DGVCL Tariff Cir
DGVCL Tariff Cir
DGVCL Tariff Cir
The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (GERC) vide its Order dated 31*
March 2021 has determined ARR and Tariff for Financial Year Z02l-22 in respect
of all DISCOMs. There is no change in the existing tariff of any category of
consumers, except following modification in tariff with effect from 1$ April 2021.
Further, the GERC has made revision in (i) Base FPPPA rate, (ii) base power
purchase cost for calculation of FPPPA Charges and (iii) open access charges.
copy of the approved Tariff Schedule is attached herewith.
. Wheeling Losses:
Particulars Point of energy delivered
111(\/ 400 v
Ll kV,22 kV and 33 kV l0o/o 10.92o/o
400 Volts L.730/o
_ tlaEt
Bllllno of Consumer:
Effective date of above Order is 1* April 2021. The rates shall be applicable for
the electricity consumption ftom the 1* April 2021 onwards.
If any clarification is required, the matter with specific details may be refened to
corporate ofhce immediately on receipt of this circular so that clarification on the
common queries, if necessary, can be issued.
You are requested to please give publicity to this order by placing it on your
Notice Board.
, IAS)
Coov f. w.cs,to:
1. M.D., GUVNL, S.P. Vidyut Bhavan, Race Course, Vadodara
2. Dy. Secretary, E & P Dept., Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar
3. Secretary GERC, Gandhinagar
Copv to:-
1. ED (F&A) GUVNLVadodara
2. CE (O&M/GL) /CE (C&R/rD/GM (F&A) /CS/ACE (SD&Py ACE (C&R)/ACE (P)/
SE (fD/sE (Vig), DGVCL, Corporate Office, Surat
3. G.M. (Com.), GWNL, Vadodara
4. RAO, Govt. Audit, GUVNL, Vadodara
5. GM (fD, GUVNL, Vadodara- Kindly arrange to revise ffle tarlff as above in
computer billing programme.
Dakshin Gujarat Vil Company Limited
for FY 2019-20, Determination of ARR and Tarifl for FY 2OZ'l-22
8. The billing of fixed charges based on contracted load or maximum demand shall be
done in multiples of 0.5 (one half) Horse Power, kilo watt or kilo voll ampere (HP, kW,
kVA) as the case may be. The fraction of less than 0.5 shall be rounded off to next
0.5. The billing of energy charges will be done on complete one kilo-watt-hour (kWh)'
9. The Connected Load for the purpose of billing will be taken as the maximum load
connected during the billing period.
10. The Fixed charges, minimum charges, demand charges, and the slabs of
consumption of energy for energy charges mentioned shall not be subiect to any
adlustment on account of existence of any broken period within billing period arising
from consumer supply being connected or disconnected any time within the duration
of billing period for any reason.
1 1. Contract Demand shall mean the maximum kw / kVA for the supply of which licensee
underlakes to provide facilities to the consumer from time to time.
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tor FY 2019-20, Determination of ARR and Tariff for FY 2021-22
12. Fuel cost and Power Purchase Adjustment charges shall be applicable in accordance
with the Formula approved by the Guiarat Elechicity Regulatory commission from
time to lime.
13. Payment of penal charges for usage in excess of contract demand / load for any billing
period does not entitle the consumer to draw in excess of contracl demand / load as
a matter of right.
14. The payment of power factor penalty does not exempt the consumer from taking steps
to improve the power factor to the levels specified in the Regulations notified under
the Electricity Act, 2003 and licensee shall be entitled to take any other action deemed
necessary and authorized under the Act.
15. Delayed payment charges for all consumers:
. No 6elayerl paymcnr cnarges shatt be ievred if the bill is paici witirirr ren davs
from the date of billing (excluding date of billing).
Delayed payment charges will be levied at the rate of 15% per annum in case
of all consumers except Agricultural category for the period from the due date
till the date of payment if the bill is paid after due date. Delayed payment
charges will be levied at the rate of 12% per annum for the consumer governed
under Rate AG from the due date till the date of payment if the bill is paid after
due date.
For Government dues, the delayed payment charges will be levied at the rate
provided under the relevant Electricity Duty Act.
