hence
told them the added pressure from the the cervix. lighten the stress on the suture. so child-proofing the house has been a
the already crowded theatre became even
baby gaining weight had resulted in her constant and challenging responsibility.
Rohan set up a bed for Jackie in the “It would be best to terminate one more crowded.
cervix opening like a funnel. storeroom of the café they ran together in pregnancy,” the doctor said. “I can inject a Jackie says, at first she was very nervous Pretty princesses, tiaras and all
At 19 weeks, they lost the baby. “It’s a Glendene so she could rest properly and chemical into one baby and hopefully save about leaving the house with the triplets
little boy,” Rohan told his wife. “He’s not he’d be there if anything went wrong. the others.” as she was already depressed and did not
breathing. Do you want to see him?” want to make a spectacle of herself.
“No way,” Rohan and Jackie told the
When she finally
“I think I’ll recover quicker if I don’t,” doctor. “We will take the risk.”
felt confident
Jackie wept. Rohan went off to be with Jackie tried to protect herself emotionally enough to go out,
the baby and take pictures. “Who did in case the babies didn’t survive. “I she says, she could
he look like?” Jackie asked him later. “I stopped allowing myself to feel they were not believe some of
can’t compare him to anyone, he was too mine. I thought of them as aliens.” the things people
special,” he replied.
“You are lucky to be having three,” people would say.
Jackie’s grief didn’t go away even after told her but Jackie found little to smile “Are they natural?”
six months. She decided to open the file about. The stress brought on ante-natal “You poor thing.”
and take a look and saw the imprints of depression. She was prescribed an anti- “Better you than
his little hands and feet. She felt a sense depressant to keep her calm and able to me!” “I thought I had
of relief at finally knowing who she was face the challenges ahead. Sash’s 16th birthday it bad!” And when
grieving for. She decided to call him
Her internal anatomy was also under The first to be born was Chloe Tiara the triplets started to
strain. Besides the fact that one baby’s head (1925gms). A minute later, Roselle Anjalee grow and did not look
When the couple tried to get pregnant was pressed firmly against her bladder and (1890gms) made her entrance into the like triplets any more:
again, it was discovered that Jackie had would kick so hard that she felt her sutures world with a cry that sounded like Donald “Don’t you and your
cysts in her ovaries. More pain and a sense would rupture, her stomach was pushed Duck! Finally, one minute later, came little husband own a TV set?”
of uselessness. But a burning desire to forge up almost into her armpit. At 20 weeks, Chanel Harsha (1885gms), who was rather The triplets Chloe,
ahead kept her going and Jackie was put the doctor informed her she measured up crinkled up and had to be given a hard rub Roselle and Chanel are
on fertility treatment. Rohan had to inject to a full-term pregnancy and she was only to get her all stretched out. 8 years old now and big
hormones into her tummy every day. half way through the pregnancy! She also Breast engorgement and soaring hormone brother Sash is a young
“I could think of nothing else than started feeling Braxton Hicks contractions levels took its toll on Jackie’s mental man of 16. It has been a
producing an egg!” Jackie says. which were very uncomfortable. state and she went into deep post-natal busy, hectic eight years
Five weeks later, a scan revealed she At 26 weeks, Jackie received steroids to depression. She was weepy and generally with a lot of huddles and
was pregnant…and it was a multiple help speed up the development of the overwhelmed. She suffered panic attacks, challenges to overcome for
pregnancy! The Samaratungas were over babies’ lungs. Breathing difficulties is one hot flushes, poor sleep and eating patterns. Jackie and Rohan. Despite
the moon, after all they had been through, Jacqueline and Rohan Samaratunga of the biggest problems faced by premature She says she did not feel any elation at all she has been through,
Three little dancers
this was such wonderful news. infants, so this was given as a precaution. having three beautiful daughters. Jackie, now 43, says,
6 | The Sri Lankan Society 2008 The Sri Lankan Society 2008 | 7
Food & Wine Recipes from
By John Lazar
Kirigalpotta is spearheading a
volunteer project to
‘Empower’ a village
A Gallic soiree
at Frenchy’s
Angelo Suriyabandara who migrated
to Australia in 1991 has worked at Jean
Jacques, The Grand Hyatt and Zapatas
Mexican restaurant in Williamstown. He
now owns and runs CAFE 22 with his wife
Manuella and friends and business partners
Malcolm and Michelle Campbell. Cafe 22
he village of Kirigalpotta in the pampered, to experience the menu, the
hospitality and the expertise of the staff of
Spicy Lentil Soup
Moneragala district of Sri Lanka is
not known to many people. A five to an establishment. INGREDIENTS
six hour drive from Colombo, it isn’t Most people today are often in too much 2 kg can crushed tomatoes
exactly a tourist spot, nor is it on the of a rush and with stress governing their enhanced with sage and lemon oil was 10 cups chicken or vegetable stock
scenic route home. But for a bunch of post- actions, just don’t give themselves the time placed before us and our mistake was that
grad students from the University of New to savour the pleasures of a truly relaxed we did not order a separate serve for each 1 cup red lentils, rinsed
South Wales, Kirigalpotta is a place close and enjoyable dining experience. one of us! 1 teaspoon chilli flakes
to their hearts. I wish to share with you one recent A glass of Phaedrus Estate Pinot Gris 2 teaspoons ground ginger
Shanil Samarakoon, a young graduate gastronomical soiree- that was most 2008 was the wine choice to accompany
with a project team of students from varied satisfying in every way. 1 teaspoon ground cummin
our entrée. What a superb selection by
backgrounds and diverse qualifications, Our destination was Frenchy’s, a George and certainly demonstrated his 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
has started a project to provide electricity contemporary French food restaurant in expertise. The wine was exquisite and a 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
to the village of Kirigalpotta. Armed Glen Waverley’s Village Walk and having must purchase at a later date.
with nothing but a driving ambition to 1 teaspoon turmeric
dodged shopping centre traffic, my dining Main courses followed and my partner was
make a difference, Shanil is unfazed partner and I were warmly met by 2 teaspoons ground fenugreek
delighted with her offering of oven roasted
by the magnitude of the task. “Though staff at the restaurant. 1 teaspoon garam masala
breast of free range chicken that nestled
unquestionably ambitious and challenging
George, on a mushroom and asparagus risotto with 1 cup chopped coriander
given the remote nature of the project, I
who was to prawns and prosciutto, thinly sliced.
