Lemmy's Custom Weapon Creator Rules

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Custom Weapon Generation System

for​ D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder RPG

Creating Your Own Weapon
Melee Weapon Templates
Ranged Weapon Templates
Range Increments
Weapon Advancement Progression
Zero Cost Modification
Modification Categories
Pricing Your Weapon
Technology & Weapon Modifications
Weapon Modifications
Weapon Flaws
Special Ammo and Splash Weapons
Special Materials
Weapon Weight
Sample Unique Custom Weapons
Crescent Rose / Scythe Rifle (Double Weapon)
Ember Celica / Gun Gauntlets (Double Weapon)
Hidden Blade of Assassins
Reverse Katana
Smash Hammer
Vine Whip
Sample Custom Weapon List
New Feats
Weapon Groups

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Creating Your Own Weapon 

The goal of this homebrew is to allow players and GMs to quickly create weapons that fit their characters’
concept without having to go through an endless list of weapons in which most choices are equal in all but
name, and only a few are worth actually considering.

To create your own custom weapon, follow these simple steps:

1-​ Imagine what kind of weapon you want. A mighty hammer? A deadly sabre? A devious dagger? Think
about what best fits your character, setting or story and go for it!

2-​ Decide if you want your weapon to be a melee weapon or a ranged one.

3-​ Decide what type of weapon you want to create. There are three types of weapons:

● Bludgeoning:​ Known for consistently dealing more damage.

● Slashing:​ Have an easier time finding weak spots
● Piercing:​ Deal devastating damage with a well-placed strike.

4-​ Decide how easy it is to master your weapon. ​Simple​ weapons can be used by most people with basic
combat training, but they aren’t very impressive. ​Martial​ weapons require deeper martial training and often
have additional qualities. ​Exotic​ weapons are very rare and require specialized training, but they reward this
dedication with a variety of special properties.

Once those decisions are made, head over to the appropriate weapon table and choose the weapon
template that best fits your concept. Click on one of the following links to find the template you want.

Weapon Templates

1.01 - Simple Melee Weapons 1.02 - Martial Melee Weapons 1.03 - Exotic Melee Weapons

2.01 - Simple Ranged Weapons 2.02 - Martial Ranged Weapons 2.03 - Exotic Ranged Weapons

5- ​Last but not least, decide what modifications you want to add to your weapon. ​Weapon Modifications​ are
special abilities that you can add to your weapon. Each one of them costs a certain number of “craft points”.
How many craft points can be used on a given weapon depend on what type of weapon it is, but you don’t
need to spend all (or any) of the weapons craft points if you do not wish to do so.

Simple weapons can hold up to ​2​ points worth of weapon modifications.

Martial weapons can hold up to ​4​ points worth of weapon modifications.
Exotic weapons can hold up to ​6​ points worth of weapon modifications.

6-​ Decide what ​weapon group​ your new weapon belongs to. There’s no hard rule for this. The choice should
be based on the weapon’s shape and properties. Pick the one you think best fits your new weapon.

All done! You now have your very own custom-made weapon! ​SUCCESS!
(And if you want you can still use special materials and/or the ​Weapon Flaws​ optional rule to further
customize your weapons).

All these weapons properties are chosen by the weapon’s creator at the moment the weapon is created. So
it’s not the warrior, but the blacksmith who decides if his next piece of metal will be a humble dagger (a
simple melee piercing weapon) or a beautifully crafted katana (an exotic melee slashing weapon).

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Melee Weapon Templates 

(​Obs:​ These tables assume weapons fit for Medium-sized creatures)

  able 1.01 - Simple Melee Weapons


Bludgeoning Slashing Piercing

Weapon Type
Damage Die Critical Damage Die Critical Damage Die Critical

Light 1d4 20/x2 1d3 19-20/x2 1d3 20/x3

One-Handed 1d6 20/x2 1d4 19-20/x2 1d4 20/x3

Two-Handed 1d8 or 2d4 20/x2 1d6 19-20/x2 1d6 20/x3

  able 1.02 - Martial Melee Weapons


Bludgeoning Slashing Piercing

Weapon Type
Damage Die Critical Damage Die Critical Damage Die Critical

Light 1d6 20/x2 1d4 19-20/x2 1d4 20/x3

One-Handed 1d8 or 2d4 20/x2 1d6 19-20/x2 1d6 20/x3

Two-Handed 1d12 or 2d6 20/x2 1d8 or 2d4 19-20/x2 1d8 or 2d4 20/x3

  able 1.03 - Exotic Melee Weapons


Bludgeoning Slashing Piercing

Weapon Type
Damage Die Critical Damage Die Critical Damage Die Critical

Light 1d6 20/x2 1d4 19-20/x2 1d4 20/x3

One-Handed 1d8 or 2d4 20/x2 1d6 19-20/x2 1d6 20/x3

Two-Handed 1d12 or 2d6 20/x2 1d8 or 2d4 19-20/x2 1d8 or 2d4 20/x3

You can create all their weapons! In fact, two of them can already be seen as ​sample unique weapons!​

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Ranged Weapon Templates

(​Obs:​ These tables assume weapons fit for Medium-sized creatures)

All ranged weapons have an initial critical threat range and multiplier of 20/x2.

  able 2.01 - Simple Ranged Weapons


Bludgeoning Piercing or Slashing

Weapon Type Reload Action
Damage Die Range Damage Die Range

Thrown 1d3​*​ or 1d4 10 ft. 1d2* or 1d3 20 ft. None

Light 1d6 20 ft. 1d4 30 ft. Move

One-Handed 1d8 20 ft. 1d6 30 ft. Standard

Two-Handed 1d10 30 ft. 1d8 60 ft. Full-Round

*​base damage die of ammo-like thrown weapons, such as darts and shurikens.

  able 2.02 - Martial Ranged Weapons


Bludgeoning Piercing or Slashing

Weapon Type Reload Action
Damage Die Range Damage Die Range

Thrown 1d3​*​ or 1d4 20 ft. 1d2* or 1d3 30 ft. None

Light 1d6 30 ft. 1d4 60 ft. Move

One-Handed 1d8 30 ft. 1d6 60 ft. Standard

Two-Handed 1d10 60 ft. 1d8 90 ft. Full-Round

*​base damage die of ammo-like thrown weapons, such as darts and shurikens.

  able 2.03 - Exotic Ranged Weapons


Bludgeoning Piercing or Slashing

Weapon Type Reload Action
Damage Die Range Damage Die Range

Thrown 1d3​*​ or 1d4 20 ft. 1d2* or 1d3 30 ft. None

Light 1d6 30 ft. 1d4 60 ft. None

One-Handed 1d8 30 ft. 1d6 60 ft. Move

Two-Handed 1d10 60 ft. 1d8 90 ft. Standard

*​base damage die of ammo-like thrown weapons, such as darts and shurikens.

Range Increments 
Most ranged weapons have 10 range increments. Thrown weapons and early firearms usually have only 5.
As per the GM’s discretion, certain modifications (such as ​Elemental Damage​) may increase or reduce a
weapon’s total range increments.

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Weapon Advancement Progression

  able 3.01 - Weapon Damage Progression


Light or 1-Handed: 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d10 1d12 3d6 +1d6 per increase

2-Handed: 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 or 2d4 1d10 1d12 or 2d6 2d8 2d10 2d12 or 4d6 +1d12 or +2d6 per increase

Table 3.02 - Weapon Range Progression Table

Melee 10 ft. 20 ft. 30 ft. 60 ft. 90 ft. 120 ft. 150 ft. +50 ft. per increase

  able 3.03 - Reload Speed Progression


Action Required to Reload: None Free Move Standard Full Round

  able 3.04 - Ammo Capacity Progression


1 3 6 10 25 50 100 +100 per Increase

Obs:​ Ammo capacities of 25 or higher are usually restricted to advanced weapons

Zero Cost Modification 

*​  Some modifications have a cost of ​0​ craft points. However, if three or more such modifications are added to
the same weapon, all but the first two of them have their cost increased to ​1​ craft point.​*

Modification Categories
*​  Some modifications belong to a specific category, such as “Handle” or “Propulsion”. This means they
determine how a certain aspect of the weapon’s functionality work (​e.g.:​ how they propel their projectiles).
No single weapon can have more than ​1​ modification of a particular category.
A modification category is noted between brackets next to its name.​*

Pricing Your Weapon 

While this tends to be irrelevant in most campaigns, use the following math to calculate the cost of a weapon:
Keep in mind that some modifications, such as ​String Weapon​, can alter this price.

Simple Weapons Martial Weapons Exotic Weapons

2gp (+1gp per modification) 6gp (+2gp per modification) 10gp (+4gp per modification)

Special: ​Common blunt objects (such as wooden sticks and rocks), can be used as simple blunt weapons
with no modifications. The material and “category” of such weapons depend on what is available in the area.
Generally speaking, it should be easy to find a wooden stick or similar object lying around and use it as a
melee simple light bludgeoning weapon (1d4 / 20x2/ B / Melee).

Technology & Weapon Modifications

Some weapon modifications (such as ​Firearm​ and ​Crank (Automatic)​) may require a higher level of
technological advancement than what is present in a certain setting. As such, these modifications may be
restricted to exotic weapons, make the weapon far more expensive, only be known to certain people or even
not exist at all. On the other hand, in sufficiently technologically advanced settings, some modifications may
be commonplace, making them cheaper or even freely given to certain weapons (e.g.: modern firearms
should generally be given ​Improved Ammo Capacity​ for free once or twice).
The GM is always the final arbiter of what modifications, flaws and special materials are available and
what are their effects on a weapon’s price and availability​.

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Weapon Modifications
Adaptive: ​As a move action, the wielder of an adaptive weapon can activate a different aspect of the
weapon, giving it an additional modification in exchange for gaining a weapon flaw of equal or greater cp
value. The modification and flaw are both selected at the time of the weapon’s creation, and cannot be
changed without completely reshaping it. The weapon must fulfill all the requirements for both the adaptation
and flaw, including modification category limitations.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 1 + Modification cost (maximum total of +3).
Designer's Note:​ While not a hard rule, GMs might want to rule that both the modification and flaw gained from Adaptive
must be relevant in the same situation. ​e.g.:​ Disallow things like the weapon gaining extra damage for reduced reload
speed then switch it back when it's time to reload.

