Cereals: 2006 Wiley-Vch Verlag GMBH & Co. Kgaa, Weinheim
Cereals: 2006 Wiley-Vch Verlag GMBH & Co. Kgaa, Weinheim
Cereals: 2006 Wiley-Vch Verlag GMBH & Co. Kgaa, Weinheim
Wilfried Seibel, Detmold, Germany
Okkyung Kim Chung, USDA-ARS, Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, Manhattan, Kansas,
Dorian Weipert, Detmold, Germany
Seok-Ho Park, USDA-ARS, Grain Marketing and Production Research Center, Manhattan, Kansas, USA
tive land of millet and sorghum, and South and plants allow. Over time and because of the in-
Central America gave birth to maize. Cereals crease in living standards, rye seems to have
also have made possible permanent settlements completely lost its relevance; growing rye for
of humans through the production and storage of traditional bread is limited to a few countries in
food instead of hunting and gathering. Among Europe. In some traditional rice-growing coun-
all edible plants, the cereals provide the most tries, rice is losing importance due to an increase
nutritive and, therefore, the most important food in wheat consumption.
sources for people over longer periods of time. Cereals production in total and in different
Both the ability of cereals to adapt to a variety parts of the world has also changed dramati-
of soils and climate conditions and the selective cally since the 1950s. North America was an im-
work of humans over the centuries have estab- portant producer and exporter of wheat, as was
lished cereals as the basis for living in many South America. After the Second World War, ce-
regions of the earth. real production, particularly of wheat, has gen-
erally increased rapidly, but producer countries
have shifted. Asia was once a buyer of wheat on
2. Production the world market, but has since became a con-
siderable producer, of about half of the world’s
The production of cereals has increased over the cereal grains. Europe was also a buyer of Amer-
centuries, but the most significant increase has ican and Canadian wheat, particularly because
occurred since the 1950s. This increase is doubt- of its excellent quality, but today Europe and
less a result of interaction of acreage, breeding, the European Union (EU; initially 15, now 25
and tilling but the breeding seems to have been states) alone produces more high-quality wheat
the strongest factor in this success, given the than North America. The ample supply in the
high production figures. For example, the yield world cereal market means prices are rather low,
of wheat in Germany in the last 50 years has in- and trade with cereals is difficult and not very
creased by 1.5 dt/ha (decitons per hectare) annu- profitable. The prices are given in international
ally. Selecting and releasing new high yielding dollars ($), a hypothetical currency unit, that has
cultivars is the main contribution to the increased the same purchasing power as the US dollar.
productivity. In addition to the caloric and nutritive value
The spread of cereals worldwide, along with from cereals derived from starch and protein,
the amounts produced is shown in Table 1. On other constituents have been recognized to pro-
about a third of the worldwide arable land over 2 vide health benefits. The contents of dietary
× 109 t of cereals were produced annually bet- fiber, minerals, vitamins, and phytohormones,
ween 1999 and 2001 [1]. This is more than three which are preventative against certain types of
times the total production of roots and tubers, cancer, has improved the image of cereal grains.
the second most important food for humans and The use of whole kernel flours and meals in bak-
more than the sixfold tonnage of potatoes pro- ery products and of various grains in breakfast
duced. Besides this other agricultural products cereals is recommended.
are low in dry matter and protein content which In contrast to wheat, a significant portion of
makes them less efficient food sources. Pulses rice and maize, barley and oats, all highly esti-
also play an important role, but in comparison mated foods, are used as animal feed. In this con-
to cereals their importance is marginal at best. text, cereals alone do not provide a complete diet
These figures underscore the significance of ce- and must be supplemented by the consumption
reals in nourishment and in the fight against of proteins from animal or plant (e.g., soybean)
hunger. Maize, rice, and wheat are the most- sources.
cultivated cereals, in almost equal parts in the
world, and the remaining 13 % of produced ce-
reals is shared among barley, oats, and the small- 2.1. Breeding
grain cereals, sorghum and millet. In this con-
text, rice can be cropped twice or even three From the beginning of unconscious selection by
times a year as the climatic conditions and the early farmers to the advanced targeted selection
technique of producing layers of developed rice by today’s breeders, humans have participated
Cereals 3
Table 1. Cereal production worldwide in 1000 t (average of 1999 – 2001 [1])
Region Wheat Rice Maize Barley Rye Oats Millet Sorghum Total cereals
Africa 15 953 17 034 42 987 2949 30 265 13 169 19 342 113 850
N. America 86 811 11 479 274 016 19 207 515 5319 336 19 892 418 230
S. America 20 489 20 852 56 903 1408 128 1204 42 4812 105 906
Asia 253 368 547 621 159 621 19 673 986 1155 9882 12 141 1 010 120
Europe 186 265 3185 70 736 85 185 19 279 16 621 903 724 369 945
EU (of 25) 105 654 2568 65 419 47 882 10 947 8435 14 629 234 289
EU (of 15) 95 035 1382 38 454 43 184 5691 6307 – 620 191 057
Oceania 23 991 1438 563 6741 21 1195 53 2042 36 745
Total 586 908 601 608 604 560 135 162 20 959 25 758 28 009 57 943 2 081 878
% Total 28.5 29.2 29.3 6.6 1.0 1.3 1.4 2.8
Price, $/t 144.8 335.9 128.1 111.2 85.3 112.8 – –
in the alteration of cereal genomes for over 10 more harm to plants and grain. For this reason
000 years. Breeding has focused upon increas- breeding against pests will never end.
ing grain yield which remains the main selected Resistance to preharvest sprouting is essen-
trait to this day. To obtain 1 g of dehulled kernel, tial in regions with an abundance of rain that can
more than 500 kernels of wheat ancestors such as damage grain before harvest. This resistance can
sweet grass (Glyceria fluitans) or more than 120 be achieved in two ways, by breeding to achieve
kernels of rye brome (Bromus secalinus) were a high level of abscisic acid (ABA, a phytohor-
needed. Today 1 g of cultivated barley or wheat mone controlling the synthesis of enzymes ini-
comes from not more than 35 kernels. Since in tiating germination) and low levels of gibberel-
most parts of Europe and North America hunger lic acid (GA, a hormone that promotes germi-
has been overcome, breeders have focused on se- nation), also by breeding to improve shape and
lection of traits that improve technological qual- form of ears, which will reduce water uptake dur-
ity. Cultivars with improved milling and baking ing grain ripening. Besides this, the stability and
properties, as well as improved behavior in pro- strength of stems and whole plants can prevent
cessing to food and nonfood products have been lodging, thus protecting from undesired water
created. Particularly in nonfood applications, ce- uptake in ears. ABA governs dormancy, a state
real products are used today to replace mineral in which the grain is viable, but kept from germi-
oil and other more precious materials from non- nating. Dormancy is also caused by presence of
renewable sources. These improvements came lipids and flavonoids, substances that affect the
from increasing the protein content in grain by grain color. Influenced by time, light, and tem-
intensifying the nitrogen uptake from soil, by perature, dormancy will break and its duration
changing the composition of proteins and starch, can be shortened. In general, rye has virtually no
and also by changing the structure or hardness of dormancy, wheat dormancy is not longer than a
kernels. Monoculture, i.e., growing of one cereal few weeks after harvest, and dormancy of plants
cultivar over large areas, has led to dissemina- with a high lipid content lasts several months.
tion of pests of bacterial, fungal, and insect ori- In arid regions, cultivars with elevated enzyme
gin. Therefore, crop protection was necessary activity ensure the production of baked products
for both the yield and the sanitation of stored without the addition of enzymes.
grains. Breeders have developed cereal culti- In selection work the breeders use different
vars resistant to pests, and abiotic stress from techniques. The oldest technique is crossing two
drought, freezing (winter hardness), and prehar- or more cultivars as parents to obtain a new
vest sprouting. These inbred resistances have re- cultivar with desired properties. This is a long
duced production costs and have ensured a high process without guarantee of success, because
crop yield free from chemical pesticides. How- quite a number of genetic combinations result
ever, resistance does not protect from new races and the crosses must be screened for the desired
of pests, which seem to be more virulent and do results, propagated and multiplied to obtain seed
for continued planting, and material to be tested
4 Cereals
for quality. A new cultivar requires 10 or more tants by X-ray or other irradiation has been ap-
years before it can be released on the market. plied, disturbing the chromosome splitting dur-
Over decades of selection breeders have de- ing nuclear division. Such techniques are still
veloped new methods, which have shortened the used to increase the set of rye chromosomes to
process while improving the success of new va- a higher number that matches wheat chromo-
rieties. Using the technique of producing hy- somes, necessary in breeding new triticale culti-
brids, two proven parents of hybrids pollinate vars (see Section 7.3). Molecular biologists have
free (male or father plants) in the field to produce contributed much to breeding success using mo-
seed (on a female or mother plant) with desired lecular marker technique. Molecular markers are
and controlled properties. The male flowers con- linked to the gene of interest, and thus make pos-
taining pollen from mother plants must be re- sible the recognition of a specific gene (estab-
moved before becoming ripe to prevent pollina- lishing a property) in early generations [2].
tion. The new property is observed in the yield, A very useful tool for accelerating results is
which is higher than of the separate parents. This a rather new technique that allows reproducing
effect is high in the first year of growing but a plant from a single generative cell (e.g., pollen
decreases if the seed from the crop is used in kernel) by growing it on a substratum containing
subsequent years, until yield becomes equal to everything necessary for the growth of a cell to
that of the parents. Therefore, it is necessary to a new organism. This cloning, a specific kind
synthesize new hybrid seed each year. This tech- of vegetative propagation of precious breeding
nique is costly; the seed is more expensive than material from conventionally bred or genetically
the conventionally bred seed, but promises 20 % modified plants, saves time and production costs
higher yield, which more than covers the cost of in comparison to conventional breeding in the
seed. This technique has been used for decades field.
to create many maize hybrids with a variety of Very recently, a new method of producing
beneficial agricultural and processing properties transgenic plants was introduced as a promising
and has made maize production possible in re- step in breeding pest-resistant plants. Molecular
gions where maize has not been grown due to biologists succeeded in transferring genes from
adverse climatic conditions (length of daylight noncereal plants (e.g., grapevine, Vitis vinifera)
hours, temperature, and length of vegetation pe- and fungi (e.g., Aspergillus giganteus) into the
riod). This technique applied to maize is fairly ovary cells of cereal plants [3]. The resulting
simple because the male and female flowers on plants were resistant to pests (e.g., milstem)
a maize plant are situated far apart from each and insects (e.g., maize borer) by producing
other and removing male flowers from female chitinase, an enzyme that degrades chitin, the
plants is easy. Producing wheat and rye hybrids main component of the insect exoskeleton. With
is more difficult, because each flower contains this technology the use of chemical pesticides
anthers (male part with pollen sacs) and stigma can be markedly decreased, which lowers the
(female part with the ovary); to ensure and to production cost and grain contamination. Cur-
control the desired pollination, the anthers of the rently more than 100 genetically modified plants
mother plants must be removed. This procedure (maize, soybean, rapeseed, potato, tomato, rice)
is not possible to produce saleable seed, so plants and about 40 transgenic plants (among them soy-
with sterile pollen were found for mother plants. bean, barley, maize) are registered and present
The father plant has to contribute a restorer gene, on the seed market [4]. Growing and using such
which should restore fertile pollination; other- cultivars is controlled by strict security regula-
wise, the hybrid plants in the field would not be tions, and their presence in food must be labeled
fructified or produce a decent yield. Moreover [5].
retarded flowering opens the door to ergot infec- In spite of the benefits in agricultural and pro-
tion. Wheat and rye hybrid cultivar production is cessing terms, producing hybrids and transgenic
a well understood technique, providing seed that plants is still questioned. Although it is clear
not only increases yield, but also gives desired that the grain and seeds of genetically modi-
properties in processing. fied plants present no threat to consumers [4,
In order to force further advances in breeding, 6, 7], apprehension is present that these tech-
the techniques of artificially production of mu- niques might produce something not control-
Cereals 5
lable in the future, something that can harm sprouting until ripeness. Among these phases
consumers. The idea of protecting consumers three are crucial for both yield and grain quality.
from genetically modified and transgenic plants Early in tillering, the number of ears is fixed,
and from conventionally (nonorganic) produced and with this, the first factor determining yield.
food and feed was initiated and is supported by Stem elongation is the phase in which the plant
the green movement worldwide. Moreover, the passes from the vegetative into the generative
ethical and political background that forms con- stage. These phases are induced by the cold in
sumer opinions differs from country to country the winter months and initiated by longer light
[7]. Transgenic cultivars in general are protected periods in the spring. The number of spikelets
from free production and selling by patent law. in the ear is an additional basis for yield, and
These new promising techniques are expensive nitrogen is the limiting factor for the number
and affordable only by research institutions such of spikelets and flowers. Finally, in the phase
as universities and by wealthy enterprises, which of ear emergence and flowering, starch and pro-
in return expect to earn money to cover the ex- teins, and other minor constituents are stored in
penses of developing the cultivars and to bring the growing kernel. Storage protein, built from
profit to the owner. The techniques are, regard- nitrogen which is taken up through the roots,
less of the vehement and boisterous discussion, benefits quality, both technologically in bread-
promising, providing progress in breeding for making and nutritionally in food and feed. Thus
better agrotechnical and processing qualities of farmers provide the cereal plants with nutrients,
cereals [7]. especially with nitrogen to ensure the best re-
As a result of breeding, a new cultivar can be sults in yield and in quality [8]. The quantities
approved and released. The new cultivar must of applied nutrients can be considerable. Potas-
meet the needs of agriculture and quality in pro- sium and phosphorus are applied at planting with
cessing, and must be clearly characterized and nitrogen; they influence the stability and fertil-
recognizable from other cultivars. Preferences ity of the cereal plants. Additional nitrogen may
for a cultivar rely on genetically linked proper- be as high as 100 or even 150 kg per hectare
ties, which can also be influenced by the envi- pure N (500 to 750 kg/ha of N-fertilizer), par-
ronment to a certain extent. The yield and the ticularly during the flowering, to obtain the ex-
quality of grains is an interaction of genetic po- pected yield. More nitrogen assists in the syn-
tential which can be increased or decreased by thesis of protein, sufficient for processing, food,
environmental conditions, including the techni- and feed quality.
