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Lester Levenson was an American physicist who discovered a technique to achieve happiness and health after being given only a few weeks to live due to a heart attack. He spent the rest of his life helping others learn this technique.

Lester Levenson was born in 1909 in New Jersey. He had a successful career and was a self-made millionaire but still felt unfulfilled. He had a second heart attack in 1952 and was told he only had a few weeks to live.

After his second heart attack, Lester Levenson went back to studying the mind and discovered how it works and how to correct negative thinking patterns. He unlocked the science of the mind and how to achieve happiness. / july 2019 NON-GRAD subscription price $12.



JULY 19, 1909

Lester Levenson was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, on
July 19th,1909.
Lester sailed through school and college with
astonishing ease, becoming a physicist, and engineer,
a successful businessman and a self-made millionaire.
Yet despite all his achievements there was an innate
turmoil in his heart, an anxiety and stress that seemed
Lester in 1912–age 2 1⁄2
to rule his life.
In 1952, at the age of 42, Lester had his second massive heart attack.
In those days, they did not have bypass surgery or heart transplants
and so when he came out of the emergency room, the doctors told
him. “Lester, we’re sorry to tell you, but you have two weeks to live,
three at most, and we can’t do anything for you. So we’re sending
you home.”
So Lester went home.
Being a physicist, he knew he had to go back to the drawing board,
wipe the slate clean, and start from point zero.
Lester unlocked the science of the mind: How the mind works, what
to do about it and how to correct it. How to correct your thinking.
How to call up the menu of your mind, take a look at this menu and
eliminate what you don’t want.
Lester was a giving person—one thousand
percent! He spent the remainder of his life
helping others discover this secret that he had
unlocked for himself. He passed on in 1994 at
the age of 84—42 years after being told he had
two to three weeks to live!


Almost forty years ago, with my back to the wall and only three
months to live, I was forced to search for the answers to life. I decided
to ask myself what it is we all want, and the answers came to me. We
all want to be happy!

I had spent my entire life looking for happiness and security in

making money, having personal relationships and keeping busy. But,
I only achieved happiness for a short period of time.

Somehow happiness still eluded me.

I wondered how could I get all the things I wanted and be happy all
the time too?

Most of the great philosophers have told us that our basic inherent
nature is happiness. So what is it that happens that causes us to
lose what is already ours? The answer is: Our feelings cover up our
happiness and keep it hidden from us.

The key to securing the happiness that is yours...forever… is to

discover how to discharge the negative feelings you’ve accumulated.
By discharging these negative feelings, you will not only increase the
happiness in your life, but everything else will get better too! Money,
health, relationships, looks, you name it!

It’s so simple and it’s the one answer you’ve been looking for.

Please give us the opportunity to share this with you. You have
nothing to lose and EVERYTHING TO GAIN.

Lester Levenson

About Lester
Lester’s Life Story A Modern American Master Tells of
Going From His Deathbed to His Finding the Answers
to Who is Lester Levenson?
In 1952, a physicist from New Jersey claimed he
had discovered the ultimate secret to achieving and
maintaining perfect health, effortless wealth, deeply
satisfying relationships, as well as a profound sense
of peace, happiness and freedom-independent of
outer circumstances. In a nutshell, he claimed he had
discovered the Ultimate Secret to Success. Learn about
the man who made the greatest discovery of our time...
The Release Technique
Lester Levenson’s Amazing Discovery!
In 1952, after being sent home by his doctors to die,
Lester realized two TRUTHS that literally saved his life.
The first was that his own feelings were the cause of
all his problems, and not the world or the people in it,
as he had previously thought. He also realized his own Lester with his sister, mother
feelings were what he had struggled so hard and long and father in 1912.
against. And this struggle was what had destroyed his
health and caused him to suffer in every way.
The second truth he discovered was that he had the inborn ability to let go of his feelings.
He discovered how to completely discharge them and their negative influences from his life.
Instead of struggling with them by suppressing, coping and venting as he had previously
done, he discovered how to totally release them. This put an end to his struggle! He found
permanent happiness. And, he found the more he released his feelings, the happier and
healthier he became. In fact, within three months he was completely well, and he stayed well
for over 40 more years!
You know from your own experience, that when too many negative feelings build up in you,
you feel anxious, uncomfortable, and unhappy. The first thing you’ll try to do is to get away
from them. You’ll do this by suppressing them (hiding them from yourself is the worst thing
you can do), coping with them (trying to escape their effects by various means), or by venting
Lester Levenson’s Discovery...In His Own Words
I was at the end of my rope. I was told not to take a step unless
I absolutely had to because there was a possibility that I could
drop dead at any moment.
This was a terrible, shocking thing to suddenly be told that I
couldn’t be active anymore, having been so active all my life. It
was a horrible thing.
An intense fear of dying overwhelmed me, the fear that I might
drop dead any minute. This stayed with me for days. I went
through a real, horrible, low, spinning period there, in the grip of
intense fear of dying or of being a cripple for the rest of my life in
that I wouldn’t be able to be active. How could I take care of all
Lester in 1926–age 16
that, and me. I felt that life would not be worthwhile any more.
This caused me to conclude with
determination, ‘Either I get the
answers, or I’ll take me off this earth.
No heart attack will do it!’ I had a nice
easy way to do it, too. I had morphine
the doctors gave me for my kidney
stone attacks.
After several days of this intense fear
of dying, I suddenly realized, ‘Well, I’m
Lester with his 8th grade graduating class–June, 1922. still alive. As long as I’m alive, there’s
hope. AsHelong as I’m
is fourth alive,
from maybe bottom
left (center) I can get out of this. What do I do?’
Well, I was always a smart boy, always made the honor roll. Even got myself a four-year
scholarship to Rutgers University at a time when scholarships were very rare through
competitive examinations. But what does this avail me? Nothing! Here I am with all this
brilliance, as miserable and scared as can be.
Then I said, ‘Lester, you were not only not smart, you were
dumb! Dumb! Dumb! There’s something wrong in your
intellect. With all your knowledge, you’ve come to this bottom
end! Drop all this knowledge you’ve so studiously picked up
on philosophy, psychology, social science, and economics! It is
of no avail! Start from scratch. Begin all over again your search
for the answers.
And with an extreme desperation and intense wanting out-not
wanting to die, I began to question, ‘What am I? What is this
world? What is my relationship to it? What do I want from it?’
‘Well, what is happiness?’ Lester in 1931–age 22–graduation
picture from Rutgers.
‘Being loved.’
‘But I am loved. I know several very desirable girls with beauty, charm and intellect who want
me. And I have the esteem of my friends. Yet, I’m miserable!’ I sensed that the closest thing
related to happiness was love. So I began reviewing and reliving my past love affairs, looking
at the points where the little happiness that I had were. I began to pull up and dissect all my
high moments of loving.
Suddenly, I got an inkling that
it was when I was loving that I
had the highest feeling!
I remembered one evening,
a beautiful balmy evening, in
the mountains when I was
camping with Virginia. We
were both lying on the grass,
both looking up at the sky,
and I had my arm around her.
The nirvana, the perfection of
the height of happiness was
right there. I was feeling how
Lester (seated second from right) and his co-workers in great is love for Virginia! How
the Maritime Division in Washington, DC in the 1940s. 5
wonderful is knowing all this nature! How perfect
a setting!
Then I saw that it was my loving her that was the
cause of this happiness! Not the beauty of the
setting, or being with Virginia.
Then I immediately turned to the other side. Boy it
was great when she loved me! I remembered the
moment when publicly this beautiful, charming
girl told the world that she approved of Lester,
she loved Lester-and I could feel that nice feeling
of approval. But I sensed that it was not as great
Lester with two of his sisters in as what I had just discovered. It was not a lasting
the late 1930s. feeling. It was just for the moment. In order for
me to have that feeling continuously, she had to
continue saying that.
So, this momentary ego approval was not as great as the feeling of loving her! As long as I was
loving her, I felt so happy. But when she loved me, there were only moments of happiness
when she gave me approval.
Days of further cogitation gradually revealed to me that this was correct! I was happier when
I loved her than I was when I got that momentary ego-satisfaction when she loved me. Her
loving me was a momentary pleasure that needed constant showing and proving on her part,
while my loving her was a constant happiness, as long as I was loving her.
I concluded that my happiness equated to my loving! If I could increase my loving, then I could
increase my happiness! This was the first inkling I had as to what brings about happiness.
And it was a tremendous thing because I hadn’t
had happiness. And I said, ‘Gee, if this is the
key to happiness, I’ve got the greatest!’ Even
the hope of getting more and more happiness
was a tremendous thing, because this was the
number one thing I wanted-happiness.
That started me on weeks and weeks of
reviewing my past love affairs. I dug up from
the past, incident after incident when I thought
I was loving, and I discovered that I was being
nice to my girlfriends, trying to get them to
love me, and that that was selfish. That was
not really love. That was just wanting my ego
bolstered! I kept reviewing incidents from the
past, and where I saw that I was not loving, I
would change that feeling to loving that person.
Instead of wanting them to do something
for me, I would change it to my wanting to
do something for them. I kept this up until I
couldn’t find any more incidents to work on.
This insight on love, seeing that happiness
was determined by my capacity to love, was
a tremendous insight. It began to free me,
and any bit of freedom when you’re plagued
Lester and his family in 1951.
6feels so good. I knew that I was going in the
right direction. I had gotten hold of a link of the chain of
happiness and was determined not to let go until I had the
entire chain.
I felt a greater freedom. There was an easier concentration
of my mind because of it. And I began to look better at my
mind. What is my mind? What is intelligence?
Suddenly, a picture flashed of amusement park bumper-
cars that are difficult to steer so that they continually bump
into each other.They all get their electrical energy from the
wire screen above the cars through a pole coming down
to every car.
The power above was symbolic of the overall intelligence
and energy of the universe coming down the pole to me
and everyone else, and to the degree we step on the gas do
we use it. Each driver of the cars is taking the amount of
energy and intelligence that he wants from that wire, but he
steers his car blindly and bumps into other cars, and bumps
Lester in Central Park, NY, 1953. and bumps.
I saw that if I chose to, I could take more and more of that
overall intelligence.
And so I dug into that. I began to examine thinking and its relationship to what was happening.
And it was revealed that everything that was happening had a prior thought behind it and
that I never before related the thought and the happening because of the element of time
between the two.
When I saw that everything that was happening to me had a thought of it before it happened,
I realized that if I could grab hold of this, I could consciously determine everything that was
happening to me!
And above all, I saw that I was responsible for
everything that had happened to me, formerly
thinking that the world was abusing me! I saw
that my whole past life, and all that tremendous
effort to make money and in the end, failing, was
due only to my thinking!
This was a tremendous piece of freedom, to think
that I was not a victim of this world, that it lay
within my power to arrange the world the way I
wanted it to be, that rather than being an effect of
it, I could now be at cause over it and arrange it
the way I would like it to be!
That was a tremendous realization, a tremendous
feeling of freedom!
I was so ill when I started my searching; I had
one foot in the grave. And when I saw that my
thinking was cause for what was happening to
me, I immediately saw my body from my chin
down to my toes as perfect. And instantly, I knew
it was perfect! I knew the lesions and adhesions Lester 1956
of my intestine due to perforated ulcers were undone. I knew everything within me was in
perfect running order.
And it was.
Discovering that my happiness equated to my loving, discovering that my thinking was
the cause of things happening to me in my life gave me more and more freedom. Freedom
from unconscious compulsions that I had to work, I had to make money, I had to have girls.
Freedom in the feeling that I was now able to determine my destiny, I was now able to control
my world, I was now able to arrange my environment to suit me.This new freedom lightened
my internal burden so greatly that I felt that I had no need to do anything.
Plus, the new happiness I was experiencing was so great! I was experiencing a joy that I had
never known existed. I had never dreamed happiness could be so great.
I determined ‘If this is so great, I’m not going to let go of it until I carry it all the way!’ I had no
idea how joyous a person could be.
So, I began digging further on how to extend this joy. I began further changing my attitudes on
love. I would imagine the girl I wanted most marrying one of my friends, or the boy I would
want her to marry least, and then enjoy their enjoying each other.To me, this was the extreme
in loving, and if I could achieve it, it would give me more of this wonderful thing that I was
And so I worked on it. I took a particular fellow, Burl, and a particular girl, and I wouldn’t let
go until I could really feel the joy of their enjoying each other.
Then I knew I had it-or almost had it.
Then later on, I had further tests of this in talking to people who were opposing me no end
when I was trying to help them. I would consciously feel the greatest love for them when
they were attacking me. And the joy of loving them was so wonderful, I would, without any
thought, thank them so profusely for having given me the opportunity of talking with them,
that it threw them into a dither.
The glory of knowing what you are. It’s a tremendous experience, it’s an ecstasy, a euphoria.
There are no real words to describe it because, well, we’re in an age where these things are
not experienced and therefore not understood, so how can there be words for things that are
not understood?”
There are no words to describe these feelings, they’re so beyond present understanding. So
you pick the words you know best to describe it and that’s it. Paramahansa Yogananda uses
the words ‘ever-new joy welling up every second,’ and that’s a practical way of describing it.
At first, it’s a joy that spills over every second, just keeps pouring out, pouring out-you feel as
though you can’t contain it. Later on, it resolves itself into a very profound peace, the most
peaceful peace you could ever imagine. It’s a delicious peace which is far more comfortable
than ever-new joy. But please, get the ever-new joy!”
It’s very easy to get stuck in the ever-new joy state. That’s what they call the ananda sheath.
It’s the last veil we have to remove. It is the last wall we must break through. When you start
this ever-new joy, it’s so good you just want to continue it.Also, you have no feeling of need to
change, everything is so wonderful. But it isn’t the final state. The final state is the peace that
passeth all understanding. It’s a deep, deep peace.You move in the world, the body moves, but
you have absolute peace all the time. Bombs could be dropping all around you and you have
that perfect peace, regardless of what’s going on.”

