My Theory On Origin of Baloch and Conclusion

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M y Theory Upon Origin Of Baloch

Arguments , Delineate to support my Theory
1. languages Of Balochs
2. Loke Dastans & Poetries
3. Theories of Scholars
4. Major E Mockler
5. Mullana Abdullah Darmani
6. Dr. Farooq Baloch
7. Ancient Places Of Balochistan
8. Categories of Statements
9_ Conclusion
My Theory upon origin of Baloch
Baloch nation is consisting on Various tribes and castes , even different languages
are being
spoken in Baloch lineation. Therefore it's quite difficult to find a clear and right
introduction for
the Baloch origin .
It's the last stage of my thesis , I have studied the theories of Forign Scholars , local
researchers and Historians els I also glanced at the views of local people about the
Origin of
Baloch . I also discussed this matter with some native folk poets . I kept this burning
question in
front of senior citizens too , especially those whom they have some experience and
about History and origin of Baloch nation .
Secondly , I have studied some articles , watched videos upon Geographical
researches and
reports about the land and its inhabitants of old Balochistan . In my words " Balochs
are not Arabs
nor Parsian , Turk , Tajiks , Mongols , Hindu or Aryans . Infect Balochs are Dwellers
, Inhabitants of
Balochistan . Balochs are reminding in the Homeland of Balochistan from their early
years .
They migrated , or they left Balochistan cause of some bad circumstances or they
traveled to
Arabic areas for supporting Islam in their early days . Again they came back to
Balochistan when
Ummayyads got the Calipath and the real scenes of Islam was lost in Arabs instead
civil wars
were taken place of peace and prosperity .
Infect the term of Baloch nearly stood to Co.Mockler's views in case of
pronunciation for
Baloch . In the beginning the exact word was " Bad Roch " which was given to the
Inhabitants of
Balochistan by their enemies . ' Bad Roch ' is a Persian word which means ' Bad days
' . The
land of Balochs and the History of Baloch is an eye witness for the enmity among
Balochs and
Persians . When Aryans came from their Homeland towards Asia , especially in
current Iran ,
Afghanistan , India and Balochistan , so here Balochs were remaining already .
Among Balochs
and Persians a series of Battles were started . Not only Aryans but Baloch always
remind a
source of trouble for Persians , Greeks and other Invaders who tried to pass
Balochistan in
ancient times . Therefore the Baloch enemies infect Persians gave this name to them
. With the
passage of time this 'Bad-Roch' was changed in Balus , Baluz , Balush and finally '
Baloch ' .
In History many travelers or scholars used various names for the Inhabitants of
Balochistan .
History of Baloch's only known by their fights . They have no any Governance or
evidence regarding ruling and any high marked valuable work in History .
Arguments , Delineate to support my Theory :- I have my own theory for the origin
of Baloch And it's closest to the origin for Baloch
Nation . In my this thesis I argued that Balochs are basic inhabitants of Balochistan
. But it's
quite hard to judge Balochs as one nation because there are many differences are
found in Baloch
people . A huge difference is clearly seen in Balochi language . Almost 13 languages
are being
spoken in Balochistan els sindi and pashto .Some major languages are here saraiki ,
Biruhi ,
Rakhshani , Makrani , sulaimani , Jadgali and Dehwari . By these different languages
means Balochs are not purely from one race , they are a combination of some more
tribes .
1_ Balochi Language :-
The History of any nation is hidden in it's language . According to Dr. Hameed
Dashti "
If we drew the Persians and other languages words from Balochi , so definitely it
would like the
kind of Oldest Sami language " It means we try to make pure the Balochi language
, so it
would like one of the oldest languages of the world . It shows that Balochs are infect
one of the
oldest nations of the world , it looks in their own language . Behind the Balochi
language the
origin of Baloch is hidden . But as I stated before I that almost thirteen languages
are being
spoken by Balochs , so how would we find the real one ? How would it be clear that
out of these
thirteen languages which one is the pure and exit language ? So the answer is "
indeed there are
more than thirteen languages are being spoken by Balochs ,But there are commonly
used similar
words have in these languages , and those common words are the pure Balochi "
Thus ! Balochi language is the most powerful source which helps researchers ,
Historians and
Scholars to do research on Baloch origin . Often Forign Scholars were not able to do
research on Balochi language , they just gave an idea of their minds and our locals
scholars also
copied them , so that's why they are not able to find the exact origin of Balochs .
