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Radioactivity Test

Multiple Choice: Write the correct answer on the blank provided for each question

_____ 1) Which of the following types of radiation gives off a stream of negative
A. Alpha decay.
B. Beta decay.
C. Gamma decay.
_____ 2) Which of the following types of radiation gives off a stream of positivie
A. Alpha decay.
B. Beta decay.
C. Gamma decay.
_____ 3) Which of the following types of radiation is not affected by a magnetic
A. Alpha decay.
B. Beta decay.
C. Gamma decay.
_____ 4) What is the name of the particle made up of 2 protons and 2 neutrons?
A. Alpha particle.
B. Beta particle.
C. Gamma ray.
_____ 5) What is the name of the particle that travels at the speed of light?
A. Alpha particle.
B. Beta particle.
C. Gamma ray.
_____ 6) What is the name of the particle that is an electron released from the
breakdown of a neutron in the nucleus?
A. Alpha particle.
B. Beta particle.
C. Gamma ray.
_____ 7) Who discovered radioactivity?
A. Marie Curie.
B. Albert Einstein.
C. Henri Becquerel
_____ 8) Which of the following is stopped by several centimeters (cm) of lead?
A. Alpha particle.
B. Beta particle.
C. Gamma ray.
_____ 9) Which of the following is stopped by a sheet of paper?
A. Alpha particle.
B. Beta particle.
C. Gamma ray.
_____ 10) Which of the following is stopped by a thin layer of metal foil?
A. Alpha particle.
B. Beta particle.
C. Gamma ray.
Matching: Choose the letter of the correct word for each of the questions below. Each
letter will be used only once.

A. Decay series F. Nuclear fusion

B. Half-life G. Radioactive
C. Helium H. Radioactive decay
D. Longer I. Radioactivity
E. Nuclear fission J. Transmutation

_____ 1) An element that gives off nuclear radiation.

_____ 2) An element changes to another, more stable element.

_____ 3) The amount of time for half the atoms in a radioactive sample to decay.

_____ 4) The more stable a nucleus is, the __________ its half-life.

_____ 5) The process in which the nucleus of an unstable atom releases radiation in
order to become stable.

_____ 6) The changing of an atom into another, more stable atom during decay.

_____ 7) The splitting of an atom into 2 smaller nuclei (nuclear power plant).

_____ 8) An alpha particle is actually a nucleus of ____________.

_____ 9) The name given to the several steps required to get a radioactive element to a
stable element.

_____ 10) The joining of 2 atoms to form a single, larger nucleus (stars).

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