�ester’s �inal �ette� t� �ll

My Dear Friend,
love you very much. Even though I am consciously
choosing to leave the physical body, I can never leave you.
You will always be with me in my heart. Everyone who has
taken The Release Technique Course or will in the future
will continue to have my unlimited support.
Sharing the Method with you is the fulfillment of a promise I
made to each and every graduate. Your gains, your insights and
the freedom that you reap from your releasing is my biggest
thank you. I am deeply grateful for you allowing me to share this
wonderful gift with you.
To take full advantage of this gift, I suggest that you do the
� Determine to keep releasing until you have all the
goodness and all the freedom that is available to you.
Including the Ultimate Goodness and Freedom of complete
Imperturbability by releasing the three wants;
� Support each other in achieving the Ultimate Goal.
� Put aside all your ego differences and work together on
sharing this precious gift releasing with the world.
Please rejoice in my passing; do not mourn the death of my body,
and know that Beingness can never die, My awareness had gone
to a much better place.
Remember, I will never leave you.

Much Love,

Lester Levenson
© Copyright 2009 Release Technique, LP. All rights reserved.

Private 4-Day
Fear of Living
September 5 – 8, 2019
Larry’s Home, Los Angeles CA

Once per year we organize an event at Larry’s house in Los Angeles, where selected few have
the opportunity to practice advanced releasing techniques.

This course is actually not for sale and gifted ONLY to our 5180 Deluxe Package releasers.

So if you already committed yourself to releasing your negativity and going all the way, you get to
be our guest for FREE.

Maybe you don’t think you have a fear of living. A fear of loss and a fear of dying, maybe, but a
fear of living?

Well, take a closer look if you will…

If you were to be totally honest with yourself about all the things you’d like to experience in your
life – including monetary wealth, success (maybe even fame), the perfect body image, the ideal
relationship and the best house you could ever imagine living in — would your actual life “match
up” with the perfect life images in your mind?

If you’re like the vast majority of people, the answer is probably “No!”

So ask yourselves – why is that?

Why doesn’t your actual day-to-day life “match up” with the perfect life images you hold in your
I think you’ll agree – on some level there’s a deep rooted FEAR of actually “stepping out” and
going after what you really want in your life.
Sure, there may be surface reasons (excuses!) you come up with for why your actual day-to-day
life does not match your perfect life images. But be honest with yourself…“Underneath” those
reasons (excuses!) no matter how legitimate and reasonable they sound – there is really a FEAR
of actually “going for it.”
A Fear of Living life to the full, if you like.
Focusing on letting go of this fear is what makes this course stand apart.
Fear of Living is a four day intensive releasing crescendo held in smaller groups, with lot of one-
on-one attention of the teachers, two lovingly prepared meals a day, and also shuttle service to
and from your hotel.
To repeat, Course + Meals + Transportation are all INCLUDED and FREE for our 5180 Deluxe
Package participants! You’re not just a student anymore, you’re a GUEST in Larry’s home!
We cannot express the magnitude of difference it makes to study in this intimate, private

✔ HOME is where we are all most comfortable.

✔ HOME is where we can be our true selves.
✔ HOME is where the energy and power we bring out into the world is born.

The Fear of Living course is wildly different from any other course we offer. Only available to a
select few, this course, in Larry’s personal sanctuary, envelopes you not only in knowledge, but in
the loving, accepting, encouraging warmth of a familial embrace.

As you perhaps already know, there are two versions of the 5180 Deluxe Package.
Both robust collections of courses, retreats and materials are incredible bargains for your wallet
AND a big jump toward your ultimate goals!
Any one of those will get you invited to this course and you get to CHOOSE which one fits you

For information, go to

or call: (888) 735-3731 11
The goal is unlimited happiness with no sorrow.
The goal is complete liberation—the attainment of limitlessness.
The goal is Self-Realization.
The goal is Imperturbability.


Releasing is the way.
Each time you release you are happier and lighter.
If you release continually, you will be continually happier and lighter.
Releasing ultimately leads to complete quietude of mind
with its blissful peace.

