Lecture B3 A 1

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Lecture B3.

Group Theory
Covalent Bond Theories

VSEPR (valence shell electron pair repulsion model).

A set of empirical rules for predicting a molecular geometry using,

as input, a correct Lewis Dot representation.

Valence Bond theory.

A more advanced description of orbitals in molecules. We emphasize

just one aspect of this theory: Hybrid atomic orbitals.

Works especially well for organic molecules.

3. Molecular Orbital theory.

The most modern and powerful theory of bonding. Based upon QM.
Covalent Bond Theories

VSEPR (valence shell electron pair repulsion model).

A set of empirical rules for predicting a molecular geometry using,

as input, a correct Lewis Dot representation.

Valence Bond theory.

A more advanced description of orbitals in molecules. We emphasize

just one aspect of this theory: Hybrid atomic orbitals.

Works especially well for organic molecules.

3. Molecular Orbital theory.

The most modern and powerful theory of bonding. Based upon QM.
Covalent Bond Theories

VSEPR (valence shell electron pair repulsion model).

A set of empirical rules for predicting a molecular geometry using,

as input, a correct Lewis Dot representation.

Molecular Geometry
is described by
Group Theory!
Point Group Symmetry
Point group symmetry is an important property of molecules widely used in some branches of
chemistry: spectroscopy, quantum chemistry and crystallography.
An individual point group is represented by a set of symmetry “elements” or operations:
• E - the identity ( abbreviated to E, from the German 'Einheit' meaning Unity)
• Cn - rotation by 2π/n angle *
• σs - reflection plane
• σh - horizontal reflection plane (perpendicular to the principal axis) **
• σv - vertical reflection plane (contains the principal axis)
• σd - diagonal reflection plane (contains the principal axis and bisects the angle between two
C2 axes perpendicular to the principal axis)
• i - Center of symmetry or inversion center. A molecule has a center of symmetry when, for
any atom in the molecule, an identical atom exists diametrically opposite this center an equal
distance from it. There may or may not be an atom at the center.
• Sn - improper rotation (rotation by 2π/n angle and reflection in the plane perpendicular to the
* - n is an integer
** - principal axis is a Cn axis with the biggest n.

A molecule belongs to a symmetry point group if it is unchanged under all the symmetry
operations of this group.
1. Identity is indicated as E does nothing, has no effect
All molecules/objects possess the identity operation, i.e.,
possess E.
E has the same importance as the number 1 does in
multiplication (E is needed in order to define inverses).

2. n-Fold Rotations: Cn, where n is an integer
rotation by 360°/n about a particular axis defined as the n-fold
rotation axis.
C2 = 180° rotation, C3 = 120° rotation, C4 = 90° rotation, C5
= 72° rotation, C6 = 60° rotation, etc.
Rotation of H2O about the axis shown by 180° (C2) gives the
same molecule back.
Therefore H2O possess the C2 symmetry element.

3. Reflection: σs (the symmetry element is called a mirror plane
or plane of symmetry)
If reflection about a mirror plane gives the same molecule/
object back than there is a plane of symmetry (σs).
If plane contains the principle rotation axis (i.e., parallel), it is a
vertical plane (σv)
If plane is perpendicular to the principle rotation axis, it is a
horizontal plane (σh)
If plane is parallel to the principle rotation axis, but bisects
angle between 2 C2 axes, it is a diagonal plane (σd)
H2O possesses 2 σv mirror planes of symmetry because they
are both parallel to the principle rotation axis (C2)
4. Inversion: i (the element that corresponds to this operation is a
center of symmetry or inversion center)
The operation is to move every atom in the molecule in a straight
line through the inversion center to the opposite side of the
Therefore XeF4 possesses an inversion center at the Xe atom.

5. Improper Rotations: Sn
n-fold rotation followed by reflection through mirror plane
perpendicular to rotation axis
Note: n is always 3 or larger because S1 = s and S2 = i.

Ethane C2H6

S6 axis
An example: H2O

The water molecule has

one C2 axis and two σv
symmetry planes.

It's point group is: C2v

An example: H2O
The C2v Character Table:
An example: H2O

Symmetry elements
An example: H2O

Irreducible Representations
An example: H2O

Number of vibrations: 3N - 6 = 3

IR activity is denoted by x, y or z
Normal mode vibrations: 2 A1 + B2
An example: H2O

Number of vibrations: 3N - 6 = 3

Raman activity is denoted by this column.

Normal mode vibrations: 2 A1 + B2
An example: H2O

Number of vibrations: 3N - 6 = 3

Each normal mode vibration has an irreducible representation:

Normal mode vibrations: 2 A1 + B2

An example: H2O

Number of vibrations: 3N - 6 = 3
ν1 vibration: 3657 cm-1
A1 symmetry, OH symmetric stretch
Both IR and Raman active.
An example: H2O

Number of vibrations: 3N - 6 = 3

ν2 vibration: 1595 cm-1

A1 symmetry, OH bend
Both IR and Raman active.
An example: H2O

Number of vibrations: 3N - 6 = 3

ν3 vibration: 3756 cm-1

B2 symmetry, OH asymmetric stretch
IR and Raman active.
There are only a finite number of molecular
symmetry groups.

We can use a flowchart to find them if

we can find all of the symmetry elements.
We can use a flowchart to find them if
we can find all of the symmetry elements.

Seesaw Geometry

XeF4 D4h



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