 Additional Damage Type:​ Attacks made by a weapon with this modification deal one additional type of
physical damage (bludgeoning, slashing or piercing) with every hit.
Special:​ This modification can be taken twice, adding a third type of physical damage.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 1

 Alternate Damage Type: ​This weapon can strike with a different part of its blade, dealing a different type of
damage. Unlike a Double weapon, there is only one weapon end, it can simply be used in two different ways,
so all enhancements and modifications that affect the weapon apply to both types of attack, unless it requires
a specific type of damage to work (​e.g.:​ A weapon that can alternate between Bludgeoning and Slashing
damage would only benefit from the ​Vorpal​ enhancement when attacking with its slashing end). Unlike a
weapon with the ​Additional Damage Type​ modification, the weapon can only deal one type of damage per
attack and the chosen alternate type of damage is disconsidered for the purpose of deciding what
modifications may be added to the weapon (​e.g.:​ A slashing weapon with Alternate Damage [Piercing] does
not qualify for the ​Syringe​ modification).
Special:​ This modification can be taken twice, but the second time has its price increased by ​+1​ cp.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​0​*​ (​1​ cp the second time it’s added to the weapon).

Arc:​ Attacks made with this weapon bypass up to 2 points of cover bonus to AC.
Special:​ This property may be added twice, allowing a total of up to 4 points of cover bonus to be ignored.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​2

 Attached:​ This weapon is attached either to your armor or to one of your limbs. Either way, it can’t be
disarmed or thrown. A weapon attached to your limb (​e.g.:​ spiked gauntlet) occupies one of your hands,
while one attached to your armor or other object (​e.g.:​ armor spikes) does not, but may be attached to
something that does.(​e.g.: ​shield spikes) and can’t be removed without removing the piece of armor to which
it’s attached. A weapon attached to your foot, wing or any other limb used for locomotion doesn’t require a
free hand to be used, but reduces the speed for which that limb is used by half.
Special:​ For a ​Double​ weapon to benefit from this modification, both ends must buy it.
Requirements:​ Light Weapon. ​Craft Points:​ 1 (Limb, shield or held object) or 2 (Armor or helmet)

Barbed:​ A weapon with this modification has a particularly vicious edge. Whenever the wielder confirms a
critical hit or damages the same creature twice in the same turn with a barbed weapon, the target starts
bleeding, therefore suffering ​1d4​ bleed damage at the start of their every turn. This bleeding can be stopped
by a successful Heal check (DC 20) or by any effect that heals hp damage.
Requirements:​ Melee Weapon. ​Craft Points: ​2

Bayonet:​ A bayonet is a light weapon that can be attached to the end of larger weapon. When attached, the
bayonet and weapon effectively work as ​Double​ weapon (as if both had the ​Splitting​ modification). Bayonets
can be attached to any weapon with similar shape to the weapon for which the bayonet was designed.
Requirements:​ Light Weapon. ​Craft Points:​ 1

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Blaster:​ A weapon with this modification releases extra kinetic force at the moment of impact by blasting
explosive ammo. On a successful hit, the wielder can activate this modification as a free action. This cause
the attack to deal ​2d6​ of force damage in addition to its normal damage. This does not deplete the weapon’s
normal ammo reserves (if any). Instead, the weapon gains a separate ammo reserve (capacity of 1) that is
specifically and solely depleted when this modification is activated. Reloading this modification requires an
standard action. Despite using ammo, this modification does not turn a melee weapon into a ranged one.
Special:​ When the ​Improved Reload Speed​ or ​Improved Ammo Capacity​ modification are added to a
weapon with this modification, they apply to either the base weapon or to the Blaster modification. Not both.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​3

Blocking: ​When you use this weapon to fight defensively, you gain a ​+1​ ​shield bonus​ to AC.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​1

Brace: ​If you use a readied action to set a brace weapon against a charge, you deal double damage on a
successful hit against a charging creature.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​0​*

 Branched:​ The attacker makes a ​trip​ attempt. If successful, the victim doesn’t fall ​prone​, but instead is
snagged and stumbles forward, leaving the victim ​flat-footed​ for ​1​ round or until the target uses a move
action to regain their footing, whichever happens first.
Requirements:​ Melee Weapon, ​Monk​, ​Trip​. ​Craft Points: ​2

Burst Fire:​ A weapon with this modification can shoot multiple projectiles in rapid succession. When it hits
its target, it deals additional damage equal to the weapon’s base damage die plus its enhancement bonuses,
but also spends 1 additional ammo unit. This extra damage is not multiplied on a critical hit nor by abilities
such as the ​Vital Strike​ feat. It’s not possible to use this modification if the weapon is not loaded with
enough ammo to spend.
Special:​ This modification can be taken multiple times. Each time it’s taken, the damage die is added one
more time, but the ammo expenditure increases by +1 projectile per shot as well.
Special:​ Subject to GM’s discretion, this modification might have its price reduced or its effect improved for
particularly advanced weapons with large ammo capacity.
Requirements:​ Ammo Capacity 2 or higher. ​Craft Points: ​2

Chop:​ This weapon has a smaller, heavier blade than other slashing weapons, trading versatility and reach
for increased impact force. It gains the ​Improved Damage Die​ modification and its critical multiplier increases
by ​+1​, but its critical threat range is reduced by ​1​ increment.
Requirements:​ Melee Weapon, Slashing Template. ​Craft Points: ​2

Concealable: ​This weapon is easily concealed, granting a ​+4​ bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal it.
Special:​ For a ​Double​ weapon to benefit from this modification, both ends must have it.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 0​*​ for Light and One-Handed Weapons. 1 for Two-Handed weapons.

Coating Device:​ This weapon is able to hold and apply coating (such as poison and magic oils) to itself (or
its projectiles). It has a single compartment that holds the desired substance. Activating the device is a swift
action. Refilling the compartment is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Finding the
compartment without being familiar with the weapon requires close inspection and succeeding on a
Perception check (DC 20).
Special:​ This modification can be taken multiple times in order to gain additional storage compartments. It
increases the weapon's cost by +500 gp each time it's taken, including the first. The weapon's user can
choose what stored substance is applied to the weapon when activating the device, but can only activate it
once per turn.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 3

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Crank (Manual) [​Propulsion​]:​ A weapon with this modification uses a mechanical crank to draw the string,
which is then released with the pull of a trigger.
The crank transfers and maximizes the energy provided by the shooter’s muscles. Therefore, the a weapon
with this modification can add the shooter’s Strength modifier to damage rolls and has its ​range extended by
1​ step​, but also has its ​reload action slowed by ​1​ step​ (If this pushes the reload time beyond a full-round
action, the reload time is not changed, but the cost of the ​first​ addition of the ​Improved Reload​ modification to
the weapon increases by +​1​ craft point). Reloading a crank weapon requires a free hand, but shooting it can
be done with one hand (at ​-4​ penalty, if it’s a two-handed weapon).
Each point of Strength bonus granted by the weapon adds 100 gp to its cost.
Requirements:​ Ranged Weapon. ​Craft Points:​ ​ ​0​*

Crank (Automatic) [​Propulsion​]:​ This ability functions exactly like the ​Crank (Manual)​ modification, but the
“cranking” and reload of the weapon is done automatically. The bonus to damage is not affected by the
shooter’s Strength. Instead, the weapon has its own pre-established modifier added to damage rolls,
however this bonus is limited by the user’s skill, and won’t surpass [2 + (user’s BAB)/3] (rounded down).
Each point of damage bonus granted by the weapon adds 100 gp to its cost.
Requirements:​ Ranged Weapon. ​Craft Points:​ 0​*

Deadly:​ When you use this weapon to deliver a ​coup de grace​, it deals ​+4​ bonus damage.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​0​*

Disarm​ : This weapon grants its wielder a ​+2​ bonus to CMB on all ​disarm​ attempts made with it.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​1

Distracting:​ You gain a ​+2​ bonus on ​Bluff​ skill checks to ​feint​ in combat while wielding this weapon.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​1

Double:​ ​A weapon with this modification has a separate end that acts as a secondary weapon. This
secondary weapon is always a Light weapon, though the main weapon can be of any type. Both ends of a
double weapon must belong to the same category (simple, martial or exotic).

You can use a double weapon to fight as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal
penalties and limitations associated with fighting with two weapons, just as if you were using two weapons of
the same category and type as the ends of your Double weapon. If one of the weapon ends uses a
One-Handed or Two-Handed template, you can wield it two-handed, in which case, it cannot be used as a
double weapon when wielded in this way—only one end of the weapon can be used in any given round.

Each end of the weapon can have different base template and modifications, but both of them must pay for
the “Double” modification. Some modifications must be taken by both ends to apply, such as ​Attached​.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​1 (per weapon end)

 Elemental Damage [​Edge​]:​ All damage caused by a weapon with this modification is considered energy
damage of a certain type (usually acid, cold, electricity or fire, although other types may be allowed, subject
to GM’s discretion). Attacks made using this modification target touch AC, but don’t add the wielder’s
Strength modifier to damage rolls. For weapons with this modification to function, they must be recharged in
some way, such as by adding more fuel or changing its battery.
Special:​ This modification can be taken multiple times. This gives the weapon an additional type of energy
damage, but it can still only use one type at a time. Switching between different types of energy counts as
drawing a weapon for all purposes and effects.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​2

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Endless Charge:​ A weapon with this modification has an endless source of energy or absurdly vast energy
reserves; As such, it no longer requires charges or fuel of any kind to work.
Requirements:​ Weapon must require battery charges, fuel or similar limitation. ​Craft Points:​ 1

 Energy Conduit:​ In addition to its normal damage, this weapon deals +1d6 damage of a certain type of
energy (usually acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic, although other types may be allowed, subject to GM’s
discretion). The weapon itself is not made of energy, simply enveloped by it, but must also be recharged in
some way, such as by adding more fuel or recharging its battery.
Special:​ This modification can be taken multiple times. This gives the weapon an additional type of energy
damage, but it can still only use one type at a time. Switching between different types of energy counts as
drawing a weapon for all purposes and effects.
Special:​ Increases to the weapon’s base damage dice do not ​necessarily​ increase the energy damage die.
Usually, damage increases due to size, mass or special materials have no effect on the weapon’s energy
damage. Each time the ​Improved Damage Die​ modification is added, it either affects the weapon’s physical
damage or the weapon’s energy damage, not both.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​2

Extendable [​Handle​]:​ This weapon can be extended, usually by splitting its blade or handle in 2 or more
separate parts, which remain connected by a chain, rope, string or similar link. When extended, the weapon
gains either ​Reach​ or ​Whip​ modification. The type of extension is chosen at the time the weapon is crafted.
Adding this modification twice allows the user to alternate between types of extension. However, it’s not
possible to use both types of extensions at the same time, and it’s necessary to return the weapon to its
“neutral” state before changing it to another type of extension.
Extending or compacting a weapon is considered “drawing a weapon” for all effects and purposes.
Requirements:​ Melee Weapon. ​Craft Points: ​2

Finesse:​ A weapon with this modification can be used in conjunction with ​Weapon Finesse​, even though it
isn’t a light weapon. It may work with other similar abilities (up to GM discretion).
Requirements:​ Melee 1-handed or 2-handed Weapon. ​Craft Points: ​1

