Folding Endurance of Paper by The Schopper Tester: Standard Test Method For

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An American National Standard

Designation: D 643 – 97 (Reapproved 2002)

Standard Test Method for

Folding Endurance of Paper by the Schopper Tester1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 643; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 This test method describes the use of the Schopper type 3.1 Definitions—Definitions shall be in accordance with
of folding apparatus. It is suitable for papers having a thickness Terminology D 1968 and the Dictionary of Paper.5
of 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) or less.
1.2 The procedure for the M.I.T.-type apparatus is given in 4. Significance and Use
Test Method D 2176. 4.1 Folding endurance is not a measure of the foldability of
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the paper, but a measure of the strength of paper. In many cases, it
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the is a better measure of strength than the conventional tests for
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- tensile strength, bursting strength, and tearing resistance. The
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- uniqueness of the folding endurance tests leads to many special
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. uses for this test method.
4.2 Folding endurance is determined by the number of times
2. Referenced Documents that the paper can be folded before it loses enough tensile
2.1 ASTM Standards: strength to break under the conditions of the test. It is the only
D 585 Practice for Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot of one of the four strength tests that uses a repetitive mechanical
Paper, Paperboard, Fiberboard, and Related Product2 treatment to weaken the sheet. Therefore, it is the only one of
D 685 Practice for Conditioning Paper and Paper Products the strength tests that measures the durability of paper sub-
for Testing2 jected to repeated or rough handling. It is an important test for
D 776 Test Method for Determination of Effect of Dry Heat paper that will be subjected to continued folding and unfolding
on Properties of Paper and Board2 during use. Examples are maps and printed materials such as
D 1968 Terminology Relating to Paper and Paper Products2 music, pamphlets, folded prints, and blueprints. It is also an
D 2176 Test Method for Folding Endurance of Paper by the important test for any paper that will be handled repeatedly or
MIT Tester2 which might be subjected to rough treatment when it is being
D 4714 Test Method for Determination of Effect of Moist used.
Heat (50 % Relative Humidity and 90°C) on Properties of 4.3 The ratio between the machine direction and cross
Paper and Board2 direction folding endurance is a good measure of the fiber
E 122 Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate, orientation in the sheet. For most papers, the machine direction
with a Specified Tolerable Error, the Average for a Char- test will be higher than the cross direction test, and the more
acteristic of a Lot or Process3 the fibers are oriented in the machine direction, the greater the
2.2 ISO Standard: difference will be. If the cross direction is higher than the
ISO 5626 Paper Determination of Folding Endurance4 machine direction, the paper has an unusually large number of
fibers oriented in the cross direction. This information may also
be obtained from tests for tensile strength and tearing resis-
tance but the folding endurance test is much more sensitive to
these differences than the other two tests.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D06 on Paper 4.4 Folding endurance is more sensitive to the flexibility in
and Paper Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D06.92 on Test the paper than the other strength tests. Because flexibility is
Methods. lost with aging, folding endurance is commonly used as an
Current edition approved Dec. 10, 1997. Published November 1998. Originally
published as D 643 – 41 T. Last previous edition D 643 – 95.
indicator of strength loss in accelerated aging tests.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
4 5
Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., Available from the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, P.O.
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036. Box 105113, Atlanta, GA 30348.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 643 – 97 (2002)
4.5 The folding endurance test is made on a very small with a vertical folding slot 0.50 6 0.0125 mm (0.020 6 0.0005
section of the paper (15 mm by approximately 1 mm). The test in.) wide, the slot extending somewhat above and below the
is sensitive to very small changes in the paper, and as a result normal position of the test specimen. The vertical edges of the
there will be a significant variation in the tests made on the slot are cylindrical, with radius equal to half the thickness of
same sheet using these very small test areas. The better the the blade. The four creasing rollers, each 6 mm (approximately
formation, the smaller this variation will be. Therefore, the 0.25 in.) in diameter and 18 mm (approximately 0.75 in.) long,
variation in individual fold numbers is an indirect indication of are arranged symmetrically about the midposition of the
the uniformity of the formation. folding slot, and provided with antifriction or jeweled bearings.
