RCED Housing Packet 2019

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Available from 2016-2020 Republic County, cities, and school districts have agreed to provide rebates on
property tax on new construction that increases the appraised value of a Republic County property by
$30,000 or more.

● Provides a 5-year rebate schedule of taxes paid on the new investment are 95%, 90%, 70%,
40%, & 20%.
● Applicable for residential, ag, commercial, and industrial projects.
● The rebates transfer with the sale of the property.

Pick up the application at the Republic County Appraisers office in Belleville 1815 M Street Belleville, KS
66935, 785-527-7229, [email protected].

Land banks are governmental entities or nonprofit corporations that are focused on the conversion of
vacant, abandoned, and tax delinquent properties into productive use. Vacant, abandoned, and tax-
delinquent properties are often grouped together as “problem properties” because they destabilize
neighborhoods, create fire and safety hazards, drive down property values, and drain local tax dollars. In
some sense, these are properties the private market has altogether rejected.

In short, land banks are intended to acquire title to these problem properties, eliminate the liabilities, and
transfer the properties to new, responsible owners in a transparent manner that results in outcomes
consistent with community-based plans.

Frequently Asked Questions on Land Banking

The Legal Basis for a Land Bank in Kansas


NCRP serves 12 counties in North Central Kansas. Quality housing is an asset to a community and must
be maintained and addressed just like any other infrastructure within a community. We have experienced
staff available to help member cities and counties evaluate and address their respective housing needs.
Housing services include but are not limited to housing project planning, housing rehabilitation
administration and inspection, licensed lead inspections and risk assessments, lead clearance testing,
certified asbestos assessments, demolition inspections, radon testing, and nuisance abatement.

Capital Improvement Planning

Capital Improvement Plans (CIP) act as long term guides that provide a
schedule of construction or acquisition of capital improvements and
provide a framework for how they will be funded. Cities, counties and
non-profit entities all benefit from the capital improvement planning
process. Those with a plan in place also have an easier time accessing
funding from federal and state sources.

Our step-by-step “recipe” approach will help guide your city, county, or
non-profit toward a usable plan that will help chart a five-year plan of
action leading to enhanced decision making for improvements. Whether
you are developing or updating a CIP—NCRPC staff will provide
valuable resources and planning assistance. Click here for a fee
schedule, then contact us to get started.
Housing Rehabilitation
The NCRPC provides application preparation, project administration and
inspection services for the Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) Housing Rehabilitation Program, which is funded through the
Kansas Department of Commerce. The CDBG Housing Rehabilitation
program is part of an annual competitive round with an application
typically in August. This program provides funding to local governments
for homeowner and rental rehabilitation and for demolishing dilapidated
residential structures. It is designed to benefit low and moderate income
families. All communities applying for a CDBG housing grant must
complete the Housing Assessment Tool (HAT). Click here for the HAT
form or contact the NCRPC Housing Director. Click here for a flyer with
more information about the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation program.

Home Ownership Program

North Central Regional Planning Commission is proud to partner with local banks and charitable
foundations to create and administer a new incentive program to make home ownership more affordable.
Pilot communities and contacts here.

Housing Inspection Services

NCRPC housing inspectors are licensed or certified to provide a variety of inspection services for
governmental entities and private property owners. To learn more about any of the following inspection
services NCRPC offers or to request a bid, contact the NCRPC Housing Director. Housing Quality
Standards Inspection / Lead Based Paint Inspection / Lead Based Paint Risk Assessment / Lead
Clearance Testing / Certified Asbestos Material Inspection / Demolition Inspection / Radon Testing
Weatherization Inspection

Nuisance Abatement
The Nuisance Abatement Program helps communities deal with “nuisance” properties that are unsafe or
not in compliance with ordinances. Common nuisances may include unlicensed, inoperable vehicles;
uncontrolled weeds, grass, trees, and brush; buildings with broken windows or doors; outbuildings in
disrepair; and garbage and other waste. In addition to these items being an eyesore for a community,
many are also a threat to the health and safety of its citizens.

While some larger communities have code enforcement officers, many in the NCRPC region do not. This
program gives communities access to this type of service on a contractual basis without the full staffing
costs associated with such by using the NCRPC for third party assessment and oversight. Click here for a
flyer with more information.
Intro to Nuisance Abatement
The Intro to Nuisance Abatement Program is designed for smaller communities with flexibility to be
customized to meet specific circumstances and budgets. Just as with the full Nuisance Abatement
Program, the community must adopt a comprehensive Nuisance Abatement Ordinance. The
comprehensive Nuisance Abatement Ordinance, available from NCRPC, applies to all properties including
commercial, residential, vacant or occupied. NCRPC staff provide impartial property assessments for the
Intro to Nuisance Abatement Program and assist the city with program oversight. To keep costs lower,
communities carry out administrative duties of the program. Click here for a flyer with more information.

Contractor Opportunities
We are currently seeking qualified housing and/or HVAC contractors to bid contract work for our housing
programs. Opportunities exist for the Housing Rehabilitation and the Household Weatherization
Assistance Programs. For more information, click here.

Household Weatherization Program

The North Central Regional Planning Commission operates a Weatherization Assistance Program that
helps reduce energy costs for low-income households by increasing the energy efficiency of their homes,
while ensuring their health and safety. Funding for this program is provided by the Department of Energy
(DOE) and the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP). Click here for more information about
the Household Weatherization Program and how to apply.