Firearm [​Propulsion​]:​ This weapon uses gunpowder to shoot its projectiles. It targets touch AC instead of
normal AC, but only on its first range increment.
Requirements:​ Ranged Weapon. ​Craft Points: ​0​*

 Firearm, Advanced:​ This firearm is capable of targeting Touch AC on its first 5 range increments.
Requirements:​ Ranged weapon, Firearm modification. ​Craft Points: ​3

Grapple:​ An weapon with this modification can be used to grapple your target. While you ​grapple​ the target
with a ​grappling​ weapon, you can only move or damage the creature on your turn. You are still considered
grappled​, though you do not have to be adjacent to the creature to continue the ​grapple​. If you move far
enough away to be out of the weapon’s reach, you end the ​grapple​ with that action.
Requirements:​ Melee Weapon. ​Craft Points: ​1

Handguard:​ This weapon has an elaborate hilt, long quillons or similar guard that offer significant protection
to the user’s hand. It grants a ​+2​ bonus to CMD against ​disarm​ and ​sunder​ attempts targeting the weapon
and a ​+4​ shield bonus to AC against physical attacks targeting the limb being used to wield it.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​0​*

 Holy Symbol:​ A weapon with this modification counts as a holy symbol for all purposes and effects, either
because it contains a carving or painting of the holy symbol or because the weapon itself is shaped like it.
Either way, the holy symbol cannot be removed or destroyed without destroying the weapon.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​0​*

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Improved Ammo Capacity:​ This weapon weapon’s maximum ammo capacity increases by ​1​ step, following
the appropriate progression found in ​table 3.04 - Weapon Ammo Capacity​.
Requirements:​ Ranged Weapon. ​Craft Points:​1

 Improved Critical Threat:​ A weapon with this modification expands its critical threat range by ​1​ increment.
Requirements:​ Critical Multiplier [​x2​] or Exotic weapon template ​Craft Points: ​3

 Improved Critical Multiplier:​ A weapon with this modification increases its critical multiplier by ​+1​.
Requirements:​ Critical Threat Range [20] or Exotic weapon template ​Craft Points:​ 3

Improved Damage Die:​ The weapon’s base damage die increases by ​1​ step, following the appropriate
progression found in ​table 3.01 - Weapon Damage Progression​.
Special:​ This modification can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
Requirements:​ None ​Craft Points:​ 2

 Improved Range:​ The weapon’s range increases by ​1​ step, following the appropriate progression found in
table ​3.02 - Weapon Range Progression​.
Special:​ This modification can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
Requirements:​ Ranged Weapon. ​Craft Points:​ 1

 Improved Reload:​ A weapon reduces the action required to reload it by ​1​ step, following the appropriate
progression found in table ​3.03 - Weapon Reload Speed​.
Special:​ This modification can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
Requirements:​ Reload Speed “free action” or slower. ​Craft Points:​ 1

Jousting:​ A weapon with this modification deals double on the first attack made during a mounted charge.
You can always wield a Jousting weapon with one hand while mounted, even if it’s a 2-handed weapon.
Requirements:​ ​Reach​ modification. ​Craft Points:​ 1

Monk:​ A weapon with this property can be used in conjunction with Flurry of Blows.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 0​*​ for simple weapons, 1 for martial weapons, 2 for exotic weapons.

Motorblade [​Edge​]:​ This weapon has a close-range propulsion engine that moves its end without help of its
wielder. This engine increases the effect of the weapon on its target, effectively replacing the user’s strength.
The one wielding the weapon does not add his strength modifier to damage rolls, but adds a bonus innate to
the weapon. However, using such a weapon is particularly difficult due to its vibrations The innate bonus to
damage is limited by the user’s skill, and won’t surpass [2 + (user’s BAB)/3] (rounded down).
Motorblade weapons usually require fuel or energy charges to start and work.
Each point of damage bonus granted by the weapon adds 100 gp to its cost.
Requirements:​ Melee Weapon. ​Craft Points:​ 0​*

Natural Weapon Extension [​Handle​]:​ A weapon with this modification can only be used when attached to
one of the wielder’s natural weapons (such as claws). The natural weapon therefore uses the stats and
enhancements of the extension, rather than its own, and may be used as a manufactured weapon (including
making multiple attacks once its owner reaches higher BAB).

This modification only works for one type of natural weapon for creatures of the same size and overall shape
as the creature for which it was designed (​e.g.:​ a ​NWE​ made for a lion’s claws might work on a tiger, but
one designed for an orc’s bite attack won’t work on a wolf).
Requirements:​ ​Attached (Limb)​ modification. ​Craft Points:​ 2

Nonlethal:​ This weapons can deal ​nonlethal damage​ without imposing any penalty to its wielder.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 0​*

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Performance:​ When wielding this weapon, if an attack or ​combat maneuver​ made with this weapon prompts
a combat performance check, you gain a ​+2​ bonus on that check.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 0​*

 Reach [​Handle​]:​ A reach weapon is able to strike opponents who are 10 feet away, but can't be used
against an adjacent foe​.​ Reach weapons are usually two-handed.
Requirements:​ Melee Weapon ​Craft Points:​ 0​*

 Refilling:​ Particularly advanced weapons sometimes only need to cool down before being used again, or be
exposed to a source of energy which they are specifically designed to absorb (such as sunlight).
These weapons automatically refill their ammo and/or charges/fuel units (specified when the modification is
added). The rate of recovery is determined by the weapon’s total ammo capacity and by the craft points
spent on this modification.
Craft Point Cost: 1 cp 2 cp 3 cp 4 cp

Ammo/Charge Recovery Rate: 1 per hour 1 every 10 minutes 1 per minute 1 per round
Special:​ If the weapon has an ammo capacity of 25 or higher, the ammo regeneration increases to 5 per
cycle. If the capacity is 100 or higher, it increases again to 10 per cycle.
Requirements:​ Weapon must use ammo and/or fuel/charges. ​Craft Points: ​1 to 4 cp (read text)

Retractable:​ This weapon has an in-built sheath. When it’s retracted, you’re not considered to be wielding
the weapon and cannot attack with it, but its attacking end vanishes from sight. The object serving as the
weapon’s sheath (usually its handle) doesn’t disappear, but looks like a harmless object. It’s impossible for
anyone unfamiliar with the weapon to detect it without close examination and a successful Perception check
(DC 20). Retracting and bringing out a weapon is a free action, but is otherwise considered “drawing a
weapon” for all effects and purposes.
Requirements:​ Light or One-Handed Weapon. ​Concealable​ modification. ​Craft Points:​ 1

Retrievable:​ This weapon has a string or chain attached to its handle or hilt, allowing it to be retrieved if
dropped or thrown. Retrieving the weapon is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
This modification stops the weapon from being dropped or thrown farther than 30 ft from you (effectively
limiting its range as a thrown weapon), unless the link between the weapon and its wielder is severed.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​1

Ricochet:​ If a proficient user hits their target, the projectile ricochets to an ​adjacent​ target. The user
immediately makes a second attack roll at the same bonus -4 for this attack. Attacks may ricochet only once.
Requirements:​ Ranged weapon or Throw modification. ​Craft Points: ​3

Scatter Shot:​ A weapon with the scatter weapon quality can shoot two different types of ammunition. It can
fire normal projectiles that target one creature, or it can make a scattering shot, attacking all creatures within
a cone. Cannons with the scatter weapon quality only fire grapeshot, unless their descriptions state
otherwise. When a scatter weapon attacks all creatures within a cone, it makes a separate attack roll against
each creature within the cone. Each attack roll takes a ​–2​ penalty, and its attack damage cannot be modified
by precision damage or damage-increasing feats such as ​Vital Strike​. Effects that grant ​concealment​, such
as fog or smoke, or the ​blur​, ​invisibility​, or ​mirror image​ spells, do not foil a scatter attack. If any of the attack
rolls threaten a critical, confirm the critical for that attack roll alone.
Depending on the weapon, using this modification may require ​special ammo​.
Requirements:​ Ranged Weapon. ​Craft Points: 2 ​

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Scabbard [​Edge​]:​ This weapon is an scabbard modified to also work as a weapon on its own. It can fit
another weapon with its same general shape inside. By itself, scabbards aren’t very practical to wield,
causing a -2 penalty to attack rolls when used. However, when another weapon is inside, it’s possible to
wield the weapon with the scabbard on top of it, in which case no penalty is applied. When used in such way,
attacks made with scabbard use the [​Handle​] modifications (if any) of the sheathed weapon, but all other
stats and modifications are replaced by that of the scabbard.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​1

Sling [​Propulsion​]:​ A sling is little more than a leather cup attached to a pair of strings. It uses momentum
generated by the user’s strength to propel round projectiles. Particularly lengthy slings require two hands to
wield, but most of them can be used one-handed. Reloading a sling requires two hands and provokes
attacks of opportunity. You add your strength modifier to a sling’s damage rolls, but your damage is not
increased for using it two-handed.
You can hurl ordinary stones with a sling, but stones are not as dense or as round as proper sling bullets.
Thus, such an attack deals damage as if the weapon were designed for a creature one size category smaller
than you and you take a –1 penalty on attack rolls.
Requirements:​ Ranged Weapon. ​Craft Points: ​0​*

Solid Energy:​ By greatly increasing the concentration and potency of the energy flow, this modification
makes the energy produced by a weapon with the ​Elemental Damage​ modification to act as if it were
effectively solid. This allows the wielder to add his Strength modifier to damage rolls as normal, but also
makes the weapon target normal AC instead of touch AC.
Requirements:​ ​Elemental Damage​. ​Craft Points: ​1

Spinning:​ This weapon is built in such way that if thrown, it’ll spin and return to
its thrower, unless its path is blocked. If you make an attack with a weapon with
this property and miss, it returns to the square from where it was thrown.
Catching the weapon is a move action (or a swift action if you have the ​Quick
Draw​ feat), failing to do so means it falls harmlessly on the ground.
Requirements:​ ​Thrown Weapon​. ​Craft Points: ​0​*

Splitting:​ A Double weapon with this modification can be split in two, making it so
that each of its ends becomes a separate weapon and can therefore be used,
carried and wielded independently.
Combining/Splitting a weapon counts as drawing a weapon for all purposes and effects.
Special:​ For a ​Double​ weapon to benefit from this modification, both ends must buy it.
Requirements:​ ​Double​ modification. ​Craft Points:​ 0​*

Stainless:​ This weapon was specially treated to be resistant to corrosion and decay. It gains a ​+4 ​bonus to
all saving throws made to resist rusting, tarnish and similar effects (in the case of weapons made primarily of
organic materials, this bonus is applied against decomposition). If the weapon has a total magical
enhancement of ​+2​ or higher, it becomes completely immune to those effects, even magical ones.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 0​*

 Stashing:​ This weapon has a secret compartment hidden in its handle or sheath. The compartment can hold
up to three very small items, such as keys, coins, rings, small pieces of paper, etc.
Detecting the compartment requires close inspection of the weapon and a successful Perception check (DC
30). Retrieving an item stashed within the hidden compartment requires a move action (or a swift action with
the ​Quick Draw​ feat).
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 0​*

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String Weapon [​Propulsion​]:​ A ranged weapon with this modification allows its wielder to add their
Strength modifier to damage rolls. Each point of Strength bonus granted by the weapon adds 100 gp to its
cost. If you have a penalty for low Strength, apply it to damage rolls when you use a weapon with this
modification. If your Strength bonus is lower than the strength rating of the string weapon, you can't
effectively use it, so you take a ​–2​ penalty on attacks with it. A string weapon has its reload speed improved
by ​2​ steps, but also has its base damage reduced by ​1​ step.
Special:​ While it’s possible to create Light and One-Handed string weapons, this only changes the weapon’s
base template​. A string weapon always requires 2 hands to shoot.
​ ​*
Requirements:​ Ranged Weapon. ​Craft Points: 0

 Submariner:​ This weapon can be used underwater ​without suffering any penalty​ for doing so.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points: ​0​*​ for Melee Weapons, 1 for Ranged weapons.