4.6 Variability of data from tests made on the same sheet of 5.1.2 Counter, to register the number of double folds and to
paper has sometimes raised concerns regarding the value of the stop the instrument when the specimen breaks.
folding test. This variability comes in part from the sensitivity 5.1.3 Motor—A means of imparting approximate harmonic
of the test to changes in the papermaking process, and in part motion to the reciprocating blade at 115 6 10 double folds/
from the very wide range of values that will be encountered for min.
apparently similar papers. For example, low fold endurance 5.2 Cutter, to provide test strips, 15.0 6 0.1 mm (0.590 6
papers may have values as low as two or three folds, while 0.004 in.) wide, with clean edges.
strong papers will withstand 5000 or more folds. Other strength 5.3 Calibration Equipment:
tests might typically vary by an order of magnitude for strong 5.3.1 A device for applying a tension of 7.60 N (780 gf) on
and weak papers, but would not approach the 1000-fold the spring loaded jaw as specified in the calibration instruc-
differences sometimes seen for fold. A process or furnish tions.
change causing a 10 % change in fold might not be detected by 5.3.2 A device for measuring a variable tension on the
another strength test such as tensile or tear. Folding endurance spring loaded jaw ranging from 9.3 to 10.3 N (950 to 1050 gf)
is a reliable measure of paper strength, particularly for the as specified in the calibration instructions.
grades mentioned in 4.2; however, differences in the range of
10 % in fold numbers may not have practical significance. 6. Sampling
4.7 The fact that a small difference between two fold 6.1 If the paper is being tested to determine the acceptance
numbers is not significant creates a problem as to what should of a lot, obtain a sample in accordance with Practice D 585.
be considered a significant difference. A difference of 30 6.2 Where testing is for purposes other than acceptance,
between averages of 20 and 50 would be very significant, but Practice E 122 may be used as an alternative for sampling
a difference of 30 when the averages are 600 and 630 would be purposes.
meaningless. To solve this problem, folding endurance is
reported as the average of the logarithms of the individual fold 7. Test Specimens
numbers. For example, the fold numbers of 20 and 50 become
7.1 From each conditioned sample, cut ten specimens in
folding endurances of 1.301 and 1.699 or a difference of 0.398,
each principal direction of the paper, with each specimen
which would be a significant difference. The fold numbers of
having a width of 15.0 6 0.1 mm (0.590 6 0.004 in.) and a
600 and 630 would become folding endurances of 2.778 and
length of 100 mm (4 in.). Select specimens that are free from
2.799, or a difference of only 0.021, which would not be a
wrinkles or blemishes not inherent in the paper and be sure that
significant difference.
the area where the folding is to take place does not contain any
NOTE 1—To determine the difference that must be exceeded in order to portion of a watermark and appears to be of average opacity.
consider the difference to be significant, follow the same procedure that 7.2 Handle each specimen by an end and do not touch it
would be used to calculate the precision of any other strength test.
with hands in the region in which it is to be folded.
However, for other strength tests, the absolute value will usually increase
as the average test value increases and as a result, the repeatability is
expressed as a percentage. Because the folding endurance is expressed as 8. Adjustment and Calibration
the logarithm of the fold number, the absolute repeatability value may 8.1 Test the clamps as follows:
represent all levels of folding endurance. The value will vary depending 8.1.1 Insert a specimen in place and alternately apply and
upon the variability of the paper being tested, but it should not vary
because of the magnitude of the folding endurance. The repeatability
release the tension a number of times. Then, with tension
should be about the same for a fold number of 600 as it is for a fold released, note whether the specimen remains smooth and
number of 60. straight as originally inserted. Buckling or waviness indicates a
faulty clamp which has allowed the specimen to slip.
5. Apparatus 8.1.2 Inspect and correct the supporting rollers for worn
5.1 Folding Tester, consisting of the following: surfaces and for bearing friction. Adjust the rollers so that they
5.1.1 Clamping Jaws, two horizontally opposed and mov- do not bind against the clamps in any position. With a feeler
able, which hold a specimen 100 mm (4 in.) long under gage, check the four creasing rollers for parallelism and
variable tension during the folding cycle, while a slotted clearance. Also, make sure that the two edges of the folding
folding blade, sliding back and forth between four creasing slot are parallel with each other and with the creasing rollers.
rollers, folds the paper at 105 to 125 double folds/min. The The distance between the folding blade and the two creasing
clamps are supported from below on rollers, and while in rollers on each side is required to be 0.38 6 0.05 mm (0.015 6
motion, are freely suspended between tension springs. The 0.002 in.), and the width between the rollers of the space
folding blade is 0.50 6 0.0125 mm (0.020 6 0.0005 in.) thick, occupied by the unbent specimen should be approximately 0.5

