Extra Language Practice: Inspiration and Success

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1 Extra Language Practice Straight to Advanced

Inspiration and success
Choose the correct option in each sentence.
1 She’s an exceptionally gifted/adequate musician. They’ve invited her to join the orchestra.
2 He’s a highly accepted/acclaimed novelist who has won a number of literary awards.
3 The children are all very conscientious/conscious – they always do their homework on time.
4 Following a number of successful product launches, they gained international prestige/privilege.
5 I’ve definitely got a flaw/flair for languages – I speak several fluently.
6 Before going into higher education it’s necessary to attain/restrain some qualifications.
7 I often feel that I’ve been held back/off by my lack of confidence.
8 I’ve heard that Alan is quite a prominent/promising young footballer. He’s just signed a youth deal with
his local team.

Language focus
Past and present perfect simple and continuous
1 Complete each sentence with a perfect form of the verb in brackets.
1 Remember that you (finish) your essay yet. You (promise) to do it since
last week.
2 Why didn’t you tell me you’d won an award? I (just read) about it now on this website.
3 What do you think of the city? How long (stay)?
4 I’m not surprised that their film (won) three Oscars already. It (be) nominated
for practically every category.
5 It’s a long time since I last saw Alison. What (do) lately?
6 After he retired it was discovered that he (cheat) in every race.
7 Marco, good to see you. Where (work) since you left Sienna? (keep) in touch
with anyone from the university?
8 How long (have) flying lessons? (take) any exams yet?
9 I (hear) of her until last week. Since then I (read) a number of articles where
she’s mentioned. Why’s she suddenly so popular?
10 We (follow) the story in local press, but I (notice) much being mentioned lately.

2 For sentences 1–5, choose the option in italics which is not possible.
1 She hadn’t really been enjoying studying there for a while/the past month/long.
2 I’ve decided to believe you for the time being/the other day/time and time again.
3 Don’t worry, I haven’t been waiting all day/yet/long.
4 I’m writing a novel. I’ve written three chapters all my life/so far/since October.
5 They’d been living in the same small village for ages/since 1998/last month.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.
1 Extra Language Practice Straight to Advanced

1 Complete each sentence with a phrase from the box.
no sooner under no circumstances rarely
hardly not only little as did seldom

1 are students to access the staff offices without prior permission.

2 did Paul win the competition, but he was offered a job.
3 had we begun the exam, than the fire alarm went off.
4 have so many applicants failed to make the grade.
5 did I know that I’d achieve so much during my lifetime.
6 had he started to make his speech when he was interrupted.
7 do we have so many tour groups at this site.
8 I assumed, most of my peers, that a university degree would guarantee employment.

2 Rewrite the sentences below using a suitable adverbial from the box.
Never before Not only Not until Only by On no account Only later

1 He only thought about taking up painting after he retired.

2 This was the first time the event had been won by an Asian team.

3 The game couldn’t be won without luck.

4 I didn’t hear about his promotion until much later on.

5 This machinery should not be operated by untrained employees.

6 She won the race and broke the world record.

Word formation
Complete sentences 1–6 with an adjective or adverb formed from the words in brackets. You may also
need to add a negative affix.
1 Magda is such an (inspire) teacher. The children try to copy her and will do anything for her.
2 The news bulletin led with reports of the sudden and (drama) resignation of the prime minister.
3 I’d never offer her a job. She is utterly (competence).
4 I spent a lot of time writing the composition and checked it (care) for any mistakes.
5 Investing in that company would be very (risk). I’d put my cash somewhere safer if I were you.
6 The play was brilliant and Laura was (exception) as the King’s daughter.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.
1 Extra Language Practice Straight to Advanced

Reading and Use of English Part 4

Key word transformation
For questions 1–6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six
words, including the word given.

1 They would like to implement the recommendations immediately but will wait if necessary.
They’d like to put the recommendations but will wait if necessary.
2 The house sold quickly even though it was very overpriced.
The house sold quickly it was very overpriced.
3 The change in design didn’t make any difference to the majority of their customers.
The change in design to the majority of their customers.
4 Apparently she was given the wrong information on their website.
She seems their website.
5 Learning new skills were never been a problem for him.
Learning new skills him.
6 Please tell the receptionist if you’d rather we didn’t email you about future classes.
Please tell the receptionist if you’d emailed about future classes.

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class.

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