Sunder:​ When you use a sunder weapon, you get a ​+2​ bonus on ​Combat Maneuver​ checks to ​sunder​.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 1

 Syringe:​ This weapon has a small hollow compartment inside its blade. When you hit a target with it, you
can use a free action to inject the liquid content (typically poison) into your target. Reloading the
compartment requires a full round action that provokes attack of opportunity.
Requirements:​ Melee Weapon, Piercing Damage. ​Craft Points:​ 1

Tangling:​ This weapon can be used to cause your target to be ​Entangled​. To do so, you must make a
ranged touch attack with your weapon. If you succeed, your target is ​Entangled​, but you lose hold of your
weapon and can’t wield it for as long as it remains entangled to the target.
The ​Entangled​ creature can escape by making a DC 20 ​Escape Artist​ check or by breaking your weapon.
Requirements:​ ​Whip-Like​ or ​Extendable (whip)​ modification ​Craft Points:​ 1

Thrown Weapon:​ A weapon with this modification can be used as a thrown weapon with a range of 10 ft.
Requirements:​ Light Weapon. ​Craft Points:​ 0​*

 Trip:​ Usually hook-shaped or flexible, weapons with this modification are designed to make your targets
move in ways they do not wish. When you use a trip weapon to make a ​trip​ attacks, if you are ​tripped​ during
your own ​trip​ attempt, you can drop the weapon to avoid being ​tripped​.​ Additionally, the trip property allows
you to apply your weapon’s enhancement bonus to ​drag​ and ​reposition​ attempts.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 0​*

Twin:​ Twin weapons are meant to be used in tandem with their pairs. A twin weapon has one (or more)
weapon(s) specifically designed to work in conjunction with it, both complementing each other. As a result,
all feats and abilities that apply to one of them (such as ​Weapon Focus​), applies to the other(s) as well, if
applicable. (​e.g.:​ a feat that requires making ranged attacks would have no effect on a melee weapon, even
if its twin is a ranged weapon), as long as they are wielded simultaneously by the same creature.
Despite the name of this modification, twin weapons need not be identical.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 1​*

Unarmed Extension [​Handle​]:​ Weapons with this modification work as an extension of the wielder’s limbs.
When attacking with the limb to which the weapon is attached, the user can use the base damage die of his
unarmed strikes, rather than that of the actual weapon.
Special:​ Weapons with this modification cannot take the ​Reduced Damage Die​ flaw.
Requirements:​ Melee weapon, ​Attached (Limb)​, ​Monk​. ​Craft Points:​ 1

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Utility, Minor:​ A weapon with this modification (and/or its sheath) can be used (and/or disguised) as a
common tool or similarly simple mundane object. The type of tool and disguise varies with each weapon.
Nevertheless, the tool works properly and gives the appropriate bonus to the appropriate checks. Common
examples include swords whose sheaths work as umbrellas, knives that can be disguised as fans, etc. This
modification is meant to give weapons utility ​beyond what is provided by the weapon’s base design​ (​e.g.:​ a
machete doesn’t need this modification to be capable of cutting vines).
This modification can be taken multiple times.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 0​*

Utility, Major:​ This modification works like ​Minor Utility​, but the weapon provides a more tangible bonus.
As a rule of thumb, this modification shouldn’t be more useful/valuable than a simple masterwork tool (which
grants a ​+2​ to one skill) or particularly useful adventuring gear (such as a grappling hook), but it should
provide a ​real​ benefit. This modification can also be used to create effects similar to cantrips, but such
effects aren’t magical in nature (​e.g.:​ an inbuilt lighter to simulate ​Spark​).
This modification can be taken multiple times.
Requirements:​ None. ​Craft Points:​ 1

 Whip [​Handle​]:​ A whip weapon is treated as a melee weapon with 15-foot reach, though you don't threaten
the area into which you can make an attack. In addition, unlike most other weapons with reach, you can use
it against foes anywhere within your reach (including adjacent foes).
A whip deals no damage to any creature with an armor bonus of ​+1​ or higher or a natural armor bonus of ​+3
or higher. Using a whip provokes an ​attack of opportunity​, just as if you had used a ranged weapon.
Special:​ A whip weapon does not add +0.5 Strength modifier to damage rolls when wielded 2-handed.
Requirements:​ Melee Weapon. ​Craft Points:​ 0​*

Whip (Reinforced):​ A whip-like weapon with this modification is capable of dealing lethal damage and no
longer has its damage nullified by the target’s armor or natural armor.
Requirements:​ ​Whip​ or ​Extendable (Whip)​ modification ​Craft Points:​ 1

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Weapon Flaws 
Very often, weapons aren’t crafted as perfectly as they could’ve been. Sometimes that’s an intentional
decision by the designer, to sacrifice some functionality in order to save space and resources to improve a
different aspect of that same weapon. Other times, it’s just the result of limited technology, resources or skill
of the crafter; Whether intentional or not, such characteristics are called ​Weapon Flaws​.

Adding weapon flaws to your weapon ​does not​ give it additional craft points. Instead, each flaw allows the
weapon to hold a weapon modification (or set of weapon modifications) whose total cost is equal or lower
than the weapon flaw’s Craft Point Value. How many flaws a weapon can hold and how much it can benefit
from them depends on the complexity of the weapon itself:

- Simple weapons can hold up to 2 flaws, with a combined total craft point value of 1 or lower.
- Martial weapons can hold up to 3 flaws, with a combined total craft point value of 2 or lower.
- Exotic weapons can hold up to 4 flaws, with a combined total craft point value of 3 or lower.

0​*​ cp Modifications gained by adding a 0​*​ cp Flaw do not increase the price of 0​*​ Modifications gained by
other means (such as by buying them with the weapon’s standard cp budget), nor do they increase the Craft
Point Value of other 0​*​ cp Flaws.

 Like modifications, it’s not possible to have more than ​1​ weapon flaw of the same category (​e.g.:​ [​Handle​]).
Additionally, modifications that can be taken multiple times (such as ​Improved Damage​) paid with the extra
craft points from flaws ​do not stack​ with the same modifications gained from the weapon’s base craft points.

For weapons with the ​Double​ modification, each end of the weapon takes flaws (and their corresponding
craft point values) separately and independently. Flaws assigned to one end of the weapon have no effect on
the other end, but similarly, any modifications gained from the flaw’s craft point value can only be added to
the end that took the flaw.

Designer’s Note​:​ These are ​optional rules​. Originally, the modifications weren’t designed with the possibility
of getting extra craft points in mind. However, I do think they are reasonably balanced and shouldn’t cause
any problems without some serious optimization.

Weapon Flaws

Blunt: [​Edge​]​ This weapon has no sharpness. It’s only capable of dealing bludgeoning nonlethal damage.
Prerequisite:​ Melee Weapon. ​Craft Points Value: ​2

Harmless [​Edge​]:​ This weapon is too blunt, flexible, light and/or soft to actually
cause any wounds to its target. It is incapable of dealing damage or causing any
effects that require wounding the opponent, such as ​bleed​.
Prerequisite:​ Melee weapon. ​Craft Points Value:​ 3

 Impractical Reload:​ This weapon requires a specialized facility or heavy

equipment to be reload. The specifics vary from weapon to weapon, but either
way, reloading a weapon with this flaw takes no less than 1 minute.
Rapid Reload​ and similar abilities have no effect on weapons with this flaw.
This flaw’s Craft Point Value varies based on the difficulty of the reload
- If the equipment necessary for the reload procedure can be reasonably
transported by a small team or a couple horses, this flaw is worth 2 cp.
- If the the reload procedure requires a specialized facility and/or equipment that cannot be reasonably
moved without major effort and/or large means of transportation (like a ship) this flaw is worth 4 cp.
Special:​ A weapon with this flaw cannot take ​Improved Reload Speed​ or ​Reduced Reload Speed​ flaw.
Prerequisite:​ None. ​Craft Points Value:​ 2 or 4.

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Inaccurate:​ A weapon with this flaw suffers a ​-4​ penalty to confirm critical hits and cannot be used to deal
precision damage.
Prerequisite:​ None. ​Craft Points Value:​ 0​*

 Jamming:​ Ranged attacks made with this weapon have a 25% chance of jamming the weapon, making it
unable to make any attacks (including the one that caused the weapon to be jammed) until it’s fixed as a
full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
Prerequisite:​ ​Crank(automatic)​, ​Crank(manual)​ or ​Firearm​ modification. ​Craft Points Value:​ 2

Nonthreatening [​Handle​]:​ This weapon is too short, heavy or unwieldy to move quickly enough to strike fast
targets or punish quick openings. It cannot be used to make attacks of opportunity.
Prerequisite:​ Melee weapon. ​Craft Points Value:​ 2

Overheat:​ After being used a certain number of times, this weapons requires cooling down for a certain time
before being able to be used again. Every time the weapon uses 50% of its total ammo or charge/fuel
capacity in a time span equal or shorter than 1 minute, it must be allowed to cool down for 1 minute.
If it keeps being used, the weapon overheats. This causes the weapon to gain the ​Broken​ condition and deal
1d6 fire damage to anyone holding it. Allowing an overheated weapon to cool down for 10 minutes removes
the ​Broken​ condition gained from overheating and ends the fire damage effect.
Special:​ Subject to GM’s discretion, when the weapon is in particularly cold environments, the cooldown
period and total time span the in which the weapon must spend half its ammo before overheating decrease
by half. The opposite effect happens in particularly hot environments.
Prerequisite:​ Must use ammo or charges/fuel. ​Craft Points Value:​ 1

