Ltspice Experiment

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Rizvi College of Engineering OSTL (Open Source Technology Lab)


Department. : EXTC

Class & Semester: T.E (Third Year), Sem V

Subject: OSTL (Open Source Technology Lab)


Experiment No. 01
Aim: To Implement Different Types Of Clippers
Using LTSpice.

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Rizvi College of Engineering OSTL (Open Source Technology Lab)

AIM: To Implement Different Types Of Clippers Using LTSpice.

Tools Used: LTSpice

Description: Limiter (Clipper): The purpose of a limiter (or clipper) is to shape an input
waveform and clip or cut off its top half, bottom half or both halves together.

Working of Clipper Circuit

The clipper circuit can be designed by utilizing both the linear and nonlinear elements such
as resistors, diodes or transistors. As these circuits are used only for clipping input waveform
as per the requirement and for transmitting the waveform, they do not contain any energy
storing element like a capacitor.
In general, clippers are classified into two types: Series Clippers and Shunt Clippers.

1. Series Clippers

Series clippers are again classified into series negative clippers and series positive clippers
which are as follows:

a. Series Negative Clipper

Series Negative Clipper

The above figure shows a series negative clipper with its output waveforms. During the
positive half cycle the diode (considered as ideal diode) appears in the forward biased and
conducts such that the entire positive half half cycle of input appears across the resistor
connected in parallel as output waveform. During the negative half cycle the diode is in
reverse biased. No output appears across the resistor. Thus, it clips the negative half cycle of
the input waveform, and therefore, it is called as a series negative clipper.

Note : The diode used in LTSpice is 1N4148 & VREF = 3V & For Input Sine wave
(frequency is 10 Hz , DC Offset = 0V , & Peak Voltage = 5V & Value for R = 1KΩ

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Rizvi College of Engineering OSTL (Open Source Technology Lab)

Series Negative Clipper With Positive Vr

Series Negative Clipper With Positive Vr

Series negative clipper with positive reference voltage is similar to the series negative clipper,
but in this a positive reference voltage is added in series with the resistor. During the positive
half cycle, the diode start conducting only after its anode voltage value exceeds the cathode
voltage value. Since cathode voltage becomes equal to the reference voltage, the output that
appears across the resistor will be as shown in the above figure.

Series Negative Clipper With Negative Vr

The series negative clipper with a negative reference voltage is similar to the series negative
clipper with positive reference voltage, but instead of positive Vr here a negative Vr is
connected in series with the resistor, which makes the cathode voltage of the diode as
negative voltage. Thus during the positive half cycle, the entire input appears as output across
the resistor, and during the negative half cycle, the input appears as output until the input
value will be less than the negative reference voltage, as shown in the figure.

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Rizvi College of Engineering OSTL (Open Source Technology Lab)

b. Series Positive Clipper

Series Positive Clipper

The series positive clipper circuit is connected as shown in the figure. During the positive
half cycle, diode becomes reverse biased, and no output is generated across the resistor, and
during the negative half cycle, the diode conducts and the entire input appears as output
across the resistor.

Series Positive Clipper with Negative Vr

Series Positive Clipper with Negative Vr

It is similar to the series positive clipper in addition to a negative reference voltage in series
with a resistor; and here, during the positive half cycle, the output appears across the resistor
as a negative reference voltage. During the negative half cycle, the output is generated after
reaching a value greater than the negative reference voltage, as shown in the above figure.

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Rizvi College of Engineering OSTL (Open Source Technology Lab)

Series Positive Clipper with Positive Vr

Instead of negative reference voltage a positive reference voltage is connected to obtain series
positive clipper with a positive reference voltage. During the positive half cycle, the reference
voltage appears as an output across the resistor, and during the negative half cycle, the entire
input appears as output across the resistor.

2. Shunt Clippers

Shunt clippers are classified into two types: shunt negative clippers and shunt positive

a. Shunt Negative Clipper

Shunt Negative Clipper

Shunt negative clipper is connected as shown in the above figure. During the positive half
cycle, the entire input is the output, and during the negative half cycle, the diode conducts
causing no output to be generated from the input.

Shunt Negative Clipper with Positive Vr

Shunt Negative Clipper with Positive Vr

A series positive reference voltage is added to the diode as shown in the figure. During the
positive half cycle, the input is generated as output, and during the negative half cycle, a
positive reference voltage will be the output voltage as shown above.

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Rizvi College of Engineering OSTL (Open Source Technology Lab)

Shunt Negative Clipper with Negative Vr

Shunt Negative Clipper with Negative Vr

Instead of positive reference voltage, a negative reference voltage is connected in series with
the diode to form a shunt negative clipper with a negative reference voltage. During the
positive half cycle, the entire input appears as output, and during the negative half cycle, a
reference voltage appears as output as shown in the above figure.

b. Shunt Positive Clipper

Shunt Positive Clipper

During the positive half cycle the diode is in conduction mode and no output is generated;
and during the negative half cycle; entire input appears as output as the diode is in reverse
bias as shown in the above figure.

Shunt Positive Clipper with Negative Vr

Shunt Positive Clipper with Negative Vr

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Rizvi College of Engineering OSTL (Open Source Technology Lab)

During the positive half cycle, the negative reference voltage connected in series with the
diode appears as output; and during the negative half cycle, the diode conducts until the input
voltage value becomes greater than the negative reference voltage and output will be
generated as shown in the figure.

Shunt Positive Clipper with Positive Vr

Conclusion: This Experiment helps us to understand different types of Clippers

theoretically & practically.

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