The Use of Video From VOA As Media To Improve Students' Ability in Writing News Item Text

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The Use of Video from VOA as Media to Improve Students’ Ability

in Writing News Item Text


Presented as fulfillment to pass from the Thesis Seminar Proposal course

Taught by Prof. H. Ali Saukah, M.A., Ph.D.

Ayu Illiyin



1.1 Background of the study

In Indonesia, English is taught as a compulsory subject in junior and high

schools and becomes one of the requirement subjects that stated in the national
examination. Meanwhile, teaching and learning English as a foreign language is
not an easy thing to do. Based on the current school-Based curriculum, writing is
one of the language skills that must be taught at senior high school. The teaching of
writing aims to enable students to master the functional texts and monologue
text or paragraphs in the form of descriptive, narrative, recount, procedure, and
report. In addition, based on Standard Competence and Basic Competence, the
students are expected to be able to express meaningful ideas in terms of
functional text.

Different from speaking, writing is not an ability which can be acquired

naturally, even in someone’s first language. Hedge (2002:32) explains that writing is
a production of thinking process and a process of discovery, which involves a number
of activities: setting goal, generating ideas, organizing information, selecting
appropriate words, making a draft, reviewing, revising and editing. Even though
writing is difficult, teaching writing cannot be neglected. Through writing, students
learn about grammatical structures, and they have a chance to explore the language
and also learn new vocabulary. So, teachers have an important role to find a way to
help students in improving students writing skills.

In 2013 Curriculum, the recent curriculum in Indonesia, teaching writing is

targeted to make students be able to understand and produce written text based on
writing’s social function, generic structure, and linguistic features. In teaching writing
for senior high school, there are some types of text that the students need to learn, one
of them is news item text. Definition of news item text is a text which is grouped into
the text genre of narration, the text supplies the readers the up to date events or
information which are considered newsworthy or important issue of the day. The
news item is usually found in any written media in daily life, for example, newspaper,
magazine, tabloid and the internet. Some students may find it is difficult to write a
news item text because they lack of knowledge about news item text, lack of ideas,
information and ability of grammar and vocabulary.

Regarding these problems, the teacher needs to make the students interested to
write news item text. The solution that is proposed in this paper is by using Broadcast
news video. According to Brinton (2001) in Yamane (2001:94), Broadcasts news
video is one of authentic English material that can be served to strengthen the direct
relationship between the language classroom and the outside world for the students. It
also enhances their motivation in learning English. So, broadcasts news video
provides the learners with exposure to natural English One of the resources that can
be used is online broadcast Voice of America (VOA).

VOA English broadcast is an authentic material that can help the students
learn to understand the information from the reporter. English teacher can download
the video from internet and choose the news video from VOA which suitable with the
students. Video from VOA can be used to support learning process in the classroom.
Using videos in the classroom and show it to the students, can help them to play their
imagination based on the words and pictures. By providing video from VOA,
students are expected to be able to write a news text independently, make effective
use of visual clues from video, and also develop their way of thinking to be more
critical about news issues and to become more adept at discussing the news and
related issues.

In conclusion, this study aims to improve students’ writing skills through the
use of video from VOA. The researchers limits the subject to 12 grade senior high
school, it is stated on syllabus K.13 of senior high school KI 4.4, the students have to
acquire writing skill in writing short news item text.
1.2 Research Question

In conducting this study, the researcher wants to answer the research question:
How can video from VOA be used to improve students’ ability in writing news item



2.1 Research Design

The research design used in this study is classroom action research, which
aims to improve students’ writing skill on writing news item text. The research
will be conducted by showing the students broadcast news video with subtitle
which in color. After that, the teacher asks the students to write the phrase that
they watch from the video. The focus in this research is conducting one cycle in
the teaching and learning process. If there is no improvement in students’
writing skill, the plan and activity will be revised and continue to the next cycle.

2.2 Setting and Subject of the Research

This study will be conducted in MAN 1 Malang which located in Jl.
Baiduri Bulan No. 40 Tlogomas, Malang. The subject of the study is 12 grader
students, based on syllabus basic competence 3.4 and 4.4 that the students will
learn about writing news item text, and this research will be conducted in the
2.3 Research Procedure
In classroom action research, the research method involves the four stages
in a cycle of research; planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting.

2.1.1 Planning
Teaching strategy and setting the criteria of success is discussed in
this stage. Teaching strategy that used in this study is playing the video
from VOA about disaster. Then, the criteria of success from this strategy
is when result of the test showing the improvement of students in writing
news item text.

2.1.2 Implementing
The research will be implemented six meetings, for the first meeting,
the learners will listen to the explanation about news item text, it includes
the structure of the text, and the example of news item text.
In this cycle, the students will be given two tests, for the first test,
the material is from book, and the second test is by providing a video. The
purpose of these tests was to see their improvement as the effect of
watching video from VOA as authentic materials in teaching news item

This is the lesson plan that will be implemented in the classroom.

No. Activity Description Time

1. Opening Introduction and deliver the 15 minutes
intention of coming to the class, and
explaining the activities that will be
2. Main Activity 1.Meeting 1 60 minutes
a. The students will listen to the /meeting
explanation about news item
text, and also the examples of
news item text.
b. The students will be given a
text of news about disaster
and then answer the
comprehension question, and
make a simple paragraph of
news item text based on the
text they have read.
2.Meeting 2
3. The students will be given two
video from VOA which is
contains subtitle to make it
easier for them to
understand. The news is
about disaster and elections
4. Discuss with the students
about the video they have
watched and share the
information they have
watched. Here the students
also learn the vocabulary
used in news text.
3. Meeting 3
a. Checking the students
understanding about what
they have learned from the
previous meeting.
b. The students watch the
video again from VOA, but
not containing subtitle.
c. The students will be given a
comprehension question
related to the video to check
their understanding.
4. Meeting 4
a. Watching the video from
b. Discuss and identify the
news from video, and share
the new vocabulary.
c. The students will be
grouped consist of 3 or 4
people to make a news item
text based on knowledge.
5.Meeting 5
a. Collecting the group work task
and discuss it together, and
watch the video again in
order to review what the
students have learned.
b.Discuss about the difficulties
that they have found.
3. Closing 6.Meeting 6
a. The students will asked to
write a news item text as
their last task.
b.Reviewing the material that
they have learned, close the
meeting, and the research is
2.3.4 Observing
In this step, the data collected from the test at first meeting, from
the group work, and the individual work in the last meeting. Collection
of the data will be compared as they learn in the classroom from time to

2.3.5 Reflecting
The result of the exercise would be analyzed to figure out how
successful the students in doing group work or in individual after
watching news video. Checklist would also be used to discover the
technique strengths and weaknesses. If the result of the last test showing
improvement, it means that the research is successfully implemented.

Hedge, Tricia. (2002). Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom / T.


Yamane, Shigeru &Yamane , Kathleen . (2014) .On the Effective Use of

Broadcast News as Teaching Materials for University English Classes.Pg 93 – 94.

Nidya Florensy, Saunir Saun,(2014). Teaching Writing A News Item Text

Through Applying A Newscast Activity to Senior High School Students.The Journal of
ELT Vol 2, No 2 (2014)

Dwi Ewilsa Noviane, Witri Oktavia (2018). Teaching Writing News Item By
Using Broadcast News Video To Senior High School Students. Journal of English
Language Teaching Volume 7 No. 4

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