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Master of Science thesis

Examiners: Prof. Petri Vuoristo,

Dr. Minna Kotilainen

Examiners and topic approved

by the Council of the Faculty
of Engineering Sciences on
7th October 2015


SANTHOSH KUMAR PANDIAN: Preparation and characterization of titanium based

coatings by Direct-Current (DC) magnetron sputtering process
Tampere University of technology
Master of Science Thesis, 133 pages
November 2016
Master’s Degree Programme in Material Science
Major: Metallic and ceramic materials
Examiner: Professor Petri Vuoristo, Dr. Minna Kotilainen

Keywords: Thin films, DC magnetron sputtering, sputtering parameters, titanium,

titanium nitride, microstructure, film properties

Thin film coatings by sputtering process are widely used in numerous industries due to
their superior qualities such as improvement in wear and corrosion resistance,
enhancement of the surface quality, functional properties enrichment and increased life-
time. So withstanding the above mentioned conditions is essential for numerous
industrial and medical applications. One of the most effective ways to create thin film
materials of desired composition is sputtering process. Nordiko sputtering (NS) 2500
equipment is used in this thesis work to carry out the sputtering experiments.

The aim of the thesis work is to study the relationship between depositions parameters
used for DC magnetron sputtering process using Nordiko sputtering (NS-2500)
equipment. The study is mainly focused to explain the relationship between deposition
rates of thin film depositions with respect to sputtering parameters involved. One of the
main objective is to study the effect of deposition parameters on the resultant
microstructures and properties such as adhesion strength and surface roughness. This
research work also deals with investigating the operation of Nordiko sputtering
equipment and obtaining relevant experience related to it. The study is also focused on
to briefly analyze the effect of substrate heating and etching to understand the
morphological changes observed during sputtering depositions

The thin film coating formation of titanium and titanium nitride compositions is
successfully deposited using Nordiko sputtering equipment. Typical deposition rates
were able to achieve in this DC magnetron sputtering process. In this thesis work, the
relationship between deposition parameters is studied in detail and verified using
various experimentation techniques. The effect of deposition parameters on the resultant
microstructures and properties such as adhesion strength and surface roughness is
successfully studied using several characterization techniques such as FESEM, adhesion
strength, optical profilometer and XRD analysis. The effect of substrate etching and
heating is studied briefly in this thesis work and the results established significant
improvement in deposition rates and adhesion strength values. The sputtering
equipment used in this experiment work is studied completely and it can be used for
versatile operations. A short operational guide regarding the user manual is also
prepared in this thesis report.


This work was carried out at the department of Material Science, Tampere University of
Technology (TUT) Tampere, Finland. I wish to express my sincere and greatest
gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Petri Vuoristo for his continuous encouragement and
helpful discussions during this thesis work. It is with great pleasure I thank Professor
Petri Vuoristo for providing me a great opportunity to work in my area of interest. My
sincere thanks to Dr. Minna Kotilainen (VTT) for her valuable discussions and support
during this thesis study.

My special thanks to people who assisted me in finishing the research tasks during this
thesis work. I would like to thank Dr. Minna Kotilainen (VTT) and Mr. Jarmo Laakso
(TUT) for their support and valuable comments during FESEM analysis. I would also
like to express my gratitude to researchers Davide Fantozzi and Leo Hyvärinen for X-
ray diffraction studies and Mr. Jarmo Laakso for optical profilometer trainings. I am
also grateful to Mr. Mikko Kylmälahti and Mr. Ari Varttila for their support in
assembling the sputtering system. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all
those people who aided me in various ways to complete this project successfully. I
would like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge Fortum Foundation for
their financial support during this master thesis study.

I wish to thank my parents and family, for their encouraging support all through my
thesis work and motivated me towards achieving my goal and completing this research
work by providing moral support.

Many thanks to my supervisor, all my co-workers from surface engineering laboratory

for their support during this thesis study.

Tampere, 23.11.2016

Santhosh Kumar Pandian



1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1
2.1 DC diode sputtering process .......................................................................... 3
2.2 Triode sputtering process ............................................................................... 5
2.3 Magnetron sputtering process ........................................................................ 6
2.4 Reactive sputtering ....................................................................................... 13
2.5 Bias sputtering .............................................................................................. 16
2.6 Sputter etching and cleaning ........................................................................ 18
2.7 Thin film coating formation ......................................................................... 20
2.8 Substrate temperature influence on thin film coating .................................. 22
2.8.1 Substrate heating methods ............................................................. 24
2.8.2 Influence of substrate temperature on film properties ................... 25
2.9 Structure and properties of sputtered film coatings ..................................... 27
2.9.1 Structure and properties of metallic Titanium coating................... 28
2.9.2 Structure and properties of TiN Coating ........................................ 32
3. AIM ......................................................................................................................... 38
4. EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES ........................................................................ 39
4.1 Information about target and substrate materials ......................................... 39
4.1.1 Targets ............................................................................................ 40
4.1.2 Substrates ....................................................................................... 41
4.2 Sputtering equipment ................................................................................... 42
4.2.1 Vacuum pumping systems ............................................................. 43
4.2.2 Sputter sources and power supply .................................................. 54
4.2.3 Control unit .................................................................................... 55
4.2.4 Practical Operation of NS-2500 sputtering system ........................ 57
4.3 Sputter deposition experiments .................................................................... 61
4.3.1 Sputtering power/current................................................................ 61
4.3.2 Sputtering pressure ......................................................................... 63
4.3.3 Sputtering deposition time ............................................................. 64
4.3.4 Substrate etching using RF sputtering ........................................... 65
4.4 Characterization techniques ......................................................................... 66
4.4.1 FESEM ........................................................................................... 67
4.4.2 Adhesion strength .......................................................................... 68
4.4.3 Optical profilometer ....................................................................... 69
4.4.4 X-ray Diffraction analysis .............................................................. 70
5. RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 72
5.1 Magnetron sputtered titanium coatings ........................................................ 72
5.1.1 Microstructures .............................................................................. 72
5.1.2 Phase structure ............................................................................... 81

5.1.3 Adhesion strength .......................................................................... 83

5.1.4 Surface roughness .......................................................................... 86
5.2 Magnetron sputtered titanium nitride coatings............................................. 86
5.2.1 Microstructures .............................................................................. 87
5.2.2 Phase structure ............................................................................... 98
5.2.3 Adhesion strength ........................................................................ 100
5.2.4 Surface roughness ........................................................................ 103
6. DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................... 107
6.1 Discussion - Magnetron sputtered titanium coatings ................................. 107
6.1.1 Relation between sputtering power and deposition rate .............. 107
6.1.2 Relation between argon sputtering pressure and deposition rate . 108
6.1.3 Influence of other parameters ...................................................... 109
6.2 Discussion - Magnetron sputtered titanium nitride coatings ...................... 110
6.2.1 Relation between sputtering power and deposition rate .............. 110
6.2.2 Relation between sputtering pressure and deposition rate ........... 111
6.2.3 Influence of other parameters ...................................................... 112
6.3 Microstructures........................................................................................... 113
6.4 Adhesion and surface roughness ................................................................ 116
6.5 Phase structure............................................................................................ 117
7. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................... 119
8. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE STUDIES......................................................... 121


α Alpha
˚ Degree
θ Theta
ε Field amplitude
ωc Cyclotron frequency
% Percentage
” Inches
μm Micrometer
316L Low carbon version of the 316 steel alloy
2D 2-dimensional
3D 3-dimensional
α-Ti Alpha-titanium phase
γ-Fe Austenite phase

A Amperes
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
Al Aluminum
AlN Aluminum nitride
Ar+ Argon ions
Ar Argon
Ar. Pr Argon pressure
B Magnetic field
BCC Body centered cubic
Cu-Kα Copper radiation
ͦ C Degree Celsius
C Celsius
CCP Cubic close packed
cm Centimetre
CO Carbon monoxide
CO2 Carbon dioxide
Cu Copper
CVD Chemical vapor deposition
DC Direct-Current
DC 704 Diffusion oil type
Dep.rate Deposition rate
DSC Dye-sensitized solar cells
E Electric field
EDS Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer
FCC Face cantered cubic
FESEM Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy
FIM Focused ion microscopy
G Gauss
g/cm3 Gram/cubic centimeter
HASTINGS EVT-5 Thermocouple gauge type
HCP Hexagonal close packed

Hi-Vac High-vacuum valve

H.T. on High tension control switch ON
H.V gauge High Voltage gauge
I Current
ICDD International center for diffraction data
IR Infrared
kW Kilowatts
liq. N2 Liquid nitrogen
l/s Litre/second
mA/cm2 Milliampere per square centimetre
mbar Millibar
me Mass
mins Minutes
mm Millimetre
mtorr Millitorr
N2 Nitrogen
N4 700-1400 Nordiko sputtering equipment model types
Nm Nanometer
NM 400-2000 Nordiko sputtering equipment model types
NS Nordiko sputtering
NS-2500 Nordiko Sputtering equipment
O2 Oxygen
OFC Oxygen-free copper
P Pressure/Sputtering pressure
PCD Pitch circle diameter
PVD Physical Vapor depositions
q Charge
Q Outgassing rate
Ra Surface roughness
RF Radio-frequency
S/N curves Stress (S) against the number of cycles to failure (N) or Fatigue
S Pumping speed
SE1 Substrate electrode
SEM Scanning electron microscopy
Si Silicon
Sp Speed
SS Stainless steel
SZD Structure-zone diagrams
SZM Structure Zone Model
t Time
Ta2O5 Tantalum oxide
TC1 Thermocouple gauge 1
TC2 Thermocouple gauge 2
TEM Transmission electron microscopy
TFT Thin film transistors
TiO2 Titanium dioxide
Ti Titanium
TiN Titanium nitride
TiN1-x Titanium nitride sub stoichiometric compositions
Tм Melting point of condensate

Tѕ Substrate temperature
TUT Tampere university of technology
U Voltage
V Volts
V Voltage
Vь/Vѕ Bias voltage
VLSI Very-large scale integration
W Watt
Wcm-2 Watt per square centimetre
XRD X-ray diffraction
x Electron displacement
+Z Positive Z-axis direction
ZnO Zinc oxide
Zone Ib/ Ic Extended SZD
Zone T Transition zone


The demand for deposition of coating materials with magnificent physical properties is
always critical. The focus on developing thin film materials which are suitable for high
temperature applications, high corrosive and erosive environments applications is
highly increasing. So withstanding the above mentioned conditions is necessary for
various industrial applications. This research work studies efficient methods to create
new coating materials which can be used for various types of applications. One of the
most effective ways to create thin film materials of desired composition is sputtering
process. In general, sputtering deposition is used for depositing thin film coatings over
the substrate from the target material. The sputtering process principle is similar to the
game of billiards, where the cue ball hits the group of balls (break shot) and the object
balls gets scattered along with the angle of impact [1-3]. As similar to this principle,
generated plasma is used to ionize gas atoms which in turn strike the target surface. The
impact emits atoms from the target material that will be transferred to the substrate
surface and deposit coatings of required composition. In this research work, the coatings
are developed using Direct-Current (DC) magnetron reactive sputtering process. The
technique allows the deposition of compound materials of various composition. The
main advantage of using this process is high deposition rate, excellent uniformity of
coating, and control over the deposition parameters. Nordiko sputtering (NS) 2500
equipment is used in this thesis work to carry out the sputtering experiments. This
equipment can be used for different sputtering process such as Direct-Current (DC)
magnetron sputtering, Radio-frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering and bias sputtering
process. The objectives of the research work are to develop thin film coatings with
superior physical properties by DC magnetron sputtering process. To accomplish this,
the relationship between the deposition parameters such as deposition rate, sputtering
pressure, deposition time and their effect on the microstructural changes during thin
film deposition is studied in detail. The titanium and titanium nitride coatings is
deposited using DC magnetron sputtering process in this thesis work. Thus, depositing
thin film coating materials with sputtering process is accomplished in this research
study. One of the main objectives of this research work is to study operation of the
sputtering equipment. The material chosen for sputtering thin film depositions are
titanium (Ti) and titanium nitride (TiN) composition, and these materials does not have
any negative impact towards environment [4]. In developing thin films by sputter
deposition, there is no environmental hazard as the process is very safe and can be
converted easily to large scale of industrial production [4]. The energy used for
development of coating using sputtering deposition is considered quite negligible when

compared to other physical vapor deposition techniques such as evaporation [5; 6]. The
thesis work focusses on optimizing the sputtering parameters used in reactive and non-
reactive magnetron sputtering process. The microstructure of the coatings, types of
coatings, composition present in the coatings are studied in detail to optimize the DC
reactive magnetron sputtering process. The applications of the thin film coatings are
varied greatly from biomedical applications to very high load applications .[1; 2; 7-11]

Magnetron sputtering is considered efficient and effective process when compared to

other physical vapor depositions (PVD) such as evaporation, pulsed laser ablation,
chemical vapor depositions (CVD) and sol-gel methods .[4] As magnetron sputtering
have many advantages such as high deposition rate, deposition over large scale and
repeatability of results is achieved. In general, polycrystalline films are also attained
during sputtering process and the physical properties of the sputtered films are superior
to other PVD process.[4; 5] The factors such as crystallographic orientation, deposition
parameters and substrate materials used in the sputtering process significantly
influences the morphological changes observed during film growth. This is one of the
main benefits of sputtering as by controlling the parameters used in the deposition, the
properties of deposited thin films is modified .[12] The advantages of using sputtering
process is that it is cost-effective, simple in nature, increased rate of deposition and
higher quality of thin films is achieved as end result. The deposition parameters play an
important role in influencing the electrical and optical properties of thin films. [13]
According to numerous research articles, it is clear that sputtering parameters used in
magnetron sputtering process highly influence the structural, electrical and optical
properties of deposited thin films. The other notable advantages of using sputtering
process are increased mechanical stability of thin films, excellent uniformity in thin film
coating and even at low temperature, superior deposition rate is accomplished [14].

The titanium thin film coatings are used in many industrial and medical applications
owing to its superior properties such as high corrosion resistance, increase in
mechanical properties, high thermal properties [11; 15; 16]. Titanium nitride (TiN)
composition has various distinctive advantages such as wear resistant coatings, tools
used for cutting, diffusion barriers and integrated circuits. TiN composition also have
outstanding physical properties such as high hardness, inert, high corrosion resistance,
low electrical resistivity, excellent thermal stability. These titanium and TiN coating
materials have the combination of toughness, inertness, adhesion and hardness, owing
to its excellent reflective nature and also used in jewelry and optics. [1] So, titanium and
titanium nitride coatings have various advantages over other coating material and the
applications ranges from microelectronics, light detectors, cutting tools and medical
instrumentation. Therefore, special interest has been developed over the years about
these Ti and TiN coatings and effective ways to deposit them is also analyzed in this
thesis work.



This section will deal with the different types of sputtering processes and their
subsequent development from one another. The sputtering process can be divided into
four different types which as classified as follows i) DC ii) RF iii) Reactive and iv)
Magnetron sputtering process [1; 9; 17-19]. There are several mechanisms where these
sputtering processes are used to produce thin film coating over the substrate such as DC
magnetron sputtering, RF magnetron sputtering, RF and DC diode sputtering process.
[2] The most efficient ways to produce quality coatings are well established nowadays.
In this part different types of sputtering process are considered and how it evolved to the
modern technology to produce efficient coating material. The basic science behind the
process is explained here, sputtering in general is a momentum transfer process, in
which the atoms will be ejected from the surface of the target material by means of
bombardment of energetic particles [2; 17; 20; 21]. The desired layer is obtained after
the sputtered atoms reach the substrate surface [17; 20].

2.1 DC diode sputtering process

This is one of the oldest technologies to produce thin film coatings using sputtering
technique. Initially, the coatings were mainly concentrating on metallic films over the
metallic substrate, so until 1960s this DC diode sputtering process was one of the most
common sputtering techniques available in the market. In 1852, W.R. Grove studied
about sputter deposition for the first time. The significant achievement in the process
was achieved by Leslie Holland in cathodic sputtering in the year 1956. L. Holland,
detected an occurrence where due to the ionic bombardment of gas molecules the
electrode (cathode) was degenerated, these particular phenomenon was observed when
electrical current is delivered at low pressure. There was some notable accomplishment
in the sputtering field, in 1933 C. J. Overbeck noted the formation of certain compounds
which was used for coating and this happened in a reactive gas atmosphere. F.M.
Penning suggested in 1936, if the plasma content used in the sputtering process needs to
be increased, then electron trap (crossed field) was used. [19]

The mechanism involved in the DC diode sputtering is described as follows. The

equipment comprises of a vacuum chamber, where two electrodes are present in it. [18]
The target material usually used are metals, however other materials can be used too.
The target materials used are of disk-shaped and it is connected to a backing plate which

cools the target material so that it does not crack due to overheating. The distance
between target and the anode materials is around 8-10 (cm) centimeters. [19] This
vacuum chamber should have perfect functioning gas stream and pumping system. The
two different electrodes used is cathode (negative potential) which is the target material
and anode is the substrate. The anode electrode can be connected to the ground or even
biased depending on the process requirement. [18] In this sputtering process, the most
important factor to be taken care is about the discharge. The discharge needs to be
sustained so that the sputtering process takes place smoothly. The plasma is used to
generate discharge and this discharge is termed as DC diode discharge. [1; 9]

The DC diode discharge is created in the vacuum chamber, usually the chamber is
connected to the series of vacuum pumps. The vacuum produced inside the chamber
will be controlled appropriately by various controllers such as leak valves, flow
controllers, gauges and so on. The pressure created by the chamber is usually lower than
the normal operating pressure used for the process. This is because working gases such
as argon which will be added later in the chamber and these gases will be helping in
achieving the required pressure. The electric field will be applied in between cathode
and anode, which help in the process of accelerating the electrons towards the substrate
material. The gas discharge produced will be collected in the cathode region and the
electrons produced will acquire necessary energy to ionize the gas atoms present in the
discharge. These ions try to impinge on the surface of the anode material thus coating
occurs. In the meantime, when the electron comes in contact with gaseous atom present
in the discharge, secondary electrons are produced along with the ions and these
secondary electrons also help in maintaining the diode discharge. [9]

DC diode sputtering process is explained in this section, as mentioned previously the

target material is connected to the negative potential of the power supply and the anode
material is grounded. The pumps are connected to the chamber to create necessary
pressure (usually low pressure) and vacuum conditions. The plasma discharge produced
will be accumulated near the cathode region as shown in the Figure 1. The target
cathode electrode material will be bombarded by the positive argon ions (Ar+) and the
result will be the production of neutral atoms. At certain point during the diode
sputtering, the voltage is dropped near the cathode, which will help the ions to
accelerate towards the anode and gets accumulated over the substrate material. These
ions will collide with the gas atoms near the cathode region to produce secondary
electrons which is used for maintain the discharge in the plasma. The main
disadvantages of this sputtering would be deposition rates are very low, conductor
materials can only be used, the plasma densities achieved will be very less when
compared with the magnetron sputtering process. [18]

Figure 1. Typical schematic representation of DC diode sputtering process,

displaying substrate material which is subjected to target ion bombardment by
plasma ions. [18]

2.2 Triode sputtering process

The advancement in DC diode sputtering process in 1960 led to increase the efficiency
of the deposition rate by including one more electrode to the DC diode setup. So the
name and process ‘Triode sputtering’ came into existence. The extra electrode used in
the process will be very hot in nature and can emit electrons into the plasma. The
electrons are relatively emitted thermionically from the target surface. So by this the
electron density is increased tremendously and thus the plasma ionization is also
increased rapidly. Using this process led to the achievement of deposition rate of around
hundred nm/min. The normal operating conditions for triode sputtering are pressure 0.5
-1 mtorr (millitorr) and the applied voltage is 50-100 V(volts) which are comparatively
low with respect to magnetron sputtering process. The other advantage be thick coatings
can be deposited by the triode sputtering. However, this triode sputtering has many
disadvantages such as the hot electrode might react with the atoms present in the
plasma, erosion of electrode, quality of coating is low, and uniformity of film coating is
also not achieved properly. The practical difficulties were the thermionic emitter is
susceptible to reactive gases present in the chamber, also the industrial scaling of the
process is very limited. Over the development of magnetron sputtering process, triode
sputtering lost its significance owing to the high rate sputtering of magnetron process.
[18] The below mentioned Figure 2 represents the DC triode sputtering process.

Figure 2. General schematic representation of Triode (hot-cathode assisted)

sputtering process, simply demonstrating with a target (cathode) material and
substrate (anode) material with an additional setup of Thermionic emitter (to
emit hot electrons) in a plasma environment. [18]

2.3 Magnetron sputtering process

The planar magnetron was first designed by J.S Chapin in the year 1974. The process
used sputter gun which was used as sputtering source and it was developed by Clarke in
1968. During 1970, planar magnetron was widely used in magnetron sputtering
experiment. [18] The magnetron sputtering process is generally divided into three types
1) Planar magnetron 2) cylindrical magnetron and 3) Unbalanced magnetron sputtering
process. The main difference between DC diode and magnetron process is that the
cathode in latter process is being connected to a magnetic field. So that the electrons
present in the process would follow the E*B drift path as shown in Figure 3 [18]. Due to
magnetic field the electrons is concentrated near to the cathode surface, so more
ionization. The secondary electrons also be present near the cathode surface and these
electrons too will move in a circular path as shown in Figure 3. The electron circulating
in the path will have higher radius if it has very high speed as shown in Figure 3 and
vice-versa for the case with low speed electrons. When the electric field and magnetic
field is influencing the electrons movement above the cathode surface, electrons
interacting with the process gas to produce more ionizing atoms thus resulting in more
collisions. The electrons also lose its energy due to interaction with the anode surface
and the chamber surface. However, due to magnetic field the ionic density is increased
conveniently and thereby increasing the deposition rate, uniformity of the coating with
low substrate heating. The magnetron sputtering process can also be used in low

pressure. In general, the electrons will follow a cycloidal path near the cathode surface
as shown in Figure 3 due to the linearly decreasing electric field. [18]

Figure 3. Electrons movement under electric and magnetic field in magnetron

sputtering process is illustrated in the Figure. [18]

The relationship between plasma current (I) and the voltage (V) which is applied in the
sputtering process is given by the following equation i,


Equation i, explains the plasma current and voltage association with each other, the
constants K and n will be dependent on the cathode, sputtering gas and magnetron type
used. The optimal characteristics of magnetron sputtering process are as follows
pressure around 1 mtorr, current density of cathode around 20 mA/cm2 (milliampere per
square centimeter), discharge voltage is around 250-800 V and distance between target
and substrate is about 10 cm approximately. [18] The different types of magnetron
sputtering process is explained in the following section.

2.3.1 Planar magnetron sputtering process

The most commonly used magnetron configuration is planar magnetron sputtering

process. The mechanism behind this configuration is explained in this section. The
typical magnetic arrangements of planar magnetron are shown in the following Figure
4. It is known that both the electric field (E) and magnetic field (B) is generally applied
perpendicular to each other. The intensity of electric field decreases when the distance
from the surface is increased. The magnets are placed below the cathode surface so that
the magnetic field is traversing radially. This particular arrangement makes the E*B
drift to form a circular path over the surface of the target. This path is generally referred
to as ‘racetrack’ as shown in Figure 5. The cooling arrangement is an essential setup in
magnetron sputtering process, else during the process the target is overheated and result
in cracking. There will be certain combination of permanent, electromagnets which can
be used in the actual magnetron setup as shown in the Figure 4. The normal magnetic
field produced in the process is around 500 Gauss (G). The one main disadvantage of
the process is that the target utilization, in general only 45 % (percentage) of the target
is consumed in the process. This is because of the circular path of the magnetic field
flowing through the target. In 1991, Krug et al developed new design for high rate
planar magnetron process in which the target and magnet will be placed side by side as
shown in the Figure 6. This particular setup will make use of more target surface
because of the flat magnetic field produced. [18]

Figure 4. Schematic representations of typical planar magnetron magnet

arrangements setup used in sputtering process [18].