believe this rural electrification initiative Extra sprigs coriander, for garnish
in Sri Lanka could be a pivotal step given remain our Before me was a composition of duckling,
that it’s a pilot project,” he says. Shanil Samarakoon: driving ambition to make a difference host for the twice cooked with a crispy skin, macaire
remainder of potatoes, glazed savoy cabbage and METHOD
Shanil’s project is aptly called ‘Empower’ At present, the project team is working is a practical and environmentally sound the evening, finished with a morello cherry sauce. 1. I n a large saucepan, combine
and is scoped out in a project document on getting funding for the project. “Every fuel option, that there is little or no support selected a Heavenly. I was not only impressed with tomatoes, stock, lentils and spices.
that provides well researched information cent counts,” says Shanil. “We are not post-implementation to maintain the bio- table for us that the delicate flavours but also with the Simmer, covered, for 10 minutes.
about the problems with hydro electricity looking for big corporate handouts, even gas system and Empower plans to remedy overlooked the presentation. A glass of Barratt Piccadilly
and diesel power generation. These though that would help, but even a few that. They have included in their strategic busy bar and an 2. Simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes
Valley Adelaide Hills Chardonnay was
alternatives are not available to rural hundred dollars goes a long way in Sri planning a four to five month period of open kitchen that until lentils are cooked and soup
divine and totally complemented our meal.
villages in the recess of Sri Lanka. The Lanka.” monitoring and post-implementation was alive with thickens slightly. Season to taste.
Electricity Board provides electricity to evaluation. Another surprise was in store; George had
The students have volunteered their time activity. 3. Stir coriander through. Top soup
only 60% of households in Sri Lanka. saved for us to enjoy, a magnificent soufflé
and effort but the task at hand involves a While the students are all following formal Owner and Head Chef Klaus Lemm was with coriander sprigs and serve with
that just rounded off a wonderful dining
‘Empower’ plans to provide an alternative lot more than setting up the digesters and course of study in Sydney, Shanil says both not at the helm steering the ship on this papadams.
renewable fuel source, bio-gas, for the two maintaining them. They have identified partners in the project are local and have night and I wondered how this evening’s
hamlets in Kirigalpotta. A practical and that the reasons for the failure of these their finger in the pulse of the community. Please do allow yourself the opportunity TOP TIP
dining would pan out. We had nothing
cost efficient option, bio-gas is made from types of electrification projects is the lack “They also have the required government to be impressed as we have been and For added flavour, sauté spices in a little
to fear as it proved we were in more than
organic waste materials, such as animal of local government support and the lack permission to undertake such projects. enjoy a wonderful dining experience. oil for a minute or two, until fragrant,
capable hands.
dung, agro-residues and garbage. One bio- of grassroots education. In addition to this we will ensure that the The menu is pleasantly in balance and then add the remaining ingredients.
gas cubic meter volume, which is equal in Having quite a carnivore background, I the wine list is extensive with French
Shanil says with foresight, “To have local district council members are aware
atmospheric pressure and temperature, can was tempted to indulge in their signature influence as it should be with a name that
sustainable electricity generation we of our project and its aims, enlisting their
produce 1.12 kWh of energy. dish, a classic pepper steak. Instead I this establishment promotes. Prices range
have to conduct a training programme assistance with regard to surveying and
requested that we be guided by our host in between $14 – $29 for entrees and $28
Shanil’s team has decided on a system to educate villagers on how to feed and mobilizing the village community.”
both food and wine. What followed was an – $36 for mains.
that uses different types of biodegradable maintain the bio-gas digesters. We are If you are interested in helping with entrée of Morton Bay bug tails, a special
waste products to maintain continuous and hoping to create a template to serve as a funding or finding out more about The décor may be termed as old world but
listed for the day, and an addition to their
uninterrupted energy flows. The residual model/resource for similar initiatives in Empower, contact: this diner for one felt it was appropriate
normal starters.
by-product of bio-gas fertilises the soil and remote communities.” and certainly blended and indeed
[email protected] A delicate and creative ensemble of bug enhanced the atmosphere that provides
for a community dependent on agriculture
Biogas units are used by more than 1200 Ph: 0412187108 tails encased in Serrano ham resting on one the feeling of being welcome and in
such as Kirigalpotta, it provides an added
families in Sri Lanka. It seems, while it [email protected] a perfectly prepared snow pea risotto warm surroundings.
8 | The Sri Lankan Society 2008 The Sri Lankan Society 2008 | 9
‘Cult Designer’ Q&A
Dhini spoke to SOCIETY Magazine about her journey from
little-lass-in-Colombo-with-stars-in-her-eyes to Melbourne’s
face-to-be-watched in high fashion stakes.
Q: Dhini, as a child, despite being fostered Q: What were the highlights of your stint
in and guided towards a very bookish at Boudicca?
path, you dreamed of silks, satins and A: The biggest highlight was two days after
sequins. Was it hard not being able to arriving in London being thrown in to the
follow your heart in the early days? deep end and working directly on Boudicca’s
A: It was definitely frustrating. I was b collection that they were showing at London
ored during my Marketing days and did Fashion Week. They allowed me to do
the work because I had to. I was never patterns and even allowed me to sew some
By Raine Wickrematunge inspired or excited by the work the way of the garments that were being put on the
I was during my fashion studies. Having runway – such a high-responsibility job for
said this though, my marketing studies someone brand new – but it was thrilling!
have definitely come in handy now! We would do 14-hour days seven days of
the week for three weeks. Strangely, I wasn’t
Q: But you must have shared your tired, it was just an amazing environment
dreams with your twin sister? and atmosphere of pure creativity.
A: Yes, we planned a lot together Three weeks later was their runway
and obsessed over our dreams. I show and backstage I met the
talked about my fashion dream eccentrically fabulous Anna Piaggi
while she talked about fine art. from Italian Vogue – another Cat Pepper loves to join Dhini at work!
Q: Doing the RMIT’s BA design Q: How much did the Boudicca stint
course was the beginning of a new help define your style and influence
direction for you. Tell us how your confidence and approach?
things worked out following that?
