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Designation: D 828 – 97 An American National Standard

100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Test Method for

Tensile Properties of Paper and Paperboard Using
Constant-Rate-of-Elongation Apparatus1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 828; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 This test method covers procedures for determining 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this test
tensile properties of paper and paperboard. method, refer to Terminology D 1968 or the Dictionary of
1.2 The procedures given in this test method are for use with Paper.5
constant-rate-of-elongation tensile testing equipment and as 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
such, may be used with instruments designed for either vertical 3.2.1 line contact grips, n—grips or jaws on a tensile testing
or horizontal operation, and whether manually operated or machine having a clamping zone for gripping the specimen
computer controlled. comprised of a cylindrical and a flat surface or two cylindrical
1.3 These procedures are applicable for all types of paper, surfaces whose axes are parallel.
paperboard, paper products, and related materials within the
measurement limitations of the equipment used. They are not 4. Significance and Use
for use with combined corrugated board. 4.1 The tensile properties measured in this test method are
1.4 Properties that may be determined using this test method fundamental properties associated with the manufacture, or end
include tensile strength, stretch, tensile energy absorption, use, or both, of paper and paper products. They may be
tensile stiffness, breaking length, and tensile index. influenced by, or indicative of the type fibers used or the
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the treatment of the fibers, or both, in a particular paper. They may
standard. The inch-pound units given in parentheses are for also be influenced by or indicative of specific manufacturing
information only. procedures used in producing a specific paper or paper product.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the Likewise, paper converting operations may significantly im-
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the pact properties measured using this test method, and this test
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- method may be used to measure and understand such effects.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 4.2 Tensile strength is indicative of the serviceability of
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. many papers, such as wrapping, bag, gummed tape, and cable
wrapping, that are subjected to direct tensile stress. The tensile
2. Referenced Documents strength of printing papers is indicative of the potential
2.1 ASTM Standards: resistance to web breaking during printing and other converting
D 585 Practice for Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot of operations and during travel of the web from the roll through
Paper, Paperboard, Fiberboard, and Related Products2 the equipment.
D 685 Practice for Conditioning Paper and Paper Products 4.3 Stretch, and sometimes tensile stiffness are indicative of
for Testing2 the ability of the paper to conform to a desired contour. These
D 987 Method of Test for Stretch of Paper and Paper are important properties of creped papers, towels, napkins,
Products Under Tension3 decorative papers, industrially used paper tapes (both creped
D 1968 Terminology Relating to Paper and Paper Products2 and pleated), bags, and liners for cans, barrels, and cartons.
E 122 Practice for Choice of Sample Size to Estimate a 4.4 Tensile energy absorption is a measure of the ability of
Measure of Quality for a Lot or Process4 a paper to absorb energy at the strain rate of the test, and
indicates durability of papers that are subjected to repetitive
straining and stressing, such as multiwall sack papers.
4.5 Tensile stiffness often gives a better indication of the
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-6 on Paper mechanical response of the sheet to converting forces than do
and Paper Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D06.92 on Test
Methods. tensile rupture criteria.
Current edition approved Dec. 10, 1997. Published November 1998. Originally
published as D 828 – 45 T. Last previous edition D 828 – 93.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.
Discontinued, see 1968 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 15. 5
Available from the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, PO
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02. Box 105113, Atlanta, GA 30348.