Oversized:​ This weapon counts as being ​1​ “weight” category larger for the purpose of being wielded.
i.e.: Light weapons count as 1-handed and 1-handed weapons count as 2-handed.
Prerequisite:​ Light or 1-Handed Weapon. ​Craft Points Value:​ 1

 Reduced Ammo Capacity:​ The weapon reduces the maximum amount of ammo it can hold by ​1​ step,
following the appropriate progression found in ​table 3.04 - Weapon Ammo Capacity​.
Special:​ This flaw can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
Prerequisite:​ Ammo Capacity 3 or higher. ​Craft Points Value:​ 1

Reduced Critical Multiplier:​ This flaw reduces the weapon’s critical multiplier by ​-1​.
Prerequisite:​ Critical Multiplier x3 or higher. ​Craft Points Value:​ 3

 Reduced Critical Threat Range:​ This flaw reduces the weapon’s critical threat range by ​1​ step.
Prerequisite:​ Critical Threat Range 19-20 or wider. ​Craft Points Value:​ 3

Reduced Damage Die:​ The weapon’s base damage die decreases by ​1​ category, following the appropriate
progression found in ​table 3.01 - Weapon Damage Progression​.
Special:​ This flaw can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
Requirements:​ Base damage die 1d4 or greater ​Craft Points Value:​ 2

 Reduced Range:​ The weapon’s range decreases by ​1​ step, following the appropriate progression found in
table ​3.02 - Weapon Range Progression​.
Special:​ This flaw can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
Requirements:​ Ranged Weapon, Range of 20 ft or higher. ​Craft Points Value:​ 1

 Reduced Reload Speed:​ A weapon increases the action required to reload it by ​1​ step, following the
appropriate progression found in table ​3.03 - Weapon Reload Speed​.
Special:​ This flaw can be taken multiple times. Its effects stack.
Prerequisite:​ Reload speed of 1 standard action or faster. ​Craft Points Value:​ 1

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Short [​Handle​]:​ Attacks made with a short weapon have their reach reduced by 5 ft. If the wielder’s reach is
already 5 ft or lower, instead of having their reach reduced, the weapon becomes unable to threaten
adjacent squares, although it can still be used to attack without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Special:​ Weapons with the ​Reach​ or E ​ xtendable​ modification cannot have this flaw.
Prerequisite:​ Melee Weapon. ​Craft Points Value:​ 2

Short Range: ​This weapon has shorter range than most. Its total range increments are reduced by​ 5​.
Prerequisite:​ Ranged Weapon, 10 or more range increments. ​Craft Points Value:​ 0​*

Soft:​ The design of this weapon makes it too easily deformed by heavy impact. Whenever its wielder rolls a
natural 1 on a attack with this weapon, the weapon’s attack end bends and stays misshapen, gaining the
broken​ condition. It’s possible to partially fix a bent weapon with a Strength check (DC: 15 + weapon’s
hardness). This process takes 1 minute and doesn’t remove the ​broken​ condition, but reduces the penalty
on attack rolls to ​-1​.
This procedure has no effect if the weapon’s ​broken​ condition was caused by a different effect.
Prerequisite:​ Melee Weapon. ​Craft Points Value:​ 1

 Treacherous:​ This weapon is almost as dangerous to its users as it is to the

target. There’s a 10% chance in any attack that the weapon will damage its user.
This happens whether or not the attack hits the intended target. The user can
avoid this risk by willingly suffering a ​-4​ penalty to attack rolls.
Prerequisite:​ Melee weapon. ​Craft Points Value:​ 2

Unreliable:​ This weapon has a chance to misfire when shooting, causing it to
automatically miss the shot and gain the ​broken​ condition. Misfires happen when
a Natural 1 is rolled on an attack roll using the weapon.
Prerequisite:​ Ranged Weapon. ​Craft Points Value:​ 1

Unwieldy:​ This weapon’s balance is significantly off. While wielding it, the user suffers a penalty to Reflex
saves and all Dex-based skill and ability checks. The penalty is based on the type of weapon used: ​-2​ for
light weapons, and ​-4​ for one-handed weapons and two-handed weapons.
Special:​ A weapon with this flaw cannot be used in conjunction with Weapon Finesse and similar effects, nor
can it have the ​Finesse​ modification.
Prerequisite:​ None. ​Craft Points Value:​ 0​*

Wasteful:​ This weapon expends twice as many charges/fuel units to start and work.
Special: ​A weapon with this flaw cannot have the ​Endless Charge​ modification.
Prerequisite:​ Weapon must use charges or fuel. ​Craft Points Value:​ 2


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Special Ammo ​&​ Splash Weapons 

For the purpose of this project, thrown weapons that are destroyed upon impact, such as flasks of
alchemist’s fire, are considered special ammo as well. This way they can acquire the properties added here.

Whether or not a particular modification can be added to a certain type of ammo is subject to GM’s
discretion. This includes the possibility of allowing certain weapon modifications to be added to some types
of ammo. ​e.g.:​ Using the ​Elemental Damage​ modification on a Splash weapon to create alchemist’s fire.

Like weapons, ammo cannot have more than 1 modification belonging to the same category.

All ammo has 3 craft points.

Alchemical: ​In addition to its normal damage, this projectile deals +1d6 damage of one type of energy (acid,
cold, electricity, fire or sonic) selected at the time the ammo is created.
Cost:​ 5 gp/unit ​Craft Points:​ 2

Binding:​ This ammo can be used to stick the target to a nearby object. When the attacker successfully deals
damage to its target when using this ammo, he can immediately make a Grapple check against the target’s
CMD, at -4 penalty. If successful, the creature gains the Grappled condition and is anchored to an object
adjacent to it. This ammo has no effects on creatures who are at more than 2 size categories bigger than the
wielder of the weapon using the anchoring ammo.
Cost:​ 5 gp/unit ​Craft Points:​ 1

Tangling:​ This ammo can be used to cause your target to be ​Entangled​. To do so, you must make a ranged
touch attack with your weapon. If you succeed, your target is ​Entangled​.
The ​Entangled​ creature can escape by making a DC 20 ​Escape Artist​ check or by sundering your weapon.
Cost:​ 5 gp/unit ​Craft Points:​ 1

Poisonous:​ This ammo is coated in some unusual substance (typically poison). A target hit by a weapon
using this ammo is automatically injected with the substance in question and must make the appropriate
saving throws to resist its effects.
Cost:​ - ​Craft Points:​ 1

Scatter:​ Scatter ammo is required to use the ​Scatter Shot​ modification.
Cost:​ - ​Craft Points:​ 2

Splash:​ This projectile breaks on impact, splashing or scattering shrapnel and/or its contents over its target
and nearby creatures or objects. It cannot be used with any effect that requires the projectile to retain its
integrity, such as the ​Binding​ modification.
Attacks using this type of ammo do not add any ability modifier to damage rolls (unless the user has an
ability that allows him to do so with Splash weapons, such as an Alchemist’s ​Throw Anything​ class feature)
and still impose a non-proficiency penalty to attack rolls to attackers who are not proficient with the weapon
being used, but otherwise follow the usual ​rules for splash weapons​.
Cost:​ - ​Craft Points:​ 1

Whistling:​ These projectiles come with specially designed grooves and fletching that cause them to emit a
loud keening sound. The sound is audible within 500 feet of the flight path.
Cost:​ - ​Craft Points:​ 1

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Special Materials 
Weapons, armor and some other items can sometimes be crafted using materials that possess innate
special properties. If you make a suit of armor or weapon out of more than one special material, you get the
benefit of only the most prevalent material. However, you can build a double weapon with each head made
of a different special material.

Pricing Special Materials

Each material has a ​Base Cost​, which reflects the cost of the material in its raw, unworked stated. This cost
is multiplied once the material is forged/worked, by a factor based on what kind of object it was used to
create. The cost of the material is added to the weapon's total cost.

Refined Ore Weapons Armor Armor Armor

Object Ore (5 lb) Ammo Other
(5 lb) & Shields (Light) (Medium) (Heavy)

Base Cost
0.5x 0,75x 0.02x 1x 2x 4x 6x 1x

Particularly complex objects (with many moving parts, precise or advanced mechanisms, rare or unique
modifications, etc) may double this price. Additionally, the price also increases or decreases based on the
objects size. The base price listed here reflects objects made for Medium-sized creatures. It's doubled for
each size category above Medium and halved for each size category below Medium, but it will never go
lower than 10 gp.

e.g.: A light armor made of Saceria (base price 3000 gp) will have its cost increased by +6000 gp (2x base
price), while a spear's cost will only be raised by +3000 (1x base price) and arrows made of it will only cost
+60 gp (0,02x base price) more than normal arrows.
If instead of a simple spear, the crafted weapon was one with the ​Extendable modification, the price modifier
would be +6000 gp (+3000 gp, doubled for being particularly complex), unless the technology used in its
creation is so advanced that crafting such a complex weapon isn't significantly more difficult or costly than
crafting a simple spear (subject to GM’s discretion).
Equivalent objects made for a Huge creature (2 size categories above medium) would cost 4 times as much.

Special Materials Catalogue

This sort of greenish purple yellow substance is extremely rare metal-like material that has the distinction of
literally being solidified arcane magic. This fact alone makes arcanite a very sought-after substance,
specially by wizards and other students of the arcane arts, but its properties make it even more valuable:
- Objects made of the arcanite are treated as magic, and can affect creatures and effects that are only
affected by magic, including bypassing DR/magic and affecting incorporeal creatures.
- Not only that, but enchanting a weapon or armor made of arcanite is much easier and cheaper than normal:
The required ​Spellcraft​ check has its DC reduced by 10 and the armor or weapon is treated as having a total
enhancement 1 point lower for the purpose of calculating its crafting price (​e.g.:​ A ​+3​ arcanite weapon would
cost the same to craft/enchant as an equivalent ​+2​ weapon made of common steel).
- Arcanite weapons and armor with a total enhancement bonus of ​+3​ or higher can fully affect incorporeal
creatures as if given the ​ghost touch​ property.
- When using an arcanite weapon, the bonus damage from ​Arcane Strike​ increases by ​+1​ per 4 caster levels
(to a maximum of ​+6​ for CL 20), instead of ​+1​ per 5 caster levels (to a maximum of ​+5​ for CL 20).
- However, arcanite also has many of the drawbacks of magic. It is affected by ​Spell Resistance​ (attacks
made with an arcanite weapon against a target with ​Spell Resistance​ require a caster level check to bypass
said ​SR​, but once again, using the attacker’s BAB instead of his CL. If affected by ​Dispel Magic​, ​Mage’s
Disjunction​ or similar effects, or brought to an area of dead magic (such as the area of effect of an ​Antimagic
Field​ spell), object made of Arcanite aren’t destroyed, but turn into a dull grey color, lose all of their magical
property and gain the ​broken​ condition until the effect stop affecting the object.
Hardness:​ 10 ​Hit Points:​ 30/in. of thickness ​Base Cost:​ +10,000 gp
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This dark grey metal shares most of its characteristics with common steel, but has the notable difference of
being much heavier, despite having similar hardness and general characteristics, causing it to sometimes be
jokingly referred to as “anti-mithral”. Objects made of Gravatus ​weight ​16​ times as much as equivalent
objects made of common steel.
- A melee weapon made of Gravatus has its base damage increased by ​2​ steps, following the appropriate
progression in ​Table 3.01 - Weapon Damage Progression​.
- Ranged weapons using Gravatus projectiles benefit from the same increase in damage as melee weapons,
but have their range reduced by ​1​ step, in accordance to ​Table 3.02 - Weapon Range Progression​.
- Armor made of Gravatus counts as ​1​ category heavier for all purposes and effects, but makes its wearer be
considered ​2​ size categories larger for the purpose of calculating their CMD against ​Bull Rush​, ​Drag​,
Reposition​ and similar attacks.
Hardness:​ 15 ​Hit Points:​ 30/in. of thickness ​Base Cost:​ +4000 gp (ammo/weapons) or +1000 gp (other)