D 643 – 97 (2002)
mm (0.02 in.). As a final test of alignment, fold a specimen 10. Procedure
somewhat short of failure, and inspect it for uniformity of wear 10.1 Lock the vertical slot of the reciprocating blade in its
along the crease. If the specimen seems weaker at one end of central position. Without touching the center of the specimen,
the crease than at the other, and the ends of the strip are place it in the slot and fasten the ends firmly and squarely in the
satisfactorily clamped, this indicates faulty alignment of the jaws with the surface of the specimens lying wholly within one
rollers or the folding slot and will lead to low folding results. plane.
8.1.3 Using a dead-weight load of 780 g, adjust the tension 10.2 Apply the specified tension and fold the specimen at a
on the springs attached to the clamps so that the tension on the uniform rate of approximately 115 double folds/min until it
specimen during a test is 7.60 6 0.1 N (780 6 10 gf) when the breaks.
clamps are farthest apart (when the specimen is straight and 10.3 Record the number of double folds made before
free). Instructions for making these adjustments are given in fracture.
X1.3. These adjustments are preferably made in situ, with the
11. Report
aid of a calibrating device that automatically ensures that the
two clamps are extended the proper distance. A device for 11.1 Reporting Terminology:
making this measurement is described in X1.1 and X1.2. If 11.1.1 fold number—the number of double folds required to
such a device is not used, the operator should make sure that cause failure of the test specimen.
11.1.2 folding endurance—the logarithm to the base 10 of
the clamps are extended the same distance and that this is the
the fold number.
distance that they will be extended when a test specimen is in
11.1.3 Specimens with their length in the machine direction
place ready for the test to begin.
are measuring the strength of the paper in the machine
8.1.4 After the minimum tension is properly set, tighten the direction and are reported as machine direction fold numbers
small Allen setscrew on the barrel to lock the 7.60 N setting in and machine direction folding endurance.
place. For routine calibrations, the maximum tension does not 11.1.4 Specimens with their length perpendicular to the
need to be checked and the calibration is completed. When new machine direction are measuring the strength of the paper in
springs are installed and occasionally during routine calibra- the cross direction and are reported as cross-direction fold
tions, check the maximum tension to determine whether both numbers and cross-direction folding endurance.
jaws are the same. 11.2 For each test unit, report the following measurements
8.1.5 Instructions for measuring the maximum tension are separately for machine direction tests and cross direction tests:
given in X1.3.2. If the maximum tension of the two jaws differs 11.2.1 Fold Number—For the direction of each test unit,
by more than 0.5 N (50 gf), a new set of matched springs report the average number of double folds prior to failure; the
should be installed. If the variable weight specified in X1.3.2 is range of these fold numbers; the standard deviation of the
not available, a rough check may be made using the 1000 g individual fold numbers; and the number of specimens tested.
weight to check the maximum tension. If both jaws check at 11.2.2 Folding Endurance—For the direction of each test
1000 gf, there is no need to make further measurements. unit, convert the individual fold numbers to the equivalent
However, if the maximum tension is not 1000 gf, do not adjust common logarithm (log to the base 10), using a table of
the minimum tension spring settings previously established. common logarithms or a calculator. Determine the average,
See Note 2. range, and standard deviation of these individual logarithms
and report these values as the average, range, and standard
NOTE 2—The minimum tension is the most important value and should deviation of the folding endurance.
be set as accurately as possible at 7.60 N (780 gf). The specimen always 11.3 As agreed upon between the users of this test method,
breaks at minimum tension because the change in the direction of the fold only the fold number, or the folding endurance, or both values
gives the specimen a shock that breaks it. The specimen never breaks at may be reported.
the maximum tension because there is no shock at that point, and the
11.4 As agreed upon between the users of this test method,
gradual increase in tension will not cause it to break. Therefore, the value
of the maximum tension is not important, but the difference between the
only the standard deviation or the range, or both may be
maximum tension of the two jaws is important because a difference in reported.
maximum tension is a definite indication that the springs are not matched. NOTE 3—It is important that the folding endurance be determined by
averaging the individual logarithms. The logarithm of the average fold
8.1.6 Adjust and calibrate the instrument at least once a
number will not be the same as the average of the individual logarithms.
month if it is in continual use, or immediately before a test if The distribution curve of fold numbers will be skewed, and the conversion
not used on a regular basis. to logarithms reduces the skewness, giving a more realistic average. This
also makes it possible to calculate the standard deviation of the folding
9. Conditioning endurance from the individual values.

