University of The East - Caloocan College of Engineering: Experiment # 3: Tone Dialing

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Electronics Engineering Department




Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) is a telecommunication signaling system using

the voice-frequency band over telephone lines between telephone equipment and other
communications devices and switching centers. DTMF was first developed in the bell
system in the United States, and became known under the trademark touch-tone for use
in push-button telephones supplied to telephone customers, starting in 1963. DTMF is
standardized as ITU-T recommendation Q.23 and it is also known in the UK as MF4.

Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) technology provided “touch-tone” service that

would become the worldwide standard for telecommunication signaling. The system uses
audible tones for each of the digits on the push-button keypad, with specific frequencies
assigned to each row and column. When a button is pressed, the dial generates a
combination signal of the two frequencies, hence the name dual-tone multi-frequency
signaling. The tones are decoded by a switching center to determine which key was
pressed. Rotary dial telephones used pulse dialing, in which a direct current local loop
circuit was rapidly connected and disconnected according to a defined coding system for
each digit. Operators were required to make long distance calls. With touch-tone dialing,
customers could dial a destination telephone number directly without having to talk to a
telephone operator. The first touch-tone telephone was Western Electric model 1500,
which had 10 buttons. Engineers tested 15 different keypad layouts before settling on the
modern configuration with 1 at the top left and 0 in the bottom row. Mechanical switches
were used in the keypad to select different taps on tuned coils and the microphone was
disconnected taps when a key was pressed so noise wouldn’t interfere with the DTMF
tones being transmitted. The idea for push-button telephones actually predated the
invention of the rotary dial, but even after the successful introduction of the touch-tone
system it took a while for it to catch on. It wasn’t until 1980s that push-button telephones
were in a majority of US homes.

For this experiment called “Tone dialing or Dual-tone multi-frequency” was differ
from the first one. First, is setting up the central office. Basically, setting up the central
office has a requirement of an application or software that could use for the said
experiment. For now, we used the Telephony Training System software, then downloaded
the CO program to the reconfigurable training module. The CO program configures the
reconfigures training module so that it can operates as a central office. Next, we set up
the scope settings. The channel 1 mode is normal, sensitivity is 0.2 volts per division,
input coupling is alternating current and the time base is 0.5 ms per division. For the
trigger source, it was set up to channel 1, the level was 0 volts, the slope is positive and
the display refresh is continuous. After setting up the scope’s settings, next, the handset
of the telephone A was lifted off and pressing any keys on the keypad while listening and
observing the signals on the scope’s screen. Whenever a key on the telephone set was
depressed, it shows a sine wave because the input coupling is AC. We noticed also that
the waveform of the DTMF dialing signals showed a smooth sine waveform. Next, we set
up the spectrum analyzer. Center frequency was 800 hz, frequency span to 200 hz per
division, amplitude scale to logarithmic, maximum input of 0 dBV and display refresh to
continuous. Then, we pressed different keys on the keypad of telephone set A while
observing the waveform and the frequency spectrum of the DTMF dialing signals
displayed on the scope and the spectrum analyzer. Then, we pressed each key on the
keypad of the telephone A. For each key, we record the frequency spectrum of the DTMF
dialing signal using the spectrum analyzer. Using the vertical cursors of the spectrum
analyzer, we determined the frequency of each component in the spectrum of the DTMF
dialing signal. We had been recorded the data on each key.


Therefore, I conclude that dual tone multi frequency (DTMF) is a technology that
can be used to send information through phone lines. It is also used for signaling between
the telephone network and computer network, DTMF is a popular signaling method
between telephones and switching centers, also it’s used for speech frequency signals.
DTMF signals are the superposition of 2 sine waves with different frequencies. Most
mobiles have this technology and by using the right techniques, decoded DTMF signals
can be used in robotic microcontrollers to make the robot perform certain actions. One
could use DTMF to create a robot that would navigate its way through a set “arena” or
space to a specific location by press of a button on a cellphone.


Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) is a group of special sounds a telephone makes

when you push the buttons. Each number button makes a different sound. Telephone
company equipment hears each sound and turns it back into a number. When all the
numbers in a phone number are pushed the telephone company equipment will make the
other person’s telephone play a loud sound so they can answer their telephone and talk.
Telephones also have a star (*) button and a pound (#) button. These buttons also make
different DTMF sounds. These buttons can be used for other things like ‘go’ or ‘do over’.
But they are not part of the phone number. A few telephones have the letter buttons A, B,
C and D. They also make different DTMF sounds. Pushing the number buttons is called
dialing the telephone. When a telephone makes a loud sound, it is called ringing.


 Alternating Current – is an electric current which periodically reverses direction.

 Direct Current – is the unidirectional flow of an electric charge.
 Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) – is a telecommunication signaling system
using the voice-frequency band over telephone lines between telephone
equipment and other communications devices and switching centers.
 Oscilloscope – is a type of electronic test instrument that graphically displays
varying signals voltages, usually as a two-dimensional plot of one or more signals
as a function of time.
 Spectrum Analyzer – measures the magnitude of an input signal versus
frequency within the full frequency range of the instrument.
 Telephone – converts sound, typically and most efficiently the human voice, into
electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication
channels to another telephone which reproduces the sound to the receiving user.
 Telephony – is the field of technology involving the development, application, and
deployment of telecommunication services for the purpose of electronic
transmission of voice, fax, or data, between distant parties.


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