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Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

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Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies

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Identification of hydrological models for operational flood

forecasting in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada
Dayal Buddika Wijayarathnea,*, Paulin Coulibalyb
School of Geography and Earth Sciences, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4K1, Canada
Jointly in School of Geography and Earth Sciences and Department of Civil Engineering, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton,
Ontario, L8S 4K1, Canada


Keywords: Study region: Waterford River watershed, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), Canada.
Waterford River watershed Study focus: This study investigates five hydrological models to identify adequate model(s) for
Flood forecasting operational flood forecasting at Waterford River watershed. These models included three lumped
Hydrological models conceptual models (SAC-SMA: Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting, GR4J: modèle du Génie
Deterministic forecast
Rural à 4 paramètres Journalier, and MAC-HBV: McMaster University Hydrologiska Byråns
Vattenbalansavdelning), a semi-distributed model (HEC-HMS: Hydrologic Engineering Center’s
Hydrologic Modeling System) and a fully distributed physically-based model (WATFLOOD:
University of Waterloo Flood Forecasting System). The best model(s) were chosen by comparison
of performance criteria. To verify the potential of the best performing hydrological models for
operational use, deterministic hydrologic forecasts were performed.
New hydrological insights for the region: All five models are capable of simulating streamflow
reasonably well in both calibration and validation periods. The SAC-SMA and GR4J models
perform equally well and perform better than the other three models for all low, medium, and
peak flows. The SAC-SMA and GR4J models generally perform better for peak flows, followed by
HEC-HMS. Streamflow forecast experiment using deterministic weather prediction shows that
SAC-SMA, GR4J, and HEC-HMS models perform well for up to 1–3 days ahead forecasts and are
recommended for operational use. However, due to the good performance of all five models, an
ensemble forecasting using continuous, multiple hydrological models is also recommended.

1. Introduction

Floods are one of the deadliest disasters in the world and the most common and frequent natural hazard to life, property, the
economy, and the environment in Canada. Flood mitigation measures and an enhanced flood forecasting system are critical parts of
flood management. An accurate flood forecasting system can deliver precise and reliable forecasts with appropriate lead time.
Hydrological modeling is being used to forecast river flows for years, and a well-developed flood forecasting system can deliver
precise and reliable forecasts with appropriate lead time (Nagai, 2003; Reed et al., 2007; Unduche et al., 2018).
Flood damage has become a growing problem in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), Canada, due to the increasing population
density close to water bodies over the last decades (Sheppard, 2018). The results of the “Flood Risk and Vulnerability Analysis
Project” completed on June 13, 2012, have emphasized the need for a robust method to forecast floods to minimize future flood

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (D.B. Wijayarathne), [email protected] (P. Coulibaly).

Received 12 March 2019; Received in revised form 19 November 2019; Accepted 20 November 2019
2214-5818/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

damage and related expenses in Newfoundland (Innes and Nimmrichter, 2012). According to the report, more than 267 communities
in Newfoundland had been affected by flooding in the last decades, causing significant economic loss and infrastructure damages. The
average annual damage caused by flood-related impacts is estimated to be about $8 to $22 million over the period 1962-2011. The
cost of estimated damages may be even higher as some of the floods were recorded with no information on the estimated cost of
St. John's is the capital and the largest city of NL and is located on the Avalon Peninsula, the east side of the island of
Newfoundland. According to Innes and Nimmrichter (2012), St. John’s has had the most reported floods (73 out of 650) over the
period 1950–2011 among 98 communities in NL. The same study has identified and ranked communities in Newfoundland according
to their exposure to the physical hazards, vulnerability to direct impacts of flooding, and indirect flooding impacts and isolation over
the last decade (2000–2011). It was found that St John’s is the most vulnerable to flooding, and therefore further study and funding
had been recommended.
Several hydrological modeling studies have been conducted in the Waterford River watershed in St. John’s for different purposes.
A series of studies on water quality and quantity in the Waterford River watershed was conducted by the Canadian Government and
Province of NL over the period from 1980 to 1985. After the five-year-long project, the “Urban Hydrology Study of the Waterford
River Basin: Flood Study (UHS-WRB)” was published in 1988 (Smith, 1988). The study mainly focused on the effects of urbanization
between 1973 and 1981 on peak flows. An event-based, simple, and single hydrological model “HYdrologic Model” (HYMO) was
implemented to simulate the 1:20 and 1:100 Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flows. After that, a hydraulic model was de-
veloped using three sections of the Waterford river channel and was fed with the flows simulated by the hydrological model to
indicate the change in the storm runoff as a result of future urbanization. Following the study, it was concluded that urbanization has
increased flows; however, change in the volume of direct runoff is not significant. A study entitled “Simulation of the effects of
urbanization on basin streamflow” was conducted as a part of the aforementioned comprehensive investigations of the effect of
urbanization on peak-flows (Ng and Marsalek, 1989). Continuous simulation of streamflow was performed utilizing the “Hydrological
Simulation Program—Fortran” (HSPF) model to evaluate the effects of future urban development on annual streamflow and peak
flows. According to the simulation results, streamflow volumes are not affected much, but flow peaks and the incidence of flooding
has increased significantly. In 1988, the “Waterford River Area- Hydrotechnical Study” was completed as a joint effort between the
Water Resources Division of the Department of Environment and Lands and Fenco Newfoundland Ltd (Gray, 1988). Several flood risk
maps were developed using flows simulated from “Quality/Quantity Simulation Model” (QUALHYMO) and “Hydrologic Engineering
Center” (HEC-2) models. In 1998, the Water Resources Management Division (WRMD) of the Department of Environment and Labor
conducted a study entitled “Updated Flood Extents for the Waterford River” as an update for the Fenco Newfoundland study in 1988.
The 1:20 and 1:100 AEP flood flows from the 1988 study were re-examined along with annual instantaneous peak flow up to 1996.
Existing flood risk maps were updated using a hydraulic model “Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System” (HEC-RAS).
The most recent update of flood risk maps was conducted in 2015 under the study entitled “Waterford River Area Flood Risk Mapping
Study” by CBCL Ltd with the collaboration of the WRMD of the Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment (Sheppard, 2018).
The objective of this study was to update flood risk maps to accurately predict the long-term effect of climate change in St. John’s
area. Coupled hydrologic-hydraulic models “Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Hydrologic Modeling System” (HEC-HMS) and HEC-
RAS were used in the study. A comprehensive set of flood risk maps had been produced to predict the long-term effect of climate
change on floods in St. John’s area. Moreover, the study emphasizes the need to implement a flood forecasting system that can allow
local authorities to receive flood warnings to respond promptly in the event of a potential flood.
Limited studies have been conducted on hydrological modeling in the Waterford River watershed in St. John’s, and the models
used in these studies are relatively simple. Most of these studies were mainly focused on investigating the effects of urbanization on
peak flows and streamflow volumes. The rest of the studies were focused on developing flood risk maps rather than operational flood
forecasting. These studies have used hydrological modeling approaches to develop flood maps, and these maps had been used for
decision-making purposes. However, none of these studies have investigated developing hydrological models that can be used in
operational flood forecasting. This study has evaluated the use of five hydrological models in varying complexity (lumped, semi-
distributed, and fully-distributed) to propose a suitable method for operational flood forecasting in St. John’s, Newfoundland.