cal measures applied by farmers. The growing plant is exposed to quite a
number of pests attacking the stem, leafs, and
ears. The stem is especially vulnerable to pests
2.2. Cultivation attacking stability while pests that diminish
the active area of leaves for photosynthesis
Cereals are grown to obtain grain to use for reduce yield and quality of grain. The main
food and feed. High quality and quantity of the pests are take-all fungi of cereals (Ophiobolus,
grain are vital. Quality is defined by the differ- Cercosporela), black and stem rust (Puccinia),
ent end uses but the quantity is defined only by net bloth (Ryncosporium; Septoria), powdery
dt/ha (i.e., 100 kg/ha) yields. Yield is affected mildew (Erysiphe) smut and bunt (Tiletia, Usti-
by cultivar and tillage (fertilizing), which is in lago) and some others. Ergot does not affect only
the hands of farmers, and of soil condition and rye, but also other cereals and weeds, and cre-
climate, which are not. Cereals can be grown ei- ates a secondary source of infection. Recently,
ther as winter or spring forms or exclusively as an increase in head blight (Fusarium culmorum)
spring forms. Winter forms have the advantage fungus has been observed, which produces my-
of growing through the spring, a longer vegeta- cotoxins responsible for causing cancer. Further
tion period, and thus a higher yield than spring serious pests in maize include the corn borer
forms; however, winter forms need a high level (Pyrausta nubilalis), the wheat blossom midge
of winter hardiness. In development and growth, (Contarinia tritici, Sitodiplosis mosellana), and
cereal plants must pass through several phe- the straw fly (Chlorops pumilionis) [9]. Protect-
nological phases in the vegetative period from ing plants in the fields and stored grains in bins
6 Cereals
Table 2. Grain yield in dt/ha (average of 1999 – 2001 [1])
Region Wheat Rice Maize Barley Rye Oats Millet Sorghum Total cereals
Africa 18.75 22.19 16.72 7.07 5.43 11.19 6.65 8.74 12.50
North and 26.85 58.72 70.08 29.89 19.57 23.59 16.09 35.03 47.24
South 23.12 37.13 32.66 18.30 13.78 15.36 15.69 31.77 30.04
Asia 26.11 39.66 36.87 15.82 14.29 16.07 8.91 10.09 31.52
Europe 33.98 54.92 54.03 29.20 25.51 20.03 9.02 37.32 33.49
EU (of 25) 46.64 59.60 78.45 38.39 28.35 32.58 15.41 39.61 40.47
EU (of 15) 51.73 64.25 87.08 43.28 35.01 36.14 - 35.32 50.40
Oceania 19.21 86.75 58.61 20.95 6.36 18.14 13.95 30.66 14.46
World 27.43 39.04 43.63 24.90 21.62 20.06 7.68 13.97 30.95
is therefore indispensable. The protection may nutrients at the stages needed, without additional
require direct application of effective chemi- applications. In this type of agriculture, chemi-
cal agents or by avoiding conditions conducive cals are avoided. Herbal extracts are used as nat-
to development and spread of pests (bacteria, ural pesticides and repellents to protect plants.
fungi, or insects), and for lodging or prehar- The input is low, but so are the yields. Thus,
vest sprouting. The choice of cultivars, some of the prices for organic products are high. Protein
which are resistant to these menaces may help content of organically produced cereals is low,
ensure a safe grain crop. and in many cases, the technological quality is
Generally, cereal grains are grown using con- also poor. In organic agriculture, several organi-
ventional methods which include choosing pro- zation control standards to ensure the quality of
lific cultivars, providing the best growing and the product. However, pollution cannot be elim-
prevention conditions, applying chemical fertil- inated. Moreover, in many cases the cropped
izers to replace the nutrients used by the previ- grain is contaminated not by chemicals, but by
ous crops, applying pesticides when necessary, mycotoxins resulting from infection with bacte-
avoiding the risks of delayed cropping and car- rial or fungal microorganisms.
ing for the harvested grain by drying, cleaning, Such organically produced cereals are on the
and controlling conditions during storage. Fer- market but at minimal levels. Many consumers
tilizing techniques have been studied for years cannot buy them or do not believe in the advan-
and are well understood [8]. Too much fertilizer tages of organic over conventionally grown cere-
harms the plants and increases production costs. als. In highly developed countries organic agri-
However, this conventional growing of cereals culture is a philosophy, a strategy to place food
is charged with producing a “contaminated and with a high ideological value on the market. In
unhealthy” food by organic producers. Produc- regions where agriculture is not developed due
tion costs and material input are relatively high to poor soils and lack of water or where the en-
and give low prices on cereal market. Thus, high vironment does not favor production, yields are
production ensures a farmer’s living. Because low and food remains scarce.
of high production costs, farmers strive to ap- Cereal yield worldwide depends on genus
ply the lowest necessary treatments. Moreover and on the regions of cultivation. Generally,
the amount of pesticide in and on the grain can maize (hybrid cultivars) and rice (up to three
be reduced by technological measures such as crops a year) give the highest yield, followed
cleaning, peeling, and dehulling. Cereals are still by wheat (see Table 2) [1]. Moderate climate,
a healthy reliable food. such as in parts of Europe, allows higher yields,
Organic farmers in alternative agriculture whereby the dry regions of Africa allow only low
grow the old cultivars, applying only manure yields. The interaction of favorable climate and
as fertilizer once before sowing, which provides intensive agriculture can be seen in the figures
Cereals 7
from the EU (15 states). Optimal fertilizing at the are used to sort grain by differences in specific
crucial stages in plant development make yield weight, shape and form of sound grain and im-
as high as 100 dt/ha (10 000 kg/ha) possible with purities. Screening for color using photometric
wheat and rye. Such extremely high yield is very devices is used to sort out ergot-infected as well
close to the natural limits of the genus and can- as other infected grains. Transporting vehicles
not be increased much more. European countries and bins are often sources of other contaminants
such as Belgium, Denmark, Germany, and the that contribute to microbiological deterioration.
UK have the highest yield (> 70 dt/ha) while Es- Intensive cleaning is the basis of safe storage and
tonia and Portugal have the lowest (> 20 dt/ha). processing and must be given scrupulous atten-
In comparing the productivity of former EU (of tion.
15 states) and the present EU (of 25 states), it The storage of grain has a long tradition
is apparent that applying modern intensive agri- making human culture and civilization possi-
culture will help increase cereal production in ble. Stored grain should not suffer a diminu-
virtually all European states making them inde- tion in grade and value, i.e., the quality of the
pendent of imports of agricultural products. harvested grain must be preserved. The loss of
quality is caused by both abiotic and biotic fac-
tors. Having a relatively low content of water,
2.3. Handling grain is easy to store, and the biochemical pro-
cesses that take place in stored grain are well
After being cropped, grains must be dried to a understood. Temperature should be controlled
safe level of water content, not higher than 14 – constantly. In some regions under poor stor-
15 %, at which microbiological activity and the age conditions caused by biotic factors such as
activity of enzymes inside the grain is reduced to microorganisms (e.g. bacterial and fungal con-
a minimum. The drying temperature should not tamination), infestation by insects, rodents and
be higher than 45 ◦ C in grain to prevent denat- birds can lead to total postharvest losses. The
uration of amino acids in proteins and the gela- respiration and gradual deterioration of viabil-
tinization of starch. The dryer should remove ity, nutritive, and processing quality may cause
no more than 4 % moisture at one pass through somewhat lesser, but still significant losses oc-
the dryer. Sudden and harsh drying changes the cur even under good professional storage con-
structure of the grain. This increases breakage, ditions. The deterioration of processing quality
which is detrimental to processing rice, break- of stored grain is obvious for all grains regard-
fast cereals, and in wet-milling of maize for less of end-use. Therefore, preservation of the
starch. Breakage is also detrimental for brew- quality of stored grains and preventing of qual-
ing and in distilling alcohol, as well as in bak- ity losses is critical in the fight against the loss
ing bread and other baked goods. The heating of precious food resources.
regime should not harm the viability of grains; Moisture, temperature and aeration are the
viability is one way to test the grain for heat factors controlling the respiration of stored
damage. Among the many dryers, direct heating grains. Only a moisture level of about 14 % wa-
should be avoided because they may contami- ter content allows safe storage over a long pe-
nate the grain with carcinogenic organic com- riod without deterioration [9]. However, not only
pounds such as benzopyrene. moisture, but also relative atmospheric humid-
Cleaning is an important procedure before ity is crucial for safe storage. Water binding
grain is stored, transported, and particularly pro- capacity and hygroscopicity of specific grains
cessed. Intensive cleaning and treating of the are different. Critical grain moisture at which
grain surface is actually a first step in cereal the grain is in equilibrium with the relative at-
processing. The aim is to remove “dockage”, mospheric humidity of about 75 % differs bet-
“Besatz” (see Sections 4.3 and 4.4) and all im- ween the grains. Fungal spores will germinate
purities, such as chaff and straw, stones and at greater than 75 % relative atmospheric hu-
clods of soil, but also weed seed, and if neces- midity leading to the rapid spread of deterio-
sary and possible, the unsound grain. Therefore, ration of grain. A relative atmospheric humid-
sieves, aspiration (air stream), paddy machines, ity less than 65 % is safe for long-term storage.
disk separators, and differently calibrated trieurs Controlling temperature, moisture, and humid-
8 Cereals
ity in grain is important in preserving quality. also help to control pests. Pheromone traps and
For dangerous changes in storage conditions, food attractants are biological ways to monitor,
remedies such as aeration and cooling may be identify, and protect grain from pests.
performed promptly. The relative atmospheric The grain can be stored in flat warehouses or
humidity can be measured and expressed easily in concrete or steel bins. The flat warehouses
as the ERH (equilibrium relative humidity) and are less expensive to build, but vertical bins
Aw -value (water activity). hold more, allow simple mechanical loading and
Increased respiration leads to increase of tem- unloading, and provide better control and pre-
perature and the release of free water, which vention of pests. Storage under controlled at-
again intensifies respiration. The microorgan- mosphere has proved to be best for long-term
isms propagate in such conditions with the result preservation of quality in grains.
of increased metabolic activity of grains and of
microorganisms, deterioration results in loss of
viability, changes in color, odor and taste, and 3. Nutritional and Technological
formation of mycotoxins. The main microor-
ganisms attacking grain are fungi belonging
to genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria,
Cladosporium, Helminthosporium, and Fusar- 3.1. Structure of Cereal Grains
ium, although the last named is more a field
fungus, however, its activity continues in stor- Cereals belong to the grass family known as
age. Among the insects brought in with cere- the Gramineae. Cereals produce a one-seeded
als and their products only a few cause seri- fruit called a caryopse or, commonly, kernel or
ous damage. Insect pests include beetles such grain. The dry fruit consists of seed and peri-
as Sithophilus, Tribolium, Trogoderma, Tene- carp (fruit coat), and the seed is composed of
broides, moths like Sitotroga, Plodia, Anagasta, three parts: seed coat, endosperm, and embryo
and mites, i.e., Acarus and Tyrophagus. They do (germ). The pericarp tightly covers the seed by
not harm the grain directly by destroying the en- attaching to the seed coat. The largest part of the
dosperm or denaturing the grains, but may cause seed is the endosperm, which contains the ba-
allergic reactions in consumers. Some of the in- sic human nutrition resources (carbohydrate and
sects spend their entire development from the protein), whereas the embryo, the smallest part
egg into adults inside a grain and are therefore of the seed, serves as an oil source. Kernel struc-
invisible to the casual observer. ture is important because it affects the process of
Pests are either primary pests, infesting sound grain harvesting, drying, handling, storage, and
grain, or secondary pests, which can attack only milling, and as a result gives different nutritional
broken or damaged grains. Pest control begins value.
with a preventive disinfection of empty storage The structure of the wheat kernel is shown
containers and storing grain in pest-free condi- in Figure 1. The dorsal side of the wheat grain
tions [10]. Bulk grain can also be treated with is rounded, while the ventral side has a deep
chemical pesticides and insecticides of inorganic groove or crease along the entire longitudinal
or organic origin as fumigants (e.g., phosphine), axis. At the apex or small end (stigmatic end) of
which develop toxic gases under moist condi- the grain is a cluster of short, fine hairs known
tions. Hermetically closed containers are ad- as brush hairs. The pericarp consists of four lay-
vantageous. Chemical insecticides may be haz- ers: the epidermis, hypodermis, cross cells, and
ardous to the personnel and may leave residue in tube cells. The remaining tissues of the grain
grains after treatment if applied inappropriately. are the inner bran (seed coat and nucellar tis-
Physical methods of pest control include sue), endosperm, and embryo (germ). The aleu-
heating to more than 40◦ C or cooling below 0◦ C. rone layer consists of large rectangular, heavy-
In both cases the immature forms and to some walled, starch-free cells. Botanically, the aleu-
extent the eggs of the pests will be killed. In- rone is the outer layer of the endosperm, but be-
fected grain can be successfully treated by ioniz- cause it tends to remain attached to the outer
ing radiation, in case of which even the immature coats during wheat milling, it is shown in the
insects and eggs will be destroyed. Light traps diagram as the innermost bran layer.
Cereals 9
around 70 % of total starch weight with less than Other Baked Products, Chap. 5.1.2). Barley and
10 % of total number of starch granules in the rye have similar physical dough properties but
endosperm and vice versa. to a lesser extent. The major parts of wheat
The length of the starch chain is responsible flour to contribute to the rheological properties
for the physical properties of starch such as wa- of doughs are the gluten proteins. All gluten pro-
ter binding capacity, pasting and gelatinization, teins have a relatively similar amino acid com-
and degradability by enzymes present in the ker- position, but with a broad and continuous mo-
nel or imported by microorganisms. lecular weight distribution from about 30 000 to
20 × 106 . Gluten proteins are usually separated
into two groups, gliadins and glutenins, based
3.2.2. Proteins on their different solubility properties.
Gliadins are a highly heterogeneous mix-
On the basis of solubility, the original sequen- ture of proteins that are soluble in 70 % etha-
tial procedure for separation, cereal proteins are nol. Gliadins contain mainly single polypeptide
divided into four groups: albumins, soluble in chains (monomers) that are stabilized by hydro-
water; globulins, soluble in diluted salt solu- gen bonding and hydrophobic interactions, and
tion; prolamin, soluble in aqueous ethanol; and intramolecular disulfide bonds [15] with molec-
glutelins, soluble or dispersible in diluted acid ular masses of 30 000 – 70 000.
or alkali [13]. The proportion of each solubility Glutenin proteins account for 40 – 50 % of
fraction is different among cereal grains. A re- the total protein present in wheat flour. Glutenins
ciprocal relation between the prolamin contents are insoluble in a salt solution or neutral 70 %
and the biological value of cereal proteins was ethanol, but soluble in diluted acid or alkali.
estimated. This is because the cereal prolamin Molecular masses of glutenin were reported
fraction generally has a poor amino acid balance ranging from 100 000 to 20 × 106 .
(low level of the essential amino acids lysine and Even though there are somewhat controver-
threonine). Rice and oats, with a low prolamin sial reports on the role of gliadins in bread-
content have a high protein utilization by rats, making, it is generally accepted that both frac-
whereas corn and sorghum, with a high prolamin tions seemed to be essential for dough plasticity
content provides only a low protein uptake [14]. (gliadins) and for dough strength and elasticity
Barley and wheat take an intermediate position. (glutenins) necessary for good dough handling,
Amino acid compositions of cereals are shown fermenting, and bread properties.
in Table 3.