Figure 5. “Racetrack” present in our planar magnetron sputtering target

material. The arrow marked in the Figure represents the path of sputtering
process, following the confined path of magnetrons used.

Figure 6. Schematic representation of model developed by Krug, is shown

in which cathode and magnets are placed side by side as shown. [18]

The mechanism of how the electron moves to the anode (substrate) with respect to the
magnetic field will be discussed briefly in this section. Consider a planar magnetron as
shown in Figure 7. In this setup, electric field is applied between the cathode (target)
and the anode. The electric field applied is of DC in nature and it is around 100 V/cm.
The magnets which are placed behind the cathode will be of circular or elliptical in
nature based on the circular or rectangular nature of the target used. The mechanism of
magnetic field generation is similar to that of a normal bar magnet. In this from the
north Pole end, the magnetic field rises perpendicular to the target surface and it
continues to rise in the shape of arch, where it is almost parallel to the surface. As
discussed earlier the electric field decreases when the distance between the target is
increased. So at that point where the magnetic field (B) is parallel to the cathode
surface, field B returns to the South Pole. This is the magnetron mechanism and by
which it forms an array of magnetic tunnel lines over the cathode so that the ionization
is high in this area. The electrons which will be released from the cathode will move in
this spiral path along the B field. When the electric field (E) and B are applied
perpendicular, then the electrons will follow the cycloidal motion as discussed earlier.
This movement of electrons across the target, together with the strong magnetic field
explains the “racetrack” formation in the target. The plasma produced will be very high
owing to the high ionization in this region. [22]

Figure 7. Typical representation of movement of electrons in planar magnetron

setup with respect to both electric and magnetic field is presented .[22]
The knowledge about perpendicular fields will get to understand how the electrons will
reach the anode from the target material. The electric field (E) and magnetic field (B) is
applied perpendicular to each other so that the confinement of electrons is obtained in
the process. Consider the anode (substrate) and the cathode as shown on Figure 8 with
B applied in the ‘+Z’ direction (Positive Z-axis direction) and E applied normal to the
target surface. The electrons which are emitted from the cathode are being enhanced on
the way to anode. The electrons movement will be a helical motion as shown in Figure

8, and this motion is because of the combined electric and magnetic field. The electrons
will follow the magnetic lines from north to south pole and thereby increasing the
electron confinement as discussed earlier. The electrons will try to reach the anode till it
encounters the parallel magnetic field at this point the electrons is bent towards to form
an orbit as shown in Figure 8. This particular electron motions are explained by the
following equations in three directions which are perpendicular to each other. The x and
y coordinates in the equation represents their positions along and above the cathode
surface respectively. [22] Using the Lorentz equation, three differential equations are
given below,

 1

 2

 3

The equations 1, 2, 3 are being solved to obtain the parametric equations which gives
the explanation about the electron cycloidal motion. The notions used in the above
equations is given as follows me –mass, x- electron displacement, t- time, q- charge, ε-
field amplitude and ωc- cyclotron frequency. From equation 4 and 5, the frequency of
cyclotron is obtained and the time interval at which the electron returns back to the
cathode is noted. The cathode dark space is the area where both the fields influence the
electron motion and in the negative glow region the electrons move randomly because
at this point the E is low. The electrons follow a circular path and upon collisions with
each other, the electrons move to anode surface or to the dark space. In this area above
the parallel fields the ionization is high with respect to the cathode region which also
increases the lifetime of the electron. The ionization and increased lifetime of electrons,
results in the efficient plasma generation and significant discharge current which is used
mainly in magnetron sputtering process. [22]

 4

 5

Figure 8. The cycloidal electron motion on cathode surface which displays

helical type motion with respect to electric and magnetic field is represented in
this Figure. [22]
2.3.2 Cylindrical magnetron sputtering process

The main advantage of using cylindrical magnetron sputtering process over planar
magnetron sputtering process is the effective target utilization for deposition process. In
cylindrical post magnetron sputtering configuration, the target (cathode) is of cylinder
shape and cathode is surrounded by substrate (anode) which in turn will be used for
depositing thin films. As shown in the following Figure 9, a uniform magnetic field is
applied by using permanent or electromagnets or by coaxial solenoid. The magnetic
field is applied parallel in z direction as shown in below Figure 9. From the cathode,
electrons are emitted radially and travelling in closed orbits along the target
circumference. The typical reason for this behavior of electron movement is lorentz-
force. [22] In brief, the applied parallel magnetic field is in contact with the electrons
emitted from the cathode, but the plasma ions are not affected by the field. The solenoid
coil is used in case of non-magnetic materials is used for sputtering. The electrons
which are emitted from the target are drifted radially to reach the substrate surface. The
plasma discharge generated during the sputtering process is sustained due to electronic
collisions as discussed previously in this section. [1; 10; 22]

Figure 9. General view of cylindrical-post magnetron sputtering process with

applied magnetic fields and electric field is represented in this Figure. [10; 22]

2.4 Reactive sputtering

One of the most important modes of operation for sputter deposition is reactive
sputtering process. This reactive sputtering process is preferred in cases where film
microstructure and properties needs to be controlled precisely [1]. Reactive deposition
of thin films is achieved by two methods, in one such process metallic cathode is chosen
for the sputtering process whereas in second method, a specific compound of interest is
chosen as cathode. This compound material chosen is either oxide or nitride compounds
based upon requirement of thin films. When comparing the two processes, metallic
cathode is more preferred to metallic compound cathode as it achieves better deposition
rate and control over the deposition is more accurate. Owing to these many advantages,
reactive sputtering is still considered to be more complicated than other sputtering
process as nitride/oxide film will be formed upon reaction with metallic cathode on its
surface. So, the deposition rate is reduced to considerable extent. [1; 23] The other thin
film compounds which are deposited using the reactive sputtering are carbides, sulfides,
oxycarbides and oxynitrides. In any case the thin films which is sputter deposited is
either a compound film namely TiN, AlN (aluminum nitride) otherwise it would be a
solid solution of target metal doped with reactive gas compositions [24]. The most
interesting aspect of reactive sputtering is either one or fraction of that element used in
deposition is in gaseous state [1]. During the reactive sputtering process, there is also a

possibility that at higher working pressure in the gas phase the thin film formation can
even occur at the target surface leading to target poisoning, substrate can even react
with the gaseous elements to form some other unwanted compounds. So usually the
sputtering gas will be the inert gas such as argon (Ar) and the reactive gases would be
nitrogen (N2) or oxygen (O2). The properties of thin film deposited using reactive
sputtering is not directly related to the amount of the reactive gas injected into the
system. The relationship between properties of film and reactive gas is so complicated
owing to so many factors involved in it such as temperature involved, composition of
film, structure of film achieved, and deposition rate. [1; 23; 24] The typical
representation of reactive sputtering is explained in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Schematic representation of reactive sputter deposition process setup

is shown with separate inlets for sputtering and reactive gas. [23]
Consider a scenario where the reactive gas flow in the gas mixture (O2+Ar) is
minimized in reactive sputtering process, which means every available oxygen gas is
reacted with thin film. So consumption of oxygen gas is higher when compared to argon
gas in the gas mixture. The remaining argon gas reacts with cathode or target to form
metallic thin film coatings. When the oxygen rate supply is increased in the gas mixture
to achieve stoichiometric coating, there is decrease in the deposition rate of metallic or
compound thin film coatings. This marks the transition between the metal to compound
thin film formation shift with respect to the reactive gas mixture, which can be observed

in the Figure 11 below. In this particular point, the cathode or target surface have high
energetic flux of reactive gas fractions which makes effective sputtering of various
compounds highly possible. The sputtering parameter such as discharge voltage is also
studied with respect to reactive sputtering process. As oxygen intake is increased due to
shift from metal to compound the discharge voltage is reduced and vice versa, this
particular transition resembles the hysteresis cycle present in magnetic materials. The
hysteresis effect can also be mentioned in the below Figure 11 [1].

The compound formation on cathode or target surface is referred to as “poisoned”. This

poisoning effect of cathode will lead to difficulties such as reduced deposition rate, shift
between metal to compound will occur more abruptly so required composition of
particular suboxides cannot be achieved properly. However, the positive sides of
reactive sputtering are insulating or metallic compounds can be formed with DC source,
any variety of graded structure composition can be deposited, all these can be achieved
using metal targets. [1]

Figure 11. The standard relationship between the deposition rate and discharge
voltage effects with respect to reactive gas flow rate is represented above as
explained by Bunshah F.R. [1]

2.5 Bias sputtering

In year 1962, bias sputtering process was patented by Wehner, in this sputtering setup
the anode or the substrate material is being connected to negative bias voltage, which
will improve the intensity of the bombardment of ions present in the plasma [25]. Bias
sputtering is based on the principle that when the bias voltage is applied to the substrate
it will result in high energy ion bombardments which in turn result in flux and energy
variation of deposited species [24]. The applying of bias voltage in the process almost
now a common practice in most of the sputtering process such as DC, RF, reactive,
magnetron and so on. The common advantages of using bias sputtering process is the
betterment of film properties such as film density, adhesion, step coverage, optical
reflectivity and modification in properties such as film hardness, stress (residual),
dielectric film electrical properties, also reduction in properties such as etch rate of
silicon-nitride films, resistivity of metallic films, film morphology is reformed which
implies fine grain microstructure is identified rather than columnar microstructure. The
resultant film structure after bias sputtering is generally fine isotropic grain
microstructure as the porosity and interfacial voids is being eliminated and thus surface
roughening is achieved as expected to improve adhesion of deposited thin film. [1; 24;
26; 27] One of the most important feature of bias sputtering is the sputter etching which
will promote surface cleanliness and adhesion of thin film deposited [1; 10;
24].Consider a magnetron sputtering process, in which bias operation can be done by
magnetic or electrical means. In this process, two magnetrons are used and it is biased
electrically to the ground by giving positive potential to anode. By this setup one of the
magnetron will be the source of positive ions and neutral ions. From the following
Figure 12, it is observed that the three sets of experiments can be done to understand the
importance of bias sputtering such as 1) opposing magnet 2) no magnet and 3) aiding
magnet. The energy flux value to the substrate, electrical probe data, resistivity of films
are obtained by plotting temperature versus time curve graph in Figure 13 as given by [10]. The obtained deposited film of thickness is around 500 nm
(nanometer) and it is achieved in 15 minutes (mins) of deposition and it is the same for
the entire different configuration which means thin film growth continues starting from
neutral particle flux. The resistivity and current value of the film increased in the no
magnet setup. However, the energy flux value is very high in aiding magnet setup. [10]

Figure 12. Schematic representation of the influence of magnetron in bias

sputtering process with respect to three different setup such as 1) Opposing
magnet 2) No auxiliary magnet 3) Aiding magnet [10].

Figure 13. The graph between temperature and deposition time with respect to
the above mentioned three different setups of magnets in bias sputtering process
is represented [10].

In Bias sputtering, the thin growing film is bombarded mostly with ions and neutrals of
low-energy distribution, in some cases the discharge ions also strike the substrate due to
the presence of anode dark space near the substrate. When there is low energy
bombardment of ions or neutrals, there might be resputtering of thin film along the
growing surface. During this the sorbed gases will be incorporated into the growing film
at atomic level. These result in various significant changes such as higher adatoms
movement, impurity/contamination removal, high temperature rates of interdiffusion,
improvement in nucleation and renucleation. In practical, the gas atom fraction is
directly proportional to the square of the bias voltage (Vь). [1; 24; 26; 27]

2.6 Sputter etching and cleaning

Sputter etching is normally done by sputtering gas such as argon in sputtering chamber.
Plasma etching is general term used to categorize different etching phenomenon such as
1) sputter etching 2) accelerated ion-assisted 3) chemical etching 4) reactive-ion etching
and 5) ion-enhanced etching [24]. This plasma etching generally means surface atom
removal from substrate or even cathode (in some cases), with plasma acting as a
medium for etching the surface [24]. This kind of etching or surface atomic removal is
generally done to remove contaminants/impurities from surface and creating surface
roughness. The sputter etching mechanism is generally used to improve the efficiency
of adhesion strength. At relatively low pressure range, the plasma generated has very
high energies and it strike the surface of the material. The bonding forces of the material
and the microstructure plays an important role in determining the etching of the
material. So to conclude basically any type of material can be sputter etched at same

Sputter cleaning is generally applied to the surface, where clean surface is required for
sputter deposition in a suitable vacuum environment. When sputter cleaning is done the
adhesion strength and thin film microstructure is improved to larger extent due to the
sputtered atoms high ejection rate [28]. One of the most important benefits of sputter
cleaning is that it directly correlates to the adhesion property of thin films. According to
Tabor, the Van der Waals interaction between surface layer also influence the adhesion
property of thin film coating [29]. The other advantages would be substrate grain size is
reduced, texture modification and top layer of contaminated substrate surface is
removed. The drawbacks of using sputter cleaning are also surface contaminations as
backscattered atoms produced from the sputtering process. The other disadvantages
would be influence of residual water vapor from the sputtering chamber due to
recontamination. [30; 31]

In principle, the sputtering gas such as argon is used to sputter clean the substrate
surface, in which by ion bombardment the surface layer impurities are removed. The
energetic argon (Ar+) ions strike the substrate surfaces which in turn influence the

coating growth. The surface atoms and plasmons is the main reason for the formation of
metallic bonds between coating and substrate surface. [30] As discussed previously, the
several processes which might occur during sputter cleaning are backscattering of
atoms, redeposition of target material, removal of surface material, modification to the
crystallographic substrate surface, ion implantation and so on [30-32]. Figure 14,
represents the typical illustration of how sputter etching is done with argon plasma in a
closed environment.

The sputter cleaning is also regarded as cleaning with ions or glow discharge cleaning,
as the plasma produced will be glowing around the target or cathode region. The setup
is such that sputtering chamber is kept at low pressure range of <10ˉ3 mbar (millibar)
and the sputtering gas is supplied to produce plasma. The produced plasma will remove
the surface impurities and even native oxide layer depending upon the ion
bombardment. However, noble gas will not react chemically with the substrate surface
upon ion bombardment during sputter cleaning, the argon ions might get implantation
on the surface. This problem of ion implantation on substrate surface can be reduced by
various other chemical treatments such as baking. According to, and
Mathewson.A.G, along with argon gas up to 5 to 10% oxygen is used for better carbon
removal from substrate surface [33; 34]. As carbon tend to form various gaseous
compounds such as carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) which then will be
vented along with the sputtering gas [33; 34]. Thus the ratio of sputtering ions used in
sputter cleaning process is reduced by the inclusion of oxygen gas in the mixture [33-

Figure 14. Typical representation of sputter etch cleaning using argon plasma is
shown in this Figure for better understanding. [37]

2.7 Thin film coating formation

The vapor-deposited thin film coating grain structures is characterized using structure-
zone diagrams (SZD) or structure-zone models (SZMs). These SZD/SZMs make us try
to understand the relationship between the variables used in various deposition
techniques and the growth mechanisms of thin films. The general growth mechanism
would be the incident atoms from vapor condensation will become an adatom which
then diffuse over the substrate surface till the desired level of coating thickness is
achieved. The diffusion of the adatoms over the substrate is dependent on melting point
of condensate (Tм). The diffusion mechanism is divided into four types of processes
which are as follows i) shadowing, ii) surface diffusion iii) bulk diffusion and iv)
desorption. The substrate temperature (Tѕ) is other important factor which has influence
over the diffusion process and the influence of different types of diffusion mechanism
means the morphology of the thin film structure will be affected consequently. The ratio
of Tѕ/Tм is represented as the normalized growth temperature function which is used to
characterize the growth zones observed in film structures. In 1969, Movchan and
Demchisin proposed the first ever SZD based on the microstructure observed from
various coatings of Titanium, nickel, alumina, zirconia and tungsten deposited by
evaporation techniques. In their detailed analysis from various coatings and
observations from other researchers, Movchan and Demchisin came to the conclusion
that the growth of thin films can be categorized into three different zones such as Zone
1, Zone 2, and Zone 3 which is as represented in Figure 15. In 1974 Thornton

formulated SZD by including sputtering gas pressure as a new variable axis for
cylindrical-post magnetron sputtering deposition of micrometer thick coatings. The
coating used for the study comprises of titanium, iron, copper, chromium, aluminum
and molybdenum coatings. The microstructure of the sputtered thin films is influenced
by the sputtering pressure (P). When ‘P’ is increased it will result in zone -1 structure
(wide open boundaries), while decreasing P resulted in densification of thin films.
Thornton included a new zone named as ‘zone T’ in his SZD which clearly explains the
transition from zone 1 to zone 2 structure. The zone structures present in the thin film is
briefed as follows. The zone 1 structure comprised of more columns which are isolated
in nature, several cone like regions which are inverted in nature and separated by void
boundaries which are very wide in nature (in nanometer range) and it is formed due to
shadowing effects. Zone T comprises of fibrous grains which are poorly built, but
present in arrays which are dense in nature. Thus zone T is considered as zone of
transition between zone 1 and 2. The zone 2 comprises of columnar grains which are
isolated by compact intercrystalline boundaries, generally this zone has soft matte
appearance. Zone 2 is formed as a result of controlled surface diffusion growth. The
zone 3 microstructure prevails due to the dominant bulk diffusion mechanism. The
microstructure of zone 3 is composed of smooth surface grains which are equiaxed in
nature.[1; 2; 24; 51]. Figure 15 gives the overall combined schematic representation of

Grovernor et al, in 1984 had further modified previous SZDs according to the
observations from TEM of various evaporated thin films of nickel, platinum, aluminum,
cobalt, tungsten and chromium. According to this model in zone-1 tapered columns is
observed and is comprised of comparatively equiaxed small grains bundles, while zone
2 composed of bimodal distribution of small grain substructure. In the same year,
Messier, also proposed a SZD based on interpretation obtained from the
combination of several microscopy techniques such as transmission electron
microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and field-ion microscopy
(FIM), this SZD is used to explain mainly about RF sputtered films. In this model
proposed by Messier et al, pressure is replaced by bias voltage (Vѕ). It is found out that
the influence of Vѕ is inversely proportional to that of pressure (P).

Figure 15. Schematic representation of development of Structure Zone diagrams

(SZD) by researchers namely Movchan-Demchishin, Thornton, Messier,
Grovernor over the years is presented in this Figure. [51]

2.8 Substrate temperature influence on thin film coating

One of the most important process variables in any deposition process is substrate
temperature. The ability to control substrate temperature will have major influence on
deposition rate, microstructure and properties of the coating generated. The most
significant point with respect to substrate temperature is that it has direct correlation
with the resultant microstructure obtained [38]. For instance, if the substrate is at room
temperature then the resultant microstructure will be in accordance with substrate used
for the deposition. According to Structure Zone Model (SZM) proposed by Thornton,
the mobility of surface atoms increases when there is increase in substrate temperature,
which leads to the formation of Zone T (transition zone). With increase in temperature
during deposition leads to the formation of following zones namely zone 1, zone T,
zone 2 and zone 3. This point is clearly depicted in the below Figure 16, which shows
the transition of grain size in thin films with substrate temperature as important
functional parameter. So in general during sputtering process, the chemical reaction on
the substrate surface and the surface atom mobility can be influenced by the substrate
temperature. One of the advantages of using high temperature substrate for thin film
coating is that residual stress produced in the coating is minimized. In sputtering

deposition process, gas incorporation in the deposited film is one of the disadvantages
and this can be lowered when higher substrate temperatures are used.[1; 39] when
considering the applications of semiconductors in the commercial market, the influence
of substrate temperature plays a very vital part as the physical properties of thin film is
modified [40]. Consider the plasma enhanced CVD process, temperature sensitive
materials can be deposited using this process as the required reactions is accompanied at
lower temperatures. In microwave plasma deposition process, even at room or low
temperature, better thin film quality can be achieved. Now it is clear that the substrate
temperature influences greatly the growth rate of thin film deposited. In CVD process
single crystal growth of thin films is achieved when there is high substrate temperature
along with low gas super saturation. When depositing diamond like carbon, temperature
of the substrate needs to be less than 300 ˚C (Celsius) as to avoid softening of thin
films. At high substrate temperature the critical nucleus size is increased furthermore
the barrier to hinder nucleation might also present. In some cases, at higher temperature
the defects such as twins and low-angle grain boundaries were removed using
annealing. One unique method to improve quality of thin films is by using very high
substrate temperature to desorb contaminants from the surface and then precede
deposition with immediate low substrate temperature [24]. It is also known fact that
during deposition of thin films, equiaxed grain will be formed when the substrate
temperature is high and low substrate temperature leads to amorphous or fine grained
grain size [41]. [9; 24]

Figure 16. Schematic representation of cross-section images of Structure Zone

model proposed by Thornton, which demonstrates the transition of grain size
(Zone T) in thin films along with other zone structures. [24]

2.8.1 Substrate heating methods

The substrate heating procedure can be accomplished by different process. The most
important methods which can be used effectively to heat the substrates is briefly
explained in this section. The substrate heating by plasma during sputtering is firstly
considered. As plasma consists of ions and atoms which are highly energetic in nature,
when these ions or sputtered atoms comes in contact with the substrate surface it
increases the temperature of the substrate. So the rise in temperature of substrate during
sputtering is governed by the following parameters such as heat capacity of substrate,
density of substrate material used, high rate of deposition, thickness of substrate. The
substrate holder presents in the sputtering chamber holds responsible for loss of heat by
conduction to some degree. [24] In some cases to achieve better coating and reduce
thermal stress in thin film coating, the substrate heating is reduced [1; 39]. As in very
high temperature of substrate the quality of coating deteriorates to considerable extent
[1; 39]. The typical example of substrate heating using heating elements is shown in
following Figure 17.