2_ Loke Dastans and Poetries :-
It is a universal truth that in ancient times there was no concept of writing of History
education . In stone age often people tried to remember their pasts , history just by
Poetries and
old methods of true stories of their Forefathers . Balochs and Arabs are still famous
for their
memories ,about remembering of their history horaly . I have also studied some old
Dastans and
Poetries about Baloch nation and about its origin . I have found that mostly loke
Dastans and
Poetries contacted Balochs with Arabs and especially with Ameer Hamza RZ . But
there are
some more Dastans and Poetries , Balochs are shown or described that fighting with
'Rakshas ,
Devtaa or God ' els some stories and Poetries also described the Balochs as a hero ,
they were fighting with supreme Gods and Dewtaas . Fighting with Goda it showed
the oldest
history of Human beings and as like some old civilizations Of Balochs . Natives of
are also consider that nation , as like pyramids of Egyptian and other wonders of the
world .
Therefore it could be said that Balochs are basic and oldest Inhabitants of their
Homeland .
Even we have also found some ancient Places which may describe the old history
and Balochs ,
because these are almost thousand of years before used by Humans .
3_ Theories of scholars & Researchers :-
In the third category I have kept the Theories of local and other Forign Scholars . On
bass on Baloch origin and it's History many theories were presented by various
scholars , some
of them did research on these theories and mostly scholars just gave their ideas and
they just
based one thing or only made some points to gave an idea and named this the theory
of origin .
Mullana Abdullah Darmani :-
Mullana Abdullah Darmani is known as a great Islamic Scholar , he gave his theory
highly status and facts .In the words of Mullana "Balochs are infect the Inhabitants
Balochistan and they are living here from a long term in this land , they took
part in various Jihadi movements during Mohammed (PBUH) and other four
Calipaths . But when Islamic circumstances were changed after karbala , so
they came back to their Homeland . When prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was in
Makkah during that time some Muslim Treaders came to Balochistan and
preached here for Islam which was accepted by Balochs " same about this statement
In a Balochi loke poetry it was said " When prophet (PBUH) was offering his prayers
in Makkah
, so Five Balochs arounded him and gave him seftay . "
Major - e - Mockler :- Mejor Mockler was a great Archaeologist . He himself remains
In Makran there he did
research and found some basic information by local people . Els he also searched in
Rawlins and
ancient Places of Makhran , there he discovered some histonishing data about the
origin of
Balochs . Rather than his work was stopped for a long term , even in 1980 an
Archaeologist team visited those areas and father they gave new information about
project . Mr. Mockler said that " Baloch is a Persian word which means ' Bad Days
this name was given to them by their enemies . And Balochs are co-inhabitants
of Balochistan . " In real scene this theory is so close to the origin of Balochs.
Because Mr.
Mockler is a great Archaeologist , there he did research on Balochs himself.
Secondly he himself
remind among the Balochs . He batter know about the ancient Places of Balochistan
. He
precticully observed natives their habits and life methods , then he compare this live
discovered thing … After these all practical he gave his theory about origin of
Baloch .
Dr . Farooq Baloch :-
Dr. Farooq Baloch is one of the great Historian and scholar of Balochistan . He batter
know about the Balochs and their origin . He is considered one of the best Modern
and Historian of Balochistan . Dr. Farooq Baloch criticize on Local and Forign
Scholars ,
because as like Forign Scholars , local scholars also have not enough information
about History
of Balochs . They just copied each other and past from here to there , they all are
following each
other only on espact . They have not reached on any clear result to quit it those
scholars only
tried to complete a formality to complete a Book .
In short ! These theories of MEJOER MOCKLER , MULLANA ABDULLAH
FAROOQ BALOCH , Kept me closer to the origin of Baloch . By mentioned
scholar's theories
my concept was cleared to some extent . Research by Mockler and Mullana saib
opened a new revolutionary way for some new trends , ideas and thoughts for origin
of Baloch .
