Active Recreation

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Recreation is a voluntary participation in an activity during free and unobligated time that gives
enjoyment. It embraces both indoor and outdoor activities that refer to sports and exercise leading to
the attainment of enjoyment as well as managing our desired weight.

Students like you are faced with lot of things to do in a day. Many of your activities are less physically
active (passive) that you don’t need to exert extra effort and energy, but others are physically active that
requires you to burn extra calories. The activities that you voluntarily participate in during your free time
are called recreation.

Aside from being active and passive type of recreation, recreation also embraces both indoor and
outdoor activities.

The way you live your life in an everyday basis is your lifestyle. These are the patterns of your behavior
on how you typically live. It includes eating habits, physical activity participation and recreational choice.

Participation in active recreation influences your healthy lifestyle. It improves health condition in many
ways. It also helps you to use the calories better and sustain a desirable weight.

Lifestyle changes is the best way of preventing illness and early death. Major causes of early death have
shifted from infectious diseases to chronic lifestyle-related conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and

How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

1. Engage your self in a regular physical activity.

2. Eat healthy food.
3. Find time to manage stress.
4. Follow a good personal healthy habits.

The HELP philosophy can guide you in starting a healthy lifestyle change:


Those who believe in the benefits of healthy lifestyle are more likely to engage in healthier behavior.


Healthy lifestyle can be practiced by everyone health for all.


The longer healthy lifestyles are practice, the greater the beneficial benefits.


No two people are exactly the same. Your personal needs is the basis of your lifestyle change.


Badminton is believed to have originated from the game poona that was played by English army officers
stationed in india during the 17th century. It was later brought to England in 1870’s when the duke of
beaufort held a law party in his country place, badminton. It was only 1992 barcelona Olympics when
the game became an Olympic sport with singles and doubles events.

The game requires the skills in service strokes in hitting the shuttle such as smash, drop, lob or clear and
net shorts and power of the leg in footwork.


The beginning of volleyball can be trace from the ingenuity of William j. morgan in 1895 at Holyoke
massachussets. Initially the game was called mintonette but in its exhibition game demonstration, Alfred
halstead suggested the name volleyball due to the volleying characteristic of the game. In 1910 the
game was brought to the Philippines by elwood s. brown. The filipinos are credited in the changes of the
game with the addition of the skill called spike or kill. In 1964, volleyball had its first summer Olympics
exposure as a medal sport.

Volley ball is a team sport with six players in each side of the court with a 9x18 meters dimension. The
object of the game is to send the ball over the net and avoid it for grounding into your own court. A ball,
net and a court are needed to play the game.

Benefits of sports

Badminton and volleyball are good recreation activities that involve:

Physical dimension

Emotional dimension

Intellectual dimension

Social dimension


Zumba fitness dance

Zumba dance is an alternative indoor recreational activity with fitness benefit claims.

Why should you dance Zumba? Here are some of the benefit claims:

1. It improves cardiovascular health

2. It helps in losing weight
3. It relieve stress
4. It improves mood
5. It tones the abdominals
Basic Zumba steps

Zumba involves a combination of latin dance steps such as salsa, samba, reggaeton, merengue, cumbia,
cha-cha-cha, mambo rumba, flamenco. Many steps have been included to make the dance more
exciting such as belly dancing, hip hop and the like,

Outdoor recreational activities


Hiking is going on an extended walk for the purpose of pleasure and exercise

Here are some benefits you can claim:

1. It offers cardiovascular fitness.

2. It gives the feeling of relaxation.
3. It balances your daily life routine.
4. It’s a good option for weight management activity.


It is an outdoor navigational recreational activity using specialy drawn and detailed maps. It requires
navigational skills to navigate from point to point normally moving at a speed. An orienting course
consist of series of control points which have to be located in order in the shortest possible time.

Orienteering an outdoor recreational activity offers much benefit to you: here are some claims:

1. Conceptual aspects
2. Physical aspects
3. Personal aspects
4. Social aspects
5. Environmental aspects

Lateral trunk stretch- stand with the feet shoulder width, stretch both arms up with the fingers
interlocking with one another. With that position, bend to the right without bending the knees for eight
seconds. Do it again to the left side. Do not stretch! Stretch on your flexibility level.

Push up- perform regularly push up with 5 repetitions.

Jog around- jog around the gym/ area for 60 seconds.

Burpees- stand with your feet shoulder- width apart. Go to squat position with the hands on the floor
infront of you. Kick your feet moving in a push up position. With that postion, open your legs in a
straddle position then close. Kick your feet forward back to the original position. Stand up and jump in
the air. Repeat five times.

FBS jump- stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Slightly bend your knees with both hands at the
back of your neck. Jump forward, backward, sideward right and left as fast as you can keeping your
weight on the balls of your feet. One count for every cycle (forward, backward, sideward R and left).
Make 8 cycles.
Trunk twist- standing with feet open in shoulder width, raise arms sideward at shoulder level with palms
up. Gradually twist your trunk to the right for eight counts. Do it again to the left.

Front plank- in a push up position, make your forearm as the base of support together with your toes.
Keep a steady position and work on your abdominals and arms. Do this 8 seconds.

Split squats- stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Step your foot forward and lift the heel of your
left foot off the ground. Keep your hands on your waist, bend the left leg slowly and lower it almost
touching the floor. The front knee should not go beyond your toes, repeat ten times alternating the right
and the left foot.

Side plank- lie on your right side making sure that your body is in a straight line. Rest on your fore arm
and bring your elbow underneath your shoulders. Contract your abdominals. Then slowly lift your hips
off the floor making a diagonal straight line from your base of support to the head. Look straight ahead
keeping your neck in line with your spine. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Chair dips- stand with your back infront of the chair. Sit on the edge of the chair. And place your hands
behind your hips along the side of the chair.

Jumping jacks- stand with feet together, hands at sides. Jump and land on both feet open shoulder
width apart with arms moving sideward upward finishing above the head. Then go back to the original
position. Do this for 10 times.
ACTIVE RECREATION- a type of recreation where there is more energy consumption

CALORIES- unit of measurement of food to be used in energy expenditure

DANCE- moving with rhythm that expresses emotions

ENERGY BALANCE- comparison on the amount of energy intake expenditure

ENERGY EXPENDITURE- the use of the calories intake in some forms of physical activities and resting

HIKING- an outdoor activity of walking in a longer distance

INDOOR RECREATION- activities done within the confines of a building

LIFESTYLE- way we live our life

NUTRITION- the food that we eat and how the body uses it

ORIENTEERING- a navigating activity that uses a special drawn map

OUTDOOR RECREATION- activities done outside the building usually with nature

PASSIVE RECREATION- a type of recreation where there is less energy consumption

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY- activities done that exerts effort such as exercises, sports, household chores, and
walking that gives fitness benefits

RECREATION- activities done during free time which gives enjoyment and satisfaction

WEIGHT RANGE- the desire weight of an individual depending on her height and weight

ZUMBA- a dance fitness craze that combines the Latin dance steps

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