Um Configuration and Structure 1-2 1.1. Configuration of Program Package UM 1-2

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1-1 Chapter 1.

Configuration and structure


1.1. Configuration of program package UM 1-2

1.1.1. UM location 1-2
1.1.2. Organization of working with UM 1-2
1.1.3. Portability of models 1-2

1.2. UM structure 1-3

1.2.1. UM configurations 1-3
1.2.2. UM Demo 1-3

1.3. Hardware requirements 1-3

1.4. Command line parameters for executable UM modules 1-4

1.4.1. Command line parameters for the input module 1-4
1.4.2. Command line parameters for the simulation module 1-4
1-2 Chapter 1. Configuration and structure

1. UM configuration and structure

1.1. Configuration of program package UM
Program package UM contains a standard kernel, which includes executable modules and
auxiliary files. UM object (computer models of multibody systems made by user) can be located
independently from the UM kernel. The kernel may be installed on a server whereas objects – on
user’s computers.
Working with UM includes:
• Description of objects (uminput.exe);
• Generation of equations of motion (uminput.exe);
• Compilation of equations by an external compiler (uminput.exe);
• Simulation of the object dynamics (umsimul.exe).

Following external compilers are supported in the present version:

• Borland Delphi 5.0, 6.0;
• MS Visual C++ 6.0;
• Borland Builder C++ 5.0.

1.1.1. UM location

The UM kernel is located in several directories, which are situated in the UM main
directory with an arbitrary name (hereinafter - .\). These directories cannot be renamed; it is not
allowed to remove files from them.
• .\bin – includes executable files of UM;
• .\help –includes help files (*.hlp);
• .\com – includes files necessary for compilation of equations and programming in
the UM environment.

1.1.2. Organization of working with UM

Every object (model) created by UM is situated in a separate directory. The name of the
directory is used as the object name. There exist syntactical restrictions on the name: it can
contain Latin letters, digits, the character ‘_’, the first symbol must be a letter. If the user
renames an object directory manually, he must generate and compile equations anew.

1.1.3. Portability of models

File input.dat contains the description of object parameters. If the user does not use the
Control File as well as own files for programming in the UM environment, the input.dat file is
the only file which is necessary to keep the model. If user uses programming in the UM
environment then it is necessary to keep the input.dat, control file and user’s files used in control
file (see Chapter 6).
Thus, the above files are only essential to transfer the model to another computer, to send
the model by e-mail and so on. All other files, which are necessary for simulation of the model,
can be generated by UM.

For instance, to transfer a model to another computer, the user should

• create a directory with the new name of the model;
• copy the input.dat and (if necessary) the control file and user’s source files;
• generate and compile equations of motion for this new object;
1-3 Chapter 1. Configuration and structure
• the object is ready for simulation.
Remark. Some identifiers and units in equations of motion of object include the name of
the object. If the user renames the object directory he should either rewrite the old control file
and (if necessary) transfer user’s procedures in the new version of this file, or correct the
corresponding identifiers and unit names in the old Control File and rename it.

1.2. UM structure
UM consists of two main executable modules located in the .\bin directory.
• Data input module (uminput.exe)
The program is used for description and modification of objects, for generation of
equation of motion. This module has a multi-project environment: the user can open and modify
several objects simultaneously.
• Simulation module (umsimul.exe)
The module implements: the numeric integration of equations of motion with the parallel
animation of the object motion and plotting graphs; linear analysis of the object equations;
multivariant projects and parametric optimization and so on. The module imports equations of
motion created by the input module in the umtask.dll file.
The simulation module can be used separately from the input module for simulation of
previously prepared models. The simulation module has a single project environment.

1.2.1. UM configurations

UM is distributed in the following configurations:

• UM Base – the program kernel including tools for creating and simulating general
multibody systems;
• UM Subsystems – additional tools for simulation of multibody systems with
many degrees of freedom;
• UM Loco – additional module for simulation of rail vehicle dynamics;
• UM Experiments – tools for multivariant calculations, parametric and multi-
objective optimization.
There exist university versions for above UM configurations.