The DC and RF diode sputtering use irradiation of electrons to heat the substrates
present in the chamber. The heating of substrate inside the chamber is achieved by
radiant heater of different size and shape, in some cases provisions have been made for
this substrate heating and biasing [1; 9]. However, with the introduction of magnetrons
in the sputtering process in the past decades, avoids the rise in temperature of substrate
by electron bombardment. When substrate heating is lowered, then magnetron
sputtering process can be used to deposit decorative coating on automobiles and exterior
trim. The reason why the ions increase the substrate heating is that ions are being
neutralized before they impact the substrate surface. So these neutral ions are not
controlled by the electric field present over the surface of the target. Thus, increasing
the flux of the ions present over the substrate and thereby contributing to substrate
heating. [1; 9; 10; 39] The other noteworthy methods which can be used efficiently to
increase the substrate heating are laser-driven etching, substrate heating by infrared
waves, evaporation, resistance heating, laser heating, microwave plasma substrate
heating and any ionic bombardment process [42-44]. [9]

Figure 17. General representation of substrate heating elements which used to

heat the substrate used in the sputtering process, in this image the Inconel disc
(substrate) is heated to higher temperature with the assistance of red-hot heating
element surrounding it. [45]

2.8.2 Influence of substrate temperature on film properties

High temperature of substrate is not always beneficial for certain applications such as
microelectronics, flat-panel displays, semiconductor industry and solar cells.[24] As the
substrate temperature is increased for titanium dioxide (TiO2) films, the refractive index
is improved [40; 41]. According to I. B. Mbarek et al., at room temperature the coating
deposited over any substrate has more porosity in it and as there is increase in substrate
temperature the adatom mobility is increased and crystallinity is improved [40]. With

higher substrate temperature, stoichiometric composition of thin film is improved

progressively [46]. The grain structure is modified to greater extent because of elevated
temperature observed in substrate as grain of small size becomes more rounded [40].
The roughness of thin film with higher substrate temperature might increase or decrease
depending on the nature of the substrate element used [40]. Research article by Kaya,
S., et al concluded that when substrate temperature is modified, it resulted in alteration
in surface roughness value, conductivity and orientation of grain boundary [41]. With
increasing substrate temperature, the optical band gap increases gradually till some
range and then start decrease with further increase in substrate temperature [47]. In
general, the band edge luminescence of deposited films is increased as the substrate
temperature is increased and this is because of the reduction of strain in films and
improvement of crystallinity of films deposited [47]. The results from Y.H. Kim et al.,
revealed that transmission is improved when there is increase in substrate temperature,
however which will lead to drop in absorption coefficient value [48]. X.-Y. Li et al.,
suggest that compressive strain generated during thin film deposition is decreased
rapidly due to rise in substrate temperature [47]. The growth rate of deposited grains
and adatom mobility is increased with respect to rise in substrate temperature [47]. This
increase in adatom mobility decreases the surface roughness property of deposited films
[47]. When the sputtering power is combined with increasing sputtering temperature, a
major improvement is thin film composition and crystal structure is also observed by
Kaya, S., et al [41]. The crystallinity of the thin films is improved by increasing
substrate temperature [38; 41; 49]. In general to achieve better crystallinity in sputtering
process, the deposited atoms is expected to have very high energy, this prerequisite is
fulfilled by the use of high substrate temperature [40; 41]. As the substrate temperature
is increased the stress and strain produced in thin film coating is decreased [41]. The
grain growth observed by Kaya, S., et al, in their experiments is that at elevated
substrate temperature, it resulted in elliptical grains while under low substrate
temperature the columnar grain growth is achieved [41]. According to Zhang, Z., et al,
as the substrate temperature is increased then it will result in increase in atomic mobility
and decrease in structural defects [49]. The crystallinity is improved along with the fact
the larger grains are formed by coalescence smaller grains formed during initial phase
of deposition [49]. This particular process increases the surface roughness and porosity
of thin films [49]. Moreover, as the substrate temperature increasing in sputtering
process the denser films with lower defects is deposited [38; 49]. At very high substrate
temperature the mobility of carrier atom is controlled by lattice vibration scattering [49].
The career atom concentration will be increased with increasing substrate temperature
and start to decrease gradually at very higher temperature [50]. The resistivity of the
thin film decrease initially as the substrate temperature is increased, but when the
temperature is increased further then the resistivity is increased [49].

2.9 Structure and properties of sputtered film coatings

In this section, structure and properties of various sputtered thin film coating is analyzed
for better understanding of thin film microstructure. For this purpose, different types of
thin films deposited by various sputtering process such as RF magnetron, co-sputtering,
DC magnetron is taken into consideration. The thin films depositions are generally
ranging from single layer to multi-layer coating depending on the required functionality
of the coating. The report of thin film multilayer coating on silica substrate is studied by
researchers Xu, Z., & Chan, W. H [52]. According to this scientific investigation, post-
annealing condition plays an important role in defining the microstructures and
properties of thin films deposited by sputtering technique. [52] When increasing the
post-annealing temperature from 600 ˚C to 700 ˚C, there is enhancement in dense and
columnar microstructure of thin films [52]. These thin films showed extraordinary
electric properties such as increase in saturation polarization and decrease in loss
tangent [52]. Owing to these excellent properties these thin films are widely used in
thermal and optical sensors in microelectronics [52]. Navamathavan, R., et al used RF
magnetron sputtering process to deposit thin film transistors (TFTs), in which they used
sputtering to deposit zinc oxide (ZnO) on glass substrates [53]. The ZnO thin film is
deposited where the substrate temperature is maintained at 300 ˚C [53]. The thickness
of thin film deposited is around 200 nm and the structure of the deposited film is
columnar microstructure [53]. These TFTs have superior properties such as
transparency, very large band gap, large field effect mobility, good electrical properties,
better saturation motilities, minimized leak current and on to off current ratios [53]. Al-
Hardan, N. H., et al. reported that properties of sputtered zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films in
their research work. From their SEM analysis, it is proved that the deposited thin film is
of columnar microstructure. The substrate used in this process is silica and the thickness
achieved is around 1.20 μm (micrometer) [54]. The properties of ZnO photodetectors
thin films prepared by this method is interesting with respect to electronic applications
and it is as explained as follows, I-V characteristics shows increase in current up to 3V,
the resistance value is decreased and capacitance value is decreased because of increase
in photocurrent value and bias voltage, due to illumination of UV, grain boundary
resistance is affected [54]. Wang, Q. M., & Kim, K. H. reported the microstructural
transformation of multilayer nanocomposite thin film coating by magnetron sputtering
process. From their SEM analysis report, it is revealed that columnar microstructure is
most predominant structure obtained [55]. For this research work silica is used as target,
thickness obtained is around 1.5 to 2 μm and it is also observed that when silica content
is increased finer columns present in the thin film microstructure is increased [55].
When bias voltage is kept at high negative potential then thin film microstructure
resulted in dense glassy morphology [55]. According to Chen, L.C. and Liu, S.C., the
thickness of sputtered indium oxide thin film achieved using magnetron sputtering is
approximately 500 nm [56]. In this research work, crystallinity of deposited indium
oxide thin film is measured by X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique and the resultant

structure is polycrystalline cubic in nature [56]. The properties of indium oxide thin
films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering are as follows breakdown voltage of
5V, desired specific contact resistance value, p-type conductivity is achieved [56]. The
microstructural columnar growth of sputtered thin film coating is controlled by
parameters such as substrate bias voltage, gas flow rate into sputtering chamber [57].
This effect of reducing the columnar boundaries in nanocomposite coating is undergone
by researchers Pei, Y. T., et al and the results obtained are significant in understanding
the microstructural development in sputtered thin films. Pei, Y. T., et al used bias
voltage up to 150 V and used acetylene gas with higher carbon content to nullify the
effect of columnar microstructure which is undesired in this research work [57]. In this
type of nanocomposite coating, the columnar growth of the thin films deposited is
directly affected by the structure of the interface developed. [57] As in this case, when
bias voltage is increased from 40 to 80 V, columnar growth increases with dense
coating [57]. However when the bias voltage is increased to 100 V or 120 V even
though columnar structure increases the density of the coating deposited is decreased
considerably and becomes porous [57]. When increasing the carbon content in
sputtering deposition does not show very promising effect in reducing the columnar
microstructure of deposited coating [57]. Conversely, when the stationary substrate is
used with 100% carbon content in DC magnetron sputtering process, Pei, Y. T., et al
was able to deposit column free nanocomposite coatings [57]. The interesting properties
of these multilayer coatings are as follows increased ductility, improvement in fracture
toughness and enhanced tribological properties [57]. From this section, it is clearly
understood that columnar structure is the most predominant microstructure for sputtered
thin films and the results are confirmed by innumerous research articles related to thin
film sputtering depositions.

2.9.1 Structure and properties of metallic Titanium coating

Metallizing is one of the most significant features which can be accomplished by

sputtering process. These types of metallic coatings can be used in all kind of general
applications ranging from functional to decorative coatings. So with respect to this
research work, basic understanding of metallic titanium coating is prerequisite. In this
part the microstructural evolution of titanium thin film coatings by sputtering process is
discussed. Sengstock, Christina, et al. presented in their report on using glancing angle
sputter deposition to deposit metallic titanium coating for biomedical applications [58].
From their SEM analysis, the deposited titanium coating is of sharp-edged columnar
structure along with dense surface [58]. The substrates used are silicon (Si) -wafer
substrate and the thickness of coating is approximately 60-65 nm [58]. The attractive
properties of this nanostructure titanium coatings is widely used in biomedical
applications such as selective growth of antibacterial effect, drainage systems of urinal
duct where infections mostly occur due to E.coli [58]. A. Besnard et al, in their research
work related to titanium thin film deposition reported that sputtering will always result

in columnar microstructure irrespective of resulting incidence angle of sputtered atoms

[16]. When the incidence angle is zero, the resulting microstructure is dense with
indistinct columns and smooth surface [16]. When incidence angle is 85˚, columnar
microstructure of the coating is more inclined and the surface is grooved as shown in
below Figure 18 [16]. The other interesting fact is that thin films analyzed revealed
microstructures which is in correspondence with Thornton’s zone model, provided
when there is no external source of substrate heating [16]. The properties of these
titanium thin films in general are better transmittance, good optical properties and
refractive index value [16].

Figure 18. Schematic representation of two different microstructures with

respect to deposition incidence angle is shown. The microstructure on left hand
side comprises of dense indistinct columns with smooth surface and the
deposition occurred at zero degree, whereas the microstructure on right hand
side represents inclined columnar grains with coarser surface, as higher
incidence angle (85˚) is used for deposition. [16]
With respect to titanium thin film deposition, Chang, Tzong-Sheng, et al, proposed a
solution for very-large scale integration applications (VLSI). In their research work,
they have taken Si wafers as substrate material and thickness of Ti coating is varied
between 10-80 nm to study their effective property of leakage current in VLSI
applications [59]. The columnar microstructure of titanium films is predominant and
these metallization techniques are widely used in bilayer formation [59]. It is observed
that when Ti thickness of film is increased, the resulting properties are increase in
junction-leakage current and low junction-depth [59]. In case of VLSI applications the
thickness of coating needs to be maintained below 65 nm [59]. Seo, Hyunwoong, et al,
suggested that titanium sputter deposition can be used for solar cell applications,
predominantly in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) [60]. To compare the effect of Ti
(columnar structure) sputter deposition, glass substrates is taken and the thickness is

maintained around 30 nm for solar cell applications [60]. The titanium is deposited over
set of samples, one is normally sputtered and the other is acid treated [60]. The SEM
and XRD measurement of their research work suggested that the columns present in
both set of samples, while there is also notable improvement in current and efficiency
value of acid treated sputtered Ti coating [60]. These acid treated samples can be used
as one of the effective method for the production of DSCs [60]. In the recent research
work concluded by Polyakov, Mikhail N., et al. suggested nanostructured Hafnium-
titanium materials can be used to improve the thermal stability of ternary systems [61].
The Si (100) substrate is chosen for this sputtering process while the titanium thin film
is deposited around 25-40 nm [61]. From TEM analysis the microstructure of their thin
film deposited is characterized. It was reported, that as-deposited sputtered samples
revealed columnar nature of grains and the growth of the coating is towards vertical
direction [61]. Using this multilayer sputtering technique, the microstructural
parameters such as grain size, composition and distribution of element is controlled
effectively [61]. The effect of crystallinity is improved to larger extent when titanium is
used in any amorphous structures [62]. For instance in chromium-carbide sputtering it
results in amorphous structure, but with the introduction of titanium in the sputtering
process, the crystallinity is highly improved [62]. The SEM characterization proves the
TEM analysis that columnar structure is predominant along with glassy phase
microstructure [62]. When titanium content is improved, there is improvement in the
columnar microstructure obtained [62]. The properties that are influenced by titanium
inclusion are improvement in hardness, toughness and decrease in brittleness of thin
films [62].

Metallic titanium is also used in multilayer coating to study the interface effect of Ti
thin film over ceramic interface and how the properties such as toughness, crack tip
propagation and plasticity is affected [63]. The total film thickness deposited is
approximated to be 3 μm in which Ti layers is deposited for 100 nm and the substrate
used for this deposition is Si wafers (111) [63]. From their TEM investigation, it is clear
that the Ti layer deposited have columnar structure [63]. When crack growth
experiments were conducted in multilayer coating of ceramic and metallic Ti coating, it
is clearly observed that crack tip propagate through the ceramic layer and then passed
through the center of metallic titanium coating [63]. The toughness property of Ti thin
film is reduced and ductile fracture is more predominant in case of coating failure [63].
Banerjee, Rajarshi., et al, in their research study related to nanostructured layer found
out that engineering property of the structural material is controlled by Ti deposition
[64]. Using magnetron sputtering Banerjee, Rajarshi., et al., deposited Ti/Al (aluminum)
multilayers over the Si wafer, which is used as substrate material [64]. The
nanostructured materials are deposited at around 1- 26 nm depending on different types
of Ti/Al multilayers used [64]. The characterization clarified clearly all multilayers
deposited at varying thickness exhibited columnar grain morphology and displayed
texture of both <0001> hcp (hexagonal close packed) and <111> fcc (face cantered

cubic) [64]. So they were able to formulate the interfacial energy differences for
multilayer deposition which is an important parameter for controlling the engineering
properties of nanostructured materials [64]. The modification of metallic Ti structures
during deposition is of great importance as titanium crystallizes into different forms
such as hcp, bcc (body centered cubic), ccp (cubic close packed), hexagonal omega and
hexagonal orthorhombic phase [65]. The detailed investigation with respect to the
structural modification of Ti is reported by Chakraborty, Jay, et al. According to their
investigation, relation between fcc-hcp structural transformations of titanium
polycrystalline film is studied for correlation between them [65]. The silicon substrate is
used for sputter deposition of Ti films and respective thickness is around 150-700 nm
[65]. The cross-sectional SEM micrograph of Ti film of 700 nm indicated clear
columnar microstructure present in it [65]. With respect to these thick films (700nm),
from XRD analysis it is noticeable that there are new peaks present which matches with
the phase transformation of Ti [65]. The two new peaks correspond to fcc and hcp
structures [65]. As the thickness of film is increased fcc phase of Ti is decreasing
significantly [65]. Surface energy is one of the predominant factors in determining the
textural modification of deposited thin films [65]. The following Figure 19 a and b
clearly explains the SEM cross-sectional image of columnar microstructure and XRD
patterns showing different phases at various lattice parameters correspondingly [65].
From their analysis, it is concluded that fcc Ti phase is stable in thin films of around
140 nm and hcp Ti films can be observed in thicker Ti films of around 700nm [65].

Figure 19 a and b. Typical representation of SEM cross-sectional image of Ti

thin film over silicon substrate is shown in Fig 19 (a) and Fig 19 (b) illustrates
the resultant XRD patterns which shows several phases at different lattice
parameters [65].

2.9.2 Structure and properties of TiN Coating

One of the most important aspects of sputtering deposition is the preparation of alloy
compounds for thin film coatings. Titanium nitride is one of the important compounds
prepared by sputtering deposition and these nitride films are used in wide range of
applications. The TiN deposition is prepared by using nitrogen as the reactive gas and
argon as sputtering gas, the composition of thin films can be controlled by different
sputtering gas ratios (Ar/ N2) used. Owing to the importance associated with TiN thin
films, it is necessary to understand the structural modification of sputtered thin films. So
in this section, investigation about several research findings with respect to TiN
microstructural transformations and the resultant properties of thin films is explored.
Jeyachandran, Y. L., et al. used nitrogen gas concentration and film thickness as a
significant factor in determining the morphological variations observed in TiN films [7].
Two different substrates were in their study 1) silicon 2) glass and thickness deposited

is around 60 - 160 nm [7]. When lower film thickness sample is analyzed, the displayed
microstructure is amorphous in nature. The increase in thickness value directly relates to
improvement in crystallinity. [7] The TiN phases range from (1 1 1), (2 2 0), (2 0 0)
depending on the thickness deposited. The nitrogen gas concentration plays also a very
important role in determining the crystal packing and orientation of TiN thin films. [7]
When nitrogen gas concentration is around 0.5% the resulting crystal orientation is
densely packed, whereas at higher gas concentration, there are cases of bubble
precipitation, needle like crystallization and other microstructural abnormalities. [7] In
their conclusion, Jeyachandran, Y. L., et al. established that properties such as electrical,
optical transmission, stoichiometric composition is enhanced when thickness is
increased and nitrogen gas concentration is decreased [7]. When thickness of TiN films
is increased, it might result in innumerous defects in the microstructure [66]. In a
different research work related to TiN thin film deposition, stainless steel is used as
substrate material and thickness deposited is on an average around 1.5 μm [66]. When
the nitrogen gas concentration is maintained at low concentration, (hcp) microstructure
of Ti is predominant. With further increase in N2 concentration result in (fcc) TiN phase
with preferred golden-yellow color. When the N2 gas concentration is increased further,
resulting crystal orientation is modified to <1 1 1> from <2 2 0>. This TiN film
composition when characterized showed columnar microstructure as expected and
displayed smooth surface, stoichiometric composition is also established. The above
condition holds good when the thickness is less than 1.5 μm and if the thickness is
increased further it will result in defects such as peeling, cracking and pinhole defects.
[66] The interesting property changes for TiN films deposited are as follows passivation
current density decreased with higher thickness, corrosion resistance is improved [66].
When titanium is doped in multilayered nitride films, the crystal orientation is improved
which in turn enhances the optical, electrical properties of thin films [67]. The
morphological changes of TiN thin films are assessed in an article which is described as
follows and its significant impact in aerospace applications. The substrate chosen for
this deposition is an aluminum alloy which is used in aerospace and submarines. [68]
The parameters of TiN deposition highly influence the morphological properties of
deposited material such as fatigue (fretting), S/N curves (stress (S) against the number
of cycles to failure (N) or Fatigue), surface hardness, adhesion strength [68]. The TiN
cross-section of fractured specimen is used to study the thickness of the sputtered
coating. From the following SEM image in Figure 20 shows the TiN coating have
columnar structure [69]. The columnar microstructure is more preferred to improve the
corrosion resistance of thin films deposited. Improvement of corrosion property is
observed in this TiN deposition [69]. The other notable properties which are influenced
by TiN coatings are absorption co-efficient, surface roughness and hardness [70].
Janders, M., et al. in their scientific report about microelectrode array analyzed the
influence of TiN thin film microstructure and its significance in charger transfer
capacity. SEM characterization of these thin films showed the usual columnar structure.
[71] The astonishing properties of TiN microelectrode which are widely used in

biomedical applications is as follows high charge transfer ability, increased electrical

along with enhanced mechanical properties, decrement in impedance value [71]. In
semiconductor applications, TiN thin films are one of important compounds considered
widely [72]. The substrate used for deposition is silica (001) and thickness deposited is
around 100 nm [72]. The morphological analysis of the deposited film shows mostly fcc
crystal orientation. When deposition parameters are varied, corresponding
microstructural changes were observed change in grain size, crystal orientation and
density. Adatom mobility is one of the important factor in defining the crystal
orientation of thin films. The mechanical property of deposited film is influenced by
mobility of adatoms. [72] The columnar growth of TiN thin film is majorly dependent
on factors such as bias voltage and substrate temperature, which in turn affects the size
and spacing of columns deposited [72]. For better mechanical properties in deposited
TiN films, (0 0 2) crystal orientation is preferred, along with other parameters such as
decrease in density and oxidation resistance [72].

Figure 20. General overview of SEM micrograph images of TiN coating which
comprises of well-defined columnar grains with smoother surface morphology
The effect of discharge power of magnetrons is studied in a research work, which have
wide influence on final microstructure of thin films deposited [73]. In their research
work, glass is used as substrate material and total thickness of thin film deposited is
between 1.5-2.0 μm [73]. It is found out that when discharge power is increased, there is
densification of the microstructure obtained, with predominant fine grain size present in
it. The microstructural change such as decrease in the grain size diameter and surface
roughness value is achieved when high magnetron discharge power is used for
sputtering process. With this point of view, industrial fabrication of nanostructured
coating material with properties such as high hardness, dense structure, and low surface

roughness can be produced distinctly. [73] When the effect of nitrogen gas partial
pressure is taken into account, it also influence the final properties if TiN thin films to
greater extent. At this point, it is quite obvious that with titanium nitride film formation,
resultant microstructure is columnar and it is proved by SEM/TEM characterization. In
this research work by R. Wuhrer, W.Y. Yeung, relationship between working distance
of sputtering and nitrogen partial pressure is analyzed to find the microstructural impact
[74]. The following observations is verified by their SEM analysis, when higher
nitrogen partial pressure is used for deposition, grain diameter of around 170-180 nm is
attained for different working distance say 65 and 110 mm. [74] In a similar manner,
when lower partial pressure is used for deposition, grain size diameter is around 90 nm
for both the working distance [74]. However, when medium partial pressure of nitrogen
is used, grain size diameter is approximately 100 nm for working distance of 65 mm
and grain diameter of 140 nm is attained for working distance of 110 mm [74].
Therefore, thin films obtained in their report displayed nanocolumnar densified
microstructure when working distance is reduced [74]. Multilayer coatings of TiN films
are taken into account for determining the changes in final microstructure attained [75].
The substrate used in their process is stainless steel with multilayer coating ranging till
3.0 μm [75]. The characterization of deposited films is done before and after indentation
and the corresponding microstructural changes are noted for better understanding. The
columnar microstructure of TiN multilayer is not affected by the multilayer interface
present in the coating. The grain column diameter is increased when the thickness of the
coating is increased. The dislocations of TiN crystals are more frequent towards < 1 1 1
> crystallographic directions. The failure in columnar grains along the interface is
observed when heavy load is applied and this failure is mainly because of shear sliding
force between the columnar grains. [75] When low peaks of loads are applied, then
plastic yield failure mode prevails in the microstructure [75]. The properties which were
improved during morphological changes are as follows increased absorptance value,
high temperature stability, improved oxidation resistance and these coatings are widely
used in solar selective coating applications [76]. The mechanical properties of TiN films
with respect to fracture properties can be improved by choosing the optimum deposition
parameters [77]. The fracture strength of TiN thin film is not influenced by residual
stresses present in the film, however fracture toughness of grain boundaries plays an
important role in strength properties. The films deposited should have the following
final properties such as excellent fracture resistance properties, good adhesion and
increased compressive residual stress. The following Figure 21 displays the fracture
propagation in TiN films and it displays intergranular fracture and the image displayed
is closely resemble to the FESEM images as presented in Figure 41. [77] Kauffmann,
Florian, et al. studied in detail about microstructural changes in thin TiN films by
introducing silicon content in the coating composition. The single crystal silicon
substrate is used to deposit thickness around 2 μm [78]. The silicon content inclusions
play an important role in defining the grain structures and crystal orientation of thin
films deposited. It is analyzed that when silicon content is low, columnar grains is

observed in films, with further increase in silicon content the microstructure is modified
to elongated TiN grains and equiaxed TiN grains. The resulting TiN grains show
smaller grain size, improved hardness property and enhanced yield strength. [78]

The optical and photocatalytic properties of TiN are gaining importance as it plays a
pivotal role in energy sector applications [79]. In general, sputtered TiN films are very
stable at very high temperature, it is also accepted that these nitride films might get
oxidized to oxynitride in some cases. The presence of oxynitride degrades both the
optical and photocatalytic properties of titanium nitride thin films. So to avoid
oxynitride formation over thin films, aluminum layer of 2 nm is deposited as aluminum
prevents oxidation of TiN films. However, the above mentioned solution does not hold
good for nitride films interface layer. Hence, Okada, Masahisa, et al. studied the
methods to improve the mechanical properties of TiN thin films. When film thickness is
increased, the refractive index of TiN films is reduced, thus results in improvement in
reflectance value which in turn shows improved photocatalytic property. [79] Lin, Z. J.,
et al, studied the microstructural modification in ternary titanium nitride thin films [80].
These ternary nitrides have unique physical properties such as good thermal shock
resistance, high hardness, low density material with increased machinability, wear
resistance improved elastic modulus, epitaxially developed grains, high mechanical
properties, increased lamellar thickness and biocompatibility. [80] Joelsson, Torbjörn, et
al., developed single ternary titanium nitride thin films crystal on magnesium oxide
substrates by reactive magnetron sputtering process [81]. These nitride thin films are
widely used for protective coatings, microelectronics and cutting tools. The resultant
microstructure of ternary nitride films exhibited dense smooth surface coatings. The
measured resistivity and young’s modulus value of single crystal ternary thin films is
much better than the single TiN crystals. [81] With respect to microelectronics
applications, TiN is widely used as diffusion barrier, so the effect of microstructural
impact is studied for TiN thin films by rapid thermal annealing process [82]. XRD
analysis of titanium nitride films after annealing shows that there are no unwanted peaks
present in it which is highly advantageous in diffusion barrier applications. The
annealing also improved the crystallinity of TiN films, increased resistance and high
durability. [82]

Figure 21. Typical represents the SEM micrograph of fractured TiN grains
which exhibits dense, well bonded, indistinct columnar microstructure with
rather smooth film surface. The fracture displayed in micrograph is of
intergranular in nature. [77]
The adhesion property of TiN thin films gradient multilayers is studied by Chen, Li, et
al., and their conclusion is briefed as follows [83]. The multilayers when characterized
show columnar microstructures. These thin film multilayer structure is polycrystalline
in nature and TiN layers exhibit most stable fcc crystal phase [83]. In XRD analysis, the
gradient peak position is moved towards lower angles because of the decrease in lattice
constant. The reason for this decrease in lattice parameter is due to the exchange of
nitrogen atoms in nitride lattice by other gradient atoms. From their SEM observations,
the TiN coatings have bell mouth columnar grain with dense microstructure and whole
multilayer coatings shows similar column morphology. In these types of thin film
coatings, the interface is the point for energy dissipation and in general coating
deformation is avoided. The unique properties of multilayer coatings are increased
nano-hardness value and cohesion strength values. [83] The multilayer coatings used for
cutting tool applications should exhibit excellent adhesion strength [84]. The failure
mechanism observed in thin nitride coatings is predominantly interfacial fracture and it
is analyzed by An, T., et al., in their research work. The TiN layer coatings in their
report exhibits (1 1 1), (2 0 0) and (2 2 2) crystal orientations. It is concluded in their
research, that interfacial fracture is due to interfaces between various thin film layers
and crystal orientation. The TiN (1 1 1) thin films show improved fracture toughness
and enhanced hardness value than crystal orientation of TiN (2 0 0). [84] Therefore, in
general the following factors plays an significant role in determining the microstructure
of deposited thin films such as deposition parameters, substrate used, substrate interface
with the coatings and crystal orientation of the substrate.