2. Study area

The study was conducted in the Waterford River watershed in St. John’s, NL (Fig. 1). The Waterford river starts at the eastern part
of the rapidly growing town of Paradise and is originated from Bremigan’s Pond and Nevilles Pond. The river takes a meandering
course through the City of Mount Pearl and into the City of St. John’s. In St. John’s, the river flows through the Waterford Valley
before it discharges into the western end of St. John’s Harbor. It flows approximately 15 km from the origin before it meets the
Atlantic Ocean at the western part of St. John’s Harbor. The river has a drainage basin area of about 70 km2 that covers St. John’s
Harbor and three municipalities: The City of St. John’s, the City of Mount Pearl, and the Town of Paradise (Fig. 1). The only
hydrometric station located along the river reach is “Waterford River at Kilbride” (Station ID 02ZM008) and is operated as a col-
laborative effort of Water Survey of Canada and WRMD, NL.
The watershed is semi-urban and provides a home for about 108,860 individuals at the time of the 2016 census (Statistics -
Newfoundland & Labrador Statistics Agency, ” n.d.). Land uses and features of the study area include urban areas, forest, water
bodies, wetlands, barren lands, deforested areas, and open areas (Fig. 2a, Natural Resources Canada, 2009). The urban areas en-
compass residential, commercial, and industrial areas and transportation corridors. The surface elevation in the watershed ranges
from 1 to 262 m above sea level (Fig. 2b). The soil is coarse to moderately coarse-textured, stony, acid to extremely acid, and low

D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

Fig. 1. Location map of the Waterford River watershed.

Fig. 2. Land use (a) (Natural Resources Canada, 2009) and topography (b) of Waterford River watershed.

natural fertility soil (Heringa, 1981). This soil is developed from the materials derived from the underlying coarse-textured Pre-
cambrian sedimentary rocks (Batterson, 1984). These soils are characterized as rapid surface drainage. The whole area was glaciated,
and as a result, most of the area is underlain by a till (Heringa, 1981). The till deposit lies beneath the surface and contains pockets of
clay with low permeability. Therefore, this till deposit acts as an aquitard allowing the accumulation of standing water, which
contributes to the surface runoff. A combination of impervious urban areas, impervious till, and poorly drained soils cause poor
internal drainage and eventually results in a highly flood-prone area.

D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

Table 1
Details of hydrometeorological and hydrometric stations.
Station Name ID Operated by Latitude (N) Longitude (W) Elevation (m) Type of Data Years of operation

Hydrometric station

Waterford River at Kilbride 02ZM008 WSC 47°31′44″ 52°44′42″ 33 Daily 1974-2018

Hydrometeorological stations

St. John’s West Climate 8403603 EC 47°30′48″ 52°47′00″ 110 Daily 2010-2019
St. John’s A 8403506 EC 47°37′20″ 52°44′34″ 140.5 Daily 1942-2012
St. john’s Intl A 8403505 EC 47°37′07″ 52°45′09″ 140.5 Daily 2012-2019
St. John’s West CDA CS 8403605 EC 47°30′56″ 52°47′05″ 114 Daily 1996-2007

The average daily temperature of the area is 4 °C (Environment Canada, 2017). The average annual precipitation is 1416 mm on
the average over 296 days in the year (Environment Canada, 2017). The minimum and maximum instantaneous flows recorded at
“Waterford River at Kilbride” were 0.3 and 45.2 m3s−1 (Environment Climate Change Canada, 2017). High-intensity rainfall events
are frequent throughout the year (Innes and Nimmrichter, 2012). The leading cause of flooding in the area is recognized as rainfall
followed by events related to coastal processes such as storm surge and waves (Innes and Nimmrichter, 2012).