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Dakshln Gujarat Vil Company Limited
up for FY 2019-20, Deiermination of ARR and Tariff for FY 2021-22
This tariff is applicable to all services in the residential premises which are not covered
under'Rate: RGP (Rural)' Category.
a Single Phase Supply- Aggregate load up to 6 kW
a Three Phase Supply - Aggregate load above 6 kW
Guprat Eleckicity Regulatory Commission
March 2021
Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Llmited
for FY 2019-20, Determination of ARR and faritl tor FY 2021-22
"The consumer who wants to avail the benefit of the above tariff has to produce a copy
of the Card issued by the authority concerned al the sub-division office of the Distribution
Licensee. The concessional tariff is only for 50 units per month.
2. tsArEi-RGP-BUBA!-)
This tariff will be applicable to all services for residential premises located in areas within Gram
Panchayat as defined in the Gujarat Panchayats Act.
. Srngle Phase Supply - Aggregate losd up to e PW
o Three Phase Supply - Aggregate load above 6 kW
March 2021
Dakshin Cujarat Vij Company Limited
Truing up ror FY 2019-20, Oetermination of ARR and Tariff for FY 2021-22
"The consumer who wants to avail the benefit of the above tariff has to produce a copy of the
Card issued by the authority concemed at the sub-division office of the Distribution Licensee.
The concessional tariff is only for 50 units per month.
Note: tf the part ol the residential premises is used for non-residential (commercial) pulposes
by the consumers located within 'Gram Panchayat' as defined in Guiarat Panchayat Act, entire
consumplion will be charged under this tariff.
(i) the educ€tional instilutes and other institutions registered with the Charity
Commissioner or similarly placed authority designated by the Government of lndia
for such intended purpose;
(ii) research and development laboratories;
o (iii) Street Light'
' Maintenance of street lighting conductor provided on the pole to connect the street light is to
be carried out by Distribution Licensee. The consumer utilising electricity for street lighting
purpose shall arrange for renewal, maintenance and replacement of lamp, associated Fixture,
connecting wire, disconnecting device, switch including time switch etc. at his cost by person
authorised by him in this behalf under Rule-3 of the lndian Electricity Rules, 1956/ Rules
issued by CEA under the Electricity Act, 2003.
March 2O21
Dakshin Gujarat Vii Company Limited
for FY 2019-20, Determihaiion of ARR and Tariff for FY 2021-22
This lariff is applicable to the services for the premises those are nol covered in any other tariff
categories and having aggregate load up to and including 40 kW.
Consumer under this category may opt to be charged as per category - 'RATE: LTMD'
4.3.4. The units consumed during the off-season period shall be charged for at a flat rate of
480 Paise Per unit.
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Dakshin Gujarat Vij Conrpany Limited
for FY 2019-20, Determination of ARR and Tarill lor FY 2O21'22
4.3.S. The electricity bills related lo the off-season period shall not be taken into account
towards the amount payable against the annual minimum bill. The amount paid by the
consumer towards the electricity bills related to the seasonal period only under the
heads 'Fixed Charges" and "Energy Charges", shall be laken inlo account while
determining the amount of short-fall payable towards the annual minimum bill as
specified under sub-clause 4.3.3 above.
4.3.G. Seasonal consumer is required to submit to the Distribution Licensee an irrevocable
Bank Guarantee from a Nationalised or Scheduled Commercial Bank equal to the
difference of amounU Bank Guarantee lying with the Distribution Licensee as Security
Deposit and minimum bill calculated at the rate shown in para 4.3.3 with the Contracted
Load/ Sanctioned Load of such consumer. lf the Contracted Load/ Sanctioned Load is
oA rcviccd upward Crtring rl"e telenCa'year, the lnnerlm6lshall iYbmit a revised Bank
Guarantee or additional Bank Guarantee as calculated above to the Licensee. The
cost of such Bank Guarantee/s shall be bome by the consumer. lt shall be the
responsibility of the consumer to keep the bank guarantee/s valid at all times and to
renew the bank guaranteeis at least 1 months prior to its expiry
This tariff is applicable to the seNices for the premises those are not covered in any other tariff
categories and having aggregate load above 40 kW and up to 100 kW'
This tariff shall also be applicable to consumer covered in category- 'Rate: Non-RGP', so opts
to be charged in place of 'Rate: Non-RGP' tariff.