3. AIM

The aim of the thesis work is to study the relationship between depositions parameters
used for DC magnetron sputtering process using Nordiko sputtering (NS-2500)
equipment. The study is mainly focused to explain the relationship between deposition
rates of thin film depositions with respect to sputtering parameters involved. One of the
main objective is to study the effect of deposition parameters on microstructures and
properties of thin films such as adhesion strength and surface roughness. This research
work also deals with investigating the operation of Nordiko sputtering equipment and
obtaining relevant experience related to it. The study is also focused on to briefly
analyze the effect of substrate heating and etching to understand the morphological
changes observed during sputtering depositions. Figure 22 represents the schematic
representation of objectives of this research work.


Effect of
substrate Microstructural
heating and
Aim Property


Figure 22. Schematic representation of objectives of this thesis study.



The experimental section is mainly divided into subsequent sections such as materials,
equipment, sputter deposition experiments and characterization. The material section
gives us a clear idea of different type of substrates and target materials used in the
research work and their significant properties, the details related to target and substrate
materials is explicated in following section. Nordiko NS-2500 sputtering equipment
(Nordiko Ltd., UK) had been used in this research work. The distance between target
and substrate material is generally kept in the range of 8-10 cm. The detailed description
of this equipment is explained later in this chapter. The sputtering equipment comprises
of various components such as vacuum system, DC and RF powers and a control unit.
The bombardment of ions is achieved by supplying sputtering gas such as argon in the
chamber and produces titanium atoms and thereby deposits titanium coatings. For
depositing TiN coatings, the same principle applies, but additionally, reactive gas
(nitrogen) is supplied to the chamber to produce uniform titanium nitride coatings. [85;

4.1 Information about target and substrate materials

The copper metal has many interesting physical properties such as it conducts both heat
and electricity efficiently, ductile material, increased infrared (IR) reflectance, high
thermal conductivity, boiling point around 2500 °C and melting point 1083 °C. Copper
is widely used in electrical and electronic industry. [87] For DC magnetron sputtering
process, stainless steel is one of the widely used metal substrates. [88] The typical
applications of stainless steel AISI 316L (American Iron and Steel Institute-low carbon
version of the 316 steel alloy) is that it can be used for many industrial equipment in
pulp and paper industry, turbine blades, fuel lines, handrail system tube, exhaust of
automobile, heat exchangers, aerospace industries, automobile industries and marine
applications. [88-90]

The substrates used in this study are 1) copper 2) stainless steel (Novacel) AISI 316L.
The copper sheets thickness is in the range of 0.1 to 0.2 (millimeter) mm, while the steel
substrate thickness is in between 1.5 to 2 mm. The thin copper sheets which are used for
deposition is manufactured by cold-rolling process. The composition of steel used is
given as follows iron, nickel 10%, chromium 16%, molybdenum 2%, manganese 2%,
carbon 0.35% and minor constituents of sulphur, silicon and phosphorus [91; 92]. The
316L steel is advantageous as it is free from carbide precipitation over the grain
boundary as the overall carbon composition is very low [92; 93]. The significant

physical properties of 316L steel grade is as follows 1) high toughness 2) improved

creep resistance 3) increased tensile strength and 4) resistance to stress at high
temperature. The oxidation of 316L steel grade is low, because of the presence of
chromium content, so the steel possess very high corrosion resistance value [94]. The
high toughness value of 316L steel is due to its austenitic structure. The corrosion
resistance is high in most of the corrosive medium, however in warm chloride and warm
sea water, the steel is subjected to pitting, crevice corrosion problems. The oxidation
resistance of 316L steel is good even in high temperature range such as 870-925 ˚C. The
annealing treatment is carried over from 1010-1120 ˚C to produce strain hardened steel.
As the carbon content is low in this steel type, the machining of 316L steel can be done
easily. However, when higher work speed is used this steel tends to harden easily, so
care needs to be taken as minimum speed rate is allowed during machining. The hot and
cold working process can be applied on 316L steel to improve the mechanical properties
of the steel, as post-work annealing in both the process improves the corrosion
resistance and reduce internal stresses present in steel. The applications of 316L steel
used in various types of industries are given as follows, 1) marine and architectural
industries 2) implants used in bio-medical industry 3) pharmaceutical and food industry
4) chemical industry and 5) oil and gas industries [92; 93]. Copper is also used as other
substrate material in this research work. [95]

4.1.1 Targets

Titanium: Titanium has physical properties which makes it specifically

advantageous material over its competitor elements such as aluminum, magnesium and
tantalum. Titanium can be combined with alloys can produce better strength and good
thermal expansion coefficient values than steel. The most common properties of
titanium are it is lightweight in nature, but the strength is high as compared with
stainless steel, density is around 4.5 g/cm3 (gram/cubic centimeter) which is low,
corrosion resistance is high when combined with other alloy elements, melting point of
titanium is around 1668 °C, titanium is a passive material which shows immunity to
various types of mineral acids, non-toxic in nature widely used in medical industry as
bio-implants. The application of titanium is in chemical, biomaterial, marine and petro
chemical industries. The titanium elemental composition is also used in the
manufacturing of formula-one cars and motorcycles which is exclusively used for
racing purposes. The titanium metal is being used in components of products such as
frames in bicycle, laptops, helmet grills and cookwares. Titanium is also used in the
production of pipes which will be used in power plant condensers owing to its higher
corrosion resistance [96; 97]. It is also used in jewelry industry owing to it durable
nature. Titanium is one of the most used alloying elements and the alloys are also
widely used in aerospace applications. [96-99]

4.1.2 Substrates

Substrates used in the work comprise of metallic and non-metallic substrate materials.
The metal substrates used are copper sheets and stainless steel sheets. The non-metallic
substrate used in this study is glass. The substrates which are used for coating
deposition needs to be perfectly placed to achieve better deposition rate. In Nordiko
equipment, the substrates are positioned on a component called substrate table or
substrate electrode. The table or the electrode consists of six holes equispaced on pitch
circle diameter (PCD), which is of three inch in size. The substrate platen is the
component used to hold the corresponding substrate for sputter deposition. The distance
between the target and the substrate distance is 80 mm. The six holes present in the
table are used to mount the substrate platen in it. This table is supplied with 2000 W
(watts) heater, which supplies the necessary heat to the substrate table. The substrate
electrode (type SE1), is being supplied with 2000 W heater, which is used to reach the
table temperature of around 650 ˚C. The high conductivity property of the substrate
platen is considered while choosing the material for platen. The platen is made to fit
into the jig for better locking mechanism, care needs to be taken while placing and
removing the substrate platen from the table. The platen can be modified according to
customer requirements for specific applications.

The DC reactive magnetron sputtering process is effectively used over two different
substrates such as copper and stainless steel 316L. The details with respect to the
substrate material preparation used in this sputtering process is explained in the
following section as follows.

i) Copper (Cu):

The copper sheets used in this sputtering experiments were oxygen-free copper (OFC),
which have a minimum 99.95 % purity and maximum 0.001 % oxygen content. They
were manufactured using cold rolling. The thickness of Cu sheets was 0.2 mm. The
sheets have been cut into required dimensions using guillotine cutting machine. The
dimensions which are used for this sputtering experiments are as follows 100 mm *200
mm and 200 mm * 200 mm, consequently sample fits the substrate holder and it is
being held together closely so that there is not much space between the sample sheets
and holder. The substrate in the holder had been cleaned completely with ethanol for
removing surface impurities.

ii) Stainless steel (SS):

The steel substrate has been obtained from Novacel limited (316L-carbon steel). The
steel substrates of 200 mm * 200 mm dimension fit have been cut using a guillotine
cutting machine. The obtained substrate does have sharp edges around the corner which
makes it slightly uncomfortable to use in the sputtering process. So to avoid physical

cutting to the operator person, the substrate edges were smoothen using polishing. The
substrates have been cleaned with ethanol and proceeded by acetone cleaning for
improved cleanliness and surface impurities removal.

4.2 Sputtering equipment

Nordiko NS-2500 sputtering equipment is explained in the following sections, which

then followed with this section ending with characterization used for sputtered coating
thin film material deposited using Nordiko equipment. The equipment comprises of
sputtering module which is similar to Nordiko NM 400, NM 1500 and NM 2000
sputtering equipment. The pumping system of NS-2500 is similar to the pumping
system present in N4-700 and N6-1400 sputtering equipment. As discussed earlier, this
Nordiko NS-2500 equipment can be used in sputtering deposition of thin films using
various modes such as DC magnetron sputtering, RF magnetron sputtering. Typical
representation of Nordiko sputtering equipment is shown in Figure 23. The significant
advantage of using NS-2500 equipment is that it can be used to sputter clean both the
target and the substrate material. The property of sputtered thin film quality is enhanced
to larger extent with the use of substrate heating or substrate etching or in cases even
both. The vacuum systems of NS-2500 equipment are discussed in detail in the
following section. In general, to achieve high vacuum in any systems two types of
vacuum pumps are needed, for instance rotary or mechanical pump and high-vacuum or
diffusion pump. The vacuum range of about 10-3 torr is achieved through the use of
mechanical pump. Further improvement in vacuum in the range of 10-8 to 10-11 torr,
diffusion pump is used [100; 101].

Figure 23. Overall representation of Nordiko NS-2500 sputtering equipment

used in this research work with RF (Radio-frequency) power supply unit and
control units is shown in this Figure.

4.2.1 Vacuum pumping systems

The pumping systems employed in Nordiko NS-2500 instrument to create high vacuum
is explained in this section. To achieve good vacuum range is prime importance as it is
the main criteria to create plasma/glow discharge in the target material used. So the
knowledge behind the process to create vacuum is necessary to understand the basis for
sputtering deposition process. The vacuum pumping systems of Nordiko sputtering
equipment comprises of following section such as foreline pump (mechanical),
diffusion pump, foreline valve, roughing valve, needle valves, throttle plate. The
following subsections explains the vacuum pumping system in detail to understand the
mechanism behind the vacuum process creation. The mechanical and diffusion pump
used in this Nordiko sputtering (NS-2500) equipment is represented in Figure 24.

Figure 24: Typical representation of the mechanical pumps (left) and foreline
pump (right) used in this Nordiko sputtering equipment is presented in this
The mechanical or foreline pump used in NS-2500 equipment is ‘E2M40 rotary vacuum
pump’ which is two stage oil-sealed vacuum pumps, mainly used in laboratory and
industrial applications. The mechanism behind this rotary pump is simple, the gas is
entered into the chamber is compressed inside the pump, due to this the pressure of
compressed air is slightly higher than atmospheric air. In general, the rotary pump can
create vacuum up to 10-4 torr. The rotary pump comprises of a vacuum chamber which
is connected to inlet and outlet valve. When the rotor operates, it traps a large volume of
gas at chamber pressure. This process continues until the air present in the chamber is
compressed and so the pressure increases. The compressed air is now conveyed through
the outlet valve through the oil present in it. The perfect stage for the mechanical pump
is to check the foreline pressure of the chamber and it should be 50 milltorr (mtorr). The
following Figure 25 represents the typical mechanical pump used in NS-2500
equipment. One of the major drawbacks of using rotary pump is that they pump
condensable vapor such as water vapor. These vapors upon compression get converted
to liquid and mix with oil present in pump, which is highly detrimental as it might result
in corrosion of pump. So to avoid this gas ballast valve is used to introduce little
quantity of nitrogen in the chamber to eradicate the possibility of water vapor
condensation significantly. The other useful way to avoid this problem is to replace the
oil used in pump frequently [100; 101]. [102]

Figure 25. Typical example of rotary vacuum pump and its various components
is represented in this Figure. [102]
The diffusion pump or high-vacuum pump used in NS-2500 is Varian diffusion pump.
This type of diffusion pump is used to create vacuum up to 10-9 torr. The high vacuum
pump is made of stainless steel chamber which contains vertically stack pumping
cylinder as shown in Figure 26. The assembly of diffusion pump is designed in such a
way that the chamber bottom is used to accommodate low vapor pressure oil in it. The
electric heater is used to boil the oil present in the bottom of chamber to about 180-250
˚C. The oil vapor travels up and through the jets, these oil vapors is ejected from the
pumping stack as shown in Figure 26 below. When ejected from the jets, the oil vapors
acquire high energy and travels up to speed of about 750 mph. These vapor while
traveling downwards is collided with the gas molecules present in the pump. The
collision of high velocity vapors with the gas molecules is influenced by the following
factors such as velocity, density and molecular weight of the oil in use for diffusion
pump. The collided gas molecules travel downward towards the outlet along with the
high velocity oil jets, to create high vacuum. The cylinder wall is water-cooled as it is
circulated with water cooled coils, so that the oil gets condensed and continues the
process to create high vacuum. The fore pump is used to remove the condensed
atmospheric gases present in the chamber during the vacuum creation process. Thus, by
removing molecules from the top portion of the chamber high vacuum is created for the
sputtering chamber and over time very high vacuum of about 10 -9 torr is achieved. This
is the maximum vacuum range achieved in Nordiko NS-2500 sputtering equipment.
Usually the vacuum range optimally used for sputtering process is around 10-6 mtorr
for magnetron sputtering process in NS-2500. [100; 101; 103] There is liquid nitrogen
trap (liq.N2) in diffusion pump which is used to fill the liquid nitrogen once the pump
warms up for approximately 10-15 minutes. The liquid nitrogen trap is used to collect

diffusion pump oil so it the water cooled trap is used between pump and nitrogen trap.
This liq. N2 trap is placed in between diffusion pump and high vacuum isolation valve,
so that during venting trap is not exposed to air. In NS-2500 sputtering equipment, the
size of diffusion pump used is around 4 inch, which ensures high quality vacuum range
is accomplished for sputtering process.

As in mechanical pump, it also consists of inlet and outlet valve, both of which are
maintained at different temperature. As inlet pressure of the diffusion pump needs to be
below 100 mtorr and the outlet pressure is maintained at higher pressure. The
compression ratio is very high for this diffusion pump and the outlet pressure might
reach about 1 mtorr. In NS-2500, foreline pressure is used to measure the outlet
pressure of the diffusion pump and it should not exceed the maximum limit of 50 mtorr
under any circumstances.

Figure 26. General representation of diffusion pump (left) and its vertically
stack pumping cylinder (right) is presented in the above mentioned Figure.[100;
The presence of moisture content/water vapor is unavoidable in the gas chamber at
pressure below 10-5 torr, a liquid nitrogen trap is required to counterbalance the effect
of water vapor present in the chamber. These traps will be located near to high vacuum
isolation valve and diffusion pump, which makes the trap un-exposable to air during
venting. This liquid nitrogen trap continuously to accumulate diffusion pump oil, so
always water cooled trap is placed right near to it. The pumping stack comprises of 4-6
inches of diffusion pump, chevron baffle, quarter swing isolation valve at a pumping
speed of 360 liter/second (l/s). In general, the use of dielectric targets increases the

outgassing rate, which is avoided in this case as dielectric targets are not used in this
sputtering experiments. When the substrates are introduced in the chamber, the pressure
inside is also increased. The usage of liquid nitrogen can be replaced with the use of
‘POLYCOLD’ refrigeration unit, which avoids the frequent topping-up implemented in
liquid nitrogen trap. The diffusion pump is used in the high vacuum pump owing to its
simplicity, reliability and low cost in sputtering systems. [3]

The main use of rotary pump is the ability to maintain the backing pressure of diffusion
pump, so that it does not exceed the critical backing pressure which is around 10-3 torr.
The rotary pump size is not an important factor, as its function is to back the diffusion
pump. To maintain a pressure of 0.1 torr, pumping speed of 10-3 l/s is required when the
gas load is around or less than 10-4 torr l/s. So usually the size of the rotary pump
pipeline would be 13 mm which is more than enough to achieve the required pressure.
Consider this case, in which the pumping speed is 1300 l/s for a six-inch diffusion
pump. Thus the maximum gas load that a pump can withstand is 1.3 torr l/s. The rotary
pump will pump all the gas that enters the diffusion pump. However, 0.5 torr is the
critical backing pressure for 6-inch diffusion pump. Considering a safety margin of
around 0.2 torr, pumping speed at the exit is calculated as follows, (1.3/2) l/s. So 6.5 l/s.

The diffusion pump and rotary pump is connected together with ~0.7 of 25 mm
diameter pipeline which exhibits the conductance of around 25 l/s. So the speed (Sp)
required to calculate the pumping at rotary pump is briefed as shown below, [3]

(1/6.5) = (1/25) + (1/Sp) or

Sp = 530 l min-1, (For 6-inch diffusion pump)

In Nordiko equipment, the DC 704 is the diffusion oil used, which is helpful in rugged
and tough applications [105]. The level of oil needs to be checked at specific interims.
When the diffusion pump is not performing properly or if poor performance is
observed, in general it must be because of the following reasons

1) The level of oil needs to be top up for better performance.

2) If there is any open circuit or if the heater is failed, then it will affect the
performance of diffusion pump, so replace heater. After that make sure that
heater should be checked when it is being operated
3) If there is contamination or impurities in oil / jet, then the jet assembly needs to
be cleaned, re-assembled finally clean oil is filled for better performance. [3]

In Nordiko NS-2500 sputtering equipment, there are three different valves present in the
system namely foreline, roughing and high-vacuum valve (Hi-Vac). The diffusion pump
operation is critically dependent on the foreline pressure value. The foreline is basically
the vacuum line which is used to connect mechanical pump to diffusion pump. The

permissible pressure value for foreline valve is around 50 mtorr. The main reason
behind the foreline pressure to maintain in the specified range is for the diffusion pump
to function normally else pumping operation is not operational. If the foreline pressure
value is exceeded, then the system is checked for outgassing or leaks. The pressure
value of foreline valve is measured using thermocouple gauge 1 (TC1), if the pressure
value is exceeding 200 mtorr, which gives the indication that the oil might be forced
back to the system which might be really harmful for the diffusion pump and the
sputtering system. The rise in foreline pressure is rapid after diffusion pump is switched
on, at this point it needs to be shut down immediately till the pressure value drops to 50
mtorr. It is advised to warm up the diffusion pump for about thirty minutes, before
proceeding with the vacuum generation in the chamber. [106-109]

The diffusion pump which had been warmed up, when comes in contact with
atmospheric pressure, might end in diffusion oil decomposition and it will also result in
critical damage to both equipment and quality of end product. So to avoid this, a bypass
line is employed between diffusion pump and chamber. This bypass line is used to
evacuate the chamber pressure to rough vacuum from atmospheric pressure, hence it is
called roughing valve or roughing line. When both rouging valve and foreline valves are
open at the same time, rapid rise in foreline pressure is noted and consequentially
diffusion pump oil is forced back into the chamber and clean environment in the sputter
chamber is ruined. So the roughing procedure is carried over by opening the roughing
valve, the other two valves are closed specifically foreline and Hi-vac valve. By doing
this, the isolation is achieved between diffusion pump, baffle and the cold trap. The
roughing valve is closed once the required roughing pressure of around 100 mtorr is
obtained. The thermocouple gauge is now switched back to thermocouple gauge 2
(TC2) and foreline valve is opened followed by the opening of hi-vacuum valve. The
other interesting and important component of sputtering equipment is cold trap and
baffle. The cold trap is present above the diffusion pump, in which liq. N2 is filled to
reduce pressure of the diffusion system. The principle behind this mechanism is as
follows, liq. N2 freezes out the condensable vapors when comes in contact with the
surface. These condensable vapors are mostly oil vapors and water vapor, the trap also
helps in preventing the oil vapor from back streaming into the chamber. The baffle is
used to contain the oil vapor which have been not been condensed by diffusion pump.
This type of oil vapor is usually very small in quantity, yet it possesses very serious
damage to the system. The baffle is generally situated in between diffusion pump and
cold trap. Thus in conclusion, the cold trap is used to prevent back streaming of oil
vapor into the system, and baffle is used to condense the small quantity of oil vapor
which is not contained by the cold trap. The general overview of typical vacuum system
with different types of valves present in sputtering system is revealed in Figure 27. The
foreline value used in the Nordiko sputtering equipment is represented in Figure 28.