Inanis is a very rare ore of deep black color. Its dark, opaque appearance makes it difficult to even identify
as a metal. Still, it can be forged, shaped, tempered and (with great effort and expenses) enchanted.
Inanis is known for its magic-disrupting abilities. Spells and magical effects are all greatly reduced (and
sometimes completely nullified) by the material. This makes inanis simultaneously highly valuable and
completely worthless, depending on who you ask.
- Armor made of Inanis provides spell resistance, but also causes a significant chance of spell failure,
depending on the type of armor. This chance of spell failure affects ​all​ spells, not just arcane ones.
Light armor provides SR 15 and a 25% chance of spell failure, medium armor provides SR 30 and 50%
chance of spell failure. Heavy armor provides SR 45 and a 75% chance of spell failure.
- Weapons made of Inanis give the character a +5 bonus on attack rolls for physical attacks and maneuvers
made to deflect or disrupt magic (such as the ​Shatterspell​ feat) and deal +50% damage (rounded down)
against spells and other magical effects, but not to the creature or object affected by such effects.
Summoned creatures are considered a magical effect for this purpose, but called creatures are not, unless
they are literally made of magic, rather than just having been transported to their current plane of existence
via magic. Inanis blocks certain divination effects in the same way lead does.

Additionally, objects made of pure inanis are immune to all magical effects affected by spell resistance
and/or with caster level 5 or lower. This immunity does not extend to those using or wearing said objects.
The cost for magically enhancing an object made of inanis is double the normal cost of adding the same
enhancement to an equivalent object made of steel.
Hardness:​ 10 ​Hit Points:​ 20/in. of thickness ​Base Cost:​ +5000 gp

This dark red metal glows with a faint smoke-like aura. This macabre appearance is quite fitting, though, as
Lacus shares many of the properties of the evil planes where it originates. Direct contact with Lacus causes
discomfort and uneasiness in most living creatures, although it’s doesn’t seem to cause any actual physical
harm. Pure Lacus is just as rare as pure Saceria, but can be detected by effects such as ​Detect Evil​. Attacks
made with lacus weapons count as evil for all purposes and effects, including bypassing DR, while Lacus
armor grants DR 2/good and all the benefits of ​Protection From Good​.
Hardness:​ 15 ​Hit Points:​ 30/in. of thickness ​Base Cost:​ +3000 gp

This rare metal has a pure white color and polished appearance. It’s nearly always found in smooth, sleek
shards. Licitia is very difficult to reshape, making it particularly difficult to forge, but very good at keeping
whatever form it’s given. However, the metal is most famous for being imbued with the orderly alignment that
shapes the planes where it’s found. Whether raw or forged, Licitia can be detected by effects such as ​Detect
Law​. Attacks made with Licitia weapons count as lawful for all purposes and effects, including bypassing DR.
Licitia armor grants DR 2/chaotic and all the benefits of ​Protection From Chaos​. The DC to craft a Licitia
object increases by +5, compared to the DC for crafting a similar object out of steel.
Hardness:​ 15 ​Hit Points:​ 30/in. of thickness ​Base Cost:​ +3000 gp

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The very clear silvery white color of this metal makes it quite similar to platinum, but the faint golden aura it
emanates when exposed to natural light gives it a clear distinction. Saceria has the odd property of not only
being completely immune to rust, but also making nearby metals resistant to it as well, granting a ​+4​ bonus
to all saves against rust and rusting effects to all metal objects and creatures within 5 ft. Despite all this,
Saceria is not immune to decay. It can lose much of its brightness and integrity if unnecessarily and
continuously bathed in blood, although the rate this happens varies greatly from case to case. Pure Saceria
is a very rare metal even in the good-aligned planes where it’s most common, but it can be detected by
effects such as ​Detect Good​. Attacks made with Saceria weapons count as good for all purposes and
effects, including bypassing DR. Saceria armor grants DR 2/evil and all the benefits of ​Protection From Evil​.
Hardness:​ 15 ​Hit Points:​ 30/in. of thickness ​Base Cost:​ +3000 gp

This metal displays ripples of many different colors mixed together, as if many different materials had been
fused into a single object. Turbatium is a very malleable metal rarely found in the material plane. Turbatium
is known for its resonance with the raw chaos that permeates the planes where it’s found. The metal can be
detected by effects such as ​Detect Chaos​. Attacks made with Turbatium weapons count as chaotic for all
purposes and effects, including bypassing DR. Turbatium armor grants DR 2/lawful and all the benefits of
Protection From Law​. The DC to craft a Turbatium object decreases by -5, compared to the DC for crafting a
similar object out of steel.
Hardness:​ 10 ​Hit Points:​ 30/in. of thickness ​Base Cost: ​+3000 gp


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Weapon Weight 
(For simplicity’s sake, 1 lb is rounded down to 0.450 kg)
Weapon Category - Light - 1-Handed - 2-Handed -

0,5 lb 1 lb 2 lb 3 lb 4 lb 6 lb 10 lb
Weapon Weight
(0,225 kg) (​0.45 kg) (0.90 kg) (​1.35 kg) (1.80 kg) (2.70 kg (4.50 kg)

Obs:​ The numbers presented reflect weapons of equal length, designed for Medium-sized creatures and
made almost entirely of common steel, including their handle/shaft. Weapons with large portions made of
notably lighter material have their weight reduced by ​1​ step (​e.g.:​ polearms with wooden shafts). Certain
modifications or flaws may increase the weapon’s weight (​e.g.:​ Reach) or reduce it (​e.g.:​ Short), usually by
no more than ​1​ step.

Of course, a weapon’s weight is also added to the weight of any object to which it’s attached, and vice-versa.

Note:​ Keep in mind that break/sunder attacks and effects are assumed to target the most fragile portion of
the weapon, so using a lighter material for the shaft means the weapon will almost certainly suffer a
significant reduction in hardness and durability.

Creature Size and Weapon Weight

The weapon’s size (and consequently, its mass and weight) is based on the size of the creature for which the
weapon is designed. Weapon’s weight is doubled for every size category above Medium and halved for
every size category below Medium.

Wielding Heavy Weapons

When it comes to weight, there are some limitations. D&D 3.X and Pathfinder don’t really impose any penalty
for wielding impossibly heavy weapons that the character is barely able to lift from the ground (there are
Encumbrance​ rules, sure, but they don’t affect attack or damage rolls). These rules change that.

How much a weapon can weigh before being too impractical to use is entirely dependant on the wielder’s
strength. A stronger person will not only be able to use heavier weapons, but also be able to use all weapons
with greater agility and precision.

Here we compare the weapon’s weight to its user’s ​Light Load Encumbrance Limit​ (hereafter referred to
as ​LLE​). Depending on how much the weapon weighs, it might be too heavy for the user to wield properly or
at all.

Can Be Used as Can Be Wielded Can Be Wielded Can Benefit From

Weapon Weight
Light Weapon 1-Handed 2-Handed Weapon Finesse

0.10 LLE (or lighter) Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.11 to 0.25 LLE Terribly Poorly Yes Yes

0.26 to 0.5 LLE No Terribly Poorly No

0.51 to 0.75 LLE No No Terribly No

0.76 LLE (or heavier) No No No No

Yes:​ The weapon’s weight doesn’t impose any penalty on its use.
Poorly:​ The weapon is too heavy to wield properly. It incurs a ​-2​ penalty to attack rolls (​-4​ to confirm critical hits) and
cannot benefit from weapon finesse and similar effects.
Terribly:​ As “Poorly”, but the penalty to attack rolls is doubled and attacks only deal half damage.
No:​ It’s impossible for the user to wield the weapon in the indicated way, although carrying it might still be possible.

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Sample Unique Custom Weapons 

Crescent Rose​ / Scythe Rifle ​(Double Weapon)
This crimson metal scythe can be transformed into a powerful rifle.
- Main Weapon (Scythe)
[1d12 19-20/x3 / P/S / Melee] [Deadly] [Finesse]
Template:​ Melee Exotic Two-Handed Slashing Weapon
Modifications:​ Additional Damage Type (Piercing) (1 cp), Deadly (0 cp), Double (1 cp), Finesse (1 cp),
Reach (0 cp), Improved Critical Multiplier (3 cp),
- Secondary Weapon (Rifle)
[1d8 / 20x2 / B/P / 120 ft]
Template:​ Ranged Exotic Light Bludgeoning Weapon
Modifications:​ Additional Damage Type (Piercing) (​1 ​cp), Double (​1 ​cp), Firearm (​0 ​cp), Improved Damage
Die (​2​ cp), Improved Range (x2) (​2​ cp)

Ember Celica​ / Gun Gauntlets​ ​(Double Weapon)

These beautifully crafted gauntlets contain hidden firearms attached to them.
- Main Weapon (Gauntlet)
[1d6 / 20x2 / B / Melee] [Disarm/Sunder]
Template:​ Melee Exotic Light Bludgeoning Weapon
Modifications:​ Attached (Limb) (​1 ​cp), Disarm (​1 ​cp), Concealable (​0 ​cp), Double (​1 ​cp), Monk (​2 ​cp),
Sunder (​1​ cp)
- Secondary Weapon (Hand-Cannon)
[1d6 / 20x2 / B/P / 60 ft]
Template:​ Ranged Exotic Light Bludgeoning Weapon
Modifications:​ Additional Damage Type (Piercing) (​1 ​cp), Attached (Limb) (​1 ​cp), Concealable (​0 ​cp),
Double (​1 ​cp), Firearm (​0 ​cp), Monk (​2 ​cp)