D 828
5. Apparatus test method, as agreed upon between the manufacturer and the
5.1 Tensile Testing Machine, of the constant-rate-of elonga- purchaser of the instrument.
tion type conforming to the following criteria: 5.2 Alignment Jig, to facilitate centering and aligning the
5.1.1 Two line contact grips or jaws for gripping the test specimen in the instrument grips, so that the clamping lines of
specimens, with the line of contact perpendicular to the contact are perpendicular to the direction of the applied force
direction of the applied load, and with means for controlling and the center line (long dimension) of the specimen coincides
and adjusting the clamping pressure. with the direction of the applied force. Use optional, as agreed
upon between the users of this test method. Such a device is
NOTE 1—There are certain grades of paper that may be damaged by line described in TAPPI Journal (1)6.
contact grips. In these cases, as agreed upon between the users of this test
method, other grips may be substituted, and that fact stated in the report.
5.3 Planimeter or Integrator, to measure the area beneath
the load-elongation curve or to compute directly the work to The clamping surfaces of the two grips must be in rupture. The specific characteristics of the testing machine used
the same plane and so aligned that they hold the test specimen will dictate the need for this device. Most modern electronic
in that plane throughout the test. tensile testing machines include the necessary calculation
5.1.2 The distance between the line contact gripping zones capabilities in the software resident in the instrument. See
of the grips at the beginning of a test must be adjustable and 5.1.6.
resettable to 60.5 mm (60.02 in.) for the specified initial test 5.4 Specimen Cutter, a device capable of cutting specimens
span (see 8.1 and 10.3.2). for testing that are uniform in width to within at least 60.5 mm
5.1.3 The rate of separation of the two grips must be 25.4 6 (60.02 in.) or less of the specified specimen width, and with
5.0 mm/min (1.0 6 0.2 in./min) or as otherwise noted (see edges parallel to within 0.1 mm (0.004 in.). The double-blade
10.3.4), and once set, must be resettable and constant at the strip cutter of the JDC-type is quite satisfactory for this
required rate to 64 % of the specified value. requirement. Other cutting dies may also be used, provided
5.1.4 The tensile testing machine must be equipped with a they are found to comply with or exceed the tolerances stated
load measuring device and a recorder or other suitable indica- herein. Single-blade “paper cutters” do not comply with the
tor of the measured load at points of interest during the test, an requirements for a specimen cutter for purposes of this test
example of which might be a micro processor and digital method.
readout device or cathode ray tube screen, capable of reading 5.5 Magnifier and Scale or Similar Optical Comparator, for
the measured loading force accurately to 0.25 % of the full use in measuring specimen widths and determining that speci-
range of the load measuring device. The load measuring mens comply with 5.4. It is important to understand that the
circuitry must be capable of accurate calibration, and must requirements of 5.4 apply to the test specimen, not to the
maintain that calibration accuracy to 60.5 % of the full-scale specimen cutter. The tolerances to which the cutter or cutting
value. die itself must be designed are those that produce test speci-
5.1.5 The tensile testing machine must be equipped with an mens of the stated tolerance.
elongation measuring device and a recorder or other suitable
NOTE 2—Automated tensile testing instruments providing automated
indicator of the measured elongation at points of interest, an
sample handling, laboratory management, or data acquisition, or any of
example of which might be a microprocessor and digital these in combination, are available. These instruments provide features
readout device or cathode ray tube screen, capable of accurate not limited to calibration, calibration check, automation of testing se-
calibration and of indicating the elongation values to a read- quence, storing of testing programs including rate of grip separation or
ability and accuracy of 60.05 % stretch (that is 60.09-mm distance of grip separation, or both, cutting of test strips, acquiring of test
elongation for an original specimen test span of 180 mm). data, and accurately determining tensile breaking properties including
5.1.6 The tensile testing machine must be capable of pro- those listed in Section 11. This test method may be used with any such
equipment, provided the equipment complies with the requirements of
viding the measurement data required for making the calcula- Section 5.
tions specified in Section 11, whether by presentation of data in
the form of a recorder trace of the tensile force-elongation 6. Sampling
behavior of the material being tested such that data required by 6.1 Acceptance Sampling—Acceptance sampling shall be
the user can be readily determined from the recorder trace, or done in accordance with Practice D 585.
whether by storage of required data points in a form usable and 6.2 Sampling for Other Purposes—The sampling and the
retrieveable by the user for calculations as specified in Section number of test specimens depend on the purpose of the testing.
11, or whether by including calculation algorithms suitable for Practice E 122 is recommended.
direct display of the calculations specified in Section 11. Where
calculation algorithms are included, it is the responsibility of 7. Test Specimens
the manufacturer of the instrument to clearly document the 7.1 The standard dimension for test specimens required for
calculation basis for the values that are reported, and that they performing this test method is 25.4 6 0.5 mm (1.00 6 0.02 in.)
do or do not comply with the calculations specified in Section wide and of such length, usually about 254 mm (10.0 in.) to
11. The user of the instrument must, in turn, determine that allow sufficient specimen for clamping in the instrument grips
reported values are suitable for any particular information
need. Numerous other calculations may be based on the tensile
strength-elongation of a material, and may be included in an 6
The boldface numbers given in parentheses refer to a list of references at the
instrument used for making the measurements described in this end of the text.