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for FY 2019-20, Determination of ARR and Tarilt lor FY 2021-22
For all the reactive units (kVARh) during the month | 10 Paise per kVARh
5.6.1 The expression, "seasonal Consumer", shall mean a consumer who takes and uses
power supply for ice factory, ice-candy machines, ginning and pressing factory, oil mill,
rice mill, salt industry, sugar factory, khandsari, cold slorage plants (including such
plants in fishery industry), tapioca industries manufacturing starch' pumping load or
irrigation, white coal manufacturers, vegetable dehydration industries.
5.6.2 Any consumer, who desires to be billed for the minimum charges on annual basis shall
intimate to that effect in writing at least one month before commencement of billing o
period about the off-season during which energy consumption, if any, shall be mainly
for overhauling of the plant and machinery. The off-season period at any time shall be
a full calendar month/months. The total period of the off-season so declared and
observed shall be not less than three calendar months in a calendar year'
5.6.3 The total minimum amount under the head "Demand and Energy Charges" payable by
a seasonal consumer satisfying the eligibility criteria under subclause 5.6.1 above and
complying with provisions stipulated under sub-clause 5.6'2 above shall be Rs. 2970
per annum per kW of the billing demand.
5.6.4 The billing demand shall be the highest of the following:
a) The highest of the actual maximum demand registered during the calendar year.
b) Eighty-five percent of the arithmetic average of contract demand during the year.
c) 6kW
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for FY 2o'19-20, Detlrminaiion of ARR and Tariff for FY 2021'22
the flat rate ol47O
5.6.5 units consumed during the off-season period shall be charged for at
Paise per unit.
5.6.6 SeasonalconsumerisrequiredtosubmittotheDistributionLicenseeanirrevocable
equal to the
Bank Guarantee from a Nationalised or Scheduled Commercial Bank
as security Deposit and
difference of amounu Bank Guarantee lying with the Licensee
higher of contract
minimum bill calculated at the rate shown in para 5.6.3 for the
during the
Demand or Billing Demand.. lf the contract Demand is revised upward
Bank Guarantee/s
Guaranlee as calculated above to the Licensee The cost of such
a thebankguarantee/Svalidatalltimesandtorenewthebankguarantee/satleastl
nrror:ihs pt iu, io its expiry.
prescibed as
contracted demand can be availed beyond the night
1. 15% ol the
per Para 6 above.
can be availed beyond the night
2. 10% of total units consumed during the bitling period
hours prescribed as per para 6 above '
RGP category fixed charge rates given in para 4'1 of this
eae lee
Regulatory Commission
ularat Etectricity
Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Ltmlted
lor FY 2019-20, Determination of ARR and Tariff lor Fy 2021-22
4. ln case the consumer failed to obserue condition no. 2 above during any of the bitting
month, lhen entire energy consumption during the reievant billing month shall be bilted
as per Non-RGP category energy charge rates given in para 4.2 of this schedute.
5. ln case lhe consumer failed to obserue above condition no. 1 and 2 bottl during any of
the billing month, lhen fixed charge and entire energy consumption during the relevant
billing month shall be billed as per Non-RGP category fixed charge and energy charge
rates given in para 4.1 and 4.2 respectively, of this schedule.
6. rhrs taritr shall be applicable if the consumer so opls fo be charged in place of Non-
RGP taifl by using electricity exclusively during night hours as above.
This option can be exercised to shift fron NON-RGp tariff calegory to NON-RGp NIGHT
tariff or from NoN-RGP NrGHT tariff category to NoN-RGp ta ilf tour times in a calendar
;,ccr b'; glving nct less iha;i 15 .|;y"' odvancc rrc,li,e in writiru before commenaeflnnt ot
biiling peiod.
This tariff is applicable for aggregate load above 40 kw and using electricity exclusivelv
durino nloht hours from 10.00 PM to 06.00 AM next day. (The suppty hours sha be
regulated through time switch to be provided by the consumer at his cost.)
For all reactive units (kVARh) drawn during the month I t0 paise per kVARh
1. 15% of the contracted demand can be availed beyond the night hours prescibed as
per para 7 above.
Dakshin Guiarat Vij Company Limited
for FY 2019-20, Detlrmination of ARR and Tariff for FY 2021'22
10%o of total units consumed during the bilting period can be availed beyond the night
hours prescribed as per para 7 above.
ln case the consumer failed to observe condition no. 1 above during any of the billing
month, lhen demand charge during the relevant billing month shall be billed as per
LTMD category demand charye rates given in para 5'1 of this schedule'
4. ln case the consumer failed to obserue condition no. 2 above during any of the
month, lhen entire energy consumption during the retevant billing month shall be billed
as per LTMD category energy charge rates given in para 5 2 of this schedule'
5. ,n case ,he cons umer failed to obseve above condition no. 1 and 2 both duing any of
the billing month, then entire energy consumption during the relevant billing month
shall be billed as per LTMD category demand charge and energy charge rates
O iu para3.i and 5.2 resp3a:j'::!;', of lhis schedrr,'e.