A: Boudicca are well known for their
comes of
A: I graduated with distinctions experimental and sharp tailoring. As a student
and this gave me such a sense I specialised in tailoring and that’s why I applied
of confidence and excitement to Boudicca. But the experience there
to challenge myself even more. showed me how to refine and raise my own
Dhini Pararajasingham has certainly At that time, I really looked
up to fashion design that was
standards in that art and design and think
outside the square of tailoring. My time with
coming out of London. So these designers taught me to push tirelessly
earned her name in bright lights I applied to a few London for a vision to be realised. Also, while I was
age M
designers to do my internship working there, very early on in the role, I was
By Raine Wickrematunge Pix of Dhini by Dhamindra Kahaduwarachchi there. Boudicca – an assigned very high-responsibility jobs such as
avant garde fashion label supervising the production room, overseeing
y first introduction to Dhini under grandma’s guidance in Colombo – accepted my application manufacturing, liasing and dealing with the
Pararajasingham and her designer and perhaps wished upon a star, has today, and I pretty much packed factories. My learning curve was nearly vertical!
label came about while rustling clearly come of couture age. my bags immediately
through the glossy pages of the and left for London!
She has been ascribed tags such as ‘a Dhini Pararajasingham/Bio
Age Magazine’s annual fashion genius in complicated tailoring’ and Q: After your
issue earlier this year. Beautiful, bright ‘cult designer’ while her lines have been Parents: Sarojini and Emanuel Pararajasingham
graduation from
eyes on an exquisite face smiled from the described as ‘unique but wearable, RMIT, and being Siblings: Shini (twin) and Arvi (brother)
‘watchthisface’ column where Dhini told ‘directional and inspiring’ and having awarded the Alice
an inspiring story of a young girl with a “a hint of eccentricity.’’ But eccentric or Born: Sri Lanka, 1975
Euphemia’s Most
lifelong passion and a high-fashion dream; not, the Dhini label is definitely bales
away from your everyday line of K-mart Promising Student Schooling: Sri Lanka (very young) , India, UK,
a dream that saw her charting a course
through an RMIT fashion design course, clothing. Her clothes fit into a very definite award, this renowned
US, Australia (Presbyterian Ladies’ College)
teaching English in Japan to save enough upmarket-young-funky-offbeat niche Melbourne boutique
to attend Yokohama fashion school, doing market and the accent is on luxurious held an exhibition of
an internship at London design firm fabrics in brilliant whites, metallic greys, your collection during the L’Oreal Q: Tell us about the run-up to the birth
Boudicca after which she released two jet blacks and splashes of bright reds. Melbourne Fashion Festival 2004. of Dhini Couture; the hard work, the
fashion collections and then voila! her own There’s a lot of lapels, flaps, buttons and Tell us about that experience. preparations, the frustrations and the thrills
fashion label Dhini Couture. buckles going on here and Dhini is the first and how it was launched into the market.
to admit to a ‘collar fetish.’ A: Alice Euphemia’s Most Promising
Now, the designer rubs lapels with the Student award was really what finally A: I resigned from Boudicca nine months later
top guns of the industry and exclusive On any given day Dhini is busy in the
influenced and encouraged me to start and began the preparations of setting up my
boutiques are quick to pick up from her studio of the family’s home in leafy North
Balwyn. The family incidentally were in my own fashion label and continue with own label in London. This involved finding
range. Top models strut Dhini Couture
stuff and her seasonal collections have the early days keen to see Dhini find her my vision to create my own collections. My a studio, setting up very basic equipment
shared the ramp with some of the life’s vocation built around her marketing graduate collection was exhibited at their in it because I didn’t have a lot of finances,
world’s revered names in fashion. Dhini credentials; however today the family and store during LMFF 04 and through this, I meeting with factories to see who would
Prararajasingham, the little girl who notably her identical twin Shini, is firmly achieved a lot of press. The niche public got do my work, researching a lot – suppliers,
watched in awe videos of international behind Dhini, supporting her marvellous to know my work and the positive feedback manufacturers, agents, the market. It was
fashion shows, sewed little dolls’ clothes career every step of the way. from this fuelled my passion even more. definitely daunting because it was a foreign
A: Not really. I do sizes 6-14. Many of the A: For me personally, nothing exciting just yet.
stores that stock my label cater to an older I am just too busy thinking about the next
market and these stores tend to order step for my label. As for the DHINI label,
bigger sizes (12s and 14s) with my label. My I’m making plans to enter the international
product is doing very well at these stores. market so that should be exciting!
14 | T h e S r i L a n k a n S o c i e t y 2 0 0 8 T h e S r i L a n k a n S o c i e t y 2 0 0 8 | 15
TINTAGEL By Dream Wikramanayake
The courtyard The lobby The swimming pool The South East Suite
or over five decades Tintagel assassinated in a hail of gunfire at Tintagel; The hotel itself, is a masterpiece of
created history as the home of the his grieving wife was to take on the mantel restoration and addition. The carefully
most prominent political family almost overnight, along with the honour retained marble pillars, wooden floors
in Sri Lanka, the Bandaranaikes. of becoming the world’s first woman prime and annexation of a completely new wing
Today, this monumental home is an minister. Chandrika after being widowed which blends in with the rest of the stately
exclusive boutique hotel where visitors can at an early age herself, was sworn in as the mansion unnoticed, are the inventive
sample a slice of history while enjoying a first woman president of Sri Lanka. Anura, works of architect Philip Weeraratne.
luxurious ‘home away from home’ holiday hailed by many as the finest orator of Sri Once inside, it is easy to forget that you are
lifestyle. Lanka’s parliament, would serve as speaker in Sri Lanka. An eclectic mix of custom-
The history of Tintagel is as interesting and minister of two governments. woven carpets from Nepal, chandeliers
as the personalities who lived there. Like with many ancestral properties, from France, sofas from Portugal, Chinese
Incidentally, the house was not built for maintenance of such a large property cabinets, antiques and ‘objets d’art’ such
the Bandaranaikes, but was the home was becoming difficult, and Sunethra, as oversized vases, Italian sculptures and
of eminent gynaecologist Dr. Lucien de with the blessings of her younger siblings original classic and modern artworks are
Zilwa, who designed the house along with who were co-owners decided to follow thrown together creating quiet refinement
architect Homi Bilmoria in 1929. the worldwide trend and give it up for with a truly international flavour.
