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A Book to
Honor the 80 t h
Bir thday of
Prof. Dr. Ir.
Wirat man
Wangsadinat a

A Book to
Honor the 80 t h
Bir thday of
Prof. Dr. Ir.
Wirat man
Wangsadinat a


Edited by
Muhammad Sapri Pamulu, Ph.D.
A Book to Honor the 80 th Birthday of Prof. Dr. Ir. Wiratman Wangsadinata

ISBN No. 978-602-72044-0-9

Edited by
Muhammad Sapri Pamulu, Ph.D.

Designed by

Published by
WiTness Press
Graha Simatupang Tower II Blok A & D
Jl. Letjen T.B. Simatupang Kav. 38, Jakarta 12540
Telp. 021 7817777 (Hunting) Fax. 021 7829370 www.wiratman.co.id

F I R S T P R I N T I N G , F E B R UA RY 20 1 5

© 2015 WiTness Press

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any manner without written permission from the publisher, except
in the context of reviews. Every reasonable attempt has been made to
identify owners of copyright. Errors or omissions will be corrected in
subsequent editions.


P R E FAC E Preface 9
Wangsadinata, Melani D.

PROFILE Who is Wiratman? 11

Profile of Wiratman Wangsadinata
Budiono, Bambang

T H E C O N T R I B U TO R S 30

CHAPTER 01 Behavior of the Orthotropic Stiffened Plate Subjected 44

to Localized Blast Load
Alisjahbana, Sofia W. and Wangsadinata, Wiratman

C H A P T E R 02 Development of a Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model 58

Configured for Use in Regional Scale and Real-Time
Flood Forecasting: Case Study of Jakarta Metropolitan
Area (Jabodetabek)
Apip and Ibrahim, Agung Bagiawan

CHAPTER 03 The Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structures Using 83

High-Damping Rubber Bearing, Single and Triple
Friction Pendulums
Budiono, Bambang, Setiawan, Andri and Adelia, Cella

98 CHAPTER 04 Shaking Table Tests of Pile Foundation with Friction-

Type Seismic Isolation Bearing
Gan, Buntara S., Nakamura, Susumu, Sento, Noriaki
and Ito, Kosuke

111 CHAPTER 05 Towards the New Generation Concrete-Ultra High

Performance Concrete (UHPC): Research and Its
Hardjasaputra, Harianto

131 CHAPTER 06 The Development of the Root of Causal Factors

of Construction Claim (Study in the Government
Institutions and State Owned Companies of
Hardjomuljadi, Sarwono

1 59 C H A P T E R 07 Some Issues Pertaining to Pushover Analysis of

In-Filled Reinforced Concrete Frame Structures
Imran, Iswandi and Tjahjanto, Helmy H.

179 CHAPTER 08 Overview of Modern Cable-Supported Bridges

Ito, Manabu and Baik, Biehn

1 93 CHAPTER 09 Application of DKMQ Element for Composite Plate

Bending Structures
Katili, Irwan and Maknun, Imam Jauhari

215 CHAPTER 10 Forensic Geotechnical Practice in Indonesia:

Case Histories of An Alternative Dispute Resolution
Makarim, Chaidir Anwar
T H E L AT E S T D E V E LO P M E N T I N C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G A Book to
Honor the 80 t h
Bir thday of
Prof. Dr. Ir.
Wirat man
Wangsadinat a

CHAPTER 11 Role of Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in the Tropicst 252

Rahardjo, Harianto and Satyanaga, Alfrendo

CHAPTER 12 Reducing the Seismic Demands of Tall Diagrid Steel 28 2

Structure Using Friction Tuned Mass Dampers
Ramadhan, Garlan

CHAPTER 13 Artificial Neural Network and Its Application in 297

Vibration Control of Structures
Setio, Herlien and Primatama, M. Agus

CHAPTER 14 Development of Seismic Risk Based Design for 310

Super Tall Buildings in Indonesia
Sidi, Indra Djati

CHAPTER 15 The Advancement of Neural Computing in Civil 325

Soegiarso, Roesdiman and Gondokusumo,

CHAPTER 16 Aerodynamic Investigations of Balikpapan-Penajam 340

Cable Stayed Bridge
Sukamta and Guntorojati, Ireng

CHAPTER 17 Corrosion Induced Cracking of Reinforced Concrete 3 55

Exposed to Marine Environment-State of the Art
Suprobo, Priyo and Sutrisno, Wahyuniarsih

CHAPTER 18 On the Seismic Design and Analysis of Multistory 367

Steel Buildings
Surahman, Adang


381 CHAPTER 19 Choosing the Best Environmentally Sustainable

Transportation Strategy for Large Cities
in Indonesia
Tamin, Ofyar Z. and Dharmowijoyo, Dimas B.E.

41 0 CHAPTER 20 Long Bored Pile Design Issues for Very Tall

Toha, Franciscus X.

430 CHAPTER 21 The Development of Digital Technology Use in

Architecture and Engineering Practice
Wangsadinata, Melani D., Djajasudarma, Tateng K.
and Djajasudarma, Satria R.

T H E L AT E S T D E V E LO P M E N T I N C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G A Book to
Honor the 80 t h
Bir thday of
Prof. Dr. Ir.
Wirat man
Wangsadinat a


Ir. Melani D. Wangsadinata, M.Arch. IAI.

Vice President PT. Wiratman
Jakarta, Indonesia
[email protected]


published to honor the 80 th birthday of Prof. Wiratman Wangsadinata.
The long journey of Prof. Wiratman’s career is no doubt as what was
delivered by Prof. Bambang Budiono in the profile section of this
book. We are grateful and blessed of Prof. Wiratman’s long life which
has been filled with various useful and outstanding achievements
recognized by the society.
The organizer of this publication had invited his former students
and colleagues who are currently the experts in their fields to
contribute to this book. Various topics have been submitted to enrich
this book with knowledge related to the state of the arts of civil
Prof. Wiratman is a lecturer at heart not only in campuses but
also in his profession. With his spirit of continuous learning and
teaching, it is difficult to imagine of what we have in this book not
being shared with the general public. By publishing this book, we
would like to continue that spirit of spreading knowledge particularly
to the young generations of Civil Engineers. Our aim is to distribute
this book to university libraries throughout Indonesia to be easily
access by the students. It is also a means of passing the baton from
older generation to the younger one.

Many people have been participated in this publication and

we would like to express sincere thanks to all contributors; to the
editor; to the book designer; to all parties involved who have made
this publication an invaluable reference in civil engineering with a
modern futuristic design that brings a youthful spirit to it.
To the young engineers, as what Henry Ford said in his quote:
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.
Anyone who keeps learning stays young”.
So keep learning to stay young and happy reading.

Jakarta, February 2015

Ir. Melani D. Wangsadinata, M.Arch. IAI.