D 828
when the standard distance between the grip clamping zones is directions using a carpenter’s level or similar device.
180 6 5 mm (7.1 6 0.2 in.). 8.1.3 Align the clamping grips that hold the specimen in the
7.1.1 A common width dimension, found in many ISO plane of the applied load, as required in 5.1.1.
Standards and used for some specific grades of paper based on 8.1.4 Position the specimen grips as required in 5.1.2, or as
specification or agreement between the buyer and the seller, is agreed upon between the buyer and the seller in 7.4. Correct
15.0 mm (0.591 in.). The limits of precision for the specimen distance between the required line contact gripping zones may
width stated in 5.4 apply (60.5 mm [60.02 in.]), thus the be verified by measuring the distance between the centers of
narrower specimen width may introduce a slightly greater the line clamp impressions produced on strips of thin metal
variability into tensile strength results, and values calculated foil.
from tensile strength such as breaking length. 8.1.5 Determine and adjust the clamping pressure on the
7.1.2 Specifications requiring specimen widths other than specimen grips so that neither slippage or specimen damage
those in 7.1 and 7.1.1 may be encountered. Specimen width occurs. Papers prepared from more highly hydrated or beaten
used must always be included in the report when it deviates fibers, such as tracing paper or glassine, present the most
from 7.1. The impact of specimen width is addressed in Annex difficult gripping problems. For use with the widest possible
A1. range of papers, adjustment of grip pressure by making tests on
7.2 From each conditioned test unit of the sample, cut ten strong tracing paper is generally satisfactory. Excessive pres-
test specimens in each of the two principle directions of the sure at the grip is evidenced by straightline breaks in, and
paper having the dimension stated in 7.1 using a specimen immediately adjacent to the clamping zone. Insufficient pres-
cutter complying with 5.4. sure is evidenced by an abrupt discontinuity in the measured
7.3 Ensure that the specimen strips chosen for testing are tensile strength prior to specimen rupture, or a wider than
free from abnormalities such as creases, holes, wrinkles, or normal impression of the clamping line on the specimen after
other features not typical of the paper itself that may impact rupture, or both. Some level of experimentation will be
tensile strength values. required to achieve a satisfactory clamping pressure for spe-
7.4 In some cases, particularly including converted paper cific types of paper or paper products.
products, it may be impossible to obtain specimens complying
8.1.6 After it is established that the testing machine is in
with 7.1 with regard to specimen length, or 7.3 with regard to
good working order and has been properly leveled, periodic
freedom from abnormalities, or both, because of perforations,
calibration of the load measuring system with standard weights
folds, embossing, printing, or other deliberately added product
is required. For referee testing and to comply with many
design features. In such cases, as agreed upon between the
different quality management programs, or both, the weights
buyer and the seller, or required in relevent specifications,
