ECE4005 Optical-Communication-And - Networks ETH 1 AC40 6

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ECE4005 Optical Communication and Networks L T P J C

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Version : 1.00
Pre-requisite: ECE4001 :Digital Communication Systems
Objectives :
 Discuss the technology developments in Optical Communication with major
with emphasis on r elated analysis of technical characteristics of Optical
Fibre/Components, Systems and Network nodes to enable the design and
selection of proper selection of Fu nctional modules for practical
 Impart network knowledge bas ed on Optical Communication Network
Evolution viz. SONET in terms of Network Elements/Ar chitecture, Network
Management, Protection (Reliability),Synchronization.
 Introduce all- optical signal processing based on Optical components formed
related networ k functions based on Multi wavelength Optical layers, with
assignment& Routing algorithms along with as sociated Networ k ar chitectur e.
Expected Outcome :
At the end of the course, students shall be able to:
 Evaluate the technical requirements of Sys tems and identify the suitable,
Transmitters, Receiver s and associated system modules.
 Evolve proper Network design for Short / Long distance Optical
Communication links taking into consideration potential impairments /signal
 Understand Optical Networks/Practices sufficient with new Emerging Technologies / Optical
Functional modules.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 1,2,13,14, 17

Module 1 Overview of optical fiber communication and 3 hours SLO:

Networks: 1,2
Motivation-Spectral bands-Key elements of optical fiber system-Modeling and simulation Tools

Module 2 Optical Fibers: 4 hours SLO:

Types - SM-SI; MM-SI, MM-GI; speciality fibers Geometrical-Optics Description, Wave Propagation,
Chromatic Dispersion, Polarization Mode Dispersion, Dispersion-Induced Limitations, Fiber Losses,
Nonlinear Optical Effects (SRS,SBS,SPM,CPM,FWM)

Module 3 Optical Transmitters and Receivers: 6 hours SLO:

Sources: LED, LASER, Modulators, Transmitter Design, Mach-Zehnder and Electro-absorption
Modulators. Photodetector, Receiver Design, Receiver Noise, Bit Error rate, Receiver Sensitivity ,
Sensitivity Degradation, Receiver Performance

Module 4 Optical Amplifiers: 3 hours SLO:

Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers , Raman Amplifiers , Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers , System

Module 5 Light-wave Transmission Systems: 4 hours SLO:

Intensity Modulation - Direct Detection Systems, Homodyne and heterodyne detection, Optical time-
division multiplexing (bit-interleaved, packet interleaved)Wavelength-division multiplexing, Sub carrier
multiplexing, Polarization multiplexing. Digital links: Point-to-Point links-System consideration-Link
power budget-Rise time budget, System performance
Module 6 Multichannel Systems : 4 hours SLO:
WDM Lightwave Systems and Components, Operational principles of WDM-Passive optical coupler:2x2
Fiber coupler-Wave guide coupler-Star couplers-MZI Multiplexers , Isolators and Circulators - Fiber
Bragg Grating-FBG Applications, WDM System Performance Issues

Module 7 Optical Networks: 4 hours SLO:

Network concepts-Topologies SONET/SDH
The Optical Transport Network - Introduction - OTN Network Layers - FEC in OTN - OTN Frame
Structure - OPU-k - ODU-k - OTU-k-The Optical Channel - Optical Channel Carrier and Optical
Channel Group - Optical Networks Access(existing PON Technologies; CWDM-PON, TDM-PON,
Hybrid TDM-WDM –PON) and Metro Networks Long-Haul Networks.

Module 8 Contemporary Issues 2 hours SLO:


Total Lecture: 30 hours

Text Book:
1. Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fiber Communications” McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition, 2013.
2. J. M. Senior, “Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice”, Pearson 2011.
Reference Books:
1. Cvijetic, M., Djordjevic. I. B.: Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks, Artech
House 2012
2. R. Ramaswami & K.N. Sivarajan, Morgan Kaufmann, ”Optical Networks A practical
perspective”,2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2010.
3. G.P Agrawal, Fiber Optic Communication Systems, Wiley, 2nd Edition,2011
4. B.Mukerjee, Optical WDM Networks (Optical Networks), Springer edition; 2006
5. G. P. Agrawal, Nonlinear Fiber Optics, Academic Press, 2nd Edition,2008
6. B. Mukherjee, “Optical WDM Networks,” Springer, 2006.

Lab Sample Experiments 30 Hours SLO:

# Simulation Tool used in Experiments : Optsim, Omnet++

# Assessment on a weekly continuous basis

List of possible Tasks :

 Design of Optical Transmission Links

 Design of Optical Amplifier

 Fault detection in the optical link

 Design and characterization of optical Network component

 Budgeting of optical link

 Design of optical Network

Typical Projects SLO:

1. Design of a DWDM link(50 Ghz grid)with multiple backward pumped Raman amplification
2. Chromatic dispersion and its effects on data transmission
3. EDFA wavelength division multiplexing
4. Penalties due to fiber induced loss
5. Topology schematic for the signal channel
6. Compensation of dispersion with fiber bragg grating component and DCF
7. Single mode fiber design
8. Analysis of fiber nonlinearity.
9. Simulated assisted design of free space optical transmission system
10. Design of Optical Fiber Transmitter And Receiver

Date of Approval by the Academic Council 18.03.16

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