During the bleak years long lease as a hotel. Co-incidentally, The striking décor of the
of World War II, Dr. de The home of Sri Lanka’s most prominent political family – the Red Bar, the imposing
Zilwa was forced to give library with an impressive
the house up for occupation Bandaranaikes – is now an exclusive boutique hotel collection of leather-bound
by British troops and was volumes, a stylish dining
heartbroken at its state of ruin, when he designer/entrepreneur Shanth Fernando room open to non-residents, an inviting
eventually got repossession of the house. was a personal friend of Sunethra, pool glinting in the sun, 10 luxurious suites
Disheartened, he decided to sell it nearly engrossed in multiple projects at the time, where hi-tech gadgetry blend in rather
a hundred thousand rupees below market but harbouring hazy visions of opening than contrast, an al fresco restaurant with
price for Rs. 160,000. Sir Solomon Dias a boutique hotel himself, one day. On elegant black parasols surrounded by a
Bandaranaike who was at the time looking learning that the Bandaranaike siblings cascading creeper are some of the unique
for a suitable house for his Oxford- were toying with the idea of leasing features that make up Tintagel.
educated son and his young family, was Tintagel to a foreign mission, he lost no
time in making an offer himself. The illustrious former owners now passed
quick to close the deal and soon young on, would certainly approve of this
SWRD, wife Sirima and daughters And so the transformation of this ancestral transformation from stately mansion to up-
Sunethra and Chandrika moved in. heritage into an upmarket hotel of unique market boutique hotel. In fact, I think they
Son Anura was born at Tintagel and the beauty was the vision and arduous would be downright proud.
events that took place in the life and times accomplishment of Fernando. Already the
founder of Colombo’s Paradise Road and If there were one little detail I might add,
of the family thereafter are etched in the it would be an unobtrusive addition of
annals of the country’s history. hip eatery Gallery Café, he embarked on
the project with customary dedication and memorabilia from Tintagel’s colourful
In 1959, SWRD who went on to form the after a three-year labour of love, the hotel history - perhaps in the form of a few
Sri Lanka Freedom Party and become opened its doors in 2005. greying photographs.
prime minister of Ceylon, was brutally
birthday bash for the fabulous foursome. works as a textile engineer. Their daughter
By Varsha Perera 5.30, when day-care is over.
Pix by Fern Perera Dressed alike in rainbow colours on a Vinuri, 6, Veronica says, is fond of her little
They all get up at 6 o’clock in the morning
rainy day, the quadruplets looked very brothers except for the occasional rivalry.
and sleep at 8:00pm together in the
much alike, their sizes being the most The babies were born on May 25, 2006 at same room. The kids each have
obvious difference. Everybody enjoyed the 28 weeks, all weighing between 700 – 950g. four separate cots.
party hats, ice-cream cake and McHappy
meals in the usual McDonalds birthday Multiple Births Australia who have 200 When they were first
party fashion. The quadruplets themselves volunteers helping were there for them born, the quads would
however, sat mostly wide-eyed, with a few initially round-the-clock and now the go through 50 nappies
tears shed (all excepting one smiley one). children attend day-care 5 days a week. in a day; now, 50 nappies
stretch out to three days!
Veronica breastfed the quads
for as long as 3 months. The
distributors of Nan Milk powder
arranged for a year’s free milk
supply for the family.
The four boys have distinct personalities;
Kevin the eldest is shy, Dylan is the
smallest and has the cheekiest personality
of the boys. The real little rascal though
is Ryan who likes to bite the others. The
youngest, Brian, though last to arrive, is
the biggest in stature.
It would indeed be interesting to follow
the lives of these four bundles of joy in the
years to come and we wish the Ranaweera
family all the very best!
Thank You MACCAS!
nalds, Noble Park A big thank you to Cameron Barnett and his team
right; with Manager Macdo
andparents, on
s and paternal gr at Macdonalds, Noble Park, for throwing a party
ds, above, with parent
family and frien
Having fun with for Kevin, Ryan, Dylan and Brian!
24 | T h e S r i L a n k a n S o c i e t y 2 0 0 8 T h e S r i L a n k a n S o c i e t y 2 0 0 8 | 25
engine actually collided with an elephant and
the story even ran in the Sunday Observer!
He used to sneak me off to the Zoo about the
With this age of four to see the black panther and we
would spend all day at the Zoo.He bought me
exquisite coffee- my first wildlife books. I was ‘hooked’ for good
on the wonders of what Sri Lanka had to offer.
table book, Q: Stefan, what has the reception been
thus far to Alluring Sri Lanka? Q: And there’s more than a hint of your
Stefan D’ Silva A. Very interesting. A steady stream of orders
love, a deep stirring if I may call it, not just
for wildlife but for your land of birth?
have been received. What I am detecting
hopes to create appreciation though is that the book has touched a A: Ah! Very perceptive question. I have a
nostalgic nerve in many Sri Lankans. I sense passionate love affair with Sri Lanka. I have
for the rich diversity of his a great yearning and love for the country my closest friends on earth still there! I travel
and in the present day context, most of there twice a year and love the place dearly. I Toque monkey yawning
homeland and dispel the the buyers are just glad to have a book have often thought about this great affection the back of ‘rust bucket’ landrovers with
that reminds them of places they have and apart from the places I visit, I really think enough jolting to rearrange my intestines! I
notion that Sri Lanka is just a visited and trips they have taken. There is a it is the people that draw me back time and
time again. I cannot explain the deep, close
don’t really know if all of that was challenging
great passion out there, I am glad to say. because we enjoy the discomfort!!
bombed-out shell. Q: The book does not contain long scientific
bonds of friendship I am privileged to have. I
don’t go looking for the downside; there is a Perhaps bird photography is the most
explanations and yet, it is more than a challenging....they don’t hang around and
charm about the country that knocks me out.
coffee table book. It educates the reader almost laugh at you as they keep moving.