3. Data and methods

3.1. Hydrometeorological and hydrometric data

Daily climate data recorded at four Environment Canada (EC) weather stations were downloaded from the EC website from 2006
to 2015 (Table 1). This period contained the least amount of missing values, both in precipitation and temperature. Missing values in
precipitation data were infilled using Canadian Precipitation Analysis (CaPA) data. There is a long-term flow gauge named “Wa-
terford River at Kilbride” located downstream of the confluence of South Brook and Waterford river (Fig. 1). This station is operated
by the Water Survey of Canada and in operation since 1974. A complete time series of flow data is available on both EC’s and WRMD’s
websites. WRMD is using data from this Gauge station in hydrological modeling. Daily streamflow data were collected from the
HYDAT database and narrowed to a 10-year time series spanning from 2006 to 2015 to be consistent with available climate data.

3.2. Hydrological models

Five hydrological models with complexity ranging from simple lumped models to a fully- distributed were chosen for the in-
vestigation to identify adequate model(s) for operational flood forecasting in the Waterford River watershed in St. John’s, NL. These
models include, modèle du Génie Rural à 4 paramètres Journalier (GR4J), McMaster University Hydrologiska Byråns
Vattenbalansavdelning (MAC-HBV), Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting (SAC-SMA), Hydrologic Engineering Center’s Hydrologic
Modeling System (HEC-HMS), and University of Waterloo Flood Forecasting System (WATFLOOD). These hydrological models were
implemented, calibrated, and validated to simulate the flow at Waterford River at Kilbride hydrometric station.

3.2.1. GR4J model

GR4J is a simple conceptual hydrological model that runs with four parameters (Perrin et al., 2003). Inputs to the original model
include precipitation, evapotranspiration, and the optimized set of parameters. In this study, the model was modified to include the
two components: a simplified “Thornwaite” formula to account for daily potential evapotranspiration using temperature and a
degree-day snow routine to determine Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) following Samuel et al. (2011). Therefore, the temperature time
series was inputted instead of the calculated evapotranspiration. Hence, the final modified model includes nine parameters that are
listed in Table A1 in the Appendix. The range of each of these parameters listed in Table A1 was obtained from the previous literature
based on the land use, soil, climate, morphology, and vegetation in the watershed. For a detailed description of the GR4J model, the
interested readers may refer to the journal article by Perrin et al. (2003).

3.2.2. MAC-HBV
MAC-HBV model is a lumped conceptual rainfall-runoff model which had been extensively used in hydrological studies (Leach
et al., 2018; Razavi and Coulibaly, 2017; Samuel et al., 2011). It is a modified version of the original HBV model (Bergström, 1976) to
provide a better performance, especially flow estimation at ungauged sites in Canada (Samuel et al., 2011, 2012). There are 15
parameters in MAC-HBV and incorporates a degree-day snow routine, a soil moisture routine, a nonlinear response function, and a
routing routine. Parameters and their ranges obtained from the literature for the MAC-HBV model are listed in Table A2 in the
Appendix. Further details of the MAC-HBV model are presented in Samuel et al. (2011, 2012).

D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

3.2.3. SAC-SMA
SAC-SMA is a conceptual watershed model that is widely used by the National Weather Services, USA, in operational flood
forecasting since its development by Burnash et al. (1973). There are 19 input parameters within the model. Those parameters and
their ranges gathered from literature are listed in Table A3 in the Appendix. Water accumulation in the catchment is represented
using five storages; two upper zones (tension and free water storages) and three lower zones (tension water storage, and primary and
supplementary free water storages) (Koren et al., 2004; Samuel et al., 2014). SWE was determined using the degree day snow routine
(Samuel et al., 2014). The same evapotranspiration calculation method used in MAC-HBV is applied in SAC-SMA to account for daily
potential evapotranspiration. A detailed description of SAC-SMA is available in Burnash et al. (1973).

3.2.4. HEC-HMS
HEC-HMS is a hydrological model developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center of the US Army Corps of Engineers. It is
designed to simulate complete hydrological processes in a dendritic watershed in both space and time (US Army Corps of Engineers,
2016). HEC-HMS comprises six different in-built algorithms to represent different components in runoff generation; meteorological,
rainfall loss, direct runoff, river routing, base flow, and reservoir (Cunderlik and Simonovic, 2004). Further details of the HEC-HMS
model can be found in the HEC-HMS user manual (US Army Corps of Engineers, 2016). Twenty-three sub-basins were delineated
using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and used in the semi-distributed HEC-HMS model. Inputs to the HEC-HMS model include
precipitation, temperature, the monthly average of evapotranspiration, and calibrated parameters. The simplified ‘Thornwaite’
formula was used to calculate daily potential evapotranspiration using temperature. The calibrated parameters in the existing model
were used in this study to simulate flows, as suggested by Chu and Steinman in 2009. Parameters of the HEC-HMS model and range of
them extracted from previous literature are listed in the Appendix in Table A4. Since calibrated parameters of the existing HEC-HMS
model were gathered from WRMD, parameter ranges are not mentioned in the table.

WATFLOOD is a physically-based distributed hydrological model that has been extensively used in flood forecasting since its first
introduction in 1973 (Kouwen, 1973). The model subdivides the watershed into Group Response Units (GRUs), assuming surface
areas with similar land use to have similar hydrological responses (Kouwen et al., 1993). The runoff response from each GRU was
calculated considering processes such as interception, evaporation, infiltration, interflow, recharge, baseflow, overland and channel
routing, snow accumulation, and ablation (Kouwen, 2016). Ten river and basin parameters, 11 surface hydrological parameters, and
14 snowmelt parameters for each GRU were used in WATFLOOD. Parameter ranges for each of the land cover classes were gathered
from the previous literature and used during the calibration. Since the number of parameters is relatively large, only optimized
parameters and parameter ranges for forest land cover class were listed in Table A5 in the Appendix. It uses Green Kenue, a GIS-based
data processing, and visualization tool, as the graphical user interface for data pre and post-processing. Further details on WATF-
LOOD are included in Kouwen (1973).