Adelia, Cella is a recent graduate of Master of Science (M.Sc)

from Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of
Technology Bandung (FCEE-ITB), Indonesia. She finished her bachelor
degree at the same university with cumulative GPA 3.67 out of 4.00
(High Distinction/Cum Laude) in 2013. Her final project for bachelor
degree was under the Title of “Tuned Mass Damper Performance at
Multi-Story Building Excited by Earthquake Loads”. Then, she joined
the fast-track program and successfully finished her master degree in
12 months out of 18 months regular study time with cumulative GPA
3.88 out of 4.00 (High Distinction/Cum Laude). For her master thesis,
she conducted a final project about “Comparative Study on Reinforced
Concrete Buildings Using Single and Triple Friction Pendulums”. She
had been assigned as class tutors for different kinds of courses, namely
introduction to civil engineering’s material, structural engineering,
steel structures, structural analysis and engineering system. She also
had participated in the committee on international civil engineering
conferences of CECAR6 (6th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian
Region) held in Indonesia.

Alisjahbana, Sofia W. is a professor at the Civil Engineering

Department, Bakrie University. She achieved her Ph.D degree from
the University of Wisconsin, USA in 1992. She received her Bachelor
Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology Bandung in
1986 and a Master of Science from the University of Wisconsin, USA
in 1988. Her current research interests include dynamic of plate,
dynamic behavior of orthotropic plates, dynamic behavior of rigid
30 roadway pavement and finite element analysis. She is also one of the
T H E L AT E S T D E V E LO P M E N T I N C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G A Book to
Honor the 80 t h
Bir thday of
Prof. Dr. Ir.
Wirat man
Wangsadinat a

Commissioners of a well-known Consultant Company of PT. Wiratman,

and a Rector of Bakrie University since 2010. She is a member of
the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronauts (AIAA) and the
Indonesian Association of Structure Engineer (HAKI). She is also one of
the Assessors of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education
since 2001.

Apip is a researcher in Limnology Research Centre, Indonesia

and an Associate Professor at the Kyoto University, Japan. He
achieved his Doctoral degree from the Department of Urban and
Environmental Engineering, Kyoto University in 2011. He received
his Master degree from the same university in 2008. He completed
his Bachelor degree from the Bogor Agricultural Institute, Indonesia
in 1999. His research interests includes: Spatiotemporal modeling
on hydrological, limnological and ecological processes and systems
(ranging in scale from basin, regional, national, to global); Development
real-time forecasting system for river flood and limnological condition
of water bodies; Water resources management and planning under
changing climate/non-climate scenarios; Physically-based estimation
of distributed model parameters using remote sensing and GIS
technology; Uncertainty, heterogeneity and scale issues in hydrology,
limnology and ecohydrology; Stochastic and dynamical downscaling of
the climate projection model outputs. He has published 10 international
journal, 3 international book chapters, and 17 international conference
papers, reports and university publication.

Baik, Biehn is a Senior Bridge Engineer of Chodai Co.,

Ltd., Japan. He received his Diploma and Master degree in Civil
Engineering from Pusan National University, Korea in 1995 and
1998, and Ph.D Degree from Nagoya University, Japan in 2008. He
has been involved in many research and development projects of
bridge and structural engineering in the academic institute and the
construction industry. He has also performed and contributed to
bridge design and construction with professional skill and knowledge. 31

Budiono, Bambang is a Professor in Structural Engineering

Division of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. He received his
Ph.D degree from the University of New South Wales, Australia;
Master of Engineering degree from the University of Auckland,
New Zealand; and Bachelor of Engineering degree from the
Bandung Institute of Technology. His current research interest
are on earthquake resistant concrete and steel structures, and
reinforced concrete non-linear finite elements analysis. He
published 22 international journals and proceedings, 40 national
accredited journals, 4 books and 37 national proceedings. He is
the chairman of the New Standard of Indonesian Seismic Code of
Practice for Buildings and Non-Buildings SNI 1726-2012. He has
been appointed to become the chairman of Preliminary Design
of Sunda Strait Bridge with main span of 2,000 meters. He is
also a structural advisor of PT. Wiratman. He is a member of
the Indonesian Structural Engineer Association and Indonesian
Engineer Association.

Dharmowijoyo, Dimas B.E. S.T. is a Ph.D student at the

Division of Transport and Location Analysis, the KTH Royal
Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. He obtained his
master degree in transportation engineering from the Bandung
Institute of Technology in 2002. He completed his Bachelor level
in civil engineering from the same university in 2000.

Djajasudarma, Satria R. is currently a final semester student

of the Architecture Department of the University of Indonesia.
His interest in Arts develops further into Architecture and
Imagineering. As the third generation of the founder of PT.
Wiratman, one of his goals is to continue supporting the
company’s legacy.

T H E L AT E S T D E V E LO P M E N T I N C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G A Book to
Honor The 80 t h
Bir thday of
Prof. Wirat man
Wangsadinat a

Djajasudarma, Tateng K. is the Director of PT. Wiratman.

His professional career is as an Architect and Design Principal of
Wiratman ARCHITECTURE. He received his Bachelor of Architecture
from the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1981 and his Master of
Architecture from the School of Architecture and Urban Planning-the
University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, USA in 1988.

Gan, Buntara S. is an Associate Professor at College of

Engineering, Architecture Nihon University. He received a Ph.D
in Structural Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1994.
Previously, he worked and practiced in a general construction
company. He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree from the
Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia in 1988. His research
interests are computational and optimization of structures.

Gondokusumo, Onnyxiforus is a lecturer at the Civil

Engineering, Tarumanagara University. He received his Doctorate
degree on Construction Management from the Civil Engineering,
Tarumanagara in 2013. He received his Master degree in Structural
Engineering and Construction from the Asian Institute of Technology,
Bangkok in 1991. He was a recipient of the James A. Linen III
Memorial Prize. He completed his Bachelor level, which majoring on
Structural Engineering from Civil Engineering Department, Petra
Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia. Gondokusumo published
several international and national seminar/conference papers on
construction management. Besides being a lecturer, he has also
actively involved in numerous construction industry projects.