on the rich diversity of Sri Lankan fauna Q: You have mentioned that you enjoy the
while also encouraging a deep appreciation wildlife of South America, India, Africa Q: Your idea is to create wider awareness
of the wild. What was your motivation in and South east Asia but nothing stirs you and appreciation of the beauty of Sri Lanka
doing a book of this nature? as much as the Sri Lankan wilds. with particular emphasis on fauna. Any
What makes Sri Lanka so special? ideas to take the message home as it were,
A: Quite frankly I to those Sri Lankans who can do their bit
am sick and tired of A: I suppose because it is the land of to help preserve this great gift of nature?
a one-dimensional my birth. Australia too has some exotic
wildlife, but there is a “stirring deep A: I do have an ambition and that is to
perception of that
in me” when it come to Sri Lanka.... distribute to rural schools in Lanka a small
complex and exotic
is it ‘love?’...must be! I just know I am booklet on the natural wonders around
land. I am twice as
happiest when I am there and I am them. Alluring Sri Lanka is one way of my
disappointed to hear
at peace with the world when I am now being able to approach any sponsors......
Young leopard people of Sri Lankan
somewhere deep in the countryside, my strategy is to instil an appreciation in
extraction have a
terrific experience. works for me and I suggest many others try it. produce some tangible effort.....I want the
ustling about in the chaotic throng translated his passionate love of Lanka into Photography has been a lifelong interest, Tusker
From its beaches, to its book/booklet to be in Sinhala and Tamil,
of dusty Pettah, sipping a kahata in an exquisite 135-page coffee-table book one which he took up actively again after
hills, to its wild, to its amazing dolphin
a wayside ‘boutique’ in some rustic where rare and beautiful moments from recovering from his heart attack and
and whale pods visitations, Sri Lanka has
hamlet or capturing a spellbinding the wilds of Sri Lanka have been captured realising he had neglected his hobbies. Old
a lot to let’s get some balanced
“I want to distribute to rural schools in Lanka a small booklet on the
‘ jungle’ moment on his trusty and presented in what can only be and rare books from Sri Lanka and natural wonders around them. My strategy is to instil an appreciation
perception about the place as a whole. I like
Canon, every moment Stefan D’Silva described in a cliché – ‘a labour of love.’ improving the standards of rugby
to think the book will be a wake up call to
spends in Sri Lanka is another step on a Stefan who migrated to Australia at his alma mater S.
those who want a great travel experience.
in the local folk for ‘what is in the garden.’ ”
therapeutic journey. at 21 is disturbed by the general Thomas’ College, Mt.
I had this vision as to how I wanted to Q: Is your passion for wildlife encompassed
“Consider it a prescription,” his doctor in picture painted of Sri Lanka Lavinia, are among the
present a particular image of Sri Lanka in a wider save-the-earth philosophy? targeted at school kids. Most of the books on
Sydney once told him when, after having as ‘a bombed out shell.’ He other passions of this
and that was a great motivation for me. wildlife are in Colombo, highly priced, and in
returned from Sri Lanka, tests proved believes it is the perspective father of two who says his family A: Why is no secret that loss of habitat English, sort of preaching to the converted
have supported him all the way Q: Alluring Sri Lanka contains some exquisite is one of the greatest threats to wildlife
he was in the pink of health. This, after that makes the difference or preaching to those well-informed.
through his shutterbug forays in to pictures and captures not just the beauty and everywhere. I will be glad if people start
having had a heart-attack at 41, must have and sees only the beauty
the wilds. diversity of the Sri Lankan wilds but your deep with Sri Lanka; it is ours to protect. If we Q: And lastly, while wishing you all
been birdsong in Stefan’s ears. After all, of a troubled but exquisite
and abiding love for wildlife. Tell us about this don’t get busy about it we stand to lose a the very best with Alluring Sri Lanka,
there’s nothing he enjoys more in this land. That was one reason Here, Stefan talks
passionate love story. Where does it begin? great treasure. Sri Lankans must get involved, tell us where it is available for sale?
world than spending time in the land of his he was motivated to do a to The SriLankan
birth with which he maintains a ‘deeply book of photographs, SOCIETY about his A: As a kid I would visit KVG’s, Caves and nobody else will do it for us ...yes, I like to A: At this point in time anyone can e-mail me
stirring,’ passionate and almost spiritual bond. Alluring Sri Lanka, to passion for Lanka, his Lake House bookshops and look at wildlife think I can spark the interest in a few people. on [email protected] I will reply
One wouldn’t however go so far as to say showcase to the world wildlife photography and now books in awe; I loved National Geographic and without delay and the buyer can nominate
Q: What has been your most challenging
his love for the land of the sunning leopard the incredible beauty, the brightest feather in his cap – Alluring still subscribe to that magazine. payment method, autograph, packing, perhaps
shoot thus far?
and the tittering polkichcha is beyond the rich diversity and Sri Lanka. I had an uncle in the Ceylon Government a message if it is a gift, and where ever I can I
yet the simple charms of a land Railways going back to the early 1960s. He A: Not sure. The trip I made in January was will avoid postage costs. Alternatively, they can
description. For, Stefan, the 52- year-old
that many have written off as a ‘war would enthral me with stories of the jungles of an experience with leeches and mosquitoes, drop me a line to, S. D’ Silva, P.O. Box 180,
prison superintendent from Sydney, has
zone.’ Chestnut-headed bee eater Trincomalee. Habarana and Mannar. His steam bad weather and closed roads; dusty trips in Sutherland. NSW, 1499.
26 | T h e S r i L a n k a n S o c i e t y 2 0 0 8 T h e S r i L a n k a n S o c i e t y 2 0 0 8 | 27
Teledrama actress Mary goes for
eastern glamour as she poses for
The SriLankan SOCIETY Magazine
at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel in
Colombo recently.
Pix by Dhaminda Kahaduwarachchi
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The nuptials of
Chamari & Dasun
IT was a picture-book wedding for Chamari and Dasun
when they tied the knot on July 7 at the Caesars Castle
in Hawthorn, Victoria.
Dasun is the son of Ravindra Pathinayake and Vijitha
Ambuldeniya. Chamari is the daughter of
Agnes Weerakoon and S. K. D. Edman.