3.3. Model calibration and validation

Selected models were calibrated against observed daily streamflow time series for seven years over the period 2006-01-01 to
2012-12-31. Models were validated against data for three years over the period 2013-01-01 to 2015-12-31 for model comparison.
Data recorded in the first year (2006) were used for model warm-up. Dynamically Dimensioned Search (DDS; Tolson and Shoemaker,
2008) optimization algorithm was used to determine optimal parameter sets for all models. The optimal parameter sets were found by
maximizing Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE, Eq. (1)) objective functions that address mean, low, and high flows at the same time
(Samuel et al., 2011). Optimization Software Toolkit (OSTRICH) was used to automate the processes of model calibration. OSTRICH
is a model-independent, Windows-based program that is designed to perform optimization without the need for any other additional
software (Matott, 2016). OSTRICH currently supports 36 optimization and calibration algorithms; 7 Deterministic (Local Search), 13
Heuristic (Global Search), 3 Multi-Objective Optimization and Multi-Criteria Calibration, 1 Hybrid (Heuristic + Deterministic), and 4
Sampling Algorithms (Uncertainty-based Optimization).
Even though sub-daily precipitation is preferred for model calibration and validation, especially for flood forecasting, daily
precipitation data were used in this study due to several reasons. Data limitation is a challenge in this regional context. Only daily
precipitation data is publicly available from EC for the study period of 2006–2015. The flood management authority for this wa-
tershed (WRMD) had been using daily data for long term hydrological studies. The attempt to derive high temporal resolution
precipitation from observed daily precipitation using numerous approaches proposed in the literature (Güntner et al., 2001; Olsson,
1995) was not possible because there was no hourly precipitation data to validate the disaggregated precipitation directly. Since
disaggregation can introduce more errors, the original daily data were used for model calibration and validation. After considering
climate, basin morphology, drainage pattern, and historical flood records, Gray (1988) suggested that the flood is resulted in the
Waterford River watershed by synoptic rainfall events with durations of about two days. Therefore, daily streamflow simulations
generated by the hydrological models could adequately capture peak flows at the Waterford River at Kilbride hydrometric station.
However, it is noteworthy that daily peak flow can be different from hourly peak flow. The proposed hydrological models will need to
be re-calibrated for use with sub-daily data when they become available.

D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

3.4. Model performance criteria

The fitness of simulated flows to the observed flows was evaluated based on common model performance statistics. It is important
to note that the performance of evaluation criteria varies according to the targeted portion (low, mean, and peak flows) of the
hydrograph. The model performance criteria used in this study are listed below:
Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE): (Eq. (1)) NSE only for peak flows was calculated for evaluation of peak flows, and it is denoted as
PNSE. The value of 1 indicates a perfect fit (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970). Values between 0.0 and 1.0 are generally viewed as acceptable
levels of performance, whereas NSE > 0.50 is considered satisfactory (Moriasi et al., 2007).
Correlation coefficient (r): (Eq. (2)) value of 1 indicates a perfect fit.
Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE): (Eq. (3)) ranges from −∞ to 1, with one being the optimal value (Gupta et al., 2009).
Percent Bias (PBIAS): (Eq. (4)) optimal value of PBIAS is 0.0, with low-magnitude values indicating accurate model simulation.
Positive values indicate model overestimation bias, and negative values indicate model underestimation bias.
PFC (Peak Flow Criterion): (Eq. (5)) focuses on the accuracy of predicting peak flows (Ribeiro et al., 1998). The value of 1
indicates no correlation and value of zero for a perfect fit. The Modified Peak Flow Criterion (MPFC) is used in this study for
consistency (i.e., 1 for the perfect fit).
RMSE-observations standard deviation ratio (RSR): (Eq. (6)) RSR standardizes RMSE using the observations standard deviation
making it a better tool for model inter-comparisons (Moriasi et al., 2007). Values of 0 are optimal, with lower values indicate good
model performance (Moriasi et al., 2007).
(Qi Qˆi ) 2
NSE = 1 n
( Qi Q¯ ) 2 (1)

Qˆ¯ )(Qi
(Qˆi Qˆi )
Qˆ¯ )2
n n
( Qi Qˆi ) 2* i=1
(Qˆi (2)

KGE = 1 (r 1) 2 + ( 1) 2 + ( 1)2 (3)

(Qˆi Qi )*(100)
(Qi ) (4)

np 1/4
[ i=1
(Qpi Qˆ pi )2Qpi2 ]
MPFC = 1 np
( Q2 1/2
i = 1 pi ) (5)

(Qi Qˆi ) 2
RMSE i=1
RSR = =
Qˆ¯ )2
i=1 (6)

Qi observed flow at ith data point
Q̄ mean observed flow
Q̂i simulated flow at ith data point
Q̂¯ mean simulated flow
n number of data points
np number of peak flows that are greater than 75 percentiles of observed flow
Qpi Observed peak flows
Q̂pi Simulated peak flows
r linear correlation coefficient
measure of relative variability
bias (ratio between the simulated and observed values)
NSElog NSE calculated using the log streamflow values (for low flows)
NSEsqr NSE found using the squared streamflow values (for high flows)

4. Results and discussion

A comparison of the model performance statistics for the streamflow simulation at the “Waterford river at Kilbride” hydrometric
station for the calibration and validation periods is summarized in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. The SAC-SMA model appears to
perform well in simulating stream flows, with the best prediction accuracy during the calibration period (KGE = 0.85 and r = 0.87).
Relatively low RMSE (1.48 m3s−1) and SRS (0.49) statistics suggest that the SAC-SMA model is capable of simulating stream flows

