Pronunciation in English

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Unit Summary
You can use the vocabulary of this unit to:
• talk about activities: What are you doing? I'm listening to music.
• talk about facts: I speak Spanish. I watch TV at night.

• Present continuous: What are you doing? I'm talking with Kate.
• Present continuous and simple present: Luis speaks Spanish. He's talking to Ana now.
• Short answers: Where is Luis? In his office.

• Verb stress with -ing endings: What are you doing? I'm taking a break.
• Wh- question stress: What are you doing?

watch a movie
go to a concert
watch a basketball game
see a play
go to a party
have a picnic
go on a trip
go to the beach


Read movie schedules. Write an invitation note.
Grammar: Present Continuous

1. Use the present continuous for actions that

are happening now.

Luis is watching TV now.

He's talking with Chris.

2. To form the present continuous, use am, is,

or are plus the -ing form of the verb.

Emi and Kate are having a snack.

Dave is making a call on his cell phone.

3. To make the negative, put the word not after

the verb be.

Maggie is sleeping now.

Maggie is not sleeping now.
She isn't sleeping now.
We also say:
She's not sleeping now.

Ana and Sam are eating.

Ana and Sam are not eating.
They aren't eating.
We also say:
They're not eating.

4. To make yes-no questions in the present continuous, put the

verb be at the beginning of the question.

Is Luis sending a fax now?

Yes, he is.
Are Ana and Chris having a meeting now?
No, they aren't.

5. To make information questions in the present continuous, put the

question words what, where, and how much before the verb be.

WhereLuis is watching TV?

In his room.
6. We use the question, What are you doing? to ask about actions
in general.

Kate: What are you doing?

Emi: I'm watching TV.
Paul: What's Maggie doing?
Laura: She's studying.

Grammar: Present Continuous/Simple Present

1. Use the present continuous for actions that

are happening now.

Laura is working now.

She's talking with Chris now.

2. Use the simple present tense for facts. Use

the simple present with frequency adverbs.

Luis speaks three languages.

Luis usually watches TV at night.

3. We also use the simple present tense with

want, need, and like.

Luis wants to take a break.

Chris needs a snack.
Chris likes Ana.

Grammar: Short As-Present Cont./Simple Pres.

1. For short answers to present continuous

questions, use only the verb be.

Is Luis watching TV?

Yes, he is.
Use contractions for negative short answers.
Are Luis and Kate talking on the phone?
No, they aren't.
No, they're not.
2. These are information questions with who in
the present continuous.

Who is talking to Emi?

Who are you talking to?

3. In conversations, we usually give short answers to information

We don't repeat the verb.

Laura: Who are you talking to?

Paul: Maggie.
Emi: What are you watching?
Kate: The news.

Remember, we don't answer the question.

What are you watching? with Watching the news.

4. Here are some other information questions and short answers.

Celia: Who's that woman?

Julie: Ana.
Cara: What's that?
Pat: My new DVD.
Ali: Where's the party?
Cesar: At my house.
Jane: When's the meeting?
Diane: At twelve o'clock.

5. For short answers to questions in the simple present tense, use

do or does. Use does for he, she, it, and singular nouns. Use
do for I, you, we, they, and plural nouns.

Professor: Do you like this course?

Student: Yes, I do.
Emi: Does Yoko like this course?
Jin: Yes, she does.
For negative short answers, use don't and doesn't.
Clerk: Do you want the Vista TV?
Emi: No, I don't.
Boss: Does she want the big TV?
Clerk: No, she doesn't.
6. Here are some yes-no questions and short answers.

Emily: Are you listening?

Student: Yes, I am.
Emily: Do you like this course?
Student: Yes, I do.

7. To stress something, you can also give a longer answer.

Emily: Are you listening?

Student: Yes, I am listening.
Emily: Do you like this course?
Student: Yes, I like this course very much.
Bill: Who's that woman?
Tom: That woman is my girlfriend!

Vocabulary: Events
Pronunciation: Pres. Progressive Verb Stress

Words that have stress are long, loud, and clear. For
present progressive verbs, the main verb (the -ing verb)
gets the stress. We make it longer, louder, and clearer
than the be verb. We make the be verb short and weak.

Chris: What are you DOing?

Luis: Right now, I'm taking a break.

Chris: I'm at the Rock right now. I'm HAVing a snack

with Kate.

Kate: Chris and I are having a bite to eat here at the


Here are some sentences with present progressive verbs.

Listen to the stress.

A: What are you DOing?

B: I'm WORKing.

A: What's Marvin DOing?

B: He's prePARing his report.

A: What are Paul and Mike DOing?

B: They're TAKing a break.

A: What are Eddy and Trish DOing?

B: They're DANcing.

A: What's Cathy DOing?

B: She's LISTENing to music.

A: What are you and Rich DOing?

B: We're WASHing the dishes.

Pronunciation: Stress-Important Words in Qs

Listen to the way these people say "What are you doing?"
Listen to the stress in the sentences in bold.

Chris: What are you DOing?

Luis: Right now, I'm taking a break. What are YOU
Chris: I'm at the Rock right now. I'm having a snack with

Listen to these people ask "What are you doing?" The

first person puts stress on doing. The second person puts
stress on you.

A: What are you DOING, Bobby?

B: I'm fixing the car. What are YOU doing?
A: I'm helping Tyler in the kitchen.

A: Hi, Alice. What are you DOING?

B: Right now, I'm listening to music. What are YOU
A: I'm studying math. Can I ask you a question?

Listen to these people ask "Where are you going?" The

first person puts stress on going. The second person puts
stress on you.

A: Where are you GOING?

B: I'm going home. Where are YOU going?
A: I'm going to a meeting with my department now.

A: Where are you GOING?

B: I'm going to the gym to exercise. Where are YOU
A: I'm going to my daughter's soccer game.

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