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The girl with the
off me to deal with the little battler. It million trillion dollars’ for it, but ‘Stacks
wasn’t something unusual. Every parent I of Fun’ was selected to be a part of an
knew had the same problem to deal with,” HsC design and technology exhibition
Shalini says. organised by the Powerhouse Museum
Her concept was magically simple – she called ‘DesignTECH 03’; one of only
designer genes
would design and manufacture a kids’ play 74 projects selected from over 4500
furniture concept that would encourage submissions from HsC students. It was just
kids to not just pack up after play time the beginning of her winning streak!
‘but to develop a sense of independence When the exhibition opened at the
and respect for their play environment.’ Powerhouse Museum, Shalini was
Shalini began her project by interviewing surprised to find that she had won
by Angie Singam Lye members of her target group and based her both prizes on offer – the Powerhouse
design strategy on their feedback. Museum Award for the project that best Shalini has almost completed her degree
demonstrates a thorough approach to in Industrial Design. She has designed
product innovation and the Alan Broady a range of products during her time at
Shalini’s final design was called ‘Stacks Memorial Award for the use of materials in university. Her modular street furniture
of Fun’ - a multifunctional, non-gender her design. concept for Sydney’s Town Hall was
The 2003 winner of the specific, childrens’ play centre which could
Winning both awards opened doors for
highly commended at the ‘Street Furniture
Australia Awards.’ She designed a
be pulled apart with different activity
Shalini. She was given the opportunity to children’s band aid dispensing unit which
prestigious Powerhouse layers such as tangrams, lego, chess and a
whiteboard. It had educational appeal and
work with a industrial design consultancy was entered into the Southern Cross
firm called ‘Design Resource’ for a week, Packaging Awards.
was timeless in its concept.
Museum Award for and was able to sketch some concepts for
Shalini is currently developing a concept
for her final major - a sleep head mask
Her concepts revolutionise simple principles- a band aid dispensing unit
‘Excellence in using the simple concertina type method that allows for children to feel
which shuts out noise and allows new
mothers to have an uninterrupted sleep.
The mask is connected via Bluetooth
Design’ and the Alan independent and handle a scrape on their own! technology to the baby’s sleep monitor, so
There is always a strong social purpose in all of her designs! that if the baby wakes up, the mask will
Broady Memorial Award, After play, the unit was simply ‘stacked’
gently alert the mother to attend to the
the design brief they were working on child’s needs. The innovative idea is still
away, back into its fun, vibrantly coloured
Shalini Seneviratne is a egg form - a fun approach to encourage - creating a new children’s lamp for Disney,
USA! The managing director of the
in development but promises to be another
exciting phase in her design life cycle.
kids to tidy up after themselves. The
company took some of Shalini’s ideas to A few months ago Shalini was invited
young product designer original decorative design was based
on the colours of the Aboriginal flag to
present to the CEO of Disney USA! by the Powerhouse Museum to speak
In February 2004 she was asked to appear at a series of seminars for high school
with ideals and idealism! heighten children’s awareness of Australia’s
indigenous heritage; the inspiration came on a day time teen TV show telecast by students for DesignTECH 2008. It proved
Channel 7 called ‘Girl TV’. She appeared to be inspirational for her. She had an
from simple objects, glue sticks, children’s opportunity to share her designs, her
stacking toys and even the Pavlova magic in a segment titled ‘Designing Girls’ where
she explained the nature of her project experiences and her dreams and a subject
mix container, shaped like an egg. close to her heart – sustainable design
and the awards she had won and talked
“Before handing my project in for marking, about her future plans to study design at practices.
halini Seneviratne is an ordinary free hand with cartons, tissue boxes, paper teenage angst and doing the high school I invited a few young seven-year-old university. Shalini works in her spare time at the
youngster with an extraordinary and toilet rolls in the house. I had my fair selective exam was a ‘given’ because of her friends of mine to have a play with ‘Stacks very eclectic designer product store ‘Top
In April 2004, Shalini was invited to be on
passion – she is an industrial share of Barbies, but alongside I would above average grades at school. If there of Fun’ to see how well it would go down. 3 by Design’. The store sources designer
the cover of the Sydney White Pages by the
designer with a social conscience. have massive Lego structures and Meccano was ever any soul-searching about her And they loved it! One boy even offered Powerhouse Museum, alongside renowned products from local and international
She looks petite and ladylike and cars and detailed houses I had modelled career path and vocational interest, it was to pay me ‘five hundred thousand million indigenous artist John Moriarty (who markets for the savvy consumer. Shalini’s
I can’t quite imagine her whittling away out of cardboard.” then that she had a moment to reflect and trillion dollars’ for it! I should’ve taken him designed the Aboriginal artwork painted work involves helping customers select top
at a piece of wood with her sleeves rolled consider her options. up on the offer....” on Qantas planes) representing the theme of the range gifts to suit their needs and
up, but Shalini’s achievements in design It was the first time in the ten “I wanted to choose subjects which I felt for that year ‘our innovators.’ their budget. “Hmmm…would you rather
Shalini didn’t earn ‘five hundred thousand
challenge my attempts to pigeon-hole her. take the sleek, minimalist pepper grinder
passionate about. I didn’t want to do a
What you see is definitely not what you get.
year history of DesignTECH that typical subject for its ‘high scaling’ which
or the snazzy, retro recliner, Ma’am?”
Shalini looks no more than 16, but when one student took out both prizes would involve mindless cramming and In the meantime Shalini is living life to
you speak to her she is a quietly composed, hours of tuition just for a few final exams. the fullest. Cramming isn’t her style, but
confident and assertive young woman. She on offer. In fact, the challenge of undertaking a self- cramming life into a finite number of
hours is her ‘thing’ it seems. In the past few
has packed a lot of living into her 22 years The awards were judged directed major project really stimulated
months she has been working on designing
and her degree in Industrial Design has me, and seemed to offer more of a sense of
obviously given her a range of skills and an independently by two separate accomplishment than any other subject,” poruwas for family weddings.
intellectual zeal that is apparent when you she says. Design and Technology was an “It helps to be passionate and it helps to be
panels of judges inspired subject choice and one that North a perfectionist,” says Shalini. It obviously
speak to her.
She remembers very clearly in Year 2, Sydney Girls High School offered and does, judging by her list of achievements.