Allows the Department of Commerce to distribute federal funds to Kansas cities and counties looking to
improve their community. To receive funds, a project must meet at least one of the following federally
mandated criteria: 1.) The project benefits low- and moderate-income individuals. 2.) The project removes
or prevents slum or blight condition.
3.) The project eliminates an urgent need created by a disaster when local funds are unavailable.
Community Development Block Grant Program

● Brochures & FAQs

● Commercial Rehabilitation
● Community Facilities
● Economic Development
● Housing Rehabilitation
● Resource Library
● Urgent Need
● Water and Sewer

Local units of government may apply for funds for Homeowner Rehabilitation, Rental Rehabilitation,
Reconstruction, Relocation and/or Demolition. The maximum grants are $400,000. Before a
community considers a housing grants they MUST complete a Housing Assessment Tool (HAT) to
determine their needs and are encouraged to attend a Housing Interagency Advisory Committee meeting.


The HAT is a tool for applicants to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and priorities. By
completing the HAT, applicants will become more aware and informed of their current housing inventory in
order to develop relevant strategies for housing improvement that take into account the unique
characteristics of the region or community. This is a requirement for CDBG housing rehabilitation
The purpose of the Housing Interagency Advisory Committee (HIAC) is to provide guidance and direction
to communities seeking funding for housing projects. The committee also facilitates coordination and
communication between agencies/organizations involved in housing projects and issues as they counsel
those communities.

● Kansas Department of Commerce (Commerce)

● Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC)
● U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development (RD)
● Federal Home Loan Bank (FHL Bank)


Kansas Housing Resources Corporation offers affordable housing opportunities to first-time homebuyers,
renters, senior citizens, and other individuals with special needs who otherwise might not be able to afford
quality housing. To learn more about the programs we offer, follow the links below. Brochure.

● Community Services Block Grant

● Emergency Solutions Grant
● Fair Housing
● First Time Homebuyer
● HOME Rental Development and Community Housing Development Organizations
● Housing Trust Fund
● Manufactured Housing
● Low Income Housing Tax Credit
● Moderate Income Housing
● Private Activity Bond Allocation
● Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
● Weatherization Assistance
● Asset Management

September 17-19, 2019

Hyatt Regency
Wichita, KS



Multi-Family Housing Programs

We provide affordable multi-family rental housing in rural areas by financing projects geared for low-
income, elderly and disabled individuals and families as well as domestic farm laborers. We preserve our
portfolio of more than 14,000 properties by aggressively restructuring loans for existing rural rental
housing and off-farm labor housing projects to allow for sufficient reserves to meet major repairs and
improvements over the lifetime of the property. On a yearly basis we provide grants to sponsoring
organizations to repair or rehabilitate housing for needy families. We also subsidize rents for low-income
tenants in our projects who cannot afford to pay their full rent. Rural Development Multi-Family Housing

● Farm Labor Direct Loans & Grants

● Housing Preservation & Revitalization Demonstration Loans & Grants
● Housing Preservation Grants
● Multi-Family Housing Direct Loans
● Multi-Family Housing Loan Guarantees
● Multi-Family Housing Rental Assistance

Single Family Housing Programs

Well built, affordable housing is essential to the vitality of communities in rural America. Housing
Programs give families and individuals the opportunity to buy, build, repair, or own safe and affordable
homes located in rural America. Eligibility for these loans, loan guarantees, and grants is based on
income and varies according to the average median income for each area.
Do you want to buy or build, repair or refinance your rural home? Check out the Single Family Housing
Decision Map Infographic to get started.

Homeownership Programs
Low interest, fixed-rate Homeownership loans are provided to qualified persons directly by USDA Rural
Development. Financing is also offered at fixed-rates and terms through a loan from a private financial
institution and guaranteed by USDA Rural Development for qualified persons. Rural Development Single
Family Housing Programs:
● Single Family Housing Direct Home Loans
● Single Family Housing Home Loan Guarantees
● Mutual Self-Help Housing Technical Assistance Grants
● Rural Housing Site Loans

For more information about Single-Family Housing Programs or to find out if you are qualified contact your
local USDA Rural Development office.



The CHP helps you finance owner-occupied and rental housing in your community at below market rates
and various terms. FHLBank Topeka's Community Housing Program (CHP) is a special advance program
authorized by the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s (FHFA) Community Investment Cash Advance
(CICA) regulations. The CHP provides wholesale loans (advances) priced below FHLBank’s regular
advance rates to help finance owner-occupied and rental housing in their communities. This favorable
pricing, coupled with the availability of funds in terms of four months to 30 years, helps lenders extend
long-term, fixed rate credit for housing. Comparable funding for community and economic development
loans is available through FHLBank's Community Development Program (CDP) advances.


● Regular fixed rate advances
● Callable advances
● Amortizing fixed rate advances
● Adjustable rate advances

● Single-family home loans
● One-to-four family rental properties
● Multifamily rental projects
The FHLBank system’s Affordable Housing Program is the largest privately funded housing grant program
in the United States. FHLBank members, in partnership with public and private housing development
organizations, prepare a detailed application for this competitive program. Read more.


The Homeownership Set-aside Program (HSP) is a down payment assistance program designed to help
first-time homebuyers purchase a home in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska or Oklahoma. Read more.


Belleville’s census tract was designated a Federal Opportunity Zones in 2018. This is a new tool for
community development. Established in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, Opportunity Zones provide
tax incentives for investment in designated census
tracts. Kansas Opportunity Zones will support new
investments in community redevelopment initiatives
including agriculture, industry, environmental justice,
sustainability, climate change, and affordable
housing. Learn more here.

Luke Mahin - Director
Republic County Economic Development
[email protected]

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