Often Modern researcher and scholars follow these theories .
7_ Ancient places of Balochistan :-
Balochistan is considered one of the most ancient please of the world . Here Mostly
things are discovered and still it is in certain process . Here I will only name some
of Oldest
ruling nations on Balochistan .
1_ Madhyam Mai 584 BC
2_ Dara Hukhamashya
3_ Kaikhushru
4_ Muriya
5_ Bandu Sara 280 BC
6_ Dewaat family
7_ Nation of phalu 88 BC
8_ Askani Family
9_ Korsh kingdom
More than 10 families means nations were ruled over Balochistan , here I named 8th
of them .
These nations still have some remaining tribes in Balochs on their names . According
Mohammed Ismail Dashti Bohshari " Balochs are from their first day , doing struggle
against these ruling powers or they supporting them . They never sit quit . " By
such statements it's clear that Baloch is one of the oldest nations of the world and in
they are living from thousands of years . By the digging of some particular places
discovered nearly some 3000 & 7000 BC records of Human life . They were alive
may passing
their days on Agriculture , shaparding and providing facilities of Architecture sold
poites etc .
Even today of Balochs in rulers areas using such things and mostly their life
dependent on these
three things . Ustad Ameer Tawaqal in his Book ' Causes of Distractions of
Balochistan ' quoted that " this civilization of Balochistan was more developed
than Iraqi civilization " Ustaad by details described the circumstances of Balochistan
he believes that this civilization was the most modern and developed then Iraqi
means Persians
civilization .
Miri kalat & shahi Tump tradition :-
This tradition is also called Beseaval dasht , and it's almost 3000 thousands years old
Firstly Miri kalat was dug by Britishers and then American worked on . Mostly
elements are related to current Baloch life's . Means this tradition showed how old
nation Baloch
is .
Sugtageen Dour tradition :-
Sugtageen Dour tradition was discovered by Major Mockler , then further it was
worked by Sir
Arial Astain . This man had two abilities , for the same time he was a great
Archaeologist and
great scholar of old traditions . Sugtageen is located near Gawadar and its still need
for further clarifications . Sugtageen tradition also indicates that Balochs are old
native of
Balochistan .
Bampur Traditions :-
Such like others , Bampur Tradition is also one of the oldest traditions of Balochistan
Bampur is considered the basic place of Balochs . In Baloch History it was shown
that for the
first time Balochs life started from Bampur . It was accepted by researchers the
civilization of
Bampur and native lives of currently living people are same in Somerville .
Kille & Mahani civilizations :-
Kille and Mahani civilizations are directly connected with the native of Balochistan.
There so
many Dambs which are not even touched yet by anyone . In such Dambs a complete
story is
hidden this needs some research . These all information has been collected by
Britishers during
their rule on Balochistan .But it needs more research in such ancient places . .
Dambs in Quetta valley :-
Quetta holds a number of Dumbs in it . Often Dambs are signs of remaining life of
beings on the earth .
1_ Quetta Miri
2_ Mulla Zai Damb
3_ Kili Gul Mohammed Damb
4_ Ahmed Khan Zai Damn
5_ Killi Kachi Baig Dumb
6_ Sadat Dumb .
Quetta Miri Dumb was searched by Britishers and other were covered by them .
These ancient
Dumbs are contacted with Mehran Civilizations .
Mahar Ghar civilizations :-
Mahar Ghar is located in Kachi district of Balochistan . In 1974 it was dug by some
Archaeologists but soon work was stopped . invasion and discovered of Mahar Ghar
was really
strange It was said the life and traditions of Mahar Ghar is really contacted with
current life of
Balochs ,Mahar Ghar is almost 7000BC old and it's the remaining of Balochs . We
find the life
of Balochs on Kachi plains where they fought , ruled and then left it . These all
ancient places
indicates that earlier then thousands of years the life was found in this region and
still it's
services in the shape of Balochs .