used should have traceability to a national standardizing
smaller initial distance between the two instrument grips may
organization such as NIST. Weights covering the entire range
be required, with accompanying requirements for shorter test
of the load-measuring component in the testing machine should
specimens. In addition, a change in rate of grip separation may
be available, and should include about ten weights spaced
be required. In such cases the deviation from this test method
fairly evenly thoughout the measuring range. Attach the
must be reported. Further information on these points may be
weights to the clamp connected to the loadmeasuring device in
found in Annex A1.
a suitable manner or as directed in the instrument instructions,
7.5 In some cases, it may be agreed upon between the buyer
being sure to eliminate the weight of any weight support from
and the seller, or required in relevant specifications to perform
the indicated value of the weight itself. Note the value
testing on test specimens of lesser or greater width than that
measured when the system is in equilibrium. As stated in 5.1.4,
specified in 7.1. In such cases, the deviation from this test
allowable deviation from true weight is 60.5 % of the full-
method must be reported. Further information on this point
scale range of the measuring component.
may be found in Annex A1.
8.1.7 Periodic verification of the extension measuring sys-
8. Calibration tem is required. Set the clamping grips to a specific separation
8.1 Because of the large number of tensile testing machines as required in 5.1.2 or agreed upon based on 7.4. Verify the
available that conform to the requirements of 5.1, specific exact separation of the grips to the nearest 0.05 mm using a
calibration procedures for individual instruments is beyond the caliper of verified accuracy. Operate the grip separating system
scope of this test method, and must be obtained from the (commonly called the cross head on vertical tensile testing
manufacturer of the equipment. The following are general machines) as specified in 5.1.3 for a desired time period,
considerations that must be included, along with other consid- measured to the nearest 0.1 s. Based on the speed at which the
erations unique to specific instruments, as part of calibration cross head is set to travel (25.4 mm/min as specified in 5.1.3,
procedures for use with this test method. or some other speed) calculate the expected distance between
8.1.1 Regularly inspect the machine for cleanliness and for grips (original separation plus the distance represented by
faults such as wear, misalignment, loose parts, or damage. multiplying the cross-head speed times the seconds of travel).
Clean, grease, or otherwise service the machine at regular Measure the actual distance with the caliper. The measured and
intervals, as recommended by the manufacturer or determined calculated distances must agree within6 0.09 mm (see 5.1.5).
by the user of a particular machine. Make all necessary repairs Repeat for several different time intervals within the expected
when faults are found. 15 to 30-s duration of a tensile test to rupture (see 10.3.4).
8.1.2 Level the machine accurately in the two principle 8.2 Perform such other maintenance or calibration, or both,