Her interest in designing things began at an
trying to figure out a way to make an Shalini never looked back. Oh, and let’s not forget the designer genes!
early age and was inspired by her father.
“To me he was a sculptor, because you need elevator out of a Coco Pops box, complete The students were given a project to design
to love what you are doing and have that with sliding doors and a pulley system, so a product to address a marketing or social
skill and dexterity to turn a piece of wood that as one elevator box went up, the other need. Looking around for ideas, Shalini
into something useful that looks good as well.” went down. She was clearly too young to noticed that her kid brother would never
cope with the mechanics of it, but it didn’t put away his toys after play time. He had
So how did Shalini’s mother react to her stop her dreaming!
daughter’s unconventional hobby? to be bribed, cajoled and yelled at before
High school spelled the real coming of age he reluctantly put his toys away. “Each
“My mother always gave me unconditional of Shalini’s creative impulse. Happily for night we replayed the same drama. It took
support,” she remembers. “She gave me a her parents, she never went through any years off my parents’ lives and TV time
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Wedding of Chamindri & Kavinda
Kavinda Akmeemana and Chamindri Samaraweera were married on May 29,
2008 in a beautiful ceremony at the Galle Face Hotel.
Kavinda is the son of Savithri and Pragath Akmeemana and
Chamindri is the daughter of Savithri and Padmanath Samaraweera.
22 | T h e S r i L a n k a n S o c i e t Pictures
y 2008 by: Dhamindra Kahaduwarachchi, Creations Photography T h e S r i L a n k a n S o c i e t y 2 0 0 8 | 39
Memories of growing up in a railway town By Victor Melder
y father, Randolph Another man, a very efficient and capable
Melder, was employed ladies’ tailor would come down from
as an Engine Driver on Colombo every now and then, visiting
the Ceylon Government
Many of the tradesmen who called each home. He carried with him a variety
Railway for a period of dress patterns and designs. He would sit
of 40 years. During his tenure, he was had to walk uphill and down. on the floor of each household, explaining
stationed at many upcountry stations – his designs to the ladies and trying to
Kandy, Matale, Nanu Oya, Kadugannawa, I felt particularly sorry for the accommodate changes or listening to what
Nawalapitiya and Bandarawela. patterns and designs they needed.
Nawalapitiya was the railway town where baker who would travel daily A retinue of beggars called regularly,
he was stationed at on two occasions, 1945- many of them were blind, deaf or dumb.
1951 and again 1956-1960. Considering from Sproules Bakery in Kandy Some had a number of children with them.
I was just nine when we first moved to They were a part of life one experienced
Nawalapitiya and spent the next seven by train and then back again at in many towns or cities. My mother
years there, it’s small wonder that it has left occasionally got us boys to go to town and
a deep impression on me. bring in a group of beggars to whom she
the end of the day. gave a meal. It was fascinating waiting on
Nawalapitiya was an important rail stop
on the journey from Colombo to Badulla. them, as they sat on the floor eating their
It was here that train crews changed over, meal and then departing with a packet of
whilst continuing the train journey to and food too.
from Colombo. Nawalapitiya was 1,913 The Railway Institute was the gathering
feet above mean sea level and 87 miles point each evening for the young boys
from Colombo. and girls. The two cinemas in town were
It was a quaint town situated between a also frequented by the youngsters. We
row of hills on one side and the Mahaweli had great fun even though there was no
River which skirted the outskirts of the television, restaurants or fast food outlets.
town, on the other. It was home to some During the holiday season, many families
100 odd railway families. organised picnics and spent a pleasant day
There were departmental residences enjoying themselves in the company of
(railway bungalows) for some 60 of the their friends at the many scenic areas in
staff, whilst the others lived in private and around the town I was the eldest of a
residences or had their families live away family of eleven (seven boys and four girls)
in their home towns. and we had great fun among ourselves, as
His box was a treasure trove of the boys were the elder lot. Cricket was
The main streets which ran through the more often than not, the order of the day.
town contained the major shopping area.
Two hotels – Central Hotel and Hotel De
delicious cakes, buns, rolls and By the time my father was stationed
Luxe served as a watering point for tipplers at Nawalapitiya a second time, I had
and had residential areas for short-term bread, all of which this thin wiry joined the railway and was serving my
visitors to the town. Three cinemas, a apprenticeship at Colombo. This was the
convent, four colleges and several private man had to carry in his box, first occasion that I had to leave home and
medical practitioners were also in the town. live in Colombo, which I despised as it was
hot, dusty and cheerless.
The hills were dotted with the railway on his head.
residences and many of the tradesmen Any wonder then, every time I found
who called had to walk uphill and down. myself with a few hours to spare, I would
I felt particularly sorry for the baker who take the first available train home to
would travel daily from Sproules Bakery Others who called infrequently were the Nawalapitiya. As soon as the train began
in Kandy by train and then back again at rattaner, who went from home to home its ascent up the Kadugannawa incline a
the end of the day. His box was a treasure fixing and re-stringing any sagging or new breath of life entered me.
trove of delicious cakes, buns, rolls and broken rattan work on chairs, loungers etc. With the passing of the steam era and
bread, all of which this thin wiry man had A member of the Ephraums family who dieselisation taking its place, the number
to carry in his box, on his head. was blind from birth, but an accomplished of railway families have dwindled, the
A band of traders also wended their way piano tuner visited homes that owned charm and charisma of the town has
among the residences selling their ware; pianos, tuning them meticulously and evaporated. However Nawalapitiya will
they called often with their jaggery, eggs, mellifluously, he was led around by a always be home to me.
honey, haberdashery and a draper who young lad. He was a pleasant man and a
called with bales of cloth etc. delight to talk to.
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Old is Gold Q&A
A: Basically, we look at all used components Q: The company has struck a happy marriage
as company assets and we utilise that asset by between environmental and business
turning it into a better-than-new product. interests and it seems to me you must have
grown up nurturing the ideal of achieving
At our centre we conduct six operations
business success within an environmentally
involving fuser rollers, laser optical systems,
responsible work ethic. How and when did
electronics, magnetic rollers, signature
into dead photocopier parts has today become a through the venture. I did a demonstration Magnet re-processing has also been very
Q: The eco-manufacturing centre is on a
constant search for ways to re-use components
of a case study related to ink cartridges I had
million-dollar industry. patented and there was a level of confidence
successful. We found that by introducing
a simple coil spring, we put a factor of 2.5
and materials and has developed around 200
because it had been my original idea. re-manufacturing programmes. Obviously,
times into the life of the product. The average
even the tiniest of components is not
hen Dr. Dan Godamunne Although there was also some life of the current magnet is 1.2 million
overlooked. For instance, the re-design of a
first submitted the idea of apprehension at the beginning, there was prints, this gives us 3 million prints.
