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Practical Woodwork Worksheet 1

1. Tick () the correct answer.

(a) Which man-made board is shiny on one side and textured (rough) on the other? 1





(b) Which material is made from mixing glue with very small pieces of wood? 1



Plastic Laminate


2. Tick () the correct answer.

(a) This woodwork joint is called a:

Stopped halving

Stopped housing

Stopped mortise

Stopped rebate
Practical Woodwork Worksheet 1
Tick () the correct answer.

(b) The process used to make this wooden handle is called: 1





3. Four woodwork joints are shown:

(a) Which joint would be most likely to be used to join a rail to a leg of a table? 1

(b) Which joint would be most likely to be used to join a shelf to a side of a cabinet?

4. Tick () the correct use for each tool.

Boring holes in metal

Boring holes in wood

Countersinking screw holes

Cutting threads in metal.

Practical Woodwork Worksheet 1
Tick () the correct use for each tool.

(b) 1

Bending a piece of acrylic

Hammering in nails

Forging a piece of metal

Driving a chisel into wood

5. Five saws are shown below.

(a) Which saw would be used to cut a large sheet of thick plywood? 1

6. Tick () the correct answer.

(a) This is used in a:

Milling machine

Mortise machine

Shaping machine

Shearing machine
Practical Woodwork Worksheet 1
Tick () the correct use for each tool.

(b) This is used in a: 1

Drilling machine

Sanding machine

Metal lathe

Wood lathe

(c) The frame shown has just been glued. What should be used to hold it in position until the 1
glue sets?

A hand clamp

A ‘G’ clamp

A sash cramp

A mitre cramp

7. Two pieces of wood, X and Y, have to be held together with a screw. The various stages are
listed below in the WRONG order.

A Countersink the hole in X

B Drill pilot hole in both pieces
C Put in screw
D Mark position of screw hole
E Drill clearance hole in X

List the stages in the CORRECT order in the boxes below.


Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5

Practical Woodwork Worksheet 1
8. Part of a cutting list is shown below.

Headings have still to be put into columns 4, 5 and 6.

What heading should be printed in:

Column 4 3

Column 5

Column 6

9. Give two reasons why a workshop should be kept as tidy as possible when working 2

Reason 1

Reason 2

10. Write down three safety rules which should be obeyed when using the drilling machine.

Rule 1

Rule 2

Rule 3
Practical Woodwork Worksheet 2
1. Tick () the correct answer.

(a) Which of the following is a softwood? 1





(b) Which of the following is most commonly found at the bottom of a drawer?




2. Tick () the correct answer.

(a) This illustration shows a: 1

Mortise being cut

Tenon being cut

Dovetail being cut

Mitre being cut

(b) The woodwork joint shown is a: 1

Through housing joint

Rebate joint

Halving joint

Mitre joint
Practical Woodwork Worksheet 2
3. Tick () the correct answer.

(a) The most suitable finish for a wooden salad bowl is:

Gloss paint

Vegetable oil

Plastic dip coating

(b) The suitable finish for an exterior mahogany door is:

Polyurethane varnish




4. Name two stages of preparation that should be completed before applying varnish to a wooden
table top.
Stage 1

Stage 2

5. An exploded view of a towel rail is shown:

Chose the correct tool from the list above and write it in the space provided. 3

(a) Which tool should be used to cut the hole?

(b) Which tool should be used to cut the curve?

(c) Which tool should be used to make the roller?

Practical Woodwork Worksheet 2
6. Give the name and one common use for each machine:




7. Five of the construction stages in making a housing joint are shown below in the wrong order.

A Cut out and fit the housing joint

B Apply glue to the housing joint

C Mark out the housing joint

D Assemble

E Test for square

(a) Which step should be done first?

(b) Which step should be done last?
Practical Woodwork Worksheet 2
8. The cassette rack shown is to be made from pine, 12mm thick The shelf will be housed t a
depth of 4mm. The cassettes will be stored in the position shown.

(a) If the rack is to hold 10 cassettes, what is the minimum length of part Z? 1

(b) Complete the cutting list shown below by entering the correct numbers into the dark

9. Write down two safety rules which should be observed whilst using a chisel.

Rule 1

Rule 2
Practical Woodwork Worksheet 3
1. Tick () the correct answer

(a) Which of the following is not man made?