D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

Table 2
Comparison of hydrological model performances in simulating streamflow in Waterford River watershed during the calibration period (note: the
best model performance and the second-best model performance are indicated by underlined bold and bold, respectively).
Model Calibration

All flows Peak flow

3 −1

SAC-SMA 0.85 0.87 1.48 −1.96 0.49 0.79 0.62

GR4J 0.82 0.85 1.61 −5.71 0.53 0.77 0.53
MAC-HBV 0.62 0.72 2.13 −10.05 0.70 0.71 0.38
HEC-HMS 0.75 0.79 2.12 −4.27 0.70 0.75 0.44
WATFLOOD 0.64 0.71 2.24 −10.81 0.74 0.70 0.32

Table 3
Comparison of hydrological model performances in simulating streamflow in Waterford River watershed during the validation period (Note: the best
model performance and the second-best model performance are indicated by underlined bold and bold, respectively).
Model Validation

All flows Peak flow

3 −1

SAC-SMA 0.82 0.84 1.50 2.27 0.60 0.80 0.44

GR4J 0.81 0.82 1.54 7.62 0.62 0.77 0.36
MAC-HBV 0.65 0.68 1.91 −10.73 0.77 0.68 0.32
HEC-HMS 0.67 0.75 2.00 5.62 0.80 0.76 0.37
WATFLOOD 0.66 0.72 1.76 −10.60 0.71 0.70 0.39

more accurately regarding errors. Even though SAC-SMA performs well, the negative PBIAS suggests that the model slightly un-
derestimates the flow during the calibration. Relatively high MPFC (0.79) and PNSE (0.62) reveals that the SAC-SMA model can
capture not only low and medium-range flows but also peak flows well. The GR4J model also has similar performance results (KGE =
0.82 and r = 0.85) as compared to SAC-SMA for both low and medium-range flows. However, the GR4J model underpredicts flows
more than SAC-SMA based on the percentage PBIAS values (−1.96 % and −5.71 % for SAC-SMA and GR4J, respectively). Statistics
for peak flows suggest that the GR4J performs equally as the SAC-SMA model in capturing peak flows in the calibration period. Even
though the performances are lower than SAC-SMA and GR4J models, KGE, r, and RMSE statistics indicate that the MAC-HBV, HEC-
HMS, and WATFLOOD models also can provide satisfactory (KGE > 0.5) results during the calibration period for both low and
medium-range flows. All three models underpredict observed flows, but the HEC-HMS model’s performance is relatively better than
MAC-HBV and WATFLOOD regarding underprediction (Table 2). Peak flow statistics indicate that the MAC-HBV, HEC-HMS, and
WATFLOOD models can provide reasonably good results where HEC-HMS performs relatively better. In general, all five models
provide adequate results, but SAC-SMA and GR4J outperform the other three models in the calibration period.
A similar trend was observed during the validation for all low, medium-range, and peak flows of all five models. In contrast to the
calibration period, the SAC-SMA, GR4J, and HEC-HMS models appear to slightly overpredict observed flows during the validation
period (Table 3). The MAC-HBV, HEC-HMS, and WATFLOOD models have similar performance for both low and medium-range
flows, but WATFLOOD performs relatively better in the validation period for all flows. In general, the SAC-SMA and the GR4J models
appear the best performing for all flows in both calibration and validation periods. The MAC-HBV, HEC-HMS, and WATFLOOD
models perform reasonably well for low to medium-range flows but underestimate peak flows in both calibration and validation
To further assess the general model performances, scatter plots of observed vs. simulated flows for each model for calibration and
validation periods are used (Fig. 3). Data are more clustered along the 45° line in the case of both SAC-SMA and GR4J models. The
SAC-SMA and GR4J models generally perform well for all low, medium, and high flows in both calibration and validation periods.
The HEC-HMS model performs reasonably well for most flows in both calibration and validation periods, except for overestimating at
low flows. MAC-HBV performs well for low flows but shows some inconsistencies at medium and high flows in both calibration and
validation periods. The WATFLOOD also performs reasonably well for low flows in both calibration and validation period but with a
clear underestimation at medium-range and high flows in the calibration period. However, WATFLOOD performs relatively better in
the validation period, especially for high flows compared to calibration. The scatterplots also show that the results are more dispersed
from the 45° line with increasing flows for all models. In general, the SAC-SMA and the GR4J models show better performance for all
flows in both calibration and validation periods. On the other hand, the HEC-HMS model captures most of the peaks during both
calibration and validation period and hence competes with SAC-SMA and GR4J. The WATFLOOD and MAC-HBV models perform
reasonably well for low to medium-range flows but underestimate peak flows in both calibration and validation periods.
Hydrographs of observed and simulated stream flows are shown for the year 2011 for calibration and 2015 for the validation

D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

Fig. 3. Scatter plots of observed and simulated flows using SAC-SMA, GR4J, MAC-HBV, HEC-HMS, and WATFLOOD for the calibration period
(2007–2012) and the validation period (2013–2015).

period in Figs. 4 and 5, respectively. SAC-SMA model appears effective at simulating the magnitude and timing of all stream flows
better than other models during the calibration period. The same trend is observed during the validation period for SAC-SMA but
shows some inconsistencies in the early months of the year. The GR4J model is also able to capture all flows as accurately as the SAC-
SMA model during the calibration period except towards the end of the year. The agreement between observed and simulated flows in
both rising limbs and falling limbs of the hydrographs is more accurate for both SAC-SMA and GR4J models during the validation

D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

Fig. 4. Hydrographs of streamflow for the calibration period (only for 2011). Note; Obs: observed flow.