More simply albumins and globulins (and
some enzymes) are referred to as soluble pro- 3.2.3. Pentosans
teins, and gliadins and glutenins are insol-
uble gluten proteins. Also, wheat flour pro- Nonstarch polysaccharides are the main con-
teins often have been classified into mainly stituents of cell wall material of plants. These
two size groups, either polymeric proteins or polysaccharides are not digestible by humans
monomeric proteins. This size-based classifica- and are referred to as dietary fiber. Non-
tion is now more extensively used for interpret- starch polysaccharides can be divided into three
ing the relation of functional properties to com- groups: cellulose, β-glucans, and pentosans.
position. Polymeric proteins include glutenins Pentosans, or alternatively hemicelluloses, are
and high-molecular-weight (HMW) albumins made up of pentoses (monosaccharides with
and globulins, whereas monomeric proteins are five carbon atoms), mostly d-xylose and l-
gliadins and low-molecular-weight (LMW) al- arabinose. Wheat kernels contain about 7 % pen-
bumins and globulins. tosans whereas wheat flour has 1.5 – 2.5 % pen-
Protein is not only a nutritional source but tosans, of which 20 – 30 % is water soluble.
also has functional properties in the end prod- The pentosan content of rye (9 % or higher)
ucts. Among the cereal proteins, wheat protein and thus of rye flours is higher than that of
is unique because it gives viscoelastic properties wheat. Pentosans affect the rheological prop-
to mixed dough and finally gives distinct charac- erties of dough because of their high molec-
teristics to various end products (→ Bread and ular mass and gel-forming ability. Pentosans
Cereals 11
Table 3. Amino acid composition of 100 g of edible portion
Amino acid Rice, brown Wheat, Corn, yellow Sorghum Millet, raw Barley Oats Rye Buck-wheat
Tryptophan 0.096 0.160 0.067 0.124 0.119 0.208 0.234 0.154 0.192
Threonine 0.275 0.365 0.354 0.346 0.353 0.424 0.575 0.532 0.506
Isoleucine 0.318 0.458 0.337 0.433 0.465 0.456 0.694 0.549 0.498
Leucine 0.620 0.854 1.155 1.491 1.400 0.848 1.284 0.980 0.832
Lysine 0.286 0.335 0.265 0.229 0.212 0.465 0.701 0.605 0.672
Methionine 0.169 0.201 0.197 0.169 0.221 0.240 0.312 0.248 0.172
Cystine 0.091 0.322 0.170 0.127 0.212 0.276 0.408 0.329 0.229
Phenylalanine0.387 0.592 0.463 0.546 0.580 0.700 0.895 0.674 0.520
Tyrosine 0.281 0.387 0.383 0.321 0.340 0.358 0.573 0.339 0.241
Valine 0.440 0.556 0.477 0.561 0.578 0.612 0.937 0.747 0.678
Arginine 0.569 0.595 0.470 0.355 0.382 0.625 1.192 0.813 0.982
Histidine 0.190 0.285 0.287 0.246 0.236 0.281 0.405 0.367 0.309
Alanine 0.437 0.450 0.705 1.033 0.986 0.486 0.881 0.711 0.748
Aspartic acid 0.702 0.640 0.655 0.742 0.726 0.779 1.448 1.177 1.133
Glutamic acid1.528 3.998 1.768 2.439 2.396 3.261 3.712 3.661 2.046
Glycine 0.369 0.528 0.386 0.346 0.287 0.452 0.841 0.701 1.031
Proline 0.352 1.289 0.822 0.852 0.877 1.484 0.934 1.491 0.507
Serine 0.338 0.586 0.447 0.462 0.644 0.527 0.750 0.681 0.685
Total protein, 7.50 12.61 9.42 11.30 11.02 12.48 16.89 14.76 13.25
have a high water-holding capacity because of over, lipid contents are significantly different de-
their highly branched structure. The hydroxyl pending on the anatomical parts of cereal. Germs
groups of pentosans interact with water and ab- are the richest source of lipids among all cereal
sorb about ten times their weight. Flour recon- grain fractions, even though they are a relatively
stituted with gluten, water solubles, and tailings small part of grain kernels. In corn kernels, 73 –
starch, which has a higher content of water insol- 85 % of lipids are distributed in the germ frac-
uble pentosans, shows drastic differences in wa- tions, whereas in rye, triticale, and wheat kernel
ter absorption, mixing behavior, and final baked 34 – 42 % of the lipids are in the germ fraction.
product texture compared with flours reconsti- By simple definition, lipids are materials solu-
tuted with prime starch. The addition of water- ble in organic solvents, but they are classified
insoluble pentosans during dough mixing in- into many subcategories depending on the fol-
creases water absorption more than added water- lowing: (1) location of lipids (nonstarch lipids,
soluble pentosans. Pentosans also have gelling starch surface lipid, and starch lipids; (2) extrac-
capacity. Highly viscous solutions can be ob- tion and solubility (free lipids, bound lipid, to-
tained when water-soluble pentosans dissolved tal nonstarch lipids, and hydrolyzate lipids; and
in water (1 %) are treated with oxidizing agents. (3) biochemical structure (nonpolar or neutral
lipids: triglyceride, diglyceride, monoglyceride,
free fatty acid, and sterol esters, and polar lipids:
3.2.4. Lipids glycolipids and phospholipids).
Wheat flour has a total lipid content of 2.5
Lipids are relatively minor constituents in cereal – 3.0 % flour weight. There are two main frac-
grains. Lipid content and composition depend tions: about one-third of total lipids are starch
largely on extraction and purification procedures lipids present inside the starch granules with
(extractant, extraction time and temperature, ap- mostly lyso-phospholipids; two-thirds are non-
paratus, the solvent to solute, purifying methods, starch lipids consisting of free lipids (0.8 – 1.0 %
etc.) and to a lesser extent on the condition of flour weight), and bound lipids (0.6 – 1.0 %).
samples (particle size, moisture content, varietal The free lipids are easily extractable from de-
differences, growing conditions, etc.). More- fatted flour with nonpolar solvents such as pe-
12 Cereals
troleum ether or hexane, and bound lipids are they lack the enzymes necessary to cleave the
extractable with polar solvents such as an aque- bonds between the sugars in cellulose. Because
ous mixture of alcohol at ambient temperature. of these properties, crystallite cellulose is used
The starch lipids are only extractable with polar in foods as dietary fiber. Also, some cellulose
solvent at an elevated temperature. derivatives such as sodium carboxymethyl cel-
Two-thirds of free lipids are nonpolar lipids. lulose (CMC), which is an anionic, linear, and
The remaining free lipids are polar lipids of water-soluble polymer, are added to some foods
which two-thirds are glycolipids and the remain- to control the rheological properties, foam sta-
ing one-third is phospholipids. Two-thirds of bilization, ice crystal formation and growth, and
bound lipids are polar lipids, which consist of water-binding capacity.
45 – 50 % glycolipids and 50 – 55 % phospho-
lipids, while one-third is nonpolar lipids [16].
Wheat flour free lipids, a minor compo- β-Glucan
nent, have a significant effect on breadmaking
[17]. When reconstituting defatted flours with Most cereals have β-glucans in the cell wall.
extracted lipids to their original levels, polar Barley and oats contain higher amount (3 – 7 %)
lipids fractions of free lipids completely restored of β-glucans followed by rye (2 %), wheat (1 %),
loaf volume and crumb grain but not nonpolar and rice (< 1 %). The structure is, like that of
lipids [18]. Among polar lipids fractions, gly- other polysaccharides, a linear unbranched poly-
colipids improved loaf volume better than phos- mer of β-(1,3), (1,4)-d-glucopyranose units. β-
pholipids, and among glycolipids, digalactosyl Glucans form cylindrical molecules containing
diglycerides was the best [16]. Polar lipids in up to 250 000 glucose residues and have sev-
flour have benefits for dough handling and bak- eral distinct properties because of their unique
ing [19, 20]. Significant effects of free lipids on molecular structure. High-molecular-weight β-
breadmaking parameters among wheat varieties glucans are viscous because of their constant
were shown by statistical analyses [21]. A signif- cooperative associations, whereas low-molecu-
icant correlation of loaf volume with polar lipids lar-weight β-glucans can form soft gels because
and lipid carbohydrate contents, and the nonpo- chains can easily be rearranged to maximum
lar lipids/polar lipids ratios of free lipids from linkages. The viscosity of a 1 % solution of bar-
hard red winter wheats and flours was reported. ley β-glucan is 20 – 30 times higher than that
of water at 20 ◦ C, providing texturizing effects
like fat substitutes. Health benefits have been re-
3.2.5. Secondary Constituents ported; β-glucans, as a dietary fiber, contribute
to reducing the glycemic response and choles- Cellulose (→ Cellulose) terol level in hypercholesterolemic individuals
Cellulose is the main component of plant cell
walls and the basic building block for foods,
textiles, and paper. It constitutes 20 – 50 % in Lignins (→ Lignin)
dry matter of vegetables and cereals. Cellu-
lose is a straight-chain polysaccharide linked Lignin is a constituent of plant cell walls and
by β-d-1,4-glucosidic bond. The length of the the most abundant biosource next to cellulose.
chain varies greatly from a few hundred glucose Lignin is formed by the irreversible removal
units in wood pulp to more than 6000 for cot- of water from sugars to create aromatic struc-
ton. The hard stable crystalline regions of the tures through the phenylpropanoid pathway. The
chain give the plant its structural stability and large lignin molecules are three-dimensional
strength, whereas noncrystalline (amorphous) and highly cross-linked networks built by p-hy-
regions, which can readily absorb water, make droxyphenyl, guaiacyl, and syringyl units [23].
the plant flexible and less brittle. Cellulose is Sometimes lignin is present as a brown pow-
the most abundant form of biomass because it der, but more often it exists as a gummy mix-
is found in large amounts in nearly all plants. ture of lignins with a wide range of molecular
However, it is not digestible by humans because masses. Lignin is naturally resistant to attack by
Cereals 13
most microorganisms and to chemical degrada- mg/100 g), whereas whole wheat flour contains
tion as well. The strength of wood is a result of a small amount (0.5 – 5 mg/100 g). Cereal prod-
lignin which makes up to one-third of the mass of ucts are good sources of vitamin B including thi-
dry wood. Studies have shown that lignin pro- amine, riboflavin, and niacin. Wheat flour is an
vides health benefits, for example, by binding even better source of B vitamins because flours
bile acids and cholesterol, inhibiting colonic car- are usually enriched with those vitamins. Wheat
cinogenesis, and enhancing absorption of vita- bran is a good source of folate (60 – 80 mg/100
min A. g), and barley, corn, oats, and wheat are consid-
ered moderate sources (20 – 60 mg/100 g). Ce-
reals, however, contain no vitamin C. Whole ce- Lignans real products are recommended to be consumed
rather than milled products (no germ and bran),
In the late 1990s the importance of some specific because vitamins and other good nutrients are
secondary plant substances for human health generally concentrated in the germ and bran.
was discovered and discussed in a number of
publications [22, 24 – 28]. These substances
were claimed to be effective in prevention of car- Mineral Matters and Phytate
cinomas, in lowering the cholesterol and glucose
levels in blood, in initiating the immunosystems Mineral matters comprise the inorganic com-
and thus contributing to the health of the con- pounds in cereal kernels, which after “burning”
sumers. Out of about ten of these substances, at high temperatures in an oven will be reduced
such as polyphenols, phytic acid, protease in- to “ashes”. This residue consists mostly of potas-
hibitors and phytoestrogens are present in ce- sium and phosphorus, with small amounts of
real grains in significant amounts. Particularly magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, and trace el-
isoflavonoids (isoflavone) and lignans (secoiso- ements. The contents of mineral matters or ash
lariciresinol and matairesinol) proved to be very content vary according to cereal variety and ker-
effective in prevention and control of carcino- nel size. Maize and sorghum have the lowest
mas at any stage of development of the dis- (about 1.5 %), and unhulled barley, oats, and rice
ease. Rye contains significant amounts of lig- the highest (2.6 – 4.7 %) ash contents [29]. The
nans — since the aleurone and pericarp are rich bread cereals, wheat and rye, as well as dehulled
in these substances, it is recommended to con- barley are intermediate (1.8 – 2.2 %). Small ker-
sume whole grain-meal bakery items or by bran nels are richer in mineral matters than the bigger
enriched bakery items [26]. Despite the fact that ones filled with starch. In addition, the distri-
the amounts of these healthy substances in rye bution of mineral matter within a kernel is not
kernel are not satisfactorily high enough, the uniform. The lowest ash content is inside the en-
whole kernel bread is a valuable supplement to dosperm (0.4 %); ash content increases toward
the healthy food from vegetables having a high the outer parts of the kernel, with the aleurone
content on lignans. layer having the highest content of mineral mat-
ter (8 – 10 %). The nonuniform distribution of
mineral matters in kernels means that flour ex- Vitamins traction when milling wheat and rye can be esti-
mated, and the flour types based on ash content
Two types of vitamins exist in cereal grains: fat- are established. Again, the whole kernel food
soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K and is a significant supplier of mineral matters in
water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin B, in- human nourishment. Phosphorus as phytate is
cluding thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and pyri- important due to specific properties among the
doxine (vitamin B6 ) [29]. Generally, cereals mineral matters in cereal kernels.
have low levels of fat-soluble vitamins because Phytate (myoinositol hexaphosphoric acid) is
the fat content in the kernel is low. Most lipids a naturally occurring component of plant fiber
exist in the germ; corn is an exception with comprising 1 – 3 % of all nuts, cereals, legumes,
high levels of vitamin A and E. Corn and wheat and oil seeds. Phytate has important physiolog-
germ oils have high level of vitamin E (50 – 300 ical functions in the kernel. It has antioxidant
14 Cereals
properties during dormancy and acts as a stor- milk yield [32]. These effects vary depending
age site of phosphorus, cations, and cell wall pre- on the content and type of tannin ingested and
cursors. Nutritional functions of phytate in foods on the animal’s tolerance. There is some evi-
are controversial. Phytate has six binding sites dence that low levels of tannins may be benefi-
to immobilize minerals such as calcium, magne- cial to humans. Tannins in brown sorghum bran
sium, iron, and zinc, keeping them from being can be beneficial to health because they have
absorbed in the human body. This arouses nutri- higher antioxidant activity (2000 – 3000 µmol
tional concerns of decreasing mineral bioavail- TE/g, ORAC, Oxygen Radical Absorbance Ca-
ability. However, it was debated that the health pacity) even compared with plums (500 µmol
benefit of dietary phytate overweighs the poten- TE/g) and blueberries (800 µmol TE/g). Tan-
tial risk of absorbing fewer minerals. Phytate nins are stable to heat and form complexes with
could act as an antioxidant and anticancer agent many molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins,
[30]. Also, phytate may have beneficial effects polysaccharides, bacterial cell membranes, and
on blood sugar level, like many dietary fibers enzymes involved in digestion.
[31]. Although some animals are able to digest
and/or absorb phytate it is not known whether
humans can. 4. Standards in Grain Trade
Grain buyers and sellers have used various sys- Tannins tems over the years to come to an agreement on
the price to be paid for grain on the basis of its
Tannins are oligomeric compounds with mul- quality. However, the criteria of wheat quality,
tiple structure units with free phenolic groups. for example, are as varied as its uses and have
They are generally soluble in water except resulted in the need for inspectors to judge wheat
for some high molecular weight structures and quality to minimize disputes between marketers.
can bind proteins and form insoluble or sol- Many countries use grading systems in which
uble tannin-protein complexes. The molecular specifications based on both objective and sub-
masses of tannins range from 500 to 20 000. Tan- jective evaluations define the grade. There are
nins exist widely in the plant kingdom. Of cereal many different standards, depending on country
grains, only sorghum and millet are a significant and the specific type of cereal grain. Tables 4
source of tannins. In addition, only a small per- and 5 show grain grade standards in the USA
centage (1 %) of sorghum varieties produced in and Europe.