Figure 27. General overview of typical vacuum systems present in the

sputtering system is represented in this Figure. The different components in the
vacuum system are roughing valve, foreline valve, cold trap is also illustrated
schematically for better understanding. [108]

Figure 28: Foreline valve present in Nordiko NS-2500 equipment is represented

in this Figure with an arrow towards it.
The pirani gauge is used to measure the pressure change in the sputtering system due to
heat loss. The head of the gauge is sensitive as it has very high temperature co-efficient
of resistance so the change in pressure is measured easily. The principle behind this is
when there is pressure modification in system, which basically means increase or
decrease of gas molecules present in the system. So there will be change in the gas
conductivity which is measured by the pirani gauge. The increase or decrease in thermal
conductivity of gas infers that there is heat loss of filament and it varies with the
pressure modification. Thus variation in system pressure means there is modification of
resistance of the filament and this value is usually measure in terms of millibar. [109]

In Nordiko sputtering equipment, the Edwards 505 penning gauge is used. The main use
of penning gas is that it measures the pressure of the gas used in the sputtering chamber.
This measurement of pressure is highly critical as pressure is one of the major
parameters which define the final properties of deposited thin films. The penning gauge
is basically a cold cathode ionization gauge which comprises of anode and cathode
present in it. Using resistors, anode and cathode is subjected to high potential

difference. A permanent magnet is used at right angles of the electrodes to apply

magnetic field, so it will result in improvement in the ionization current produced. The
mechanism behind this process is as follows when the cathode emits electron, the
applied magnetic field deflects the electrons and makes the electron to go on a helical
path to reach the anode. By this the emitted electrons takes a longer path, so chances of
gas molecule collision are greater than usual. The ionization is further increased, when
there is inclusion of secondary electron in the process. In the end, equilibrium is reached
when the electrons reach the anode and this mechanism is used to measure the pressure
present in the sputtering chamber. [109]

The throttle plate is one of the important factors in raising the pressure in the chamber.
The pumping speed of the pumping stack is being reduced when the throttle plate is
closed and the pressure is increased because of closing of throttle plate. In the bottom
portion of the throttle plate there are two screw positions and these nuts are used to
control the degree of restriction. When the foreline pressure is in between 100 to 200
mtorr, then the adjustment in throttle plate is done (closing the throttle plate), thus the
chamber pressure of 15-20 mtorr is achieved. This chamber pressure is necessary to
achieve RF glow discharge. If the condition specifies there is no use of RF glow
discharge and the sputtering can be carried at below 10mtorr, at this point the throttle
plate can be open during the sputtering. The throttle plate is closed to achieve very high
pressure (15-20 mtorr), without changing the needle valve present in the control unit of
the chamber. If the needle valve is adjusted to shut off the flow of gas, then it might
result in valve damage. The throttle plate is operated by the pneumatic actuator. [3]

The pressure measurement in the chamber is most important due to the following
reasons, as during roughing out the change from rough pumping to fine pumping is
carried out between 0.2 to 0.1 torr. For these measurements in Nordiko equipment,
HASTINGS thermocouple gauge is used. The rotary pump is used for roughing out
while rough to fine pumping is carried out by diffusion pump. The pressure in the
chamber is measured using high good scale sensitivity thermocouple gauge such as
HASTINGS EVT-5, and the pressure is generally varying between 1 to 20 mtorr. The
chamber pumping down before sputtering is measured using penning meter, as the
pressure at this point will be 10-5 to 10-6 torr. The backing line pressure is measured
using thermocouple gauge, so that it does not cross the critical limit. Usually the
backing and the roughing gauge valve is controlled by the single unit.

For sputtering process, one of the necessary pre-condition which needs to be satisfied is
the ability of the sputtering equipment to achieve necessary vacuum. The vacuum
obtained is sufficient enough to proceed with the sputtering process. This pumping
arrangement is essential to achieve the following tasks i) to achieve low pressure in the
chamber between 10-6 to 10-5 torr, so that the unwanted gases from the chamber is being
removed to considerable level, ii) the vacuum chamber is being maintained in the

pressure range of around 10-3 to 10-2 torr, during the sputtering gas and reactive gas is
fed into the chamber. When the system is being pump down the outgassing rate is the
most important factor which needs to be considered. During this state, outgassing is
being done from the chamber walls, targets, substrates and of course removing the
residual gas from the chamber. The outgassing rate (Q) is affected if there are any leaks
in the chamber and the rate is determined from pressure (p) and pumping speed (S) of
the chamber. The outgassing rate is being measured in terms of litre per second (l/s)

Q= pS

For reducing the outgassing rate, stainless steel (SS) chamber is preferred as the glass
chamber increases the outgassing rate considerably to 6*10-4 and 6*10-5 torr l/s. The use
of dielectric target always increases the outgassing rate, however metal targets outgas at
very lower rate. In this experiments, with respect to sputtering equipment only metal
targets such as titanium are used. When chamber is allowed to maintain at atmospheric
pressure, downtime of pumping is reduced to considerable extent. Then the chamber is
vented from vacuum with atmosphere. If in case, the moisture content is high in the air
used to vent the chamber, this will further increase the pump down time. The argon gas
is being fed into the chamber till the acceptable range 5 to 17 mtorr.

The gas used for sputtering deposition is one of the significant factors in controlling the
nature and microstructure of the deposited coatings. There are different types of gases
used for sputtering deposition such as argon, nitrogen and oxygen. In normal sputtering
process, in general only noble gases such as argon are used for generating plasma. In the
case of reactive sputtering, along with argon gas, reactive gases such as nitrogen,
oxygen is used to deposit thin films of varying alloy composition such zinc oxide
(ZnO), titanium oxynitride, aluminum nitride (AlN), tantalum oxide (Ta2O5) and so on.
The Nordiko NS-2500 sputtering equipment is enclosed with provisions to incorporate
different types of gases used in the sputtering deposition. The argon gas is used as
sputtering gas to generate plasma of required intensity and nitrogen is used as reactive
gas to produce compound nitride plasma composition. These gases are supplied from
gas cylinders of 99 % quality and both argon and nitrogen cylinder is kept at pressure of
0, 4 bar. The pressure is kept constant during the sputtering process and altering the
pressure of gas cylinder has tremendous negative impact on the thin film deposited.

Once the high vacuum range of around 10-6 mtorr is achieved in the sputtering chamber,
it implies the chamber is suited for sputtering deposition. The penning High voltage
(H.V) gauge is switched off, and gas inlet valve of argon and nitrogen is open to fill up
the chamber with the required gas mixture. It is best advised to first open the gas inlet
valve of argon gas and the pressure of the chamber can reach value up to 5 mtorr. The
chamber pressure can even rise to 20 mtorr, but reactive gas mixture composition
become negligible when the chamber pressure is very high. One way to make sure that
the chamber pressure to not exceed 10 mtorr is that to keep foreline pressure always

below 200 mtorr. The other disadvantage of exceeding the pressure range is that the
diffusion pump operation will underperform or even stop. So, after 5 mtorr chamber
pressure is achieved, the current is applied to generate plasma. The ‘H.T. on’ (High
tension control switch ON) switch is pressed on, and the intensity of the current applied
is increased by rotating the power output in clockwise direction. There are certain
limitations in operating the power output button and the current applied as the power
level should not exceed above 2 kW (kilowatts) for targets used in the sputtering
equipment. If the power level is exceeded, then it will result in termination of plasma
immediately. After the required power level is applied, the argon ions strike the target to
generate plasma which is blue in color. The plasma is allowed to accrue under the
substrate shield to increase its properties before depositing on the substrate material.
For reactive sputtering process, the second gas inlet valve for nitrogen gas is open and
the chamber pressure should not exceed 8 mtorr in sputtering deposition. So which
implies less than 3 mtorr of reactive nitrogen gas is allowed in the total gas composition
mixture. This level of nitrogen gas is allowed for reactive sputter deposition as very
high gas composition might result in the resulting coating material to be dark-grey in
color. The dark color of nitride coating implies sub-stoichiometric composition is
achieved in sputtering process. The color of the plasma changes to violet from blue,
when nitrogen gas of required range is allowed in the chamber. The level or amount of
gas composition allowed in the sputter chamber is controlled by the needle valve
present in the control cabinet.

The needle valve is basically a micrometer adjustment, which helps in controlling the
throughput of gas in the chamber. When needle valve is open, the foreline pressure
increases and this pressure value is measured using TC2 gauge. So as discussed before,
the foreline pressure should not surpass the critical value. If the needle valve is used to
close completely, to stop the gas flow in chamber then it will result in permanent
damage done to the gas valve. So care needs to be taken while adjusting the needle
valve controller. The adjustment of gas flow through needle valve is always done
incrementally to avoid any damage done to the valve as such. The main advantages of
using needle valve are that fine adjustment of chamber pressure is accomplished easily.
The chamber pressure cannot be improved, only by allowing increasing gas flow rate.
So throttle plate is used to partially close the pumping port to achieve higher chamber
pressure. The throttle plate is used to maintain or adjust the chamber pressure between
15 to 20 mtorr without any adjustment in needle valve. So the throttle plate is opened to
achieve chamber pressure below 10 mtorr and when the plate is open again the pressure
will rise back to be in between 15 and 20 mtorr. During this mechanism of throttle plate
open and close, the needle valve setting is kept constant. The closing of throttle plate
can be used to strike the discharge to initiate the plasma generation at low pressure
range. The throttle plate is operated by pneumatic actuator and the actuator is controlled
by variable restrictors. These are the necessary pre-conditions essential to generate
plasma of required composition. Once all the conditions are predefined, the substrate to

be coated with thin film is placed over the sputter target and the sputtering process
occurs. The duration of sputtering deposition is varied from 3 minutes to 30 minutes to
demonstrate the various microstructural property changes of sputtered thin film of
titanium and titanium nitride compositions.

4.2.2 Sputter sources and power supply

The targets used in the sputtering equipment is the main source of sputtering atoms
which are ignited by the factors power, vacuum level applied in the respective system.
In this Nordiko equipment, the targets used are 1) Titanium 2) Copper 3) Nickel
chromium alloy. Of these three, the sputtering experiments were conducted with
titanium targets to study the effect of deposition variation with respect to various other
parameters. The titanium target used in the experiments is grade one quality, which
means a purity of 99.8 %. The dimension of titanium target is given as follows 200 mm
*100 mm (8” * 4” inches) and thickness is around 6 mm (1/4” inches). The titanium
target has been used in planar magnetron setup of Nordiko sputtering equipment. The
target needs to be mounted properly in a position where sufficient cooling is achieved
over the target contact surface. When there is no proper cooling then the target will be
heated at the point where there is no contact with cooling surface, which will affect the
properties of the deposited material drastically. The improper cooling also leads to
target material to crack as the power produced during ion bombardment is around 15
Watt per square centimeter (Wcm-2). The point at which the target surface is in contact
with the water cooled electrode can be considered as heat sinks. The point which is not
in contact with cooling surface might be very hot, which result in huge temperature
variation along the target surface, thus resulting in thermally induced cracking. In this
sputtering experiments, the targets are clamped to the copper or stainless steel backing
plate which is screwed to the water cooled electrode. The bonding is usually done by
silver loaded epoxy resin or cyanoacrylate adhesive. The targets should be chosen in
such as way it can be operated at suitable power levels such as 3 to 10 Wcm -2 based on
the target size used in the process, otherwise electrical breakdown is achieved at very
high voltages. The power supplied should not exceed 1.5 kilowatts (KW) or 2 KW in
most of sputtering experiments. When the current is supplied to initiate the ion
bombardment from the target sources, the sputtering process begins at 1 A current
provided there is good vacuum range in the equipment. The current value can also be
increased to comparatively higher range such as 2 and 3 A, but the respective voltage
value should not exceed 500 V in any situation. If the power value is increased beyond
1.5 KW, then the power applied is reduced gradually as explained below. [3]

Power = I*V

Where I = current value in Amperes (A)


V = voltage (Volts)

For instance, with respect to copper targets, when current is applied at 1 A, the resultant
voltage value is around 460 - 470 V, so the subsequent power value is around 470V,
which is good for sputtering deposition time around 10 minutes.

Power = 1 A* 470 V

Power = 470 W.

If the power is increased to 3 A, the respective voltage is approximated to be 500 – 510

V, now the resultant power value is around or above 1.5 KW as explained below, and so
in this case the power value is reduced to 2 A or 1 A depends on the voltage value

Power = 3 A* 500 V

Power = 1500 W or 1.5 KW.

4.2.3 Control unit

The valves present in the chamber such as roughing, foreline, hi-vacuum, vent and so on
is mainly controlled by push buttons present in the control unit and these buttons will
illuminate upon switched on. In this section, operations of the control units are analyzed
and their function with respect to the sputtering equipment is studied. The push button
for roughing or foreline valve is switched on, the respective button illuminates and it
switches the electromagnetic valves by supplying the electrical current supply. The
electromagnetic air valve is placed inside the vacuum valves and it is integrated with the
system. The vacuum valves are open when there supply of air through electromagnetic
valve and the valve is closed when the electrical supply is stopped, in the meantime it
also vents. The valve also shuts down when there is drop in air pressure and fall in
pressure at this point is due to air supply failure. Thus all these push buttons, switches
are interlocked to each other.

The function of hi-vacuum valve is to create very high vacuum in the chamber and it is
being operated by the ‘hi-vacuum’ push button in the control unit. When this push
button is switched on, the electromagnetic 5/3 air valve is actuated and takes control
over the supply of air to the pneumatic actuator. When the power is switched off or
removed from the valve, then the hi-vacuum valve is closed. The hi-vacuum valve fixes
itself in the last position when the electrical power is removed, which results in the air-
supply failure. A brief introduction is given about how the vent valve and the respective
push button operate to actually vent the chamber. This push button of vent switch on the
electrical supply to electromagnetic vent valve, when the power is switched of the vent

valve closes. This means there will be no more venting of the chamber. One of the most
important to be noted is that, all these valves operate when rotary pump is functioning
or operating during that point. There is certain point which needs to be considered while
operating the valve push button in the unit. The roughing and foreline valve cannot be
opened at the same time, because power switching of the valves by the buttons is being
interlocked. This above condition holds well for hi-vacuum/roughing and vent valve
cannot be open at the same time, owing to the interlock condition. In addition to this
condition, the hi-vacuum valve and vent valve cannot be opened (both in separate
scenario) without the foreline valve is open. The following Figure 29 represents the
control units used in Nordiko NS-2500 equipment in TUT.

Figure 29: Control unit of Nordiko NS-2500 sputtering equipment, which acts
as a main operating mode of functioning the sputtering equipment efficiently
with power supply units and also controlling the vacuum created in sputtering

4.2.4 Practical Operation of NS-2500 sputtering system

The user guide is used for operating the Nordiko NS-2500 sputtering equipment
efficiently. It provides step by step brief guidelines to be followed for effective
operation of sputtering system. The different terminology used in this sputtering process
is explained previously as detailed explanation regarding the pumps, gauge is already
provided for better understanding of this section. The following guide is divided into
several sections for clear instructions.

System start up from cold

1) The Nordiko sputtering equipment is comprised of vacuum pumps and

different gauges. So the first step would be to switch on the sputtering mains,
followed by opening the cooling water inlet valve and pressurized air valve.
The cooling water needs to be checked for proper circulation, as in case of
improper cooling of target material, it might result in target burnout or
plasma arcing (both cases result in plasma termination).
2) Main power switch from the control unit is ON
3) Mechanical pump is switched on, followed by opening the ‘foreline’ valve,
other valve such as roughing and hi-vacuum is closed.
4) Using thermocouple gauge TC2 the pressure of the foreline valve is
measured and it is highly recommended to use the system further when the
foreline pressure value drops below or around 50 mtorr. If the system runs
fine till this stage, then it implies that there is no leak or outgassing from the
system. However, if the foreline pressure is above 50 mtorr, please check for
leaks present in the system or in other case fix the outgassing from the cold
5) At this stage diffusion pump is switched on, the pump needs to run for about
10-15 minutes, so that it is warmed up from cold state. Once this condition is
satisfied, liquid nitrogen of about 4-6 litres is filled in the pump using a
provision for cold trap. The sputtering system will be ready for pumping
after 20 minutes. This is highly critical, as failing to satisfy any of these
conditions will result in severe damage done to the system. For instance,
rapid rise in foreline pressure, foreline pressure does not drop below 50
mtorr. [3]

Pumping and Vacuum generation

1) Check the vent valve is closed, if not close it immediately.

2) The time period allowed for diffusion pump to warm up, can be used to
place the suitable substrate material used in the sputtering system for thin
film deposition. The pre-requisite for substrate preparation and cleaning
should have been completed before this process to ensure cleanliness in the

3) The substrates used in this sputtering system are stainless steel and copper
4) Once the system is loaded with substrate materials, the substrate shield is
used to cover the space in between substrate and target material. This is very
important point of sputtering process, as covering the shield ensures when
there is plasma generation it make sure the wanted gas mixtures is already
used and does not deposit on the substrate material.
5) The chamber should be sealed for further process, now open the throttle
plate, during this process, gas inlet should be closed.
6) From this step, the high vacuum creation for the sputtering process starts.
The foreline valve is closed now, followed by opening the roughing valve.
The thermocouple gauge will be switched back to TC1, now there is rise in
roughing pressure and it might reach the atmospheric pressure value.
7) Wait for approximately three minutes, by this time the roughing pressure
value will be dropped below 100 mtorr. It is advised for effective use of
sputtering equipment, wait for some more minutes till the roughing pressure
reach around 50 mtorr.
8) If the roughing pressure does not reach 100 mtorr within approximately three
minutes, then the following steps needs to be followed,
i) Switch the thermocouple gauge back to TC2
ii) Check the foreline pressure, if it is more than 100 mtorr, close the
roughing valve, open the foreline valve
iii) After opening the foreline valve, pump the foreline pressure
below 50 mtorr
iv) Continue the same process from point 6 in section 2 to achieve
high vacuum in the sputtering system
v) If there is rapid rise in foreline pressure, then it means the liquid
nitrogen trap should be refilled again else, there is leak in either
foreline or hi-vacuum valve. Always remember the leaks are
detrimental to any process. So it needs to be fixed immediately.
vi) The other reason for long roughing time than usual is that
vacuum chamber is not sealed properly or there might be leaks
from the O-rings seals.
9) Now it is assumed that the roughing pressure is below 100 mtorr, now the
roughing valve will be closed.
10) Thermocouple gauge will be switched back to TC2. Then the ‘foreline’
valve will be open, followed by opening of ‘hi-vacuum’ valve.
11) The ‘H.V gauge’ is switched on to measure the pressure inside the chamber.
In Nordiko sputtering equipment, penning 505 meter is used as ‘H.V gauge’
and it needs to be pulled out. [3]

Procedure for sputtering process

1) The ideal high vacuum created in Nordiko equipment is in the range of 10-5 to
10-6 mtorr after an hour of pumping or even less if the system is in good
operational condition. One this condition is satisfied that is requires pressure
range is achieved, the ‘H.V. gauge’ is switched off. If needed close the ‘throttle’
2) The gas inlet valve is open now, first the argon gas inlet valve followed by
nitrogen inlet valve
3) Both the gas cylinder is maintained at 0,4 bar so that the gas flow is constant
throughout the sputtering process
4) The argon gas needle valve is open slowly so that the sputtering pressure reaches
5) Once 5 mtorr sputtering pressure is reached, the needle valve of nitrogen is open
slowly till it reaches the pressure value of 7 or 8 mtorr, according to the
requirement. The nitrogen gas composition needs to be low in all cases, as too
much of nitrogen also result in target poisoning.
6) The required sputtering pressure is set up by using needle valve.
7) Now all the pre-requisite for sputtering deposition is satisfied. So the sputtering
deposition of titanium and titanium nitride is shown in the next section. [3]

Sputtering deposition for Titanium and Titanium nitride coating

1) H.T On switch is pressed on now, it will immediately result in plasma

generation in the chamber, which can be observed from the glass window
present in the chamber.
2) The power value can be raised by rotating the power output button in clockwise
direction. The rotation should be done gently, as it is very sensitive and the
power value will increase dramatically if care is not taken during this step.
3) The current value will be increased upon rotation of power output from 1 to
several amperes upon requirement of the process, also the respective changes in
the voltage value is observed.
4) Generation of plasma in the sputtering chamber is accomplished, to achieve
superior final quality of deposited thin films the plasma is allowed to accumulate
for a certain period of time prior to deposition over the substrate material.
5) The shield is moved using the substrate shield button.
6) The time is noted for the required sputter deposition.
7) For example, in titanium depositions only argon gas inlet valve is open, for
titanium nitride composition both argon and nitrogen gas inlet valve is open.
8) The important condition to check is during sputter deposition always makes sure
that the sputter chamber pressure is always constant. The value should not drop
or increase during the sputter deposition, if there is some change in the sputter
pressure value then it means there is some issue with respect to gas flow in the

9) There is a switch for rotating the substrate which is called ‘substrate rotation’
switch which can be used to rotate and select the required substrate for sputter
10) Targets used in the sputtering system can be also selected using a knob. So,
three different targets such as titanium, nickel chromium alloy and copper can be
used for sputtering process.
11) Once the sputtering of required composition is completed. The power button is
switched back to its original position in anti-clockwise direction and ‘H.T. Off’
button is switched on to complete the sputter deposition by discontinuing the
plasma generation. [3]

Shutting down of sputtering system

1) The throttle plate is open and followed by closing both the ‘gas inlet’ and ‘hi-
vacuum’ valve.
2) Open the ‘Vent’ valve and wait for about 20 minutes for the system to open the
chamber, before that open the seals of the chamber.
3) Open foreline valve, switch off diffusion pump. Allow the system to run for
about 30 minutes.
4) This time period is to make sure that the system is free of risk now, related to air
or electrical supply issues.
5) Close the foreline valve
6) Switch off mechanical pump
7) Switch the sputtering main power off, followed by turning off cooling water and
pressurized air
8) The main electricity power is finally switched off for complete shut off of the
sputtering system. [3]

Periodic inspection of pumps and valves

The components used to measure inside the chamber is calibrated in general for air, if
any other gas is used in the process, calibration needs to be done for that particular gas.
To effect enhanced sputtering process, the following conditions must be considered

i) The oil used in the rotary and diffusion pump needs to be checked frequently
and recommended level is maintained for better performance.
ii) The flow regulators right near to 5/3 air valve is needs to be adjusted for
good opening and closing rate of valve. It is usually not more than 2
seconds, else it will forbid the air flow from actuator. The rings of valve ‘O’
should be replaced at frequent intervals to ensure safety of the equipment.
iii) The gauges need to be checked for particular set of calibration according to
the gas used in the process, because penning gauge head is also used for
measuring sputtering pressure. So the head of the gauge is more prone to
contamination of insulator, which might result in very high pressure value

reading in the control unit. One should take extreme care while cleaning the
insulator part. [3]

Needle valve and hoist

The gas which is allowed to flow inside the chamber which will be used for sputtering
process is fed through needle valve. This needle valve is accompanied with micrometer
adjustment with on/off valve, as the gas supply should be at constant pressure. The
needle valve helps in regulating the throughput of gas flow in chamber. The rise in
foreline (backing) pressure is measured using thermocouple gauge TC2, when the
needle valve is open. However, care needs to be taken that the foreline pressure should
not exceed 200 mtorr, which represents the critical pressure limit of foreline pressure. It
is generally noted that at 200 mtorr, the pressure in the chamber will not exceed 10
mtorr. When you need finer adjustment in the chamber pressure value then needle valve
is adjusted slightly to achieve the necessary pressure value for sputtering process. [3]

The hoist is the part which used to separate the steel cylinder chamber from the base of
the control unit. This is used when there are some issues in the sputtering process, and
the chamber needs to be lifted up from the base of the cylinder. This can be done by
keeping the switch to service mode and then vent push button needs to be open, which
will show the illuminating button on the hoist switch to glow which means the hoist can
be lifted for further analysis. Once the power is completely shut down as per instruction
given in the user manual appendix, one can analyze the equipment for issues. [3]

4.3 Sputter deposition experiments

In sputtering experiments, titanium (Ti) and titanium nitride (TiN1-x) coatings is

deposited by varying the deposition parameters. The substiochiometric compositions of
titanium nitride compositions is denoted by TiN1-x. The significant parameters which
are used for controlling the sputtering deposition in this thesis work is given as follows
1) current/power values 2) sputtering total pressure 3) deposition time. So the coating of
varying thickness is prepared by controlling the above mentioned parameters.