period. The other models tend to underpredict or overpredict observed flows and are not able to capture the rising and falling limbs of
the hydrograph accurately as SAC-SMA and GR4J. Therefore, the hydrographs and model performances indicate that the SAC-SMA
and the GR4J models to provide better streamflow simulations.
For further analysis, Taylor diagrams are used to select the best model based on three statistical parameters; standard deviation,
correlation coefficient, and centered root mean square error for both calibration and validation periods (Fig. 6). Similarly to the
results discussed above, the GR4J and SAC-SMA models perform competitively well as they are plotted closest to the black arc as well
as the point “OBS”. The MAC-HBV, HEC-HMS, and WATFLOOD models also closely follow GR4J and SAC-SMA models indicating
comparatively good performance.
Apart from model simulation accuracy, some other factors which affect model selection for operational streamflow forecasting
were also considered in this study. Model simulation time, user-friendliness, input data requirement, and availability were also
evaluated along with the model simulation accuracy as a requirement for forecasting.
When all models run on computers with similar computational power, no significant time difference observed between the five
A significant difference in user-friendliness was experienced among the models used in this study. The HEC-HMS model has its
own data preprocessing tool called “HEC-DSSVue” and user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI). HEC-DSSVue is a Java-based
program that can be used to process observed meteorological data for input to HEC-HMS. HEC-DSSVue produces observed me-
teorological time series formatted for compatibility with HEC-HMS. All three lumped models do not have a GUI, and original
MATLAB codes were run in MATLAB software in the study. The “Geen Kenue” software was used to pre and post-processing data for

D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

Fig. 5. Hydrographs of streamflow for the validation period (only for 2015). Note; Obs: observed flow.

WATFLLOD, even though it does not have a prebuilt GUI interface. Therefore, data preprocessing, input-output, visualization, and
model forcing is relatively easy with HEC-HMS compared to the other four models.
When considering the complexity and input data requirement, all three lump models are advantageous as they only require
temperature and precipitation as model forcing. The fully distributed WATFLOOD model only requires land cover as an additional
input other than temperature and precipitation. On the other hand, the semi-distributed HEC-HMS model requires more basin
characteristics, which result in difficulties in model implementation.
The availability of hydrologic models may also play a role in model selection for operational forecasting. All the HEC-models are
freely available at the US Army Corps of Engineers website via www.hec.usace.army.mil/software/hec-hms/downloads.aspx. The
GR4J model is also available as a pre-built full R package “airGR” where R is free software available to the public. Calculated
evapotranspiration is a requirement for the original GR4J model. Evapotranspiration also could be calculated using the pre-built R
package “Evapotranspiration” using 21 different formulations, including Penman, Penman-Monteith FAO 56, Priestley-Taylor and
Morton formulations. Therefore, the use of the GR4J model is advantageous over other models and has openings for further de-
velopment. The other three models used in this study are not freely available and hence is a disadvantage.

5. Operational flow forecasting

To verify the potential of the best performing hydrological models for operational streamflow forecasting in the Waterford River
watershed, deterministic hydrologic forecasts were performed. The SAC-SMA, GR4J, and HEC-HMS hydrological models were used to

D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

Fig. 6. Taylor diagrams showing a statistical assessment of simulated flows from five hydrologic models SAC-SMA, GR4J, MAC-HBV, HEC-HMS, and
WATFLOOD for the calibration (a) and validation period (b). Note: Diagram summarizes three statistical performances (standard deviation, cor-
relation coefficient, and centered root mean square error) for each model. Different colors denote different models. The best model plots itself closer
to the black arc as well as the point ‘OBS’ (observed flow), which represents agreement with observations.

simulate the streamflow for forecast ranges of 1–5 days ahead. The HEC-HMS model was run as the benchmark model. Flows were
simulated for six months from 2017-06-01 to 2017-12-31 on a daily time step. The simulation was limited to only six months because
the observed flow data were available only up to 31 December 2017. Global Deterministic Prediction System (GDPS) meteorological
forecasts archived in Canadian Surface Prediction ARchive (CaSPAr) (https://caspar-data.ca/) were used to force the selected hy-
drological models. GDPS forecast weather variables are available in daily time step, and therefore, daily time streamflow simulations
for up to five days ahead were generated using selected hydrologic models. Forecasted GDPS meteorological data (precipitation and
temperature) were assessed before forcing the hydrological models to verify the quality of archived meteorological data. This as-
sessment was performed using observed precipitation and temperature for two years from 2017-06-01 to 2019-06-01 recorded at “St.
john’s Intl A” and “St. John’s West Climate” EC weather station in St. John’s, NL. The evaluation was performed by first overlying
observation gauge points on GDPS forecast grids and then by comparing corresponding GDPS pixel value with the observed gauge
value. To evaluate the quality of forecast meteorological data, the correlation coefficient and RMSE were chosen, as shown in Table 4.
Average forecast weather variables corresponding to “St. john’s Intl A” and “St. John’s West Climate” EC weather stations were used
as input for hydrologic model runs.
The statistics show that the temperature forecasts for the study area performed well and better than precipitation forecasts
(Table 4). For the precipitation, correlation is significant for short lead times. On the other hand, temperature shows a significant
correlation for all lead times up to 5 days ahead. In both cases, performance decreases with increasing lead time. RMSE follows a
similar pattern as the correlation coefficient for both precipitation and temperature. Overall, the results suggest that the GDPS data
perform well only for short lead times for precipitation while it performs well for longer lead times for temperature.
The results of the forecasting flow using SAC-SMA, GR4J, and HEC-HMS are presented in Tables 5–7, respectively. Both SAC-SMA
and GR4J models perform reasonably well for up to 1–3 day ahead forecasts. The agreement between observed and simulated flows
in both the rising limbs and the falling limbs of the hydrographs (Fig. 7) is more accurate for both SAC-SMA and GR4J models for one
day ahead forecasts. The benchmark model, HEC-HMS, does not perform equally well for all flows when compared to the SAC-SMA
and GR4J models. The HEC-HMS model performs relatively well for the peak flows as the SAC-SMA and GR4J models (Fig. 7). As
expected, based on the forecast evaluation results, the performance decreases with increasing lead time (Fig. 7). The average time of
concentration of the watershed was calculated to be about 10.8 h (Smith, 1988). GDPS daily forecasts are released in 6 -h intervals a
day (time of 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, and 18:00). Therefore, daily streamflow forecasts using hydrological models can be issued in 6 -h
time intervals. Hence, the methods used in this study can capture most of the peaks adequately.