U.S. contain high tannin contents. Sorghum tan-
nins are found in the pigmented testa, a layer
between the outer integument and the aleurone
layer. They are involved in maintaining plant 4.1. Test Weight (TW)
dormancy and have allelopathic and bactericidal
properties. Tannins act to protect plants against Test weight is the first and most widely used (ex-
pathogens, herbivores, and hostile environmen- cept for rice) simple determination to grade the
tal conditions. When tannins are consumed, they quality of cereal grains for trading and milling.
induce instantaneous negative responses like as- In the United States, the unit of test weight
tringency, bitterness, or unpleasant taste. Also, is pound per Winchester bushel (2150.42 in3 ),
tannins have several negative effects including whereas the Imperial bushel (2219.36 in3 ) is
reducing feed intake and digestibility and toxi- used in Canada. Many other countries use kilo-
city to rumen microorganisms. As a result, ani- grams per hectoliter as unit. Test weight is af-
mals fed with high tannins (over 6 %) in the diet fected by kernel density and packing charac-
experience depression in growth and production teristics. Packing characteristics are influenced
rate, and even death in poultry and some other by kernel characteristics (shape, uniformity of
animals. Some studies, however, suggest that shape and size, moisture content, and surface
low or moderate levels of tannins (less than 4 %) condition) and foreign materials. Environment
in forage legumes can have beneficial effects in and genetics influence the test weight. Also, fre-
ruminants, resulting in higher growth rates and quent handling and moving increases the test
Cereals 15
weight by polishing the bran coat. Some stud- shriveled, and small pieces of wheat kernels re-
ies suggested that test weight might be useful to moved in properly separating the material other
predict flour yield. than grain and that cannot be recovered by prop-
erly rescreening or recleaning. The main differ-
ence between Besatz and dockage is that Besatz
4.2. 1000 Kernel Weight (TKW) includes unsound grains.
As % of dry matter.
extent, types of food depend on the starch, lipid, products, including white, whole wheat, and
or other minor constituent composition and con- semolina flour, with 2.6 % for cereals.
tent. Nearly all foods derived from wheat use
The average annual per capita consumption milled flours or whole wheat ground meals of
of wheat from 1997 to 1999 was 70.8 kg “common wheat” for bread, biscuits, and other
globally, ranging from 15.9 kg in Sub-Saharan food production, and semolina and farina milled
Africa and 16.3 kg in Bangladesh to 131.7 kg from durum wheat for pasta production. A small
in Russia and 97.6 kg in Western Europe (Table portion of wheat grain is directly used for manu-
6). The U.S. total annual food usage, exclud- facturing ready-to-eat breakfast cereals, such as
ing alcoholic beverage production, was 25.2 × flaked, puffed, or shredded wheat.
106 t of which 97.4 % was consumed as flour Industrial applications of wheat are in the
manufacture of malt, potable spirits, starch,
18 Cereals
Table 6. Annual per-capita consumption (kg per person) of cereal grains, regional and selected countries (1997 – 1999 average)
gluten, pastes, and core binders. In the brew- wheats are used for groups of products includ-
ing and distilling industries only small amounts ing biscuits, cookies (rotary molded, wire-cut,
of wheat malt are employed. More malt is used cutting-machine, soft, and trolley goods), crack-
by the flour milling industries to increase the α- ers, wafers, and pretzels; cakes of all types and
amylase activity of the different types of flours. sizes from sponges and high-ratio cakes to heav-
A certain amount of wheat flour is utilized to ily fruited cakes and from cup cakes to wed-
manufacture wheat starch as a byproduct of vital ding cakes, including the wide range of prepared
gluten (its functional properties make it prefer- cake mixes; pastry products, from piecrust, puff
able for breadmaking). Gluten supplements flour pastries to sweet Danish pastries; waffles, pan-
proteins for specialty baked goods. Flour is also cakes, and doughnuts, and refrigerated/frozen
a raw material for manufacturing monosodium doughs for a chemically leavened breakfast bis-
glutamate, which is used to flavor food. Some cuit; and Asian noodles (Japanese “Udon” type).
low-grade flours are used to make pastes for Soft wheat flour is also used as a thickener for
book-binding or paper hanging as well as to soups and soup mixes, in the manufacture of
make core-binders for preparing molds for iron crumbs for coating fish and meat products, and
castings. Especially in Australia, starch is a also as the basis for ready-to-eat breakfast ce-
byproduct of wheat gluten manufacture. High reals (see also → Bread and Other Baked Prod-
yields of wheat in Western Europe make pro- ucts).
ducing starch and gluten attractive because both Durum wheat is the raw material of choice
products can be marketed economically. for the production of pasta products, macaroni,
Flours from hard “common” wheats are used spaghetti, vermicelli, and noodles that are manu-
for bread (leavened or unleavened) including factured primarily from semolina, durum gran-
dinner rolls, hamburger buns, hot dog rolls, ulars, and flour produced from the milling of
bagels, pretzels, pizza crust, hearth breads, En- durum wheat. The 10-year (1976–1985) aver-
glish muffins, croissants, sweet yeast goods, age world durum wheat production was 24.24
doughnuts, various types of fermented Ara- × 106 t: 28 % of world production originated
bic flat breads or unleavened chapatti, chemi- from Near East Asia, 23.4 % from North Amer-
cally leavened Barbari bread, and Swedish crisp ica, 19.2 % from Western Europe, 12.1 % from
bread or Chinese steamed bread, noodles (Asian North Africa, 1.1 % from South America, and
alkaline types), bulgur, and ingredients for wide 16.2 % from other regions. Durum wheat prod-
range of foods. Flours from soft “common” ucts are (a) pasta products, including pasta and
Cereals 19
couscous, and (b) nonpasta products, including grains shows that milled rice constitutes 36.3 %
bulgur and frekeh. The use of pasta dates back of grain consumption, with a range of 3.2 % in
many centuries. Although such products as pasta Russia to 89.1 % of total cereal grains consumed
were made popular by the Italians, most cer- in Bangladesh.
tainly they were a part of earlier cultures in China Unlike other cereals, rice is consumed as a
and later cultures in many other countries. whole grain, after the bran layers are removed.
Animal Feeds. In animal feeds relatively For human consumption, rough (paddy) rice is
less wheat than other coarse grains are used. de-hulled and milled to remove the bran layers,
The use of wheat for animal feeds depends on leaving the lustrous, white grain. Brown rice re-
the quality of wheat, whether it is unsuitable for tains the bran layers, which contain many nu-
making foods, or on the cultural practices of re- trients. Short-grain varieties (indica types) be-
gions and countries. The USA and the UK con- come usually sticky on cooking and are very well
sume about 6 × 106 t each for animal feed, repre- preferred in many parts of northern Asia. How-
senting only 10 % and 25 % of total consump- ever, most western countries prefer the drier,
tion, respectively. The UK produces approxi- flaky quality provided by the long-grain vari-
mately 15 × 106 t of wheat each year, and 25 % eties (japonica type). Milled rice is consumed
is exported. About 40 % of the produced wheat usually as a cooked grain, although there are
is used in animal feed rations going to chickens, many food products made from rice, including
cows and pigs with the remaining 35 % con- parboiled rice, rice crackers, rice noodles, rice
sumed by humans with thousands of products cakes and snack foods, rice flour, and fermented
and the daily production of 10 million loaves of drinks, i.e., sake and rice wine.
bread. Animal Feeds. Rice is used throughout the
world as a food commodity and, with the ex-
ception of rice bran and germ, is rarely used in
5.1.2. Rice animal feeding. In countries where more rice is
Rice is a primarily food crop, like wheat, with an grown and human food uses require the entire
average global annual production (1999 – 2001) grain production, ruminants are fed rice straw
of around 602 × 106 t on a rough (paddy) ba- [36]. In the USA, the largest category for rice
sis, approaching maize production and exceed- use in the processed foods is the pet food in-
ing wheat production (Table 1). Most rice is used dustry, which used 3.13 × 105 t in 1999 – 2000,
in its producing countries with relatively little in- with sales of $11.8 × 109 in 2000, a 6 % increase
ternational trade (5 % of total world production). from the year before [37]. Broken or brewers’
The most important rice exporter is Thailand (> rice is most commonly used in pet food because
6 × 106 t milled rice export in 2000), followed of the lower cost, but flour, bran, and whole long-
by the USA ,with an average annual amount of or medium-grain rice are also commonly used.
4.4 × 106 t of rough rice or 3.1 × 106 t of milled
rice, and Vietnam (> 3 × 106 t milled rice in
2000) (Table 6) [36]. Rice is a dietary staple for 5.1.3. Maize (Corn)
more than half of the world’s population. The av-
erage annual per capita consumption of milled Maize, also known as corn in the USA, and in-
rice globally was 57.8 kg per person, ranging digenous to the Americas, is produced world-
from 4.8 kg in Western Europe and 4.9 kg per wide (Table 1) with the highest world aver-
person in Russia to 161.1 kg in Bangladesh and age yield (43.63 dt/ha, Table 2). Maize is con-
151.0 kg per person in Indonesia (Table 6). In the sumed in various forms after different process-
USA, 97 % of domestic use is for foods and in- ing methods in many different countries and cul-
dustry, and 3 % seed use, and almost no feed use. tural regions (Table 6). Most maize consumed
The U.S. annual per capita consumption during worldwide is fresh or immature (green) whole
1997 – 1999 was 8.6 kg of milled rice (Table 6), grain maize on the cob, popmaize (popcorn), and
which is small compared to total cereal grain maize bread. Unfermented breads like tortillas
consumption in the USA. However, the world and arepas are the most popular maize food in
average per capita consumption of total cereal Central America, Venezuela, and Colombia. In
20 Cereals
Mexico, the average annual per-capita consump- cronutrients [38]. Steep liquor is used as nutri-
tion of maize in the form of tortillas (nixtamal- tious binder mixed with maize fiber. The mix-
ized, i.e., lime-cooked) was 120 kg per person. ture of steep liquor and maize fiber, called gluten
Porridge is another popular form of maize food feed, is processed into pellets to increase density
that is prepared in many ways in Central and by 25 – 30 %, thus improving handling costs,
South America, Africa, Southwestern USA, and and fed to cattle. Dried maize gluten meal sup-
Southern Europe. Maize is also used for making plies energy, vitamins, and minerals to poultry.
alcoholic beverages in Central and South Amer- It is important for poultry feeding that maize
ica and Africa. gluten meal should keep natural golden pigmen-
Maize is processed by three industrial meth- tation (xanthophyll) because it provides desir-
ods: wet-milling, dry-milling, and nixtamaliza- able yellow egg yolk color and carcass skin.
tion. Wet-milling (Section 6.3) is mainly used Maize germ meal is the remaining residue after
by industries to separate out the corn compo- oil is extracted. Germ meal has a high content
nents efficiently to obtain valuable coproducts of protein (about 24 %, dry basis), vitamins, and
such as starch, protein, fiber, and germ. More minerals, so that it is often combined with gluten
than 90 % of commercially available starch is feed.
from maize, and most starch is further processed
into maize syrups by acid hydrolysis or en-
zymatic conversion (→ Glucose and Glucose- 5.1.4. Other Cereals
Containing Syrups). Maize syrups (sweeteners) Sorghum. The major sorghum producing
are extensively used by the soft drink industry centers are in Africa and Asia (54.4 % of to-
because of their superior characteristics such as tal production), sorghum is the third major ce-
high sweetness, ease of use, and functionality real used in the USA. Most (87 %) is used as
with other ingredients. Oil mills produce maize feed. Recently, sorghum has gained more inter-
oil from germ, which is widely used as cook- est because of its unique agricultural and nutri-
ing oil because it is very digestible and pro- tional characteristics [39]. Sorghum is drought-
vides high levels of essential fatty acids, vitamin resistant and heat-tolerant, so it can often be
E, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Dry-milling grown in areas where other cereals cannot. This
produces endosperm fractions (grits, meal, and may become more important as the world popu-
flour), germ, and dietary fiber. Products from lation continues to rise, and water shortages oc-
dry-milling are mainly used for snacks, break- cur. Recent research has discovered many new
fast cereals, and alcohol production. Nixta- health benefits of sorghum, due to its high an-
malization is the traditional Mexican method tioxidant levels, related to its content of polyphe-
for processing maize, produces tortilla, tortilla nolic compounds and sorghum wax, containing
chips, maize chips, and other snacks, which are polyicosanols, which may be important in car-
gaining popularity also in other parts of the diac health. In addition, sorghum is often recom-
world. Production of fuel alcohol consumed the mended as a safe food for celiac patients who are
most maize (1168 × 106 bushels, 46.4 %), and intolerant to gluten (cereal protein from wheat,
high-fructose maize syrup was second (530 × barley, and rye) because it is more closely re-
106 bushels, 21.1 %). Starch, glucose, cereals lated to maize than to wheat, barley, and rye.
and other products, and beverage alcohol were Sorghum might, therefore, provide a good basis
produced from 271 (10.8 %), 228 (9.1 %), 187 for gluten-free breads and other baked products
(7.4 %), and 130 (5.2 %) × 106 bushels of maize, such as pasta, cookies, and snacks.
respectively. Barley. Most barley produced worldwide is
used for feed (75 %) and malt for alcoholic bev-
Animal Feeds. Maize refiners produce four erages (20 %) as well as human food. However,
major feed products: condensed fermented in the USA, barley is used more for human con-
maize extractives (steep liquor), gluten feed, sumption, seed, or industry uses (64 %) than as
gluten meal, and maize germ meal. During the feed (36 %) because the production of barley
wet-milling process, steep liquor comes out of in the USA has sharply decreased from 375 ×
the steeps. Steep liquor contains 5 – 10 % solids 106 bushel (1994) to 276 × 106 bushel (2003).
consisting of about 44 % protein and other mi- Barley is used in many different products, such
Cereals 21
Table 7. Nutrient composition of whole grain flour of wheat, rice, and maize and of their refined products (100 g flour and normal moisture
content basis)
Cereal/ Product Wheat flour, Wheat flour, Wheat flour, Rice flour, Rice flour, Maize flour, Maize flour,
whole grain white, bread, white, bread, brown white whole grain, degermed,
unenriched enriched yellow yellow
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2004. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference,
Release 17, Nutrient Data Laboratory.
as pearl barley, barley flour, flakes and grits, acid) [22]. Oats are a minor crop but have ad-
malt flour supplements, sweetener, malted milk, vantages nutritionally because they are usually
syrup, rice extenders, breakfast cereals, soups, eaten as whole grain, providing better nutrition
pilaf mixes, breads, cookies, crackers and snack than other cereals that are usually consumed af-
bars. Barley is known to have a high content of ter milling or refining which removes much of
soluble fiber (β-glucan). β-Glucan is effective in the fiber, vitamins, and minerals from cereals.
lowering the blood cholesterol levels of chicken, Most common oats products are porridge or oat-
rats, swine, and humans [22]. Barley is uniquely meal, breakfast cereals, granola bars, and cook-
suited for malting as opposed to other grains. ies. Industrial usages of oats are for adhesives,
In brewing, barley malt provides hydrolytic en- paper, coating agents for tablet, and cleansers
zymes and a fermentable substrate. Because the (soap, shampoo, etc.).
quality of the barley malt is critical in brewing,
malting barley is subject to very strict quality re-
quirements and traded as a specific cultivar (→ 5.2. Importance of Whole Cereals,
Beer, Chap. 2.1). Refined Products, and Fortification for
Oats. Most oats produced in the USA are Nutrition, Health, and Requirement
used as feed (69 %), the rest is as food and in
industry. As feed, oats are good for ruminants Cereals usually go through several milling pro-
such as dairy and beef cattle and for sheep. Oats cesses before they are consumed. During this
are also preferred feed for horses because of high process, a significant part of the nutrients, such
palatability, digestibility, and nutritional value. as proteins, vitamins, and minerals, are removed
The demand for oats for human consumption has from the grain because many cereals tend to have
increased lately because of their many health valuable nutritive constituents in the outer layers
benefits. Scientific evidence suggests that oats (bran and aleurone layer) and the germ. Table 7
can flatten the postprandial blood glucose and shows the nutrient composition of whole grain
insulin rise, reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, and flours and of their refined products. Unenriched
reduce the risk of cancer because oats are rich in white flour contains far less dietary fiber, vita-
β-glucan and antioxidants (e.g., phenolic acids, mins, and minerals than whole grain flour. Es-
avenanthramides, flavonoids, sterols, and phytic pecially high losses occur for dietary fiber (80 %
reduction), thiamine (82 %), niacin (84 %), vita-
22 Cereals
min B6 (89 %), and magnesium (82 %). In en- tifications of cereal and cereal-based foods are
riched flour most vitamins are replaced, some performed voluntarily by food manufacturers.
even to higher levels, but dietary fiber and most The most common nutrients used in fortifica-
minerals remain same as those of unenriched tion are vitamins A, B1 , B2 , niacin (B3 ), pan-
flour. White rice and degermed maize flour also tothenic acid (B5 ), B6 , B12 , C, E, and folic acid,
have significantly lower nutritional values than and of the minerals calcium, copper, iodine, iron,
brown rice and whole grain maize flour. Much magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc.
information on the benefits of consuming whole Generally, fortification of cereals improves the
grain has been published, in both epidemiolog- nutritional profile of foods, resulting in health
ical and clinical studies. Whole grain is an ex- benefits to consumers, but government and/or
cellent source of high fiber, vitamins, minerals, manufacturers need to closely control fortifica-
disease-fighting phytochemicals, and antioxi- tion programs to prevent exposure of consumers
dants [22, 26, 29]. Many health benefits are as- to the risk of overintakes or imbalance of nutri-
sociated with consuming whole grains: reducing ents. Moreover, cereals are not a complete food
the risks of cancer, heart disease (high choles- or feed, so other foods, vegetables and proteins
terol), stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, type from animal or dairy products, are needed to be
II diabetes, and bowel disorders. In 2005, the consumed to meet the requirement of balanced
U.S. Department Health and Human Services daily diet.
and the Department of Agriculture revised the
“Dietary Guidelines for Americans” dramati-
cally from the previous one [40]. One key to the 6. Processing
newly added recommendations is whole grain.