Sumar and Kholi civilizations :-
Mostly Historians , especially researchers and Archaeologists quote that ' in those
ancient places
we have found a new tradition which is still surviving . By further studying these
civilizations it
would be clear that Baloch are the basic remainings of those two traditions . On
research , it was found that ' such effects and equality was found in Arab ,
Persians and Hindu civilizations too ' simply it means Balochs are contacted with
three nations and civilizations from their first day .
Categories of Statements :-
We studied the Theories of scholars , later we also discussed ancient Poetries , loke
Dastans and
various people views , sayings theories of Foreigners regards to the origin of Balochs
. Now
before to conclude our theses I would like to categories the valuable statements about
the earliest
days of Balochs or about the natives of the Balochiatan . In this perhaps I would like
to discuss
the views of Hameed Dashti In my own words .
=> 1 .
Those people , indeed they are called real native or Inhabitants of this Homeland ,
existence was already presented here in Balochistan before then Aryans or other
Invaders so
those are the real Inhabitants of Balochistan . Various scholars named them by their
ideas logics
or they often copied past each other by such statements some one called them '
someone named them 'Sumar' .
But in real case they are the basic natives of Balochistan and indeed these people are
Forefathers of the Modern Balochs . Here symbols are still present in Balochistan ,
to some
extent even in this post modern period those trends are being followed by Balochs
in a Hugh
number . Remaining of those races are today called ' great existence of Mahar Ghar
Naal Killi , Balla coat , kohy Tump , Anjeera , Jati kalat , Baghak , Parya now
ghandi , sulgeen dour , sulgeen Koh and kaichi Baig .' these all are the remaining of
Baloch nations and their contemporary which whom were ruling or living in this
before 3000 BC .
=> 2 .
On second number , we have some statements of some old travelers and Invaders .
According to Greeks once they came here and meet with the natives of Balochistan
Herodutias called them ' Ichothogopagi ' means fishers els also called them 'Ethopian
Asia ' cause of Body language of people . Marco Polo and other some Arab tourists
traveled in
Balochistan they also stated about the LAND , PEOPLE & WEATHER of
Balochistan . If they
never used word BALOCH of BALOCHISTAN but they indicated some as like the
old and
Basic remainder of this Homeland . It also joined the Baloch origin in some extent .
=> 3.
On third number , there are 'First Nation ' people . They are called Gypse , they never
stopped on place and they were always in moving . Gypsies uses to travel in Iran ,
Afghanistan ,
Asia , Middle East and central Asian states . But the circumstances were changed ,
system was began so Baloch came and used to live in their motherland for entire life
. In second
era when they were coming from Iran and Iraq so this movement was noticed by
scholars Indeed
this was the region of early Islamic period . Cause of such moveings Historians
named the
Balochs as a Arab or persians .
=> 4 .
On Fourth group there are Arab Invaders . Arabs came during the era of Hazrat Umar
RZ in 644 AD . After this companion many more attacks were held by Arab warriors
. By
Geographical situations Arabic regions and Balochiatan is same therefore , they
lived here . With
in a long period Balochs and Arabs lost their reality living with each other and they
mostly Islamic trends of life . Cause of these changes Baloch lost their nurture life .
It creates a
big misunderstanding for modern scholars to consider the Balochs as a sub tribe of
Arab nation.
=> 5 .
On the fifth , there are " Koch & Baloch " these Balochs are categories in the list of
persians .
KOCH & BALOCHS are known as a ARYANS race . Many scholars , poets and
consider Balochs from this race . But I would like to clear the readers that Balochs
presented before the Aryans or persians . But they were living here with another
name and this
Modern name BALOCH was given to us by Aryans .
=> 6.
On the sixth , I kept the ' Mixed tribes ' of other nations within Balochs . Balochiatan
its earliest days used to be the path of Invaders and Traders . Almost nearly 13
greatest nations
were ruled over Balochistan and a lot of kafilas used the passes of Balochiatan .
During passing
through Balochistan or ruling over Balochistan many tribes used to live here for a
couple of
years in such a gape they mixed with Balochs .
