Environmental Management Plan (EMP) : Environmental Law - Assignment No.1 Vishnu. P BC0150035
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) : Environmental Law - Assignment No.1 Vishnu. P BC0150035
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) : Environmental Law - Assignment No.1 Vishnu. P BC0150035
The Ministry of Environment & Forests is the nodal agency in the administrative structure of the
Central Government, for the planning, promotion, co-ordination and overseeing the
implementation of environmental and forestry programmes and policies The Ministry's main
activities include conservation and survey of flora, fauna, forests and wildlife, prevention and
control of pollution, afforestation and re-generation of degraded areas, protection of the
environment, ensuring welfare of animals and research related to these activities. The main tools
utilized to attain these goals and objectives, inter alia, include surveys, impact assessment,
control of pollution, regeneration programmes, support to organizations, research to solve
problems relating to environment and provide training to augment the requisite manpower,
collection and dissemination of environmental information and creation of environmental
awareness among all sectors of society in the country
1. Liquid Effluents
o Effluents from the industrial plants should be treated well to the standards as
prescribed by the Central/State Water Pollution Control Boards.
o Soil permeability studies should be made prior to effluents being discharged into
holding tanks or impoundments and steps taken to prevent percolation and ground
water contamination.
o Deep well burial of toxic effluents should not be resorted to as it can result in re-
surfacing and ground water contamination.Re-surfacing has been known to cause
extensive damage to crop and livestocks.
o In all cases,efforts should be made for re-use of water and its conservation.
2. Air Pollution
o The emission levels of pollutants from the different stacks,should conform to the
pollutin control standards prescribed by Central or State Boards.
o Community buildings and townships should be built up-wind of plant with one-
half to one kilometer greenbelt in adition to physiographical barrier.
3. Solid Wastes
o The site for waste disposal should be checked to verify permeability so that no
contamimants percolate into the ground water or river/lake.
o The pattern of filling disposal site should be planned to create better landscape
and be approved by appropriate agency and the appropriately pretreated solid
wastes should be disposed according to the approved plan.
7. House - Keeping
Proper house-keeping and cleanliness should be maintained both inside and outside of the
8. Human Settlements
o Residential colonies should be located away from the solid and liquid waste
dumping areas.Meteorological and environmental conditions should be studied
properly before selecting the site for residential areas in order to avoid air
pollution problems.
o Persons who are displaced or have lost agricultural lands as a result of locating the
industries in the area,should be properly rehabilitated.
9. Transport Systems
o Proper parking places should be provided for the trucks and other vehicles by the
industries to avoid any congestion or blocking of roads.
o Siting of industries on the highways should be avoided as it may add to more road
accidents because of substantial increase in the movements of heavy vehicles and
unauthorised shops and settlements coming up around the industrial complex.
o Spillage of chemicals/substances on roads inside the plant may lead to
accidents.Proper road safety signs both inside and outside the plant should be
displayed for avoiding road accidents.