Guntorojati, Ireng is a Bridge Engineer of PT. Wiratman since

2010. He completed his graduate level in the National Taiwan
University. He received his Bachelor degree from the Bandung
Institute of Technology in 2008. He has involved in several long span
bridge projects at PT. Wiratman, including the pre-feasibility study of
the Sunda Strait Bridge and the Musi III Cable-Stayed Bridge. 33

Hardjasaputra, Harianto is a Professor in Civil Engineering of

the Pelita Harapan University. He achieved his Doctoral degree in civil
engineering in 1987. He received his master degree from the University
of Stuttgart. He completed his Bachelor level at the Department of
Civil Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1982.
Consultation on building structure has been his interest since he
worked as the Construction Manager of Kajima Corporation of Ratu
Plaza Project in Jakarta (1978–1981). More than 20 years he has
involved in high rise building and bridge projects. He has joined in
various civil engineering consultants such PT. Wiratman, PT. Landmark
International, PT. Pandawa Satya Putra Consulting Engineering, etc.
Since 1990 he has taken the position as lecturer of Concrete Structure
and Construction Engineering at Civil Engineering Graduate Program of
the University of Trisakti and the University of Indonesia. Since 1994 to
2006, he was appointed as the Dean of Faculty of Design and Planning
of Universitas Pelita Harapan. He and holds two professional licenses:
IPU from the Indonesian Association of Structural Engineer (HAKI) and
G I from the Indonesian Association of Geotechnical Engineer (HATTI).
His fields of interest are: Concrete Structure, Concrete Technology–
Ultra High Performance Concrete and Construction Engineering. From
2005–2009, he published 20 international and national journals and
conference proceedings.

Hardjomuljadi, Sarwono is an Associate Professor on

Construction Law and Contract Administration at the Mercu Buana
University, the Tarumanagara University, the Parahyangan University,
the Muhammadiyah Jakarta University and the Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
University. He is also conducting the training on FIDIC Conditions
of Contract and Management of Construction Claim. He achieved
his Doctoral degree from the Tarumanagara University. He received
his Magister degree from the Bandung, Institute of Technology and
Bachelor degree from the Parahyangan University. His Professional
qualifications are the 1st Class Professional Engineer and ASEAN
34 Chartered Professional Engineer. He is the Special Advisor to the
T H E L AT E S T D E V E LO P M E N T I N C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G A Book to
Honor The 80 t h
Bir thday of
Prof. Wirat man
Wangsadinat a

Minister of Public Works of Indonesia, the Vice Chairman of Indonesian

National Board for Construction Services Development (LPJKN), the
Country Representative for the Indonesia of Dispute Resolution Board
Foundation (DRBF), the Secretary General of Centre of Arbitration and
Alternative Dispute Resolution of Indonesia (BADAPSKI). Formerly he is
the Vice President, the Deputy Director, the Chief of Staff for Operation
North Sumatera and Aceh Province of PT. PLN (Persero), where he
has been working since 1982 and involved in contract administration
& claim settlement of the construction of 10 HEPP in Indonesia, as the
Site Engineer, the Project Manager and Project Director for tunnel,
dam and infrastructure works. He published several paper on power
construction, tunneling method, construction claim, FIDIC.

Ibrahim, Agung Bagiawan is a researcher at Research Institute

of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Work. He received his Ph.D
degree in Water Engineering from the University of New South Wales
in 1996. He obtained his Master of Engineering degree from the Asian
Institute of Technology, Thailand in 1984. He completed his Bachelor
level at the Civil Engineering Department of Katolik Parahyangan
University. His research interests are hydrology and water resources.

Imran, Iswandi is a Professor in Material and Concrete

Structure in the Bandung Institute of Technology. He achieved
his Ph.D degree from the University of Toronto, Canada in 1994.
He received his master degree from the same university in 1990.
He obtained his Bachelor degree from the Bandung Institute of
Technology in 1982. He is a Head of the Industry Engineering
Centre, the Bandung Institute of Technology and the Infrastructure
Coordinator of Disaster Mitigation Research Centre, the Bandung
Institute of Technology. He has published numerous international
and national conference proceedings, text books that are
associated with building structure and materials, as well as
concrete structure designs, including those that associated with
earthquake resist building structure. 35


Ito, Kosuke is an Associate Professor of Nihon University.

He received a Ph.D from Tohoku University in 2005 after 16
years of R & D activities in a Japanese engine manufacturer. He
is currently the head of tribology laboratory and also the leader
of LOHAS-House Project, which aims at developing various
technologies for houses that enable Lifestyles of Health and
Sustainability, LOHAS.

Ito, Manabu received Dr. Eng. degree from the University of

Tokyo in 1959. After engaged in teaching and research on bridges
and structural dynamics at his alma mater and Saitama University,
he served as the President of IABSE (2001–2004) and Japan
Bridge Association (2006–2008). He is now part-time President
of Japan Bridge Engineering Center, Emeritus Professor of both
universities mentioned above, and Advisor of Chodai Co. Ltd.,

Katili, Irwan is a Professor at the Civil Engineering

Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia.
He received his Ph.D degree in Finite Element Method from the
UTC, France. He received his Master degree in Computational
of Solid Mechanics from the same university. He completed his
undergraduate level at the Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Indonesia with majoring in Structural Analysis. He
published 21 international and national journals and proceedings,
as well as three books. His research interests are finite element

Makarim, Chaidir Anwar is a Professor at the Tarumanagara

University, Jakarta. He received his doctoral degree in
Geotechnical from the Texas A & M University, USA; Master of
Science in Geotechnical Engineering (MSE) from the University
of Michigan, and Bachelor of Engineer Degree (Ir) from the
36 University of Indonesia, Indonesia. His research interest and area
T H E L AT E S T D E V E LO P M E N T I N C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G A Book to
Honor The 80 t h
Bir thday of
Prof. Wirat man
Wangsadinat a

of specialization is pile foundation and soft/expansive soil. He

was a president of Indonesia Society of Geotechnical Engineering
(HATTI) from 1999 to 2003. He is also known as Indonesian
National Arbitrator with BANI (Indonesia National Arbitration
Centre). He is the past President of Indonesian Society of
Geotechnical Engineering (1999–2003), an affiliate international
member of National Academy of Forensic Engineers (since 2012).

Maknun, Imam Jauhari is a lecturer at the Civil Engineering

Department, University of Indonesia. He has undertaken a
Ph.D study in Université de La Rochelle, French since 2012. He
obtained his master degree from the University of Indonesia and
Université de La Rochelle, French in 2010 and 2011, respectively.
He received his Bachelor degree from the University of Indonesia
in 2011. He has involved in research collaboration between
the University of Indonesia and Université de La Rochelle and
published several international journals.

Nakamura, Susumu is a Professor at the Department if Civil

Engineering in Nihon University, College of Engineering.
He received a Ph.D in Civil Engineering from the Tohoku
University in 1988. Previously, he worked in a general
construction company. He was a visiting research Assistant
Professor in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1992 and a
visiting Professor in Faculty of Civil Engineering of RWTH Aachen
University in 2005. His research interests are earthquake
engineering and soil dynamics.

Primatama, M. Agus is a structural engineer. He obtained

his master degree in structural engineering from the Bandung
Institute of Technology in 2011. He completed his Bachelor level
in civil engineering from the same university in 2010.