“If you want one practical key for quickly reaching the Goal, I would recommend
that you take full responsibility for everything that happens to you. We have lost
sight of our mastership and have deluded ourselves into thinking that we are victims
in a world that controls us, that pushes us around. It isn’t so! We are causing what
is happening to us by giving power, our power, to the external world. If you want to
regain your control, you must take full responsibility.
How to regain our control? Examine your thinking and correct it. Develop the habit
of honest introspection by asking yourself, ‘Wherein did I cause this to happen to
me?’ and holding it until the thought that caused the happening comes out of the
subconscious into the conscious plane. Then you recognize your mastership, that
you caused that pleasant or unpleasant experience to happen to you. The more you
will do this, the easier it becomes and the more able you become until, finally, you
recognize that you were always the master.”
It isn’t that you don’t want to be imperturbability.
It is that you have more interest in other things.
Other things are more important to you, either consciously or subconsciously.
Your mind will trick you into stopping the releasing process
at any chance it can get.
It will tell you that you don’t need to continue letting go this negativity
or that you are better than others.
This is especially true when your life situations or problems that you had in the
beginning (before releasing) disappear or turn around completely.
Suddenly there is no more pain and you get complacent. Suddenly you don’t
need to release that much or that often. You go back into the world
to find happiness and joy.
The mind tricks you into stopping.
Become aware of this mechanism. Don’t let it fool you.


The deeper one goes the more one discovers the
innate joys to which there are no limits.
No matter how joyful you get you can always go further.
If you were a thousand times more joyful than you are now,
you could still go on and on…
Mind and ego are not interested in your joy and happiness.


Keep going deeper and deeper, increasing your freedom,
happiness, abundance, health and peace.
Remember, the goal is imperturbability, a state
where nothing and nobody bothers you.
This state allows manifestations with the mere
simple thought about having something.

Going for the Ultimate goal has to lead you toward mastery in the world.
Isn’t that a nice way to live?
You see, you too can experience major shifts, but only if you keep
the momentum going!
You simply need to continue releasing and applying yourself fully
and regularly.
Now is your opportunity to use your time, energy and dedication to
make a giant leap towards freedom and self-mastery.
Are you ready for the fast track to success, filled with amazing personal
gains and realizations?
Are you ready to take the most important decision that will move you
toward imperturbability?
Check out our biggest and best massive savings releasing package!
Commit yourself and keep up the momentum!
Don’t let your mind push you around and into slavery.
Be free.
Realize the Ultimate Goal!

“ “Several months ago life was very peaceful, calm, simple, joyous and just
wonderful. Everything was perfect, then I made the mistake of letting my
ego take ownership of my life. It only took a short time to slip from Peace all
the way back to pride and then even lower. It did not take long for all sorts
of bad things to happen especially health issues, 3 broken ribs, separated
shoulder, intestinal stuff, sinus infections, and several others. Recently, after
recognizing that I was in trouble, I started the Health and Fitness class and
basically went back to the method and started from day one. Since that time
many wonderful things have happened and life has turned around. Life is
again peaceful, calm, simple, joyous, exciting, adventurous, abundant and all
of the things it is supposed to be.” Craig

$5,180 $5,180
This Package Includes: This Package Includes:

✔ The Los Angeles Fear of Living Private ✔ The Los Angeles Fear of Living Private
Retreat — Sept 5 – 8, 2019 Retreat — Sept 5 – 8, 2019
(Includes two meals a day and shuttle (Includes two meals a day and shuttle
service from Hotel to Larry’s house. Hotel service from Hotel to Larry’s house. Hotel
lodging is not included). A $3,000 value. lodging is not included). A $3,000 value.
(The class is only available with a 5180 (The class is only available with a 5180
package). package).

✔ Two 90-Day Programs ✔ One 90-Day Program
✔ 7-Day Wealth & Wisdom Retreat/ ✔ 7-Day Wealth & Wisdom Retreat/
San Diego, CA, Nov 3–9, 2019 (normally San Diego, CA, Nov 3–9, 2019 (normally
$2,180) absolutely FREE! (Does NOT $2,180) absolutely FREE! (Does NOT
include room & board.) include room & board.)
✔ One 30-Day Financial Freedom & Life Mas- ✔ AND one other Retreat in the next 12
tery Tele-Course OR the Health & Wellness months absolutely FREE! (Does NOT include
Tele-Course room & board.)
✔ Goals and Resistance – Online Home Study ✔ One 30-Day Financial Freedom & Life Mas-
Course tery Tele-Course OR the Love & Empowered
RelationshipsTele-Course, Oct 7–Nov 17,
✔ Abundance Course – Online Home Study 2019
✔ Goals and Resistance – Online Home Study
✔ Abundance Course – Online Home Study

To sign up, visit: or call 818-279-2438

More Gains
Calmer, Quieter and $500,000 Richer
“I’ve reached a state of mind which is calmer and quieter. I gained close to $500,000 in my savings in the
past 9 months.” A.N.
Saves Life
“Thank you Larry for saving my mom’s life during the seminar. She was doing so well, walking better with
more stability prior to her passing out. I heard the doctor say there was no pulse, then you brought approval
and love to her and her eyes flickered. Soon she was mumbling, talking, laughing again. Thank you so much,
we love you!” E.C.
The Replay Call Helps Her Get to Peace
“I just listened to the November 18 call for the second time. I was able to get to peace and release on some
major garbage I’ve been carrying around for a long time—what a feeling! When my pulse started to rise to a
high level I started releasing on it and was able to drop my pulse rate 15 points in a matter of seconds.” Go
to to hear the replay call.” M.J.
Releases on Fear of Dying
“My neighbor is dying. I tried introducing her to the technique but to no avail. More recently I gave her your
new book (which I think is amazing). However I found myself thinking about her and I realized there was
something in me that needed to be resolved. So I began releasing, pulling up all my fears surrounding death
and dying and letting them go. It was such a quick and healing process. I thanked my neighbor (in my heart)
for being in my life so that I could work on me. As an end result I feel at peace and continually send her love
and appreciation whenever a thought of her going home enters my mind. There is no sadness, no worry; there
is only a feeling of joy. I can now bless and allow her to follow her path and in so doing I have opened up to a
calm that surpasses all understanding.” P.C.
Oneness Prevails
“A few years ago I couldn’t even walk into a room full of people, let alone engage with them. Now it’s a perfectly
comfortable thing to do. I’ve made wonderful connections with people I already know from previous classes,
and with people I’ve just met for the first time this weekend. The exercises we’ve done reinforce the truth in
‘talk about me, talk about you.’ We are one, and today I expanded my oneness beyond the group here, while
still in the group. I realize that I Am You really does extend beyond the walls of the room, the hotel, the town
etc etc. It really is possible to love everyone, just trust the process.” S.K.
Mind Completely Still
“During an evening session at the Final Step Retreat, I felt all my doubts about going free dissolve completely.
Then all my thought dissolved. My mind was completely still while having total awareness of everything around
me. This state of mind continued after sleeping. In the morning, I still felt like I was witnessing everything I
was doing. I could also focus my thoughts in a more pointed manner as never before. Twenty-four hours later,
these sensations continue though the witnessing aspect is a lot less.” R.A.
Healing of Emotions & Spirit
“During my week at the Final Step Retreat, I have experienced a deep healing of my emotions and spirit. A
soothing feeling of love and peace has washed through me and over these unconscious words. I am in a deep
healing process with them. Thank you Larry, and thank you Lester.” H.N.
Body Improvements
“I have experienced body improvements: eye infection gone; sickness gone; headache gone. I feel freer and
lighter, and generally more happy. I’m aware of programs and general life actions that move me away from
freedom and I can let those go.” S.M.