4.3.1 Sputtering power/current

The power value is increased to study the microstructural changes observed during
depositing titanium nitride thin films. The other parameters such as total sputtering
pressure, deposition time are kept constant during the experiments. When the current
value is increased from 1.1 A to 1.5 A and increased further to 2 A, gradual increase in
deposition rate is observed as shown in below graph 1. Increase in current value implies
direct increase in power values as 390.5 W, 540 W and 760 W respectively. The
constant values of other deposition parameters would be as follows 1) sputtering

pressure - 7 mtorr, 2) deposition time - 10 minutes. The deposition parameters used for
titanium nitride film coating with increase in power value is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Deposition parameters used for Titanium nitride sputtering deposition with
increase in power value for each samples mentioned below in table and other respective
deposition parameters such as sputtering pressure (mtorr) and deposition time (mins) is
kept constant.

Sample Substrate Total Current Voltage Power Coating Time

sputtering (A) (V) (W) type (mins)

S024 Stainless 7 1.1 355 390.5 TiN 10

S025 Stainless 7 1.5 360 540 TiN 10
S026 Stainless 7 2 380 760 TiN 10
The deposition rate of titanium coating with copper substrate is analyzed respect to
increase in current (power) values as shown below in table 2. The total sputtering
pressure of 5 mtorr and deposition time of 10 minutes is kept constant for Ti deposition.
When increased the current value from 1 A to 2 A, the power values increased
respectively. The deposition parameters used for titanium thin film coating with
increase in power value is given in Table 2.

Table 2. Deposition parameters used for Titanium sputtering deposition with increase in
power value for each samples mentioned below in table and other respective deposition
parameters such as sputtering pressure (mtorr) and deposition time (mins) is kept

Sample Substrate Total Current Voltage Power Coating Time

sputtering (A) (V) (W) type (mins)
S018 Copper 5 1 320 320 Ti 5
S019 Copper 5 2 340 680 Ti 5

4.3.2 Sputtering pressure

The sputtering pressure is increased from 6 to 8 mtorr and other parameters such as
power used and deposition time is kept constant. The stainless steel samples S023, S026
and S034 were used for this set of experiments. The common parameters would be all
these samples are as follows i) current – 2 A ii) power – 760 W and iii) deposition time
– 10 minutes respectively. As the sputtering pressure is increased from 6 to 7 mtorr and
to 8 mtorr, the changes observed during deposition are analyzed. The deposition
parameters used for titanium nitride film coating with increase in sputtering pressure
value is given in Table 3.

Table 3. Deposition parameters used for Titanium nitride sputtering deposition with
increase in sputtering pressure from 6 mtorr to 7 mtorr and finally to 8 mtorr for below
mentioned samples respectively and other respective deposition parameters such as
power (W) and deposition time (mins) is kept constant.

Sample Substrate Total Current Voltage Power Coating Time

sputtering (A) (V) (W) type (mins)
S023 Stainless 6 2 380 760 TiN 10
S026 Stainless 7 2 380 760 TiN 10
S034 Stainless 8 2 380 760 TiN 10

The copper substrate is used for titanium deposition in this set of sputtering
experiments. As sputtering pressure is increased from 5 mtorr to 10 mtorr and further
increased to 20 mtorr, the changes observed in the thin film coating are investigated.
The deposition parameters used for titanium film coating with increase in sputtering
pressure value is given in Table 4.

Table 4. Deposition parameters used for Titanium sputtering deposition with increase in
sputtering pressure value for each samples mentioned below in table and other
respective deposition parameters such as sputtering pressure (mtorr) and deposition time
(mins) is kept constant.

Sample Substrate Total Current Voltage Power Coating Time

sputtering (A) (V) (W) type (mins)
S015 Copper 5 2 340 680 Ti 10
S043 Copper 10 2 280 560 Ti 10
S044 Copper 20 2 280 560 Ti 10

4.3.3 Sputtering deposition time

The deposition time plays an important role in finalizing the deposition parameters of
any thin film coating. In this set of experiments, time of deposition were chosen as 5, 10
and 30 minutes for the stainless steel samples namely S026, S045 and S032. The other
parameters for sputtering deposition is listed in the below table and it is kept constant
during this experiments. The deposition parameters used for titanium nitride and
titanium thin film coating with increase in deposition time is given in Table 5 and Table
6 respectively.

Table 5. Deposition parameters used for Titanium nitride sputtering deposition with
increase in deposition time from 5 minutes to 10 minutes and then increased to 30
minutes for samples respectively, and other respective deposition parameters such as
sputtering pressure (mtorr) and power (W) values is kept constant for the entire
sputtering process.

Sample Substrate Total Current Voltage Power Coating Time

sputtering (A) (V) (W) type (mins)
S029 Stainless 7 2 380 760 TiN 5
S045 Stainless 7 2 380 760 TiN 10
S032 Stainless 7 2 380 760 TiN 30

Table 6. Deposition parameters used for Titanium sputtering deposition with increase in
deposition time from 3 minutes to 5 minutes, which is further increased to 10 minutes
and increased to 30 minutes for samples mentioned below respectively, and other
respective deposition parameters such as sputtering pressure (mtorr) and power (W)
values is kept constant for the entire sputtering process.

Sample Substrate Total Current Voltage Power Coating Time

sputtering (A) (V) (W) type (mins)
S031 Stainless 5 2 340 680 Ti 3
S019 Copper 5 2 340 680 Ti 5
S048 Stainless 5 2 340 680 Ti 10
S042 Copper 5 2 340 680 Ti 30

4.3.4 Substrate etching using RF sputtering

In this section, the substrates used in the deposition process is etched using RF
sputtering process. The etching is done for 10 minutes with 100 W RF power applied to
the process. The sputter etched samples specifically S055 and S056 is compared with
samples S031 and S038 (the samples S031 and S038 are not sputter etched) to
understand the effects of deposition and adhesion phenomenon observed in thin film
sputtering deposition. The deposition parameters used for titanium and titanium nitride
thin film coating with respect to sputter etching is provided in Table 7 and Table 8

Table 7. Deposition parameters used for Titanium sputtering deposition with sputter
etching applied to one sample in this case S055, and other deposition parameters such as
sputtering pressure (mtorr), deposition time (mins) and power (W) values is kept
constant for the entire sputtering process.

Sample Substrate Sample Total Current Voltage Power Time

etching sputtering (A) (V) (W) (mins)
S031 Stainless No 5 2 340 680 3
S055 Stainless Yes 5 2 340 680 3

Table 8. Deposition parameters used for Titanium nitride sputtering deposition with
sputter etching applied to one sample, in this case S056 and other deposition parameters
such as sputtering pressure (mtorr), deposition time (mins) and power (W) values is
kept constant for the sputtering deposition process.

Sample Substrate Sample Total Current Voltage Power Time

etching sputtering (A) (V) (W) (mins)
S038 Stainless No 7 2 380 760 10
S056 Stainless Yes 7 2 380 760 10

4.4 Characterization techniques

This section comprises of different characterization techniques used for analyzing the
properties of sputter deposited Ti and TiN1-x coatings. The microstructure of the thin
films produced will be analyzed by FESEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron
Microscopy) and cross-sectional images of the coatings is acquired for analysis. From
these FESEM micrographs, the thickness of the coating and the uniform distribution of
Ti and TiN1-x coatings over the substrate is studied in detail. The adhesion strength of
the sputtered film is investigated using adhesion p.a.t.t.i experiments. It is relatively
inexpensive equipment and one of the main advantages of using this equipment it is
portable and results are reliable. Optical profilometer experiments are used to measure
the surface topography of the thin film coating. It is also used to define the surface
roughness, dimensions, surface images of 2D (2-dimensional) & 3D (3-dimensional)
and thickness of the thin film. XRD (X-ray Diffraction) analysis is done to identify the
phase structure of the sputtered thin film coatings deposited over the substrate. So XRD
studies is also more important in thin film characterization.

4.4.1 FESEM

Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) equipment comprises of

energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), INCAx-act detector, detectors for
secondary electron and in-lens secondary electrons, INCA energy 350 analyztor
(Oxford instruments, UK). In TUT, Zeiss ULTRAplus ultra high resolution FESEM is
being used for SEM measurements and it is manufactured from Carl Zeiss SMT AG,
Germany. By using this ultra-series FESEM the microstructural and morphological
features of Ti and TiN1-x thin film coatings manufactured in this experiments. As
discussed earlier in this report, both Ti and TiN1-x thin film coatings is examined using
FESEM, so that the correlation between the deposition rate and thickness of thin films is
analyzed. The coated samples which is ready for FESEM is bended for analyzing the
cross-section of coating thickness. The bending for copper samples is done manually
using force as these substrates are thin in nature. The machine which is used to bend the
SS substrate is known as brake. The substrates are bent carefully and in the meantime
caution needs to be taken to avoid any damage to the coating or impurities attached to
the surface during sample preparation. The reason for using bending machine is the
thickness range for steel substrate used is around in between 1.5 to 2 mm. The bended
samples are prone to cracking because of the applied force during bending. Once the
bent sample is ready to be used, it is being glued to sample holders using carbon glue.
The sample holders are studs which are used in the FESEM analysis. The samples are
then kept in desiccator for a day, to remove any moisture content present in samples.
The samples are then kept in vacuum chamber present in FESEM for analysis. Once the
necessary vacuum is achieved, the sample is titled inside the chamber for cross-
sectional measurement of coating thickness. Usually the sample is tilted at 45˚ and
working distance between the sample and detectors should be around 5 mm. The surface
images are magnified at 5000 and cross section image of the sample surface are
magnified at 5000, 10000 and 50000. This SEM analysis uses electric field up to 10
KW range, also it uses secondary electron for image analysis. The microstructure and
thickness of the thin film coatings is studied using FESEM analysis. From the thickness
value and deposition time, the deposition rate is determined. [95] A typical example of
ULTRAplus FESEM instrument is shown in Figure 30 [110].

Figure 30. Typical overall representation of ULTRAplus FESEM equipment

used to analyze the cross-section images of thin films deposited in this sputtering
experiments. [110]

4.4.2 Adhesion strength

Adhesion p.a.t.t.i is a type of adhesion tester used to determine the adhesion and
bonding strength of deposited thin film coatings. In TUT, for determining the adhesion
strength and to test the bond property of thin film coating ‘Elcometer 110 Pneumatic
Adhesion Tester’ is used [111]. This equipment works on the principle where
pneumatic force of measured quantity is applied to piston stub, and the stub is already
attached to the coating by gluing [112]. The sample which needs to be investigated is
glued to stub and it is kept cured for two to three days. Once stubs are attached firmly to
the coating, the samples are attached to the pneumatically operated piston. The force is
applied through the piston and the pressure value is noted from the equipment. If the
coating failure is not observed then the force is increased further by small increment
values, till the failure occurs. The corresponding pressure value is noted down and
based on that the strength values are analyzed. The measurement is done for three
different samples of same coating to achieve quantifiable results. [113] Thus, the
adhesion strength of the thin film coatings and bonding strength between the coating
and substrate material is determined. Figure 31 displays the general type of Elcometer
which is used in this sputtered sample experiments to analyze adhesion strength. [111;
112; 114; 115]

Figure 31. Schematic illustrations of typical Elcometer 110 Pneumatic

Adhesion Tester which is used to examine the adhesion strength of the sputtered
thin film samples. [115]

4.4.3 Optical profilometer

The investigation of surface topography of thin film coating is accomplished by Alicona

InfiniteFocus G5 surface profile 3D optical profilometer at TUT [116]. The
measurement made in this optical profilometer is fast, highly flexible and accurate. The
image quality obtained is of higher optical resolution with good imaging capacity,
results obtained are repeatable and more significantly 3D images can be obtained with
real ease. The samples of required dimensions is cut using gluottine machine and is
placed in the stage of the equipment. The stage is set such that optimum focus is
achieved and there are encoders present in the equipment which makes sure movement
of the stage is accurate. The optics can be adjusted according to the measurement
requirement. The parameters such as brightness, contrast, light source, polarizer and
stage coordinates are set for optimum image quality. Once required parameters are set,
the measurement starts and the required optical images are acquired and saved for future
analysis in the system database. Figure 32 a, represents the Alicona InfiniteFocus G5
optical profilometer used in TUT to analyze the surface roughness properties of thin
film coatings. [116]

Figure 32 a. Typical representation of Alicona InfiniteFocus G5 3D optical

profilometer which is used to measure the surface roughness profile of sputtered
thin film coatings in this research work. [116]

4.4.4 X-ray Diffraction analysis

The chemical composition present in our thin films can be identified using ‘Panalytical
Empyrean Multipurpose Diffractometer’ [117]. X-ray diffraction techniques is used to
analyze phase identification of a material and can attain information about unit cell
dimensions using Bragg’s law. The principle is that when X-ray are used for
measurement in crystal lattice, the penetrated X-ray travels through the crystal lattice
and it gets reflects from the atoms present in lattice and travels back to the surface. The
distance travelled by the X-ray and the angle at which the penetration occurs is used to
calculated the phase present in the crystal material. The qualitative and quantitative
investigation of phase composition is carried out by this XRD [117; 118]. This
diffractometer can also be used to measure the stress present in the thin film deposited
and texture of the films created [117]. The identification of phases present in films is
examined by incidence angle of copper radiation (Cu-Kα). The grazing angle of
incidence used is of major importance as dealing with nanometer thin films is highly
critical, so the incidence angle is chosen in such a way that it would not affect the phase
composition results. The normal range of incidence angle would be 0.2 to 2.0˚. The 2-
theta angle used for the XRD investigation is 20-80˚. Panalytical X’Pert High Score
Plus software is used for analyzing the phase composition of thin films deposited. The

arrangement of beam from the grazing incidence angle is parallel to incident beam of
goebel mirror and in the diffracted beam ‘monochromator and collimator’ is used for
data analysis. [95; 117; 118] Figure 32 b, represents the ‘Panalytical Empyrean
Multipurpose Diffractometer’ used in the XRD analysis at TUT.

Figure 32 b. General schematic illustration of Panalytical Empyrean

Multipurpose Diffractometer equipment, which is used to analyze the XRD
pattern of deposited thin films. [117]


The results of thin film coatings deposited by DC magnetron sputtering process are
discussed in the following sections. In this research work, the deposition parameters
influence on the following properties such as crystallinity, adhesion and surface
roughness are studied in detail. The section proceeds further by including
characterization results of FESEM analysis, adhesion strength, optical profilometer and
XRD analysis for investigating the morphological changes observed in thin films
deposited by DC magnetron sputtering process.

5.1 Magnetron sputtered titanium coatings

The titanium coatings deposited by magnetron sputtering over copper and stainless steel
substrates is analyzed in this section. The microstructures, composition and optical
property of thin film titanium coatings are presented in the following subdivision in
detail. The modifications observed in thin film coating microstructure are investigated
using FESEM analysis. The surface roughness property changes of titanium thin film
coatings are studied using optical profilometer measurements. The composition
obtained during thin film deposition is analyzed using XRD analysis.

5.1.1 Microstructures

The magnetron sputtered titanium thin film coatings microstructures prepared over
different substrates are discussed in this section. The deposition parameters play an
important role in determining the final microstructural property of deposited thin films.
The crack observed in thin film coating is because of the sample preparation in which
the samples are bent to analyze morphological properties of thin films deposited. The
significant changes observed during these titanium depositions are noted for
interpretations alongside respective micrographs supporting the case. The titanium
coatings deposited over copper substrates is taken into consideration for better
understanding. The deposition of titanium coatings is done for 10 minutes with
increasing the power from 1 to 2 A respectively. From Figures 33 and 34, the respective
micrographs represent columnar microstructures which are dense in nature and there is
no porosity present in the surface. The sample S012 micrographs is represented in
Figure 33 followed by Figure 34 which represents FESEM images of sample S015.

Figure 33. FESEM images of microstructure of sputtered Ti coatings on copper

(S012), the coatings exhibited dense, uniform columnar microstructure with
coarser surface morphology. The deposition parameters used for this sputtering
are as follows current – 1 A, deposition time -10 minutes, sputtering pressure - 5

Figure 34. FESEM images of microstructure of sputtered Ti coatings on copper

(S015), the coatings exhibited dense, uniform columnar microstructure only
slightly exhibiting coarse surface morphology. The deposition parameters used
for this sputtering are as follows current – 2 A, deposition time - 10 minutes,
sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr.

The deposition time of five minutes is considered and the corresponding changes
observed in thin film coatings are analyzed in this section. The fused columnar
microstructure is predominant in these samples namely S018 and S019. The power
value is increased from 1 to 2 A with constant 1 A as increment value. The
microstructures of these thin film coatings are well-bonded structures which are
uniform, dense in nature with no porosity present in it. The Figures 35 and 36 presented
below represents the copper samples S018 and S019 correspondingly, and the current
used for this titanium deposition is 1 and 2 A respectively.

Figure 35. FESEM images of microstructure of sputtered Ti coatings on copper

(S018), the coatings exhibited dense, well bonded, non-porous, uniform
columnar microstructure with coarser surface morphology. The deposition
parameters used for this sputtering are as follows current – 1 A, deposition time
– 5 minutes, sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr.

Figure 36. FESEM images of microstructure of sputtered Ti coatings on copper

(S019), the coatings exhibited well bonded, nonporous, dense, uniform columnar
microstructure with coarser surface morphology. The deposition parameters
used for this sputtering are as follows current – 2 A, deposition time - 5 minutes,
sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr.
The microstructure changes for the following samples S043 and S044 is analyzed in this
section. The titanium thin film coating is deposited over copper substrates with high
sputtering pressure is evaluated. The sputtering pressure used for these above mentioned
samples are 10 and 20 mtorr respectively. The other important deposition parameters
used for this deposition are as follows, deposition time - 10 minutes, current – 2 A. The
morphological changes observed in S043 is the columnar grains which are dense in
nature, grains are non-uniform, however the surface of the grains are coarser in nature
with needle like grains thus representing coarser surface. Figures 37 and 38 represents
the cross-sectional micrographs of titanium thin film deposition for samples S043 and
S044 respectively. The micrograph from Figure 38 clearly represents the columnar
microstructure, which is needle-shaped, flake-like, coarse, thick grains in nature. The
columnar growth is non-uniform and the direction of grain growth is random in nature.

Figure 37. FESEM images of microstructure of sputtered Ti coatings on copper

(S043), the coatings exhibited dense, non-uniform columnar microstructure with
coarser surface. The deposition parameters used for this sputtering are as follows
current - 2 A, deposition time - 10 minutes, sputtering pressure - 10 mtorr.

Figure 38. FESEM images of microstructure of sputtered Ti coatings on copper

(S044), the coatings exhibited dense, non-uniform, needle like columnar
microstructure, grains are randomly oriented with coarser surface morphology.
The deposition parameters used for this sputtering are as follows current – 2 A,
deposition time - 10 minutes, sputtering pressure – 20 mtorr.

The microstructure of sample S042 is of major importance as the deposition time of 30

minutes is used. The growth of the columnar grains is slightly inclined towards an
angle. The other interesting properties of columnar microstructure in this film growth
are well-bonded dense microstructure, coarser grain surface and uniform in nature.
Figure 39 represents the microstructure of titanium thin film sample S042.

Figure 39. FESEM images of microstructure of sputtered Ti coatings on copper

(S042), the coatings exhibited dense, uniform columnar microstructure, slightly
inclined columnar grains is observed with coarser surface morphology. The
deposition parameters used for this sputtering are as follows current – 2 A,
deposition time - 30 minutes, sputtering pressure - 5 mtorr.
The samples S030 and S031 are taken into consideration in this section. These samples
use stainless steel as substrate materials and the current is increased from 1 A to 2 A for
the sample S030 and S031 respectively. The sample S030 and S031 represents similar
thin columnar structures which are dense, fused and uniform in nature. Figure 40
represents the micrographs of S031.

Figure 40. FESEM images of microstructure of sputtered Ti coatings on

stainless steel (S031), the coatings exhibited dense, uniform columnar
microstructure with relatively smooth surface morphology. The deposition
parameters used for this sputtering are as follows current – 2 A, deposition time
- 3 minutes, sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr.
The next set of samples which are considered for investigation are S048 and S049. The
resultant microstructures of both the samples are similar in nature which is well bonded
dense columnar microstructure. Figure 41 represents the FESEM micrographs of sample

Figure 41. FESEM images of microstructure of sputtered Ti coatings on

stainless steel (S048), the coatings exhibited dense, well-bonded, thick, uniform
columnar microstructure with slightly smoother surface morphology. The
deposition parameters used for this sputtering are as follows current – 2 A,
deposition time – 10 minutes, sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr.

The sample S055 is etched with argon plasma and titanium thin film deposited using
sputtering process is analyzed using FESEM. The crystal morphology of S055 is fully
dense well bonded columnar microstructure as shown in Figure 42.

Figure 42. FESEM images of microstructure of sputtered Ti coatings on

stainless steel (S012), the coatings exhibited dense, uniform columnar
microstructure with smooth surface morphology. The deposition parameters
used for this sputtering are as follows current – 2 A, deposition time - 3 minutes,
sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr.
The stainless steel substrate is heated for 30 minutes for S039 and titanium thin film is
deposited. From FESEM images, it is clear that the well bonded columnar grains are
dense and it is uniform. Figure 43 represents the sample S039 with titanium deposition
prior to the deposition substrate heating is accomplished. The sputtering experiments
data for thin film titanium coatings is summarized in Table 9.

Figure 43. FESEM images of microstructure of sputtered Ti coatings on

stainless steel (S039), the coatings exhibited dense, well bonded, uniform
columnar microstructure with smooth surface morphology. The deposition
parameters used for this sputtering are as follows current – 2 A, deposition time
- 10 minutes, sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr.

Table 9. Summarizes the data of sputtering sample used for Titanium sputtering
deposition and its respective deposition parameters, resultant thickness value and its
corresponding deposition rate value used in section 5.1. The symbols which are used in
Table 9 are given as follows current (I), voltage (U) and deposition rate (Dep. rate).

5.1.2 Phase structure

From XRD analysis of thin film coating the crystallographic orientation of the resultant
phase is obtained. The samples which were taken into consideration are S031 (Ti). The
substrates which are used for thin film deposition were stainless steel. The data analysis
from XRD represents that the crystal system of thin film sputtered titanium coating
deposited is hexagonal. The preferred orientation of titanium is observed in the XRD
pattern and titanium phase obtained during sputtering deposition is generally α-Ti
(alpha-titanium) which is the stable form of titanium. The high intensity of peak is
detected at 2θ (theta)= 37.777 degree (˚) and preferred crystal orientation is observed at
(0 0 2) crystal plane. The other notable crystal orientation is observed at 2θ = 34.955˚,
69.635˚ and the respective crystal orientation is at following crystal planes (1 0 0) and
(1 0 3) [119]. The substrate used in this deposition is stainless steel (316L) and the

peaks observed are due to the austenite (γ-Fe) phase of the stainless steel used. The γ-Fe
is observed at 2θ = 43.038˚, 50.375˚, 74.679˚, 90.998˚. The crystal system of the
stainless steel used is cubic in nature and the major composition present in steel are iron
and nickel, these compositions are matching the resultant XRD pattern as shown in
Figure 44 a. The reference pattern used for this titanium XRD analyses is 04-008-4973.