D 828
as may be required for the proper performance of the tensile 10.3.11 Reject any test value in which the test specimen
testing machine used such that it complies with all require- slips in the jaws, breaks within the clamping zone, or shows
ments of this test method and all recommended calibration and evidence of uneven stretching across its width. Also, reject any
maintenance programs of the manufacturer. test values for test specimens that break within 5 mm (0.2 in.)
of the clamping zone if further inspection indicates the break
9. Conditioning location is due to improper clamping conditions or misalign-
9.1 Condition the samples in accordance with Practice ment of the specimen. If more than 20 % of the specimens for
D 685. a given sample are rejected, reject all readings for the sample,
9.1.1 Exposure of samples to high relative humidity prior to inspect the testing machine for conformance with specifica-
preconditioning and conditioning may lead to erratic results tions, and take any steps necessary to correct problems
with either a decrease or increase in tensile strength or stretch, identified.
or both. Careful protection of the sample from extremes in 10.3.12 Record values for tensile strength, elongation, and
humidity from the time of sampling until testing is very other calculated quantities as required or provided for by the
important. instrument being used for each specimen strip tested. Values
may be automatically accumulated in a data file in instrument
10. Procedure software if the instrument is so equipped, or transferred
10.1 Perform all testing in an environment as specified in directly into a central data system.
Practice D 685. 10.3.13 For any case in which deviations from this proce-
10.2 Adjust and calibrate the testing machine as required in dure are made, particularly because of small sample length, all
Section 8. deviations and the reason for them must be documented in the
10.3 The standard testing parameters required by this test report.
method are as follows:
10.3.1 Specimen Width—25.4 mm (1.00 in.), see 7.1, 11. Calculation and Interpretation of Results
10.3.2 Effective Specimen Length (Grip Separation at Start
of Test)—180 mm (7.1 in.), see 7.1, 11.1 For each test unit and in each principle direction,
10.3.3 Nominal Specimen Length—254 mm, see 7.1, and calculate the average value for the tensile strength at rupture
10.3.4 Rate of Grip Separation During Test—25.4 mm/min, using the data from 10.3.12. Add the value for each individual
see 5.1.3. specimen and divide by the total number of specimens tested. This rate of grip separation generally results in 11.1.1 The customary units of tensile strength are force per
sample rupture in less than 30 s and more than 10 s. In cases width. In cases where a 1.00-in. specimen is tested, the
where rupture consistently requires greater than 30 s, a more customary unit is force per inch. In cases where a 15-mm
rapid rate of grip separation must be used, so that sample specimen is tested, customary units are force per 15-mm.
rupture occurs in between 10 and 30 s. Where a grip separation Where other specimen widths are required, the specification
other than that stated in 10.3.4 is used, the actual grip will generally state units to be used in reporting data.
separation speed must be reported, as required in 12.1.5. 11.2 In like manner to that described for tensile strength in
10.3.5 For purposes of testing shipping sack and shipping 11.1, calculate the average value for elongation at rupture. This
sack paper for compliance with tensile energy absorption value may be reported as the percentage of the original
carrier and federal requirements,7 an effective specimen length effective specimen length (see 10.3.2), if desired.
(grip separation at start of test) of 122 mm (4.2 in.) and a rate 11.3 Using instrument software, a planimeter value from a
of grip separation of 25.4 mm/min must be used. recorder trace of the test data, or other convenient means,
10.3.6 Adjust data recording components for data recording calculate the average tensile energy absorption prior to rupture
as required for the material being tested, particularly with for each principle direction of each test unit, again by adding
regard to the full-scale range of the load measuring system. together the individual test values of tensile energy absorption
10.3.7 Where specimen tensile strength is unknown, pre- and dividing by the total specimens tested.
liminary tests may be required to achieve proper instrument 11.3.1 The following formulas may be used to calculate
settings. tensile energy absorption in joules per square meter. See Annex
10.3.8 Place one end of a test specimen into one of the A1 for derivation of constants:
instrument grips, align it, and clamp it in place. Place the other
end of the test specimen in the other grip. Carefully remove TEA 5 1 3 106A/LW
slack, but to not stretch the specimen. Close the second clamp. 5 9.807 3 104A8/LW
While handling the test specimen, avoid touching the area that 5 175.1 a/lw
will be between the two clamping zones with the fingers.
10.3.9 Verify correct clamping pressure (see 8.1.5). where:
10.3.10 Test ten specimens in each principle direction for TEA 5 tensile energy absorption, J/m2,
each test unit. L 5 initial test span, mm,
W 5 specimen width, mm,
A 5 area under the load-elongation curve, J, and
Freight Classification Rule 40, National Motor Freight Classification, Item 200,
A8 5 area under the load-elongation curve, kgf·cm.
UUS 48, and Department of Transportation 178.236. 11.3.2 While the units in 11.3.1 are preferred, if foot