young man once said, “In the game of life, you should always have a few good excuses ready.”
He was taking a crack at humor but he also was making a point.
Most of us got the idea that excuses are a good idea. We got the idea that we should pro-
tect ourselves with excuses, that we should always have a few good excuses ready.
We use excuses to help us get out of doing what we don’t want to do. Instead of merely saying
we don’t want to do it, we make an excuse. We don’t want to go to that party so we make an excuse
and get out of it. We don’t want to release, we make an excuse and get out of it.
We escape from life with our barrelful of excuses.
We use excuses to justify our behavior. We yell at someone. We make an excuse, and feel like
what we did or said is okay. We fly off the handle. “She made me do it.” “Did you hear what she said
to me?” We make an excuse, and inexcusable behavior—so our thinking goes—becomes excus-
Many of us think excuses allow us to do whatever we want to do. “I can do it and then, I’ll just
make an excuse about what I did or said, and everything is all right.”
A lot of excuses come from apathy. “I don’t feel good.” “I’m too tired.” “I’ve had a lot of things in
this life go against me.” “Whatever I try doesn’t work anyway.” “They won’t listen to me, so why
should I say anything?” Apathy is an excuse for not moving, for staying put.
“I can’t do it. I don’t have the money.” That excuse, coming from apathy, is the number one reason
people use for not going to a weekend class or seven day retreat. And, how you do anything, is how
you do everything. So, people who use that excuse can look all over their lives and see it. “I
don’t have the money, I don’t have the time, I don’t have the energy, I don’t have the motivation.” All
of those excuses keep a person stuck in apathy. Excuses are playing weak.
“I would do it but, I need somebody to help me.” That excuse comes from grief. The excuses that
say, “I can’t” because someone won’t help me, won’t give me what I need, won’t take care of me,
all of those excuses come from grief. Their opposite also comes from grief. “I would have a different
life, but my father screwed me up.” “My workers wrecked my company.” “I counted on him and he
let me down.” All those excuses come from grief.
Excuses are playing helpless victim. Excuses are ducking responsibility. “They did it to
me” is the lie that grief tells you.
Excuses from fear are life breakers. “I don’t want to do that. I could get hurt.” “I dare not take
a risk. I could get hurt.” “I would try it, but I’m afraid it might not work.” “I could lose everything.”
Excuses from fear stop a man or woman dead in their tracks. Excuses from fear prevent a
person from having, doing, being. Excuses from fear are choosing failure over success. “I can’t
do it. They might yell at me.” “They might get mad at me.” “They might hurt my feelings.” “They
might take away everything I have.” “They might steal my money.” All those excuses are protecting
oneself with fear.
“I can’t go to that class, my ego is afraid of what might happen. They might find out who I am
and kill me.”
“I have to self-sabotage, because if I’m as successful as I can be, they’ll find out and kill me.”
That’s a common excuse, a common lie the ego tells us. Fear of being killed if we take action.
What would I be without this ego of mine? Who would I be? Fear of losing is the very thing that
kills us.
Fear is a very stuck place. Fear is behind our programs. The Programs Course helps us
locate our programs and root them out. Locating and releasing programs lets us move out, make
progress, and achieve our potential.
Lust, wanting, is also making an excuse for not having. What do we have to do to have any-
thing? We have only to allow ourselves to have it with ease. We can move from wanting into having
by merely letting go of the wanting. Can you see the other AGFLAP emotions behind lust? “I want
it but I don’t have what it takes to get it.” “I want it, but no one likes me.” “I want it but I’m afraid
of the consequences.”
Do you see? If you let go of the excuses for not having, you can have whatever you
would like to have. Our ego/mind prefers us to be stuck in wanting and frustration. If we hold
onto wanting, we hold onto lack. We are protecting ourselves with lack. Let go of the lack, allow
yourself to have whatever your heart desires.
The ego/mind jumps in and starts-up with excuses. From apathy: “If I really get what I want,
I’ll have to give up my easy chair in front of the TV.” “I’ll have to give up my love of being separate.
I’ll have to meet new people.” “Always in the past I’ve been hurt by people.” Protecting yourself
with grief. “If I really get what I want, my whole life will change, and then what?” Protecting
yourself with fear.
So, we hold tightly to wanting, to lack. And we get more and more angry. Do you see that ex-
cuses have built up a storehouse of rage and anger in most people? Oh yes, it’s usually deeply
suppressed. But sometimes it comes out behind closed doors, and the spouse or child bears the
brunt of all that suppressed anger and rage. Oh, but we have our excuse. “They made me mad,
they deserved it.” “I wouldn’t have struck her, but she pushed me one too many times.” “That
employee deserved a good tongue-lashing. After all, look what she did to me.”
Excuses let us use anger and rage and be okay with it. So our ego tells us. We make excuses
for bad behavior. We make excuses for flying off the handle. We make excuses for hurting some-
one with our words or actions. But, it’s okay because…says our ego/mind.
Like the young man said, it’s good to have a few excuses ready. That’s what our ego mind
wants us to believe.
Pride says, these aren’t excuses, it’s just the way it is. It’s the reality of it. “The reality is they
deserve what I said to them.” “She deserves what I did to her.” “The reality is, I had to do that. It’s
for their own good.” “Of course, I did that. I did it because I can.” We stand behind the curtain of

pride—we protect ourselves with pride lest someone see our suppressed apathy, our sup-
pressed grief. We protect ourselves with pride so no one can see we are in actuality, a scared
little bunny.
Pride is our excuse for putting others down with possessions, our car, our house, our
bank account, our education. “I’m much better than they are and I am going to be sure
they see it.”
Pride uses anger to keep itself stuck. “How dare you talk to me like that!”
Excuses are all coming from the stuck, low-energy place of AGFLAP.
Do you see that excuses are lies? Every excuse is a lie. Excuses are lying to your self, and
lying to others.
Excuses are explaining yourself. You do not have to explain yourself. You never have to ex-
plain yourself to anyone, anytime, about anything. Break the habit of explaining yourself and
you’re on the road to breaking the habit of excuses.
Catch yourself in the lie of making an excuse. Stop yourself in your tracks. Excuses are
very harmful because they strengthen AGFLAP, they strengthen the ego and they prevent you
from moving in the direction of freedom.
We’ve made excuses for so long, we don’t see ourselves doing it. We have to discriminate
and catch ourselves in the act. We have to catch ourselves and make a decision—no more
Most of us are like the young man. We got started making excuses at a very young age. We
saw others doing it and imitated it. We think excuses worked for us. But as you see, excuses
only keep you stuck in the low AGFLAP energy.
Watch for the excuses. I’m too old, I’m too young, I’m too tall, I’m too short, I’m not educat-
ed enough, I’m over-educated, I’m too busy, I’m too stressed, I’m too angry, I’m too beaten
down by this life. Watch for whatever excuses you have stored-up for automatic application in a
given circumstance, and drop the excuse as soon as you see it.
Excuses are lies, excuses are expressing and strengthening limitation, excuses are
playing weak, excuses are not the friend the young man thought they are, and they’re
definitely not your friend.
And, get the Programs Course so you can begin to see the excuses you use all time without
even seeing it. The Programs Course will give you the tools to drop the excuses and move up
the AGFLAP chart into CAP.
The Programs Course will show you how you can always say, I can. I can do it. Or, if it’s your
choice, I will not do it. With no explanations, no excuses, no alibis.
All of those excuses keep you from living in acceptance. Excuses are the opposite of accep-
tance. “It’s not okay, so I have to make an excuse, I have to tell a lie and duck out of it.” How
much better would it be to say, “I will, or I won’t,” and not have to give an excuse why or why
No excuses and you can live in peace. You can be at peace with yourself. No more anxiety,
no more nervousness. Peace.
Make a decision to live a life without excuses and live in peace and harmony with
yourself. And, in doing so, you live in peace and harmony with all other people, with all
other beings.

July 19 – 28, 2019
Our “Change Your LIfe - Master your Life” Tele-Course
will show you how to
make your life work for you in just five sessions
Friday, July 19, 5:30pm – 8:30pm*
Saturday, JULY 20, 8:30am – 11:30am*
Sunday, JULY 21, 8:30am – 11:30am*
Saturday, JULY 27, 8:30am – 11:30am*
Sunday, JULY 28, 8:30am – 11:30am*
Also available in the European Timezone!
Friday evening starting at 5:30pm – 8:30pm (UK Time) for 3 hours (9:30am Pacific)
All other times are the same as above.
(*Pacific time)
Simply call in for each session to discover:
• How to quiet your mind and get it to work for • How you can master the real principles of
you, rather than against you. success and systematically recreate your life.
• Master your ability to release all of your • A system you can use to guarantee your best
negativity and limitations, once and for all. life in as little as five sessions.
• Learn what really causes successful people to
win, time after time.
Receive the Release Technique Digital Online Course
ABSOLUTELY FREE, a $279 Value!
Enroll now for the “Live” Life-Changing Tele-Course. Bring a friend who has not attended a live
class you get to go for free. Space is at a premium and the course will be filled on a first-come
Take full advantage of the NEW “Change Your Life” Tele-Course right from the comfort of your
own home. Or, if you’re traveling or away on vacation you can still take advantage of it wherever
you happen to be. Simply call in using your phone or Skype.
Instead of you having to travel to attend an “on- location” class… make plans to attend the NEW
Change Your Life Tele-Course!

Here’s What You Get When You Register for the

NEW Change Your Life-Master Your Life Tele-Course:
• The Release Technique teachers delivering • You get full access to the Release Technique
the total LIVE Release Technique tele-course teachers throughout an entire weekend.
deliver this to you in the comfort of your own • A releasing partner to help you focus.
• You will be able to participate in breakout
• A powerful workbook custom designed to groups that allow you to talk in independent,
help you practice and learn the Release private groups. You will be able to work with
Technique so that you can live the lifestyle other releasers one-on-one. You have the
that you deserve. ability to raise your hand to ask questions
• Archived recordings of the tele-courses and express opinions, as well as request to
so you can play them back at your work directly with your favorite teacher.
convenience. • This tele-course will incorporate a powerful
• If you do not have the Release Technique technology that gives you the experience of
basic set, we will send the Release being right there in the room with all of the
Technique Digital Online Course other participants and teachers.
ABSOLUTELY FREE, a $279 Value so you • Access to our support line for Releasing
can practice Releasing whenever you want. assistance during the week (a $3,000
• We will also give you the complete FULL value).
MP3 RECORDINGS of Larry and teachers • Learn how to move from “I Can’t to I Can”
doing clean ups never released before, yours and eliminate all your limitations once and
to keep and use again and again. (a $165 for all!
• Don’t just set goals, learn to get goals.