1.2.2. UM Demo

UM Demo is free for non-commercial use. The demo version has the following
• 2 subsystems at most;
• 5 elements of any other types (bodies, joints, forces of each type) at most.

1.3. Hardware requirements

UM runs under Windows 98/2000/NT/XP.
Minimal hardware configuration:
• Pentium 166MHz;
• 32 Mb memory;
• Hard disk memory for UM installation – 50Mb.

A video adapter with acceleration of the OpenGL functions is desirable.

1-4 Chapter 1. Configuration and structure
1.4. Command line parameters for executable UM modules
The Input and Simulation modules can be run with the help of command lines. This
opportunity is useful for automatic start of the modules from external programs (e.g. Maple or
user’s programs).

1.4.1. Command line parameters for the input module

The user may generate the object data file input.dat with the help of some external
program (for example, MAPLE, MATLAB, MATEMATICA). In this case the equations of
motion can be generated and/or compiled by UMInput.exe program in an automatic mode.
Parameters and options of the command line:
“[path to uminput.exe]\uminput.exe” [path to object] [options]

Options Comments
/g Generate equations of motion. If the object contains
external subsystems, the completeness of description and
generation of equations for each the subsystem is verified.
If equations are not prepared, generation is fulfilled
/b Forced generation of equation
/c Compile equations of motion
/n Rewrite old control file. The option is valid if one of the
options /c/b/g is presented
/i Display generation messages in a separate window. If the
option is not presented the UMINPUT is executed in a full
console mode without visualization of messages. The
option is valid if one of the options /c/b/g is presented
/f[path to file] All messages are directed into the file. The option is valid
if one of the options /c/b/g is presented

Remark. One of the options /c/b/g switches on the console mode.

“D:\um\bin\uminput.exe” “d:\My Objects\UMObject”
Run the Input module in the usual mode and open the object UMObject located in the
d:\My Objects directory.

“D:\um\bin\uminput.exe” “d:\Objects\UMObject” /g /c /i “/f d:\Objects\UMObject\outinfo.txt”

Run the Input module in the console mode. Generate and compile equations of motion.
Generation messages are displayed in the window. Program messages are stored in the file

1.4.2. Command line parameters for the simulation module

The command line allows running the umsimul.exe module in an automatic mode of
solving object equations. The command line indicates files, which contain initial conditions,
identifier values, configurations and so on. Unlike the usual mode, simulation process starts right
after the program start. Simulation results can be stored in user’s defined files. The simulation
module closes right after the simulation finish or interruption.
The automatic mode allows the user to organize the simulation and results processing
with the help of an external program.
Syntax of the command line:
1-5 Chapter 1. Configuration and structure
“[path to UmSimul.Exe]\UmSimul.exe” [path to object] [options]

Options Comments
/s Sets the automatic mode
/c[Name].icf Name of configuration file (program desktop, parameters
of solver)
/p[Name].par File with values of identifiers
/r[Name].rwc Rail vehicle configuration file (wheel/rail profiles, track
profiles etc.)
/i[Name].xv File with initial conditions (values of coordinates and their
time derivatives at t=0)
/v[Name].var Name of file with automatically calculated variables
/x[Name].xva Switches on the XVA mode. Data will be saved in the
specified file.
/f[Path\name of file] Text file for UMSimul output messages.

Remark. Files *.icf, *.xv, *.rwc, *.par, *.var should be created beforehand and saved in
the directory of the object. If one of the files is not presented in the command line, the
corresponding last.* file is used (if it exists).

“D:\um\bin\umsimul.exe” “d:\My Objects\UMObject”
Run the Simulation module in a usual mode and load the model UMObject, located in the
“d:\My Objects” directory.

“D:\um\bin\umsimul.exe” “d:\My Objects\UMObject” /s /csome.icf /vtest.var /xtest.xva

Run the Simulation module in the automatic mode. Read: the configuration for the file
some.icf; the list of automatic calculated variables –from the file test.var. Switch on the XVA
mode and save data in the file test.xva (the file is stored in the object directory). The files
test.var, some.icf should be created beforehand and located in the object directory “d:\My

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