D 828
pound-force per square foot are desired, use the following packages for use within test instruments themselves, or within
formula: personal computer or larger laboratory computerized data
tea 5 12 a/lw management systems. It is the responsibility of the user to
determine exactly what calculations and units are required, and
where: that desired data is being generated.
tea 5 tensile energy absorption, ft·lbf/ft2, 11.9 The following are the required units for tensile prop-
a 5 area under the load-elongation curve, lbf·in., erties determined using this test method in the absence of
l 5 initial test span, in., and agreements between the buyer and the seller to use other units:
w 5 specimen width, in. 11.9.1 Tensile strength, kN/m,
11.3.3 To convert from tea to TEA, use the following 11.9.2 Elongation, %,
formula: 11.9.3 Tensile energy absorption, J/m2,
TEA 5 14.60 3 tea 11.9.4 Tensile stiffness, kN/m,
11.4 Using instrument software or a recorder trace of the 11.9.5 Breaking length, m, and
test data, calculate tensile stiffness, if desired, as the average 11.9.6 Tensile index, N·m/g.
slope of the elastic region of the test data in agreed units of 12. Report
force per elongation (strain). For purposes of this analysis, the
elastic region over which this average value is determined must 12.1 Report at least the following information for each test
begin at a load value no lower than 5 % of the elastic limit, and unit in each principle direction to three significant figures.
must not go beyond 75 % of the elastic limit, and the data used Units of reporting are to be as specified in 11.9 unless the seller
must comprise at least 20 % of the elastic region of the test and the buyer agree to use other units:
data. 12.1.1 Average tensile strength and range or standard de-
11.5 For purposes of determining specimen rupture in 11.1,
12.1.2 Average percentage elongation and range or standard
11.2, and 11.3, the specimen will be deemed to have ruptured
when maximum tensile load has been reached and the tensile
12.1.3 Average tensile energy absorption and range or
load has dropped no more than 0.25 % of the instrument
standard deviation,
full-scale load below the maximum load. This procedure is
12.1.4 The number of tests rejected and the reason for
applicable so long as maximum strain occurs at rupture, which
rejection, and
is usually the case for paper samples. For instruments including
12.1.5 Any deviations from the procedures specified as
software packages to determine rupture, it is the responsibility
standard in this test method, including, but not limited to,
of the user to determine that the conditions stated here are
deviations in sample length or width, rate of jaw separation,
fulfilled. Frequently, instrument “peak” (rupture) detecting
clamping and configurations, or features of equipment design.
algorithms are variable by user input, to allow the instruments
to be used for a wide variety of testing activities. 13. Precision and Bias
11.6 Calculate breaking length, when required, using the
13.1 Repeatability—The critical limits of repeatability be-
following formula:
tween which two test results, each representing the average of
BL 5 102 000 ~T/R! values determined on ten test specimens of the same test unit
5 3 658 ~T8/R8! within the same laboratory by the same operator will fall 95 %
of the time, calculated as the percentage of the average of the
where: two results are as follows:
BL 5 breaking length, m, 13.1.1 Tensile Strength—5 %,
T 5 tensile strength, kN/m, 13.1.2 Stretch—9 %, and
R 5 grammage, g/m2,
13.1.3 Tensile Energy Absorption—10 to 16 %.
T8 5 tensile strength, lbf/in., and
R8 5 mass per unit area, lb/1000 ft2. 13.2 Reproducibility—The critical limits of reproducibility
between which two test results, each representing the average
11.6.1 It is customary to measure R or R8 under “air dry”
of values determined on ten test specimens of the same test unit
conditions, rather than under the conditions specified in Prac-
within different laboratories by different operators will fall
tice D 685. The buyer and seller must agree on the exact
95 % of the time, calculated as the percentage of the average of
calculation convention being used when breaking length is
the two results are as follows:
included in a specification.
13.2.1 Tensile Strength—10 %,
11.7 Calculate tensile index, when required, using the fol-
13.2.2 Stretch—25 %, and
lowing formula:
13.2.3 Tensile Energy Absorption—22 to 36 %.
TI 5 1000 ~T/R! 13.3 These estimates of precision were reported in TAPPI
5 36.87 ~T8/R8! Journal (3).
13.4 Additional data for estimating precision are available
where: through the Collaborative Testing Program.8
TI 5 tensile index, N·m/g,
T, T8, R, and R8 are in accordance with 11.6.
11.8 All of the above calculations are available in software 8
Managed by Collaborative Testing Services, Herndon, VA.