The Results Have Been Proven…

According to all the releasing graduates that have taken advantage of the “full support,” stay-at-
home programs the overwhelming response (from the people that have participated in one, or
more, of the tele-course programs we offer) has been that they love the fact that they can build
up so much focused momentum in their releasing – and knock out so much resistance – without
ever having to leave the comfort of their home or take time away from family/work. And the gains
they’ve experienced? They’ve been phenomenal. I could literally send you pages and pages worth
of exceptional gains.
Here’s Why I Think The Gains That You Will Accomplish
Will Be So Fabulous:
When people can stay at home and participate in a “full support” telephonic releasing program
they tend to be very relaxed and ready to take their releasing to a much DEEPER level compared
to when they have had to travel miles and find themselves in unfamiliar location with a lot of
unfamiliar people. Anyway, whatever the reason is — the gains we’ve received from people who
participate in the “full support” stay-at-home tele-course programs seem to be off the charts.
Want to be the next person to have a life-changing gain? If so…

Register For The Upcoming “Change Your Life” Tele-Course &

Get Ready For A NEW Life That works.
• Learn to Love Yourself totally • Apply the Release Technique to maximum
• Have Perfect Health the natural way advantage in all areas of your life!!!
• Understand and put in practice the • Find your Purpose in Life
principles of the • Learn how to use the “BUTT” System
• Law of Attraction—fast • We will feature the Goals Mastery System
• Learn much faster with the Accelerated during this event.
Learning System • Move from “I Can’t to I Can”
• Realize greater gains from Releasing, faster
than ever before

The Change Your Life-Master Your Life Tele-Course tuition is only $545. You can even have
a payment plan—just pay $295 upon registering and then pay the additional $250 the next
month. If you wish to pay in full, in one payment, the price is $495 (a $50 savings).
The course is open to all people who want to attend—graduates and non-graduates. If you have
already taken the live Master Your Life Course, you can take the “Change Your Life-Master Your
Life” Tele-Course course for just $350. Email [email protected] to process
your discount.
Enroll now for the Change Your Life-Master Your Life Tele-Course. Bring a friend who has not
attended a live class you get to go for free. Space is at a premium and the tele-course will be filled
on a first-come basis.

For information or to register, call: (888) 735-3731

Basking in Beingness
“Been having great gains from the Change Your Life Tele-Course. A couple of ones I wanted to mention:
Realized and released a program about money: “my parents fought over money and it was my fault.” When I
did the squeezing the lemon question to release my attachment to money, I got to the really quiet place and
realized “I am” does not need money. It actually needs “nothing.” I stayed there basking in beingness for
quite some time. I am finding it a lot easier to forgive people. Thanks for the great course.” C.J.
Toxic Person Goes Away
“I have 50% less back pain. I ordered a water filter after 4 years of carting jugs back and forth to the
grocery store.
My 3 year old goes around saying ‘More, and more, and more’…and he’s happy all the time. I released
on his picky eating and he actually ate some hamburger today. Yeah! A toxic person went out of my life.
Thanks for the great course. Look forward to sharing more gains.” C. Victory
Accomplishes More & Feels Calm
“After the class yesterday I didn’t “think” about what to do and just started working on a sewing project that I
had started a few weeks ago that had been problematic. The work went easily and I finished a whole section.
I hung a curtain rod. Then I vacuumed the entire apartment, went for a walk, visited with a neighbor and did
releasing homework. That was a lot accomplished for me in one day, considering I didn’t start until 3pm.
Today I woke up with some negative thoughts and was able to release them easily. I feel very calm,
peaceful.” K. Rosen
Nothing Bothers Her
“I’ve been catching up with the playbacks of the CYL course and doing the homework. I had a wonderful
trip to NY as a guest at my friend’s music school and was showered with love! The students I taught were
receptive and want me to return next year. Another interesting gain…while taking my violin to a violin shop
in Manhattan the maker was trying to show me what a violin with a perfect neck feels like. Mine is in need
of restoration. Anyway she went to a safe and pulled one out and I played on it. It felt and sounded amazing!
All so easy. As it turns out (I didn’t know before hand) it was a Stradivarius! What’s awesome is that a week
or two before, I was dreaming and saying to myself ‘wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could play on a Strad before
I leave the planet’? I totally forgot about it. I’ve been in and out of violin houses since childhood and not
one violin maker has voluntarily given me a Strad to play. She was keeping it for someone. I’m also tickled
she trusted my friend and I to play on it! I also had a colleague call me a couple of weeks ago to complain
about something that happened on stage that night. He had a tantrum and wanted to vent. I was calm and
as it turns out he said to me ‘I don’t know if you get it. Nothing seems to bother you!’ I giggled to myself
and thought OK now I’m getting somewhere. I’m also handling overwhelming situations better than I used
to.” S. Blumberg
Mind is Rewiring Itself
“I allow my life to unfold effortlessly at all times. I see this as countering my out-of-control thinking. Later
in the week, I began releasing on this goal. One day in particular was heavily booked with things that I had
to produce, not just attend meetings. I got 2 more big things that I had to produce thrown at me that day,
and I completed everything in a reasonable time (1 task vaporized and wasn’t needed), including taking my
1 hour at the hotel across the street for my time. In the lab one day, 2 colleagues sat across from me and
began bragging between each other about a particular thing. I could have one-uped them on this particular
thing, but was quiet. It didn’t occur to me to say anything. Only noticed this at the end of the day when I was
reviewing the day. Mind was quieter that day. One day, a colleague asked for help, and I went over and stood
beside/over this colleague and we worked. Later, when I was reviewing the day, I realized that I hadn’t viewed
this colleague in an objective body-way, as had been typical in general. My mind is rewiring itself. Continue
to be blessed w/ free use of hotel gym, pool and meeting room for releasing at lunch. Continue to be blessed
w/ approved free Internet use at a hotel near home b/c I don’t have Internet in the apartment. Donated blood
and got free coupons for food. Got $414 back from Cashback Rewards from a credit card. Gain was seeing
that this small stuff happens to me all the time, and the size is limited by my thinking.” R. Nakai
2019 Live Classes and Teleconferences
Change Your LifeTele-Course
July 19–28

30-Day Financial Freedom & Life Mastery Tele-Course

August 1 - September 1

90-Day Quiet Your Mind Tele-Course

September 10 - December 6
Love & Empowered RelationshipsTele-Course
October 7 – November 17
Retreats / Live Classes
Fear of Living – Private Retreat—Los Angeles, CA
September 5 - 8

7-Day Wealth & Wisdom Retreat – San Diego, CA

November 3 – 9, 2019

7-Day Success & Life Balance Retreat—Orlando, FL

December 26, 2019 - January 1, 2020

For more information, call 818-279-2438, or go to

Live Abundance Course
with Larry Crane
Online Home Study Course
This course was recorded live over the phone.

The Brand New Live Abundance Online Home Study

Course pre recorded in a live setting with other PLEASE NOTE: The Digital Online
students. It includes “How To Do It” streaming Home Study Course is an online
audios, and comes complete with a power-packed streaming product, and is now
supported on smart phones &
105-page workbook in PDF format, and 10 FREE mobile devices.
✔ As an Added Bonus you get access to a Wed night Free Live Tele-Conference Call.
✔ Plus you can also have private consultations for a year – you’ll have a direct phone
number to our FREE SUPPORT CALL center 5 days a week. This is a total value of over
$3,000 at no extra cost!
✔ Learn the world-famous Release Technique streamed from your computer with the latest
version of the Abundance Course taught by Larry Crane back in 2014. This pre recording
is Larry at his best after teaching this course for over 30 Years.

What’s Included:
The entire Release Technique Digital Online Audio Set (5 Sessions in all with over 23 hours
of course work) – Larry Crane personally guides you through the entire process of using the
Release Technique with other Students.
105-page Workbook in PDF format.
This is a HANDS ON course and Larry gives provides you with a powerful but easy to use
workbook so you actually interact with course as if you were in a live class!
Ongoing and Unlimited FREE Telephone Coaching Support – Any time you have a question or
problem using the Release Technique
All you have to do is call into Release Technique, toll free, and speak with one the Release
Support Team members who are available to mentor you one-on-one in using the Release
Technique to achieve your goals.
Take advice from someone who already knows how to make millions with Releasing. Who else
invites you to call them up personally, any time you’ve got a problem?
Weekly, Live Teleconferences – You get free access to weekly, live teleconferences to help
you increase your financial abundance through the Release Technique.

FREE Bonus #1: (Valued at $25.00)—You’ll receive rare never heard before audio recordings
of Larry Crane Live in Various Retreats.
FREE Bonus #2: (Valued at $25.00)—You’ll receive rare audio recordings of Larry Crane’s
exclusive cleanups recorded at Various Live Retreats.
FREE Bonus #3: (Valued at $25.00)—You’ll receive the rare audio recording of “In My Own
Words” in which you receive personal tips from Lester himself, on how to achieve that natural
state he called “Happiness With No Sorrow”.
FREE Bonus #4: (Valued at $25.00)—You will receive another rare Lester audio, titled: “Will
Power” – (it’s not what you think) – in which Lester talks about the role that will power plays
in helping to free oneself from self-imposed limitations.
FREE Bonus #5: (Valued at $25.00)—“How To Eliminate Resistance to Having Success”
(called the “General Clean-up” CD) which I will walk you through very powerful exercises to
bring you up into a place of quiet, powerful, beingness. A place where you will experience a
rich taste of the state of limitlessness that Lester enjoyed everyday.
FREE Bonus #6: (Valued at $25.00)—My brand new CD, “How To Be In Release” will teach
you how to remain in releasing mode 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no matter what you’re
doing. This CD will show you how to blow the suppression hinges off your resistance and
allow many years of suppressed negativity to come up and out with ease.
FREE Bonus #7: (Valued At $25.00)—“Health.” I will show you how to use Lester’s famous
‘Butt System’ so you can have unlimited abundance in all areas of your life without lifting a
FREE Bonus #8: (Valued At $25.00)—“Anger Management.” It shows you how to eliminate
anger and frustration.
FREE Bonus #9: (Valued At $25.00)—“How to have Unlimited Health & Wellness.”

Just those FREE bonuses alone have a value of $175.00 but you can get them today
for… FREE!