This tariff shall be applicabte if the consumer so opls to be charged in place ot LTMD
tarifl by using electricity exclusively during nighl hours as above'
7. This option can be exercised to shift lrom LTMD taiff categoty to LTMD NTGHT tariff
or from LTMD- NTGHT tariff category to LTMD tariff four times in a calendar year by
giving not less than 15 days' advance notice in writing before commencement of billing
Applicable for supply of electricity to Low Tension Agricultural consumers contracting load
.t25 HP requiring continuous (twenty-four hours) power supply for lifting water from
up to
o surface water sources such as canal, river, & dam and supplying water directly to the
fields of farmers for agricultural irrigation only.
This tariff shall be applicable to services used for water works and sewerage
Type l- Water works and sewerage pumps operated by other than local authority
Fixed charges per month
s March2O2!
Dakshin Gularat Vii Company Limited
for FY 2019-20, Oetermination of ARR and Tariff for FY 2O2'l-22
(b) Energy charges per month;
430 Paise per Unit
For entire consumplion during the month
9.2 Type 11- Water Works and sewerage pumps operated by local authority such as Municipal
Corporation, Guiarat Waler Supply & Sewerage Board located outside Gram Panchayat
Area will also attract this tariff:
9.3 Type lll- Water Works and sewerage pumps operated by Municipalities/ Nagarpalikas/
and Gram Panchayats or Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board for its installations
located in Gram PanchaYats:
Applicable to all the water works consumers having connected load of 50 HP and above
for the energy consumption during the Off-Peak Load Hours ofthe Day.
This tariff is applicable to services used for inigation purposes only excluding installations
covered under LTP- Lift lrrigation category.
G tijarat Electricity Regulatory Commission Page 202
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Dakshin Gujarat Vil Company Limited
for fY iois-zo, Determinaiion oi ARR and Tariff for FY 2021-22
watts) will be permitted under this tariff ' Any other machinery connected
in ihe
governed under this tariff shall be charged separately at appropriate tariff for
which consumers shall have to take separate connection'
units shall
10.3 Agricultural consumers who desire to supply water to brick manufacturing
have to pay Rs. '100/HP per annum subject to minimum of Rs
2000! per year for each
metered agricultural tariff .
period at the low voltage'
This tariff is applicable to seNices of electricity supply for temporary
shall be deemed to
A consumer not taking supply on regular basis under a proper agreement
be taking supply for temporary period'
Page 2O3
March 2O2)
Dakshin cujarat Vii Company Limited
for FY 2019-20, Determination of ARR and Tariff tot Fy ZOZI-22
Nole: Payment o{ bills is to be made within seven days from the dafe of lssue ot the bill. supply
would be disconnected for non-payment of dues on 24 hours, notice.
Other consumers can use their regular electricity supply for charging electric vehicle under
same regular category i.e. RGP. RGP (RURALI GLP LTMD NON-RGP N|GHT, LTMD- a
N|GHT, etc. as the case may be.
March 2021
.,,",?i [:}.i: oo"l*lll"ii, 3i Tiil'-Y xllTl*
to HT consumers conlracted for 100 kVA
This tariff will be applicable for supply of electricity
for regular power supply and requiring the power suPPlY for the Purposes
and above
13.1 .1 For billing demand up to contract
Rs. 150/- Per kVA Per me!!!
f* ttt" fn.t SOO kVA of billinS demand
Rs. 260/- Per kVA Per month
fot n"*t SOO kVA of billing d"t9l9
Rs. a75l Per kVA Per month
Foi uit-tnsd"r"nd in excess of 1000 kvA
Contract Demand
13.1.2 For billing Demand in Excess of
the contraci ciemano Rs. 555 Per kVA Per month
For billing demand in e*"et*
a ffithemonth
Up to SOO kVA of billing demand
-er , U',Ung O.."nd above 2500 kVA
ulatory Commission
Gujarat Vii Company Limlted
_ _-. -Dakshin Determinatioh
for FY 2019-20, of ARit and Tariff for Fy ZO21_22
The contract demand sha' mean the maximum kwkVA
for the suppry, of which the supprier
undertakes to provide facilities from time to time.