15 cent spring on a roller saved Fuji Xerox
re-manufacturing Fuji Xerox also trust and confidence that I would
1 million dollars per annum. Your success
photocopier/ printer used deliver what I promised. My credentials
must induce other companies to approach
parts as both a cost cutting too, I believe, influenced them.
you for business solutions for themselves?
and environment-protecting mechanism,
At the end of the day, if you can say to senior If yes, could you give us some examples?
there was scepticism among his colleagues
management, ‘Yes, we can do the recycling
at Sydney-based Fuji Xerox. Some in A: We have been closely working with
and the remanufacturing in a cost efficient way
senior management didn’t believe his idea CISRO (Commonwealth Scientific Industrial
and all the investment you put in will give a
would save even 200 dollars for Fuji Xerox. and Research Organisation) in Melbourne
year on year return,’ they will listen to you.
to diversify our business into the automotive
This was in 1993, and, although
Since 1993, when we began, our growth industry. We have done case studies on gear
Godamunne was a freshman in the
has been exponential in every way. Year box, steering column and auto braking system
Australian corporate world, he had a
on year we have grown 20 percent. In the and we need funding to develop these into
brilliant history of cutting-edge expertise
first few years of operation, there was still prototypes. Funding for research is very hard
behind him. A physicist, mechanical and
some apprehension at senior management to come by so our efforts have not borne fruit
electrical engineer, Godamunne had given
level and investment was low. But with as yet. One good thing however is that there
up impressive engineering postings in the
proven results over the years we have not is legislation going through the senate currently
US and UK to test the waters in Australia.
only made it feasible within the Australian to penalise manufacturers who add to waste.
And it was this impressive track record ream
operation but part of the international one. rs a t th e end of a d
that convinced his bosses Godamunne und big do
lla Q: Another goal of Fuji Xerox is ‘Waste free
Fuji Xerox now has re-manufacturing factories munne: fo
should be given the green light to proceed Dan Goda products from waste free factories.’ What
with the idea of breathing life into dead in nine locations; in Europe, North and
steps do you take to reduce or eliminate the
photocopier parts. South America and the Asia Pacific region.
emission of harmful pollutants and waste
“At the end of the day, if you can say to Dan Godamunne and team member at the Eco Manufacturing Centre Q: Convincing the powers that be was hard Today, the EMC’s success has been during the re-manufacturing processes?
senior management, ‘Yes, we can do the enough. But how much convincing did it
well documented; the Australian A: Basically, all emissions are filtered and
recycling and the remanufacturing in a been enthusiastic in giving the story man and a true Sri Lankan at heart. take to make acceptable the notion that re-
tested by the Environmental Protection
cost efficient way and all the investment reams of column inches, television Hailing from Ampitiya, Kandy, Dan had manufactured products were even better than
stations have run stories on Dan and the his early education at Trinity College, new, among customers and service operators?
press has been enthusiastic in Authority. Even the water is re-cycled and
you put in will give a year on year return, re-processed. Nothing ends up in waste.
EMC’s achievements and to top it all, Kandy and then moved on to St. Benedict’s
they will listen,” Godamunne says.
College, Colombo. In 1972, he left for A: Initially people have a perception about giving the story reams of column We ensure that all solvents have been
Dan’s brilliant idea has found a place as
His idea paid off and today Fuji Xerox England to do his A/Levels and thereafter recycled products and they use the term
a permanent display at the Sydney Power inches, television stations have run removed from the cleaning parts and
Australia’s eco manufacturing facility in entered the University of London where ‘second-hand’ which I dislike very much.
House Museum after the EMC won the components, dry ice or frozen carbon
Zetland, Sydney, headed by Godamunne, he received his degree in engineering. If anybody mentions second-hand, I get
employs more than 100 and provided
prestigious Australian Museum Eureka
He then entered the prestigious Cranfield pretty hot under the collar because it has stories on Dan and the EMC’s dioxide is used under high pressure to
Prize for Industry In June 2002. clean components, environmentally neutral
the company a cost benefit of over 220 Institute in England where he earned his nothing to do with second-hand. It is a
As a direct result of the Eco- re-processed part, as good as new. The
achievements and to top it all, bicarbonate of soda is used under high
million dollars. Few would have believed doctorate. pressure to remove the original coating
that used and worn-out components of Manufacturing Centre’s dedication to difference in what we do to the corner shop Dan’s brilliant idea has found a
A committed environmentalist, Dan from fuser rollers and all metal parts that
a photocopier/printer machine, rather environmentally responsible corporate believes he must have inherited his love for is that we test it functionally. Sometimes
cannot be used are sent for recycling.
than being treated as waste, could be practices, the company was also nature from his father, champion of animal parts may work at 80 percent but we will place as a permanent display at
re-engineered, in an eco manufacturing admitted to the United Nation’s Global rights and the leading light behind Gal not accept that; we get 100 per cent.
process, and turned into a better-than-new 500 Environmental Roll of Honour. Gawa Mithuro, Dr. Cecil Godamunne. Q: Your personal vision, and now that of Fuji
the Sydney Power House Museum
part. But that’s what was being done, very The company has also won many
In the interview below, Dan Godamunne Xerox Eco Manufacturing Centre, has been after the EMC won the prestigious
successfully at the Eco Manufacturing environmental awards for their approach
tells us how a seemingly simple idea has sustaining the environment through better
Centre. (EMC) to eco-manufacturing.
had a dramatic and far-reaching impact on technology. Can you describe for our readers, Australian Museum Eureka Prize
Today, the EMC’s success has been well All these feathers sit light on Dan his company, the community and Australia how this vision is put into practice in your day
documented; the Australian press has Godamunne’s cap; he remains a simple as a whole. to day operations? for Industry In June 2002.
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