But, that’s not all… you also get

FREE Bonus #10: The “Happiness, What is it?” movie (Valued At $35.00).
The total value of this program is $4,260.00 and it is yours for just $335! For
a limited time you can get this course for only $197 if you use coupon code
LAC18. And It All Comes With A Full 30-Day No-Risk, 100% Money-Back
Wait, we would like to offer one more very special BONUS. One-On-One Coaching With the
Release Technique Instructors When You Purchase The Release Technique – For A Very Limited
Time Only You Get Personal, One-On-One Phone Coaching With one of the Release Technique
Instructors. (You Get a Direct Los Angeles Office Number).

For a limited time, use Coupon code LAC18 to get this

amazing course for only $197 (originally $335)
Lester Levenson’s
Enlightenment Course
Sessions with a Master of Personal Transformation
by Lester Levenson, narrated by Larry Crane

Activate your beingness and ignite your unlimited potential

Lester Levenson, a recognized American Master, and Larry Crane, a Master teacher, will guide you
step-by-step to becoming enlightened. In addition, each section contains rare Lester Levenson
audios that expand on the content.
If you already own The Release Technique audio set – you will find this audio set much more
advanced and chock full of over 30 Lester sessions, which will further enhance your ability to
maximize enlightenment and oneness.
With Lester’s Enlightenment Course you’ll be
experientially guided (by Lester and Larry Crane) through
the effortless process of disengaging from the limited
thinking that keeps you from knowing what it’s like to
feel at Oneness with everything.
The Enlightenment Course will help you:
• Knock out subconscious negativity that stops you
from living a clear and fulfilling life
• Feel free and more alive than you ever felt in life
• Be consistently positive, happy, and loving in all
• Achieve your goals easily and consistently
• Letting go of negative and self-destructive addictions
• Enjoy being naturally relaxed in normally “high stress” situations: Greg Worsley reports:
“My former ‘high tension days’ are now enjoyable.”
• Easily “let go” of any “charged” feelings “on the spot” – including fears, phobias, anxiety,
stress and panic attacks
• Naturally enter into the “flow-state” and finally MASTER your life—all resistance and self-
doubt will melt away…and all your goals will be “pulled” into your life.
Get in touch with your unlimited side more consistently.

#1066-CD #1066-HUB #1066-BND

Lester’s Enlightenment CD set Lester’s Enlightenment Lester’s Enlightenment
$335 Digital Online set $225 Bundle
Includes 30 CDs plus workbook includes workbook PDF $435
(plus $12.95 shipping & handling) and digital streaming audios Digital online set and
(download only, no shipping) Workbook/CD set
S hipping included for domestic
and international orders.

To order, go to:
Graduates who have recently
participated in the new
Teleconferences and Retreats
have been treated to a way
of Releasing that is much
Lester’s method.

Finds the Secret Behind the Course in Miracles

“The day I bought the Release Technique course was the greatest day in my entire life. I wanted to tell
you that the Release Technique is not just the secret behind THE SECRET, but it is the secret behind A
COURSE IN MIRACLES. I had been studying the course of miracles, yet after nine years I was unable to
have it work for me. Now I see that every sentence in THE COURSE is unlocked after about 3 months of
doing the Abundance Course.” B.B.
Multiple Sclerosis is Gone
“Since completing the Health & Fitness course I had some amazing gains. Complete releasement of grief
at my father’s sudden illness and passing. Complete releasement of my diagnosis of multiple sclerosis—
including the dissolution of any physical symptoms or fears that it would return. Complete releasement of
any pain, swelling or limitations of my surgically rebuilt (4 surgeries) foot & ankle. I am now enjoying a full
range of motion and I am able to take on very physically laborious projects without any discomfort or fear
that I’ll pay for it later. Last week I moved 2 tons of landscaping rock 1/2 acre with only a wheelbarrow
in 3 hours–with ease.” J.A.
Drops Smoking Habit
“I dropped a 25-year smoking habit with no withdrawal symptoms and no crabbiness. On day two of not
smoking, I found it hard to believe that I ever smoked. I enjoyed five days of clean, fresh air and no smoking
at Camp Allen and I know that it will continue for the rest of my life. Plus, I will not exchange that released
addiction for another because I am a releaser. Thank you, Larry, for helping to take me there!” K.H.
87 Year Old Invigorated
“I am 87 years old. Just the week before coming here I was spending most of the day sleeping in bed.
Since being here, I am sleeping less and have more energy each day. I have gained physical strength. I
am more mentally alert. My daughter says my face has become younger.” O.L.
Total Peace & Perfection
“There are no words to describe total peace and perfection. No way to put a price on finally being me: I
am. My love and joy are boundless. Thanks to all of me for showing up.” T.D.
3 Referrals for Her Business
“The first night of the retreat, I got in touch with a program, ‘I should be different. I’m not good enough.’
I did the mirror exercise later and Beingness told me I am whole, complete, perfect as I am. I believed
it and this belief has stayed with me. In tonight’s exercise, ‘What do I have to give up to be loveable?’, I
was able to truthfully answer, ‘Nothing.’ I received three referrals for my business this week by releasing
only. This was very exciting for me since I used to think I have to do something to ‘make things happen.’
I let go of needs for approval across my relationships; letting go of my not good enough program has me
giving myself approval.” J.G.
More Gains
Business Increases to $2,000,000
“My business gross has increased from $250,000 per year to over $2,000,000 per year in two
years – with no business plan, along with working less. I am much more relaxed attitude through-
out life – especially in stressful work situation. I earned enough to pay for my daughter’s college
education in one year. I am more sensitive to others’ feelings and motivations. I have experienced
improvements in relationships.” R.A.
Insomnia Disappears
“I finally let go of my storyline that I have been carrying since I was 7. I have untied the heart
knot and now I am truly able to be with family members without judging them. I am now able to
experience mastery of my emotions, knowing truly who I Am. The ease and frequency of laughter
I experienced in high school days has returned, decades later. I am able to observe my body, mind,
and ego by allowing whatever comes up. Without resistance, the negative emotions go freely. I
am not holding on to the positive emotions either because I know it just keeps getting better. Now
I know what Lester meant when he said this Method brings happiness with no sorrow. I have
also made the decision to be healthy. Having been an heroic insomniac, I now sleep soundly all
night long. I understand the benefits of giving myself approval all day long. Inhaling, I give myself
approval. Exhaling, I let go of disapproval. This is habitual for me now.” C.Z.
No More Closet Releasing
“For the past few months (after experiencing consistent gains — new job, etc.) I found the level
of my negativity had grown in proportion to the lack of consistent releasing. Earlier this month I
examined my commitment to daily releasing and realized how far it had slipped on my priority scale.
I believe your term for this condition is ‘closet releasing.’ I’m happy to say I made the ‘decision’
to make releasing a top priority and have restructured my daily schedule to include morning and
evening releasing sessions.
One of my major gains has been the removal of layers of negativity that exposed a core program
of ‘I can’t, I’m too weak’ which was formed during my childhood. Identification and releasing on this
root negativity has been a serious relief. Knowing that I am removing this limiting belief has been
motivating and makes releasing even easier. Larry, thank you for making this wonderful technique
available!” C.J.
Private Lessons with Lester Helps
“Right after I began the Abundance Course CDs 15 months ago, I reported to you significant gains
with no more seizures, depression, or headaches from a traumatic brain injury years earlier. I am
still enjoying these gains today and only once or twice, after doing something pretty stupid, have I
had momentary relapses. But just a few days ago after spending 2 days listening to Lester’s Private
Lessons CDs many times, I had these immediate gains:
1. My annual physical exam was perfect except for a slight heart murmur.
2. TThe occupant who has lived for 12 years in a property we own moved out. Our realtor told us
the house is now worth $100,000 more than we paid for it 13 years ago.
3. For a year or more I have wanted to move 45 miles where my husband commutes daily for work.
He adamantly refused until just a few days ago when our ‘dream house’ pretty much fell into our
laps, at a mind-boggling low price, and just 5 miles from my husband’s work. Now everything
is falling into place with ease for our move.” S.Y.
$75,000 While at Retreat
“I gained a new trust level with my wife, and new understanding in our excellent relationship that
took it to a higher level. When we made our commitment to come here, our abundance increased
as we moved into action. We earned $75,000 while at the retreat.” J.R.

The gains in the Financial Freedom Teleconference
are so great, we’re doing it again!


August 1 – September 1, 2019
8 teleconferences a week,
2 hours each session:
Thursday, Friday, Monday at 9:30 am and 5:30pm Pacific time
(10:30am Mountain; 11:30am Central; 12:30pm Eastern)
(6:30pm Mountain; 7:30pm Central; 8:30pm Eastern)

Saturday, Sunday at 9:30am Pacific Time

(10:30am Mountain; 11:30am Central; 12:30pm Eastern)
— Also available in the European Timezone! —
Thursday, Friday, Monday, Saturday, Sunday at 5:30pm GMT.


Whatever your money problem is, whatever your job problem is, whatever your income problem
is, you can change it for the better in no time at all, if you fully release on it.

Join us for this amazing month long, on-line event, focused on financial freedom, confidence and

This teleconference will show you how to remove your self-sabotaging: “don’t deserve,” “can’t
do it,” “not motivated,” and the fearful thoughts related to money, business, career and will also
ensure you have positive and life-changing gains in other areas of your life.