Hidden Blade of Assassins

Used by countless assassins over the course of history, these blades remain unseen until it’s time to strike.
[​1d4 / 20x4 / P / Melee] [Concealable/Deadly]
Template:​ Melee Exotic Light Piercing Weapon
Modifications:​ Attached (Limb) (​1​cp), Concealable (​0​ cp), Deadly (​0​ cp), Improved Critical Multiplier (​3​ cp),
Retractable (​1​cp)

Reverse Katana
This odd-looking sword has its sharp edge on the wrong side of the blade.
[1d8 / 18-20/x2 / S / Melee] [Deadly] ​or​ [1d8 / 19-20/x2 / B / Melee] [Deadly]
Template:​ Exotic One-Handed Slashing Weapon
Modification:​ Alternate Damage Type (B) (​0​ cp), Deadly (​0​ cp), Finesse (​1​ cp),
Improved Critical Threat (​3​ cp), Improved Damage Die (​2​ cp)

Smash Hammer
This enormous hammer can be used to devastating effect by anyone who can take hold of it.
[2d6 / 20/x2 / B / Melee (Reach)]
Template:​ Simple Two-Handed Bludgeoning Weapon
Modifications:​ Improved Damage Die (​2​ cp), Reach (​0​ cp)

Vine Whip
This beautiful whip made of tangled vines is a sight as rare as the fey who wield it.
[1d4 / 18-20/x2 / S / Melee (Whip)] [Disarm/Trip]
Template:​ Melee Martial Light Slashing Weapon
Modifications:​ Disarm (​1 ​cp), Improved Critical Threat (​3​ cp), Trip (​0​ cp), Whip-Like (​0​ cp)

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Sample Custom Weapon List 

Sometimes, giving complete freedom of customization to the players may not fit the campaign’s theme or
setting. In such cases, one possibility is to present’ the players a list of base weapons with significant
differences between them. This makes weapon selection faster and more interesting without making the GM
worry about every single possible combination of weapon modifications. What’s even better is that this opens
the possibility of introducing new weapon designs during the campaign, like the PCs finding an ancient
weapon they can reverse-engineer or meeting a legendary blacksmith who can craft all sorts of weapons.
What follows is a sample custom weapon list. GMs can expand or reduce it as they see fit for their games.

Simple Light Weapons

Weapon Damage (M) Critical Range Type Special

brass knuckles 1d6 x2 - - B Attached​ (limb), ​concealable

club 1d4 x2 - - B

dagger 1d4 19-20/x2 10 ft. (T) - P or S concealable​, ​throw

torch 1d4 x2 - - B/fire energy conduit​ (fire)

blowgun 1d3 x3 30 ft. move P concealable

Simple One-Handed Weapons

Weapon Damage (M) Critical Range Type Special

cleaver/machete 1d4 x3 - - P/S

mace/hammer 1d8 x2 - - B/P sunder

javelin 1d6 x3 30 ft. (T) - P throw

shortspear 1d6 x3 - - P brace​, ​reach

crossbow, light 1d6 x3 90 ft. standard P crank(manual)

sling 1d4 x2 30 ft. standard B concealable​, ​sling

Simple Two-Handed Weapons

Weapon Damage (M) Critical Range Type Special

longspear 1d8 x3 10 ft. (T) - P reach​, ​throw

pitchfork 1d10 x3 - - P

quarterstaff 1d10 x2 - - B double​, ​monk

cranequin 1d10 x3 120 ft. full-round P crank (automatic)

crossbow, heavy 1d10 x3 120 ft. full-round P crank (manual)

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Martial Light Weapons

Weapon Damage (M) Critical Range Type Special

armor spikes 1d4 x3 - - P attached​ (armor)

axe, throwing 1d6 x3 30 ft. (T) - P/S throw

cestus 1d4 19-20/x2 - - B/P attached​ (hand), ​monk

shortsword 1d6 19-20/x2 - - P/S

dart, throw 1d3 x3 30 ft. - P monk

pistol 1d6 x3 30 ft move B/P firearm​, ​unreliable

Martial One-Handed Weapons

Weapon Damage (M) Critical Range Type Special

waraxe 1d8 x3 - - P/S deadly

flail 1d6 x2 - - B/P finesse​, ​trip

longsword 1d10 19-20/x2 - - P or S handguard

rapier / estoc 1d8 x3 - - P disarm​, ​finesse​, ​handguard

spiked mace 1d8 x3 - - B/P sunder

sabre / scimitar 1d6 18-20 - - S finesse​, ​handguard

pilum / trident 1d8 x3 30 ft (T) - P brace​, ​throw

warhammer 1d10 x2 - - B sunder

shortbow 1d4 x3 60 ft. none P string weapon

Martial Two-Handed Weapons

Weapon Damage (M) Critical Range Type Special

maul/earth-breaker 2d8 x2 - - B sunder

greatsword 2d6 19-20/x2 - - P or S handguard

heavy blade 2d4 18-20/x2 - - S handguard

halberd 2d4 x2 - - P or S reach

lance 1d12 x3 - - P handguard​, ​joust​, ​reach

warscythe 2d6 x3 - - S chop​, ​deadly​, ​reach

longbow 1d6 x3 90 ft none P string weapon

musket 1d10 x2 60 ft standard B/P firearm​, ​unreliable

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Exotic Light Weapons

Weapon Damage (M) Critical Range Type Special

bladed fan 1d4 19-20 - - P/S concealable​, ​monk​, ​performance​, ​trip

steel claws 1d4 19-20/x2 - - S attached​(hand), ​concealable​, ​retractable

spiked chain 1d6 x2 - - B/P disarm​, ​trip​, ​whip​, ​reinforced whip

tekken 1d4 20/x3 - - B/P attached​(hand), ​monk​, ​unarmed ext​.

whip 1d4 19-20/x2 - - S disarm​, ​trip​, ​whip

net - - 30 ft (T) - - harmless​, ​tangling​, ​throw​, ​trip​, ​whip

Exotic One-Handed Weapons

Weapon Damage (M) Critical Range Type Special

falcata 1d6 19-20/x3 - - S

nunchucks 1d8 x3 - - B finesse​, ​monk​, ​trip

temple sword 1d8 19-20/x2 - - P or S monk

sawtooth sabre 1d8 19-20/x2 - - S barbed​, ​deadly​, ​handguard

boomerang 1d6 19-20/x2 30 ft (T) - B/S arc​, ​spinning​, ​throw

dire mace 1d12 x3 - - B/P sunder​, ​deadly

repeater, light 1d6 19-20/x2 90 ft. standard P crank(manual)​, ​ammo capacity​ (10)

Exotic Two-Handed Weapons

Weapon Damage (M) Critical Range Type Special

bladed scarf 1d8 19-20 - - S concealable​, ​disarm​, ​finesse​, ​trip

branched sword 1d8 19-20 - - S branched​, ​disarm​, ​monk​, ​trip

fauchard 1d10 18-20 - - S finesse​, ​reach​, ​trip

repeater, heavy 1d8 19-20/x2 120 ft. full-round P crank(manual)​, ​ammo capacity​ (10)

dragon-breath 2d6 x2 60 ft. standard fire elemental damage​ (fire), ​scatter


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New Feats 
Make even better use of all your weapons, including unarmed strikes and natural attacks!

Creative Swordmaster (Combat)

You can use your weapons in unexpected ways.
Prerequisites:​ BAB +5 or Monk level 5.
Benefit:​ Choose one weapon modification that costs ​1​ craft point or two modifications that cost ​0​ points,
except ​Attached​, ​Double​, ​Energy Conduit​, ​Endless Charge​, ​Refilling​ and modifications from the ​[Edge]​,
[Handle]​ and ​[Propulsion]​ categories. ​Minor Utility​ and ​Major Utility​ modifications may or may not be allowed
on a case-by-case basis, at the GM’s discretion. Every weapon you’re proficient with that fulfills all
prerequisites for that modification benefit from all of its effects for as long as you wield them.
Special:​ This feat can be selected once again at BAB +10 and every +5 BAB above that, to a maximum of 4
times at BAB +20. You may use your Monk level in place of the BAB gained from levels in the Monk class for
the purpose of qualifying for this feat.

Extraordinary Smith
You can craft particularly effective weapons.
Prerequisites:​ Craft (Weapons) 5 ranks.
Benefit:​ When you craft a weapon, you can give it one additional weapon modification. This modification
doesn’t count against that weapon’s limit of craft points, but it can’t cost more than ​1​ craft point. If you have
at least 10 ranks in Craft (Weapons), the additional weapon modification may cost up to ​2​ craft points.

Fortified Defense (Combat)

You leave no openings for your enemy to exploit.
Prerequisites:​ BAB +6
Benefit:​ When wielding a ​blocking​ weapon or using a shield, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for
attacking with unarmed strikes, reloading or sheathing a weapon or standing up from ​prone​.

Get Over Here! (Combat)

You can use your weapons to bring enemies closer to you.
Prerequisites:​ BAB +5 or Monk level 5.
Benefit:​ When wielding a weapon with the ​Whip-like​ or ​Reach​ modification, you can make ​Bull Rush​, ​Drag
or ​Reposition​ attempt against your target in place of one of your attacks. If you succeed, the opponent is
moved 10 ft directly towards you. This distance increases by +5 ft for every +5 by which you surpass the
target’s CMD.

Warrior Smith (Combat)

You master your weapons as a warrior, scholar and blacksmith.
Prerequisites:​ BAB +1.
Benefit:​ Your BAB counts as ranks in ​Profession​ (blacksmith) and in
the following ​Craft​ skills: (armor), (bows), (weapons), (firearms) and
(siege engines). If your Intelligence score is equal or greater than 10,
your BAB also counts as ranks in ​Spellcraft​ and as your caster level
for the purposes of identifying, modifying and crafting magical
weapons and armor, as well as for qualifying for the ​Craft Magic Arms
and Armor​ feat.
Special:​ This ability cannot raise your skill ranks and caster level
beyond your total character level.

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Automatic Enhancement Progression 

This system is an optional rules designed to allow players to enhance their weapons and armor based on
their character level, rather than their gold, thus allowing them to spend their money on more flavorful stuff.

Characters gain a certain amount of “mojo” based on their total character level.
This mojo can then be converted into one of ​4​ types of mojo: ​Weapon​, ​Armor​,
Shield ​or ​Natural​. W
​ eapon​-mojo adds an enhancement bonus to attack and
damage rolls made with objects infused with it. ​Armor​-mojo adds an enhancement
bonus to the armor bonuses to AC gained from an infused object. ​Shield​-mojo
does the same to shield bonuses to AC granted by infused objects. ​Natural​-mojo
acts much like ​Weapon​-mojo, but it applies to attack and damage rolls made with
unarmed strikes and natural weapons instead of infused objects Character can also
save un-converted mojo to use it at later levels.