9.1 Prior to cutting test specimens, condition the paper in an 12. Precision and Bias
atmosphere in accordance with Practice D 685. 12.1 Precision (Fold Number):
9.2 As folding endurance is very sensitive to the moisture 12.1.1 Repeatability—The repeatability standard deviation
content of the specimen, it is important to strictly observe the and the 95 % repeatability limits for fold number, both calcu-
requirements for preconditioning from the dry side, for both lated as the percent coefficient of variation (standard deviation
conditioning and conditions during testing. divided by the mean value of the samples tested multiplied by

D 643 – 97 (2002)
100 and 95 % repeatability limit divided by the mean value of 12.3 Bias—No statement may be made about the bias of the
the samples tested multiplied by 100, respectively) are 5 and procedure in this test method as folding endurance is defined
15 %. only in terms of this procedure and test instrument. No
12.1.2 Reproducibility—The reproducibility standard devia- statement may be made about the results in comparison to
tion and the 95 % reproducibility limits for fold number, both folding endurance measured, using other procedures or equip-
calculated as the percent coefficient of variation (standard ment such as that found in Test Method D 2176, where results
deviation divided by the mean value of the samples tested may be the same, less than, or more than those in the procedure
multiplied by 100 and the 95 % reproducibility limit divided by in this test method, depending upon the nature of the specific
the mean value of the samples tested multiplied by 100, sample tested.
respectively) are 14 and 40 %, respectively.
12.2 The results produced by the procedure in this test 13. Keywords
method are very sensitive to errors in adjustment and calibra-
tion of the instrument and to variations in relative humidity. 13.1 blueprints; folded paper products; folding endurance;
Therefore, unless the instructions for adjustment and calibra- Schopper fold endurance
tion in Section 8 and the instructions for conditioning in
Section 9 are diligently followed, the precision may not be
equal to that in 12.1.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Apparatus barrel mechanism to its outward position and gently release the
X1.1.1 See Fig. X1.1. suspended 780-g weight. When the spring of the jaw is
X1.1.2 Wire-Pulling Frame. correctly calibrated, the jaw will barely touch the edge of the
X1.1.3 Blocks, two, with protruding limit guides (one for protruding limit guide. If the jaw does not reach the protruding
1000 gf extension, the other for 780 gf extension). limit guide or if it touches and is stopped by it, loosen the small
X1.1.4 Upright, with free-turning pulley. Allen setscrew on the rear side of the barrel and turn the
X1.1.5 Weights, 1000 and 780-g. knurled knob one way or the other, until contact is just barely
X1.1.6 Brackets, for use with the upright. made. Reset the Allen setscrew to lock the setting in place.
X1.3.2 Determining Maximum Tension—Determination of
X1.2 Mounting the maximum tension requires a device weighing less than
X1.2.1 Screw the upright brackets to each side of the base 1000 g which is designed so that the weight can be increased
so that when the upright with the free-turning pulley is placed by adding balance weights. Replace the minimum tension
in the bracket cutout, the center of the pulley is exactly in line guide with the maximum tension guide, and replace the 780-g
with the center of the barrels, the center of the jaws, the center weight with the variable weight. Add weight until the jaw
of the bearing block, and the movement of the jaws. barely touches the maximum tension guide. Record the weight
X1.2.2 Place the wire-pulling frame over one of the barrel that was required. Do not make any adjustments in the spring
assemblies and central bearing blocks. Grip the flat metal tang tension.
of the frame in the jaw of the other assembly so that the top of X1.3.3 Apply the procedure outlined in X1.3.1 and X1.3.2
the tang is flush with the top of the jaw. to the other jaw after reversing the position of the wire-pulling
X1.2.3 With the flywheel of the instrument in its locked frame and the upright with the free-turning pulley.
position, place the block with protruding limit guides on the X1.3.4 If the maximum tension of the two jaws differs by
sliding mechanism, so that the sliding arm fits into the cutout more than 50 gf, new matched springs should be installed.
of the block and that the protruding limit guides at the top of
the block extend out over the wire-pulling frame. Insert the X1.4 Other Fold Testing Instruments
upright with free-turning pulley in its bracket. Hook the string X1.4.1 This test method is limited to the Schopper tester,
attached to the weight to the center of the end section of the but several other instruments have been developed to measure
wire-pulling frame, and pass the string over the pulley to hold folding endurance. ISO 5626 covers the Schopper instrument,
the weight vertically. along with three other instruments. The general comments
about folding endurance that are included in 4.1 apply to all
X1.3 Operation four instruments but it should be recognized that the instru-
X1.3.1 There are two sets of limit guides: one set to measure ments differ in design and the numerical values obtained will
the minimum tension and the second to measure the maximum not be the same. Although the numerical values will be
tension. With the minimum tension guide in position, pull the different, the four instruments will usually rank a group of