And all this while you participate from the comfort of your home!

When you join us you will get:
• 8 teleconferences a week, 2 hours each session, helping you knock out your limitations.
• An all new powerful workbook custom designed to help you have the lifestyle that you
• Archived recordings of the teleconferences so you can play them back at your convenience.
• A releasing partner to help you focus.
• Access to our support line for releasing assistance.
This program is not for those that are just talking the talk but not walking the walk. “How
you do anything is how you do everything,” you heard Larry say numerous times. There are
requirements that you absolutely need to fulfill in order to receive maximum benefits!

The requirements are:

• The willingness to show up and have the strongest intention to participate at the fullest for
two hours a day for one month to do this transformational work
• The ability to block time for this amazing program
• Your intention to stay committed to the process and have a “whatever it takes” attitude to
achieve your goals
If you are not willing to fulfill these requirements, let us ask you:
• Are you better or worse off than you were five years ago?
• Has your net worth grown or shrunk – or are you saying “what net worth”?
• Do you have more or less free time for yourself or to spend with your family and friends?
• Would you like to have more money for a better life, for saving and investing, or perhaps
becoming debt free?
• Would you like to finally break free from the slavery of money deprivation, financial troubles
and lack?
If the answers to the last two questions are a strong YES, are you willing to put in effort that is
required to overcome your resistance and change your circumstances?
We want you to know that every step of the way we’ll be coaching you to reach into your very
core to find the best part of you and help you get rid of your blocks and enable you to experience
being unlimited!
You Too Can Experience Gains Like These
Health Condition Disappears & Gains $30,000+ Income
“My health condition disappeared. I decided, and I felt it leave me. I knew it was gone before I even had to
verify it. I experienced what it means to put something behind me, as in letting the past go and any time my
mind brings up memories of regret or whatever I just say No. I’m the boss, I put that behind me and it goes.
Working 20 hours or less per week at my job. The 3rd month of having $10,000+ income. Know clearly when
I’m releasing and when I’m not. Feeling/ knowing the energy moving, Seeing it & letting go of a lot of figuring
it out. Better and better Relationship with my son/family members. Handling conflict courageously, when I
used to run away.” Zhenya Delate , FL

MAKES $8,600 in TWO DAYs
“Just before the class started, I set an intent to find more buyers for our business. Within two days buyers
were finding me. I have been able to put together a seller in Arizona with properties in North Carolina and sell
them to a buyer in Georgia. I made over $8,600 dollars with two day’s work. We have a lot more properties
to continue this for several months.” DV..
$36,000 + Increase Happens
“I took the 30 Financial Freedom course in April and Received a $6,250 bonus in July, a $20,000 bonus this
month and just found out my base salary is being increased $10,000 for January 1st.
A Big thank you to all the teachers and yourself for teaching me the method and helping me keep momentum”
Ed, FL
MAKES $100,000
“I eliminated all my negativity and judgements of others, I discovered my master program. I’m laughing all the
time an d I find the things that used to driver me crazy and upset me totally absurd. My investments went up
$100,000 since Releasing!”
Sharon Burnside, NV
Another Million
“We began the course less that a year ago. Sense then, my stress level has been reduced dramatically. Our
business is up about a million dollars from a year ago, which is a gain of over 40%. Thanks so much!”
Bob & LeanAnn Lersch, WV

All those gains (and much more) will be possible for you to experience simply because we will
mentor you, correct whatever you are doing wrong and personally work with each one of you for
a full month. Usually, people pay tens of thousands of dollars for this kind of mentoring.
But in order to participate, your discounted tuition for attending is just $1,190. You can even
have a payment plan – just pay $495 upon registering and then pay the additional $695 the next
We are so confident that this course will work for you, and as a result, that will give you enough
time to have your financial problems all cleared up before you make the last payment.
If you wish to pay in full, in one payment, the price is $990 (a $200 savings).
Space is limited as we make sure that each of the participants gets our full personal attention. No
one will be left behind!
If you are excited about financial freedom don’t procrastinate and lose out on this opportunity!
The Financial Freedom and Life Mastery Tele-Course is August 1 – Septmber 1, 2019. Don’t
let the tele-course start without you.
Are you ready to get what you really deserve in a matter of weeks-not years?
If yes, sign up now!

You can sign up for this new teleconference by

signing up under “live classes” on our website:
or by calling (818) 279-2438
Learn Lester’s Secret to Having Perfect Health and End Suffering NOW!


Learn how to be your own Final Authority on

having a healthy, relaxed body!
Health and Fitness Make the Difference Between Living Well and Living
Quality of life is what we all want. Good health helps us achieve a high quality of life. Fitness
makes us want to live it every day. If you agree with these three premises, keep reading.

You’ll Learn a Way to Eliminate the Underlying Cause

of Your Major Health Problems Easily!!
While we know you are interested in becoming healthier and fitter or maintaining the health
and fitness you have, we also know you have limited time to devote to it. We therefore pledge
to you a fast, simple method to hop aboard the fitness fast train. Get on track with this
amazing course.

If you have tried virtually “everything” to no avail or with

only fleeting success…
Then this course is for you
• You’ll learn a way so vital that it’s bursting out of you with unbelievable energy.
• Eliminate the underlying cause of major health problems.
• Learn skills for weight loss and weight maintenance.
• Have optimum health–no more doctor bills, no more misery.
• If you have struggled with weight issues and body image, self-esteem, and health
concerns that often go hand in hand with the struggle…
• If you have experienced frustration, disappointment, discouragement, guilt or
embarrassment …

1040-HUB — $269
The Digital Online Home Study Course is an online
streaming product, and is now supported on
smart phones & mobile devices.
To order, go to:

Wealth & Wisdom
Retreat / San Diego, CA
November 3 – 9, 2019
At Willows Hotel &
Spa at Viejas
San Diego, CA


Right now, you live in a world of infinite possibilities. But are you seizing the opportunity right now
to demonstrate a wonderful life of bliss and abundance? Or… are you fighting to make a living,
and feeling constantly threatened by uncertainties in the world?

You were never intended to be a victim of circumstances. Your nature is to be the controller of
them. But somewhere along the way, you’ve lost sight of this fact.

Throughout your entire life, countless circumstances (and people) have pushed beliefs into your
mind about what you can and cannot do. You mind has absorbed all of that information. Your
mind nothing more than a mechanism of automatic conditioning, molded from past experiences.

All those past traumas, losses, disappointments and failures that get stored in the mind evolve
into programs that now affect your thinking, your beliefs, and your behaviors.

Behaviors take over, pulling you like a puppet on a string. Thoughts run out of control, sabotaging
your success and robbing you of your free will.

Take a look to see if any (or all) of these thoughts have ever run through your mind:
✔ I’m not good enough. ✔ I’m humiliated.
✔ I lack self confidence. ✔ Feeling like a victim.
✔ I lack self respect. ✔ I feel like a victim.
✔ No matter what I do it’s never good ✔ Why me?
enough. ✔ Why am I such a loser?
✔ I hate myself. ✔ I don’t belong.
✔ I hate my life. ✔ My life will always be filled with pain and
✔ I’m so stupid. struggle.
✔ No matter what I do I can’t win.
If you continue to allow these thoughts to run unchecked, they’ll continue to gain momentum
making it more difficult to think and act freely.
You find yourself doing things you know are not healthy to your confidence, your aliveness, and
your abundance. And you keep doing them anyway!
If you don’t take a stand right now and neutralize these thoughts — you validate them and give
more power to your mind. You’re literally digging yourself into a hole, deeper and deeper.

POWER of wealth and wisdom THAT IS RIGHTFULLY YOURS!
The moment you decide to no longer allow your mind to run unchecked, you immediately take
your power back.
That moment is yours — NOW!
In just seven days, let us show you exactly how to turn that around and live life on your terms,
and have all the joy and abundance you wish in your life.
We’re going to show you how to be in charge, once and for all.

Here’s how… During these 7 days:

✔ We’ll take you through a special process that will instantly connect you with your Unlimited
WEALTH & WISDOM so you can see, taste, smell, feel, and KNOW the difference between
your pure unconditioned state, and the limited automatic state of your mind. You’re going to
see, without any doubt whatsoever, that you are the owner and operator of your mind, your
body, and your world.
✔ Once you’ve reconnected with the Real part of you (the owner and operator), you’ll begin
to examine how your past choices have created the illusion that you lack power now. You’ll
see the EXACT choices you’ve made, so you can now turn those choices upside down and
neutralize them.
✔ We’re going to show you how to ERASE past traumas and failures in your life, so you no
longer hold yourself back in fear, doubt, and hesitation. All of the negative circumstances that
have weighed you down your entire life will be lifted, so you can finally breathe fresh air and
seize the day with clarity, courage, and confidence.
✔ We’ll show you how to go even DEEPER into your past decisions, which have created strong,
unshakable belief systems that now leave you feeling disempowered.No matter how strong
the belief, we’re going to show you how to knock it down so you are free to have it your way.
✔ You’ll finally gain clarity on how your ego-mind has been scaring you into submission. You’ll
pull back the curtain, uncovering “the great lie.”Just like in the movie “The Wizard of Oz”
where Toto locates the less-than-wonderful wizard working the controls of his machines from
behind a curtain, you’ll laugh as you realize that there has NEVER been any threat to your
existence. Your greatest fears will be REMOVED, and you’ll be free to go back home in bliss
and abundance!
✔ Now’s the time to explore the unlimitedness within, and identify the REAL YOU. And once you
do, the sky’s the limit! You’ll experience true mastery over your mind. You can quiet it, or have
it operate to do YOUR bidding.You’ll see with no uncertainty just how powerful you are in your
consciousness. You’ll begin to demonstrate (incredible) things you never dreamed possible.
✔ Now every thing is your choice. You’re in charge. You’re free to rest in your Beingness (with
no pressure from your mind) and be HAPPY with absolutely no sorrow whatsoever. And you’ll
have no holdbacks to have, do, and be whatever you wish.

