Jonah 1 - Small Group Questions

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JONAH —1 5. Jonah’s worst nightmare was exactly what he needed.

What was God’s

“The Jonah In Us” purpose in sending the storm and the great fish? In the past, how has God
used your worst circumstances to turn your life around? What nightmare are
Tailor the following questions to fit the needs of your group. Start with a you currently going through and how could this be exactly what you need (from
BREAKING THE ICE question, then get real with two or three CONNECTING God’s perspective)?
questions and end by challenging one another to TAKE IT HOME. For those TAKE IT HOME:
who want to explore God’s Word further, use the DISCOVERY QUESTIONS.
1. What is God asking you to do that you don’t want to do? In what way are you
running from God? What do you need to surrender and what attitudes do you
need to change in order to be obedient to God? What steps will you take this
• If you had the chance to vacation any- HIS NAME MEANS DOVE..
week to be obedient? Share this with your LifeGroup or someone who will pray
where in the world, where would you go A MITTAI : M EANS TRUTH. JONAH WAS THE
for you and hold you accountable.
and why?
• As a teen, when you were told to do ISRAEL’S WORST ENEMY, DE
2. Who or what is currently your Nineveh? With whom in your life have you re-
something you didn’t want to do, were you SPISED FOR BRUTAL TR
fused to share God’s message of mercy and grace? Are you withholding God’s
more likely to: a) obey out of fear of the TEATMENT OF IT’S ENEMIES.
message because of fear, bitterness, judgment, or something else? Confess
consequences b) ignore the command c) your disobedience to God and receive His grace to obey. Forgive your ene-
make excuses for why you didn’t obey d) run and hide until the coast was mies and pray for them. Ask God to give you another opportunity to share His
clear e) say “okay” but conveniently forget f) outwardly comply but inwardly message of love and grace.
rebel or g) willingly obey because you respected their authority and trusted
their judgment? DISCOVERY QUESTIONS:

CONNECTING: Read the first chapter of Jonah.

1. God will often ask you to do things you don’t want to do. What are some • What seems reasonable and surprising about God’s command (v 2)? About
things that God asks us to do, in the Bible, that seem unreasonable or difficult Jonah’s response? Why did God tell Jonah to go and preach His judgment to
to obey? In his mind, Jonah had legitimate reasons for not wanting to the Ninevites? How do you think Jonah felt about the Ninevites? Why do you
preach to the Ninevites. Describe a time when you disobeyed God’s di- think he refused to take God’s message to them? What is it that usually keeps
rection and faced the consequences. Share something God asked you to you from doing something that God wants you to do?
do that you didn’t want to do, but you did. What was the result? Who or what • What was foolish about Jonah’s belief that he could flee from God (v 3)? In
is currently the Nineveh in your life? what ways can you relate to Jonah’s disobedience? What do you think Jonah
2. You can always find a boat sailing in the wrong direction. In your spiri- was thinking as he fled to Tarshish? During the turbulent storm?
tual life, which direction are you running: towards God, away from God, with • What is surprising about how the sailors responded to Jonah’s confession?
God, or behind God? Share a time when you thought you could ignore or run Why did Jonah tell the sailors to throw him into the sea? What does Jonah’s
from God? Where did you end up? What does our running from God reveal confession reveal about his heart? What does it take for you to acknowledge
about our concept of God? your disobedience? What was missing in Jonah’s confession?
3. God may send a storm to grab your attention. What kind of storms has • How did God use the storm to grab the attention of the sailors? What affect did
God used in the past (or present) to get your attention? What did your storm God’s stilling the storm have on the sailors? How did God use the storm to
reveal to you? How long did it take for you to have a change of heart? How turn Jonah back to him? How did God use Jonah’s disobedience to save the
did God use the storm to change the way you think about Him and His mercy sailors? What hope does this give you concerning your past disobediences?
toward others?
• What did God use to save Jonah? Do you believe it is possible to survive in the
4. Your disobedience will cost others. Share some examples of how the con-
belly of a great fish, view this as a supernatural miracle or believe it is a fable?
sequences of our disobedience can affect others. Think about a time when
(go to: What does God’s pursuit of Jonah reveal
you disobeyed God. Who was affected by your disobedience? What has God
about God? How does this fact about God impact you personally?
asked you to do that you haven’t done? (Is there any area of disobedi-
ence in your life?) How is your disobedience harming others? Are you pres- VERSES FOR FURTHER STUDY:
ently suffering because of someone else’s disobedience to God? How do you
Psalm 139:7-12; Jeremiah 1:4-10; Matthew 5:43-48, 8:24-27, 12:38-41; Luke
need to pray for this person?
11:29-32, 18:31-33, 24:45-47; Romans 2:1-4, 11:30-33,12:14; Hebrews 4:13-16

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