D 828
13.5 Bias—No statement is made regarding the bias of the 14. Keywords
quantities measured in this test method for tensile breaking
14.1 breaking length; elongation; paper; paper products;
strength of paper and board, and related calculated quantities,
percentage elongation; tensile energy absorption; tensile index;
because all properties measured are dependent upon the
tensile strength
specific test conditions specified in this test method.


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 The previous version of this test method measured values for tensile strength, elongation, and tensile energy
only the tensile breaking properties of paper, but permitted a absorption at rupture (the three quantities are mathematically
wider variety of options with regard to testing instrumentation, and structurally related) than the standard length of 180 mm,
including pendulum, inclined plane, and spring-driven units. and reduced precision for elongation measurements.
Most of these instruments do not comply with one or more of A1.2.1.3 Longer specimen lengths generally result in lower
the requirements of 5.1. In addition, the data produced by these values for tensile strength, elongation, and tensile energy
instruments may be insufficient for making one or more of the absorption at rupture.
calculations specified in Section 11. Method of Test D 987, for A1.2.1.4 The decrease in tensile related properties at rupture
use in measuring stretch of paper and paper products, refer- that occurs as a function of increased specimen length has two
enced in the previous version of this test method, was discon- primary sources: (1) test specimens rupture at the weakest
tinued in 1968 and is no longer considered reliable for making point along their length; and (2) as the specimen length
stretch measurements to the precision and bias required in this increases, the probability of including an even weaker portion
test method. It was the decision of the subcommittee respon- of material in the specimen increases.
sible for this test method to produce a test method for A1.2.1.5 A consequence of A1.2.1.4 is that the impact of
measuring a wide range of tensile properties of paper and paper specimen length changes will be greater for papers with poor
products using widely available, current measurement equip- formation, because their internal structural variability is greater
ment. It should be obvious that equipment types not complying and the probability of incorporation of even weaker portions of
with this test method can still be used for testing purposes, but material with a lesser increase in length becomes greater.
results produced cannot be stated to comply with this test A1.2.1.6 Calculations based on the work of Pierce (3) and
method. others have been used to develop a predictive model of tensile
strength at rupture as a function of both coefficient of variation
A1.2 Paper as a physical material is both visco-elastic and and rupture load of the paper for a specimen length of 200 mm
hygroscopic. The consequence of this fact is that any change in as the specimen length varies. Table A1.1 shows the results of
the temperature or humidity, or both, at which samples or test this work (3, 4).
specimens are conditioned or tested, and any change in the rate A1.2.1.7 It should be clear that any change in specimen
at which stress is applied to a specimen (in the context of this length will result in changes in the values of the properties
test method, the rate of strain or, more specifically, rate of grip measured in this test method. Even when circumstances require
separation), may cause changes in measured results. Only such change, it must be clearly documented and agreed in
when the conditions stated in this test method are adhered to advance, and reported as part of the test method report, as
with rigor can precise results in good agreement be achieved required in 12.1.5.
within, between, or among persons, laboratories, or companies, A1.2.2 Effect of Test Specimen Width—There is little impact
including various buyers and sellers, who may use this test from varying the test specimen width in the range from 12 to
method. It is recognized, however, that certain papers or paper 50 mm (approximately 0.5 to 2.0 in.) except in the case of
products may be impossible to test under the standard condi- unbeaten long fibers where the difference may be appreciable.
tions of this test method. Some of the more commonly
encountered variations in procedure and their effect on test TABLE A1.1 Predicted Changes in Tensile Strength at RuptureA
results are as follows: Predicted Change in Rupture Tensile Strength, %
Coefficient of
A1.2.1 Test Specimen Length: Variation for 200-mm Specimen Length, mm
Specimen, %
A1.2.1.1 If test specimens of reduced length must be used 50 100 200 300 400
for reasons in 7.3, 7.4, or other reasons, as agreed upon 2 2.7 1.2 ... −0.7 −1.1
between the buyer and the seller, recommended effective 4 5.4 2.5 ... −1.3 −2.2
specimen lengths (distance between the specimen gripping 6 8.0 3.7 ... −2.0 −3.3
8 10.7 5.0 ... −2.6 −4.3
zones) are 100 6 5 mm (4 6 0.2 in.) or 50 6 2 mm (2 6 0.1 10 13.4 6.2 ... −3.3 −5.4
in.). A
As related to specimen variability and tensile strength at a specimen length of
A1.2.1.2 Shorter specimen lengths generally result in higher 200 mm when specimen length is varied from 50 to 400 mm.