These guidelines recommend at least three serv- 6.1. Dry-Milling Process
ings (1 serving: 16 g of whole grain flour = 1
ounce or one slice of whole grain bread) of 6.1.1. Wheat
whole grains per day. However, Americans eat
less than one serving of whole grains per day, and The primary use of wheat in food production is
more than 30 % of Americans never eat whole flour (see Section 5.1). Some wheat is also used
grains. Other countries gave the similar situa- in breakfast cereals. Much of the flour is sold,
tion. Whole grain consumption is generally low not in its original form, but as blended and pre-
except in Scandinavian countries, where whole pared flours for restaurants, cafeterias, schools,
grain products are regularly consumed. Whole and all-purpose flours for private households.
grain consumption in the UK was known as less Wheat and Flour Quality. In cereal tech-
than one serving per day. Considering all the nology, the term quality denotes the suitabil-
benefits, increasing consumption of whole grain ity of the material for a specific end use. The
products and reducing consumption of refined term flour quality has no relation to nutritional
flour products is highly recommended. attributes. For example, high-protein wheat flour
In 1942, the U.S. government passed the is a good quality for breadmaking. Low-protein
Enrichment Act, requiring the replacement of wheat flour is good for chemically leavened
niacin, thiamine, iron, and riboflavin (more than products such as biscuits, cakes, and pastry. The
is present in whole grain) in refined white flour. miller wants wheat that gives a high yield of
A deficiency of vitamin B (thiamine) causes flour. Therefore, wheat kernels should be plump
beriberi (great weakness), which makes people and uniformly large for easy and simple separa-
suffer weakness in legs and loss of feeling in tion of foreign material. The wheat should pro-
the feet, finally they die from heart failure. Iron duce a high yield of flour with maximum and
deficiency, which is more common in people clean separation from the bran and germ and
whose staple food is rice, causes anaemia. More without excessive consumption of power. Be-
recently, in 1998, the U.S. Food and Drug Ad- cause the endosperm is denser than the bran and
ministration mandated folic acid supplementa- the germ, semihard wheat produces more flour.
tion in white flour to reduce the risk of neural The production of bread flours requires that the
tube birth defect. Wheat flour fortification is now difference in protein content between wheat and
widely accepted in many countries. Other for- flour be no more than 1 – 1.5 %.
Cereals 23
Gluten is particularly important for food pro- rolls. The differences in toughness of the bran
duction. Gluten imparts physical properties to and the friability of the starch endosperm are en-
dough made from wheat flour that differ from hanced by wheat conditioning, which involves
those of dough made from other cereal grains. adding water before milling and using different
Gluten is responsible for gas retention, which tempering times. Water toughens the bran and
makes producing well-leavened baked goods mellows the endosperm. Wheat flour production
possible. Usually, bread volume increases with involves wheat selection and blending; clean-
an increase in gluten protein content [41]. ing and conditioning; breaking, sieving, and
In addition to gluten proteins, lipids are reduction; and special treatments (bleaching,
also essential for maximum performance. Bread enrichment, oxidizing agents, etc.).
baked from defatted flour or gluten-starch mix- Selection and Blending. To produce wheat
tures is consistently lower in volume than bread flour of definite characteristics, wheat with dif-
baked from normal flour with comparable pro- ferent baking strengths must be separated and
tein content. blended. In some mills, blending to a certain
Bread of satisfactory quality cannot be baked quality level is done before cleaning. In larger
without wheat starch, which is a main flour com- milling units, this mostly occurs after cleaning.
ponent (→ Bread and Other Baked Products, A uniform mixture after blending must meet
Chap. 5.1.1). Starches from wheat, rye, barley, stringent specifications. The uniformity of the
and triticale have comparable granule sizes and mixture is usually controlled by a near infrared
gelatinization characteristics and can be used in (NIR) technique (analytical control).
bread making in combination with wheat gluten. Cleaning. The cleaning process is very im-
Bread flour should have adequate α-amylase portant in milling because poor cleaning directly
activity for starch modification. Optimum α- negatively influences the result [42, 44]. Wheat
amylase levels are maintained by careful wheat contains many damaged kernels (broken grains,
selection and by adding small amounts of malted shriveled grains, other cereals like rye), sprouted
wheat or malted barley flour or α-amylases. To grains, grains with discolored germ, insect-
improve the baking behavior, oxidizing agents damaged grains, frost-damaged grains, and heat-
such as potassium bromate (in the U.S.) or ascor- damaged grains. Also, weed seeds (toxic, non-
bic acid (in Europe) are used. In addition to this toxic), ergot, unsound grains, smutty grains, im-
flour treatment, consumers in North America purities, and chaff must be removed [33].
want a relatively white crumb; therefore, bleach- Usually cleaning starts with a magnetic sep-
ing agents are used to convert the carotenoide arator to remove any free metal pieces in the
pigments of the flour to colorless compounds. wheat stream (Fig. 2). A second separator re-
Some flours are enriched with certain vitamins moves Besatz fractions according to size and
or minerals, particularly in the USA. specific weight. Stones are removed in a dry
Dry-Milling of Wheat. Milling grain as stoner. Disk separators or trieur cylinders can
food for humans has been traced back more separate wheat by kernel shape. An intensive
than 8000 years. Milling started with hand mills, surface cleaning is done by a scourer. This pro-
followed by horse-driven mills. Later, water- cess removes spores and mycotoxins-polluted
and wind-driven mills were developed. Today kernels from the wheat grains, as well as heavy
a sophisticated and automated milling industry metals such as lead.
exists [42 – 45]. In producing white flour, the Conditioning. In the cleaning process, water
objective is to separate the starchy endosperm is added to the grain and allowed to stand for dif-
of the grain from the bran and the germ. Then, ferent times to ensure maximum toughening of
the separated endosperm is pulverized. This the bran with optimum mellowing of the starchy
separation of the starchy endosperm is possible endosperm. The tempering time depends on the
because its physical properties differ from those hardness of the wheat grains. Hard wheats are
of the fibrous pericarp and oily germ. The bran is tempered to 16 – 18 % moisture and soft wheats
tough because of its high fiber content whereas to 14 – 16 % moisture content. After condition-
the starchy endosperm is friable. The germ has ing, metal pieces are again separated, followed
high oil content and is flaked between smooth by an air classification to improve the cleaning
effect. The cleaned wheat is stored in a mill bin
24 Cereals
and weighed exactly before it is transported to – reduction system; reduces the endosperm to
the first break in the mill. flour, and
– tailing system; separates the fiber from the en-
dosperm, removed from the other three sys-
Figure 2. Flow sheet for a conventional cleaning house The principal forces of grinding are compres-
sion, shear, friction-abrasion, and impact. Most
Grinding. The grinding process is the most grinders operate on a combination of these prin-
important step in the milling system. The first ciples. The most common grinding machines are
part of grinding is carried out on corrugated rolls roller, attrition, impact, ball, or cutter mills, bran
(break rolls) (Fig. 3). The manner in which the dusters, and pearlers. The oldest attrition mill for
kernel is broken by two pairs of rolls that rotate grinding wheat was the stone mill applying the
in opposite directions at different speeds affects forces of compression, shear, and abrasion.
the subsequent sifting and purifying operations, The first break rolls pull the wheat-stock
both in granulation (particle size distribution) down with the rolls into the gap between the rolls
and in the amount of fine bran present in the or into the grinding zone. The wheat is crushed
ground material, in the reduction and sizing sys- slightly and only a small quantity of white flour
tems. The grinding process is divided in four is produced. After sieving, the coarsest mate-
systems [42, 44]: rial is conveyed to the second break rolls. These
– break system; separates the endosperm from rolls are set a little closer together than the first
the bran and germ, break rolls. Therefore, the material is crushed
– sizing system; separates the small bran pieces finer, and more endosperm particles are released.
attached to the large pieces of endosperm,
Cereals 25
Usually the process of grinding and sifting is re- Flour Handling and Blending. Each grind-
peated five to six times. ing and sieving operation produces flour. The
Roller mills have been made with different flour blending department has facilities for spe-
roll configurations such as two or four pairs of cial treatments of the flour: infestation con-
rolls in one stand. The roll surface can be smooth trol, enrichment and additives, flour stabiliza-
or corrugated, with grooves (flutes) running the tion, flour drying, fine grinding, and air clas-
length of the surface of the roll in a spiral to pro- sification. A process computer can be used for
duce and support cutting or shear action. The fully automatic operation of flour blending, final
grinding action of a pair of rolls is influenced packing, and loading for shipment to the cus-
by manufacture (diameter, length and surface of tomer.
the rolls, profile differential direction, number of Different countries have different flour
corrugations, and revolutions per minute, rpm). grades. In the USA the average flour yield is
Sieving. After each grinding step the ground about 72 %, with 14 % bran and 14 % shorts.
material is conveyed to a plane sifter with a series Moreover, patent flour (± 45 % extraction),
of sloping sieves. The sifter gyrates, so the finer short patent flour (65 – 68 % extraction), and
particles pass through the sieves from the head straight flour (72 % extraction) exist.
(top) to the tail (bottom). The plane sifter has In most European countries the flour grades
multiple sections containing up to 30 sieves that are based on ash content. The German flour types
gyrate horizontally to move the stock. During are as follows:
sieving, three classes of material are separated:
– coarse fractions, which are fed to the next Wheat flour Content of mineral matters (d.m.)
break until only bran remains,
– flour, or fine particles, passing through the Wheat flour Content of mineral matters (d.m.)
finest (flour) sieve, and Type 405 0.38 – 0.47 %
Type 550 0.49 – 0.58 %
– intermediate granular particles (middlings)
Type 630 0.60 – 0.70 %
Purification. Purification separates bran par- Type 812 0.75 – 0.87 %
ticles and germ from the endosperm. The pro- Type 1050 1.00 – 1.15 %
cess is the gradual reduction of middlings from Type 1600 1.55 – 1.75 %
the endosperm and the flattening of the germ
and bran particles so that they can be removed
in the sifter. The middlings are fragments of en- The average total flour yield in Germany is
dosperm and small pieces of bran and the germ. about 80 %. Some other countries use a flour
Since the late 1990s the role of purifiers in the grading system based on flour color, not ash con-
mill flow diagram has diminished as millers have tent.
become more aware of cost. The trend is to pro- To improve baking strength of wheat flour,
duce baker’s flour with a little higher ash content some compounds are added in very small
because there is less demand for low ash patent amounts. Flour bleaching was introduced as
flour. This tendency reduces the need for inten- early as 1879 in Great Britain and around
sive purification. 1900 in North America. Currently, many bread
Reduction. The purified and classified mid- flours and practically all cake flours in the USA
dlings are continuously pulverized to flour bet- are bleached. Furthermore, maturing agents are
ween smooth reduction rolls, which revolve at a used to obtain maximum baking performance.
differential of about 1.5:1. The flour particle size In North America, potassium bromate is allowed
depends on the space between the rolls. Each re- to improve the baking strength of wheat flour. In
duction step is followed by sieving. the EU only ascorbic acid may be used legally
The germs are released largely by the break as a flour improver. The bleaching agent benzo-
system and appear as yellow particles in some yl peroxide is not allowed in the EU. The quan-
of the coarser middling streams. These streams titative requirement for oxidation of flour de-
are called sizings. The germs are flattened as the pends on several factors. Flour with higher pro-
sizings are reduced and are separated as flakes tein content requires an increase in oxidation, but
during sieving. naturally time-aged wheat and flour need less
26 Cereals
oxidation. The tolerance of flour to overtreat- protein, and ash contents. Flour color is also de-
ment varies with the improvers. Flour can toler- termined on-line in the modern mill [33].
ate overtreatment with ascorbic acid much better Whole Wheat Products. Whole wheat prod-
than with other improvers such as potassium bro- ucts are produced from the whole wheat ker-
mate. Ascorbic acid is added at a level of about nel without any separation, and thus include
10 – 20 ppm in some European countries and of endosperm, bran, and germ. The grinding of
about 25 – 75 ppm in the U.S. baking industry. the wheat (or rye) can be done with stones or
Infestation and Pest Control. Pests in flour rolls with specified granulation [46, 47]. Using
mills are insects, rodents, birds, and microbes. a roller mill, the system includes a small sifter
Removing pests can be done both nonchemi- which leads the oversized ground meal particles
cally or chemically. Nonchemical means are, of back to the grinding system for further reduc-
course, preferred because fumigants may leave a tion. The specifications for whole wheat prod-
residue. In the past, insects were controlled with ucts should be the same in both the USA and EU.
fumigants but now physical control is more com- Because the product is made from whole wheat
mon, especially heat. The air in the mill build- meals, the raw material must be extremely well
ings is heated to about 50 ◦ C for 24 h; these con- cleaned, including an intensive surface cleaning
ditions kill all insects and also rodents [44]. of the grains.
Air Classification and Fine Grinding. Wheat Whole wheat products are produced with dif-
flour produced by conventional roller mills con- ferent particle sizes: coarse, medium, and fine
tains particles from 1 – 200 µm. The flour can whole meals. Whole meal flour should pass to
be ground (pin-milled) to fine particles in which 80 % through 200 µm sieve openings. Under
the protein is separated from the starch. This these conditions, the endosperm is milled to the
fine flour can then pass through an air classifier. same particle size as the normal flour. Therefore,
Particles smaller than 20 µm have up to twice a normal dough development, good gas reten-
the protein content than the unfractionated flour. tion, and an optimum bread volume are obtained.
