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Abstract-Solar electric vehicles (SEV)are considered the future vehicles to solve the issues of air pollution, global
warming, and the rapid decreases of the petroleum resources facing the current transportation technology. However,
SEV are still facing important technical obstacles to overcome. They includebatteriesenergy storage capacity,
charging times, efficiency of the solar panels and electrical propulsion systems.Solving any of those problems and
electric vehicles will compete - complement the internal combustion engines vehicles.In the present work, we
proposean electrical propulsion system based on three phase induction motor in order to obtain the desired speed and
torque with less power loss.Because of the need to lightweight nature, small volume,low cost,less maintenance and
high efficiency system, a three phase squirrel cage induction motor (IM) is selectedinthe electrical propulsion
system. The IM is fed from three phase inverter operated by a constant V/F control method and Space Vector Pulse
Width Modulation (SVPWM) algorithm. The proposed control strategy has been implemented on the Texas
Instruments TM320F2812Digital Signal Processor (DSP) to generate SVPWM signal needed to trigger the gates of
IGBT-based inverter.The experimental results show the ability of the proposed control strategy to generate a three-
phase sine wave signal with desired frequency. The proposed control strategy is experimented on a locally
manufactured EVprototype. The results show that the EV prototype can be propelled to speed up to 60 km/h under
different road conditions.
Key Words- Electric Vehicle, Squirrel Cage Induction Motor, SVPWM, V/F control, DSP processor, DMC library.
The AC induction motors especially the cage type,have low starting current, acceleration and deceleration of the
lightweight, small volume, low cost, less maintenance, vehicle.
no commutation,high torque atlow speed and high The paper is organized as follows: first SVPWM
efficiency. Theseadvantages are particularly important technique along with V/F method is discussed, second
for EV applications. the mechanical parts of the vehicle are presented, and
third the electrical propulsion system is described and
In EVs propulsion, an AC induction motor drive is fed finally practical results obtained are presented along
from a DC source (battery), which has approximately with conclusions.
constant terminal voltage, through a DC/AC inverter[4].
The DC/AC inverter is constituted by a fast switching 2 Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation
power electronic switches and power diodes. IGBTs Techniques:
and MOSFETs are commonly used in the inverters
configurations. A number of Pulse width modulation (PWM) schemes
Since the output AC voltage of the inverter has high are used to control the magnitude and frequency of AC
frequency square wave forms, a high speed processor is output voltage of the inverter. The most widely used
needed to produce the proper switching sequence. PWM schemes for three-phase voltage source inverters
Various switching techniques[5]are used to generate [7] are sine wave sinusoidal SPWM and space vector
PWM signal which is used to determine the amplitude PWM (SVPWM).Since SVPWM is easily implement
and the frequency of the output voltage. Among the digitally, enable more efficient utilization of DC bus
various PWM techniques, Space Vector Pulse Width voltage, and generate sine wave with lower total
Modulation (SVPWM)has advantages that made it the harmonic distortion, it is most frequently preferable
most switching techniques suitable for electric technique used in modern AC machines drives fed by
vehicles[10].The interesting features of this type of inverters.The performance of an induction motor is
modulation is that it provides better DC-link utilization, improved when SVPWM technique is applied [6].
more efficient use of DC supply voltage, produce less Details explanation of the SVPWM and SPWM
ripples and increase life time of drive[6]. Furthermore, techniques can be found in [7].Although SVPWM is
it can be easily implementeddigitallyand hence offers more complicated than sinusoidal PWM, it is easily
the advantage to perform entire digital processing tasks. implemented using modern DSP based control systems.
The performance of SVPWM depends on the type of The SVPWM technique implemented into the
processor used for its implementation.Among the existing TI Digital Motor Control (DMC) library
various processors available in the market, the most reduces computation time and the number of transistor
popular are the Texas Instrument DSP which holds commutations[9, 10]. It therefore improves Electro
about 70% of the market[8].TMS320F2xxx DSP series Magnetic Interference (EMI) behavior.