The stainless steel, austenite (γ-Fe) phase is observed in crystal planes (1 1 1) and (2 0
0) as described in various research articles. [120; 121] XRD pattern of sputtered
titanium coating sample S031 is illustrated below in Figure 44 a.

Ti - Titanium
3500 (-Fe) - Substrate
(Stainless steel- 316L)

Intensity (arb.units)








0 20 40 60 80 100
2 Theta (degree)

Figure 44 a. XRD pattern of sputtered Titanium coating of S031 which

representing different phases of titanium (Ti) and stainless steel substrate (γ-Fe)
is shown in this Figure.
The resultant peak from XRD analysis shows that sample S031 typically match with
element titanium reference composition. This can be proven by the XRD peak which is
in range with the stick pattern as shown in below Figure 44 b. The observed peaks from
S031 XRD analysis are denoted in red color, while the peaks from substrate is marked

in blue color and reference titanium peaks is marked in green color. The stick pattern of
the XRD analysis is present in Figure 44 b, which will give the clear idea about the
XRD pattern for better understanding.

Figure 44 b. XRD pattern of sputtered Titanium S031 which representing peaks

matching with the reference stick pattern as shown in this Figure.

5.1.3 Adhesion strength

The adhesion strength of titanium coatings is analyzed in this section. The samples
which were considered into consideration for this analysis are S030 and S031. The
substrates used for this deposition is stainless steel, the current value is increased from
1.2 A to 2 A to measure the difference in the measured adhesion property. The other
deposition parameters such as sputtering pressure 5 mtorr and deposition time - 3
minutes is kept constant during both the deposition. The value of adhesion is measured
using adhesion P.A.T.T.I instrument. The measured adhesion value of S030 is 0.8 MPa,
while S031 resultant adhesion value is approximately 1.3 MPa. So in comparison, the
adhesion strength of sample S031 is relatively better than S030. Figure 45 represents the
images of the measured sample which were used for adhesion value measurement for
adhesion strength. From the below Figures, it is clearly understood the both thin film
coatings are adhered completely to aluminum stub rather than the surface of the sample.
The sample S055 is sputter etched by argon plasma and adhesion strength is measured
after titanium coating depositions. The resultant adhesion value from measurement
represents 3.2 MPa. Figures 46 represents the image of the measured sample which

were used for adhesion value measurement. Table 10 provides the data list of deposition
parameters for sputtered titanium coatings with properties such as adhesion strength and
surface roughness value.

Figure 45. Adhesion tested surface of sputtered titanium coating using adhesion
p.a.t.t.i equipment is presented in this Figure. The samples which were used for
testing are S030 and S031. The deposition parameters used for S030 are as
follows current - 1.2 A, deposition time - 3 minutes, sputtering pressure – 5
mtorr and parameters used for S031 are current – 2 A, deposition time – 3
minutes, sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr.

Figure 46. Adhesion tested surface of sputtered titanium coating using adhesion
p.a.t.t.i equipment is presented in this Figure. The sample S055 used for
adhesion test are sputter etched for 10 minutes with 100W RF power. The
deposition parameters used for S055 is given as follows current – 2 A,
deposition time - 3 minutes, sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr.
Table 10. Provides the data for sputtering sample which are used for Titanium
sputtering deposition and its respective deposition parameters and resultant thickness
value used in section 5.1.3 – 5.1.4. The following samples S030 and S031 were used to
study the surface coating properties such as adhesion strength and surface roughness

Sample Ar I U Power Time Thickness Adhesion Ra

pressure (A) (V) (W) (mins) (nm) strength (nm)
(mtorr) (MPa)

S030 5 1.2 320 384 3 80 0.8 349

S031 5 2 340 680 3 140 1.3 251

S055 5 2 340 680 3 200 3.2 -


Figure 47. Surface roughness profile of sputtered titanium sample is represented

in this Figure and the roughness profile value is accomplished by optical
profilometer. The titanium samples which were used for testing are S030 and
S031 respectively. The deposition parameters used for S030 are as follows
current - 1.2 A, deposition time - 3 minutes, sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr and
parameters used for S031 are current - 2 A, deposition time - 3 minutes,
sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr.

5.1.4 Surface roughness

The surface roughness of titanium coating is measured using Alicona optical

profilometer. The samples S030 and S031 are chosen for better analysis of surface
roughness property of deposited titanium coating. The deposition parameters such as
sputtering pressure - 5 mtorr, deposition time - 3 minutes is kept constant, however the
current value is increased from 1 A to 2 A for samples S030 and S031 respectively. The
measured surface roughness value is represented in nm scale. The measured surface
roughness value of S030 and S031 are 349 nm and 251 nm respectively. Figure 47
represents the optical profilometer images of the measured sample S030 and S031. The
sample name in the Figure is mentioned in the top right corner of the image.

5.2 Magnetron sputtered titanium nitride coatings

The magnetron sputtered titanium nitride thin film coatings is analyzed in detail in the
following sections. The substrates explicitly copper and stainless steel were used for the
thin film deposition of titanium nitride composition. The microstructural modification
of deposited thin film is analyzed using FESEM analysis, adhesion test, optical
profilometer and XRD analysis.

5.2.1 Microstructures

The titanium nitride thin film coating microstructure is studied in this division. The
samples S013 and S014 is considered for this analysis. The deposition parameters used
for these samples are as follows sputtering pressure - 6 mtorr, deposition time – 10
minutes, whereas the current value is increased from 1 A to 2 A respectively for the
samples considered. The microstructures observed for both the samples are uniform
dense columnar microstructure with coarser grains surface. Figures 48 and 49 represents
the cross-sectional micrographs of titanium nitride thin film deposition for samples
S013 and S014 respectively. The columnar grains present in the microstructure is dense,
well bonded, uniform in nature.

Figure 48. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on copper (S013), the coatings exhibited dense, well bonded, uniform
columnar microstructure with smooth surface morphology. The deposition
parameters used for this sputtering experiment are as follows current – 1 A,
deposition time – 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr, nitrogen
sputtering pressure – 1 mtorr.

Figure 49. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on copper (S014), the coatings exhibited dense, well bonded, uniform
columnar microstructure with sharp edge surface morphology. The deposition
parameters used for this sputtering experiments are as follows current – 2 A,
deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr, nitrogen
sputtering pressure – 1 mtorr.

The samples S016 and S017 is observed for microstructural variations by increasing the
sputtering pressure to 7 mtorr. The current used for the sputtering deposition is 6 A and
7 A respectively and deposition time used is 10 minutes. From the micrograph
observation it is clear that both these samples microstructure is well-bonded columnar
structure which are dense in nature. The substrates used for these samples S016 and
S017 is copper. The Figure 50 and 51 shown below represents the SEM images for
samples S016 and S017 respectively.

Figure 50. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on copper (S016), the coatings exhibited uniform, thick, columnar grain
microstructure with a touch smooth surface morphology. The deposition
parameters used for this sputtering experiments are as follows current – 1 A,
deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure - 5 mtorr, nitrogen
sputtering pressure - 2 mtorr.

Figure 51. FESEM images representing columnar microstructure of sputtered

TiN coatings on copper (S017), the coatings exhibited dense, uniform column
grains microstructure with sharper edge surface morphology. The deposition
parameters used for this sputtering experiments are as follows current – 2 A,
deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr, nitrogen
sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr.

In this research work, the thin film sputtering deposition of titanium nitride (TiN) is
carried over mostly on stainless steel substrates owing to easy access of steel substrate
obtained for laboratory works. Consider the samples S023 and S026, the current used
for the deposition is 2 A, and deposition time is 10 minutes. For this sputtering
deposition of TiN, the sputtering pressure used for these samples are 6 mtorr and 7
mtorr respectively. The micrographs suggest that sample S023 and S026 shows fine
grained uniform columnar microstructure. The Figures 52 and 53 represents the
micrographs for samples S023 and S026 respectively

Figure 52. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on stainless steel (S023), the coatings exhibited densely packed uniform
columnar grains with sharp edge surface morphology. The deposition parameters
used for this sputtering experiments are as follows current – 2 A, deposition time
- 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr, nitrogen sputtering pressure –
1 mtorr.

Figure 53. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on stainless steel (S026), the coatings exhibited dense, well bonded,
uniform columnar microstructure with sharp edge surface morphology. The
deposition parameters used for this sputtering experiments are as follows current
- 2A, deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr, nitrogen
sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr.
The samples S024 and S025 is analyzed for morphological changes through SEM
images. From the micrographs it is clear that both the microstructure of sample S024
and S025 is similar in nature. The microstructure is fine columnar grains which are
uniform. The deposition parameters used for these sputtering deposition is as follows
sputtering pressure - 7 mtorr, deposition time - 10 minutes and current used is 1.1 A and
1.5 A respectively. Figure 54 represents the FESEM images of sample S025 for better

Figure 54. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on stainless steel (S025), the coatings exhibited uniform columnar
microstructure with coarse surface morphology. The deposition parameters used
for this sputtering experiments are as follows current - 1.5 A, deposition time -
10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr, nitrogen sputtering pressure – 2
The deposition parameters play an important role in determining the final
microstructure of the deposited thin films. So in this section, the deposition parameters
such as current 2 A, sputtering pressure 7 mtorr is kept constant, but the deposition time
is increased from 5 minutes to 10 minutes and finally to 30 minutes to observe the
morphological changes present in TiN thin film deposition. So to satisfy the above
criteria, the following samples S029, S033 and S032 were chosen correspondingly. The
substrate used is stainless steel substrate. The resultant micrographs from FESEM
suggest that S029 have fine grained uniform columnar microstructure which is further
supported by the Figure 55 for better understanding. From S033 FESEM images
represented in Figure 56, it is implied that the columnar microstructure is fused but
uniform structure is predominantly observed in it. The micrograph of S032 is
represented in Figure 57, which represents the principal columnar structure present in it.
These columnar microstructure comprises of larger grains and more uniform surface is

Figure 55. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on stainless steel (S029), the coatings exhibited dense, well bonded,
uniform columnar microstructure. The deposition parameters used for this
sputtering experiments are as follows current – 2 A, deposition time - 5 minutes,
argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr and nitrogen sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr.

Figure 56. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on stainless steel (S033), the coatings exhibited dense, well bonded,
uniform columnar microstructure with smooth surface morphology. The
deposition parameters used for this sputtering experiments are as follows current
– 2 A, deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr and
nitrogen sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr.

Figure 57. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on stainless steel (S032), the coatings exhibited dense, uniform
columnar microstructure with pyramid-like surface morphology. The deposition
parameters used for this sputtering experiments are as follows current – 2 A,
deposition time – 30 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr and nitrogen
sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr.
The samples S034 and S035 is considered for analysis, in these samples the sputtering
pressure is maintained at 8 mtorr and current is applied at 2 A, while the deposition time
is changed to 10 and 30 minutes respectively. From the micrographs it is clear that S034
represents well-bonded uniform columnar microstructure as shown in Figure 58,
whereas S035 exhibits large columnar grains with coarse surface region and it is
represented in Figure 59.

Figure 58. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on stainless steel (S034), the coatings exhibited dense, well bonded,
compact, uniform columnar microstructure with smooth surface morphology.
The deposition parameters used for this sputtering experiments are as follows
current – 2 A, deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr
and nitrogen sputtering pressure – 3 mtorr.

Figure 59. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on stainless steel (S035), the coatings exhibited uniform columnar
microstructure with pyramid-like sharp edge surface morphology. The
deposition parameters used for this sputtering experiments are as follows current
– 2 A, deposition time - 30 minutes, argon sputtering pressure - 5 mtorr and
nitrogen sputtering pressure – 3 mtorr.

The sample S056 is etched with argon plasma and then sputter deposited to produce
TiN coating which is analyzed using FESEM and the microstructure is predominantly
comprising of columnar grains which are dense in nature. Figure 60 represents the
FESEM images of sample S056.

Figure 60. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on stainless steel (S056) the sample is sputter etched using argon
plasma for 10 minutes, the coatings exhibited dense, uniform columnar
microstructure with relatively smooth surface morphology. The deposition
parameters used for this sputtering experiments are as follows current – 2 A,
deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr, nitrogen
sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr.
The S040 and S041 is heated for 30 minutes prior to titanium nitride thin film
deposition. From FESEM images, that resultant microstructure is bonded columnar
grains which are uniform in nature in both the samples considered. With increase in
current value for titanium nitride composition, it is clear that the microstructure
represents very dense columnar coarse structure. Figure 61 and 62 represent the
micrographs for sample S040 and S041 respectively. Table 11 provides the sample data
list for sputtered TiN thin film coatings which were deposited during this thesis work.

Figure 61. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on stainless steel (S040) sample is heated for 30 minutes in the
chamber, the coatings exhibited dense, well bonded, uniform columnar
microstructure with sharp edge surface morphology. The deposition parameters
used for this sputtering experiments are as follows current – 1 A, deposition time
- 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr and nitrogen sputtering
pressure - 2 mtorr.

Figure 62. FESEM images representing microstructure of sputtered TiN

coatings on stainless steel (S041) sample is heated for 30 minutes in sputtering
chamber, the coatings exhibited dense, compact, uniform columnar
microstructure with coarser surface morphology. The deposition parameters
used for this sputtering experiments are as follows current – 2 A, deposition time
- 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr, nitrogen sputtering pressure -
2 mtorr.

Table 11. Summarizes the sample data used for Titanium nitride sputtering deposition
and its respective deposition parameters, resultant thickness value and its corresponding
deposition rate value used in section 5.2. The symbols which are used in Table 11 are
given as follows Argon pressure (Ar. Pr), Nitrogen pressure (N2. Pr), current (I), voltage
(U) and deposition rate (Dep. rate).

5.2.2 Phase structure

The titanium nitride sample S032 is examined using XRD analysis. The compound
formed during the sputtering deposition is evaluated as TiN(1-x). As the thickness of
titanium nitride composition used in this XRD analysis is around 1.2 µm, low glancing
angle is advised for measurement purpose. The crystal system of sputter deposited
titanium nitride TiN is cubic in nature, as described in several research articles. [122]
The sputtered TiN exhibits preferred crystal orientation at high intensity peaks 2θ =
42.601˚ and the corresponding crystal plane is (2 0 0). However, in the observed XRD
spectra the peaks at 2θ = 61.858˚, show very high peaks in the pattern so the crystal

orientation might also be predominant in (2 2 0) crystal plane. The other notable peaks
which are observable in the XRD pattern is at 2θ = 36.691˚, 74.125˚and 93.249˚. The
reference pattern used for this titanium nitride XRD analyses is 04-004-2917.

The substrate used in this deposition is stainless steel (316L) and it is the same as used
in titanium sputtering deposition. The XRD peaks detected from the substrate are
matching with the austenite (γ-Fe) phase of the stainless steel used. The stainless steel
substrate used in the experiment is cubic in nature and the major composition present in
it are iron and nickel which is in match with the attained XRD pattern as shown in
Figure 63 a.

TiN - Titanium Nitride
(-Fe) - Substrate
(Stainless steel- 316L)

Intensity (arb.units)


-Fe TiN(311)
-Fe TiN(200)






0 20 40 60 80 100
2 Theta (degree)

Figure 63 a. XRD pattern of sputtered Titanium nitride thin film coating of

S032 which representing different crystal orientation as shown in this Figure.
From XRD analysis of thin film coating the crystallographic orientation of the resultant
phase is obtained. The sample which are taken into analysis S032 (TiN). The substrates
which are used for thin film deposition were stainless steel. The sample S032 is
matched with reference peaks from titanium nitride composition as shown below in
Figure 63 b. The obtained XRD peaks from S032 is represented in red color, while the

peaks from substrate is marked in blue color and reference titanium nitride peaks is
marked in green color.

Figure 63 b. XRD pattern of sputtered titanium nitride thin film coating, S032
which representing peaks which are matching with the reference stick pattern as
shown in this Figure.

5.2.3 Adhesion strength

The Titanium nitride thin film coating is subjected to adhesion strength measurements
to evaluate the adhesion property of the coatings deposited by DC magnetron sputtering
process. As mentioned earlier in experimental part, adhesion P.A.T.T.I is used to
examine the TiN coated samples. Let us consider samples S023, S026 for investigation,
in these sample the deposition parameters such as current 2 A, deposition time 10
minutes is kept constant. The sputtering pressure used is 6 mtorr and 7 mtorr for
samples S023 and S026 respectively. From the measurement, the adhesion value of
S023 is 4.4 MPa and for S026 is 1.6 MPa. The next set of samples which are evaluated
for adhesion test is S024 and S025. For these samples, the deposition parameters such
as sputtering pressure - 7 mtorr, deposition time - 10 minutes, with only exception is
current value as 1.1 A is used for S024 and 1.5 A for S025 respectively. The resultant
value of adhesion strength for S024 is 6.5 MPa and for S025 adhesion strength value is
7 MPa. The final set of samples considered for adhesion strength examination are S029

and S032. In these samples, the sputtering pressure used is 7 mtorr, current - 2 A, while
the deposition time used is 5 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. The adhesion value
of sample S029 is 1.7 MPa while the adhesion value of S032 is 1.66 MPa. Figures 64,
65, 66 represents the images of the measured sample which were used for adhesion
strength measurement. The adhesion strength measurements of titanium nitride coatings
with respect to sputter etched by RF sputtering is also studied. The sample S056 is of
titanium nitride deposition, and the resulting adhesion strength value is 9 MPa. Figure
67 represents the images of the measured sample S056 which were used for adhesion
value measurement.

Figure 64. Adhesion tested surface of sputtered titanium nitride coating using
adhesion p.a.t.t.i equipment is presented in this Figure. The samples which were
used for testing are S023 and S026. The deposition parameters used for S023 are
as follows current – 2 A, deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure
– 5 mtorr and nitrogen sputtering pressure – 1 mtorr and parameters used for
S026 are current – 2 A, deposition time - 3 minutes, argon sputtering pressure –
5 mtorr and nitrogen sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr.

Figure 65. Adhesion tested surface of sputtered titanium nitride coating using
adhesion p.a.t.t.i equipment is presented in this Figure. The samples which were
used for testing are S024 and S025. The deposition parameters used for S024 are
as follows current - 1.1 A, deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering
pressure – 5 mtorr and nitrogen sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr and parameters
used for S025 are current - 1.5 A, deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering
pressure - 5mtorr and nitrogen sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr.

Figure 66. Adhesion tested surface of sputtered titanium nitride coating using
adhesion p.a.t.t.i equipment is presented in this Figure. The titanium samples
which were used for testing are S029 and S032. The deposition parameters used
for S029 are as follows current – 2 A, deposition time - 5 minutes, argon
sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr and nitrogen sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr and
parameters used for S032 are current – 2 A, deposition time - 30 minutes, argon
sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr and nitrogen sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr

Figure 67. Adhesion tested surface of sputtered titanium nitride coating using
adhesion p.a.t.t.i equipment is presented in this Figure. The sample S056 used
for adhesion test are sputter etched for 10 minutes with 100W RF power. The
deposition parameters used for S056 is given as follows current – 2 A,
deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr and nitrogen
sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr.

5.2.4 Surface roughness

The Alicona optical profilometer is used to analyze the surface roughness value of
sputtered titanium nitride coated samples. For this analysis three sets of samples are
considered as follows 1) S023, S026 2) S024, S025 and 3) S029, S032. The test results
from optical profilometer shows S023 and S026 exhibits roughness value of 251 nm and
243 nm respectively. The second set of samples shows roughness value of around 635
nm and 456 nm respectively. The final set of samples demonstrates roughness value of
306 nm and 180 nm respectively. For these samples, the details about the deposition
parameters is explained in the previous section. The sample name in the Figure is stated
in the top right corner of the corresponding image respectively. Figures 68, 69 and 70
represents the optical profilometer images of the measured TiN samples. Table 12
provides the data list of deposition parameters for sputtered titanium nitride coatings
with properties such as adhesion strength and surface roughness value.

Figure 68. Surface roughness profile of sputtered titanium nitride thin film
sample is represented in this Figure and the roughness profile value is
accomplished by optical profilometer. The samples which were used for testing
are S023 and S026 respectively. The deposition parameters used for S023 are as
follows current - 2 A, deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5
mtorr, nitrogen sputtering pressure – 1 mtorr and parameters used for S026 are
current - 2A, deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr,
nitrogen sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr respectively.

Figure 69. Surface roughness profile of sputtered titanium nitride thin film
sample is represented in this Figure and the roughness profile value is
accomplished by optical profilometer. The samples which were used for testing
are S024 and S025 respectively. The deposition parameters used for S024 are as
follows current - 1.1 A, deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure –
5 mtorr, nitrogen sputtering pressure – 1 mtorr and parameters used for S025 are
current - 1.5 A, deposition time - 10 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr
and nitrogen sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr respectively.

Figure 70. Surface roughness profile of sputtered titanium nitride thin film
sample is represented in this Figure and the roughness profile value is
accomplished by optical profilometer. The samples which were used for testing
are S029 and S032 respectively. The deposition parameters used for S029 are as
follows current – 2 A, deposition time - 5 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5
mtorr, nitrogen sputtering pressure – 1 mtorr and parameters used for S032 are
current – 2 A, deposition time - 30 minutes, argon sputtering pressure – 5 mtorr
and nitrogen sputtering pressure – 2 mtorr respectively.

Table 12. Provides the data for sputtering sample which are used for Titanium nitride
sputtering deposition and its respective deposition parameters, resultant thickness value
and its corresponding deposition rate value used in section 5.2.2 – 5.2.4. The following
samples specifically S023, S024, S025, S026, S029, S032 and S056 were studied to
analyze the surface coating properties such as adhesion strength and surface roughness.
The symbols which are used in Table 12 are given as follows Argon pressure (Ar. Pr),
Nitrogen pressure (N2. Pr), current (I), voltage (U), power(W), deposition rate (Dep.
rate) and surface roughness (Ra).


The correlation between deposition parameters of deposited thin films in this thesis
study is discussed in the following sections. The latter part of the section also discusses
about microstructure evolution of Ti and TiN thin film coatings and XRD analysis of as
deposited thin film coating. The discussion part deals with specific properties of thin
films such as adhesion strength and surface roughness.

6.1 Discussion - Magnetron sputtered titanium coatings

The different types of relationship between deposition parameters of sputtered Ti

coating is evaluated in this section. The deposition parameters such as deposition time,
sputtering pressure and current/power value is investigated to study the relation between
the thickness and deposition rate of titanium thin film coating. The reason for the
existing correlation between the deposition parameters is discussed in detail.

6.1.1 Relation between sputtering power and deposition rate

In this section, the relationship between deposition rate and sputtering power for
titanium thin film coating by sputter deposition is analyzed. The increase in deposition
rate for titanium thin film coating with respect to increase in sputtering power is shown
in below Figure 71. So from the Figure 71, it is clearly understood that as the power is
increased, the gradual increase in the deposition rate of titanium coating is observed and
it is confirmed for various sets of samples. These sample sets were chosen with respect
to different deposition time for sputtering process. In the following samples S012 and
S015, the deposition rate improved gradually thus confirming the fact that with high
sputtering power, the bombardment of argon atoms is increased hence resulting in
higher rate of deposition [11; 15; 123].

The sputtering power used for this experiments are ranging from 320 W and 680 W
respectively and the corresponding current value used are 1 A and 2 A respectively. The
sputtering experiments for titanium deposition is also conducted with 3 A current,
slightly higher deposition rate is achieved during the sputtering experiment, however
resultant thin film lacked adherence to the substrate surface. Thus, in general relatively
lower current/power value is considered for superior coating quality of titanium thin
films. The following Figure 71, describes the relationship between the sputtering power
and deposition rate of sputtered Ti coatings.