Rahardjo, Harianto of School of Civil and Environmental

Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore is the
co-author of the first textbook on unsaturated soils (1993) “Soil
Mechanics for Unsaturated Soils” by D.G. Fredlund and H. Rahardjo
with Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese and Spanish translations and
over 300 technical publications. He also co-authored the second
textbook (2012) “Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice”
by D.G. Fredlund, H. Rahardjo and M.D. Fredlund. He has conducted
extensive research in unsaturated soils.

Ramadhan, Garlan is a structural engineer at PT. Wiratman.

Previously he worked in YL Engineer Indonesia. He received his
Master degree from the Oregon State University, USA in 2013 and
his Bachelor degree from the University of Indonesia in 2010. His
research interest is in earthquake engineering. Recently,
he published two papers on seismic performances.

Satyanaga, Alfrendo is a Research Associate in School of

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore. He worked as a consulting engineer for PT.
Duta Rekayasa and has published many technical publications. He is
currently involved in the development of a new preventive measure,
GeoBarrier System, for use in underground structure. His research
interests include site investigation, unsaturated soil mechanics, soil
characterization and numerical analysis.

Sento, Noriaki is an Associate Professor at the Department

of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering in Nihon University.
He received a Ph.D from the Tohoku University in 2004. He
received his Bachelor degree from the Tohoku University in 1990.
Previously he worked and practiced in a general construction
company. His research interests are mainly geotechnical engineering
with emphasis on liquefaction and its remediation and seismic
38 performance of embankments.
T H E L AT E S T D E V E LO P M E N T I N C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G A Book to
Honor the 80 t h
Bir thday of
Prof. Dr. Ir.
Wirat man
Wangsadinat a

Setiawan, Andri is a recent graduate of Master of Science (M.Sc.)

from Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of
Technology Bandung (FCEE-ITB), Indonesia. He finished his Bachelor
(B.E) and Master (M.T) degrees in 2013 and 2014, respectively, at
FCEE-ITB with predicates of High Distinctions/Cum Laude both for
B.E and M.T Degrees. He has been awarded with Gold Medal Award
for 5 Consecutive Dean’s Honors List Achievement from FCEE-ITB
during his bachelor degree. In August 2012, he received best student
award from Rector (President of University) of ITB for highest academic
performances. His final project for bachelor degree was under the title
of “The Performance Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure
with Dual System Using Yielding Metallic Damper under a Major
Earthquake”. For his master thesis, he conducted a final project about
“Comparative Study on Reinforced Concrete Buildings Using High-
Damping Rubber Bearing and Friction Pendulum System under Major
Earthquake Motions”. Both of his studies were conducted under Prof.
Bambang Budiono supervision. He had many experiences as a class
tutor for different kinds of courses, namely probability and statistics
analysis, mechanics of material, reinforced concrete structure,
structural analysis with matrix method, and also structural dynamics
& earthquake engineering. He joined academic exchange program to
Erfurt University, Germany in 2012. Besides, he also had experiences
as committee on international civil engineering conferences such as
CECAR6 (6th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region) and
Nippon Steel Joint Seminar, both seminars were held in Indonesia. He
has also been accepted at The Imperial College London for his Ph.D
program in 2015.

Setio, Herlien D. is a Professor at the Civil Engineering

Study Program, Bandung Institute of Technology. She received
her master and Ph.D degree in Structure Dynamic from the Ecole
de Lyon, France in 1987 and 1990, respectively. She completed
her bachelor level from the Bandung Institute of Technology in
1981. She has been the Chairman of Structure Engineering Expert 39

Group of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering since


Sidi, Indra Djati is a lecturer at the Civil Engineering Study

Program, Bandung Institute of Technology. He received his master
and Ph.D degree from the Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Illinois, USA in 1981 and 1986, respectively. He received
his Bachelor of Engineering degree (Ir) from the Department of Civil
Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia in 1976.
He is a member of the International Association for Structural Safety
and Reliability, the International Association for Civil Engineering
Reliability and Risk Analysis, the Indonesian Engineer Association
and the Indonesian Structural Engineer Association.

Soegiarso, Roesdiman is a Professor of the Tarumanagara

University. He received his Ph.D and Master degrees in Structural
Engineering from the Ohio State University, USA. He received his
bachelor degree (Ir) from the Parahyangan Catholic University,
Bandung, Indonesia. Besides being a lecturer in both undergraduate
and postgraduate at the Tarumanagara University, he has also
involved in the management of several companies. He had Structural
Engineering license, member of the Indonesian Society for Civil and
Structural Engineers, and member of the International Society of
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization.

Sukamta is a lecturer at the Civil Engineering Department,

Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia. He was previously
involved as a structural expert in some highway bridge structures in
Indonesia. He obtained his Ph.D from the University of Tokushima,
Japan in 2008. He received his Bachelor and Master degrees from
the Engineering Faculty, Gadjah Mada University in 1997 and 2002,
respectively. His research interests are aerodynamic stability of long
span bridge and computational fluid dynamic. He published several
40 national and international seminars/conferences proceedings papers
T H E L AT E S T D E V E LO P M E N T I N C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G A Book to
Honor the 80 t h
Bir thday of
Prof. Dr. Ir.
Wirat man
Wangsadinat a

as well as international journals. He joined Japan Society of Civil

Engineering (2009–2012), and has been a member of the Indonesian
Structural Engineer Association since 1997.

Suprobo, Priyo is a Professor of Structural Engineering at the

Civil Engineering Department, Surabaya Institute of Technology,
Indonesia. He received his Ph.D degree from the Purdue University,
USA in 1991. He received his Bachelor degree in engineering
and Master degree from the Bandung Institute of Technology in
1983 and 1987, respectively. He was the President of the Sepuluh
November Institute of Technology, Surabaya (2007–2011). He is the
Chairman of Indonesian Society of Civil and Structural Engineers
(HAKI)–East Java Chapter. He is also a member of the American
Institute of Steel Construction, the American Concrete Institute and
Prestressed and Precast Concrete Institute. He is also a member of
the Indonesian University Accreditation Board and also a member
of the National Committee for Safety of Long Span Bridges.
Currently, he is an independent commissioner of PT. Wijaya Karya
Beton, Tbk., which is one of the state owned company under The
Ministry for State Owned Enterprises of Indonesia.

Surahman, Adang is a Professor at the Department of Civil

Engineering in Bandung Institute of Technology. He received his
Ph.D degree from Lehigh University in 1984 and Master degree
from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia
Tech) in 1980. He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree
from the Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia in 1978. He
is the past president of the Indonesian Association of Earthquake
Engineering. He also has been involved in various high-rise building
projects. He has joined the Indonesian Structural Engineering
Association and a member of the Jakarta Building Construction
Advisory Board and the WSSI Board of Directors. His most current
research topic is on the energy approach in seismic design.