Table 4
Evaluation results of GDPS forecasts.
Lead time (days ahead) r RMSE

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Precipitation 0.82 0.63 0.56 0.35 0.29 5.40 8.00 8.61 11.80 13.87
Temperature 0.98 0.95 0.88 0.85 0.81 1.86 2.74 3.60 3.38 4.50

D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

Table 5
Model performances for streamflow forecast up to 5 days forecasts using SAC-SMA model.
SAC-SMA All flows Peak flow


1 0.75 0.91 0.92 17.91 0.38 0.60 0.67

2 0.46 0.87 1.23 29.63 0.51 0.58 0.28
3 0.42 0.74 1.34 63.21 0.85 0.41 0.12
4 −0.28 0.58 3.52 84.25 1.90 0.32 0.08
5 −2.42 0.42 5.23 217.10 4.71 0.22 −0.92

Acceptable model performances are indicated by bold values.

Table 6
Model performances for streamflow forecast up to 5 days forecasts using GR4J model.
GR4J All flows Peak flow

3 −1

1 0.65 0.90 1.00 36.08 0.40 0.60 0.50

2 0.42 0.85 1.53 38.80 0.69 0.48 0.12
3 0.23 0.72 3.33 72.48 0.84 0.45 0.06
4 −0.52 0.57 4.23 92.00 2.31 0.33 0.01
5 −2.52 0.23 5.63 221.96 4.78 0.12 −1.02

Acceptable model performances are indicated by bold values.

Table 7
Model performances for streamflow forecast up to 5 days forecasts using HEC-HMS model.
HEC-HMS All flows Peak flow


1 0.42 0.85 2.42 43.59 0.61 0.58 0.32

2 0.22 0.72 3.07 60.48 0.93 0.32 0.07
3 0.10 0.57 4.94 92.60 1.36 0.31 0.01
4 −1.15 0.13 5.37 181.00 2.89 0.12 −1.02
5 −3.25 0.01 7.35 414.32 3.96 0.08 −2.00

Acceptable model performances are indicated by bold values.

6. Conclusions

From the results presented in this paper, it can be concluded that all five models are capable of simulating streamflow reasonably
well. The SAC-SMA and GR4J models perform equally well and perform better than the other three models in both calibration and
validation periods for all low, medium, and peak flows. The SAC-SMA and GR4J models generally perform better for peak flows,
followed by HEC-HMS. The WATFLOOD and MAC-HBV models perform better in simulating low flows but underpredict high flows.
The results from the statistics, hydrographs, scatter plots, and Taylor diagrams indicate that the best performing models are SAC-SMA
and GR4J, followed by HEC-HMS. Forecasting model runs using GDPS meteorological forecasts have been verified by their accuracy
in forecasting the observed streamflow in the Waterford River watershed. If a single model to be used for forecasting, the GR4J model
can be recommended. Relatively smaller basin size, less input data requirement, efficiency in computational timing, freely available
R-package makes GR4J as the best model to be used in operational flood forecasting in the Waterford River basin in St. John’s, NL.
However, due to the good performance of all five models, an ensemble streamflow forecast using continuous, multiple hydrological
models for operational forecasting is also recommended. The resultant flows for hydrological models can be used as forcing data for
existing hydraulic models at WRMD to produce user-friendly flood risk maps to be delivered via social media to the public. The use of
existing knowledge gathered through a long time of hands-on experience of forecasters along with hydrological and hydraulic model
runs will produce more accurate operational flood forecasting for St. John’s, NL.


This work was funded by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Canadian FloodNet (grant number:
NETGP 451456).

D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

Fig. 7. Hydrographs of streamflow for 1–5 days ahead forecasts using SAC-SMA, GR4J and HEC-HMS.

Declaration of Competing Interest

We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication and there has been no significant
financial support for this work that could have influenced its outcome. We confirm that the manuscript has been read and approved
by all named authors and that there are no other persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed. We further
confirm that the order of authors listed in the manuscript has been approved by all of us. We confirm that we have given due
consideration to the protection of intellectual property associated with this work and that there are no impediments to publication,
including the timing of publication, with respect to intellectual property. In so doing we confirm that we have followed the reg-
ulations of our institutions concerning intellectual property.


The work for this manuscript was performed while the first author, Dayal Buddika Wijayarathne, was an intern graduate student
at Water Resources Management Division, Department of Municipal Affairs and Environment, Government of Newfoundland and
Labrador. The authors would like to thank Dr. Amir Ali Khan, Dr. Nicholas Kouwen, and Mr. Mohammad Khayer for their help in
collecting the required data, implementing models, and contributions to various aspects of this research. The authors are also grateful
to the Canadian Surface Prediction ARchive (CaSPAr) system from where forecast data were downloaded.