The fraction with particles sizes between 20 and With coarse whole wheat products, the gluten-
40 µm has the normal protein content, and the forming during dough mixing is hindered and
fraction with particle sizes more than 40 µm has aggravated. Therefore, gas retention and bread
lower protein content. The high-protein flour is volume are much lower. Whole-meal products
used to fortify low-protein bread flours or for like whole-meal bread, whole-meal buns, and
enrichment in the production of specialty baked whole-meal cakes are advertised as having the
goods. Air classification has generated consid- highest dietary fiber content of all baked prod-
erable interest in the milling industry, especially ucts. Therefore, consuming whole-meal prod-
in producing flours with specific characteristics ucts can add to the daily dietary fiber intake.
[44]. Whole-meal pasta has a lower dietary fiber con-
Quality Control and Analysis. To obtain an tent than whole-meal bread because the moisture
accurate analysis of the flour and provide infor- content after cooking is higher than 80 %.
mation for blending the components into a final Durum Wheat Milling. The objective of du-
product, an exact sampling system is important. rum milling is to produce a maximum yield
There are on-line automatic samplers, which can of highly purified semolina without specks.
sample a flour stream before it enters the storage Therefore, the design of the milling system dif-
bin. Sampling systems provide representative fers somewhat from the normal wheat mill. In
samples of mill products for the laboratory or for semolina manufacture, impurities must be re-
on-line instrumentation. In the laboratory, rou- moved by cleaning and purifying systems. The
tine testing includes the determination of ash, reduction system is shorter in durum mills be-
protein, and moisture contents, starch damage, cause of the particle size of the semolina (250 –
and particle size distribution. Also, a baking test 400 µm). Durum wheat with good milling qual-
and a physical, i.e., rheological test on dough ity yields 62 – 65 % semolina. In the 1990s the
are performed. On-line quality control of mill particle size distribution of semolina was very
products becomes a necessity in large capacity much reduced in combination with modern mix-
milling units. NIR analysis is used for on-line ing systems in macaroni production lines [48].
determination of parameters such as moisture,
Cereals 27
6.1.2. Rye outer bran, the endosperm, and the germ. Before
dehulling, the grain must be intensively cleaned.
In some countries in Europe (Denmark, Ger- Many machines can separate the hulls from the
many, Poland, and the Russian Republic), rye kernels.
is still an important raw material for bread Conventional shellers consist of two steel
[49 – 52]. But even in these countries consump- blades mounted horizontally. The inner surfaces
tion of rye and rye-wheat mixed breads is de- are coated with a mixture of cement and car-
creasing. The ratio of rye to wheat in bread con- borundum. One blade is stationary and the other
sumption in Germany has declined to only about rotates. When the blade revolves, pressure on
18 % rye, with 82 % wheat products. Rye flour the ends of the upturned grains disengages the
has no gluten, and therefore, the gas retention hulls. The hulls are removed by intense aspi-
capacity is lower than in wheat doughs. Rye ration, and the remaining hulled and unhulled
bread has usually half the bread volume of wheat grains are separated in a paddy machine. In this
bread, so most rye flour is used in a blend with machine, the unhulled grains move upwards and
wheat flour for bread. the heavier, hulled grains move down. After the
Rye is milled to flour in a process similar to dehulling process, the grains are considered as
that described for wheat. Very often ergot, a poi- whole grain, because they still have their bran,
sonous contaminant, is in the raw material and endosperm and germ.
must be removed to a maximum level of 0.05 %. After dehulling, grains like rice are sent to
The bran of the rye kernel adheres tenaciously machines with grooved tapering cylinders that
to the endosperm. Therefore, it is not practi- revolve rapidly in stationary, uniformly perfo-
cal to produce clean middlings or purify them rated cylinders. The outside bran layers and
by aspiration. The objective of rye milling is to germ are removed by the scouring action of the
produce flour during the breaking process. The rice grains moving against themselves near the
break rolls are set relatively close and have finer surface of the perforated cylinder. After passing
corrugations than those used in milling wheat. through a succession of hullers, rice is nearly
Rye grain requires little tempering because it is free of germ and outer bran. Scouring is usu-
very difficult to separate the bran from the en- ally completed by polishing in a brush machine.
dosperm. Rye flours have higher ash contents The polished rice contains whole endosperms
than wheat flours at similar extraction. More- and broken kernel particles of various sizes. The
over, bread with a high percentage of rye flour broken particles are usually separated by grad-
in the recipe can only be produced by adding ing reels or disc separators.
acids or using sourdough formula. For barley, the hulls are gradually removed
by a pearling process; the outer portion of the
barley kernel is removed by abrasion. These de-
6.1.3. Maize hulled whole barley kernels are ready to be used
as human food. Barley flour and barley grits are
Maize is dry-milled for human consumption made from dehulled barley kernels by gradual
using two general methods: mill stones (old reduction in a roller milling similar to the pro-
milling process) or steel rolls (modern milling cess of milling wheat.
process). The oat milling process has the following
– dehulling the oat kernel,
6.2. Dehulling
– improving the shelf-life of the final product,
Dehulling is necessary for all so-called “covered – increasing digestibility, and
cereals” such as rice, spelt wheat, oats, millet, – improving sensory characteristics.
sorghum, and some pseudocereals such as buck- In the cleaning process, the small oat ker-
wheat. The kernels are enclosed with a tough nels must be removed because their hull con-
siliceous hull that is unsuitable for human con- tent makes up to 60 % of the whole kernel. The
sumption [42, 53]. After removing the hulls, the hull is separated with dehulling stones or im-
kernel is obtained, consisting of the inner and pact milling. The dehulling stones consist of a
28 Cereals
lower stone, which is flat and stationary, and an lar to maize starch but is blander and does not
upper stone, which is slightly conical and ro- become rancid.
tates rapidly. The hulls are separated from the
kernels by aspiration. The dehulled kernels are
given a hydrothermal treatment to inactivate en- 6.4. Extrusion Process
zymes in the high fat content of the oat kernel.
Using steam, the temperature increases within a Cereals can be processed into food by extrusion
few minutes up to 87 ◦ C, and moisture increases (Fig. 4). High-temperature short-time (HTST)
up to 20 % [54]. Then, contact heating increases extrusion cooking is used extensively to produce
the temperature up to 100 ◦ C for about 15 min. different products for infant foods, snacks, con-
After this, the kernels are cooled to 8◦ C, and the venience foods, expanded pet food, feed, and
moisture content is reduced to 12 %. The end cereals for industry [57].
product of oat processing is the oat flake. The The basic components of an HTST extrusion
flake is produced from steam-treated oat kernels cooking system are as follows:
or oat grits using a flake roll. It is also possible
to produce oat bran with dietary fiber content up – continuous and uniform feeding of the raw
to 20 % by grinding and sieving steam-treated material to the extruder;
oat kernels. – preconditioning the materials with steam or
water at a controlled temperature (moisture:
20 to 30 % and heat: up to 80 %);
6.3. Wet-Milling Process – controlling temperature during the whole pro-
The wet-milling industry uses about 80 % of pro- – controlling residence time in the extruder to
cessed maize to produce maize starch, sweeten- optimize temperature, shear, and agitation;
ers, maize oil, and various feed byproducts. The – controlling extrudate shape and size; and
remainder is used in various food products using – drying, cooling, sizing, or heating the product
a dry-milling process as well as alcoholic bev- by adding flavors, vitamins, or fats, etc.
erages [55, 56]. Maize is processed for human
food in the following ways:
– to be eaten as whole kernels;
– ground to make hominy;
– milled for maize grits, meal, or flour; and
– converted to a variety of breakfast foods.
Maize or wheat starch is produced from
maize or wheat flour by the wet-milling process.
The starch kernels are separated from the raw
material using a multiple wet-sieving process.
For this sieving process, special equipment is Figure 4. Extrusion cylinder
used, i.e., hydrocyclones, multicyclones, three-
face dye separators, etc. After wet-sieving, the Pasta products are also processed by extru-
moisture content of the starch is reduced by sion but in a cold-extrusion process. The first
mechanical separation and then by drying. Very mechanical process to extrude pasta products
high drying temperatures cannot be used to re- rather than cut them from sheeted dough dates
duce the moisture content because starch gran- back to the early 1800s. Mixers, kneaders, hy-
ules are thermolabile and the gelatinization char- draulic presses, and drying cabinets have been
acteristics can deteriorate. also used since the turn of 20th century. Contin-
The following end products can be produced uous extrusion dates from the 1920s and fully
from 100 kg maize: 61 kg starch, 7 kg germs, automated processing, weighing, and packaging
7 kg maize bran, and 5 kg gluten. were introduced only in the 1950s.
Sorghum is also wet-milled, but finer mash High-quality pasta products are processed
screens are necessary. Sorghum starch is simi- from semolina milled from durum wheat. The
Cereals 29
advantage of durum wheat is its high protein gaining importance. Originating in the Arabian
content and the yellow color of the endosperm. Peninsula and Near East, wheat has spread to
There are pasta products processed only from Europe, but also to eastern parts of Asia and to
semolina, water, and salt while other types have North Africa and was brought by immigrants to
eggs as an important part of the recipe. In dif- America and Australia. As a bread cereal, kernel
ferent countries, egg pasta should have a defined hardness and structure affect processing proper-
amount of egg content in the recipe. ties in milling, and the proteins that form gluten,
Alimentary pastas are formed by extrusion a network of strands and membranes providing
on large automatic machines. Water and other fermenting dough with the gas retention neces-
ingredients are added to make stiff dough with sary for leavening, affect baking properties [41,
a water content of about 30 %. The dough is 58 – 61].
then forced under pressure through dies of an ex- Botanically or genetically, wheat is a cereal
trusion machine. The dies for long goods, e.g., differing much in number and type of genomes
spaghetti, consist of a metal plate with drilled and in shape and characteristics of the spikes.
holes. The extruded spaghetti is folded on a rack, The characteristics of spikes of wild, primi-
cut to length and dried on hanging rods under tive wheat and of naked, cultivated forms are
carefully controlled conditions. The temperature still present. Primitive wheat does not thresh
program during that drying process is very im- well, breaking into spikelets covered closely
portant for the cooking quality of the pasta. In with chaff, which must be removed from the
former times, the drying temperature was about kernel by dehulling before milling. In contrast,
40 to 50 ◦ C, which did not improve the microbi- the spikes of cultivated naked wheat thresh well,
ological status. Most modern drying equipment freeing the kernel easily and ready for milling.
uses high-temperature drying at 90 to 100 ◦ C. According to the number of chromosomes and
Accelerated drying has enhanced both produc- genomes, wheat is either einkorn (T. monococ-
tion efficiency and also product quality. Pasta cum) with the genome AA, or emmer (T. dic-
products marketed in Europe and the western occum) with the tetraploid genome AABB, or
hemisphere have the following sizes: finally common wheat (T. aestivum or vulgare)
with the hexaploid genome AABBDD. Wheat
– Spaghetti – small diameter, solid rods;
with all the three types of genomes can be used
– Macaroni – hollow tubes of different sizes;
for producing bread, but common wheat with
– Noodles – flat strips or extruded oval strips;
the AABBDD genome has proved to process
best, given bread volume and crumb properties
– Variety products – cut by rotating or a blade
(chewability) of breads and other bakery items.
The tetraploid durum wheat (AABB) is mainly
Some pasta companies have tried to intro- used for producing pasta from semolina, but in
duce pasta made from whole durum meal flour some countries of Southern Europe, Near East
to introduce dietary fiber into consumer diets, Asia, and North Africa the durum wheat is also
but customers did not accept this whole meal used for bread making.
pasta because of color and the taste. Wheat hardness can be separated largely into
three classes including soft, hard, and extra hard
(durum) wheat. Soft wheat flour has low pro-
7. Specific Properties and Use of tein content (7 – 9 %) and is good for making
cake and cookies with extraction rates of 40 –
Grains 50 %, whereas hard wheat flour has higher pro-
tein contents (10 – 14 %) and is preferred for
7.1. Wheat breadmaking with extraction rates of 70 %. Du-
rum flour has the highest protein contents (12
Wheat (Triticum ssp.) is often referred to as the – 16 %) and is mainly used for making pasta.
main and only bread cereal. Even though wheat Hardness is governed by interaction (adhesion)
production worldwide is likely the same as that between starch granules and protein matrix cov-
of rice and maize (Table 1.), wheat appears to ering starch granules. Soft wheat has a special
be the most important cereal and is constantly protein (M r 15 000, friabilin), which hard wheat
30 Cereals
does not have, on the surface of starch granules. tillage. Physiologically, wheat produced using
This protein prevents adhesion between starch organic or alternative agriculture (applying low
granules and the protein matrix. The friabilin manure) has a higher ratio of essential amino
is known to be composed of two major proteins acids, e.g., lysine, expressed as a percentage of
called puroindolines-a and -b. Either the absence the protein than that of wheat produced by ap-
of puroindoline-a or the presence of a glycine to plying high nitrogen fertilization. However, the
serine mutation in puroindoline-b is required for wheat produced under high fertilization has a
grain hardness [12]. significantly higher protein content, the lysine
The applicability of milled wheat in bread content in a slice of bread, expressed in grams,
making depends on the ability of wheat pro- is distinctly higher than that in bread produced
teins to build gluten when mixed and kneaded by alternative or organic agriculture.
with water and other ingredients into dough. Most wheat is used to produce food, but
The developed gluten is a cohesive viscoelastic wheat is also used in feed and in industry. This
mass of strands and membranes, which provide variability in properties and versatility of use
the dough with moldability and gas retention. make wheat indeed unique [59]. Processing for
Molded, shaped, and formed dough should pre- food starts in a mill that produces a variety of
serve its loaf form through the process of bread- milled products. The milled products (flours of
making and retain the gas produced by yeast. different grades, farina, semolina, and meals)
Thus, the dough must be kneaded to a desired are used to produce bread and other small bak-
consistency, and the added water plays an im- ery items of different types, pasta, confectionery,
portant role as a plasticizer and softener. and breakfast cereals. The requirements of phys-
The glutenin and gliadin ratio in gluten mass ical and chemical properties of flour, as a raw
determines the physical and chemical proper- material for a variety of end-products, make it
ties of the proteins in flour, i.e., the viscoelas- necessary rather to speak about the suitability
tic properties of dough, its stretchability, and of a specific flour for a specific purpose but not
its firmness [60, 62]. The physical and chemi- about quality in general. A specific product re-
cal properties of wheat proteins are genetically quires specific properties of flour, a degree of
linked and so far, are characteristic of a cultivar, fines (particle distribution), contents and prop-
although they are also influenced by the environ- erties of proteins, and enzyme activities. These
ment. A rather dry climate and soil deficient in can be achieved by selecting wheat, choosing
nitrogen produce more glutenin protein in wheat an adequate milling diagram, and adjusting the
with low protein content, and thus a firm and flour by blending, enriching and supplementing.
short dough resulting in low volume bread. On Each baker can obtain from the mill the flour tai-
the other hand, a moderate climate and partic- lored for specific purposes.
ularly soil with plenty of nitrogen promote the Through long years of growing and selecting,
synthesis of gliadin protein, which softens the wheat yields have been increased and wheat can
physical dough properties and ensures leaven- be processed more easily but has lost the intrin-
ing, and consequently, gives a high bread volume sic robustness of a wild grass. Grown intensively
and palatable crumb. across large areas, wheat needs intensive agri-
Optimal stretchability and firmness of the cultural control, fertilization, and protection to
dough gives a bread of good quality and ap- achieve both high yield and quality. The genetic
pearance, which will sell well and taste good. and spike characteristics determine the end use
A second crucial quality characteristic of flour and thus determine the spread of wheat forms.
in the bread making process is the activity of Out of the known forms, only the highly cul-
α-amylase. The quality of wheat is, therefore, tivated and selected tetraploid durum and the
also characterized by α-amylase activity. Only hexaploid common wheat are grown on a large
a well-balanced quality of gluten and α-amylase scale. Because of the green movement in some
activity in flour guarantees the best quality bak- countries, the farming of einkorn, emmer, and
ery items. Both properties, including gluten particularly of spelt wheat (T. spelta), a primi-
quality and sprout resistance, are intrinsic, i.e., tive hexaploid wheat, had for a short time some
genetically controlled, but also depend on envi- success, but interest in this ancient wheat has
ronment and thus are influenced by climate and waned. Spelt wheat was considered a healthy
Cereals 31
field product, protected by chaff from air pol- as sizing and coating material in paper manufac-
lution, and containing substances relevant for turing.
wellness [63, 64]. The belief that spelt is good The separation of starch and gluten by wet-
for celiac patients, has not been proved, because milling is a traditional use of wheat flours, and
spelt has the same genome as common wheat, the starch and starch derivatives have very differ-
producing gluten proteins and seriously harm- ent properties. Both starch and gluten are used
ing the intestinal walls of celiac patients. How- for both food and nonfood industries. Starch is
ever, spelt is a welcome form of wheat, grown in used as a binder in soups, sauces, sausages, in
adverse climatic conditions in mountain regions pudding-jellies, and as a component in paper
and ecological niches that should be offered to and wood adhesives, but also in medicine and
the consumers who appreciate spelt. pharmacy as carrier of medicaments (→ Starch).