March 2021
Dakshin Gujarat Vii Company Limited
ror rv iorg-io, D"tlr.itlution oi ARR 'nd T"'
O.7 5o/.
(a) ll suDDlv is availed at 33/66 kV
allglly r25%
(b) lf supply is availed
"lq 49y9
billing demand'
be Rs' 4550 per annum per kVA of the
the following:
13.11.4 The billing demand shall be the highest of
during the calendar year'
a) The highest of the actual maximum demand registered
contract demand during the year'
b) Eighty-five percent of the arithmetic average of
c) One hundred kVA
period shall be charged for at'the flat rate
13.1 1 .s units consumed during the off-season
430 Paise Per unit'
bill The amount paid by the
the amount payable against the annual minimum
seasonal period only under the heads
consumer towards the electricity bills for
flt et"ari"ny Regulatory commission
# March 2021
Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Llmited
Truing up for FY 2O19-2O, Determination of ARR and Taritllor FY 2021-ZZ
"Demand Charges" and "Energy Charges" shall be taken into account while
determining the amount payable towards the annual mirtimum bill.
13.11.7 Seasonal consumer is required to submit to the Distribution Licensee an irrevocable
Bank Guarantee from a Nationalised or Scheduled Commercial Bank equal to the
difference of amount/ Bank Guarantee lying with the Licensee as Security Deposit
and minimum bill calculated at the rate shown in para .3 for the higher of
13.1 'l
Applicability: This tariff shall be applicable for supply of energy to HT consumers contracting
for 100 kVA and above, requiring power supply for Water Works and Sewerage pumping
stations run by Local Authorities and GW & SB. GIDC Water Works.
(a) For the first 500 kVA of billing demand Rs. 115/- per kVA per month
(b) For next 500 kVA of billing demand Rs.225l- per kVA per month
(c) For billing demand in excess of 1000 kVA Rs. 290/- per kVA per month
14.1,2 Fot billing demand in excess of contract demand
March 202'l
Dakshin Gu.iarat Vii Company Limited
ioi'i-i'd. o"ilr.inaiion oi anh andraritt lor FY 2o21'22
of 0 5olo (half percent) in excess of
95% power factor on the
be entitled to a rebate at the rate
at using
month under the head "Energy Charges"'
total amount of electricity bill for that
average power
per pa 14.2of this schedule' for every 170 rise or part thereof in the
tarifi as
factor during the month above 95o/o '
Pege 2Og
ffiATi*t*,ty R"sulatory commission
Marcn 2021
Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Llmited
for FY 2019-20, Determination of ARR and Taritt lor Fy 2021-22
For billing demand up to contract demand Rs. 18/- per kVA per day
For billing demand in excess of contract demand Rs. 20l- per kVA per day
March 2021
Dakshin Gutarat Vij Company Limited
up for FY 2019-20, Determination of ARR and Tariff for FY 2021-22
lf the power factor ol the consumer's installation in any month is above 95%, the consumer
will be entitled to a rebate at the rate of 0.5% (half percenl) in excess of 95% power factor on
"Energy charges", arrived at
the total amount of electricity bill for that month under the head
using tariff as per para 15.2 of this schedule, for every 1 % nse or part thereof in the average
power factor during the month above 95%'
"Energy Charges"' anived at
amount of electricity bills for the month under the head
using tariff as per para 16.2 of this schedule, for every 1% drop
or part thereof in the
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Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission
March 2O?1
Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited
for FY 2019-20, Determination of ARR and Tariff for Fy ZO21-22
bill for that month under lhe head "Energy Charges", arrived at using tariff as per para
16.2 of lhis schedule, will be charged.
lf the power factor of the consumer's installation in any month is above g5%, the consumer
will be entitled to a rebate at the rate of 0.5% (half percent) in excess of g5% power faclor on
the total amount of electricily bill for that month under the head "Energy charges,, arrived at
using tariff as per para 16.2 of this schedule, for every 170 rise or part thereof in the average
power factor during the month above 95%.
I 15vo of the contrJctcc dcrnand can be availed beyond thc night hours prescribed as
per para 16 above.
2. 10o/oof total units consumed during the billing period can be availed beyond the night
hours prescribed as per para 16 above.