D 828
However, any deviation from the required width of 25.4 mm traveling at 25.4 mm/min) or less. For the specimen of
(1.00 in.) must be clearly reported, as required in 12.1.5. standard, this means that if the percent elongating consistently
A1.2.3 Effect of Grip Separation Speed: exceeds about 7 %, a faster rate of grip separation will be
A1.2.3.1 Increasing the rate of grip separation by a factor of required. Many creped papers, including some tissue products,
two for a constant specimen length will generally increase have values for percent elongation exceeding 7 %, and will
tensile strength at rupture values and may increase tensile require grip separation speeds in excess of 25.4 mm/min. The
energy absorption. In some cases, an accompanying decrease actual grip separation used must be reported, as required in
in elongation may result in tensile energy absorption values 12.1.5.
that are nearly independent of grip separation speed.
A1.2.4 The derivation of the constants found in 11.3.1 is as
A1.2.3.2 If shorter test specimen lengths are required (see
7.4), the rate of grip separation should be reduced in proportion
to the reduction in specimen length. For example, if the
specimen length is reduced from 180 to 90 mm (a reduction of TEA ~J/m2! 5
A ~J!
L ~mm! W ~mm! m2
~1000 mm!2

a factor of 2) the grip separation rate should be reduced by the

5 1 3 106A/LW
same factor of 2 for 25.4 to 12.7 mm/min. In this way, the rate
of sample elongation (mm/min/mm) remains identical to that
required for the standard specimen length. In any case where TEA ~J/m 2! 5
A ~kgf! ~cm!
L ~mm! W ~mm! m2
~1000 mm!2 m
100 cm U
grip separation differs from that specified in 10.3.4, this
IJ N·S2 9.807 ~kgm! ~m!
deviation must be reported as required in 12.1.5. 3 Nm
~kgm! ~m! ~kgf!S2
A1.2.3.3 Previous versions of this test method permitted
variation in the rate of sample elongation, partly so as to 5 9.807 3 104A8/LW

accommodate a variety of testing machines some of which a ~lbf ·in. ! J
were incapable of operating at a constant rate of elongation. TEA~J/m 2! 5
I ~in.! w ~in.! 0.7376 ft·lb
The “time to rupture” was kept constant within certain limits,
but data variation as described in A1.2.3.1 occurred. However,
the requirement in that specimens rupture within 30 s
3 12 in. U
ft ~39.37 in.!2
or less will be fulfilled only for papers whose elongation is 12.7 5 175.1 a/lw
mm (the distance the grips will elongate the specimen in 30 s


(1) Wink, W. A., Hardacker, K. W., and Van Eperen, R. H.,“ The IPC Line (3) Midgely, E., and Pierce, F. T., Text. Inst. J. 17: T355, 1926.
Type Specimen Clamps,” Tappi 47 (1): 13, 1964. (4) Wink, W. A., Hardacker, K. W., Van Eperen, R. H., and Van den Akker,
(2) Lashof, T. W.,“ Precision of Methods for Measuring Tensile Strength, J. A., “The Effect of Initial Span on the Measured Tensile Properties of
Stretch, and Tensile Energy Absorption of Paper,” Tappi 45 (1): 52, Paper,” Tappi 47 (1): 47, 1964.

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

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