Kamut wheat and selenium-rich wheat are Gluten, as a byproduct of starch production, is
other sources of healthy products such as bread used as an additive to feed and as an adhesive
or breakfast cereals. Kamut has a higher content (→ Proteins, Chap. 2.1.1). Specific gluten, not
of protein and of essential amino acids than com- damaged in drying, is called vital gluten and is
mon wheat and has a specific nutty taste. Sele- used to fortify flours, as a protein-fortifier, and as
nium is an important micronutrient that appears an improver in flours for specific bakery items.
to be deficient in some regions. Grown on soils Wheat and wheat starch is also a source for
containing selenium, wheat and its products may chemicals. Fermented and distilled alcohol as a
contain more of this element beyond the thresh- beverage or for industrial purposes is only one
old estimated to be necessary for health. of chemical products. Starch is also a source of
Some wheat is used in animal feed. Although polyols, of biodegradable plastics, and of rubber
the protein levels and the amino acid composi- additives. A promising and interesting branch
tion of all cereals are not sufficient for an ef- of starch products are the microbial polysaccha-
fective feed, the cereals and wheat have suffi- rides that transform starch to new polymers of
cient starch content to supply energy [61]. Fed useful properties. These uses, and many others,
to poultry and pigs in ratios of more than 50 %, of starch and gluten have been discussed, open-
wheat provides animals with metabolizable en- ing new possibilities in production and use of
ergy, but for their growth and healthy devel- starch and gluten [56].
opment, the feed must be supplemented with
other sources of plant or animal proteins and
minerals. The nonstarch polysaccharides, cellu- 7.2. Rye
lose and pentosans (arabinoxylans and xylans),
may have antinutritive effects, particularly with Rye (Secale cereale) is the main crop in regions
poultry. Adding enzymes to degrade the pen- with adverse growing conditions for other ce-
tosans has proved effective in increasing uptake reals [49, 51, 52]. As a modest plant, it can be
and digestibility of proteins and fats from feed grown on poor soils, providing a higher yield
containing wheat and barley. Microbial and fun- than wheat. In addition, rye is resistant to cold,
gal contaminations, particularly with Fusarium drought, pests, and diseases, and its yield po-
graminearum and smut spores (Tiletia sp.), af- tential on good soils is comparable to that of
fect voluntary feed-intakes. Thus, the feed to wheat. The hybrid cultivars are particularly high
gain performance of animal meat production is yielding. However, rye is susceptible to lodging,
affected. to preharvest sprouting, and to ergot, which in
Surpluses of cereals beyond what is needed years with high rain fall obviates its use as food
for food and feed have found other possible uses. and feed. Nevertheless, rye in former times has
Cereals in general and wheat in particular have made growing of wheat possible, because rye
been used as a raw material in nonfood industry and wheat were sown together expecting to ob-
[59]. Wheat can be used as a whole plant or as tain a yield from rye when the wheat, under bad
milled products, milled to a requested degree of conditions, failed.
extraction. Wheat straw can be used in the paper Rye is milled to integral flour and meal, and
industry, and wheat starch and gluten, separated highly extracted to dark flour with a rather high
by wet milling in a starch mill, are already in use mineral content. It is used in sour-dough bread,
32 Cereals
pure or blended with wheat flour. Unlike wheat, The rye genome of 7 chromosomes must be in-
the allotment of water-soluble proteins of rye (up creased to 14 chromosomes to be compatible
to 40 %) is higher than for wheat, and therefore, with hexaploid wheat (T. durum) or to 21 chro-
rye does not form a firm gluten mass. The baking mosomes for octaploid type of wheat (T. aes-
behavior of milled rye products is affected by its tivum or vulgare). This can be obtained only
pentosan (arabinoxylan) content [65, 66]. The by disrupting chromosome division with toxic
pentosan content may vary between 7 to 10 % in colchicines or with ionizing irradiation. Triti-
kernels; it is low in flour (2 – 4 %) and high in cale cultivars are either primary (rye × wheat)
whole kernel meal and particularly in bran. Rye or secondary (triticale × triticale).
is a good source of minerals, vitamins, dietary As a product of different parental properties,
fiber, β-glucan, and of lignan (phytohormones the properties of triticale cultivars lie interme-
such as secoisolariciresinol and matairesinol), diate between wheat and rye, with different al-
that can help prevent cancer [22, 24 – 26, 28, lotments of each parent. In growth habit and in
51, 67]. processing, some triticale cultivars are more like
Due to its high content of the essential amino wheat and others more like rye, but the main aim,
acids, particularly of lysine, rye was at one time to crop wheat from rye plants, has not yet been
considered an effective feed for pigs. However, reached. Triticale yield has not reached yield po-
the use of rye as feed is limited by its content tentials of wheat, nor are its baking properties
of alkylresorcinol and antinutritive substances (weak gluten, susceptibility to sprouting) equal
such as pentosan, which are indigestible and also to wheat [65, 69]. Nevertheless, many bakeries
presents starch and proteins from being digested. produce triticale bread with an adapted formula.
Rye is still a cheap component in feed and pet In general, triticale is susceptible to preharvest
food and is also used for various industrial pur- sprouting requiring special care at harvest and
poses [68]. as it is processed to bread. Triticale seems to be
rich in protein and in essential amino acids, like
rye, which is good for animal feed. Thus, trit-
7.3. Triticale icale is a feed grain, mostly used on the home
The first report on triticale, a genus bastard of Several wheat cultivars with high-baking
wheat and rye, was recorded at the end of 19th quality do have rye chromosomes introduced for
century. Triticale was a spontaneous cross bet- resistances, which have not been detrimental to
ween the two genera, but the incompatibility of their baking properties. This promises that triti-
chromosome number meant it was sterile. At cale cultivars of good processing value and bak-
the beginning of the 20th century, a fertile prod- ing properties can be created. Cereal breeders
uct of the crossing between wheat and rye was and processors would be interested in such cul-
achieved; since then quite a number of inten- tivars and offer a bakery item to consumers or
sive breeding projects have been started. Trit- consumers would ask for it.
icale is the first man-made cereal, and today Triticale can be used as any other cereals for
a great number of adapted cultivars are grown various industrial uses, as a source of chemicals
around the world, particularly where soil con- and as a source of energy. Attempts have been
ditions are adverse. The main producers of new made to breed triticale cultivars with a high-yield
cultivars and mercantile lots are Canada, Mex- potential and a high total mass of dry matters,
ico, Germany, and Poland, but Australia has also which can be burned to produce heat or energy
made efforts to breed and grow triticale. The as a renewable biomass resource.
produced triticale has not been yet registered by
FAO statistics.
The general idea was to combine the mod- 7.4. Barley
esty and resistance of the rye plants with the
milling and baking properties of wheat. The gen- Barley (Hordeum vulgarum) is probably the old-
eral problem with this combination is how to ob- est and the most widely grown cereal in the
tain fertile types and cultivars of triticale starting world. Its winter hardness and resistance to cli-
with parents with different numbers of genomes. mate and soil adversity mean that barley is grown
Cereals 33
farther north and higher in the mountains than of barley malt to produce enzymes that degrade
any other cereal [70]. Barley is grown world- starch from adjunct starch from other cereals.
wide as two main types, two-rowed and six- The difference lies in the enzymatic activities of
rowed barley, and also as winter and spring bar- the malt types. Barley for brewing should have a
ley. Most produced barley is used as feed, with good proportion of active starch-degrading en-
small portions as malt and food. And yet the im- zymes and low soluble protein content. It should
age of barley is closely connected with brewing be free of undesirable compounds such as β-
of beer. The six-rowed winter barley is used for glucan and polyphenols. Different types of malt
feed in Europe and the two-rowed for malting, have different aromas, flavors, and colors and
in America the six-rowed barley is preferred for hence give special character to the final brew.
malting. Although beer consumption is decreasing, it re-
As food, milled barley was used for bread- mains the most popular beverage worldwide.
making, later as pearled barley in porridge and
soups, and ground to semolina as couscous. Re-
cently, barley flakes were introduced and used 7.5. Oats
in bakeries and in breakfast cereals. In any case,
barley grain must be dehulled prior to milling. Oat is a genus comprising many wild, weedy,
Other types of barley are hull-less, thus avoiding and cultivated species found and grown in all
the disadvantages of dehulling, and have been agricultural areas. Of the cultivated species,
promoted. The rediscovered hull-less barley and white oats (Avena sativa) is the most wide
the new high-lysine barley found acceptance for spread. It is grown as a spring cereal; its inflo-
both food and feed. For this and for its high rescence is a panicle bearing hulled kernels. Be-
content of soluble β-glucan, barley products are sides the hulled type, a naked type of oats (Avena
considered healthy, reducing blood cholesterol sativa var. nuda, former Avena nuda) has been
and heart disease, and helping prevent colon can- pushed by breeders but did not find wide ac-
cer. These all might have increased the barley ceptance [71]. Oat kernels are unique, with high
consumption, but barley will never regain its for- levels of dietary fiber, good quality proteins, and
mer importance as food [70]. high levels of lipids, all making oats a healthy
Barley is fed to ruminants (cattle, sheep), cereal. Indeed, its healing effects and medical
monogastric animals (predominantly pigs), and value have been described early in the history of
poultry; as a starch-rich product, it contributes mankind [22, 72].
to the animals’ energy supply. Barley grown for Oats are used both for food and feed. De-
feed has a higher protein level than that grown hulled and milled into groats or flaked oats,
for malting. For better digestion, the barley ker- the cereal is highly appreciated, prepared as
nel should be rolled or flaked for ruminants or porridge and oatcake, flour for baby food, and
ground by a hammer mill for monogastric ani- breakfast cereals. A white kernel, unspotted by
mals. Barley glucans seem to reduce availability bacteria, is required to produce clean, white
of starch and protein fed to poultry and to pro- products. Nude oats with their unprotected ker-
duce sticky faeces. Therefore, adding enzymes nels often do not meet these requirements. In the
with β-glucanase is recommended. flaking process, oats are heat-treated, giving the
Barley is also a cheap ingredient for alcoholic product a pleasant nutty taste and preventing the
beverages. To produce malt for both beer and flakes from deteriorating by enzymatic oxida-
distilling, whole plump barley with unharmed tion of lipids (oats peroxidase). This treatment
germ, a high potential of enzymatic activities, prolongs the shelf life of oat products in com-
and low protein content is required. Even so, dif- parison to untreated oats. The commercial prod-
ferent distilled alcoholic beverages, such as malt ucts are rolled oats, steel-cut groats, and quick
whisky or grain whisky, have different require- oats produced from them, baby oats, instant oat
ments. In the malt whisky prepared only from flakes, oat flour, and oat bran. In the hulls and
barley malt, the malt should have a high level of in the outer parts of the oat kernel also an anti-
starch and only enough enzymes to degrade the carcinogenic factor has been found, increasing
endogenous starch in the malt. Grain whisky, the health value of oat products. Some oat prod-
on the other hand, contains a limited amount ucts are used in bread making, providing bak-
34 Cereals
ery items with nutritional benefits, typical flavor, feed except in Latin America and parts of Asia.
and moisture retention, and thus a longer shelf Rice is the staple food of East, Southeast, and
life. Bread making with oats is only possible in South Asia. This region produces 91 % of to-
combination with wheat flour. tal world production (Table 1). When the hull is
Oats have been used mostly as feed, espe- removed from the rough rice, or paddy, the ker-
cially for horses. Even today, oats are preferred nel or caryopsis, comprising the pericarp and
feed for horses because of their palatability, the seed proper is known as brown rice. When
digestibility, and nutritional quality, although brown rice is milled further, the bran, aleurone
low-cost alternative feed containing maize, soy layer, and germ are removed, and the purified
meal, cottonseed meal, and canola meal has been endosperms are marketed as white rice, polished
brought on the market. Compared to hulled oats, rice, or milled rice.
such products have higher energy density and Among cereal grains, paddy, or rough rice,
are more effective in feed. The dietary fiber, is unique in that it is milled as whole grain, not
β-glucan, seems to reduce feed performance in flour. It is also unique in that milled rice can
young animals. The fact that nude oats also have take two forms, white rice (raw rice, i.e., non-
high energy density suggests that oats may re- parboiled) or parboiled rice, obtained by treating
gain its position, at least for racing horses. paddy rice with water and heat before it is dried
In the nonfood field, oat hulls are an impor- and milled. Parboiled rice likely originated in an-
tant milling byproduct as a source for production cient India, but the exact origin is unknown. Par-
of furfural. Novel products such as oat starch are boiled rice is the major staple food throughout
used as adhesives and in cosmetics. In another the Indian subcontinent, where more than 90 %
novel process, oats are treated with α-amylase, of the world’s parboiled rice is produced and
the water-soluble dietary fiber separated from consumed. It is estimated that approximately
insoluble materials and used as a fat replacer 20 % of the world’s rice is parboiled [73, 74].
for bakery products. This and the cholesterol re- The uses of rice components and coprod-
ducing properties of oat products may open the ucts include (1) stabilized rice bran for health
market to new oat products. foods, cereals, baked goods, fat replacer, and di-
etary supplements as a source of fiber as well
as oryzanol, a phytosterol esterified to ferulic
7.6. Rice acid, demonstrated to reduce serum cholesterols
in human; (2) rice bran oil, a high-quality cook-
The rice grain, a covered caryopsis, slightly ing oil with an excellent balance of fatty acids
smaller than wheat, is flattened laterally, and has and excellent frying oil with low formation of
a small point at the end distal from the germ. peroxides, foam, free fatty acids, and polymers;
The kernel is enclosed in a tough siliceous hull (3) rice starch as a cosmetic dusting powder,
that is unsuitable for human consumption. Rice laundry stiffening agent, paper and photograph
(Oryza sativa L.) is one of the leading food crops paper powder, sugar coating in confectionery,
in the world and the staple food for more than excipient for pharmaceutical tablets, and fat re-
half the world’s population. It is considered a placers, due to the smallest granule size and very
semi-aquatic, annual grass plant. Cultivars of white color of rice bran; and (4) rice protein con-
the two cultivated species, O. sativa L. and O. centrates with good amino acid balances. Uses
glaberrima Steud., can grow in a wide range for rice hulls include roughage for cattle feed;
of water-soil regimes including over 100 coun- chicken litter; ammoniated for fertilizers; filter
tries on every continent except Antarctica. An- aids; burnt hulls for floor-sweepings; fuel; abra-
nual production (601.61 × 106 t) of rough rice, sives; binder for pelleted feeds; insulating ma-
paddy, approaches that of corn (604.560 × 106 terial; filler for building materials; binders and
t) and exceeds that of wheat (586.91 × 106 t), as absorbents for pesticides, explosives, and other
shown in Table 1. materials; and also in the commercial manufac-
Rice and wheat are the two most important ture of furfural, although their pentosan content
food grains, because maize is used mainly as is lower than that of oat hulls or maize cobs.