D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

Appendix A

Table A1
Model parameters in GR4J model.
Parameter Description Range Units

xl Capacity of the production soil store 1 to 1500 mm

x2 Water exchange coefficient −10 to 5 mm
x3 Capacity of the routing store 1–500 mm
x4 Time parameter for unit hydrographs 0.5 to 4 days
tr Rainfall threshold temperature 0 to 2.5 C̊
scf Snow correction factor 0.4 to 1.6 –
dff Degree day factor 0 to 5 mm day−1 °C−1
rcr Rainfall correction 0.5 to 1.5 –
athorn A constant for Thornthwaite’s equation 0.1 to 0.3 –

Table A2
Description of MAC-HBV model parameters.
Parameter Description Range Units

tr Rain threshold 0 to 2.5 C̊

scf Snow correction factor 0.4 to 1.6 –
ddf Degree-day factor 0 to 5 mm day−1 °C−1
athorn Coefficient of a simplified version of Thornthwaite’s formula 0.1 to 0.3 –
fc Maximum soil box water content 50 to 800 mm
flp Limit for potential evaporation 0.1 to 0.9 –
beta A non-linear parameter controlling runoff generation 0 to 10 –
k0 Flow recession coefficient 1–30 day
lsuz A threshold value to control response routing 1 to 100 mm
k1 Flow recession coefficient in the upper soil reservoir 30 to 100 day
cperc Constant percolation rate parameter 0.01to 6 mmday−1
k2 Flow recession coefficient in the lower soil reservoir 100 to 500 day
maxbas Runoff distribution parameter 1to 20 day
rcr Rainfall correction factor 0.5 to 1.5 –
alpha Non-linearity coefficient 0.5 to 1.25 –

Table A3
Description of SAC-SMA model parameters.
Parameter Description Range Units

uztwm Upper-zone tension water maximum storage 1 to 150 mm

uzfwm Upper-zone free water maximum storage 1 to 150 mm
lztwm Lower-zone tension water maximum storage 1–500 mm
lzfpm Lower-zone free water primary maximum storage 1 to 1000 mm
lzfsm Lower-zone free water supplemental maximum 1 to 1000 mm
adimp Additional impervious area 0 to 0.4 –
uzk Upper-zone free water lateral depletion rate 0.1 to 0.5 day−1
lzpk Lower-zone primary free water lateral depletion 0.1 to 0.5 day−1
lzsk Lower-zone supplemental free water lateral 0.01 to 0.25 day−1
depletion rate
zperc Maximum percolation rate 1 to 250 –
rexp Exponent of the percolation equation 1–5 –
pctim Impervious fraction of the watershed area 0 to 0.9 –
pfree Fraction percolating from upper to lower zone free water storage 0 to 0.6 –
rq Residence time parameters of quick flow 0 to 0.99 –
ddf Degree day factor 0 to 5 mmday−1 °C−1
scf Snowfall correction factor 0.4 to 1.6 –
tr Upper threshold temperature to distinguish between rainfall and snowfall 0 to 2.5 °C
athorn A constant for Thornthwaite’s equation 0.1 to 0.3 –
rcr Rainfall correction factor 0.5 to 1.5 –

D.B. Wijayarathne and P. Coulibaly Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 27 (2020) 100646

Table A4
Description of HEC-HMS model parameters.
Component Symbol Parameter Units

Snow tmax Upper temperature threshold ˚C

tmin Lower temperature threshold ˚C
tcrt Critical temperature for snowmelt ˚C
mr Snowmelt rate mm˚C−1day−1
Precipitation loss ss Surface storage capacity mm
if Infiltration rate mmday−1
is Initial soil storage –
us Soil storage capacity mm
ts Tension zone capacity mm
sp Soil percolation rate mmday−1
g1i Initial ground water 1 storage –
g1s Groundwater 1 storage capacity mm
g1p Ground water 1 percolation rate mmday−1
g1c Ground water 1 storage coefficient days
g2i Initial groundwater 2 storage –
g2p Groundwater 2 percolation capacity mmday−1
g2c Groundwater 2 percolation rate days
ai Impervious sub-basin area –
as Sub-basin area km2
Direct runoff tc Time of concentration days
st Storage coefficient days
River routing so Storage-outflow m3s−1
si Number of sub-reaches –
Baseflow b1s Baseflow 1 storage coefficient day
b1r Baseflow 1 number of reservoirs –
b2s Baseflow 2 storage coefficient day
b2r Baseflow 2 number of reservoirs –

Table A5
Optimized parameters of WATFLOOD model for forest land cover class.
Hydrological Parameters

Parameter Description Range Units

rec interflow coefficient 0.5 × 10 to 0.1 –
ak infiltration coefficient bare ground 0.04 to 20 –
akfs infiltration coefficient snow covered ground 0.04 to 20 –
retn upper zone retention 0.1 × 10−1 to 0.3 mm
ak2 recharge coefficient bare ground 0.1 × 10−3 to 0.1 –
ak2fs recharge coefficient snow covered ground 0 to 0.1 –
River and basin parameters
lzf Lower zone drainage function parameter 0.1 × 10−6 to 0.1 × 10-3 –
pwr Lower zone drainage function exponent 0.3 to 4 –
R2n River channel Manning’s n 0.1 × 10−1 to 0.1 –
kcond Conductivity of the wetland (bank)-channel interface 0.1 to 0.9 –
theta Porosity the wetland or channel bank 0.1 to 0.6 –
Snow parameters
fm melt factor 0.5 × 10−1 to 0.5 mm˚C−1day−1
base base temperature for melt calculations −5 to 5 ˚C
sublime_rate sublimation rate −0.5 × 10-1 to 0.5 mmday−1

Appendix B. Supplementary data

Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2019.


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