D 643 – 97 (2002)

FIG. X1.1 Schopper-Type Tester Showing Calibrating Device in Place

papers in the same order. If the ranking is different, a used to fold the paper. The slotted blade and the rollers are
knowledge of the difference in the design of the instruments replaced by a rotating jaw. This eliminates the shock that
could provide an indication of the characteristics of the papers occurs when the direction of the fold is reversed in the
which caused them to be ranked in a different order. Schopper instrument and also eliminates the maximum and
X1.4.2 The Lhomargy tester is the French version of the minimum tensions. The matched springs used in the Schopper
Schopper instrument. The folding is accomplished by a slotted instrument are replaced by a single spring that is automatically
blade and a set of rollers similar to those used in the Schopper. calibrated for every test. The standard tension is 1 kg, but other
However, the tension is applied by weights instead of matched tensions may be used.
springs, keeping the tension constant throughout the test. The
X1.4.4 The Kohler-Molin tester is more closely related to
method provides the option of making the test at tensions of
the MIT tester than it is to the Schopper tester. However, the
4.01, 7.60, or 9.81 N.
X1.4.3 The MIT tester is covered by Test Method D 2176. tension is applied by a weight on the lower jaw instead of a
The design of the MIT and Schopper instruments are different spring on the upper jaw, and the upper jaw is the rotating jaw.
in many ways, but the most important difference is the method A tension applied by use of an 800 g (7.95 N) weight is used.

D 643 – 97 (2002)

(1) Carson, F. T., and Snyder, L. W., “Calibration and Adjustments of Paper Testing Procedures,” Paper Trade J. 126 (17): 54, 1948.
Schopper Folding Tester,” Bureau of Standards Technologic Paper No. (4) Kahlson, T., and Martensson, B., “The Reason for Variations in
375, 1929. Folding Endurance Values,” Paperi ja Puu 46 (10): 581, 1964.
(2) Brecht, W., and Korner, L., “The Accuracy in Testing of Paper
(5) Brecht, W., and Wesp, A., “A New Method for Testing Folding
Properties,” Das Papier 5: 155, 1951.
(3) Reitz, L. K., and Sillay, F. J., “Application of Statistical Methods to Strength,” Das Papier 6: 443, 1952.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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