Characters can turn any amount of their total mojo into any type, but can’t infuse a
single object with more than half their total mojo. Objects remain infused for as long
as they remain in the character’s person.
Mojo can be instantly transferred from one object to object, but converting it from
one type to another (​e.g.:​ turning ​weapon​-mojo into ​armor​-mojo, or vice-versa)
takes time and effort, requiring a meditative ritual that takes 1d4 days and costs
spends an amount of magical reagents that cost 100 gp per mojo-unit converted.

How effective the mojo infusion is depends on whether or not the character is
attuned to the infused object.

Attunement is a measure of howd in-synchrony the character is with the mystical potential of an object.
Characters can only be attuned to ​4​ objects at a time.
While it’s possible to infuse any object with mojo, doing it to objects to which you are not attuned will result in
the object only gaining half the enhancement bonus, rounded down (​e.g.:​ infusing ​8​ points of ​weapon​-mojo
a weapon attuned to you will grant it a ​+3​ enhancement bonus to attack/damage, but doing the same to a
random weapon you just picked up for the first time will only result in a ​+1​ bonus.

Attuning yourself to an object requires wearing, using or practicing uninterruptedly with it for 1 hour.

Other Magical Properties

In this system, magical properties other than numerical enhancement bonuses (such as flaming, keen,
fortification, etc) are bought and added normally in the form of runes. However, these effects remain inert
until the object is infused with enough mojo to gain at least a ​+1​ enhancement bonus. Their price is raised by
+50%, but ignore the numerical enhancement bonus when calculated (e.g.: adding the flaming property to a
weapon will cost exactly the same no matter if the weapon’s numerical enhancement bonus is a ​+1​ or ​+5​).

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Weapon Groups
These are the weapon groups found in Pathfinder’s RAW, compiled here for convenience.

Axes​: ​bardiche​, ​battleaxe​, ​collapsible kumade,​ ​dwarven waraxe​, ​gandasa​, ​greataxe​, ​handaxe​, ​heavy pick​, ​hooked axe​,
knuckle axe​, ​kumade​, ​light pick​, ​mattock​, ​orc double axe​, ​pata​, ​throwing axe​ ​and tongi.

Blades, Heavy​: ankus,​ ​dueling sword​, ​bastard sword​, ​chakram​, ​double chicken saber​, ​double walking stick katana​,
elven curve blade​, ​estoc​, ​falcata​, ​falchion​, ​flambard​, ​greatsword​, ​great terbutje​ , ​katana​, ​khopesh​, ​klar​, ​longsword​,
nine-ring broadsword​, ​nodachi​, ​scimitar​, ​scythe​, ​seven-branched sword​, ​shotel​, ​temple sword​, ​terbutje​ and ​two-bladed

Blades, Light​:​ ​bayonet​, ​butterfly knife​, ​butterfly sword​, ​chakram​, ​dagger​, ​deer horn knife​, ​gladius​, ​hunga munga​, ​kama​,
katar​, ​kerambit​, ​kukri​, ​machete​, ​madu​, manople, ​pata​, ​quadrens​, ​rapier​, ​sawtooth sabre​, ​scizore​, ​shortsword​, ​sica​,
sickle​, ​starknife​, ​swordbreaker dagger​, ​sword cane​,​wakizashi​ and ​war razor​.

Bows: ​composite longbow​, ​composite shortbow​, ​longbow​ and ​shortbow​.

Close​: ​bayonet​, ​brass knuckles​, ​cestus​, ​dan bong​, ​emei piercer​, ​fighting fan​, ​gauntlet​, ​heavy shield​, ​iron brush​, ​katar​,
light shield, ​madu​, ​mere club​, ​punching dagger​, ​rope gauntlet​, ​sap​, ​scizore​, ​spiked armor​, spiked ​gauntlet​, ​spiked shield​,
tekko-kagi​, ​tonfa​, ​unarmed strike​, ​wooden stake​ and ​wushu dart​.

Crossbows​: ​double crossbow​, ​hand crossbow​, ​heavy crossbow​, ​launching crossbow​, light crossbow, heavy repeating
crossbow, ​light repeating crossbow​ and ​tube arrow shooter​.

Double​: ​bo staff​, chain spear, ​dire flail​, ​double walking stick katana​, double-chained kama, ​dwarven urgrosh​, ​gnome
hooked hammer​,​kusarigama​, ​orc double axe​, ​quarterstaff​, ​two-bladed sword​ and weighted spear.

Firearms:​ all one-handed, two-handed and siege firearms.

Flails​: ​battle poi​, ​bladed scarf​, chain spear, ​dire flail​, ​double chained kama​, ​flail​, ​flying blade​, gnome pincher, halfling
rope-shot, ​heavy flail​,​kusarigama​, ​kyoketsu shoge​, ​meteor hammer​, ​morningstar​, ​nine-section whip​, ​nunchaku​,
sansetsukon​, ​scorpion​ ​whip​, ​spiked chain​, ​urumi​ and ​whip​.

Hammers​: ​aklys​, ​battle aspergillum​, ​club​, ​earth breaker​, ​greatclub​, ​heavy mace​, ​light hammer​, ​light mace​, ​mere club​,
planson, ​taiaha​, ​tetsubo​, ​wahaika​ and ​warhammer​.

Monk​: ​bo staff​, ​brass knuckles​, ​butterfly sword​, ​cestus​, ​dan bong​, deer horn knife, ​double chained kama​, ​double chicken
saber​, ​emei piercer​,​fighting fan​, ​hanbo​, ​jutte​, ​kama​, ​kusarigama​, ​kyoketsu shoge​, lungchuan tamo, ​monk's spade​,
nine-ring broadsword​, ​nine-section whip​,​nunchaku​, ​quarterstaff​, ​rope dart​, ​sai​, ​sansetsukon​, ​seven-branched sword​,
shang gou​, ​shuriken​, ​siangham​, ​temple sword​, ​tiger fork​, ​tonfa​, ​tri-point double-edged sword​, ​unarmed strike​, ​urumi​ and
wushu dart​.

Natural​: ​unarmed strike​ and all ​natural weapons​, such as bite, claw, gore, tail, and wing.

Polearms​: ​bardiche​, ​bec de corbin​, ​bill​, crook, ​glaive​, ​glaive-guisarme​, ​guisarme​, ​halberd​, ​hooked lance​, ​lucerne
hammer​, ​mancatcher​, ​monk's spade​, ​naginata​, ​nodachi​, ​ranseur​, ​rhomphaia​, ​tepoztopilli​ and ​tiger fork​.

Siege engines​: All other siege engines.

Spears​: ​amentum​, ​boar spear​, chain spear, elven branched spear,​ ​javelin​, ​harpoon​, ​lance​, ​longspear​, orc skull ram,
pilum​, ​planson​, ​shortspear​,​sibat​, ​spear​, ​tiger fork​, ​trident​ and weighted spear.

Thrown​: ​aklys​, ​amentum​, ​atlatl​, ​blowgun​, ​bolas​, ​boomerang​, ​brutal bolas​, ​chakram​, ​club​, ​dagger​, ​dart​,​ deer horn knife,
halfling sling staff​,​harpoon​, ​hunga munga​, ​javelin​, ​lasso​, ​kestros​, light hammer,​ ​net​, ​poisoned sand tube​, ​rope dart​,
shortspear​, ​shuriken​, ​sling​, ​sling glove​, ​spear​,​starknife​, ​throwing axe​,​ throwing shield,​ ​trident​ and ​wushu dart​.


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Share Your Thoughts!​ ​Leave a comment​, ​visit my ​feedback thread​, or send me an email at ​[email protected]​.
Want to be the best at wielding your new weapon? Try​ ​Lemmy’s Revised Fighte​r​!

1- Is it possible to create equivalents to all existing weapons with this system?
Unfortunately, no. Considering how the existing weapons have basically no rules to how they are designed,
it’s all but impossible to create a system with set rules that allows every possibility. It’s possible to get very,
very close, though. Most of the time, the only difference is that you’ll have to add an additional type of
damage (​e.g.:​ a rapier with the same damage die and critical threat range would deal Piercing/Slashing
damage instead of only Piercing).

2- Why use this system, then?

Because it allows a greater variety of weapons. Check the weapon list in Pathfinder: Many of them are
exactly the same. Many of them are completely pointless, as they are objectively inferior to other options
from the same weapon category. That’s why we see so many characters wielding the same weapon. This
system allows you to create and use cool weapons without sacrificing your character’s effectiveness.

3- Why base the weapons basic attributes on their damage type?

This seems to be the trend of weapon design in official books: slashing weapons have wider critical threat
range, piercing weapons have higher critical multiplier and bludgeoning weapons have bigger damage die.

4- What about weapon-specific feats and abilities, such as ​Weapon Focus​?

They can be as specific as you want. If you want them to only affect one type of weapon, you can say they
only affect weapons that have one specific template and one specific list of modifications (e.g.: ​Weapon
Focus [dagger]​ would affect simple light melee weapons that deal piercing damage, 1d3 damage, 20/x3
critical range and the Thrown weapon modification).

Personally, I’d allow them to affect all weapons in a broad category: same “weight” category
(light/one-handed/two-handed), same damage type (bludgeoning/slashing/piercing) and same combat range
(melee/ranged). ​e.g.:​ ​Weapon Focus [dagger]​ would affect all light melee weapons that deal piercing
damage, no matter their weapon category (simple/martial/exotic), base damage die, critical range or
selection of modifications. I would also consider separating them by [​Handle​] and [​Propulsion​] modifications,
to avoid things like an archer becoming an expert pistolero and an a knife-fighter mastering spears.

5- What if I can’t build a weapon exactly like the one I like the most from the official weapon list?
Another advantage of this system is that it can be used ​in conjunction​ with the normal weapons list. The
whole point of this project is to add variety to the game without sacrificing game balance. It’s designed to
allow players to create unique, effective and ​balanced​ weapons. It doesn’t allow players to make weapons
significantly more effective than what they can already get anyway (and the GM can always restrict/ban the
modifications he feels aren’t a good addition to his game).

6- What are your plans for the future of this project?

Well, weapon modifications and flaws are mostly done, but I still add new ones when I get cool new ideas.
I’m currently fine-tuning the rules for special ammo and weapon materials, and I also plan to add more feats.
I might even create a few archetypes or prestige class. Last but not least, I want to add a chapter of
“Optional Rules” for weapons with different blade lengths, weight and balance… This way, daggers and
rapiers won’t have exactly the same range, for example, and spear won’t be just as practical to carry as a
dagger. Rapier will be able to hit first, but daggers will be better in close quarters.

Ideas and suggestions are always welcome! You can send them to me in my ​feedback thread​ or at my
e-mail: ​[email protected]​. ​:)

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Share Your Thoughts!​ ​Leave a comment​, ​visit my ​feedback thread​, or send me an email at ​[email protected]​.
Want to be the best at wielding your new weapon? Try​ ​Lemmy’s Revised Fighte​r​!

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