Sutrisno, Wahyuniarsih is a Ph.D student that studies on

structural engineering at the Civil Department, Surabaya Institute
of Technology, Indonesia. She received her Bachelor and Master
degrees in Civil Engineering from the same institution in 2012 and
2014, respectively.

Tamin, Ofyar Z. is a Professor at the Civil Engineering
Program Study, the Bandung Institute of Technology. He achieved
his Doctoral Degree in Transport Planning and Modelling
from the University of London, UK in 1988. He received his
Master Degree in Transport and Modelling from the same
university in 1985. He completed his Bachelor degree from the
Bandung Institute of Technology in 1982. His research interest
in Transportation Planning and Modelling. He published 83
international and national journals, 103 international and national
conference proceedings, and five books. He has joined various
international and national professional associations, namely:
The institution of highway and transportation (MIHT), UK; the
Institute of Transportation Engineers (MITE), USA; the Indonesia
Road Development Association, Indonesia; the Indonesia
Transportation Community, Indonesia. He was awarded various
international and national prizes. He is currently the Rector of the
Sumatera Institute of Technology.

Tjahjanto, Helmy H. is a lecturer at Civil Engineering

Department, the Catholic Parahyangan University. He received
his bachelor and master degrees from the Catholic Parahyangan
University in 2002 and 2009, respectively. He published several
ASEAN and national conference proceedings. He involved in
numerous engineering projects as a structural engineer.

T H E L AT E S T D E V E LO P M E N T I N C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G A Book to
Honor the 80 t h
Bir thday of
Prof. Dr. Ir.
Wirat man
Wangsadinat a

Toha, Franciscus X. is a lecturer who is involved in the

Geotechnical Engineering Research Group, Faculty of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
Bandung, Indonesia since 1976. He received his Ph.D degree from
Civil Engineering, the University of Wisconsin, USA in 1983. He
received his Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Master of
Science in Engineering Mechanic from the same university in 1979
and 1981, respectively. He completed his Bachelor level (Civil
Engineer) from the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1975.
He has been the President Director of the PT. Arena Rekapersada
Trimatra since 1989, and a member of TPKB DKI Advisory Board
since 1989. He has joined several professional associations,
such as: the Indonesian Engineer Association, The Indonesian
Geotechnical Engineers Association, the International Society of
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, and the American
Society of Civil Engineers.

Wangsadinata, Melani D. is the Vice President of PT.
Wiratman. She also acts as the person in charge of corporate
planning and an active sponsor of the company’s publications.
She received her Bachelor degree in Architecture from the
Bandung Institute of Technology in 1985 and a Master degree in
Architecture from the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, USA
in 1988. She is also the chairperson of private foundations of
Yayasan Pendidikan Wiratman and Yayasan Sarana Daya Autisma.
Her interest is in Arts, Architecture and Education particularly
Special Education.




Ir. FX Toha, MSCE, MSEM, Ph.D.

Instit ut Tek nologi Bandung
Bandung , Indonesia
f x [email protected] .id

ABSTRACT: Data from groups of long bored piles

of tall buildings in Jakarta was analyzed to examine
general load settlement behavior of long bored piles.
End resistance of bored piles were not included in
the analysis. Redundant length and capacity were
introduced as more versatile parameters to describe
the performance of bored piles in settlement analysis.
Redundant length and capacity were evaluated
for single and groups of bored piles at typical load
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Wangsadinat a

levels. Results showed that redundant capacity could K E Y WO R D S :

distinguish differences in pile settlement performance Full scale test,

Long bored piles,
and geotechnical design bias, even though customary
Pile load distribution,
safety factors were identical. For piles in large groups, Redundant capacity,
the selection of the settlement limits greatly effects the Settlement redundancy.

anticipated performance level of the pile groups.

1 . I NTR O D U C TI O N
The emergence of large skyscraper projects in Jakarta in recent
years is marked by construction of buildings with 70 to more than
110 floors above ground. Three of the buildings are Thamrin Nine,
Signature Tower Jakarta and Pertamina Energy Tower, all of these
require deep bored pile foundations. All three buildings are situated
in the prime business districts of Jakarta, where the geologic
stratification is similar, i.e. consisting silt-clay alluvium; henceforth,
the bored piles behavior is expected to be similar. Table 1 shows
foundation details of these buildings.

Table 1. General foundation description of the buildings.


Foundation foot print 3,405 m2 7,343 m2 5,724 m2

Floors above ground 71 111 99

Basement levels 6 7 6

Bored pile diameter 1.2 m 1.2 m 1.8 m

No. of piles 271 631 208

Length of piles 66 m 90 m 100 m

Design load 12.15 MN 13.0 MN ~ 40.0 MN

Illustrations of the skyscraper foundation pads and view of

the structure are shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3. The design loads
shown, are preliminary estimates for axial compression capacity and
deformation elaboration purposes. The soil profiles are taken from
soil investigation reports.

Figure 1. Thamrin Nine.

Figure 2. Signature Tower Jakarta

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Figure 3. Pertamina Energy Tower.

The bored piles of these large and tall buildings are quite deep,
and subject to high structural loads from the upper structure. Like
most piles under skyscrapers, the piles are commonly configured in
large groups, and are required to perform under stringent settlement
tolerance. Amongst the design issues associated with very long
bored piles in this article, are the load transfer from the piles to
the foundation soil, the serviceability and group interactions. The
discussion in this article is not aimed to specific foundation design
details of each site studied; but rather, as the load deformation
characteristics of bore piles are commonly similar, it is geared
towards more general understanding of the settlement behavior of
very long bored piles against axial compression load.
This article addresses shaft friction as the main element
of the load deformation behavior of the long bored piles. The
contribution of toe end resistance was briefly discussed, such that
the subsequent elaborations are mostly about shaft resistance.
This article demonstrates the effect of geotechnical engineering
judgment in the pile design practice. The analysis is based on 3
axial compression tests at the Thamrin Nine site, and the expected
performance of the piles are deduced from comparison of design 413

estimates and load test results. The bias in design is evaluated in

terms of the pile lengths at customary axial loads. Redundant length
and capacity are introduced in here. Furthermore, analysis of group
interaction behavior against axial load is presented for the large
group of bored pile foundation for the three tall building sites.

Three sets of axial compression tests were performed at the
Thamrin Nine site. The load deformation curves, as well as customary
design estimates, are shown in Figure 4. Initially, the “design” load
deformation curves were established based on the soil profiles. Using a
typical NSPT –undrained shear strength correlation of cu = 6 NSPT (Reese,
Touma and O’Neill, 1976), as well as field vane shear test result in the
soil report, with typical values for soil modulus, Es = 55 MN/m2 (Duncan
and Buchignani, 1976), adhesion factor, α = 0.55 (API, 2007), and limiting
friction, qs , of α cu; the design load deformation curves were obtained.
The design estimates were then compared to the load test results.
The measured deformations were 40 to 70% of the design estimates,
therefore, using back calculated soil parameters, the load deformation
curves at Thamrin Nine were redefined. In general, the back calculated
cu for the Thamrin Nine site is 9 NSPT and Es is 83 MN/m2, typical to
Jakarta, are more favorable the design estimates in practice.