Cereals 35
7.7. Sorghum and Millets for livestock and foods; (c) sweet sorghums –
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) is juicy leaves and stem used for sugar, syrup, and
an ancient grain first domesticated in Africa alcohol production, and (d) grassy sorghum –
and spread to other parts of the world around tall stems for grazing silage and hay [75].
3000 B.C. Sorghum is a drought-resistant ce- As shown in 2004 this ancient grain may have
real grain, often growing in semiarid conditions unique health benefits, because of high antioxi-
where other cereal grains cannot. Sorghum is dant levels related to the content of polyphenolic
a tropical cereal grass like rice and maize. It compounds and sorghum wax, containing poly-
is a diploid plant with 2n = 20 chromosomes icosanols, which may be important in cardiac
like maize. However, it has a relatively small health. Therefore, the ancient grain sorghum has
genome, only one-third the size of maize [75]. drawn new interest and promises to become an
Among cereal grains, sorghum ranks fifth, with important cereal grain in the 21st century as a
57.9 × 106 t harvested between 1999 and 2001 potential staple food for people with celiac dis-
(Table 1). The major sorghum producing centers ease; because of high antioxidant and wax levels
are in Africa and Asia (54.4 % of total produc- for nutritional and health claims; and because of
tion), with 34 % of the world supply of sorghum its drought-resistance and good production with
grown in North and Central America. About limited water [39].
30 % of the world production is provided by Millet is a generic term implying “small
the USA, mainly from Kansas, Texas, Nebraska, seeded grain” and thus, the variations in mil-
and Missouri [76]. lets are quite large. Millets and sorghum account
The relative proportions of pericarp, en- for only 4.13 % of the total world cereal grain
dosperm, and germ in the sorghum seed account production with approximately 28 and 57.9 ×
for 6, 84, and 10 % of kernel, respectively. Al- 106 t, respectively (Table 1). Moreover, among
though the thousand kernel weight (TKW) of all cereal grains, the average yield is the lowest
sorghum, a naked caryopsis, ranges from 3 to 80 with 7.68 dt/ha (768 kg/ha) for millet, followed
g, grains of commercial sorghum hybrids have by 13.97 dt (1397 kg)/ha for sorghum (Table 2).
a flattened-spherical shape (4 mm long, 2 mm Both are, however, extremely important staple
wide, and 2.5 mm thick) with a TKW of 25 – 35 foods in semiarid and sub-humid zones. Two
g, test weight (TW) of 55 – 62 pounds per bushel broad categories of millet species include pearl
(lb/bu), and grain density of 1.38 g/cm3 [76]. millet (Pennisetum americanum [L.] Leeke) and
Sorghum is broadly classified in two classes, the small and/or minor millet. Pearl millet, also
i.e., tannin sorghums and nontannin sorghum, known as bulrush millet, is the world’s sixth
irrespective of the grain color. The color of the most important cereals. Pearl millet has the
grains depends on the color of the pericarp, largest seed and is the most widely grown of
whereas the presence or absence of tannins de- all the millets. Because of its highest drought
pends on the presence or absence of testa in the tolerance, it is grown primarily in the dry Sahel
inner pericarp. All sorghums contain phenolic zone across Africa and in the semiarid areas in
compounds, but not tannins. About 99 % of US India.
sorghums are of the nontannin type.
Sorghum is a major staple food crop in many
African countries and in India where agricul- 7.8. Maize (Corn)
tural and environmental conditions do not fa-
vor the production of other grain crops. Thus, Maize (Zea Mays L. ssp. mays), a diploid plant
it is critical for food security in the semiarid with 10 chromosomes (x = 10, 2n = 20) is na-
tropics of Africa, Asia, and Latin America [77]. tive to the Americas and is their most impor-
In the Western Hemisphere, where more than tant cereal crop. Maize originated in Mexico,
40 % of sorghum is produced, it is used primar- evolving from the wild grass Teosinte (Zea Mays
ily as an ingredient in livestock feeds. Based on sp. Mexicana). Maize was domesticated and
the types of end-uses, sorghums referred to as grown as a crop by Native Americans as early
(a) grain sorghums - short, mechanically har- as 5000 b.c. in Mexico’s valley of Tehuacan.
vested varieties used in food and feed; (b) for- Maize became a symbol of religion and pros-
age sorghums – tall, yielding fodder and grain perity in the Mayan civilization. Maize spread
36 Cereals
northward to the USA and Canada and south- 11 % acid-modified starches, 5 % each of dex-
ward to Argentina. In 1492, the explorer Christo- trins and oxidized starches, 3 % each of cationic
pher Columbus discovered maize, known as starches and pregelatinized starches, and 14 %
“mahyz”, this staple food of the Native Ameri- others. The zein (maize proteins) fraction, reco-
cans in the New World. Maize was transplanted vered from maize gluten meal is highly resistant
to Spain following Columbus’s discovery and to water and forms tough films and fibers, un-
quickly spread across Europe and to Africa and like most other commercially available proteins.
Asia from Spain [78]. Thus, zein has a number of industrial nonfood
In addition to being an economically impor- applications, such as in paper sizings, paper and
tant crop plant, maize is a model plant for study- paperboard adhesive, additives to oil cloth and
ing genetics, because one of the major contribu- linoleum, felt stiffener, pharmaceuticals (bind-
tions of maize genetics was to the field of cy- ing and seal coating tablets), varnish substitutes,
togenetics: maize cytogeneticists were the first printing inks, cork binding, spun textile fibers,
to demonstrate that chromosomes are individ- floor coatings, and paper coatings.
ually recognizable by their lengths, arm ratios, Since the 1980s, maize processing in the
and other physical features and that physical ex- U.S. nearly tripled from 16.7 × 106 t (0.659
change of chromosome segments accompanies × 109 bushel) in 1980 to 50 × 106 t (1.968 ×
genetic recombination. Through various breed- 109 bushel) in 2000; the biggest increase was
ing and genetics biotechnology and/or genet- for fuel alcohol production, which rose nearly
ical modification techniques, maize has been 20fold from 0.889 × 106 t (35 × 109 bushel) in
selected for improved genotypes, kernel mod- 1980 to 15.93 × 106 t (627 × 109 bushel) in
ification, and wide variations, tailored to the 2000 and 17.53 × 106 t (690 × 109 bushel) in
quality parameters and quantitative traits de- 2001. Use of ethanol for blending with gaso-
sired by consumers, including not only pro- line has been encouraged by reduced federal
ducers but also end-users. Some varieties in- and state tax rates on gasoline blends. The fu-
clude high-protein/high-lysine “Opaque-2” and ture prospects of maize products to replace those
“floury-2” maize; “waxy maize” with over 99 % currently derived from nonrenewable resources,
amylopectin, which grew on 0.22 × 106 ha in such as petroleum and minerals, and to pos-
the U.S. in 2000; “high-amylose maize or amy- sess environmentally-friendly properties will in-
lomaize” with 80 % amylose; “high-oil hybrids” crease demand for maize in nonfood and non-
with general accompaniment of reduction in feed industrial products such as plastics as build-
yield, but increased oil content and also alter- ing materials[78].
ation of fatty acid balance.
Maize is a unique crop to be able to provide
so many diverse products by the dry-milling, 7.9. Pseudocereals
with maize grain fractions mainly for food uses,
but some industrial uses, including wallpaper 7.9.1. Buckwheat
paste with fine grits; floor wax and hand-soap
with maize meals; dusting agents and hand- Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) is the best
soap with cones; fermentation media, explo- known pseudocereal. It belongs to the knotweed
sives, wallboard, and briquetting with maize (Polygonaceae) family, of which several genus
flour; and foundry binders, label adhesives, and and cultivars are grown. Fagopyrum tataricum is
edge paste with specialty products. The esti- probably the most widely planted cultivar. Orig-
mated uses of maize dry-milling products are inating in China, buckwheat came in the late
36.2 % for animal feeds, 54.3 % for food, and Middle Ages to Europe and has spread to Rus-
9.5 % for industrial (nonfood) uses [78]. Typical sia and to Japan. It was always a poor people’s
wet-milling industry products are maize sweet- food, grown on poor soils, but recently, buck-
eners, starch, maize oil, maize gluten meal (60 % wheat has gained interest as a healthy food and
protein) with byproducts including maize gluten has been used in ways other than the traditional
feeds (fiber, germ cake, and steep liquor solubles dishes [79]. As estimated by FAO, buckwheat
to yield 21 % protein). The estimated utiliza- production worldwide was 3.6 × 106 t in 1990,
tion of maize starch is 59 % unmodified starch,
Cereals 37
has reached as much as 4.4 × 106 t in 1992, and demands of potential consumers. In many indus-
has fallen down to about 2.6 × 106 t in 1999 [79]. trial countries, amaranth is grown as an ecolog-
Dehulled and milled to flour or groats buck- ical or biological product, and the taste of dif-
wheat is considered a nutritious food, rich in ferent amaranth cultivars seem not to meet the
high-quality proteins of high biological value taste expectations of many of consumers; both
with a well-balanced amino acid composition are obstacles in gaining expected popularity on
rich in lysine. It also contains considerable the market [82].
amounts of alanine and fagonin (a specific ami- In addition to A. caudatus, about 60 species
no acid), and a relatively high level of dietary are known, such as A. cruentus and A. hypocon-
fiber. The proteins consist mostly of globulins, driacusas grain amaranth, and other as vegetable
but the prolamin fraction seems to be absent. and weed amaranth. Amaranth grain is a small
This makes buckwheat suitable for celiac pa- seed with a diameter of about 1 mm, coated part-
tients. ly with a ring-shaped thin coat, and thus it is not
The buckwheat seed contains flavonoids, necessary to dehull it before use as food or feed.
which are reduced in dehulling and milling, but Although amaranth seed is considered rich in
both are used as therapeuticals containing rutin starch, it is also higher in protein (14 – 16 %)
[79 – 81]. Almost all parts of the buckwheat than cereals in general. The amino acid compo-
plant are used, green plants and leafs are fed to sition of amaranth proteins is nutritionally very
cattle (but with care because the rutin is light- beneficial because its lysine content is compa-
sensitive and may cause colored skin spots), rable with that of soybeans. The fat content (6 –
and for extraction of the pharmaceutical rutin. 8 %) is also higher than in cereals, which limits
As food, buckwheat is used mainly in break- storage time and interferes with the process of
fast cereals, as mush-porridge, in soups, as re- extrusion cooking.
placement for rice, for pasta products, but also Amaranth is usually boiled to mush-porridge
prepared in various traditional and gluten-free and lime-cooked (to replace the maize in tor-
dishes. There are quite a number of recipes for tillas), popped by short and dry heat, but can
bread and cookies from both pure buckwheat also be blended with wheat for bread and pasta
flour and when added to wheat or maize flour products (not higher than 10 – 25 %) [83]. The
[80]. Even the hulls can be used to fill pillows extruder-cooked amaranth is used as breakfast
or as a packing aid. cereal or granola bars. Further uses are in fer-
mented foods (comparable to soy sauce), protein
concentrate production, starch and starch hydro-
7.9.2. Amaranth lysis products as well as oil products.
use as food, and processing to food includes milled corn products are used as pregelled corn
techniques to remove saponin. The removal of flours in foundry cores and molds, in ore re-
saponins is traditionally performed by washing fining, in building materials, as binders, in fer-
or by physical abrasion. A technique based on mentation, in oil-well drilling mud, as adhesives,
both processes has proved to be most effective, as binders in paper, paperboard, and corrugated
whereby loss of nutrients is minimized. products. Wheat or low-grade wheat flours have
Dry-milling makes it possible to obtain whole also a broad application in industrial uses: in pa-
kernel flour as well as two fractions of milling per sizing and coating, in the plywood industry
products: the protein- and fat-rich bran frac- and in detergent formulations. Gluten is used in
tion and a starch-rich flour fraction. To achieve paper manufacture; in surface active agents; and
starch gelatinization, flour has to be boiled, or in adhesives, monosodium glutamate and glu-
dry-cooked by high-temperature short-time ex- tamic acid, coatings, and gums. Wheat germs are
trusion. The flour is mostly used as porridge or raw material for the production of antibiotics, vi-
instant infant porridge because of its high energy tamins, pharmaceuticals, and skin conditioners.
and of high protein quality in food. Quinoa flour Finally cereals are a very important source of
can be used also to produce bread and cookies energy. The production of alcohol as a source of
[83] and is gluten-free, which makes it appropri- fuel has been a subject of many investigations.
ate for celiac patients. It is used in malting and In the USA, South Africa, Australia, and espe-
fermentation, and as a raw material for starch cially Europe, several companies are engaged
production. Washed-out saponins are useful in in producing alcohol from cereals. The average
beer brewing or the hygiene industry, where sur- world cereal production is now more than 2 ×
face active substances are required as foamers 109 t/a. Cereals are the most important stable
[84]. food in the world. Only cereals have the po-
tential to support the world human population
with the needed amounts of energy and pro-
8. Economic Aspects and Outlook teins. In some countries, up to 80 % of food calo-
ries are provided by cereals or cereal products.
Cereals are traditionally considered food and In other countries, this percentage has dimin-
feed grains. However, during the last decades, ished, as meat production has grown, down to
special market situations have encouraged ex- 20 % of caloric intake. Worldwide cereal pro-
ploring industrial uses of cereals [68]. Ce- duction, primarily due to increased yields, has
real grains, milled products, and byproducts of caught up with the world population. Taking into
milling are finding increasing uses in a variety consideration the very large differences in yields
of nonfood applications. (dt/ha) that exist in different areas, further yield
First of all, the straw as well as the grain can increases depending on economic circumstances
be used as renewable biomass. Residues and by- can be expected. Genetically modified organism
products of cereals are excellent sources of fur- (GMO)-breeding could be an important factor in
fural (→ Furan and Derivatives, Chap. 3), a ba- increasing yields by reducing crop losses caused
sic raw material in many industrial technologies. by insects and special growing conditions.
The biomass can be pyrolyzed to produce sug-
ars, olefins, charcoal, and gaseous fuel. Carbo-
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