Tariff Schedule Fy 2019-20
Tariff Schedule Fy 2019-20
Tariff Schedule Fy 2019-20
0-200 201-400 401-800 801-1200 >1200
Units Units Units Units Units
A Upto 2 kW 20 Rs./kW/month
B > 2kW and ≤ 5 kW 50 Rs./kW/month
> 5kW and ≤ 15 kW 3.00 4.50 6.50 7.00 8.00
C 100 Rs./kW/month
Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh
D >15kW and ≤ 25 kW 200 Rs./kW/month
E > 25kW 250 Rs./kW/month
Single Point Delivery
1.2 150 Rs./kW/month 4.50 Rs./kWh
Supply for GHS
2.1 Upto 3kVA 250 Rs./kVA/month 6.00 Rs./kVAh
2.2 Above 3kVA 250 Rs./kVA/month 8.50 Rs./kVAh
3 INDUSTRIAL 250 Rs./kVA/month 7.75 Rs./kVAh
4 AGRICULTURE 125 Rs./kW/month 1.50 Rs./kWh
5 200 Rs./kW/month 6.50 Rs./kWh
6 PUBLIC UTILITIES 250 Rs./kVA/month 6.25 Rs./kVAh
7 INTERNATIONAL 250 Rs./kVA/month 7.75 Rs./kVAh
8 HOARDINGS 250 Rs./kVA/month 8.50 Rs./kVAh
Domestic Connections Same rate as that
Same as that of relevant category without any temporary
9.1 including Group of relevant
Housing Societies category
Electricity Tax of
For threshers
MCD : Rs. 270 per
9.2 during the threshing Flat rate of Rs. 5,400 per month
connection per
All other connections Same rate as that of
9.3 including construction the relevant 1.30 times of the relevant category of tariff
projects category
10.1 Supply at LT - 4.50 Rs./kWh
10.2 Supply at HT - 4.00 Rs./kVAh
1. For domestic category of consumers, fixed charges shall be levied on sanctioned load or the
contract demand as the case may be.
2. For all categories other than domestic, fixed charges are to be levied based on billing
demand per kW/kVA or part thereof. Where the Maximum Demand (MD), as defined in
DERC (Supply Code and Performance Standards) Regulations, 2017, reading exceeds
sanctioned load/contract demand, a surcharge of 30% shall be levied on the fixed charges
corresponding to excess load in kW/kVA for such billing cycle only. Wherever, sanctioned
load/contract demand is in kW/HP, the kVA shall be calculated on basis of actual power
factor of the consumer, for the relevant billing cycle and in case of non-availability of actual
Power Factor, the Power Factor shall be considered as unity for sanctioned load/contract
demand upto 10kW/11kVA.
3. Time of Day (ToD) Tariff
a. ToD tariff shall be applicable on all consumers (other than Domestic) whose
sanctioned load/MDI (whichever is higher) is 10kW/11kVA and above.
b. Optional for all other three phase (3ø) connections including Domestic connections.
If the consumer who has opted for ToD, the charges for up-gradation of meters, if
any, shall be borne by respective consumers.
c. The Commission has decided to retain the Rebate during the Off Peak hours and
Peak hours Surcharge at 20%. Optional ToD Consumers will have the option to move
back to non-ToD regime only once within one Financial Year. For other than Peak
and Off-Peak hours normal Energy Charges shall be applicable.
d. The Commission has retained the time slots for Peak and Off-Peak hours as follows:
May - 1400– 1700 & 20% 0400 – 1000 20%
September 2200 – 0100
4. Rebate of 3%, 4% & 5% on the Energy Charges for supply at 11kV, 33/66 kV and 220 kV shall
be applicable.
5. Maintenance Charges on street lights, wherever maintained by DISCOMs, shall be payable
@ Rs. 84/light point/month and material cost at the rate of Rs. 19/light point/month as per
the Commission’s Order dated 22nd September 2009 in addition to the specified tariff.
basis of consumption.
11. Individual Domestic Consumers availing the supply at single point delivery through Group
Housing Society, shall claim the benefit of subsidy, applicable if any, as per the Order of
GoNCTD. Group Housing Society shall submit the details of eligible consumers with
consumption details and lodge claim of subsidy on behalf of individual members from
12. The Single Point Delivery Supplier availing supply at HT & above shall charge the tariff to its
LT consumers and in addition shall be entitled to charge an extra upto 5% of the bill amount
to cover losses and all its expenses.
13. The Commercial Consumers of DMRC and DIAL who have sanctioned load above 215 kVA
but served at LT (415 Volts) shall be charged the tariff applicable to Non-domestic LT (NDLT)
category greater than 140kW/150kVA (415 Volts).