Figure 4.
curves from
Thamrin Nine

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Using the more conservative test results of the 3 load tests,

then applying the same correlations for the Signature Tower Jakarta
and Pertamina Energy Tower sites, a set of load deformation curves
were established. The subsequent discussion in this article will only
be dedicated to the adjusted load deformation curves. The load
deformation curves of the 3 project sites are thus based on the
estimated load test performance, not the initial design curves.

3 .1 E N D R E S I S TA N C E
End bearing capacity for bored piles is achieved when a relative
deformation between the pile tip and its surrounding soil is about 2
to 6% of the bored pile diameter (Reese and O’Neill, 1987). For 1,200
and 1,800 mm diameter bored piles, the axial deformation to mobilize
the end bearing resistance would be 24 to 108 mm. Considering
the additional settlement due to group interaction, such magnitude
of deformation at the pile tip is usually not permitted by the upper
structure. Moreover, for long bored piles, it is very difficult to form
a competent bearing layer at great depth, as there would be drilling
debris at the bottom.
Poulos and Davis (1980) suggested that for a floating bored pile:

β = βo CK C υ (1)

β = ratio of applied load to tip load.
β o = tip load proportion for incompressible pile in υ = 0.5
C K = correction factor for pile compressibility
C υ = correction factor for soil’s Poisson’s ratio

The estimated proportions of the load transmitted to the

bored pile tip for the 3 sites, are shown in Table 2. For consistent
comparison, the calculated values were based on typical shaft loads
of 40% and 80% of the ultimate capacity, taking into account the pile
compressibility correction factor. The estimated portion of the total 415

load to be transmitted to the tip is negligible. In fact, the ratio of shaft

to total load is more than 95% even if the pile lengths are reduced
substantially. Fellenius and Hai (2013), as well as Zou and Zhao
(2013) arrived as the same conclusion for different cases with more
elaborate analysis and measurements.
Table 2. End bearing load ratio, β.


βο 0.048 0.040 0.048

CK (40%) 0.890 0.840 0.880

CK (80%) 0.980 0.930 0.970

Cυ 0.8 0.8 0.8

β (40%) 3.4% 2.7% 3.4%

β (80%) 3.8% 3.0% 3.7%

As the load at the pile tips for the long bored piles in this article are
small, the elaboration in the following sections of this article, unless
explicitly stated, ignores the end bearing resistance of the bored pile.

3 . 2 S H A F T F R I C TI O N R E S I S TA N C E
Load deformation curves based on the shaft friction are presented
in Figure 5. As described before, the curves for the Signature Tower
Jakarta and the Pertamina Energy Tower utilized similar adjustment
from the Thamrin Nine design estimate and load test result. The most
conservative result of Thamrin Nine was adopted.
As the axial loads increase, it can be seen that there are very
little additional shaft resistance beyond an axial deformation of 40 to
80 mm. In this article, the yield load is defined as the “ultimate” load.
The load test result, as well other results from bored piles in Jakarta,
do not exhibit noticeable strain softening, therefore hyperbolic
curves were used to establish load deformation relationships.
When single pile settlement becomes large, if group interaction is
accounted for, larger settlements will occur, whereas end bearing
capacity cannot develop due to the large group size. Therefore, the
bored piles performance at these 3 sites will not be governed by the
416 end bearing capacity, instead, it will be settlement dependent.
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Figure 5. Shaft friction load deformation.

In order to analyze the shaft ultimate resistance of the long

bored piles, axial deformations at 40% and 80% of ultimate load, at
design load, as well as at 150% design load, were evaluated using
Reese and O’Neill’s (1987) method, with results as shown in Table 3.
The 40% and 80% represent the loads for piles with a safety factor of
2.5, being tested to 200% of their design load. The static design and
150% of it, will be used to demonstrate variability in the geotechnical
design judgment.

Table 3. Load deformation parameters.


Pile diameter 1,200 mm 1,200 mm 1,800 mm

Pile length 66 m 90 m 100 m

Yield deformation 45 mm 71 mm 74 mm

Ultimate load 35 MN 40 MN 71 MN

Deformation at

- 40 % ultimate load 10 mm 14 mm 13 mm

- 80 % ultimate load 31 mm 46 mm 43 mm

- Design static load 8 mm 11 mm 22 mm

- 150 % design static load 15 mm 19 mm 47 mm

Multiplying the design loads in Table 1 by 2, it can be seen that

the piles would perform differently at the 3 sites. At 200% design 417

load, Thamrin Nine piles utilize 71% of its ultimate, while for Signature
Tower Jakarta and Pertamina Tower, the utilization is 65% and more
than 100%, respectively. The deformation at design and 150% design
loads, also vary significantly. Although the Pertamina Tower test
load is intended to obtain a maximum plausible force, if it is used
eventually, there would be a significant spread in geotechnical
design judgment between the 3 projects. It was assumed that the
workmanship of the bored piles are more or less the same, as the
3 structures are of the same magnitude and built by reputable
multinational companies, such that the workmanship deviation could
be ignored.
Shaft friction propagates from top to bottom with increasing
applied load, at smaller loads, not all of the pile length carries the
load. Figure 6 shows plots of calculated pile settlements for variable
pile lengths at the sites. The settlements reduces with increasing pile
length, but, beyond a certain pile length, settlements remain mostly
constant. That means, in excess of this certain pile length, there will
be an excess shaft resistance. The excess shaft length is termed
as a redundant length of the pile. A pile with redundant length will
allow additional load without the occurrence of large settlements.
If we limit the pile settlement at a certain value, the product of
the redundant length times the average shaft friction, will be the
additional force that can be applied to the pile without causing
noticeable additional (accelerated) settlements. This required
additional force is termed as a redundant capacity in this article. It
will be shown that redundant capacity is more versatile in describing
bored pile settlement performance and the conservatism in the
The redundant length of the bored piles at the 3 sites were
calculated using variable pile lengths at each site, starting at the
design length, and gradually reducing the length until additional
settlements became noticeable. Figure 6 shows the results for loads
of 40% ultimate, 80% ultimate, 100% and 150% design loads.
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Figure 6. Redundant lengths.

In the assessment of the redundant capacity, average mobilized

shaft friction was determined from dividing applied load by the pile
length minus redundant length. The results are listed in Table 4.

Table 4. Pile redundancy.