are high speed processors which havebeen developed
by Texas Instrumentsespecially for industrial control 3 V/F control method
applications, in particular for implementation of
SVPWM algorithm to drive the switches of the inverter. The best way to vary the speed of the induction motor is
by varying the supply frequency and voltage level
In the present paper an electric propulsion system is simultaneously. It can be shown that the torque
investigated. The propulsion system constitutes of a developed by the induction motor is directly
three phase squirrel cage induction motor, IGBT-based proportional to the ratio of the applied voltage and the
three phase inverter and advanced processor, such as frequency of the supply[4]. By varying the voltage and
DSP, implementing SVPWM algorithm for open loop frequency, but keeping their ratio constant, the
speed control using V/F method of electric vehicle. The maximum torque developed can be kept constant
V/F is selected because it tries to achieve some features throughout the speed range. In summary, using the V/F
which are suitable for electric vehicles. These control method the following can be achieved: 1) the
includewide speed span with constant motor torque,
induction motor can be run typically from 5% of the Torque evaluation of the power flow occurring into a
synchronous speed up to the base speed (maximum vehicle is in strong relation with its mass and a total
vehicle speed), and the maximum torque generated by torque will be expressed as:
the motor can be kept constant throughout this range; 2) C t = TA + T p (5)
the starting current is lower; 3) the acceleration and
deceleration can be controlled by controlling the change Where; m is a vehicle mass, C t total torque, T A
of the supply frequency. acceleration torque, Tp permanent torque, α road angle.
For this study, we selected for the EVs propulsion a
4Design objectives:
cage three phase induction motor of 4.7 kW 220/380 V
The mechanical structure of the electric vehicle 4 poles 11/19 A with maximum speed of 1500 rpm. The
prototype manufactured locally and used in this study is solar panel station to refuel the vehicle batteries are
shown in figure 1. The weight, volume and shown in figure3.
aerodynamic drag and rolling resistance effects have
beencarefully considered in the design of the body of
the vehicle [11].The design objectives are to attain
maximum speed of 60 km/h with a total weight of 500
kg and acceleration time 0 to 60 km/h below 30 sec.
Figure 2 is used to derive the desired driving power to
ensure vehicle operation.
(ADC). The speed of the motor (i.e. vehicle) is 4.7 KW, 3 phase, 220/380V, 11/19A, 1500 rpm, \
monitored using a tachometer setup. 5-5 Energy Sources: EightLead Acid gel-type DC
batteries(12v/48Ah) and five mono-crystalline solar
panels(48V, 11.5 A, 280 W).
Figure4:The block diagram of the open loop control system. Figure 5 Built Galvanic Isolation/Interfacing Circuitry
5-1 Digital Signal Processor (DSP):it isa 32-bit 6 Open Loop Control Strategy
150MIPS TMS320F2812 DSP developed by Texas
Instruments Inc. The most widely used Code Composer The user adjusts the desired speed using a potentiometer
Studio (CCS) developed by TI is selected to program and this latter converts it to its analogous voltage. The
the DSP to generate PWM signals. The CCS disposes output of the potentiometer is sensed by the ADC which
of Digital Motor Control (DMC) library which reduces is integrated on the DSP and then converted to desired
significantly the time and effortrequired for frequency Fs. The open loop control program consists of
programming the DSP[8]. The DMC library provides several stages as shown in the flow chart depicted in
software modules which are dedicatedfor motor control. figure6. Based on the figure, the open loop system can
The main software modules used in our project be summarized as follows:
• Initialization DMC modules and declare variables
5-2Isolation Card:to ensure the necessary galvanic
• Determine Vs voltages with constant V/F profilebased
isolation between DSP and power inverter. The card is
on desired frequency (Fs) using VHz_PROF module.
realized using HCLP 2601 rapid optocouplers. In
addition to the galvanic isolation, the card realized • Determine the time durations Ta, Tb and Tcbased on
provides also signal inversion and amplification (Figure Vs and Fsusing SVGEN_MF module.
5) • Generate the signal PWM based on the time durations
5-3IGBT-based Three Phase Inverter: Ta, Tb and Tc using PWMGEN module.
International Rectifier's IRAMY20UP60B type 20A,
600V Integrated Power Hybrid IC (HIC) with Internal
Shunt Resistor for motor drives applications is used
[12]. It’s a compact, high
Such inverter presents the following features [12]: 1)
Integrated gate drivers, 2) Temperature monitor and
protection, 3) Over current shutdown, 4) Fully isolated
package, ) Low VCE (on) non punch through IGBT,
6) under voltage lockout for all channels and 7) cross
conduction prevention logic.
ExecutePWMGEN module
ToGenerate PWM signals