14. The rates stipulated in the Schedule are exclusive of electricity duty and other taxes and
charges, as levied from time to time by the Government or any other competent authority,
which are payable extra.
15. In the event of the electricity bill rendered by the Distribution licensee, not being paid in full
within the due date specified on the bill, a Late Payment Surcharge (LPSC) @ 18% per
annum shall be levied. The LPSC shall be charged for the number of days of delay in
receiving payment from the consumer by the Distribution Licensee, until the payment is
made in full without prejudice to the right of the licensee to disconnect the supply after due
date, in the event of non-payment in accordance with Section 56 of Electricity Act, 2003.
This will also apply to temporary connections and enforcement cases, where payment of
final bill amount after adjustment of amount as per directions of the Court and deposit, is
not made by due date.
16. No payment shall be accepted by the Distribution Licensees from its consumers at its own
collection centres/mobile vans in cash towards electricity bill exceeding Rs. 4,000/- except
from blind consumers, for court settlement cases & payment deposited by the consumers
at designated scheduled commercial bank branches upto Rs. 50,000/-. Violation of this
provision shall attract penalty to the level of 10% of total cash collection exceeding the
17. Wherever the Fixed or Energy Charges are specified in Rs. per kVAh, for the purpose of
billing, the kVAh as read from the meter in the relevant billing cycle shall be used.
1.1 Domestic Lighting, Fan and Power (Single Point Delivery and Separate Delivery
Available to following:
a. Residential Consumers.
b. Hostels of recognized/aided institutions which are being funded more than 90% by
Municipal Corporation of Delhi or Government of the NCT of Delhi or any other
Government/local bodies [local bodies include NDMC and MCDs (North, South & East)].
c. Staircase lighting in residential flats separately metered.
d. Compound lighting, lifts and water pumps etc., for drinking water supply and fire-fighting
equipment in residential complexes, if separately metered.
e. In group housing societies etc. for bonafide use of lighting/fan and power, subject to the
provision that the supply is at single point delivery for combined lighting/fan & power.
f. Dispensary/ Hospitals/ Public Libraries/ School/ College/ Working Women’s Hostel/
Charitable homes run and funded by more than 90% by Municipal Corporation of Delhi
or Government of the NCT of Delhi or any other Government/local bodies.
g. Small health centres including Mohalla Clinics approved by the Department of Health,
Government of NCT of Delhi for providing charitable services only.
h. Recognized Centres for welfare of blind, deaf and dumb, spastic children, physically
handicapped persons, mentally retarded persons, as approved by the Government of
NCT of Delhi and other Government.
i. Public parks except temporary use for any other purpose.
j. Bed and Breakfast Establishments (Residential Premises) registered u/s 3 of the National
Capital Territory of Delhi (Incredible India) Bed and Breakfast Establishments
(Registration & Regulations) Act, 2007.
k. Places of worship.
l. Cheshire homes/orphanage.
m. Shelter Homes (including Night Shelters) approved by Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement
Board, GoNCTD.
n. Electric crematoriums.
o. Gaushala Registered under GoNCTD.
Available to all consumers for lighting, fan & heating/cooling power appliances in all Non-
Domestic establishments as defined below:
a. Hostels/Schools/Colleges/Paying Guests (other than that covered under Domestic
b. Auditoriums, Lawyer Chambers in Court Complexes, nursing homes/diagnostic
Centres other than those run by Municipal Corporation of Delhi or the Government
of NCT of Delhi (other than that covered under domestic category).
c. Railways (other than traction), Hotels and Restaurants
d. Cinemas
Available for load up to 20 kW for tube wells for irrigation, threshing, cultivation and kutti-
cutting in conjunction with pumping load for irrigation purposes and lighting load for
bonafide use in Kothra.
Available for load upto 100 kW for mushroom growing/cultivation.
a. DELHI JAL BOARD: Available to DJB for pumping load & Water Treatment Plants.
b. RAILWAY TRACTION: Available for Indian Railways for Traction load.
c. DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION: Available to Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC)
for traction load
d. PUBLIC LIGHTING: Street lighting, Signals & Blinkers
All street lighting consumers including MCD, DDA, PWD, CPWD, Slums depts.,
a. Available as temporary connection under the respective category
b. Domestic tariff without temporary surcharge shall be applicable for Religious functions of
traditional and established characters like Ramlila, Dussehra, Diwali, Holi, Dandiya,
Janmashtami, Nirankari Sant Samagam, Gurupurb, Durga Puja, Eid, Christmas
celebrations, Easter, Pageants and cultural activities like NCC camps, scouts & guides
camps etc.
In case of doubt or anomaly, if any, in the applicability of tariff or in any other respect, the
matter will be referred to the Commission and Commission’s decision thereon shall be final and