Redundant length

• 40% of ultimate load 32 m 50 m 40 m

• 80% of ultimate load 10 m 15 m 5m

• Static design load 33 m 55 m 25 m

• 150% static design load 26 m 45 m <0m

Average shaft friction

• 40% of ultimate load 100 kPa 99 kPa 90 kPa

• 80% of ultimate load 115 kPa 109 kPa 120 kPa

• Static design load 98 kPa 96 kPa 113 kPa

• 150% static design load 106 kPa 99 kPa 123 kPa

Redundant capacity

• 40% of ultimate load 15.8 MN 23.9 MN 35.4 MN

• 80% of ultimate load 4.3 MN 8.4 MN 5.7 MN

• Static design load 15.9 MN 26.6 MN 20.6 MN

• 150% static design load 11.7 MN 22.3 MN <0


The analysis results show that the pile settlement increased

significantly once the redundant length is exhausted. For very long
bored piles, where provisions of a competent hard bearing base is
hardly possible, when the design settlement is at the allowable limit,
sufficient redundant length would be necessary, otherwise, due to
construction and site uncertainties, there is a close possibility of
occurrence of a significant increase from the anticipated settlements.
If the redundant capacity is compared to the ultimate capacity, it can
be seen that the redundant capacity is a more sensitive measure of
the pile performance. At Thamrin Nine, at a SF = 2.5 (40% ultimate
load), the redundant capacity of 15.8 MN has a mobilized shaft
friction of 53% of the limit friction before the pile start showing
significant increase in rate of settlements. The SF against the limit
settlements in this case is 1.87, much less than the SF for load
capacity. Similar arguments can be said for the higher loads and for
the other sites. Further research is needed to quantify reasonable
redundant length at various load levels.
The average shaft friction in Table 4 shows a slight variation for
each test site at the different load levels. Theoretically, the t-z curves
around the will not change for the same soil layer, regardless of the
pile lengths. However, at higher load levels, the redundant length
would be less, hence, higher shaft friction from deeper layers below
will contribute to the slightly higher average value.
The redundant capacities at 40% and 80% of ultimate load
are relatively the same for the 3 sites, i.e. averaging around 46%
to 60%; and 8% to 18% of the ultimate, respectively. However,
redundant capacities at the design loads are 47%, 66% and 27% of
the ultimate loads, at Thamrin Nine, Signature Tower Jakarta, and
Pertamina Energy Tower, respectively. At higher loads, 150% of
the design load, the redundant capacities are 34%, 56% and less
than zero. The redundant capacities give a clearer picture of the
pile settlement behavior, although the SF against load capacity
are 2.5 (for 40% ultimate load) and 1.25 (for 80% ultimate load) the
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redundant capacities detected that there will be a large difference

in the potential of larger settlement if the pile loads are increased.
The ratio of SF for the design loads, is 2.8 : 3.1 : 1.8; whereas a more
pronounced ratio of 47% : 66% : 27% is displayed by the redundant
capacities. At the higher loads (150% design load), the ratio of SF is
1.1 : 1.2 : 0.7; while the redundant capacity ratio is 34% : 56% : < 0.
The preceding arguments show that the redundant capacity has a
better ability to display different risk of excess settlements, even if
the load SF is equal; and that the geotechnical judgment bias is more
pronounced through the redundant capacities.

In tall buildings, long bored piles come in large numbers,
and the performance of is governed by limit deformation of the
piles as a group. The settlement of the pile groups containing 271
(Thamrin Nine), 631 (Signature) and 208 (Pertamina) bored piles of
the 3 sites, will be 4 to 12 times the settlement of each single piles
in Table 3. Estimates of the pile group settlements were deduced
from multiplying the single pile settlements described previously, by
group interaction factors, according to Poulos and Davis (1980).
Assuming the piles are floating piles, group settlements of the
bored piles is:


ρ1 = displacement of single pile under unit load
Pj ,Pj = load in pile j and k
α kj = interaction factor for spacing between piles k and j

In the Poulos and Davis (1980) pile settlement analysis, single
pile settlements for a pile in semi-infinite soil is expressed as:



ρ = settlement of pile head
I = IoR K R hRv
d = pile diameter
P = applied axial load
Io = settlement-influence factor for incompressible pile in semi-
infinite mass, for ʋ s = 0.5
R K = correction factor for pile compressibility = R A K
R A = Ap /(πd2)
K = pile stiffness factor, defined as EpR A /Es , where Ep is the pile’s
Young’s Modulus, R A is the ration between the pile cross
section area to area bounded by outer circumference of pile,
and E s is the soil’s Young’s Modulus.

Interaction factors, α kj, were obtained from two pile interaction

factor, α F (Poulos and Davis, 1980), for relevant L/d , K and s/d values,
in which L/d is the pile length to diameter ratio, and s/d is the pile
spacing to pile diameter ratio. Small strain soil modulus, E so , of the
foundation soil was established from the undrained shear strength,
then to account for nonlinearity, the strain softened modulus, E s ,
was estimated after Vucetic and Dobry (1991) or Ishibashi and Zhang
(1993). A reduced modulus was applied at the soil pile interface.
Poulos (2006) recommends to increase the modulus in the soil
beyond the interface, as this soil experiences much lower strain
and pile installation disturbance. For the Emirat Tower, Dubai, it
was deducted from the load settlement measurement, that the soil
modulus was approximately 5 times the modulus of soil at soil-shaft
interface. Therefore, the soil modulus outside the shaft interface was
increased by taking into account the ratio small strain modulus to
the soil modulus at the shaft interface at the corresponding working
load. The increase was obtained by multiplying the soil modulus
at the interface, by the ratio of the soil E so at small strain to the
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interface soil E at the pile deformation strains at 40% and 80% of

ultimate load. As a result, the soil modulus outside the interface were
3 to 10 times the soil modulus at the interface. Furthermore, using the
increased soil modulus, E s , all the pile stiffness factor values, K , used
for the assessments of interaction factors, α kj, in Equation 2; were
modified according to pile spacing and Poisson’s Ratio. Calculations
of each pile stiffness due to group interaction, were approximated
using average pile load of 40% and 80% of ultimate load. For a rigid
pile cap, the axial pile loads were distributed based on the individual
pile stiffness in the group.
Estimated pile group settlements were obtained from modifying
each single pile settlements using the average interaction ratio of
the considered pile cap. Calculated maximum settlements of the
pile groups, at 40% ultimate load, are 80 mm, 168 mm and 120 mm,
for Thamrin Nine, Signature Tower Jakarta and Pertamina Energy
Tower, respectively. At 80% ultimate loads, the settlement values
are 105 mm, 276 mm, 149 mm, respectively. Load deformation
curves resulting from group settlement analysis were used to assess
redundant capacities of the piles in the group. If the magnitude of
settlements are not considered, the ultimate bearing capacity of pile
group may be slightly reduced, therefore, reduction of redundant
capacity, in terms of required force to initiate a sudden increase in
settlements, is also expected to be relatively small.
More importantly, is the reserve capacity in terms of
settlements. The load settlement curve of the pile in a large group
has a significantly smaller load- deformation modulus, the work
required for the pile to attain the group deformation is only a
fraction of the work required by a single pile to achieve the same
deformation. In attempting to evaluate redundant capacity in pile
groups, integration of the averaged load-displacement function up
to the pile group settlement values, for 40% and 80% ultimate load,
as well as for design loads and 150% of design loads, was done.
The integral value will be the work required to reach the group

