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Chapter 4
4.1 Purpose and types of pumps

 Pump is a mechanical machine. It is used for

lifting water or any fluid to higher elevations or
at higher pressures.
 The operation of lifting water or any fluid is
called pumping.
Purposes of pumping in a water supply scheme
 To increase the water pressure at certain points
in the distribution system.
 To lift raw river water or lake water to carry it
to treatment plant.

 To lift treated water to elevated storage tanks,

so that it may flow automatically under gravity
into distribution system.
 To lift water available from wells to an elevated
storage tank in stages.
 To pump water directly into the distribution
 To take out water from basins, sumps, tanks etc.
Types of pumps

A. Classification based on mechanical

principle of operation
(i) Displacement pumps
(ii) Centrifugal pumps
(iii) Air lifts pumps
(iv) Miscellaneous pumps
B. Classification based on type of power
(i) Steam engine pumps

(ii) Diesel engine pumps

(iii) Electrically driven pumps

C. Classification based on the type of service
called for
(i) Low lift pumps

(ii) High lift pumps

(iii) Deep well pumps

(iv) Booster pumps

Point to be Observed In Selecting a Pump

1. Capacity and efficiency: The pump should have the

capacity required and optimum efficiency.

2. Lift: Suction head from the water level to the pump level

3. Head: It is also called delivery head.

Generally the total head (suction and delivery head)

should meet all possible situations with respect to the
4. Reliability: A reputed manufacture or similar make
pump already in use may give the failure rate and
types of troubles.
5. Initial cost: The cost of the pump and its installation
cost should be minimum.
6. Power: Power requirements should be less for
7. Maintenance: Maintenance cost should be minimum.
Availability of spares and cost of spares are to be
Centrifugal pumps
 Centrifugal Pumps are rote-dynamic pumps
which convert Mechanical energy into Hydraulic
energy by centripetal force on the liquid.
 Centrifugal pumps are classified in to three
categories: Radial flow, mixed flow, and axial
 Radial Flow: - a centrifugal pump in which the

pressure is developed wholly by centrifugal


 Mixed Flow: - a centrifugal pump in which the pressure

is developed partly by centrifugal force and partly by
the lift of the vanes of the impeller on the liquid.
 Axial Flow: - a centrifugal pump in which the pressure is
developed by the propelling or lifting action of the
vanes of the impeller on the liquid.
 The discharge of a centrifugal pump is fixed by the
design of the impeller and by the speed of rotation
Pumping terms
Head: Head is the height at which a pump can raise
water up.
 the more pressure the pump delivers the higher the

Shows : How discharge head varies with suction tank level

 Suction Lift: exist when the source of supply is below
the center line of the pump.
 Static suction lift: the vertical distance between the
centerline of the pump and the free level of the
liquid to be pumped.
 Suction Head: exists when the source of supply is
above the centerline of the pump.
 Static suction head: is the vertical distance between
the centerline of the pump and the free level of the
liquid to be pumped.
 Static discharge head: is the vertical distance in
meter between the pump centerline and the point
of free discharge.
 Total static head: is the vertical distance between the
free level of the source of supply and the point of
free discharge or the free surface of the discharge
 Friction head (hf): is the head required to
overcome the resistance to flow in the pipe and
 Velocity head (hv): the head necessary to
accelerate the water. Velocity head can be
calculated from the following formula:
hv 

 Pressure head: must be considered when a pumping

system either begins or terminates in a tank which is
under some pressure other than atmospheric.

 A vacuum in the suction tank or a positive pressure in

the discharge tank must be added to the system head,
whereas a positive pressure in the suction tank or
vacuum in the discharge tank would be subtracted.
 The above forms of head combined to make up the total
system head at any particular flow rate. Also termed
as Dynamic
 Total dynamic suction lift (hs): is the static suction lift minus
the velocity head at the pump suction flange plus the
total friction head in the suction line.
 Total dynamic suction head (hs): is the static suction head
plus the velocity head at the pump suction flange minus
the total friction head in the suction line.
 Total dynamic discharge head (hd): is the static
discharge head plus the velocity head at the pump
discharge flange plus the total friction head in the
discharge line.
 Total head (h) or Total Dynamic Head (TDH) is the
total dynamic discharge head minus the total
dynamic suction head or plus total dynamic suction
TDH = hd + hs (with a suction lift)
TDH = hd - hs (with a suction head

 Capacity : is normally expressed in liter per minute

(lpm). a direct relationship between the capacity in
a pipe and the velocity of flow.

Q  60  A V or V 
60  A
Power and Efficiency
 The work performed by a pump is a function of the
total head and the weight of the liquid pumped in a
given time period.

 Pump input or brake horsepower (BHP) is the actual

horsepower delivered to the pump shaft.

 Pump output or hydraulic horsepower (WHP) is the

liquid horsepower delivered by the pump.
 These two terms are defined by the following
Q  TDH  Sp. Gr.
Q  TDH  Sp. Gr.
75  Pump Efficiency

WHP Q  TDH  Sp. Gr .

Pump Efficiency  
BHP 75  BHP

Where :Q=discharge (m3/sec.)

TDH= Total dynamic head(m)
Specific Speed and Pump Type

 Specific speed (Ns) is a non-dimensional design index

used to classify pump impellers as to their type and

N = Pump speed in RPm
Q = Capacity in lpm at the best efficiency point
H = Total head per stage at the best efficiency point
 As the specific speed increases, the ratio of the
impeller outlet diameter, D2, to the inlet or eye
diameter, D1, decreases.
 Radial impellers are generally low flow high head
designs whereas axial flow impellers are high flow
low head designs.
Affinity Laws for a Centrifugal Pump Application

 The Affinity Laws are a group of relationships that may

be used for estimating Flow, Head Condition and
Horsepower when the speed of the pump is changed
from a known speed or the specific speed, to some other
 They apply to all types of centrifugal and axial flow
1. Impeller diameter D held constant:
2. speed N held constant:
1. With impeller diameter D held constant:

2. With speed N held constant:

Q = Capacity, GPM
H = Total Head, Meter
BHP = Brake Horsepower
N = Pump Speed, RPM
Pump Characteristic Curves

 A typical characteristic curve shows the total dynamic

head, brake horsepower, efficiency, and net positive
suction head all plotted over the capacity range of
the pump.
Two types of configuration of Pumps
Configurations of pumps
Computation of total head of pumping

H = Hs + HL + v2/2g
 Hs - Static head

 Velocity head (v2/2g) at the point of


 Head loss (HL)

Reading Assignment

 System-head curve for a pumping system

 Cavitations’

 Pumping Stations

 Pump Operation and Maintenance

Example 1:

Population of a city is 120,000 and rate of water supply

per head per day is 200 liters. Calculate the BHP of
motor to raise the water to an overhead tank 50 m
high. Length and diameter of the rising main is 200 m
and 40 cm, respectively. Assume motor efficiency 90 %
and the of the pump 60 %. Take f = 0.01 and
maximum day demand as 1.5 times the average
Example 2
the pump shown in the figure below has head
characteristics that can be expressed by
H = 100 – 6000Q1.85
Where H = pump head in meters and Q = discharge
in m3/s.
Calculate the head and discharge of the pump.
640 m Elev.

1500 m length
200 mm diameter
C = 100

P 603 m Elev.

600 m
50 m length
250 mm diameter
C = 100

f = 0.014
Minor loss at screen =0.2
Minor loss at elbow =0.017

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