Scots Pine

(b) Ash, beech and mahogany are all

Dark brown in colour



Man made boards

2. Some sketches of a stool and peg are shown below:

Choose the correct answers from the table.

(a) Name the process used to make the wooden peg.

(b) Name the tool used to chamfer the seat of the stool. 3

(c) Name a suitable material for the seat of the stool.

Practical Woodwork Worksheet 3
3. Give one reason why excess glue is removed before varnish is applied.

4. Six types of finish are listed below:

Lead free paint Wax

Varnish Emulsion paint

Vegetable oil Creosote

Which finish should be used to:

(a) Add colour to wooden toy building blocks?

(b) Seal a wooden salad bowl? 3

(c) Protect and exterior wooden door?

5. Tick () the correct use for each tool.

(a) This tool is used for:


Hammering panel pins into wood

Driving a chisel into wood

Countersinking screw holes

Practical Woodwork Worksheet 3
5. Tick () the correct use for each tool.

(b) This tool is used for:

Marking out a housing joint

Measuring the outer diameter of a cylinder

Marking out a mortise

Gauging the thickness of wood

(c) This tool is used for: 1

Supporting the end of wood on a lathe

Countersinking a hole

Knurling metal

Drilling holes

6. To which machine does each of the following pieces of equipment belong?

(a) Name of machine: 1

(b) Name of machine:

Practical Woodwork Worksheet 3
7. Some sketches and notes from a pupil’s design for a simple candle holder are shown below:

(a) Answer the questions below by choosing the correct tool from the list:

Which tool should be used to:

Tools list
(i) drill the flat bottomed holes?
Twist drill
Forstner drill
(ii) chamfer the corners of the wood? Coping saw
Cross cut saw 1
Smoothing plane
(iii) remove the waste wood from the end?
Mortise drill
Tenon saw 1

(b) Describe one method of holding the wood while the flat bottomed holes are being drilled.

Practical Woodwork Worksheet 3
8. The drawings of a design for a table are shown below:

(a) Complete the cutting lists for Parts A and B. (Fill in the blank boxes).

(b) An exploded view of the housing joint to be used for the front of the drawer is shown
Practical Woodwork Worksheet 3
8. (b) Continued

Write a brief description of how to mark out the housing. Use the dimensions on the
sketch to help. Sketches may be used to illustrate your answer (use the space at the
bottom for sketches.)

Practical Woodwork Worksheet 4
1. Tick () the correct answer

Which of the following materials is man made?





2. Tick () the correct answer 1

The tool shown is called:

Try square

Engineer’s square

Set square

Tee Square

3. From the options given, write the correct name for the type of man made board shown.

Veneered chipboard



4. (a) In the space below, sketch a ‘cork-block’ that is used with sandpaper.
Practical Woodwork Worksheet 4
(b) Explain why a cork-block should be used.

5. A sketch of a mirror and drawer unit is shown below.

(a) From the list of processes, write down which one would allow you to make the mirror
supports. 1

Filing Turning Casting Sawing

(b) From the list of joints below:

Dowel Lap Mortise and Tenon Butt Housing

(i) Name the frame joint shown at A


(ii) Name the carcase joint shown at B

Practical Woodwork Worksheet 4
6. A list of different types of finish is below:

Creosote Wax Lead-free paint Vegetable oil Clear varnish

(a) Which finish would be best for a wooden toy train if it is to be coloured green?

(b) Which finish would be best for a turned wooden salad bowl?

(c) Which finish would be best to protect and show the natural beauty of a wooden coffee

7. State the name of the machine tool shown and give one use for it.

Name: sander

Use: 2
Practical Woodwork Worksheet 4
8. The end support for a book rack is shown below along with a list of tools.

Tool list

Coping saw
Router plane
Jack plane
Bevel edged chisel
Tenon saw
Try square

(a) For cutting out the joint, which of the tools from the list above would you use to:

(i) cut the sides of the joint?


(ii) remove most of the waste from the joint?


(iii) flatten the bottom of the joint to the correct depth?

(b) The corner has to be removed with great care so the wood does not split.

Tick the box which shows the correct method of planning a corner.
Practical Woodwork Worksheet 4
9. Goggles are common items of safety equipment. For each of the following situations, write
down one different safety rule you must observe, that does not include goggles.

(a) Cutting with a chisel

(b) When turning wood on the wood lathe


(c) When using the pillar drill


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