settlements under respective loads. A ratio of the remaining work

required to reach the limit settlement to the total work, i.e. the work
ratio in Table 5, must be related to the redundant capacity, although
no specific correlation was stated here. Similarly, the work required
for the single pile to reach the settlements of the group at 40% and
80% ultimate load was calculated.
The ratio of the work of each pile, acting as a single pile in
a group and acting alone, relates to the reduction of redundant
capacity, as it quantifies how much less work will be spent for that
pile as a single pile in a group, compared to the case where there is
no group interaction.
In evaluation process, a limit design settlement of 0.2%, which
provided a group settlement of 110 mm to 184 mm settlements for
the piles caps in the 3 projects, was selected. Table 5 shows that
work required to reach the limit settlements were 6% to 36% of the
total work. However, at higher settlement limits (0.4% selected for
evaluation purpose), remaining work required increased significantly,
despite the higher loads being used in the analysis. It is also evident,
that the geotechnical engineering judgment in the design affected
the redundant capacity values.

Table 5. Pile redundant capacity ratio in groups.


Piles in group 271 631 208

Mat width 55 m 92 m 81 m

ρ at 40% ultimate 100 mm 168 mm 120 mm

ρ at 80% ultimate 106 mm 276 mm 149 mm

Work ratio at 40% ultimate 36% 36% 36%

Work ratio at 80% ultimate 68% 51% 70%

Work ratio at design load 77% 75% 20%

Work ratio at 150% design 78% 79% 7%

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The results in Table 5 imply that the reliability of long bored

piles performance for skyscrapers is sensitive to the determination
of the limit settlements. The settlement criteria is usually selected
based on the upper structure’s requirement, and is often
unrealistically stringent. For typical and similar soil conditions, and
relatively similar load levels (40% and 80% of ultimate load), the
required work to surpass the limit settlements vary significantly,
more so if designer’s judgment is included. Nevertheless, at
higher settlement limits, such as at higher loads usually specified
for earthquakes and wind storms, sensitivity is reduced as larger
redundancy is observed.
Piles under tall building towers are usually grouped under
relatively thick pile caps, most of the times in excess of 5 meters.
The thick pile cap was assumed to provide equal settlements on the
piles when uniform vertical load was applied. Due to pile-soil-pile
interactions, as calculated based on Poulos and Davis (1980) in this
article, the pile loads vary, where piles near the perimeter receiving
higher loads than the piles towards the center. Similar results for non
sand soils were observed by others (e.g. Whitaker, 1970, Basile, 1999,
and Poulos and Bunce, 2008). Using the pile interaction analysis
described previously, contours of relative pile loads with center piles
used as unit reference, are shown in Figure 7.

(a) Thamrin Nine Tower


(b) Signature Tower Jakarta

(c) Pertamina Energy Tower

Figure 7. Normalized pile axial load contours for 40% and 80% of ultimate axial loads.

The results show that the maximum pile loads on the perimeter
are around 20% more compared to the average pile load. The center
piles, on the other hand, will carry 20% less than the average pile
load, which means, within the group, the perimeter piles could carry
as much as 40% more than the center piles. In terms of redundant
capacity, the perimeter piles would have less redundant capacity,
and as seen in Table 7, the redundancy would be less as the load
increases. For earthquake and wind forces, where the perimeter
piles would be subject to higher applied loads, the deformation of
the perimeter piles will increase rapidly when the redundant capacity
is exceeded, or the exhausted redundant capacity condition will
be spread towards the center piles. In the interest of pile group
behavior, the redundant capacity is also a more representative
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measure of performance. For large pile groups, due to the size of

the block, very high “ultimate” capacity will be obtained. As the
toe bearing of such block is associated with large settlements, the
safety factor against loads of the pile group will become a useless
parameter. On the other hand, as the redundant capacity of a pile
in a group is less, and as tolerable settlements of a pile group
is extremely small compared to the width of the pile group, the
redundant capacity will be a much more sensitive measure of the pile
group performance in terms of settlements. Further research on the
redundant capacity of pile groups is currently underway.
Based on the data and analysis of 3 skyscrapers with long
bored piles in Jakarta, in typical alluvium silt-clay soil conditions, the
following can be advanced:
1. The effect of having redundant pile length for safety provisions in
practice is been evaluated in this article in terms of a redundant
capacity of the pile. In single piles, redundant capacity is a
measure of how much additional force the pile can sustain without
experiencing significant additional settlements.
2. Redundant capacity is a more versatile parameter in describing
pile settlement risks. At same safety factor values, the redundant
capacity varies distinctively, reflecting different vulnerability of
the piles against larger settlements upon increasing loads.
3. Effect of geotechnical design judgment variability is easily
detectable in a larger difference in redundant capacity values,
compared to using the usual selection of different safety factors.
4. In pile groups, redundant capacity is measured in terms of work
to be done by the pile loads at a certain point to reach the limit
settlements where group interaction is considered. The results of
analysis show that the redundant capacity is very sensitive to the
choice of limit settlements, in particular at the customary design
load levels. At higher loads and thus higher settlement limits, less
contrasting redundant capacities are observed.

5. In pile groups with large number of piles, the redundant capacity

variation in the piles will occur, as the pile loads will vary for equal
pile cap axial deformation. Since the limit settlements of the
group is relatively small compared to the mat dimension, varying
redundant capacities of the piles in the group give a more realistic
representation of vulnerability of the piles in the group.
6. More elaborate research will be necessary to formulate the
redundant capacity formulation, both for single and group of
bored piles, in order to obtain a more general formulation in
describing the settlement behavior of very long bored piles in
sustaining very high axial loads.
The author extends greatest gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ir. Wiratman
Wangsadinata for sharing some of the data from Thamrin Nine
Project and Pertamina Energy Tower. Permits to use data from
Thamrin Nine by Ir. Nevins Lie from PT. Putragaya Wahana; from
Signature Tower Jakarta by Mr. Josef Aliwarga from PT. Grahamas
Adisentosa; and from Pertamina Energy Tower by Ir. Hermawan from
PT. Pertamina (Persero); have been generously granted to the author
in writing and publishing this article. As the writing of this article was
in progress, additional data from the three towers became available,
there are no change in qualitative arguments resulting from the data

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Wirat man
Wangsadinat a

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