Secondly they were targeted by Balochs many of them were arrested , they were
made slaves
by Balochs thair woman came under the Balochs in this case some new races were
mixed with
Balochs . No one outsider ruled on Balochistan freely because they faced a stronger
resistance by
Balochs . Many of them were killed and their entire nation was made slaves by
Balochs . With
the passage of time they completely mixed with Balochs and forgot their true identity
. It's also
possible , in Balochistan only 13 languages are being spoken by one nation may
these languages
were used to be the languages of those tribes . And it could be the reason for
confusion for
Baloch origin .
Conclusion :-
Balochistan's Geography and History of Baloch always marked a spectacular
important by
arounded , especially by European . After Persians and Arabs , Europeans were the
who errandon on Balochistan Geography and on Baloch History . But the works of
was remains the bone of contention behalf for origin of Balochs .If Persians wrote
the History of
Baloch as like FIRDUSI & MUQADI , so they showed the complete relationship of
Balochs and Persians nation . By various trends they tried to highlight the Affinity
between these
both nations some in wars , in ruling and subordinates of each other . Same like
Persians , If
Arabs wrote the History of Balochs so they also proved it with strong evidences
through with
their Poetries or wars . In case If Europeans wrote the History of Balochs so they
only used their
thoughts , ideas and ideograms for origin of Baloch. If our local scholars copied them
, but still
often people may aware of reality , they know batter and judge well the reality of
origin of
Baloch .
By studying and analysing of theories both Europeans and locals , Persians ,Arabs ,
and others . Els by asking , interviewing the locals of Balochistan such by
observation of ancient
places of Balochistan it would be said that " Balochs are not from any other state ,
such like IRAN , ARBEAN areas , SYRIA or HULB _ But they Basic natives of
BALOCHISTAN and they are living here from 7000 BC . " many Scholars argued
that Balochs are from Iran , Syria , Iraq or Caspeansea , yes they could be . But for
the first time
they migrated from here cause of Famines , trade or shaparding . Mostly they went
for Jihad to
Arab areas but they again came back to their Homeland Balochistan . The History
of Baloch
infect came infrount of the world when they fought for Islam and Arabs directly
against a
superpower persians , after such breavory world was able to know them , They were
the Nation
who defeated the SAMI RAMIS they also defeated the ALEXANDER THE GREAT
_ They
were the distroy Eric of the Persians .
Thus ! It is said in short , Balochs are the true and oldest nation of their
BALOCHISTAN . They were the followers of Great Prophet 'ZULQARNAIN ' who
had the title of
"KORSH " means ' . ' ‫واال سینگ دو‬We also know about him by the Reference of HOLY
rolled over 37 states and Balochiatan was one them . BALOCH is the modern shape
of KORSH .
Here we have two logics about the term Of Baloch one is " Bad-Roch " by Mockler's
and second is " Korsh " the title of ZULQARNAIN . Both are correct , Because the
"Bad-Roch" was given to balochs by their enemies and obviously Persians are
considered the
born enemy of Balochs . Secondly , Balochs by their first day accepted truth and
reality . As
they Sanctioned Islam with out any risist , same they as well approved the DEEN of
ZULQARNAIN AS . Therefore they had got the title of KORSH ( BALOCH) .
FINALLY , Its stated that Balochs were the splutter of ZULQARNAIN AS , KORSH
was the
Alias of ZULQARNAIN , therefore Balochs were called Korsh later it changed into
' Balus ,
Balush , and Baloch . Balochistan is, was and will be the GASSINESS of BALOCHS
1_ Dr. Hameed ' Makran Ahad-ay- Qadeem say Ahaid-ay-jadeed Tak .
2_ Dr. Mohammed Ismail Dashti Bohshari ' Baloch tareekh wa Arab thazeeb .'
3_ Dr. Anayat Ullah Baloch ' The problem of greater Balochistan '
5_ Dr. Farooq Baloch ' BaBa Ameer Hamza Baloch '
6_Naseer Dashti ' The Baloch and Balochiatan .'
7_ General Mockler ' Honor of the Baloch .'
8_ Gull Khan Naseer ' Tareekh Balochistan '
9_ Video made on Saeed Dehwar's Book .
10 _ Internet .

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