So… Are You In?

This advanced course will be held at the Willows Hotel & Spa at Viejas.
Viejas Hotel boasts a generous array of modern amenities for the finest in guest accommodation.
In addition to their interior’s streamlined design and handcrafted, boutique feel, Viejas Hotel
features two modern Fitness Centers and two convenient and user-friendly Business Centers. For
outdoors enjoyment guests can luxuriate in our spacious heated pool, cabanas and lounge area,
which along with our versatile entertainment lawn adds richly to this resort oasis.
Viejas Hotel’s elegantly appointed rooms include oversized headboards, premium bedding, chaise
lounges, HDTVs, coffee makers, refrigerators, iPod docking stations, plush robes, expansive
luxury showers, natural stone counters, modern chrome fixtures, blow-dryers, ironing boards,
free WiFi, and complimentary nightly turndown service available upon request.
San Diego’s Newest Full Service Resort and Day Spa!
Transport to a world of relaxation and beauty at Willows Spa and resort that features seven
treatment rooms and endless therapies… Willows Spa offers a variety of facilities including a
salt water spa pool, a spa garden, a salt sauna, a steam room, two hair stations, two pedicure
stations, two manicure stations, a 24 hour fitness center and two outdoor spa cabanas where
treatments can be provided. Be prepared to live the Ultimate Resort Experience when staying at
Willows Hotel & Spa—San Diego’s newest adult-only hotel.

It is a 4-star Spa and Resort
✔ Two complimentary VIP amenities (up to $50.00 value)
✔ Complimentary Valet or Self-Parking for all guests
✔ Complimentary Wi-Fi in guest rooms and meeting space
✔ Complimentary use of the fitness centers
✔ Meal Vouchers for the choice of restaurants on the property
✔ Included a Dinner voucher for their award winning Buffet and their Lobster Buffet on
Monday Night!
This advanced course will be held at the Willows Hotel & Spa at Viejas.

Retreat Details
Location Willows Hotel & Spa at Viejas
Dates November 3 – 9, 2019
Registration for the retreat begins at 7pm with the first meeting at 7:30pm.
Tuition Register Today and pay only$2,180
for this ENTIRE RETREAT PACKAGE which includes room and board and three
fabulous meals per day, double occupancy.
*Age Restrictions: All guests must be 21 years or older
Single occupancy package is available for only $2,400 Includes room & board
and three fabulous meals per day.
*Age Restrictions: All guests must be 21 years or older

For information or to register, call: (888) 735-3731

* For payments plans call our office at (818) 279-2438

Did You Know?
That all Live Classes, as well as CDs, books,
and DVDs are Tax Deductible!
An income tax deduction is
allowed for education expenses
undertaken to maintain and
improve professional skills–
including registration fees, travel,
meals, and lodging.

Join us on facebook!
Have your friends join us on facebook!
Join us in experiencing the new way to get informed information,
see the very latest Release Technique news before anyone else does,
share and post your gains on this exciting website, go to—
This will help you be in touch with the Releasing community in
a fast, efficient way and allow millions of people to hear about The
Release Technique and end suffering in the world.

We’ve just launched a new online

Releasing community.
Many of the teachers and other releasers who are using the
method as a daily practice are sharing their first-hand
experiences. You’re invited to join in and share your own.
Also, when you join in, you can download previews of
the new never before heard Lester audios.
Go to:
The Programs Course
to Clean Up the Past, Beliefs and Programs
This entirely NEW breakthrough program is radically charged to awaken you to what
you really are. You will experience infinite beingness and go deeper than you have
ever experienced before.
I urge you to let nothing stop you from acquiring this life-changing audio set. I feel absolutely
convinced that you will gain a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion,
misery, melancholy and failure. You will be guided to your true place of beingness to resolve
difficulties, and have IMPERTURBABILITY, happiness and peace of mind.

Not only will this new Programs Course audio set help you clean up the past—but it will help
you to clean all those subconscious programs that have been sabotaging you all your life. We
will clean up programs like these:
• I’m not good enough. • No matter what I do I can’t win.
• I lack self confidence. • Humiliation and shame.
• I lack self respect. • Feeling like a victim.
• No matter what I do it’s never good • The “why me” syndrome.
enough. • Why am I such a loser?
• Fear, self hatred, jealously, shame, • Feeling ridiculed.
grief, anger and hatred. • Feeling like I don’t belong or feel like an
• I hate myself. outsider.
• I hate my life. • My life will always be filled with pain
• Self doubt. and struggle.
• I’m so stupid.

This 7-week intensive home study course comes on eight audios, complete with workbook,
three bonus audios and a telephone partner to release with (upon request). This is an
advance course for Release Technique graduates only.

Now available as CD set or

Digital Streaming Audio DIGITAL
Now supports smart phones and mobile devices! STREAMING
1063-CD — $335 1063-HUB — $269
The Programs Course CD set The Programs Course
Includes 17 CDs plus workbook Digital Online set
(plus $12.95 shipping & handling) includes workbook PDF
and digital streaming audios
(Save money—no shipping!)

To order, go to: or call 818-279-2438

Special Clean-up Audios II
with Larry Crane
“I loved the first Larry Crane Clean-up set
…this is even better! ” G.W., CA
This new 2nd edition is a powerful 10 audio CD set of clean-up sessions Larry Crane
recorded live. These audios are the best of Larry’s clean-up exercises
recorded live from 2008 to 2012 retreats in California (Asilomar, San
Diego, Lake Tahoe), Texas and Colorado.
For years, at advanced 7- and 9-Day Retreats, the most amazing and
powerful releasing “clean-up” sessions are conducted. Spawned by the
intense energy and releasing momentum, these sessions often go to very
high places of consciousness. Now, these recorded sessions are available
for you to experience the same power of presence and awakening.
Please note: These are very advanced sessions that often address the fear
of dying and separation. It is best if you have taken the Goals & Resistance 10 CD Set
and What Do You Want to Do When You Grow Up advanced courses. Item # 1064-CD $79.95
This is an advanced course for Release Technique graduates only. (plus $8 shipping & handling)

NEW! Now available as MP3 download, visit:

“The money keeps rolling in— easily!” T.M., PA

Graduates have been asking how to use the “BUTT” system. Now, for the first time,
we have a 5-audio set that shows you how to successfully use this great system.
Item #1055-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

Complete Freedom CD SET & VIDEO
Sessions with a Master on 10-CD
Personal Transformation limited

This Limited Edition 10-CD compilation

consists of talks with Lester Levenson though
his life, spanning from the 1950s to the 1990s.
Included is a beautiful book with rare Lester
photos that have never been released before.
We selected the best of the audios that takes
you through a journey of Lester’s life and the
development of the Technique taught today. You
will be astounded and inspired as you listen to
Transcripts from Lester’s talks and Lester’s talks and answers to many questions,
subjects including: previously unanswered, covering many topics.

• The Basic Goal and Ways to Item #100-CD $150.00 (plus $10 shipping & handling)
• Problems and How They Resolve
• Spiritual Growth VIDEO
• Happiness
limited edition
• Helping Others dvd of rare
• Healing video
• The World footage
• A Perfect Body
• All About Love This rare video footage had been lost for over 22
…and much more! years and has never before been seen or offered
to the general public. In addition, we added
Item #1013 • $100.00
some very rare pictures from Lester’s private
(plus $8.00 shipping & handling)
collection throughout his life. The video was
filmed in 1986 at a retreat center and has been
digitally mastered.
Talks with Lester Item #1010-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)
Silver Edition Volumes 3 & 4 for additional shipping charges out of U.S.
VIDEO visit
To download a sample of
Item #1016-DVD $59.95
(plus $8 shipping & handling)
these sets, go to:
Get the New Release Technique APP, visit
The Release Technique
Abundance Course
Brand New Announcement!
Now the Release Technique has an APP
for Apple iphones, ipads and Android

Now you can take the Release Technique

on the Road and have instant access
to the course that now includes bonus
audios a workbook.

The Abundance Course (including all

audios & workbook exercises) is now a
turnkey app solution and available when-
ever you wish from your mobile device(s).

For over 50 years and over 100,000

graduates, the Release Technique has
proven to be a powerful, unique, simple,
and very practical tool that will dramati-
cally improve the quality of your life.

How? This innovative, emotional Release Technique will teach you step-by-step how to
eliminate any and all negativity on the spot—leaving you in a powerfully positive position
to create only the good things in life that you desire.

It includes 31 audio sessions (20 course audios + 11 bonus audios) in all and a 123 page
workbook (original price $279). Harvard, Columbia, UCLA & Penn State University Studies
validate the effectiveness of the Release Technique.

Go to: to get your app.


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