Power Vs Deposition rate- Ti


Deposition rate (nm/min)

60 Stainless steel
50 - 3 minutes
30 Copper - 10
100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Figure 71. Typical representation of the relation between sputtering power (W) and
deposition rate (nm/min) values of Titanium coatings is illustrated in this Figure. As the
power value is increased the deposition rate is increased correspondingly.

6.1.2 Relation between argon sputtering pressure and

deposition rate

In sputter deposition of titanium thin film coating, the sputtering pressure is varied to
study the correlation between deposition rate of coating. The sputtering pressure of
argon gas is increased from 5 mtorr to 10 mtorr and further increased to 20 mtorr. The
respective deposition rate values are plotted in the below Figure 72. From the graphical
representation in Figure 72, it is understood that from 5 mtorr to 10 mtorr the deposition
rate of coating is almost linearly constant. However, when the sputtering pressure of
argon gas is increased from 10 mtorr to 20 mtorr, the sudden decrease in the deposition
rate is observed. The decrease in deposition rate at 20 mtorr is due to the fact at higher
sputtering pressure, sputtering atoms mean free path is small, thereby the collision of
sputtering atoms between target and substrate with argon particles is increased thus
resulting in lower deposition rate of thin film coating [1; 2; 10; 22; 124; 125]. The
increase in sputtering pressure also means that the sputtered atoms between the target
and substrate is reduced and there is also a possibility that sputtered atoms might be
reflected back to the target, which is undesired property for thin film deposition [2; 10;
22; 124]. Figure 72 describes the relationship between sputtering pressure and
deposition rate of sputtered Ti coatings.

Sputtering pressure Vs Deposition rate- Ti


Deposition rate (nm/min)

Ti deposition- 10
50 minutes
0 5 10 15 20 25
Ar Sputtering Pressure (mtorr)

Figure 72. General overview of the relation between sputtering pressure(mtorr) and
deposition rate (nm/min) values of Titanium coatings. At lower sputtering pressure the
deposition rate is higher, while at higher sputtering pressure the deposition rate is
decreased significantly.

6.1.3 Influence of other parameters

The correlation between the deposition time and deposition rate is discussed in this
section. In general, the depositions rate should be constant with respect to deposition
times, however in this experiments due to unidentified factors, constant deposition rates
were not achieved. There is no direct correlation established between deposition time
and deposition rate, as the deposition rate increased initially till a certain point and from
that point the deposition rate decreases gradually as shown in the below Figure 73. In
this experiments, the samples deposited at different deposition times such as 3, 5, 10
and 30 minutes. The initial value of deposition rate for 3 minutes is around 46 nm/min
which is increased to approximately to 71 nm/min at 5 minutes deposition time. When
the deposition time is increased to 10 minutes, the increase in deposition rate is
observed. With further increase to 30 minutes deposition time, rapid decrease in
deposition rate is experienced. During this sputtering depositions, it is perceived that
higher deposition rates can be observed in between 5 to 10 minutes deposition time. The
following Figure 73 clearly depicts the relationship between deposition time and
deposition rate of sputtered titanium coating.

Time vs Deposition rate (2A)


Deposition rate (nm/min)

Time Vs Depsotion
40 rate
0 10 20 30
Time (minutes)

Figure 73. General overview of the correlation between deposition time (minutes) and
deposition rate (nm/min) values of sputtered titanium coatings. The high deposition rate
of titanium thin film coatings is achieved in between 5 to 10 minutes deposition time.

6.2 Discussion - Magnetron sputtered titanium nitride coatings

The optimization of deposition parameters for sputtered titanium nitride coatings is

discussed in this section. The relation between various deposition parameters such as
deposition time, current or power, sputtering pressure with respect to deposition rate is
explained in the following section.

6.2.1 Relation between sputtering power and deposition rate

The titanium nitride thin film coating is deposited at different power levels, from the
Figure 74, it is clear that as the power increased, significant rise in deposition rate is
observed. As shown in below Figure 74, at 360 W power applied the rate of deposition
is around 15 nm/min. When the power applied is increased to 540 W, it results in slight
increase in the deposition rate (19 nm/min). With further increase in power to 760 W,
there is rapid increase in the deposition rate and the value is around 35 nm/min. Thus,
from this experimental observation at 2 A current (760 W), higher deposition rate for
TiN coating is achieved in Nordiko sputtering equipment. Similar kind of experiments
are conducted at 6 mtorr sputtering pressure, from the experimental data it is verified
that with increase in sputtering power, higher deposition rate can be achieved [126].
However, if the power value is increased to critical value the target material used in the
experiments might overheat which in turn result in deterioration to the thin film coating
quality obtained. So care needs to be taken in increasing the power value of thin film
coatings. Figure 74, explains the relationship between the sputtering power and
deposition rate of sputtered Ti coatings

Power Vs Deposition rate (7 mtorr) - TiN



Deposition rate (nm/min)



20 Power Vs
Deposition rate -
15 TiN


0 200 400 600 800
Power (W)

Figure 74. Relationship between sputtering power (W) and deposition rate (nm/min)
values of sputtered titanium nitride coatings is represented in this Figure. With increase
in power values the deposition rate of sputtered TiN coatings is increased respectively.

6.2.2 Relation between sputtering pressure and deposition rate

The correlation between sputtering gas pressure and deposition rate is discussed in this
section. As the sputtering gas used for the titanium nitride thin film sputtering is Argon
gas and it is kept constant at 5 mtorr pressure. The reactive gas is nitrogen gas and it is
varied from 6 mtorr to 8 mtorr. The relation amongst sputtering pressure and deposition
rate is shown in below Figure 75. From the experimental data, the deposition rate at 6
mtorr sputtering pressure is around 32 nm/min, the deposition rate is further increase to
35 nm/min with increasing the sputtering pressure to 7 mtorr. However, when the
sputtering pressure is increased to 8 mtorr, comparatively lower deposition rate is
obtained due to increase in sputtering pressure [127; 128]. The reason for this behavior
is at higher sputtering pressure, the inflow of nitrogen gas is increased thereby the more
collisions between them and so decreased deposition rate in general. [127] The increase
in nitrogen partial pressure result in decrease of argon partial pressure, which
sequentially decreases the ionization [128]. This results in the decrease of the sputtered
atoms in the plasma composition so results in reduction of deposition rates [128]. From
the Figure 75, it is also clear the obtained deposition rate is approximately in between
30-35 nm/min, which is because the sputtering gas pressure is not increased profoundly,
therefore average deposition rate of around 30 nm/min is achieved for TiN sputtering
deposition. The following Figure 75, illustrates the association between sputtering
pressure and deposition rate of sputtered TiN coatings.

Sputtering pressure Vs Deposition time- TiN


Deposition rate (nm/min)

25 pressure Vs
20 Deposition time-
5,5 6 6,5 7 7,5 8 8,5
Total sputtering pressure (mtorr)

Figure 75. Typical correlation between sputtering pressure (W) and deposition rate
(nm/min) values of sputtered titanium nitride coatings is denoted in this Figure. The
deposition rate of around 30 nm/min is accomplished in this thesis study.

6.2.3 Influence of other parameters

The deposition rate of TiN coating with respect to deposition time is discussed in this
section. From the experimental data obtained at 5 minutes deposition time, the resultant
deposition rate is around 34 nm/min. When the deposition time is increased to 10
minutes, the deposition rate is slightly increased to 38 nm/min. With further increase of
deposition time, the deposition rate is slightly increased to around 40 nm/min. The
above mentioned relation can be easily understood by the following Figure 76. As from
the data it is clearly understood that during 10 minutes deposition time, the deposition
rate of TiN coating is higher. It is also observed that at 30 minutes deposition time, the
deposition rate is slightly higher. Figure 76, illustrates the relationship between
deposition time and deposition rate of sputtered titanium nitride coatings.

Time Vs Deposition rate- TiN (7 mtorr)


Deposition rate (nm/min)

Time Vs Deposition…
0 10 20 30
Time (mins)

Figure 76. General overview of relation between deposition time (minutes) and
deposition rate (nm/min) values of sputtered titanium nitride coatings is illustrated in
this Figure. The deposition rate lies almost in similar range when different time of
depositions is considered.

6.3 Microstructures

The microstructures play an imperative role in defining the final properties of any thin
film coatings. So in this section, the microstructure of titanium and titanium nitride thin
film coating is discussed. From the results it is clearly understood that the substrate used
in the sputtering process also have minor influence on the final microstructural property
of thin films. In this research work, the microstructures obtained are uniform, dense in
nature and the grains are columnar all throughout the experiments. Increasing sputtering
pressure does not directly influence the microstructure evolution of thin films deposited.
With higher substrate temperature the required microstructure of preferred zone
structure is obtained.

However, in some cases as in sample S044, the microstructure represents needle like
column which are random in nature. Please refer Figure 38, for more information
regarding this observation. In this sample slight inclination in microstructure is
observed that is due to the fact of sample orientation or clustering or shadowing effect

In this section, the microstructural evolution of sputtered titanium coatings according to

the structure zone diagram (SZD) by Thornton are discussed in detail. The sample S012
comprises of pyramid-like surface, dense in nature, fibrous columnar grains which are
not distinct, non-porous grains. The samples S015, S018 and S019 exhibits similar kind
of microstructures with dense fibrous columnar grains, non-porous, pyramid-like

surface grains with blunt edges. Please refer to section 5.1.1 and Figures 33-36 for more
information regarding this. So from the microstructural evaluation, samples S012, S015,
S018 and S019 exhibits zone T microstructure in Thornton SZD as the microstructures
consists of dense fibrous grains which are not clearly distinct [130]. In general, zone T
represents the transition zone of the SZD, where the transition between zone 1 and zone
2 occurs. The samples S030, S031, S048 and S049 also exhibits zone T microstructure
which comprises of densely stacked fibrous grains, which are uniform with pyramid-
like surface morphology.

The samples which are considered for discussion are S042, S043 and S044, these
samples exhibit characteristic features of zone 1 microstructure. The sample S042
comprises of columnar grains which are fine, uniform, well bonded, grain boundaries
are separated by small voids and consists of sharp-edge surface morphology. The
samples S043 and S044 displays features such as sharp-edge surface morphology,
separated by voids, poorly defined columnar grains. The reasons for the formation of
zone 1 microstructure as proposed by Thornton is due to the following factors such as
mean-free path between the sputtered ions and the gas atoms is reduced, collisions
increased, decreasing bombardment of energetic particles, decreasing mobility of
adatoms and shadowing effect [1; 2]. The shadowing effect is more effective when there
is low surface diffusion of adatoms and these surface shadowing effect contributes to
the certain characteristics features of final columnar microstructure of deposited thin
films [1; 2; 131]. The sample S042 represents slightly inclined columnar grains which
might be due to the shadowing effects, please refer Figure 39 for more information. One
of the important factors that contributes to the formation of zone 1 microstructure is
increase in argon gas pressure. Typical zone 1 microstructure results in low
densification when compared with higher densified zone 2 microstructure. The
deposition conditions of the following samples S012, S015, S018, S019, S030, S031,
S042, S043, S044, S048 and S049 have taken place at low substrate temperature with
no substrate heating involved.

The samples S039 and S055 is considered for discussion with respect to microstructural
evaluation and these samples exhibit zone 2 microstructure as intercrystalline
boundaries are separating the columnar grains. The columnar grains are dense, well
bonded fibrous grains which shows matte smooth appearance. When compared with
other samples, the titanium sputtering deposition for S039 and S055 is accomplished at
comparatively higher temperatures as S039 is heated for thirty minutes using heating
elements present in the sputtering equipment which might result in factors which
improves the surface diffusion of adatoms to higher extent. The sample S055 is etched
with plasma with 100 W RF for 10 minutes, which might have influence the increase in
surface diffusion of atoms.

The microstructural evolution of various sputtered TiN coatings which are deposited
during this thesis work is discussed in this following section with respect to extended
structure zone model (SZM). The SZD is used to estimate the microstructure of thin
films deposited by PVD process. However, for polycrystalline thin films such as TiN,
zinc oxide deposition, there are several factors which contribute to the final
microstructures obtained. So many researchers have proposed several SZM to
incorporate various deposition parameters which influence the microstructures of thin
film obtained. The extended SZM by S. Mahieu et al. is used in this work to investigate
TiN thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering process and this model basically is an
extended version of Thornton SZD.

The clean stainless steel substrate used in this process is bombarded with energetic ions
and the TiN sputtering deposition is mostly taken place in low temperature operating
conditions. The TiN thin films samples namely S013, S016, S024, S033 and S034
displays the Zone Ib (extended SZD) microstructure. The above mentioned samples
exhibits characteristic features such as dense columnar grains which are well bonded,
uniform column grains, surface morphology resembles facet in no voids present along
the microstructures so the structure resemble denser in nature. The sputtering ions from
the target material combines with the reactive gas species and bombard the substrate
material continuously. So as the sputtering proceeds, the initially formed columnar
grains with voids will be filled by the new sputtered species and this results in densified
columnar grains in this zone [132]. The zone Ib microstructure formation is explained in
the below Figure 77.

Figure 77. Illustrates the schematic representation of zone Ib formation[132].


The samples which exhibits zone Ic (extended SZD) microstructures are given as
follows S014, S017, S023, S025, S026, S029, S032, S035, S040 and S041. The
characteristic features which are most predominant in the microstructure is surface
morphology is sharply faceted with v shaped surface grains, dense, uniform columnar
grains, non-porous, stacking of columns over previously deposited columns is also
evident, please refer Figures 49, 57 and 59 for better understanding regarding this
feature in microstructure. The reason is when the columns are deposited initially, it will
be interacted by the adadtom particles which will be competing with the older columns,
so that is the reason there is larger columnar grains over the existing columns in
microstructure. This type of columnar growth over existing columnar is due to
shadowing effect [132]. The surface diffusion and mobility of adatoms in this zone
structure is high when compared with zone Ib [132].

The sample S056 which had been sputter etched by RF power, displays zone T
microstructure. The typical features for this microstructures are as follows dense,
uniform, well bonded columnar grains with faceted grains, the surface morphology
looks smooth in nature. In this microstructure the surface diffusion between columnar
grains are more predominant, these feature is not present in zone Ib and Ic structures

6.4 Adhesion and surface roughness

The final microstructures of thin film coatings are profoundly influenced by the packing
of columnar grains in the surface which in turn affect the properties such as adhesion
strength, surface roughness, hardness, wear and corrosion strength, thermal
conductivity. This section mainly focusses on discussing about the properties such as
adhesion and roughness property of thin film coating. So in this section the influence of
microstructures on these properties are discussed.

The adhesion property of titanium coating is comparatively very low as the samples
considered are S030 and S031, which were generally deposited at low temperature
conditions. While the sample S055 is sputter etched for 10 minutes. In general, the
increase in power will result in improvement in adhesion strength owing to the excess
energy present in the deposited film [133]. The increase in power value directly
influences the adhesion strength of titanium thin film coating. With higher power better
surface diffusion of adatoms is achieved so improved adhesion strength for S031, when
compared to sample S030. The sputter etching is an important factor which enhances
the adhesion strength of thin film coatings as in this case, S055 is subjected to RF
etching with argon ions for 10 minutes. The argon ions remove the surface
contaminants, impurities also surface layer to some extent is also removed all these
factors contributes to the improved adhesion strength of S055. The sample S055 almost
exhibits three times higher adhesion strength when compared with the as deposited

sample S031. With respect to titanium nitride thin film composition, when sputter
etching is applied to TiN sample S056, the adhesion strength is improved to 9 MPa
which is approximately five times higher when compared with as deposited sample
(TiN) S026 adhesion strength value 1.6 MPa. The sputter deposited Ti and TiN thin
film coatings generally displayed lower values of adhesion strength. However, it is
expected that when substrate etching is involved in sputtering experiments, the adhesion
strength property of thin film coatings improved significantly.

The surface roughness (Ra) value decreases in titanium coating when the power value is
increased. This phenomenon is because when the power value is increased, it results in
enhancement in surface diffusion, so which result in decrease of surface roughness
value at least to some extent as shown in Table 10. The surface roughness value of TiN
coatings is decreased when sputtering power value is increased because improvement in
surface diffusion is achieved. With slight increase in nitrogen sputtering pressure does
not have any major impact in resultant surface roughness value. As in this case, when
nitrogen partial pressure is increased from 6 mtorr to 7 mtorr, it results in no significant
improvement in surface roughness value, please refer table 12. The increase in nitrogen
partial pressure is generally results in modifying the topography of thin films surface
which generally means the surface roughness is increased considerably. So the structure
of the columnar grains results in coarse surface and it effects in higher surface
roughness value [134]. The surface roughness value of thin film coating for titanium is
around 340 nm (maximum) which is low with respect to surface roughness value of TiN
coating 650 nm (maximum), this might be due to the inclusion of nitrogen composition
in the gas composition. When substrate etched samples is considered, the adhesion
strength is increased significantly, which gives the clear idea with further enhancement
in etching process, improved adhesion strength of thin film coating can be achieved.

6.5 Phase structure

According to the database which is used as reference from International center for
diffraction data (ICDD), there are some peaks which are not visible in the sputtered
titanium and titanium nitride XRD pattern, for instance in Ti diffraction analysis
represented in Figure 44 a, the peaks at 2θ = 39.897˚ is not detected. The reason for this
observations is due to fact that occupies higher lattice dimensions, so the peak moved
towards left side as shown in Figure 44 b. The other reason for this behavior is due to
the fact that stresses present in some lattice points, argon ion inclusion in thin film
during sputtering process [135]. So all the above mentioned factors or the combined
effects might be reason for change of crystal planes detected in this XRD analysis. [135]
The low glancing angle is used for XRD analysis, due to the fact that nanometer
thickness of Ti thin films is used for observation. This nanometer thickness is relatively
low when compared with the other deposition or fabrication techniques, so this might be
the reason for missing or shifting of some peaks in XRD pattern. For instance, the

observed peaks are shifted as depicted in peaks at 2θ = 37.777˚and 69.635˚. The reason
for the shift is most likely due to well known facts such as stresses occurring during
lattice distortions and titanium ions occupying interstitial positions in the crystal system.
The crystal orientation of the thin films deposited can also be affected by the substrate
used. The different height of peaks and missing peaks are might be due to orientation of
the crystal. The reason for short and shallow peaks in this XRD patterns is might be due
to low thickness of the coating and the substrate (stainless steel) compositions are
observed and it is overlapping with the XRD peaks of titanium at 2θ =50.375˚and
74.679˚. [7] The high intensity peaks for stainless steel peak is observed at 2θ =
43.038˚, 50.375˚, 74.679˚ and 90.998˚ with the crystal planes (1 1 1) and (2 0 0) as
explained in various research articles. The titanium nitride and stainless steel
composition both exhibited FCC structure. [120; 136] So this might be the reason for
some peaks overlap at 2θ = 43.709˚ 50.375˚and 74.679˚.

From the XRD pattern of deposited titanium nitride thin film, high intensity peak is
observed at 2θ = 36.673˚, 42.601˚, 61.825˚ and 74.084˚. The Figure 63 a, shows the
XRD pattern for sample S032 and various peaks for TiN thin films. The preferred
orientation of TiN peaks is observed in crystal planes (2 0 0) at 2θ = 42.601˚. From
numerous articles it is also verified that the orientation at (1 1 1) and (2 2 0) crystal
plane observed at 36.673˚ and 61.825˚ correspond to titanium nitride peaks which are
most predominant [137-139]. The (1 1 1) peaks is mostly observed in FCC structure.
The broad peaks observed during XRD pattern might be also due to the peaks which
exhibits substochimetric phases of TiN and also due to overlapping of peaks at
43.038˚and 74.679˚. Several research articles claimed that the peaks observed at (2 0 0)
is also due to titanium nitride preferred orientation [7; 140-142]. So according to this
discussion, the crystallographic orientation of sputtered Ti and TiN is evaluated in
detail, however due to the low thickness range of thin films used in this XRD analysis,
only limited information regarding the phases present in the composition is attained.


The thin film coating formation of titanium and titanium nitride compositions is
successfully deposited using Nordiko sputtering equipment. Typical deposition rates of
30-75 nm/min were able to achieve in this DC magnetron sputtering process. In this
thesis work, the correlation between deposition parameters is studied in detail and the
important results related to deposition rates of thin film coatings is typically verified.
Although well-established relationship between some deposition parameters were not
able to verified due to unidentified reasons. The effect of deposition parameters on
microstructures and properties such as adhesion strength and surface roughness is
successfully studied using several characterization techniques such as FESEM, adhesion
strength, optical profilometer and XRD analysis. The effect of substrate etching and
heating is studied briefly in this thesis work and the corresponding results demonstrated
significant improvement in adhesion strength values. Thus, if substrate etching and
substrate heating is extensively studied, it will result in substantial improvement in final
microstructures and properties of thin films deposited by sputtering process.

The sputtering equipment used in this experiment work is investigated completely and it
can be used for versatile operations. One of the many advantages is that the equipment
can be used for RF sputtering when non-conducting materials are involved. A short
operational guide regarding the user manual is also prepared in this thesis report.

The short summary of the sputter deposition process with respect to this sputter
equipment is stated as follows

1) Titanium depositions
 Higher sputtering power results in higher deposition rates, but care needs to be
taken to prevent overheating of target materials.
 Typical deposition rates of around 50-75 nm/min were able to achieve in the
sputtering pressure range of 5 to 10 mtorr, with further increase in sputtering
pressure, deposition rates tend to decrease considerably.

2) Titanium nitride depositions

 Increased sputtering power directly relates to deposition rate, but precaution
needs to be taken to avoid target overheating.
 Increase in nitrogen partial pressure value result in decrease of deposition rates
of titanium nitride thin films.

 Typical deposition rates of around 25-35 nm/min were achieved in this

sputtering experiments

3) Microstructures
 Columnar microstructures were observed in deposited thin films, however the
coatings look dense and well-bonded in nature. According to Thornton structure
zone model, zone T and zone 2 is mostly observed in the deposited thin films,

4) Adhesion strength
 Typical adhesion strength of around 3 MPa is achieved for titanium thin films
when substrate etching is used in the sputtering process. Likewise, when sputter
etching is used for TiN thin film coating, adhesion strength of approximately 9
MPa is accomplished.

5) XRD
 Crystalline phases of titanium and titanium nitride compositions is detected with
minor shift observed in the peaks due to higher lattice dimensions.

Recommended sputtering parameters for the Nordiko equipment is given as follows

with respect to,

i)Titanium deposition

a) Sputtering power - 300-700 Watts

b) Sputtering pressure - 5-10 mtorr
c) Time - 3-10 minutes; for higher thicknesses longer
deposition times are naturally needed

ii) Titanium nitride deposition

a) Sputtering power - 350-800 Watts

b) Argon sputtering pressure - 5-7 mtorr
c) Nitrogen sputtering pressure - 1-3 mtorr
d) Time - 5-30 minutes; for higher
thicknesses longer deposition times are naturally needed.


The sputter deposition process is highly advantageous when it is used to it full potential.
With this in mind and the experience gained during this research studies, the future
work is planned to conduct with respect to substrate etching and substrate heating
process, in order to get more information about the film properties. The Nordiko
sputtering equipment is also well suited for RF sputtering process. So more research
work is planned to conduct in this RF sputtering field. The manufacturing of alloy
compounds by this sputtering equipment is planned to study in the future. The
sputtering equipment is running well and available for future research work of sputter
coating of different materials.



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