ESO201A: Thermodynamics Mid-Semester Examination Date: 19/09/2018 Duration: 120 Minutes. Total Marks 100 Points

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ESO201A: Thermodynamics

Mid-semester examination
Date: 19/09/2018
Duration: 120 minutes.
Total marks = 100 points

1. (i) Consider a closed system with ideal gas at given temperature and pressure (shown
below). If the pressure on the gas increases or decreases adiabatically, show that it
follows a relationship of 𝑃𝑉 𝛾 = 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡
[Any work done can be considered to be reversible work and γ is specific heat ratio where
specific heats are not dependent on temperature]

(ii) Consider that the above-mentioned ideal gas is put inside a piston-cylinder device
which undergoes two processes as follows:
1-2: Adiabatic compression from T1 and P1 with a compression ratio of r1=V1/V2
2-3: Isobaric expansion until V3=V1

(a) Sketch the processes on a single P-V diagram.

(b) Obtain an expression for the ratio of the compression work to expansion work as
function of γ and r1.
10+(5+10) =25 points

2. A fluid is confined in a cylinder by a spring-loaded, frictionless piston, so that the

pressure in the fluid is a linear function of the volume (p=a+bV). The internal energy of
the fluid is given by the following equation
U=34 + 3.15 pV

where U is in kJ, p in kPa, and V in cubic meter. If the fluid changes from an initial state
of 170 kPa, 0.03 m3 to a final state of 400 kPa, 0.06 m3, with no work other that done on

the piston, find the direction (by the system or to the system) and magnitude of the work
and heat transfer.

(8+7=15 points)

3. Consider a well-insulated horizontal rigid cylinder that is divided into two compartments
by a piston that is free to move but does not allow either gas to leak into the other side.
Initially, one side of the piston contains 1 m3 of N2 gas at 500 kPa and 120oC while the
other side contains 1 m3 of He gas at 500 kPa and 40oC. Now thermal equilibrium is
established in the cylinder as a result of heat transfer through the piston.
(a) Using constant specific heats at room temperature, determine the final equilibrium
temperature in the cylinder.
(b) What would your answer be if the piston were not free to move? Provide justification
for your answer.
(15+5=20 points)

4. Steam enters a steady-flow turbine with a mass flow rate of 13 kg/s at 600oC, 8 MPa, and
a negligible velocity (as shown below). The steam expands in the turbine to a saturated
vapor at 300 kPa where 10 percent of the steam (by mass) is removed for some other use.
The remainder of the steam continues to expand to the turbine exit where the pressure is
10 kPa and quality is 85 percent.
(a) If the turbine is adiabatic, determine the rate of work done by the steam during this
(b) Also, draw a T-h diagram to show the complete process by marking each state
15+5=20 points

5. A building with an internal volume of 400 m3 is to be heated by a 30-kW electric
resistance heater placed in the duct inside the building (as shown below). Initially, the air
in the building is at 14oC, and the local atmospheric pressure is 95 kPa. The building is
losing heat to the surroundings at a steady rate of 450 kJ/min. Air is forced to flow
through the duct and the heater steadily by a 250-W fan, and it experiences a temperature
rise of 5oC each time it passes through the duct, which may be assumed to be adiabatic.
[Motor and fan are placed inside the room]
(a) How long will it take for the air inside the building to reach an average temperature
of 24oC?
(b) Determine the average mass flow rate of air through the duct.

(10+10=20 points)


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