3. ln case the consumer failed to observe condition no. 1 above during any of the billing
month, then demand charge during lhe relevant billing month shall be billed as per
HTP-I category demand charge rates given in para 13.1 of lhis schedule.
4. ln case the consumer failed to observe condition no. 2 above during any of the billing
month, then entire energy consumption during the relevant billing month shall be billed
as per HTP-I category energy charge rates given in para 13.2 of this schedule.
E ln case the consumer failed to observe above condition no. 1 and 2 both during any of
the billing month, then demand charge and entire energy consumption during the
relevant billing month shall be billed as per HTp-l calegory demand charge and energy
charge rates given in para 13.1 and 13.2 respectively, of this schedule.
o. This tariff shall be applicable if the consumer so opts to be charged in place of HTp-l
tariff by using electricity exclusively during night hours as above.
7. This option can be exercised to shift from HTp-l tariff category to HTp-lV tariff or from
HTP-IV tariff category to HTP-I tariff four times in a calendar year by giving nol less
than 15 days' advance notice in writing before commencement of billing period
HT . Agricultural (for HT Lift lrrigation scheme only)
This tariff shall be applicable for supply of electricity to High Tension Agricultural consumers
contracting for 100 kVA and above, requiring power supply for lifting water from surface water
Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission Page 212
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Dakshln Gujarat Vii Company Limited
Truing up lor FY 2019-20, Determination of ARR and Tariff for FY 2021'22
sourues such as canal, river and dam, and supplying water directly to the fields of farmers for
agricultural irrigation only.
lf the power factor of the consumer's installation in any month is above 95%, the consumer
power faclor on
will be entitled to a rebate at the rate of 0.5% (half percent) in excess of 95o/o
the total amount of electricity bill for that month under the head "Energy Charges", arrived
using tariff as per para 17.2 of this schedule, for every 1% rise or part thereof in the
power factor during the month above 95%.
Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission
March 2021
Dakshin Gujarat Vij Company Limited
Truing up for FY 2019-20, Determination of ARR and fatifi lor FY 2021-22
(a) For billing demand up to lhe contracl demand Rs. 180 per kVA per month
(b) For billing demand in excess of contract demand Rs. 425 per kVA per month
: ,n case load supply due to non-availability of power supply at
precedlng or succeedlng polnt of suppty ot malntenance at Dlscom's ,6yer, excess demand over
the contract demand shall be charged at normal rale at appropriate point of supply.
Normal Demand Charges witl also appty in case of bunching of trains. Howeve4 DISCOMs shall
charge ercess demand charges while raising the bills and Rallways have to give convlnclng
details and documentary proof of bunching of trains if lhey want to be charged at the nomal
denafl.! charges. lf sat,staltory proot ot ttunching ot aratns is provided, Discom snait considct
that occasion tor normal demand charges, orhelwise exces s demand charges wlll be applicable
specified as above at 18.1 (b).
For all the units consumed during the month 500 Paise per Unit
a) The power factor adjustment charges shall be levied at the rate of 1% on the total
amount of electricity bills for the month under the head'Energy Charges", anived at
using tariff as per para 18.2 of this schedule, for every 1Yo drop or part thereof in the
average power factor during the month below 900/o up to 85%.
b) ln addition to the above clause, for every 1% drop or part thereof in average power
factor during the month below 85% at the rate of 2Yo on the total amount of electricity
March 2021
Dakshin Gularat Vii Company Limited
for FY 2019-20, Octermination of ARR and Tarifl lor FY 2021-22
bill for that month under the head "Energy Charges", arrived at using tariff as per para
18.2 of this schedule, will he charged.
lf the power factor of the consumer's installation in any month is above 95%, the consumer
will be entitled to a rebate at the rate of 0.50/o (half percent) in excess of 95o/o power faclor on
the total amount of electricity bill for that month under the head "Energy Charges", arrived at
using tariff as per para 18.2 of this schedule, for every 17o rise or part thereof in the average
power factor during the month above 95%.
Charging installations.
Other consumers can use their regular electricity supply for charging electric vehicle under
same regular category i.e. HTP-|, HTP-Il, HTP-Ill, HTP-IV, HTP-V, RAILWAY TRACTION as
the case may be.
(a) For billing demand up to the contract demand Rs. 251 per kVA per month
(b) For billing demand in excess of contract demand Rs. 501 per kVA per month
Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission Page 215
March 2021